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Concrete Structures I

ver capa
meida A Prática Prof Antonio Custa

Master in Civil Engineering

2019 / 2020

Concrete Structures I
Class 1/26: Introduction

Eduardo S. Júlio

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Concrete Structures I

Table of contents

1.  Presentation of the course unit

2.  Historical framework
3.  Portland cement based concrete

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Concrete Structures I

Table of contents

1.  Presentation of the course unit

2.  Historical framework
3.  Portland cement based concrete

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Eduardo Júlio - research in structural concrete (absent in this academic year)

José Camara - research in serviceability limit states | structural design (course coordinator)

João Almeida - research in design models for structural concrete | structural design

Jorge Alfaiate - research in fracture mechanics of quasi-bri:le materials

António Costa - research in durability and strengthening | structural design

Concrete Structures I

1. Presentation of the course unit

The main goal of this course is knowledge acquisition on the
behaviour of reinforced and pre-stressed concrete structures, in
terms of both durability and safety regarding ultimate and
serviceability limit states, including design, analysis, detailing, and
construction of beams, columns and slabs.

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Concrete Structures I

1. Presentation of the course unit

PROGRAM (theoretical classes)1
1.  INTRODUCTION 3 hours
3.  DURABILITY 1.5 hour
7.  PRESTRESSING 3 hours
8.  COLUMNS 3 hours
9.  SLABS 6 hours

1 total of 39 hours lectured in 26 classes (13 weeks)

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Concrete Structures I

1. Presentation of the course unit

•  Set of slides from the 26 theoretical classes (in English)
•  IST text book (in Portuguese)
•  Concrete Structures, J. Appleton, Ed. Orion, 2013 (in Portuguese)
•  Standards and codes (EN 206; Eurocodes 0, 1 e 2; fib Model-Code 2010)
•  Other publications (referred to in classes)

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Concrete Structures I

1. Presentation of the course unit

The assessment of this course unit includes a set of exercises, to be
solved out of the classes’ period, on a weekly basis, with a total grading
of 5/20 pts., and a written examination graded for 20/20 pts. with a
minimum of 8.5/20 pts.
The final mark will be given by the sum of the classification obtained at
the set of exercises with 75% of the examination grade, or just the latter
if higher.
If the final mark is higher than 16/20 pts., an oral examination will be
required to confirm it.

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Concrete Structures I

1. Presentation of the course unit

1.  Combination of actions 0.25 pts.
2.  Durability 0.50 pts.
3.  Analysis of cross-section in bending 0.25 pts.
4.  Redistribution of internal forces 0.25 pts.
5.  Shear force 0.50 pts.
6.  Detailing 0.50 pts.
7.  Cracking and deformation 0.25 pts.
8.  Pre-stress (including detailing) 1.00 pts.
9.  Columns 0.50 pts.
10.  Slabs (including detailing) 1.00 pts.

2 set of exercises to be solved by students autonomously out of classes

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Concrete Structures I

1. Presentation of the course unit TIME TABLE

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Concrete Structures I

Table of contents

1.  Presentation of the course unit

2.  Historical framework
3.  Portland cement based concrete

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Concrete Structures I

Remarkable example of a concrete structure with two thousand years: the Rome Pantheon (127 A.D.)
with a lightweight aggregates concrete dome.
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Concrete Structures I

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Concrete Structures I

2. Historical framework

Trajano’s bridge (100 A.D.) over Tâmega river in Chaves, Portugal.

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Concrete Structures I

2. Historical framework

After the fall of the Roman Empire, and up to the eighteen century, the use of
concrete is limited to foundations and the inner part of walls.
Only in the eighteen century, with Smeaton in 1758, James Parker in 1776, and
Louis Vicat in 1818, studies on the cement properties are developed.

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Concrete Structures I

2. Historical framework

In 1824, the invention of Portland cement is patented by Joseph Aspdin with
the title of ‘Artificial Stone’.

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Concrete Structures I

2. Historical framework
n beboamado

The first construction in ferro-cement (the precursor of reinforced concrete)
is a boat by Joseph-Louis Lambot in 1848.

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Concrete Structures I

2. Historical framework

The first reinforced concrete bridge was built in Chazelet in 1875 designed by
Joseph Monier.

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Concrete Structures I

2. Historical framework

In 1885, the rotary kiln invented by Frederick Ransome lowed down drastically
the price of cement (in the picture, a modified version, patented by Stokes is

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Concrete Structures I

2. Historical framework

In Portugal, the first Portland cement factory, ‘Cimentos Tejo’, was founded
by António Teófilo de Araújo Rato, in Alhandra, in 1894.

