CH 10

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Problem 10.

1 [Difficulty: 2]
Problem 10.2 [Difficulty: 2]

Given: Data on centrifugal pump

Find: Estimate basic dimensions

Basic equations: (Eq. 10.2b, directly derived from the Euler turbomachine equation)

The given or available data is

3 3
kg m m
ρ  999  Q  0.6 Q  0.0100 Win  5 kW η  72 %
3 min s
ω  3000 rpm w2  5.4 β2  90 deg

For an axial inlet Vt1  0

From the outlet geometry  

Vt2  U2  Vrb2 cos β2  U2 and U2  r2  ω
2 2 2
Hence, in Eq. 10.2b Wm  U2  mrate  r2  ω  mrate

with Wm  η Win Wm  3.6 kW

and mrate  ρ Q mrate  9.99
Hence r2  r2  0.06043  m r2  6.04 cm
mrate ω

 
Also Vn2  w2  sin β2 Vn2  5.40
From continuity Vn2 
2  π r2  b 2
Q 3
Hence b2  b 2  4.8776  10 m b 2  0.488  cm
2  π r2  Vn2
Problem 10.3 [Difficulty: 2]

10.3 Dimensions of a centrifugal pump impeller are

Parameter Inlet, Section  Outlet, Section 

Radius, r (mm) 380 1140
Blade width, b (mm) 120 80
Blade angle, β (deg) 40 60

The pump is driven at 575 rpm and the fluid is water. Calculate the theoretical head and mechanical power if the flow rate
is 18,000 m3/h.

Given: Geometry of centrifugal pump.

Find: Theoretical head; Power input for given flow rate.


Basic equations: (
Wm = U 2Vt2 − U1Vt1 m ) (Eq. 10.2b)

Wm 1
= U 2Vt2 − U1Vt1 ) (Eq. 10.2c)

The given or available data is

ρ = 998 r1 = 380 mm r2 = 1140 mm b1 = 120 mm b 2 = 80 mm

m3 m3
ω = 575 ⋅ rpm β1 = 40 ⋅ deg β 2 = 60 ⋅ deg Q = 18000 Q=5
h s

Q Vn
From continuity Vn = = Vrb ⋅ sin ( β ) Vrb =
2⋅π⋅r ⋅b sin ( β )

Vn Q
From geometry Vt = U − Vrb ⋅ cos ( β ) = U − ⋅ cos ( β ) = U − cot ( β )
sin ( β ) 2⋅π⋅r ⋅b

m m
Using given data U1 = ω⋅ r1 U1 = 22.9 U 2 = ω⋅ r2 U 2 = 63.6
s s
Q m
Vt1 = U1 − ⋅ cot ( β1 ) Vt1 = 2.1
2 ⋅ π ⋅ r1 ⋅ b1 s

Q m
Vt2 = U2 − ⋅ cot ( β2 ) Vt2 = 63.6
2 ⋅ π ⋅ r2 ⋅ b 2 s

The mass flow rate is m rate = ρ ⋅ Q m rate = 4990

Hence Wm = ( U 2 ⋅ Vt 2 − U1 ⋅ Vt1 ) ⋅ m rate Wm = 2.15 × 107 Wm = 2.15 × 107 W

The head is H= H = 439.2 m
m rate ⋅ g
Problem 10.4 [Difficulty: 2]

10.4 Dimensions of a centrifugal pump impeller are

Parameter Inlet, Section  Outlet, Section 

Radius, r (mm) 75 250
Blade width, b (mm) 38 30
Blade angle, β (deg) 60 70

The pump is driven at 1250 rpm while pumping water. Calculate the theoretical head and mechanical power input if the
flow rate is 340 m3/h.

Given: Geometry of centrifugal pump.

Find: Theoretical head; Power input for given flow rate.


Basic equations: (
Wm = U 2Vt2 − U1Vt1 m ) (Eq. 10.2b)

Wm 1
= U 2Vt2 − U1Vt1 ) (Eq. 10.2c)

The given or available data is

ρ = 998 r1 = 75 mm r2 = 250 mm b1 = 38 mm b 2 = 30 mm

m3 m3
ω = 1250 ⋅ rpm β1 = 60 ⋅ deg β 2 = 70 ⋅ deg Q = 340 Q = 0.094
hr s

Q Vn
From continuity Vn = = Vrb ⋅ sin ( β ) Vrb =
2⋅π⋅r ⋅b sin ( β )

Vn Q
From geometry Vt = U − Vrb ⋅ cos ( β ) = U − ⋅ cos ( β ) = U − cot ( β )
sin ( β ) 2⋅π⋅r ⋅b

m m
Using given data U1 = ω⋅ r1 U1 = 9.82 U 2 = ω⋅ r2 U 2 = 32.72
s s

Q m
Vt1 = U1 − ⋅ cot ( β1 ) Vt1 = 6.8
2 ⋅ π ⋅ r1 ⋅ b1 s
Q m
Vt2 = U2 − ⋅ cot ( β2 ) Vt2 = 32
2 ⋅ π ⋅ r2 ⋅ b 2 s

The mass flow rate is m rate = ρ ⋅ Q m rate = 93.8

Hence Wm = ( U 2 ⋅ Vt 2 − U1 ⋅ Vt1 ) ⋅ m rate Wm = 91949 Wm = 91.949 kW

The head is H= H = 100 m
m rate ⋅ g
Problem 10.5 [Difficulty: 2]

10.5 For the impeller of Problem 10.6, determine the

rotational speed for which the tangential component of the
inlet velocity is zero if the volume flow rate is 910 m3/h.
Calculate the theoretical head and mechanical power

Given: Geometry of centrifugal pump.

Find: Rotational speed for zero inlet velocity; Theoretical head; Power input.


Basic equations: (
Wm = U 2Vt2 − U1Vt1 m ) (Eq. 10.2b)

Wm 1
= U 2Vt2 − U1Vt1 ) (Eq. 10.2c)

The given or available data is

ρ = 998 r1 = 75 mm r2 = 250 mm b1 = 38 mm b 2 = 30 mm

m3 m3
β1 = 60 ⋅ deg β 2 = 70 ⋅ deg Q = 910 Q = 0.253
h s

Q Vn
From continuity Vn = = Vrb ⋅ sin ( β ) Vrb =
2⋅π⋅r ⋅b sin ( β )

Vn Q
From geometry Vt = U − Vrb ⋅ cos ( β ) = U − ⋅ cos ( β ) = U − cot ( β )
sin ( β ) 2⋅π⋅r ⋅b

For Vt1 = 0 we get U1 − ⋅ cot ( β1 ) = 0 or ω ⋅ r1 − ⋅ cot ( β1 ) = 0
2 ⋅ π ⋅ r1 ⋅ b1 2 ⋅ π ⋅ r1 ⋅ b1

Q rad
Hence, solving for ω ω= ⋅ cot ( β1 ) ω = 105 ⋅ ω = 1001⋅ rpm
2 ⋅ π ⋅ r12 ⋅ b1 s

We can now find U2 U 2 = ω ⋅ r2 U 2 = 26.25
Q m
Vt2 = U 2 − ⋅ cot ( β2 ) Vt 2 = 24.3
2 ⋅ π ⋅ r2 ⋅ b 2 s

The mass flow rate is m rate = ρ ⋅ Q m rate = 252.5

Hence Eq 10.2b becomes Wm = U 2 ⋅ Vt 2 ⋅ m rate Wm = 1.61× 105 W Wm = 161 kW

The head is H= H = 65 m
m rate ⋅ g
Problem 10.6 [Difficulty: 2]
Problem 10.7 [Difficulty: 2]

Given: Geometry of centrifugal pump

Find: Draw inlet and exit velocity diagrams; Inlet blade angle; Power

Vn 
Basic equations: 2  π r b
The given or available data is
R1  1  in R2  7.5 in b 2  0.375  in ω  2000 rpm
slug ft
ρ  1.94 Q  800  gpm Q  1.8
3 s β2  75 deg
ft ft
U1  ω R1 U1  17.5 U2  ω R2 U2  131
s s

Q ft R2 ft
Vn2  Vn2  14.5 Vn1  V Vn1  109
2  π R 2  b 2 s R1 n2 s

Vrb1 Vt2
Velocity diagrams: V n1 = V1 (Vt1 = 0) Vrb2 V2
1 2 2 Vn2

U1 U2

 Vn1 
Then β1  atan  β1  80.9 deg (Essentially radial entry)
 U1 
   
ft ft
From geometry Vt1  U1  Vn1 cos β1 Vt1  0.2198 Vt2  U2  Vn2 cos β2 Vt2  127.1 
s s
4 ft lbf
Then 
Wm  U2  Vt2  U1  Vt1  ρ Q  Wm  5.75  10 
Wm  105  hp
Problem 10.8 [Difficulty: 3]

Given: Geometry of centrifugal pump

Find: Shutoff head; Absolute and relative exit velocitiesTheoretical head; Power input

Basic equations: (Eq. 10.2b)

(Eq. 10.2c)

The given or available data is

ρ  999  R1  2.5 cm R2  18 cm b 2  1  cm
m 3 3
m m
ω  1800 rpm β2  75 deg Q  30 Q  0.500 
min s
At the exit U2  ω R2 U2  33.9

 
m 1
At shutoff Vt2  U2 Vt2  33.9 H0   U2  Vt2 H0  117  m
s g

Q m
At design. from continuity Vn2  Vn2  44.2
2  π R 2  b 2 s
 
From the velocity diagram Vn2  w2  sin β2 w2  w2  45.8
 
sin β2 s

 
Vt2  U2  Vn2 cot β2 Vt2  22.1
2 2 m
Hence we obtain V2  Vn2  Vt2 V2  49.4
 Vt2 
with α2  atan  α2  26.5 deg
 Vn2  Wm
For Vt1  0 we get Wm  U2  Vt2 ρ Q  374 kW H   76.4 m
ρ Q g
Problem 10.9 [Difficulty: 2]

10.9 For the impeller of Problem 10.3, determine the inlet blade
angle for which the tangential component of the inlet velocity is
zero if the volume flow rate is 28,000 m3/h. Calculate the
theoretical head and mechanical power input.

Given: Geometry of centrifugal pump.

Find: Inlet blade angle for no tangential inlet velocity at 28,000 m3/h; Head; Power.


