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Activity No.1 Aim: To prepare phthalic anhydride. ‘Theory: Phthalic acid is a dicarboxylic acid which ‘on heating los cyclisation reaction to form phthalic anhydride es. a water molecule and undergo Chemical Reaction: oO COOH eat LN no Cyclisation OTH, COOH vy Phthalic acid 8 Phthalic anhydride A i 1 Apparatus: Evaporating dish, funnel, cotton, tripod stand, wire gauze, pair of tongs, filter paper, etc. Chemicals: Phthalic acid. Diagram: — Cotton plug Filter paper China dish Phthalic acid Wire guaze — Tripod stand Bumer Procedure: 1. Take 2 g of phthalic acid in a dry evaporating dish. 2. Cover the dish with filter paper having number of small holes in the centre. 3, Keep an inverted funnel on the filter paper and close nozzle of the funnel si i " el Place evaporating dish on the tripod stand with wire gauze as shown in fon a Eo 4, Now heat the china dish slowly and carefully on low flame. eee ioe 5. After sometime the acid sublimes and anhydride collects on the inner s inn 6. Stop heating and remove the funnel carefully with pair of tongs and. tol aa 7. Collect the crystals of phthalic anhydrid: igh i 7. Colles the erystals of phthalic anhydride onthe paper and weigh it, 1. Colour of the crystals = Wlbilz. buehiou Lau'd 2. Shape of the crystals 3. Yield of phthalic anhydride = ..L+ Remark and sign of teacher: .. tives of each sub question. Select [Y | the most appropriate answer from given alter 1. Phthalic acid is a. monocarboxylic acid Ve dicarboxylic acid c. tricarboxylic acid 4. polycarboxylic acid 2, Phthalic anhydride is obtained by the process known as ---—- ‘a. decomposition b. dehydration V4 sublimation d. distillation 3, Phthalic acid undergo -~-- during preparation of phthalic anhydride <4. dehydration b, decarboxylation c. dehalogenation d. dehydrohalogenation 4, Shape of crystals of phthalic anhydride is ———- needle b. hexagonal ¢. triclinic 4, monoclinic ~ 5, Formation of phthalic anhydride takes place by ----- process/reaction. a. isolation b(cyclisation c. decomposition d. diazotization Short answer questions 1. Why cotton plug is used in the process of sublimation? Ans Ths, Corben... Wag... Slou0s.... awwy fue.orlse..0F...Hae, aroun 42.28... OMA... Pree) Tein... PACAP atong.. ea $0 Boat. Ahey.... qek. Morte. Aime... Comdanss 2. Write chemical nella for preparation of acetic anata from acetic acid. Ans... CM Qor GT OM gigs Cig. CR . z OOS BE ggne cs He on Cha dow 3. What is the colour and shape of phthalic cea crystals? ‘Ans....COLOURledS (wines) Moentnng snagalle (ie. Shape... ce 4, Why slow heating is na to the contents during process ten Ans... TA... 996028..." Sulblingadis at. Law.Aeme...4... Loca. Pron ‘galhWaedtton.. By. Rass. Nig itt ‘Qual. cometien gee Rabo, Solid. 8 das saat 3, Why filter paper is used with small holes in the centre dutring preparation: af phthalic anhydride? ns. (en... Show... waatiing,...0f. ma ax ; AN et oayarn ae wag HN aT roan ae Sulbli ims ond et. page. Gina... COM damseA. OV. Aaa Awtoug eva stanree Remark and sign of teacher: @ fi Activity Non Stacia Eg cyclisation reaction to form succinie anhydride. Chemicals Reaction: H.-COOH _ cH co, e HE ~CO%6 ~ 2CH,COOH H.C -COOH ~ Cy’ gq? H.C- CO” Suecinic acid. Acetie anhydride Succinic Acetic acid anhydride . uze. pair of tongs. filter Apparatus: Evaporating dish, funnel, cotton plug, tripod stand, wire gauze. pai : Paper, etc, Chemicals: Suecinie acid. Diagram: +— Cotton plug +— Funnel Filter paper China dish Succinic acid Wire guaze +— Tripod stand ‘Bumer Procedure: |. Take 2 g of succinic acid in a dry evaporating dish, add 1 ml of acetic anhydride, > Cover the dish with filter paper having number of small holes in the cent. 3. Keep an inverted funnel on the filter paper close nozzle of the funnel with cotton plug. Place voporating dish on the tripod stand with wire gauze as shown in above diagram. 