Aircraft Ant Icing and Deicing System

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1.1 Introduction
Ice is a very big problem for IFR pilots as it has all negative effect to the aircraft it can result in drastic
changes in the aerodynamic properties of the aircraft, imbalance in the propeller and vibration,
produces increased weight on aircraft and reduces the speed, to fight these effects aircrafts are
equipped with anti-icing and de-icing system however even though aircrafts maybe equipped with these
systems light general aviation aircrafts are not supposed to be flown in icing conditions for long period
of time. These systems are to give pilots options where some icing exists

1.1a Negative effect of icing

 Destroys smooths flow of air over the wings thus reducing lift and increasing drag thus
increasing fuel consumption

Image 1. Ice and snow on aircraft

 Can change the pitching moment of an aircraft
 Increase in angle of lift to compensate for decrease on lift causes more accumulation of ice on
lower part of the wing
 Can cause damage to external equipment’s such as antenna and also clog inlets such as pitot
 Changes the flight characteristics
 causes destructive vibration and hampers true instrument readings
 causes unbalance or freezes the control surfaces
 fills fixed slots and jams movable slots
 hampers radio reception and affects engine performance or damage leading to surge, vibration
and thrust loss
 can cause structural damage to the aircraft

the ice detection and prevention system prevent ice from forming in the following parts

1. Propellers
2. Propeller spinner
3. Water and waste system lines and drains
4. Antenna
5. Flight deck windows
6. Engine cowl leading edges
7. Engine cowl leading edges
8. Wing leading edges etc.

1.2 Types of ice on aircraft

Rime ice: this type of ice has rough and white milky appearance; it usually forms when small drops of
water hit aircraft and freezes rapidly

Clear ice: sometimes clear and smooth but usually contain some air pockets which produces a lumpy
translucent appearance denser and harder to break it forms from slow freezing of droplets on the

Mixed ice: contains a mixture of both

Frost: ice crystal deposits formed by sublimation when the departure and dew point are below

Diagram1 showing types of snow formation on aircraft wing

2. De-icing and anti-icing

De-icing is the removal of accumulated ice from the edges of wings, stabilizers, and propellers

Anti-icing is used where no amount of ice can be tolerated it requires large amount of current except for
small pitot tube heat. Anti-icing is commonly located at turbine engine inlets where chunk of ice could
cause a disaster
2.1. Ground de-icing of aircraft
During winter season for safety operation of aircraft safety deicing measures should be taken therefore
there are external deicing systems at the airport, the ice on the aircraft maybe due to rain or frost
formation on major parts of aircraft after along flight or snow on landing gear after taxiing on a snowy
runway in accordance to ICAO and FAA an aircraft must be free from frozen contaminations on wings,
control surfaces, engine inlets and any other critical parts before takeoff [11]

2.1a Aircraft frost removal

On the ground the frost on the aircraft can be removed by placing the aircraft in a warm hangar or using
a frost remover or by using a de-icing fluid, de-icing fluids may contain ethylene glycol and isopropyl
alcohol and are therefore safe to apply by hand or spray, however de-icing fluids may have a bad effect
on the window and exterior of the aircraft therefore only recommended fluid should be used, the fluid
should also be applied within 2 hours of flight. De-icing trucks are also used to spray de-icing fluids on
the surfaces of the aircraft

De-icing the surface of aircraft on ground by de-icing trucks- image by[

2.1b. Precautions when deicing aircraft on the ground

 Deicing fluid must not be sprayed directly on wiring harnesses, electrical components, wheels,
brakes, and exhaust
 Deicing fluid can cause crazing of acrylics or window penetration therefore must not be directed
on the windows of the aircraft
 Precaution to minimize flow of deicing fluid into the engines of the aircraft and control cavities
 Deicing fluid should not be directed onto the orifices of pitot head or static ports
 Landing gear and wheel bays should be free from buildup of slush or accumulations of blown
snow from the aircraft mixed with deicing fluid
Image by showing places where deicing fluid should not directly contact[12]

Airborne flights remove or prevents ice from forming by activation of the ice protection systems the
systems are categorized broadly as either

 Thermal
 Pneumatic

However there exist other systems though not still widely used and have little real application like