Basic equations: (
Wm = U 2Vt2 − U1Vt1 m ) (Eq. 10.2b)

Wm 1
= U 2Vt2 − U1Vt1 ) (Eq. 10.2c)

The given or available data is

ρ = 998 r1 = 380 mm r2 = 1140 mm b1 = 120 mm b 2 = 80 mm

m3 m3
ω = 575 ⋅ rpm β 2 = 60 ⋅ deg Q = 28, 000 Q = 7.78
h s

Q Vn
From continuity Vn = = Vrb ⋅ sin ( β ) Vrb =
2⋅π⋅r ⋅b sin ( β )

Vn Q
From geometry Vt = U − Vrb ⋅ cos ( β ) = U − ⋅ cos ( β ) = U − cot ( β )
sin ( β ) 2⋅π⋅r ⋅b

Q 2 ⋅ π ⋅ r1 ⋅ b1 ⋅ U1
For Vt1 = 0 we obtain U1 − ⋅ cot ( β1 ) = 0 or cot ( β1 ) =
2 ⋅ π ⋅ r1 ⋅ b1 Q

Using given data U1 = ω ⋅ r1 U1 = 22.9

 2 ⋅ π ⋅ r1 ⋅ b1 ⋅ U1 
Hence β1 = acot   β1 = 50 ⋅ deg
 Q 
Also U 2 = ω ⋅ r2 U 2 = 68.6

Q m
Vt2 = U 2 − ⋅ cot ( β2 ) Vt 2 = 60.8
2 ⋅ π ⋅ r2 ⋅ b 2 s

The mass flow rate is m rate = ρ ⋅ Q m rate = 7764.4

Hence Wm = ( U 2 ⋅ Vt 2 − U1 ⋅ Vt1 ) ⋅ m rate Wm = 3.24 ×107 Wm = 32400 kW

The head is H= H = 425.4 m
m rate ⋅ g
Problem 10.10 [Difficulty: 1]

Given: Impulse turbibe

Find: Optimum speed using the Euler turbomachine equation

The governing equation is the Euler turbomachine equation

In terms of the notation of Example 10.13, for a stationary CV

r1  r2  R U1  U2  U Vt1  V  U Vt2  ( V  U)  cos( θ) and mflow  ρ Q

Hence Tshaft  [ R ( V  U)  cos( θ)  R ( V  U) ]  ρ Q Tout  Tshaft  ρ Q R ( V  U)  ( 1  cos( θ) )

The power is Wout  ω Tout  ρ Q R ω ( V  U)  ( 1  cos( θ) ) Wout  ρ Q U ( V  U)  ( 1  cos( θ) )

These results are identical to those of Example 10.13. The proof that maximum power is when U = V/2 is hence also the same
and will not be repeated here.
Problem 10.11 [Difficulty: 2]

10.11 Kerosene is pumped by a centrifugal pump. When the flow

rate is 0.025 m3/s, the pump requires 15 kW input, and its
efficiency is 82 percent. Calculate the pressure rise produced by
the pump. Express this result as (a) meter of water and (b) meter
of kerosene.

Given: Data on centrifugal pump.

Find: Pressure rise; Express as meter of water and kerosene.


Basic equations: η=

kg m3
The given or available data is ρw = 1000 Q = 0.025
m3 s

Wm = 15 kW η = 82 ⋅ %

η⋅ Wm
Solving for H H= H = 50.15 m
ρw ⋅ Q ⋅ g

η⋅ Wm
For kerosene, from Table A.2 SG = 0.82 Hk = H k = 61.16 m
SG ⋅ ρ w ⋅ Q ⋅ g
Problem 10.12 [Difficulty: 3]

10.12 A centrifugal pump designed to deliver water at 30 L/s

has dimensions

Parameter Inlet Outlet

Radius, r (mm) 75 150
Blade width, b (mm) 7.5 6.25
Blade angle, β (deg) 25 40

Draw the inlet velocity diagram. Determine the design speed if the entering velocity has no tangential component. Draw
the outlet velocity diagram. Determine the outlet absolute flow angle (measured relative to the normal direction).
Evaluate the theoretical head developed by the pump. Estimate the minimum mechanical power delivered to the pump.

Given: Geometry of centrifugal pump.

Find: Draw inlet velocity diagram; Design speed for no inlet tangential velocity; Outlet angle; Head; Power.


Basic equations: (
Wm = U 2Vt2 − U1Vt1 m ) (Eq. 10.2b)

Wm 1
= U 2Vt2 − U1Vt1 ) (Eq. 10.2c)

The given or available data is

r1 = 75 mm r2 = 150 mm b1 = 7.5 mm b 2 = 6.25 mm β1 = 20 ⋅ deg β 2 = 45 ⋅ deg

kg L m3
ρ = 1000 3
Q = 30 Q = 0.030
m s s

Velocity diagrams:

Q Vn Vn1 A 2 r2 ⋅ b 2
From continuity Vn = = w ⋅ sin ( β ) w= = =
2⋅π⋅r ⋅b sin ( β ) Vn 2 A1 r1 ⋅ b1

Vn Q
From geometry Vt = U − Vrb ⋅ cos ( β ) = U − ⋅ cos ( β ) = U − ⋅ cot ( β )
sin ( β ) 2⋅π⋅r ⋅b
For Vt1 = 0 we obtain U1 − ⋅ cot ( β1 ) = 0 or ω⋅ r1 = ⋅ cot ( β1 ) = 0
2 ⋅ π ⋅ r1 ⋅ b1 2 ⋅ π ⋅ r1 ⋅ b1

Q rad
Solving for ω ω= ⋅ cot ( β1 ) ω = 243 ω = 2318 rpm
2 ⋅ π⋅ r12 ⋅ b1 s

m m
Hence U1 = ω ⋅ r1 U1 = 18.2 U 2 = ω ⋅ r2 U 2 = 36.4
s s

Q m Q m
Vn2 = Vn2 = 5.09 Vt2 = U 2 − ⋅ cot(β2 ) Vt2 = 30.3
2 ⋅ π ⋅ r2 ⋅ b 2 s 2 ⋅ π ⋅ r2 ⋅ b 2 s

V 
From the sketch α 2 = atan  t2  α 2 = 80.5 deg
 Vn 2 

Hence Wm = U 2 ⋅ Vt2 ⋅ ρ ⋅ Q Wm = 33.1 kW

The head is H = H = 113 m
Problem 10.13 [Difficulty: 4]
Problem 10.14 [Difficulty: 2]

10.14 Use data from Appendix D to choose points from the

performance curves for a Peerless horizontal split case Type
16A18B pump at 705 and 880 nominal rpm. Obtain and plot
curve-fits of total head versus delivery for this pump, with an
460 mm-diameter impeller.

Solution: Tabulate data from Figs. D.9 (705 rpm) and D.10 (880 rpm):

 m3 
705 rpm: g  0 450 900 1350 1800
 h 
H(m) 18 17 15 13 10

  m3   2
Curve-fit: Ĥ ( m ) = 18.6 − 0.004 Q   ; r = 0.9709

  h 

Ĥ ( m ) 18.6 16.6 14.6 12.7 10.7

 m3 
880 rpm: g  0 450 900 1350 1800 2250
 h 
H(m) 28 27 26 24 21 15

  m3   2
Curve-fit: Ĥ ( m ) = 29.571 − 0.0054 Q   ; r = 0.8784

  h 

Ĥ ( m ) 29.6 27.1 24.7 22.3 19.9 17.4


Total Head, H (m)




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Volume Flow Rate, Q (m3/h)
Problem 10.15 [Difficulty: 2]

10.15 Use data from Appendix D to choose points from the

performance curves for a Peerless horizontal split case Type
4AE12 pump at 1750 and 3550 nominal rpm. Obtain and plot
curve-fits for total head versus delivery at each speed for this
pump, with a 310 mm-diameter impeller.

Solution: Tabulate data from Figs D.4 (1750 rpm) and D.5 (3550 rpm):

 m3 
 h 
1750 rpm: 0 45 90 135
 
H(m) 47 46 42 32
  m3  2
Curve-fit: Ĥ ( m ) = 46.85 − 0.0011 Q   ; r = 0.9968.

  h 
Ĥ ( m ) 46.85 44.6 38 27

 m3 
3550 rpm: Q  0 90 180 270
 h 
H(m) 194 189 172 136
  m3   2
Curve-fit: Ĥ ( m ) = 193.65 − 0.001 Q   ; r = 0.9988

  h 
Ĥ ( m ) 193.65 186 161 121

Plot: 250

3550 rpm
Total Head, H (m)


1750 rpm

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Volume Flow Rate, Q (m^3/h)
Problem 10.16 [Difficulty: 3]

10.16 Data from tests of a water suction pump operated at 2000 rpm with a
35 cm diameter impeller are

Flow rate, Q m /s × 10
3 3
) 17 26 38 45 63
Total head, H (m) 60 59 54 50 37
Power input, p (kW) 19 22 26 30 34

Plot the performance curves for this pump; include a curve of efficiency versus volume flow rate. Locate the best
efficiency point and specify the pump rating at this point.

Given: Data on suction pump.

Find: Plot of performance curves; Best efficiency point.


Basic equations: ηp = Ph = ρ ⋅ Q ⋅ g ⋅ H (Note: Software cannot render a dot!)

ρ = 1000 kg / m3 Fitting a 2nd order polynomial to each set of data we find

H = −8440 Q 2 + 167 Q + 59.9

η = −302 Q 2 + 26.9 Q + 0.170
Q (m3/s) H (m) pm (kW) ph (kW) η (%)
0.017 60 19 10.0 52.7 Finally, we use Solver to maximize η by varying Q:
0.026 59 22 15.0 68.4
0.038 54 26 20.1 77.4 3
Q (m /s) H (m) η (%)
0.045 50 30 22.1 73.6
0.063 37 34 22.9 67.3 0.045 50.6 76.9

Pump Performance Curve

70 100

H (m)

n (%)


20 25

0 0
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
Q (m3/s)
Problem 10.17 [Difficulty: 3]

Given: Data on suction pump

Find: Plot of performance curves; Best effiiciency point

Ph N Q
Basic equations: ηp  Ph  ρ Q g  H Ns  (Note: Software cannot render a dot!)
Pm 0.75
( g  H)

ρ = 1.94 slug/ft Fitting a 2nd order polynomial to each set of data we find

-5 2 -4
H =-1.062x10 Q + 6.39x10 Q + 22.8
-6 2
Q (cfm) H (ft) P m (hp) P h (hp) η (%) η =-1.752x10 Q + 0.00237Q + 0.0246
0 23.0 15.2 0.0 0.0%
200 22.3 17.2 8.4 49.0% Finally, we use Solver to maximize η by varying Q :
400 21.0 24.4 15.9 65.1%
600 19.5 27.0 22.1 82.0%
800 17.0 32.2 25.7 79.9% Q (cfm) H (ft) η (%)
1000 12.5 36.4 23.6 65.0% 676 18.4 82.6%

Pump Performance Curve

25 100%

20 η

η (%)
H (ft)




0 0%
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Q (cfm)

The Specific Speed for this pump is: 2.639

Problem 10.18 [Difficulty: 3]

10.18 An axial-flow fan operates in seal-level air at 1350 rpm and

has a blade tip diameter of 1 m and a root diameter of 0.8 m. The
inlet angles are α1 = 55°, β1 = 30° , and at the exit β 2 = 60° .
Estimate the flow volumetric flow rate, power, and the outlet
angle, α2 .