4. Now heat the china dish slowly and carefully on low flame. 5. After sometime the acid sublimes and anhydride collects on c the inner side of funnel, &. Stop heating and remove the funnel carefully with pair of to ngs and cool 7. Collect the niddle shape crystals of succinic anhydride n paper and weigh it, Result: * 1. Colour of the crystals = \ talline Cond. ute CC 2. Shape of the crystals = "(1 ¢eolle S 3. Yield of succinic anhydride = 1:4. Remark and sign of teacher: Select |¥| the most appropriate answer from given alternatives of each sub question. 1, The molecular formula of succinic acid is —-—- WCHO, b. C,H,O, ¢. CHO, 4.C4,0, 2. The by product is formed in the formation of succinic anhydride is ——~ a, water —b. acetic . acetic anhydride 4. succinic acid 3. The process carried out to convert succinic acid to succinic anhydride is a. oxidation b. reduction c. hydration dehydration 4. The role of acetic anhydride is chemical reaction is as a, reducing agent b. oxidising agent #1 dehydrating agent d. hydrating agent 5. TUPAC name of oxalic acid is ut ethanedioic acid b. butanedioie acid c. propanoie acid d. propanedioic acid Short answer questions 1.What happen when succinic acid undergoes dehydration? Annan Sucinicarid andertg oe eile ub. Egle Sukcinte. 2. Write IUPAC name of succinic acid. Ans. ee Bubawedtoie....acid 3. Write names and formulae of any two dicarboxylic acid other than phthalic avid and aa fal oie...acid...Ho0e. ee B Rupe “add... Cane) co en sete found in fb dll anes cca cata OR... athy ORD, 4.... ONE. vmomeea Nic....acids.... haw yd ocaabow "Bhai... CewMNG... 2... PBhaM..M 5. Clure..ll6.: 5. Write che Ans... Hg. 7tNg.7-0.77- 9H. CaaS... a mae Ca “Og aCly Sen OH Clige.8 Remark and sign of teacher: . sical equation for the preparation of propionic anhydride from propionic acid. <5 tls Cigar On Se + eis tan ( Activity No. 3 ‘Aim: To prepare methyl Salicylate (oil of winter green) qualitatively. Theory: ‘Carboxylic acids are converted to ester by the Fischer esterification, an acid catalysed reaction with an alcohol. Reaction: ‘C—OH + CH, -OH —4—> ‘C—OCH, + H,0 OH ‘OH Salicylic acid methyl alcohol methyl salileylate Procedure: 1. Take a small amount of salicylic acid in a hard glass test tube. 2. Add 2-3 mL of methy! alcohol. 3. Add I mL cocentrated H,SO, 4, Heat the test tube for 10 to 15 minutes at low flame. 5. Observe the colour and take odour of the formed compound. Observation and Result : ‘ 1. Colour of the compoun: Cobounters | Pale ellowd r) oO 2. Odour of the compound =: “Audty ‘@ wusky Remark and sign of teacher: MCQ n alternatives of cach sub question. Select [¥ | the most appropriate answer from 1. The molecular formula of methyl salicylate is. a. C,H,O, .C,H,O, ©. CH,O, 4. CH,0, 2. The hybridisation of carbon atoms of methyl salicylate is.. o, SP-SP? b. SP2.SP 9: SPI-SP? d. SP?-SP 3. Another name of methyl salicylate is a. oil of coconut VE. oil of winter green 4. The role of H,SO, in esterification reaction is. 4a. oxidising agent <<. dehydrating agent 5. The functional groups present in salicylic acid are .... e-carboxylic acid and alcoholic b.alcoholic and ester c. ester and amide d. carboxylic acid and amide 6. Formation of water molecule in esterification reaction is by elimination of «4.-OH group from alcohol and ‘H’ from carboxylic acid b. -OH group from carboxylic acid and ‘H’ from alcohol c. -OH group from carboxylic acid and ‘-OH" from alcohol d. ‘H’ from alcohol and *-OH’ from carboxylic acid Short answer questions 1, What is Fischer esterification? Ans...dalhey).... Cotlooru aonth,..usith....cleahal., i {25 fea LOWE: N94... 0... i Sten... suc... ctQechon... ia od “ Fishen.... eadni feats, i equation showing formation of ester. serene QM. CH 50y Re OH. Re.OH ——> b. oil of almonds d. oil of vitriol b.reducing agent d. hydrating agent (e a general chemi [— ‘and sign of teacher: 0... a

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