 Vibration
 Chemical
 Shape memory alloys
 Super hydrophobic

Thermal system applies heat either electrically or by use of hot air bled from the engine compressor in
doing so it melts ice formed on the surfaces or prevents formation of ice on the wings and other
surfaces of the aircraft. Jet powered aircraft are common with the bled air type and is capable of deicing
and anti-icing on the aircraft

Pneumatic deicing system usually consists of inflatable ‘boots ‘which expands an thus removing ice
accumulated on the surface

Ice Protection System (IPS) is normally selected and designed according to the requirements and type of
the aircraft because an IPS has its own drawbacks on aircraft such as weight, energy consumption below
are some more classification of the IPS and what they are capable of

1.Thermal IPS family

This consists of

 Bled air - capable of both anti-icing and de-icing mostly used on jet aircrafts
 Microwave for aluminum- capable of only de-icing and is currently under development
 Electro-thermal sheets – capable of both anti-icing and de-icing used on helicopters and
propellors IPS
 Electro-thermal circuits – still under development but is capable of both anti-icing and de-icing
 Microwave for CFRP- under development capable of both anti-icing and de-icing
2.vibration IPS family

This family of IPS is only capable of de-icing of the aircraft it consists of:

 Electro-impulsive EIDI (coil): used in some Russian and Swedish airplanes

 Electro-expulsive (foil)- certified by FAA and used in some small airplanes
 Ultrasonic – American patent but no application yet

3. thermo-vibration IPS

It is capable of both anti-icing and de-icing of the aircraft and It consists of:

 Thermo and electro impulsive certified by FAA but no application yet

4.deformation IPS

These are only capable of de-icing and consists of:

 Pneumatic
 Electro- expulsive boots -still under development
 Shape memory alloy- under development


These are only capable of deicing of the plane

 Fluids- used in some planes

 Electrolytic – under development


Can de-ice and prevents formation of ice

 Hydrophobic nano pillars array – under development

3. ice detection system

On small aircraft ice is easily detected visually, however on modern aircraft large aircraft since the
exterior of the aircraft is not easily visible from the cockpit the crew is forced to rely on observation of
few surfaces thus to aid there are one or more ice detector sensors that warns the flight crew on the
presence of ice by turning on the annunciator light, the detection system automatically turns on the WAI
system when icing is detected. An example is G450 that has 2 ice detectors on both sides of the aircraft
just below the cockpit window
Image2 showing ice detector on the surface of aircraft[4]

3.1. Working principle of ice detectors

How do the ice detectors work? There are different types of ice detectors we will discuss one example

3.1a UTC aerospace system ice detectors

These detectors not only detect the presence of ice but also calculate ice accretion rate and Liquid
Water Content these type of ice detectors applies the use of a magneto-strictive technology that drives
the ice sensing probe to resonate at its natural frequency. if ice accretes on the sensing probe, it shifts
the resonance frequency of the probe. When the resonance frequency reaches a certain set point it
activates an ice signal and the strut and probes de-ice. The heaters will be turned on for a
predetermined time once the ice has been removed from the probe to ensure the ice is fully removed.

Image3 ice sensor by collinsaerospacesystem[5]

In summary the ice detectors probe has a vibrating sensor element extended into the airstream flowing
around the fuselage. The element length is sufficient to avoid the frictional heating effects immediately
surrounding the aircraft structure. The sensor vibrates in clear air at an extremely high-frequency range
(approximately 40,000 Hz); however, if ice accumulates on the sensor, the frequency of the vibrating
element will show a decrease proportional to the amount of accumulation.
Once ice has been detected for example in gulfstream450 aircraft The WING and COWL selector
switches on the ANTI-ICE panel on the cockpit overhead can be positioned to AUTO. If AUTO is selected,
ice detector signals can be used to automatically activate wing and engine cowl anti-ice bleed airflow,
provided the aircraft is within the prescribed altitude envelope for automatic operation. Because
extracting bleed air from the engine decreases engine thrust, automatic anti-icing is not available below
fifteen hundred (1,500) feet where full engine capability is reserved for takeoff and landing. However, if
automatic anti-icing had been selected at a higher altitude, it remains operational in descent below
1,500 feet, since engine thrust requirements are minimized in descents, and engine cowls and wing
surfaces must be kept clear of ice in preparation for landing this is most similar to all aircraft with only a
few differences