Given: Data on axial flow fan.

Find: Volumetric flow rate, power, flow exit angle.


Basic equations: Wm = (U 2Vt 2 − U1Vt1 ) m (Eq. 10.2b)

Wm 1
H= = (U 2Vt 2 − U1Vt1 ) (Eq. 10.2c)
The given or available data is
ρ = 1.23 ω = 1350 ⋅ rpm d tip = 1 m d root = 0.8 m α1 = 55 ⋅ deg β1 = 30 ⋅ deg β 2 = 60 ⋅ deg
1 d + d root
The mean radius would be half the mean diameter: r = ⋅ tip r = 0.45 m
2 2
Therefore, the blade speed is: U = r ⋅ω U = 607.5
From velocity triangles we can generate the following two equations:

V1 ⋅ cos ( α1 ) = w1 ⋅ sin ( β1 ) ( axial compent )

V1 ⋅ sin ( α1 ) + w1 ⋅ cos ( β1 ) = U ( tangential compent )
U m cos ( α1 )
Combining the two equations: V1 = V1 = 335.151 w1 = V1
cos ( α1 ) s sin ( β1 )
sin ( α1 ) +
tan ( β1 )

w1 = 384.469
So the entrance velocity components are: Vn1 = V1 ⋅ cos ( α1 ) Vn1 = 192.235 Vt1 = V1 ⋅ sin ( α1 )
Vt1 = 274.54
The volumetric flow rate would then be: Q = Vn1 ⋅
( 2
⋅ d tip − d root
) Q = 54.353

Since axial velocity does not change: Vn2 = Vn1

Vn2 m
The exit speed relative to the blade is: w2 = w 2 = 221.974 so the tangential component of
( )
sin β 2 s

( )
absolute velocity is: Vt2 = U − w 2 ⋅ cos β 2 Vt2 = 496.513 Into the expression for power:

( )
Wm = U ⋅ Vt2 − Vt1 ⋅ ρ ⋅ Q Wm = 9.02 MW

V 
The flow exit angle is: α 2 = atan  t2  α 2 = 68.8 ⋅ deg
V 
 n2 
Problem 10.19 [Difficulty: 2]
Problem 10.20 [Difficulty: 3]

10.20 Data measured during tests of a centrifugal pump driven at 3000 rpm

Parameter Inlet, Section Outlet, Section

Gage pressure, p (psi) 86
Elevation above datum, z (ft) 2.0 10
Average speed of flow, V ( ft/s ) 2.0 4.6

The flow rate is 15 m3/h and the torque applied to the pump shaft is 6 . 4 N ⋅ m.
The pump efficiency is 75 percent, and the electric motor efficiency is
85 percent. Find the electric power required, and the gage pressure at section .

Given: Data on centrifugal pump.

Find: Electric power required; gage pressure at exit.


Basic equations: Wh = ρ QgH p (Eq. 10.8a)

 p V2   p V2  W ρ QgH p
Hp =  + + z − + + z (Eq. 10.8b) ηp = h = (Eq. 10.8c)
 ρ g 2g discharge  ρ g 2 g suction Wm ωT

The given or available data is

kg m3 −3 m3
ρ = 998 3 ω = 3000 ⋅ rpm ηp = 75 ⋅ % ηe = 85 ⋅ % Q = 15 Q = 4.167 × 10
m h s

T = 6.4 Nm p1 = 86 kPa z1 = 2 m V1 = 2 z 2 = 10 m V2 = 4.6 m / s

ω ⋅ T ⋅ ηρ
From Eq. 10.8c Hp = H p = 37 m
ρ ⋅Q⋅g

Hence, from Eq. 10.8b p 2 = p1 + ⋅ ( V12 − V2 2 ) + ρ ⋅ g ⋅ ( z1 − z 2 ) + ρ ⋅ g ⋅ H p p 2 = 361.4 kPa

Also Wh = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ Q ⋅ H p Wh = 1509 Wh = 1.51 kW
Wh Nm
The shaft work is then Wm = Wm = 2013 Wm = 2.0 kW
ηp s

Wm Nm
Hence, electrical input is We = We = 2353 We = 2.35 kW
ηe s
Problem 10.21 [Difficulty: 2]
Problem 10.22 [Difficulty: 2]
Problem 10.23 [Difficulty: 2]

10.23 Typical performance curves for a centrifugal Impeller diameter (mm)
pump, tested with three different impeller Efficiency (%)

Total Head, H (m)

60.0 325 60 70
diameters in a single casing, are shown. Specify the 78 80
52.5 300 82 84
flow rate and head produced by the pump at its best 86
45.0 275 84 82
efficiency point with a 300 mm diameter impeller. 80
Scale these data to predict the performance of this 37.5
65 74
pump when tested with 275 mm and 325 mm 30.0
impellers. Comment on the accuracy of the scaling 22.5 74
procedure. 15.0
0 115 230 345 460 575 690 805
Volume Flow Rate, Q (m3/h)

Solution: From the graph, BEP occurs for the 300 mm impeller at Q  500 and H  39 m BEP12

From Section 10-4.3, scaling rules are

3 3
D  m 3  275  m3
Q2 = Q1  2  ; Q11 = 500   = 385
 D1  h  300  h
m3  325  m3
Q13 = 500   = 636
h  300  h
2 2
D   275 
H 2 = H1  2  ; H11 = 39 m   = 32.73 m
 D1   300 
 325 
H13 = 39 m   = 45.77 m
 300 
Thus BEP11 is at Q = 385 , H = 32.73 m BEP11
BEP13 is at Q = 636 , H = 45.77 m BEP13
The complete scaling rules tend to move the volume flow rate too far. Accuracy would be improved using
2 2
Q2 = Q1 ( D2 / D1 ) , since the impeller width does not change, and H 2 = H1 ( D2 / D1 ) , since H  V 2 . With these
modified rules

( Q11 , H11 ) = 420 m3 /h, 32.73 m and ( Q13 , H13 ) = 585 m3 / h, 45.77 m

These modified scaling points are closer to the measured BEPs.

Problem 10.24 [Difficulty: 3]

10.24 At its best efficiency point (η = 0.85) , a mixed-flow pump, with D = 400 mm ,
delivers 3 of water at H = 50 m when operating at N = 1500 rpm.
Q = 1.20 m /s
Calculate the specific speed of this pump. Estimate the required power input. Determine
the curve-fit parameters of the pump performance curve based on the shutoff point and
the best efficiency point. Scale the performance curve to estimate the flow, head,
efficiency, and power input required to run the same pump at 750 rpm.

Given: Data on a pump at BEP.

Find: (a) Specific speed

(b) Required power input
(c) Curve fit parameters for the pump performance curve
(d) Performance of pump at 750 rpm


The given or available data is

ρ = 1000 η = 85% D = 400 mm Q = 1.20 m3 / s H = 50 m

ω = 1500 rpm = 157 rad / s ω' = 750 rpm = 78.5 rad / s

ω⋅ Q Wh U2
The governing equations are NS = 0.75
Wh = ρ ⋅ Q ⋅ g ⋅ H W= H0 = 2
( g.H ) η g

The specific speed is: N s = 1.65

The power is: W = 691 kW

D m U22
At shutoff U2 = ⋅ω U 2 = 31.4 Therefore: H0 =
2 s g
H 0 = 100 m

H0 − H
Since H = H0 − A ⋅ Q2 it follows that A=
A = 34.7

H ( ft ) = 100 − 34.7 Q ( m 2 /s ) 
Another way to write this is:
 

 ω' 
ω' = 820 ⋅ rpm H'0 = H 0 ⋅   and A' = A Thus: H'0 = 25 m
A ' = 34.7

 ω'  ' 3  ω' 
At BEP: Q' = Q⋅  Q = 0.6 m / s H ' = H⋅  H ' = 12.5 m
ω ω
η ' = η = 85%

 ω' 
At Wm = W ⋅   Wm = 86.4 kW
Problem 10.25 [Difficulty: 2]

Given: Data on centrifugal pump

Find: Head at 1150 rpm

Basic equation: (Eq. 10.2c)

The given or available data is

kg m
ρ  1000 Q  0.025  β2  60 deg b 2  1.25 cm
3 s
ω  1750 rpm ω'  1150 rpm Vn2  3.5
From continuity Vn2 
2  π r2  b 2

Hence r2  r2  0.0909 m r2  9.09 cm
2  π b 2  Vn2

ω' m
Then V'n2   Vn2 V'n2  2.30
ω s

Also U'2  ω' r2 U'2  11.0

 
From the outlet geometry V't2  U'2  V'n2 cos β2 V't2  9.80
U'2  V't2
Finally H'  H'  10.9 m
Problem 10.26 [Difficulty: 3]

10.26 Appendix D contains area bound curves for pump model

selection and performance curves for individual pump models.
Use these data and the similarity rules to predict and plot the
curves of head H (m) versus Q (m3/h) of a Peerless Type
10AE12 pump, with impeller diameter D = 305 mm, for nominal
speeds of 1000, 1200, 1400, and 1600 rpm.

Given: Data on Peerless Type 10AE12 pump at 1720 rpm.

Find: Data at speeds of 1000, 1200, 1400, and 1600 rpm.

