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The State Of Man

By: Tammy Bowman

The following is a work of a mixture of my opinion and facts. No implication is directed toward or about any person, persons, groups, or religious affiliations.

I dont know where exactly in my 41 years on this rock my disdain for people came from, but I have it. Now dont get me wrong I do not Hate all people I just dislike the majority of society. As a small child I remember (from what I can remember) not liking people in general too much. Now, I do Love my family dearly and would do anything in this world to protect them. I have a handful of friends (small handful) that I absolutely trust. But other than that I have no use for people. The majority of them eventually turn out to be snake charmers and liars out for nothing but their own self center self serving agendas. There is no humanity any more. Humanity by definition is the quality or state of being humane. Now we have to look at what is Humane ? Humane by definition is Having or show compassion or benevolence. When you look around, watch the news, listen to the radio, or even pick up the local newspaper do you see stories of compassion or benevolence or do you see stories of murder, rape, child abuse, genocide. My oldest daughter once asked me Mom , why do you go looking for this stuff? she was appalled by some of my posts on Facebook. I told her Honey, I dont go looking for it, it is all around us. When did people grow so much hatred toward each other? Country against country, religion against religion, husband against wife, brother against brother. Lets start with country we all know of the desperate situation in Somalia where 10,000s of thousands of people have already died from hunger. Mothers are leaving their children on the side of the road to die of starvation. More than 380,000 people are living in camps that are only designed to hold 90,000 and it is estimated that 1,300 new refugees arrive every day. It is estimated that 3.7 million people in Somalia are on the brink of starvation, that is 1/3 of the Somalia population. Taken from The Atlantic they cite the reasons for the famine in Solmalia Somalis have not been governed by a central government since 1991, which has aggravated a number of the famine's contributing factors beyond the oft-cited violent conflict and drought. Over the last year, fuel and food price increases have surpassed 300 percent in the Somali capital. Regional deforestation has devastated

traditional ecosystems, eliminating trees, grazing land, and water and rendering the tri-nation area "more or less dry." Much of the productive farmland has been leased to China, Saudi Arabia, and India, so desperately needed food has been exported to foreign markets. Finally, local farmers lack machinery and fertilizer, leading to low agricultural outputs and the absence of food reserves to sustain people during droughts or other shocks What are these people supposed to do? What little food they can grow his exported. There are other factors a lot involving terrorism: Counterterrorist concerns have also complicated and slowed the U.S. response. In recent years the United States has cut humanitarian aid to Somalia, on the grounds that that al-Shabaab, the militant Islamist group that controls much of the south, will divert assistance to its own profit. For its part, Al Shabaab denies that Somalia is suffering from a famine and continues to prohibit UNICEF and WFP from operating in the country. Despite earlier promises of access, it now declares that only the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies may remain. Is this Humane?? To force the starvation of 10,000s of thousands of people. No I think not, It is all due to the greed of man and religious fanatics. That brings us to religion, Holy wars, who is right who is wrong, whos religion or belief is bigger. Now I will not go into my beliefs but lets just say they highly differ from mainstream dogmatic organized religion. I have some really good Christian, Jewish, Buddist, Spiritual and yes even Atheist friends. I respect their beliefs and they respect mine. For one thing that is all religion is , the belief in something. By definition a belief is An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.

Something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion or conviction. Now we have to look at the definition of opinion A view or judgment formed about something, not
necessarily based on fact or knowledge. And then the definition of conviction A firmly held belief or opinion. So there in by definition a belief is something that is not based on fact or proof but by ones own opinion. Now I am not against any religion or anyones beliefs we are free to believe the way we want to without retribution from anyone. But is seems that is not the way, it has been my experience that the ones that protest their faith the hardest and the loudest are the ones that do not practice what they preach. They are quick to judge others and down anyone that does not go alone with the majority. These people in my opinion are the sheeple of society. They believe what they believe because that is what they are taught to believe without any conscience thought of their own. They follow and believe without question as to why they believe and are not open to others beliefs. I deem these people sheeple because like sheep following the shepard they are led without even considering where they are going. And like sheep following the shepard will walk off of a cliff to their own demise without a moments hesitation. It is the ones that are secure in their beliefs that will side step and so whoa wait a minute . They do not have to judge others and ridicule them to make their beliefs strong because their belief is already strong . We cant have religion

without war. Wars have been fought all through time deemed as holy wars crusades what have you. Isnt it God that said thou shall not murder he did not say thou shall not murder except for in my name. Brother against brother .. Well it says a lot in itself. People so often try to sway others to their side of truth . Truth by definition is the true or actual state of a matter. Now some will have their own opinions of what is true and what is not. When truth can not be proven we must then look upon the actions of all those involved. It has been my experience that the ones who proclaims their innocence the loudest is usually the one with something to hide, and works the hardest in turning brother against brother like that will somehow prove they in fact are the ones telling the truth. They will tell lies and exaggerate issues to make themselves look like a helpless victim. Trying to recruit anyone that will listen to their side. It is the one that is comfortable with his truth that is silent and lets others make up their own minds as to what that truth may be. Eventually the lies and manipulation become too much to keep up with and the lies start to come out in a sense the one not telling the truth in time will be found out to be what they are, manipulative liars. Given time they will hang their own selves in their web of lies, exaggerations and manipulations and it is them that in the end will stand alone, except for their small herd of sheeple. The greed of man is something I think is the worst. Because in the greed of man comes all the things I have listed above and more. Man is destroying the earth and in turn destroying ourselves. Look at the industrial exploitation of the earth, we are poisoning our oceans and land where most waste is manufactured. Destruction of the rain forests, to the tune of 14 acres per minute (thats 20,160 acres per DAY) which reduces oxygen and rainfall. Forests in N. America and Europe are being poisoned by acid rain. Then we have global warming , the greenhouse effect due to hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide mostly from car exhaust. The Polar glaciers and ice-caps are melting causing oceans to rise which in turn causes adverse weather patterns. Now some people do not believe in global warming but how can they not, the weather patterns speak for themselves. Then you have the destruction created by improperly store waste from the creation of atomic power. The fall out from this waste being improperly created and stored create barren waste lands than will never recover. The animal food chain is suffering by man forcing some species into extinction with over fishing the oceans along with over working and exhausting the soil crops are grown in and killing off of herds. Hunger in third world countries have forced them to slaughter wild animals to the point that the wild animal population is 90% down from where it was 50 years ago. So what is going to happen in another 50 years and where will man be then. I shudder to think what state of the world my children and grandchildren will be in. Which all is due to the greed of man. This also brings us back to religion If everyone would practice what they preach and live in the words of their holy books the world would be a much different place. But they lie, steal, cheat, connive, use, abuse, all not for the

greater good but their own good. There are rules in every holy book that stipulate the rules of living for that religion does man follow these rules if they do I dont see it and I am not the only one. In my beliefs you respect the earth you put back what you take you do not abuse it and like minded people such as me would agree, the majority of Humanity is not Humane but rather a boiling, festering, cess pool of scum that cares nothing about their fellow man but only for their selves and their own gain no matter what or who they destroy in the process. Do I Hate people no I do not, I hate what people have done to the earth and to each other. Actually I pity them. They are so self absorbed they can not and will not see what they are doing and nor do they care.

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