When the ice detectors no longer sense the presence of ice, a signal is sent to the wing and cowl anti-
ice bleed valves to close after a time delay .which is incorporated into the software of the ice detectors
to ensure that all ice that accumulated on the wings and engine cowls have been dissipated

Pneumatic Deicing system

Ice easily get attached on wings and horizontal stabilizer because of their large surface area and due to
this electrothermal heating isn’t a practical application as it will require more electrical power to fully
deice the aircraft, some aircrafts have pneumatic deicing system called ‘boots’

The principle of operation is really simple accumulated ice on the wings are mechanically expanded to
break them, this applies use of inflatable rubber boots, a pneumatic system, timer, and relay switches
to sequence the inflation, a switch, a pressure gauge. The pneumatic pump provides power to the
system this power inflates the boots and its vacuum deflate the boots and holds them

The boots are made of fabric- reinforced rubber sheeting which is bonded to produce a parallel,
inflatable tube that run along the span or the chord there can be simultaneous inflation of the rows or
alternate inflation

Operation of the boots

The tubes are alternately deflated and inflated while operating, this inflation and deflation breaks and
cracks the ice which is then carried by airstream GA type of aircraft have their boots inflated along the
length of the wing as shown in figure1. In large aircraft like turbo prop aircrafts the boots are along the
wings as shown in image4 this is done to minimize disturbance of airflow over the wings

Image4 pneumatic boot[6]

Figure 1.  Cross-section of a pneumatic deicing boot  uninflated (top) and inflated (bottom)

Advantages of deicing boots

 they run on compressed bleed air thus no risk of running out of ice protection

Disadvantages of deicing boots

 changes aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft when inflated thus increases stalling speed
 ice may form behind the boots rendering the boots ineffective
 risk off holes on the boots thus will not inflate properly

thermo-electric deicing boots

some of the modern aircrafts are equipped with electric deice boot which contain electric heaters
mainly bonded to the edges of the wings these system gets heated electrically when presence of ice is
detected thus saving on the air bled from the engine, these systems are controlled by a series of timers
and controller

Figure1.1 Electric stabilizer deice

Bleed air deicing system
Thermal wing Anti ice (TAI or WAI) mainly for business and large transport category use hot air bled
from the engine compressor, usually large amount of air can be bled from the engine compressor to
provide enough anti-icing heat, the hot air is passed through ducting, manifolds and valves to parts that
need to be deiced. Each wing has an ejector located in the inboard area this helps route the bled air into
the leading edges of the wing. two flush-mounted ram-air scoops in each wing leading edge introduce
fresh ambient air into the wings leading-edge, one at the wing root and one near the wingtip. The role of
the ejectors is to entrain ambient air, reduce the temperature of the bleed air, and increase the mass
airflow in the piccolo tubes. The wing leading edge is made of two skin layers separated from each other
by a narrow passageway. The air directed against the leading edge can only escape through the
passageway, after which it is vented overboard through a vent in the bottom of the wingtip[7].

Figure2 Thermal Wing Anti-Ice system [12]

Figure3 Heated wing leading edge[12]

operation of thermal pneumatic system

When the WAI switch on, the pressure regulator gets energized and the shutoff valve opens. When the
wing leading edge temperature reaches approximately +60 °C, temperature switches will turn on the
operation light above the switch. If the temperature in the wing leading edge exceeds approximately
100 °C (outboard) or 176°C (inboard), the red WING OV HT warning light on the annunciator panel

The ducting of WAI systems is usually made of aluminum alloy, titanium, stainless steel, or molded
fiberglass tubes. The tube, or duct, sections are attached to each other by bolted end flanges or by band-
type V-clamps. The ducting is lagged with a fire-resistant, heat-insulating material, such as fiberglass. In
some installations, thin stainless-steel expansion bellows are used. Bellows are located at strategic
positions to absorb any distortion or expansion of the ducting that may occur due to temperature
variations. The joined sections of ducting are hermetically sealed by sealing rings. These seals are fitted
into annular recesses in the duct joint faces.