Q1 Q2 h1 h2
The governing equations are the similarity rules: 3
= = where h = g⋅H
ω1 ⋅ D1 ω 2 ⋅ D 23 ω12 ⋅ D12 ω2 ⋅ D22

ω2 ω 
For scaling from speed ω1 to speed ω2 : Q 2 = Q1 ⋅ H 2 = H1 ⋅  2  Here are the results generated in Excel:
ω1  ω1 
Speed (rpm) = 1760 Speed (rpm) = 1000 Speed (rpm) = 1200 Speed (rpm) = 1400 Speed (rpm) = 1600
Q (m3/h) Q2 H (m) H (fit) Q (m3/h) H (m) Q (m3/h) H (m) Q (m3/h) H (m) Q (m3/h) H (m)
0 0 52 49 0 16 0 22.8 0 31 0 40.6
114 12996 48.7 48.9 64.5 15.8 77 22.7 90 30.8 103 40.4
228 51984 47 48.7 129 15.5 155 22.3 180.5 30.3 206 39.5
341 116281 45 48.3 193 15 232 21.5 271 29.3 310 38.2
454 206116 43 47.8 258 14.2 310 20.5 361 27.8 413 36.3
568 322624 41 47.2 322.5 13.3 387 19 452 26 516 34
681 463761 37 46.4 387 12.1 464 17.4 542 23.7 619 31
795 632025 34 45.4 452 10.8 542 15.5 632 21.1 723 27.6
908 824464 29 44.3 516 9.2 619 13.3 723 18 826 23.5

Data from Fig. D.8 is “eyeballed”

The fit to data is obtained from a least squares fit to H = H 0 − AQ 2

H 0 = 49 m
A = 5.68 × 10−6 m/ ( m3 /h )

Fig D.8 Date
H (m)

1000 rpm
1600 rpm 1400 rpm 1200 rpm
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Q (m3/h)
Problem 10.27 [Difficulty: 3]

Problem 10.28 [Difficulty: 3]

10.28 Performance curves for Peerless horizontal split case pumps

are presented in Appendix D. Develop and plot curve-fits for a
Type 16A18B pump, with impeller diameter D = 460 mm,
driven at 705 and 880 nominal rpm. Verify the effects of pump
speed on scaling pump curves using the procedure described in
Example 10.6.

Solution: Tabulate performance data and curve-fits:

705 rpm: Q (m /h) 0 454 908 1362 1816 BEP: 1420
H (m) 18 17 15 13 10 12.8
Curve-fit: Hˆ ( m ) = 18 − 10 Q m /h
−6 3
 ( ) 2
; r = 0.999
880 rpm: Q (m /h) 0 454 908 1362 1816 BEP: 1794
H (m) 28 24 27 21 26 21.1
Curve-fit: Hˆ ( m ) = 27.9 − 2 × 10 Q m /h  ; r = 0.996
−6 3 2
 ( )

Total Head, H (m)




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Volume Flow Rate, Q (m3/h)

Using the procedure of Example Problem 10.6:

2 2
 w'   880 
Qb ' = QB = 0; H B ' = H B   = 18 m   = 28 m
w  705 
 w'   880 
QC ' = QC   = 1420 m3 /h  3
 = 1772 m /h
w  705 
2 2
 w'   880 
H C ' = H C   = 12.8 m   = 20 m
w  705 

Comparing the curve-fit parameter shown good agreement:

Ĥ = H 0 − AQ 2 H 0 = 27.9 m compared to H B' = 28 m

A ' = 2 × 10−6 m/ ( m3 /h ) 

2 
within 2.0%
A ' = 1 × 10−6 m/ ( m 3 /h ) 
Problem 10.29 [Difficulty: 4]

10.29 Catalog data for a centrifugal water pump at design conditions are
Q=57 m3/h and ∆p = 128kPa at 1750 rpm. A laboratory flume requires
45 m3/h at 9.8 m of head. The only motor available develops 2.2 kW at
1750 rpm. Is this motor suitable for the laboratory flume? How might the
pump/motor match be improved?

Solution: To obtain efficiency and pump power requirement, find specific speed.

∆p 3 N m3 m3
H= = 128 ×10 2 × = 13.1 m ; Q = 57 = 0.016 m3 /s
ρg m 9800 N h
1/ 2
NQ1/ 2 1750 rpm ( 57 m / h )

NScu = 3/4 = 3/4

= 1919
H (13.1 m )
From Fig. 10.15, η ≈ 0.73. Thus

W ρ QgH 1 9800 N 0.016 m3

Wm = n = = × × × 13.1 m = 2.814 kW
η η 0.73 m3 3
The motor is not suitable to drive the pump directly.
The pump at 1750 rpm produces more head and flow than necessary. It may be run at reduced speed, e.g., by using a
belt drive.

Qp Qf 47
To produce Q f = 45 m3 / h , solve 3
= 3
; wf = × 1750 = 1382 rpm
wp Dp wf Df 57

Hp Hf Hf 9.8
To produce H f = 9.8 m , solve 2 2
= 2 2
; wf = wp = × 1750 = 1514 rpm
wp Dp wf Df Hp 13.1

ρp ρf
At 1510 rpm the power requirement will be given by 3 5
= , so
w D p p w D5f

w   1514 

ρ f = ρp  f  = 2814 W   = 1.82 kW
w  1750 
 p 
This is well within the capability of the 2.2 kW motor. Therefore run pump at 1514 rpm.
Problem 10.30 [Difficulty: 3] Part 1/2



[Difficulty: 3] Part 2/2
Problem 10.31 [Difficulty: 5]

10.31 White [53] suggests modeling the efficiency for a centrifugal pump
using the curve-fit, η = aQ − bQ , where a and b are constants. Describe a
procedure to evaluate a and b from experimental data. Evaluate a and b
using data for the Peerless Type 10AE12 pump, with impeller diameter
D = 305 mm, at 1760 rpm (Appendix D). Plot and illustrate the accuracy of
the curve-fit by comparing measured and predicted efficiencies for this pump.

Solution: From Fig. D.8, data are:

η (%) 70 75 80 84 86 86 84

Q (m3 /h) 420 477 545 631 704 840 925

Two equations are needed to solve for constants a and b directly. A second equation may be obtained by
differentiating. At peak efficiency,

= a − 3bQ 2 = 0
Assume peak efficiency is 87 percent at 772 m3 /hr. Then
ηmax = aQ − bQ 3
0 = a − 3bQ 2
Substituting from the second equation into the first gives
ηmax = 3bQ3 - bQ3 = 2bQ3 ; b = 3
= 9.95 ×10-8 ; a = 3bQ 2 = 0.0384

Data from Fig. D.8

Efficiency, η (%)


n = aQ – bQ3

230 460 690 920 1150
Volume Flow Rate, Q (m3/h)
The curve-fit does a good job near peak efficiency, but tends to underestimate the measured data elsewhere.
An alternative curve-fit procedure is to plot η /Q versus a − bQ , then do a least-squares fit (using all the data)
to obtain a and b. Then a = 11.3 (m3 /h) −1 , b = −1.1 × 10 −4 ( m 3 / h ) , r 2 = 0.996. This underestimates η
at Q > 795 m /h.
Problem 10.32 [Difficulty: 3]

Given: Data on a model fan, smaller scale similar fan

Find: Scale factor and volumetric flow rate of similar fan

Basic equations:
Q1 Q2 H1 H2
 
3 3 2 2 2 2
ω1  D1 ω2  D2 ω1  D1 ω2  D2

The given or available data is ω1  1440 rpm ω2  1800 rpm

Q1  6.3 H1  0.15 m H2  H1  0.15 m

D2 ω1 H2 D2
Solving the head equation for the scale D 2/D1:    0.8  0.8
D1 ω2 H1 D1

 D2 
ω2 m
We can use this to find the new flowrate: Q2  Q1    Q2  4.03
ω1 D1
  s
Problem 10.33 [Difficulty: 2]

10.33 Data from tests of a pump operated at 1500 rpm, with a 30 cm diameter
impeller, are

Flow rate, Q (m3 / s × 103 ) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Net positive suction head
required, NPSR (m) 2.2 2.4 2.6 3.1 3.6 4.1 5.1

Develop and plot a curve-fit equation for NPSHR versus volume flow rate in the
form NPSHR = a + bQ , where a and b are constants. If the NPSHA = 6 m,
estimate the maximum allowable flow rate of this pump.

Given: Data on a NPSHR for a pump.

Find: Curve fit; Maximum allowable flow rate.

Solution: The results were generated in Excel:

Q (m 3 /s × 103 ) Q2 NPSHR (m) NPSHR (fit)

10 1.00E+02 2.2 2.2
20 4.00E+02 2.4 2.4
30 9.00E+02 2.6 2.7
40 1.60E+03 3.1 3.1
50 2.50E+03 3.6 3.6
60 3.60E+03 4.1 4.2
70 4.90E+03 5.1 5.0

The fit to data is obtained from a least squares fit to NPSHR = a + bQ 2

a = 2.12 m Q (m3 /s × 103 ) NPSHR (m)

3 2
b = 5.88E − 04 m / ( m3 /s × 10 ) 81.2 6.00
Use Goal Seek to find Q!

Q ( m3 /s × 103 )
Problem 10.34 [Difficulty: 3]

10.34 The net positive suction head required (NPSHR) by a pump

may be expressed approximately as a parabolic function of volume
flow rate. The NPSHR for a particular pump operating at 1800 rpm is
given as H r = H 0 = AQ 2 , where H 0 = 3 m of water and 3000 m/(m3/s)2.
Assume the pipe system supplying the pump suction consists of a
reservoir, whose surface is 6 m above the pump centerline, a square
entrance, 6 m of 15 cm, (nominal) cast-iron pipe, and a 90° elbow.
Calculate the maximum volume flow rate at 20°C for which the
suction head is sufficient to operate this pump without cavitation.

Given: Pump and supply pipe system.

Find: Maximum operational flow rate.


 p1 V12   p2 V2 2 
Basic equations:  + α1 ⋅ + g ⋅ z1  −  + α 2 ⋅ + g ⋅ z 2  = h lT
ρ 2   ρ 2 

L V2 L V2 V2
h IT = f ⋅ ⋅ +f ⋅ e ⋅ + K. L e for the elbow, and K for the square entrance
D 2 D 2 2

pt − pv
NPSHA = Hr = H0 + A ⋅ Q2

Assumptions: 1) p1 = 0 2) V1 = 0 3) α 2 = 1 4) z 2 = 0

We must match the NPSHR (=Hr) and NPSHA From the energy equation

p V2  L V2 L V2 V2 p2 V2  L L  
g⋅H− 2 +  = f ⋅ ⋅ +f ⋅ e ⋅ +K⋅ = H− ⋅ 1 + f ⋅  + e  + K 
 ρ 2  D 2 D 2 2 ρ⋅g 2⋅g  D D  

pt − pv p2 p V2 p V2   L L   ( patm − p v )
NPSHA = = + atm + 2 − v NPSHA = H − ⋅ f ⋅  + e  + K  +
ρ⋅g ρ⋅g ρ⋅g 2⋅g p⋅g 2⋅g  D D   ρ⋅g

Calculated results and plot were generated using Excel:

Given data: Compared results:

Q (m 3 /s) V (m/s) Re f NPSHA (m) NPSHR (m)

