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1.) A BASEBALL is thrown vertically into the air. The acceleration of the ball at its highest point is:
a.) zero b.)g, down c.)g, up d.)2g, up
2.) A free falling body has a constant acceleration of 9.8m/sᶺ2. This means that:
a.) the body falls 9.8m during each second
b.) The body falls 9.8m during the first second only
c.) the speed of the body increases by 9.8m/s during each second
d.)The acceleration of the body increase by 9.8m/s^2 during each second.
3.) a baseball is thrown vertically into the air. The velocity of the ball at its highest point
a.) zero b.)2g, up c.)g, up d.)2g, up
4.) Velocity is defined as
A. rate of change of position with time
B. position divided by time
C. rate of change of acceleration with time
D. a speeding up or slowing down
5.) Acceleration is defined as:
A. rate of change of position with time
B. speed divided by time
C. rate of change of velocity with time
D. a speeding up or slowing down
6.) Which of the following is a scalar quantity?
A. Speed B. Velocity C. Displacement D. Acceleration
7.) Which of the following is a vector quantity?
A. Mass B. Density C. Speed D. None of these
8.) A stone is thrown horizontally and follows the path XYZ shown. The direction of the acceleration of
the stone at point Y is:

A. ↓ B. → C. ←D.↖

9.) Which of the following quantities is NOT a vector?

A. Mass B. Displacement C. Weight D. Acceleration
10.) A newton is the force:
A. of gravity on a 1 kg body B. of gravity on a 1 g body
C. that gives a 1 g body an acceleration of 1 cm/s D. that gives a 1 kg body an acceleration of 1 m/s^2
14. Mass differs from weight in that:
A. all objects have weight but some lack mass
B. weight is a force and mass is not
C. the mass of an object is always more than its weight
D. mass can be expressed only in the metric system
15.) All fluids are: A. gases B. liquids C. gases or liquids D. non-metallic
3. Current has units: A. kilowatt·hour B. ampere C. coulomb D. volt
16.) Which of the following is a vector quantity? A. Mass B. Density C. Speed D. None of these

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