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The article was published in the Los Angeles Times and is authored by Carlos Ríos


The title of the article is "A Positive Move to Support People with Disabilities".

The article focuses on people with disabilities and their difficulties in the world

The article begins with the member states of the Economic Commission of Buenos
Aires committing to recognise the importance for persons with disabilities of their
individual autonomy. 

Also in the article were mentioned several stories of people affected by

irresponsibility. The first story talks about Mark O'Brien, who lived in a public
hospital. The nurses were shoving food into his mouth, which caused Mark to
cough and they thought he had trouble swallowing, whereupon they started giving
him only mashed-up food without consulting him. Mark had no problem with this

The author goes on to tell us about the problem of Javier (not his real name),
whose mother refused to put a nappy on him and if he wetted his trousers,
punished him. 

The author points out the lack of outlet for people with disabilities, which causes
them to be abused. 

At the end of the discussion, the author says that the Committee on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities has developed standards and guidelines on international
obligations for states that have ratified the UN treaty on the rights of persons with

In the author's view, the Buenos Aires Commitment is an excellent start in

promoting autonomy and the rights of persons with disabilities. 

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