L = 6 m 0.010 0.566 8.40E+04 0.0247 16.0 3.30
e = 0.26 mm 0.015 0.849 1.26E+05 0.0247 16.0 3.68
D = 15 cm 0.020 1.13 1.68E+05 0.0237 15.9 4.20
Kent = 0.5 0.025 1.41 2.10E+05 0.0235 15.8 4.88
Le/D = 30 0.030 1.70 2.52E+05 0.0233 15.7 5.70
H0 = 3 m 0.035 1.98 2.94E+05 0.0232 15.6 6.68
A = 3000 m/(m3/s)2 0.040 2.26 3.36E+05 0.0232 15.5 7.80
H = 6 m 0.045 2.55 3.78E+05 0.0231 15.4 9.08
patm = 101 kPa 0.050 2.83 4.20E+05 0.0230 15.2 10.5
pv = 2.34 kPa 0.055 3.11 4.62E+05 0.0230 15.0 12.1
ρ = 1000 kg/m3 0.060 3.40 5.04E+05 0.0230 14.8 13.8
v = 1.01E-06 m2/s 0.065 3.68 5.46E+05 0.0229 14.6 15.7
0.070 3.96 5.88E+05 0.0229 14.4 17.7
Crossover point 0.0625 3.54 5.25E+0.5 0.0229 14.7 14.7 0.00



Head (m)


0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
Q (m3/s)
Problem 10.35 [Difficulty: 2]

10.35 A centrifugal pump, operating at N = 2265 rpm, lifts water

between two reservoirs connected by 90 m of 150 mm and 30 m
of 75 mm cast-iron pipe in series. The gravity lift is 7.6 m.
Estimate the head requirement, power needed, and hourly cost of
electrical energy to pump water at 45 m3/h to the higher
reservoir. Assume that electricity costs 12¢/kWhr, and that the
electric motor efficiency is 85 percent.


Apply the energy equation to the total system for steady, incompressible flow using  and  at reservoir surfaces.

p3 V32 p4 V4 2 he
Computing eq.: + α3 + z3 + H a = + α4 + z4 + T (10.24b)
ρg 2g ρg 2g g

L1 V12 L V2
heT = f1 + f2 2 2
D1 2 D2 2

Assumptions: (1) p3 = p 4 = p atm , V3 = V4 = 0

(2) neglect minor losses


L1 V12 L V2
H a = z4 − z3 + f1 + f 2 2 2 …………..(1)
D1 2 g D2 2 g

Q m3 1h 4
V1 = = 45 × ×π 2
= 0.71m/s
A1 h 3600 s ( 0.15 ) m 2

V2 = 2.83 m/s For water at 15°C, V = 1.14 ×10 −6 m 2 / s (Table A.8)

V1 D1 m 150 m 1 s
Re1 = = 0.71 × × −6
= 9.34 × 104
V s 1000 1.14 × 10 m 2

Re2 = 1.86 × 105 . From Table 8.1 for cast iron, e = 0.26 mm

e /D1 = 0.0017, e /D2 = 0.0034

From Eq. 8.37, f1 = 0.0244, f 2 = 0.0278 . Substituting into (1)

2 2
90 × 100 ( 0.71) m 2 s2 30 × 1000 ( 2.83) m 2 s2
H a = 7.6 m + 0.0244 × × ⋅ 2 × + 0.0278 × × ⋅ ×
150 2 s 9.8 m 75 2 s 9.81 m

H a = 12.5 m Ha

1/ 2
NQ1/ 2 2265 ( 45 )
Specific speed. N scu = 3/4 = 3/ 4
= 2286
H (12.5)

Wh pQgH
From Fig. 10.15, η p = 0.75 . Then Pm = =
ηp ηp

1 45 m 3 1h 9800 N
Pm = × × × × 12.5 m = 1531W = 1.531kW pm
0.75 h 3600s m3

Cost = cPe . Since c = $0.12 / kw ⋅hr & ηm = 0.85

Then Pe = and

Pm $0.12 1.53 kW
Cost = c = × = $0.216/hr C
ηm kW⋅hr 0.85
Problem 10.36 [Difficulty: 5]


Given: Pump and supply pipe system

Find: Maximum operational flow rate as a function of temperature


 p V1
2   p V2
2  2 Le V2 2
1 2 L V V
Basic equations:  ρ  α1 2  g  z1   ρ  α2  2  g z2  h lTh lT  f  D  2  f  D  2  K 2
   
Le for the elbow, and K for the square
pt  pv entrance
NPSHA  Hr  H0  A Q
ρ g

Assumptions: 1) p 1 = 0 2) V1 = 0 3) α 2 = 0 4) z 2 = 0

We must match the NPSHR (=Hr) and NPSHA

 p2 V2  2 L 2 2 p2 2   L Le  
From the energy equation g H      f  L  V  f  e  V  K V  H
 1  f      K
ρ 2  D 2 D 2 2 ρ g 2 g  D D  

  L Le    patm  pv 
2 2
pt  pv p2 p atm V2 pv V
NPSHA      NPSHA  H   f  
   K 
ρ g ρ g ρ g 2 g ρ g 2 g   D D  ρ g

The results generated using Excel are shown on the next page.

Given data: Computed results:

Given data: Computed results:

o 3 3 3
L= 6 m T ( C) p v (kPa) ρ (kg/m ) ν (m /s) Q (m /s) V (m/s) Re f NPSHA (m)NPSHR (m) Error
e = 0.26 mm 0 0.661 1000 1.76E-06 0.06290 3.56 3.03E+05 0.0232 14.87 14.87 0.00
D= 15 cm 5 0.872 1000 1.51E-06 0.06286 3.56 3.53E+05 0.0231 14.85 14.85 0.00
K ent = 0.5 10 1.23 1000 1.30E-06 0.06278 3.55 4.10E+05 0.0230 14.82 14.82 0.00
L e /D = 30 15 1.71 999 1.14E-06 0.06269 3.55 4.67E+05 0.0230 14.79 14.79 0.00
H0 = 3 m 20 2.34 998 1.01E-06 0.06257 3.54 5.26E+05 0.0229 14.75 14.75 0.00
3 2
A= 3000 m/(m /s) 25 3.17 997 8.96E-07 0.06240 3.53 5.91E+05 0.0229 14.68 14.68 0.00
H= 6 m 30 4.25 996 8.03E-07 0.06216 3.52 6.57E+05 0.0229 14.59 14.59 0.00
p atm = 101 kPa 35 5.63 994 7.25E-07 0.06187 3.50 7.24E+05 0.0228 14.48 14.48 0.00
= 1000 kg/m 40 7.38 992 6.59E-07 0.06148 3.48 7.92E+05 0.0228 14.34 14.34 0.00
 = 1.01E-06 m /s 45 9.59 990 6.02E-07 0.06097 3.45 8.60E+05 0.0228 14.15 14.15 0.00
50 12.4 988 5.52E-07 0.06031 3.41 9.27E+05 0.0228 13.91 13.91 0.00
55 15.8 986 5.09E-07 0.05948 3.37 9.92E+05 0.0228 13.61 13.61 0.00
60 19.9 983 4.72E-07 0.05846 3.31 1.05E+06 0.0228 13.25 13.25 0.00
65 25.0 980 4.40E-07 0.05716 3.23 1.10E+06 0.0227 12.80 12.80 0.00
70 31.2 978 4.10E-07 0.05548 3.14 1.15E+06 0.0227 12.24 12.24 0.00
75 38.6 975 3.85E-07 0.05342 3.02 1.18E+06 0.0227 11.56 11.56 0.00
80 47.4 972 3.62E-07 0.05082 2.88 1.19E+06 0.0227 10.75 10.75 0.00
85 57.8 969 3.41E-07 0.04754 2.69 1.18E+06 0.0227 9.78 9.78 0.00
90 70.1 965 3.23E-07 0.04332 2.45 1.14E+06 0.0227 8.63 8.63 0.00
95 84.6 962 3.06E-07 0.03767 2.13 1.05E+06 0.0228 7.26 7.26 0.00
100 101 958 2.92E-07 0.02998 1.70 8.71E+05 0.0228 5.70 5.70 0.00
Use Solver to make the sum of absolute errors between NPSHA and NPSHR zero by varying the Q 's 0.00

NPSHR increases with temperature because the p v increases; NPHSA decreases because ρ decreases and p v increases

Maximum Flow Rate Versus Water temperature



Q (m /s)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
T ( C)
Problem 10.37 [Difficulty: 2]

10.37 Part of the water supply for the South Rim of Grand Canyon
National Park is taken from the Colorado River [54]. A flow rate of
136 m2/h taken from the river at elevation 1140 m, is pumped to a
storage tank atop the South Rim at 2140 m elevation. Part of the
pipeline is above ground and part is in a hole directionally drilled at
angles up to 70° from the vertical; the total pipe length is
approximately 4020 m. Under steady flow operating conditions, the
frictional head loss is 88 m of water in addition to the static lift.
Estimate the diameter of the commercial steel pipe in the system.
Compute the pumping power requirement if the pump efficiency is
61 percent.


Apply the energy equation to the total system for steady incompressible flow using  and  at inlet and reservoir
surface respectively.

p1 V12 p2 V2 2 he
Computing eq.: + α1 + z1 + H a = + α2 + z2 + T (10.24b)
ρg 2g ρg 2 g

L V2
heT = f
D 2

Assumptions: (1) p1 = p2 = patm , V1 = V2 ≈ 0

(2) neglect minor losses

heT heT L V2
Then H a = z2 − z1 + ……(1) and = f = 88 m
g g D 2g

Since f = f ( Re, e /D ) and D is unknown, we must iterate.

For commercial steed, e = 0.046mm

The procedure is assume D , calculate V , Re ; determine f (Eqs 8.37a, b); calculate heT /g and compare to value
88 m.
D (m) V (m / s) Re fo f 0.5 f h1T /g ( m )
0.3 0.53 1.48E+06 0.0139 8.517 0.0138 2.65
0.25 0.77 1.75E+06 0.0141 8.433 0.0141 6.85
0.20 1.2 2.14E+06 0.0146 8.306 0.0145 21.4
0.15 2.14 2.92E+06 0.0153 8.111 0.0152 95.1

Thus D = 150 mm D

The total pump head is H a = 2140 − 1140 + 88 = 1088 m

The pump power is Pm = = ρg
ηp ηp

1 9800 N 136 m3 h
Pm = × 3
× × × 1088 m
0.61 m h 3600 s

Pm = 660.33 kW Pm
Problem 10.38 [Difficulty: 3] Part 1

10.38 A Peerless horizontal split-case type 4AE12 pump with 280

mm.-diameter impeller, operating at 1750 rpm, lifts water
between two reservoirs connected by 61 m of 100 mm and 61 m
of 75 mm cast-iron pipe in series. The gravity lift is 3 m. Plot the
system head curve and determine the pump operating point.


