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Concrete Structures I


Master in Civil Engineering

2019 / 2020

Concrete Structures I
Class 15/20: Torsion in RC members

Eduardo S. Júlio

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Concrete Structures I

Equilibrium and compatibility torsion

In linear elastic regime, the tangential stresses on the cross-section have the distribution
represented in the figure on the left.

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Concrete Structures I

Equilibrium and compatibility torsion

Thus, in an RC member, diagonal cracking will occur in the longitudinal direction along
the section contour, as shown in the picture on the right.

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Concrete Structures I

Equilibrium and compatibility torsion

In most practical situations, it is possible to balance loads without considering torsion, by
assuming redistribution. In this scope, it is important to differentiate ‘equilibrium torsion’
from ‘compatibility torsion’. The former is needed to ensure the structural equilibrium, as
illustrated in the picture below, for an isostatic structure.

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Concrete Structures I

Equilibrium and compatibility torsion

For an hyperstatic structure, the distribution of internal forces depends on the ratio
between the bending and the torsional stiffness. Therefore, for the limit situation of
assuming the latter null, it is possible to reach a balanced distribution of internal forces
without considering torsion, as represented in the next figure.

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Concrete Structures I

Equilibrium and compatibility torsion

When cracking by torsion occurs, as shown in the next picture, an important reduction in
the torsional stiffness takes place. Thus, to assume null torsional stiffness is
acceptable due to this fact and based on the static method of the Plasticity Theory.

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Concrete Structures I

Equilibrium and compatibility torsion

It is also observed, and this will be relevant later, that both the torsional strength and the
torsional stiffness after cracking exhibit similar values considering filled or hollow
cross-sections (with identical external geometry and reinforcement).

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Concrete Structures I

Torsion analysed as shear

Considering the RC beam submitted to torsion illustrated in the picture below, (…)

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Concrete Structures I

Torsion analysed as shear

(…) one realises that the torsional moment is statically equivalent to 4 shear forces
applied to the cross-section walls, as shown in the following figure.

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Concrete Structures I

Torsion analysed as shear

This way, torsion matches

in terms of design 4 shear
force models in both
flanges and both webs,
and safety has to be
checked in the corres-
ponding stress fields. More
(1)  the transversal
reinforcement has to be
(2)  compression limitation
has to be checked, and
(3)  the longitudinal
reinforcement has to be

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Concrete Structures I

Effective hollow section

Note that, for a filled cross-section, the contour zones are the most effective in the
torsional response. This behaviour is considerably increased in a RC member cracked
by torsion. Therefore, when checking safety to torsion, the inner part of the member can
usually be neglected. Thus, for the analysis of a RC section submitted to a torsional
moment, an ‘effective hollow section’ can be defined.

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Concrete Structures I

Effective hollow section

torsional longitudinal reinforcement


distance between edge and

centre of longitudinal rebars

area of the cross-section

perimeter of the cross-section

effective hollow section

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Concrete Structures I

Effective hollow section

Representing the effective hollow section by its mean line, one gets:

in hollow sections with thin walls:

(1st formula of BREDT)

area inside the mean line

thickness of the wall

and thus, one gets:

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Concrete Structures I

Effective hollow section

The resultant of each of these tangential stresses is in fact a shear force in each of the
effective hollow section walls, corroborating that torsion is equivalent to considering
shear forces in the contour.

2019/2020 13/35
“Shear” / “Torsion”

“Esforço Transverso”

í É À

dosesforços transversos
Asequações de torsoderivamdas

JÉ e
Na tua
Area de 2 estribos

pagar µ
Concrete Structures I

Design of walls submitted to shear

Considering the truss model with an angle θ, defined by the structural designer,
compression at the concrete struts can be checked through the following expression (for
a vertical wall; being the same for a horizontal wall):

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Concrete Structures I

Design of walls submitted to shear

And the torsional transversal reinforcement (in a vertical wall) can be determined using
the following expression:

(Note: Ast is the area of each branch of the stirrup)

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Concrete Structures I

Design of walls submitted to shear

Regarding the longitudinal reinforcement, it has been seen before that shifting the
bending moment diagram is the most practical way of considering tension in the flanges,
caused by shear. Since for torsion the tension forces are generated along the contour, it
is more practical to explicitly consider these together with those originated by bending.

Vertical wall:

Horizontal wall:

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Concrete Structures I

Design of walls submitted to shear

Thus, the total amount of longitudinal reinforcement (i.e. in the four walls) is:

, or:

It is highlighted that for θ = 45° the amount of transversal and longitudinal reinforcement
by unit length is the same, as expected.

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Concrete Structures I


Determine the resistant torsional moment of the cross-section represented in the

following picture:


cover = 25 mm

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1. Calculation of the characteristics of the effective hollow section

2 x (2.5 + 0.8 + 1.0) = 8.6 cm

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2. Checking compression stresses in concrete struts

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3. Transversal reinforcement

4. Longitudinal reinforcement

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Torsion combined with shear

When torsion is combined with shear the effects of these forces have to be added.

The shear resultants in each of the walls are given by the following expressions:

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Concrete Structures I

Detailing for torsional reinforcement

According to EC 2, the maximum spacing of the torsional transversal reinforcement is
given by:

It is also advisable that this value be lower than 12 times the longitudinal reinforcement
diameter due to deviation forces generated at the angle:

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Concrete Structures I

Detailing for torsional reinforcement

Naturally, when torsion is combined with shear, predominant requirements should


Torsional transversal reinforcement must have the end of the stirrups well anchored,
being particularly relevant the length of the anchorage hooks.

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Concrete Structures I

Detailing for torsional reinforcement

Regarding the torsional longitudinal reinforcement, the following guidelines should be


•  spacing shall not exceed 35 cm

•  rebars shall be distributed along the inner perimeter of the stirrups, considering at
least one rebar at each corner or, if more rebars are specified, with increased
reinforcement in the corners if possible

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Concrete Structures I

Design of the cross-section

If a cross-section is submitted simultaneously to bending, torsion and shear, it is

important to have present the need to combine their effects in design, and to take
into account the predominant requirements in detailing.

The following figure schematizes both calculation and checking included in the design:

compression in the flange compression in inclined struts

longitudinal reinforcement transversal reinforcement

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Design the beam represented in the next picture:

(note: the rotation of the beam about the longitudinal axis is restrained at both supports)


Cover = 25 mm

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1. Determination of the internal forces

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2. Characteristics of the effective hollow section


2 x (2.5 + 0.6 + 1.6 / 2) = 7.8 cm


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loads transferred
directly to the support

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Checking compression in inclined struts


Concrete Structures I


Transversal reinforcement

Torsion: 2
(by branch)

Shear: (by stirrup;

2 branches)

(by branch)
(by branch)

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Longitudinal reinforcement at the support

Torsion: (TSd at the support)

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Shear force: (VSd at the support)

lower face:

upper face:

lateral faces:

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