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Concrete Structures I

2. Historical framework

There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers

and architects:

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There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Plougastel bridge, 1930
Eugène Freyssinet (engineer)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Salginatobel Bridge, 1930
Robert Maillart (engineer)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Hipódromo de La Zarzuela, 1941
Carlos Arniches Moltó y Martín Domínguez (architects) and Eduardo Torroja (engineer)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Cabril dam, 1954
Joaquim Laginha Serafim (engineer)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Chapelle Notre-Dame-du-Haut, Ronchamp, 1955
Le Corbusier (architect)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Stuttgart television tower, 1956
Fritz Leonhardt (engineer)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Ponte da Arrábida, Porto, 1963
Edgar Cardoso (engineer)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Guggenheim museum, New York, 1967
Frank Lloyd Wright (architect)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Highway service area, Deitingen, 1968
Heinz Isler (engineer)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 1969
Rui Jervis Atouguia, Pedro Cid e Alberto Pessoa (architects)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by
famous engineers and architects:

Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida, Brasília, 1970
Óscar Niemeyer (architect), Joaquim Cardoso (engineer)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Norfolk Scope, 1971
Pier Luigi Nervi (engineer)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Sydney Opera House, 1973
Jorn Utzon (architect)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Ponte S. João, Porto, 1991
Edgar Cardoso (engineer)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Bridge over the Arade river, 1991
Armando Rito (engineer)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

New Macau-Taipa bridge, 1994
José Luís Câncio Martins (engineer)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Portugal Pavillion, Lisbon, 1998
Álvaro Siza Vieira (architect), Segadães Tavares (engineer)
There are outstanding examples of concrete buildings by famous engineers
and architects:

Braga Stadium, Braga, 2003
Eduardo Souto de Moura (architect), Rui Furtado (engineer)
Concrete Structures I

Table of contents

1.  Presentation of the course unit

2.  Historical framework
3.  Portland cement based concrete

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Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

Concrete is obtained by mixing together the following constituents(1):
-  cement;
-  (fine and course) aggregates; Aagua Atrabalhabilidade
-  additions;
-  admixtures; and Arelação deáguapara hidratar oizz
-  water. Comento
(1) different constituents, dosages, and mixture and curing conditions lead to

significantly different concrete types

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Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

DefiniçãoCement (definition according to EN 206)
Finely ground inorganic material which, when mixed with water, forms a
paste that sets and hardens by means of hydration reactions and processes
and which, after hardening, retains its strength and stability even under

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Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

Addition (definition according to EN 206)
Finely divided material used in concrete in order to improve certain
properties or to achieve special properties. EN 206 deals with two types of
inorganic additions:
— nearly inert additions (type I);
— pozzolanic or latent hydraulic additions (type II).

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Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

Addition (definition according to EN 206)
General suitability as type I addition, see 3.1.23, is established for:
— filler aggregate conforming to EN 12620:2000;
— pigments conforming to EN 12878

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Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

Addition (definition according to EN 206)
General suitability as type II addition, see 3.1.23, is established for:
— fly ash conforming to EN 450;
— silica fume conforming to prEN 13263:1998.

cement silica fume fly ash blast furnace slag Leca® - powder

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Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

Granular mineral material suitable for use in concrete. Aggregates may be
natural, artificial or recycled from material previously used in construction.

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Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

Normal-weight aggregate aggregate with an oven-dry particle density >
2000 kg/m3 and < 3000 kg/m3, when determined according to EN 1097-6.

Fine sand Course sand Gravel Crushed stone

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Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

Light-weight aggregate of mineral origin having an oven-dry particle density <
2000 kg/m3 when determined according to EN 1097-6 or a loose oven-dry bulk
density < 1200 kg/m3 when determined according to EN 1097-3.

Leca® sand 0/3 structural Leca® 2/4 structural Leca® 4/12

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Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

Material added during the mixing process of concrete in small quantities
related to the mass of cement to modify the properties of fresh or hardened

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Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

Self-compacting concrete (SCC)

precast white SCC beams at car park, Souto de Moura, Matosinhos

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Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

Self-compacting concrete (SCC)

SCC, Art’s Business & Hotel Center, Lisbon, 2005

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Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

Lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC)

rehabilitation of the Fão bridge deck with LWAC overlay

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4. Portland cement based concrete

High-performance concrete (HPC)

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Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

Ultra-high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC)

QREN 18538, Hi–Tech–Concrete–Design

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Lagoa das Sete Cidades, Azores

Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

Compressive strength increase of Portland based concretes

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Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat.
“Tall Buildings in Numbers - Tall Buildings, Structural Systems and Materials.” 2010

Burj Khalifa , Dubai, 2010

H = 828 m, C80 / C60
SCC cast at cc. 600 m, tmax ≈ 50 ºC
William Baker, Skidmore Owings & Merill, Struct. Design Tall Spec. Build. 16, (2007)

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Concrete Structures I

4. Portland cement based concrete

Development of eco-efficient Portland based concretes:

(research in progress at CERIS-IST)

•  Low-binder concrete

•  Recycled aggregates concrete

•  Alkali-activated concrete

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Kingdom Tower
Jeddah, Arábia Saudita (..... 2020)
H > 1000 m
Thornton Tomase?, Chicago


Urban furniture in UHPFRC,

Souto de Moura, Porto


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