Apply the energy equation to the total system for steady, incompressible flow using  and  at reservoir surfaces.

p3 V2 p V2 he
Computing eq.: + α 3 3 + z3 + H a = 4 + α 4 4 + z 4 + T (10.24b)
ρg 2g ρg 2g g

L1 V12 L V2
heT = f1 + f2 2 2
D1 2 g D2 2 g

Assumptions: (1) p3 = p4 = patm , V3 = V4 ≈ 0

(2) neglect minor losses


L1 V12 L V2
H a = z4 − z3 + f1 + f 2 2 2 …………..(1)
D1 2 g D2 2 g

Express V as a function of Q

Q 4Q 4  1000  2 m3 m3
V1 = = = ×   m ⋅ Q = 127.3 Q
A1 π D12 π  10  s s

V2 = 226.4 Q

The friction factor is determined from the Colebrook eq.

1  e /D 2.51 
= −2.0 log  + 0.5 
f  3.7 Re f 

using the equation of Miller for the original estimate

  e /D 5.74  
f 0 = 0.25 log  × 0.9   (8.37b)
  3.7 Re  

Assuming T = 15°C , V = 1.14 × 10−6 m 2 /s (Table A.8)

DV1 100 × 106

Re1 = = V1 = 0.877 × 105 V1 , Re 2 = 2.03x10 4 V2
V 1000 ×1.14

For cast iron, e = 0.26 mm (Table 8.1)

e /D1 = 0.0026 e /D2 = 0.00347

H a = 3m + f1 × 31.09 V12 + f 2 × 41.45 V2 2

The pump curve is obtained from Fig. D.4

[Difficulty: 3] Part 2

Q1(m3/s) V1(m/s) Re1 (fe)1 (f0.5)1 f1 V2(m/s) Re2 (fe)2 (f0.5)2 f2 Ha(m)
0 0 0.00E+00 0 0.00E+00 3
0.0032 0.41 3.60E+04 0.0289 5.882 0.0286 0.72 4.74E+04 0.0299 5.812 0.0296 3.79
0.0063 0.8 7.01E+04 0.0272 6.063 0.027 1.43 9.41E+04 0.0288 5.923 0.0285 5.95
0.0095 1.21 1.06E+05 0.0266 6.154 0.0264 2.15 1.41E+05 0.0283 5.985 0.0281 9.59
0.0126 1.6 1.40E+05 0.0263 6.193 0.0261 2.85 1.88E+05 0.0281 5.987 0.0279 14.47
0.0158 2.01 1.76E+05 0.0261 6.217 0.0259 3.58 2.36E+05 0.0279 5.998 0.0278 21.02
0.0189 2.4 2.10E+05 0.0259 6.233 0.0257 4.28 2.82E+05 0.0278 6.008 0.0277 28.65
0.0221 2.81 2.46E+05 0.0258 6.245 0.0256 5 3.29E+05 0.0277 6.019 0.0276 37.93
0.0252 3.21 2.82E+05 0.0257 6.255 0.0256 5.71 3.76E+05 0.0277 6.029 0.0276 48.53
0.0283 3.6 3.16E+05 0.0257 6.262 0.0255 6.41 4.22E+05 0.0276 6.033 0.0275 80.19

Q1(m3/s) H1(m)
0 38.4
0.0063 38.4
0.0126 38.1
0.0189 36.6
0.0252 34.4
0.0315 30.5
0.0379 25.9
Problem 10.39 [Difficulty: 3]

10.39 A pump transfers water from one reservoir to another

through two cast-iron pipes in series. The first is 915 m of 230
mm pipe and the second is 300 m of 150 mm pipe. A constant
flow rate of 17 m3/h is tapped off at the junction between the two
pipes. Obtain and plot the system head versus flow rate curve.
Find the delivery if the system is supplied by the pump of
Example 10.6, operating at 1750 rpm.

Given: Data on pump and pipe system.

Find: Delivery through system.


Governing Equations:

For the pump and system

 p1 V12   p2 V22 
 + α1 + gz −
1  + α 2 + gz2  = hlT − ∆hpump (8.49)
ρ 2   ρ 2 

where the total head loss is comprised of major and minor losses

L V2
hl = f (8.34)
D 2

hlm = K (8.40a)

and the pump head (in energy/mass) is given by (from Example 10.6)

H pump ( ft ) = 17.0 − 1.95 ×10−4 Q ( m3 / h ) 

Hence, applied between the two reservoir free surfaces ( p1 = p2 = 0, V1 = V2 = 0, z1 = z2 ) we have

0 = h1T − ∆h pump
h1T = g ⋅ Hsystem = ∆h pump = g ⋅ H pump (1)
or H1T = H pump
 L  V2  L  V2
where H1T =  f1 ⋅ 1 + K ent  ⋅ 1 +  f 2 ⋅ 2 + K exit  ⋅ 2
 D1  2 ⋅ g  D2  2

Results generated in Excel are shown on the next page.

Given or available data:

L1 = 915 m v = 1.4E − 06 m 2 /s ( Table A.8 )

D1 = 230 mm K ent = 0.5 ( Fig.8.14 )

L2 = 300 m K exp = 1

D2 = 150 mm Qloss = 17 m3 /h

e = 0.26 mm ( Table 8.1)

The system and pump heads are computed and plotted below.
To find the operating condition, Goal Seek is used to vary Q1
so that the error between the two heads is zero.

Ql(m3/h) Q2(m3/h) V1(m/s) V2(m/s) Re1 Re2 f1 f2 H1T(m) Hpump(m)

22.7 5.7 0.15 0.09 30667 11842 0.0262 0.0323 0.15 16.94
45.4 28.4 0.3 0.45 60526 58210 0.0238 0.0254 0.97 16.6
68 51 0.46 0.8 92807 105263 0.0228 0.0243 2.6 16.1
91 74 0.61 1.16 123070 152631 0.0222 0.0238 5.02 15.36
114 96 0.76 1.51 153333 198684 0.0219 0.0235 8.16 14.42
136 119 0.91 1.87 183596 246052 0.0216 0.0233 12.13 13.26
159 142 1.06 2.23 213860 293421 0.0215 0.0232 16.94 11.89

Ql(m3/h) Q2(m3/h) V1(m/s) V2(m/s) Re1 Re2 f1 f2 H1T(m) Hpump(m) Error

142 125 0.95 1.97 191667 259210 0.0215 0.02233 13 13 0%

Pump and System Heads

H (m)

6 System
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Q (m /h)
Problem 10.40 [Difficulty: 3]

10.40 Performance data for a pump are

H(m) 27.5 27 25 22 18 13 6.5

Q(m3/s) 0 0.025 0.050 0.075 0.100 0.125 0.150
The pump is to be used to move water between two open
reservoirs with an elevation increase of 7.5 m. The connecting
pipe system consists of 500 m of commercial steel pipe
containing two 90° elbows and an open gate valve. Find the flow
rate if we use (a) 20 cm, (b) 30 cm, and (c) 40 cm (nominal)

Given: Pump and reservoir/pipe system.

Find: Flow rate using different pipe sizes.


 p1 V12   p2 V2 2 
Basic equations:  + α1 ⋅ + g ⋅ z −
1  + α 2 ⋅ + g ⋅ z 2  = h1T − h p
ρ 2   ρ 2 

L V2 L V2 V2
h1T = f ⋅ ⋅ + Σ⋅f ⋅ e ⋅ + Σ⋅K ⋅ Le for the elbows, and K for the square
D 2 D 2 2
entrance and exit and also H=

Assumptions: 1) p1 = p 2 = p atm 2) V1 = V2 = 0 3) α = 1 4) z1 = 0, z 2 = 24 ⋅ ft 4) K = K ent + K exp 5)
is for two elbows

L V2 L V2 V2
Hence h1T = f ⋅ ⋅ +f⋅ e ⋅ +K⋅ and also − z 2 = H1T − H p or H1T = H p − z 2
D 2 D 2 2

We want to find a flow that satisfies these equations, rewritten as energy/weight rather than energy/mass

 L L   V2
H1T = f ⋅  + e  + K  ⋅ H1T + z 2 = H p
 D D   2⋅g

Here are the results calculated in Excel:

Given or available data (Note: final results will vary depending on fluid data selected):

L = 500 m K ent = 0.5 ( Fig. 8.14 )

e = 0.046 m ( Table 8.1) K exp = 1

D = 20 cm Le /Delbow = 60 ( Two )
v = 1.01E − 06 m 2 /s ( Table A.8 ) Le /Dvalve = 8 ( Table 8.4 )
z2 = 7.5 m

The pump data is curve-fitted to H pump = H 0 − AQ 2 .

The system and pump heads are computed and plotted below.
To find the operating condition, Solver is used to vary Q
so that the error between the two heads is minimized.

Q (m3/s) Q2 Hp (m) V (m/s) Re f Hp(m) H1T + z2(m)

0.000 0.00000 27.5 0.00 0 0.0000 27 7.5
0.025 0.00063 27.0 0.80 157579 0.0179 27 9.0
0.050 0.00250 25.0 1.59 315158 0.0164 25 13.1
0.075 0.00563 22.0 2.39 472737 0.0158 22 19.7
0.100 0.01000 18.0 3.18 630317 0.0154 18 28.7
0.125 0.01563 13.0 3.98 787896 0.0152 12.9 40.2
0.150 0.02250 6.5 4.77 945475 0.0150 6.5 54.1

H 0 = 27 m
A = 9.30E + 02/(m3 /s) 2

Q(m3 /s) V (m/s) Re f H p (m) H1T + z2 (m) Error

0.0803 2.56 506221 0.0157 21.4 21.4 0.00%

Repeating for: D = 30 cm

Q(m3 /s) V (m/s) Re f H p (m) H1T + z2 (m) Error

0.1284 1.82 539344 0.0149 12.1 12.1 0.00%

Repeating for: D = 40 cm

Q(m3 /s) V (m/s) Re f H p (m) H1T + z2 (m) Error

0.1413 1.12 445179 0.0148 8.9 8.9 0.00%
Problem 10.41 [Difficulty: 3]

10.41 Performance data for a pump are

H (m) 55 54 50 44 36 26 13
Q (m3/s) 0 105 210 315 420 525 630

Estimate the delivery when the pump is used to move water

between two open reservoirs, through 365 m of 305 mm
commercial steel pipe containing two 90° elbows and an open
gate valve, if the elevation increase is 15 m. Determine the gate
valve loss coefficient needed to reduce the volume flow rate by

Given: Data on pump and pipe system.

Find: Deliver through system, valve position to reduce delivery by half.