When installing a section of duct, make certain that the seal bears evenly against and is compressed by
the adjacent joint’s flange. When specified, the ducts should be pressure tested at the pressure
recommended by the manufacturer of the aircraft concerned. Leak checks are made to detect defects in
the duct that would permit the escape of heated air. The rate of air leakage at a certain pressure should
not exceed that which is recommended in the aircraft maintenance manual.

Air leaks can often be detected audibly and are sometimes revealed by holes in the lagging or thermal
insulation material. However, sometimes difficulty may arise in locating leaks and the use of soap-and-
water solutions may be used. All ducting should be inspected for security and safety reasons, general
condition, or distortion. Insulating blankets must be checked for security and must be free of flammable
fluids, such as oil or hydraulic fluid.

Fluid-ice protection system

The air bled from the engine is capable of removal and prevention of ice on the surfaces of the aircraft
by pumping glycol- based fluid under pressure through the ducts on the surface of the wings this fluid
acts as freezing point depressant thus preventing ice formation. This system is highly reliable due to low
power consumption; however, the fluid must be filtered, and the filters occasionally replaced

Vibrating Electro-Impulse De-Icing System

Only capable ofc deicing property, it consists of coils underneath the surface that discharges high
voltage electric currents, this discharge induces eddy current and vibration on the aircraft skin causing
the ice to fall off, it generates 2 repulsive magnetic fields resulting to high pressure build up on the
surface of the skin, The system is very reliable although the coils are heavy thus not easily implemented
Electro-impulsive system layout[1]

Deforming Electro-Expulsive De-Icing System

Capable of deicing by discharging high electric power through a pair of conductors in opposite direction
producing repulsive magnetic fields this results in deformation of boots surfaces thus removing the ice.
This system is reliable but can only be implemented on few surfaces of the aircraft to avoid loss of its

Schematic of deforming electro- expulsive deicing system [1]

Shape Memory Alloy De-Icing System

Memory alloys are alloys that can deform when cold but return to original shape when heated. This type
of system is only capable of deicing. By expansion and contraction and change of shape they provide
shear force to ice thus deicing the aircraft with very little energy consumption this system seems very
reliable though still under study and development[1]

Electrolytic De-Icing System

Consists of micro-electrodes embedded on the exposed surfaces able to generate electrolysis of the ice.
A DC current flows through the ice decomposing it into hydrogen and oxygen this produces cracks in the
ice thus preventing it from detaching on the aircraft surfaces, this system is reliable but require large
number of electrodes that may corrode with time thus requires continuous inspection and replacement.
Electrolytic Deicing system schematic[1]

Electrothermal Ice Protection System

This system is capable of preventing ice from forming and de-icing by providing power to electrical
resistors which then heats up the leading edge of the aircraft skin thus melting the ice or preventing it
from attaching, few aircraft adopt this type of IPS since the bleed air and pneumatic systems are more
effective on metallic skin however not applicable to composite edges of the aircraft

Theoretically metallic resistance can be laid directly in the laminate to avoid bonding of resistors, but
limited data is available on this [1]

Ultrasonic Icing Protection System

the system is capable of only deicing consist of piezo electric transducer that induces ultrasonic waves
which propagates on the surface to be deiced, the wave induces shear force on the ice thus breaking
them, power consumption is not yet known due to limited data[1]

Ultrasonic icing protection system schematic [1]

1. K.M. Al-Khalil, M.G. Potepezuk, “Numerical modelling of anti-icing system and comparison to
test results on a NACA0012 airfoil”, NASA-TM-105975, 1993
2. Image1 available online:
3. diagram1 available online: (link tested on 07/2020)
4. image2: available online: (link tested on 07/2020)
5. image3 ice detector by Collins aerospace system available online
6. image4 pneumatic boots available online
7. figure1 pneumatic boots operation available online
8. figure 2 thermal wing Anti-ice system available online (link tested on 07/2020)
9. figure4 Wing leading edge slat anti-ice system available online
10. Figure1.1 Electric stabilizer deice system available online (link tested on 07/2020)
11. Manual of Aircraft Ground De-icing/Anti-icing Operations (Doc 9640) Second Edition
2000 pdf available online

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