Governing Equations:

For the pump and system

 p1 V12   p2 V22 
 + α1 + gz1  −  + α 2 + gz2  = hlT − ∆hpump (8.49)
ρ 2   ρ 2 

where the total head loss is comprised of major and minor losses

L V2
hl = f ( 8.34 )
D 2
L V2
hlm = f e ( 8.40b )
D 2
hlm = K ( 8.40a )

Hence, applied between the two reservoir free surfaces ( p1 = p2 = 0, V1 = V2 = 0, z1 − z2 = ∆z ) we have

g ⋅ ∆z = h1T − ∆h pump
h1T + g ⋅ ∆z = g ⋅ Hsystem + g ⋅ ∆ z = ∆h pump = g ⋅ H pump

or H1T + ∆ z = H pump

 L Le Le   V2
where H1T = f ⋅  + 2 ⋅ +  + K ent + K exit  ⋅
 D D elbow D valve   2⋅g

The calculations performed using Excel are shown on the next page:

Given or available data (Note: final results will vary depending on fluid data selected):

L = 365 m K ent = 0.5 ( Fig. 8.14 )

D = 305 mm K exp = 1

e = 0.046 mm (Table 8.1) Le /Delbow = 30

v = 1.14 × 10−6 (Table A.7) Le /Dvalve = 8 ( Table 8.4 )
Hz = −15 m
The pump data us curve-fitted to H pump = H − AQ2 .
The system and pump heads are computed and plotted below.
To find the operating condition, Solver is used to vary Q
so that the error between the two heads is minimized.

Q (m3/h) Q2 (m3/h) Hpump(m) V (m/s) Re f Hp(m) H1T + z2(m)

0 0 0
0 0 55 55 15
0.4 107017 0.0185
105 11025 54 54 15.2
0.8 214035 0.0166
210 44100 50 51 15.7
1.2 321052 0.0157
315 99225 44 46 16.6
1.6 428070 0.0152
420 176400 36 39 17.7
2 535087 0.0148
525 275625 26 30 19.1
2.4 642106 0.0146
630 396900 13 19 21

H o = 55 m
A = 8.98E-05 m/ ( m3 /h )

Q(m3/h) V(m/s) Re f Hpump(m) H1T + ∆z (m) Error

614 2.33 623377 0.0146 21 21 0%
Pump and System Heads

Pump Curve Fit
48 Pump Data
42 Total Head Loss
H (m)

0 110 220 330 440 550 660 770
Q (m3/h)

For the valve setting to reduce the flow by half, use Solver to vary below to minimize the error.

Le /Dvalve = 40858

Q (m3/h) V (m/s) Re f Hpump (m) H1T + ∆z (m) Error

307 1.17 313026 0.0158 46.5 46.5 0%
Problem 10.42 [Difficulty: 3]

10.42 Consider again the pump and piping system of Problem 10.41. Determine
the volume flow rate and gate valve loss coefficient for the case of two identical
pumps installed in series.

Given: Data on pump and pipe system.

Find: Deliver through system; valve position to reduce delivery by half.


Governing Equations:

For the pumps and system

 p1 V12   p2 V22 
 + α1 + gz −
1  + α 2 + gz2  = hlT − ∆hpump (8.49)
ρ 2   ρ 2 

where the total head loss is comprised of major and minor losses

L V2
hl = f (8.34)
D 2

Le V 2
hlm = f (8.40b)
D 2

hlm = K (8.40a)

Hence, applied between the two reservoir free surfaces ( p1 = p2 = 0, V1 = V2 = 0, z1 − z2 = ∆z ) we have

g ⋅ ∆z = h1T − ∆h pump

h1T + g ⋅ ∆z = g ⋅ Hsystem + g ⋅ ∆ z = ∆h pump = g ⋅ H pump

or H1T + ∆ z = H pump
 L L L   V2
where H1T = f ⋅  + 2 ⋅ e + e  + K ent + K exit  ⋅
 D D elbow D valve   2⋅g

For pumps in series H pump = 2 ⋅ H 0 − 2 ⋅ A ⋅ Q 2

where for a single pump H pump = H 0 − A ⋅ Q 2

The calculations in Excel are shown on the next page.

Given or available data (Note: final results will vary depending on fluid data selected):

L = 365 m K ent = 0.5 ( Fig. 8.14 )

D = 305 mm K exp = 1

e = 0.046 mm ( Table 8.1) Le /Delbow = 30

v = 1.14 × 10−6 ( Table A.8) Le /Dvalve = 8 ( Table 8.4 )
∆z = −15 m
The pump data us curve-fitted to H pump = H0 − AQ 2 .
The system and pump heads are computed and plotted below.
To find the operating condition, Solver is used to vary Q
so that the error between the two heads is minimized.

Q (m3/h) Q2 (m3/h) Hpump(m) Hpump(m) V (m/s) Re f Hpump(m) HlT + ∆z(m)

0 0 55 55 0 0 0 110 15
105 11025 54 54 0.4 107017 0.0185 108 15.2
210 44100 50 51 0.8 214035 0.0166 101 15.7
315 99225 44 46 1.2 321052 0.0157 90 16.6
420 176400 36 39 1.6 428070 0.0152 75 17.7
525 275625 26 30 2 535087 0.0148 56 19.1
630 396900 13 19 2.4 642105 0.0146 32 21
738 2.8 749123 0.0144 12 23

H o = 55 m
A = 8.98E-05 m/ ( m3 /h )
Q (m3/h) V (m/s) Re f Hpump (m) H1T + ∆z (m) Error
696 2.65 708991 0.0145 22 22 0%

For the valve setting to reduce the flow by half, use Solver to vary below to minimize the error.

Le /Dvalve = 62720
Q (m3/h) V (m/s) Re f Hpump (m) H1T + ∆z (m) Error
348 1.32 353157 0.0155 88.2 88.2 0%

Pump and System Heads

Pump Curve Fit
Pump Data
Total Head Loss
Pumps in Series
H (m)

0 230 460 690 920
Q (m3/h)
Problem 10.43 [Difficulty: 4]

10.43 The resistance of a given pipe increases with age as deposits

form, increasing the roughness and reducing the pipe diameter (see
Fig. 8.14). Typical multipliers to be applied to the friction factor are
given in [15]:

Pipe Age Small Pipes, Large Pipes,

(years) 100–250 mm 300–1500 mm
New 1.00 1.00
10 2.20 1.60
20 5.00 2.00
30 7.25 2.20
40 8.75 2.40
50 9.60 2.86
60 10.0 3.70
70 10.1 4.70

Consider again the pump and piping system of Problem 10.41.

Estimate the percentage reductions in volume flow rate that occur
after (a) 20 years and (b) 40 years of use, if the pump characteristics
remain constant. Repeat the calculation if the pump head is reduced
10 percent after 20 years of use and 25 percent after 40 years.

Given: Data on pump and pipe system, and their aging.

Find: Reduction in delivery through system after 20 and 40 years (aging and non-aging pumps).


Given or available data (Note: final results will vary depending on fluid data selected):

L = 365 m K ent = 0.5 ( Fig. 8.14 )

D = 305 mm K exp = 1
e = ( Table 8.1) 0.046 mm Le /Delbow = 30
−6 2
v = 1.14 ×10 m /s (Table A.8) Le /Dvalve = 8 ( Table 8.4 )
∆ z = − 15 m

Governing Equations:

For the pump and system

 P1 V12   P2 V22 
 + α1 + gz −
1  + α 2 + gz2  = hlT − ∆hpump (8.49)
ρ 2  ρ 2 
where the total head loss is comprised of major and minor losses

L V2
hl = f (8.34)
D 2

Le V 2
hlm = f (8.40b)
D 2

hlm = K (8.40a)

Hence, applied between the two reservoir free surfaces ( p1 = p2 = 0, V1 = V2 = 0, z1 − z2 = ∆z ) we have

g ⋅ ∆z=h1T − ∆h pump

h1T + g ⋅ ∆z = g ⋅ Hsystem + g ⋅ ∆z = ∆h pump = g ⋅ H pump

or H1T + ∆z = H pump

 L Le Le   V2
where H1T = f ⋅  + 2 ⋅ +  + K ent + K exit  ⋅
 D D elbow D valve   2⋅g

The pump data is curve-fitted to H pump = H 0 − AQ 2 .

The system and pump heads are computed and plotted below.
To find the operating condition, Solver is used to vary Q
so that the error between the two heads is minimized.

New System:

Q (m3/h) Q2 (m3/h) Hpump(m) V (m/s) Re f Hpump(m) H1T + ∆z(m)

0 0 55 0 0 0 55 15
105 11025 54 0.4 107017 0.0185 54 15.2
210 44100 50 0.8 214035 0.0166 51 15.7
315 99225 44 1.2 321052 0.0157 46 16.6
420 176400 36 1.6 428070 0.0152 39 17.7
525 275625 26 2 535087 0.0148 30 19.1
630 396900 13 2.4 642106 0.0146 19 21

H0 = 55 m
A = 8.98E-05 m/(m3 /h)
Q(m3/h) V(m/s) Re f Hpump(m) H1T + ∆z (m) Error
614 2.33 623377 0.0146 21 21 0%

Pump and System Heads -When New

54 Pump Curve Fit
48 Pump Data
42 Total Head Loss
H (m) 30
0 115 230 345 460 575 690 805
Q (m3/h)

20-year Old System:

f = 2.00 f new

Q(m3/h) V(m/s) Re f Hpump(m) H1T + ∆z (m) Error Flow reduction:

577 2.19 585921 0.0295 25 25 0%
37 m3 /h
6.0% loss
40-Year Old System:

f = 2.40 f new

Q(m3/h) V(m/s) Re f Hpump(m) H1T + ∆z (m) Error Flow reduction:

564 2.14 572544 0.0355 26 26 0%
50 m 3 /h
8.2% loss
20-Year Old System and Pump:

f = 2.00 f new H pump = 0.90 H new

Q(m3/h) V(m/s) Re f Hpump(m) H1T + ∆z (m) Error Flow reduction:

557 2.12 567193 0.0296 24 24 0%
57 m3 /h
9.3% loss
40-Year Old System and Pump:

f = 2.40 f new H pump = 0.75 H new

Q(m3/h) V(m/s) Re f Hpump(m) H1T + ∆z (m) Error Flow reduction:
503 1.91 511008 0.0358 24 24 0%
111 m3 /h
18.1% loss
Problem 10.44 [Difficulty: 4]

10.44 Consider again the pump and piping system of Problem 10.62. Estimate
the percentage reductions in volume flow rate that occur after (a) 20 years and
(b) 40 years of use, if the pump characteristics remain constant. Repeat the
calculation if the pump head is reduced 10 percent after 20 years of use and 25
percent after 40 years. (Use the data of Problem 10.43 for increase in pipe
friction factor with age.)

Given: Data on pump and pipe system.

Find: Delivery through series pump system; reduction after 20 and 40 years.
Pump and System Heads

Solution: 120
Pump Curve Fit
Pump Data
105 Total Head Loss
90 Pumps in Series

H (m)
0 230 460 690 920
Q (m3/h)

Given or available data (Note: final results will vary depending on fluid data selected):

L = 365 m K ent = 0.5 ( Fig. 8.14 )

D = 305 mm K exp = 1
e = 0.046 mm ( Table8.1) Le /Delbow = 30
v = 1.14 × 10−6 ( Table A.7 ) Le /Dvalve = 8 ( Table 8.4 )
∆z = −15 m
Governing Equations:
For the pumps and system
 P1 V12   P2 V22 
 + α1 + gz −
1  + α 2 + gz2  = hlT − ∆hpump (8.49)
ρ 2  ρ 2 
where the total head loss is comprised of major and minor losses

L V2
ht = f (8.34)
D 2

Le V 2
hlm = f (8.40b)
D 2
hlm = K (8.40a)
Hence, applied between the two reservoir free surfaces ( p1 = p2 = 0, V1 = V2 = 0, z1 − z2 = ∆z ) we have
g ⋅ ∆z = h1T − ∆h pump

h1T + g ⋅ ∆z = g ⋅ Hsystem + g ⋅ ∆z = ∆h pump = g ⋅ H pump

or H1T + ∆z = H pump

 L L L   V2
where H1T = f ⋅  + 2 ⋅ e + e  + K ent + K exit  ⋅
 D D elbow D valve   2⋅g

For pumps is series H pump = 2 ⋅ H 0 − 2 ⋅ A ⋅ Q 2

where for a single pump H pump = H 0 − A ⋅ Q 2

The pump data is curve-fitted to H pump = H 0 − AQ2 .

The system and pump heads are computed and plotted below. To find the operating condition, Solver is used to vary
Q so that the error between the two heads is minimized.

New System:
Q (m3/h) Q2 (m3/h) Hpump(m) Hpump (fit) V (m/s) Re f
Hpump (par) H1T + ∆z (m)
0 0 55 55 0 0 0
105 11025 54 54 0.4 107017 0.0185 110 15
210 44100 50 51 0.8 214035 0.0166 108 15.2
315 99225 44 46 1.2 321052 0.0157 101 15.7
420 176400 36 39 1.6 428070 0.0152 90 16.6
525 275625 26 30 2 535087 0.0148 75 17.7
630 396900 13 19 2.4 642105 0.0146 56 19.1
738 2.8 749123 0.0144 32 21
12 23

H o = 55m
A = 8.98E-05 m/ ( m 3 / h )

Q (m3/h) V (m/s) Re f Hpump (m) H1T + ∆z (m) Error

696 2.65 708991 0.0145 22 22 0%

20-year Old System:

f = 2.00 f new
Flow reduction:
28 m 3 /h
3.3% Loss
Q (m3/h) V (m/s) Re f Hpump(m) H1T + ∆z (m) Error
673 2.56 684912 0.029 28 28 0%

40-Year Old System:

f = 2.40 f new

Q (m3/h) V (m/s) Re f Hpumps(par) H1T + ∆z (m) Error Flow reduction:

664 2.52 674210 0.0348 30 30 0% 32 m3 /h
4.6% Loss

20-Year Old System and Pump:

f = 2.00 f new H pump = 0.90 H new

Q (m3/h) V (m/s) Re f Hpumps(par) H1T + ∆z (m) Error Flow reduction:

662 2.51 671535 0.029 28 28 0% 34 m3 /h
4.9% Loss
40-Year Old System and Pump:

f = 2.40 f new H pump = 0.75 H new

Q (m3/h) V (m/s) Re f Hpumps(par) H1T + ∆z (m) Error Flow reduction:

629 2.39 639430 0.035 29 29 0% 67 m3 /h
9.6% Loss
Problem 10.45 [Difficulty: 3]

Given: Water supply for Englewood, CO

Find: (a) system resistance curve

(b) specify appropriate pumping system
(c) estimate power required for steady-state operation at two specified flow rates

 p V1
2   p V2
2 
1 2
Basic equations: ρ  α 
1 2  g  z 
1  ρ  α 
2 2  g  z 2  h lT  h p
   
2 Le V 2
h ρ Q g  Hp
h lT  f    Σ f    Σ K H Wp 
D 2 D 2 2 g ηp

Assumptions: 1) p 1 = p2 = patm 2) V 1 = V2 = 0 3) Kent = 0 4) Kexit = 1 5) L e/D = 0

2 2
g  z1  z2   f   1 
  Hp  z2  z1   f   1 
 
Hence  h p or
 D  2  D  2 g
The results calculated using Excel are shown below:
Given or available data (Note: final results will vary depending on fluid data selected):

L = 1770 m z 1 = 1610 m
e = 0.046 mm (Table 8.1) z 2 = 1620 m
D = 68.5 cm ρ = 998 kg/m
ν = 1.01E-06 m /s (Table A.8)

The required pump head is computed and plotted below.

Q (m /hr) V (m/s) Re f H p (m)
0 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0000 10.0
500 0.38 2.56E+05 0.0155 10.3
1000 0.75 5.11E+05 0.0140 11.1
1500 1.13 7.67E+05 0.0133 12.3
2000 1.51 1.02E+06 0.0129 14.0
2500 1.88 1.28E+06 0.0126 16.1
3000 2.26 1.53E+06 0.0124 18.6
3200 2.41 1.64E+06 0.0124 19.8
3500 2.64 1.79E+06 0.0123 21.6
3900 2.94 1.99E+06 0.0122 24.3
4000 3.01 2.04E+06 0.0122 25.0
Required Pump Head

25 Pump Head

20 Flow Rates of Interest

H (m)


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Q (m /hr)

The maximum flow rate is: 17172 gpm

The associated head is: 80 ft
Based on these data and the data of Figures D.1 and D.2, we could choose two 16A 18B pumps in parallel,
or three 10AE14 (G) pumps in parallel. The efficiency will be approximately 90%
Therefore, the required power would be: 191.21 kW at Q = 3200 m /hr
286.47 kW at Q = 3900 m /hr
Problem 10.46 [Difficulty: 3]

Given: System shown, design flow rate

Find: Head losses for suction and discharge lines, NPSHA,

select a suitable pump
We will apply the energy equation for steady, incompressible pipe flow.

Basic equations:
 p V1
2   p V2
2 
1 2
 ρ  α1 2  g  z1   ρ  α2  2  g z2  h lT  hp
   
2 Le V 2 2
L V V h
h lT  f    Σ f    Σ K H
D 2 D 2 2 g

Assumptions: 1) p ent = pexit = patm 2) V ent = Vexit = 0

The given or available data is Q  800  D  10 cm e  0.046  mm p atm  101.3  kPa
6 m kg
From Table A.8 at 20 oC ν  1.01  10  p v  2.34 kPa ρ  998 
s 3
Q 4 Q m V D 5
At the specified flow rate, the speed of the water is: V  V  1.698 Re   1.681  10
A 2 s ν
π D
  e  1.11 6.9
f  1.8 log
e 4
 4.6  10 Therefore we can calculate the friction factor:     0.019
D   3.7 D  Re 

 p 2 
2 V2  L Le  V2 V
At the inlet: g  z1    α2   g  z2  f       Σ K In this case: Le  75 D K  0.78 L  2  m
ρ 2  D D  2 2
z2  8.7 m z1  7.2 m

  L Le  V2 V 
Solving for total pressure at 2: p 2t  ρ g   z2  z1   f   
    K  p 2t  18.362 kPa (gage)
 D D  2 2

p 2tabs  p v p 2t  p atm  p v
The NPSHA can be calculated: NPSHA  NPSHA  NPSHA  8.24 m
ρ g ρ g
2 Le V2 2
 
For the entire system: g  z1  z2  f    f   K  hp
D 2 D 2 2

In this case: z1  7.2 m z2  88 m L  2  m  400  m  402 m Le  ( 75  55  8  2  30)  D K  0.78  1

  L Le   V2 
Solving for the required head at the pump: 
Hp  z2  z1   f      K  
  D D   2  g
Hp  92.7 m

In U.S. Customary units: Q  211  gpm Hp  304  ft

A pump would be selected by finding one for which the NPSHR is less than the NPSHA. Based on these data and the information
in Appendix D, a 2AE11 or a 4AE12 pump would be capable of supplying the required head at the given flow rate. The pump
should be operated at a speed between 1750 and 3500 rpm, but the efficiency may not be acceptable. One should consult a
complete catalog to make a better selection.
Problem 10.47 [Difficulty: 3]

Problem 10.48 [Difficulty: 3]

Given: Flow system and data of Problem 10.68; data for pipe aging from Problem 10.63

Find: Pumps to maintain system flow rates; compare delivery

to that with pump sized for new pipes only
We will apply the energy equation for steady, incompressible pipe flow.

Basic equations:
 p V1
2   p V2
2 
1 2
ρ  α 
1 2  g  z 
1  ρ  α 
2 2  g  z 2  h lT  h p
   
2 Le V 2 2
L V V h
h lT  f    Σ f    Σ K  H
D 2 D 2 2 g

Assumptions: 1) p ent = pexit = patm 2) V ent = Vexit = 0

The given or available data is Q  800 D  10 cm e  0.046 mm p atm  101.3 kPa
6 m kg
From Table A.8 at 20 oC ν  1.01  10  p v  2.34 kPa ρ  998
s 3
Q 4 Q m V D 5
At the specified flow rate, the speed of the water is: V  V  1.698 Re   1.681  10
A 2 s ν
π D

e 4   e  1.11 6.9
 4.6  10 Therefore we can calculate the friction factor: f  1.8 log     0.019
D   3.7 D  Re 

2 Le V2 2
 
For the entire system: g  z1  z2  f    f   K  hp
D 2 D 2 2

In this case: z1  7.2 m z2  87 m L  2  m  400  m  402 m Le  ( 75  55  8  2  30)  D K  0.78  1

  L Le   V2 
Solving for the required head at the pump: 
Hp  z2  z1   f      K  
  D D   2  g

For old pipes, we apply the multipliers from Problem 10.63: f20  5.00 fnew f40  8.75 fnew

The results of the analysis, computed in Excel, are shown on the next page.
The required pump head is computed and plotted below.
New New 20 yo 40 yo
Q (L/min) V (m/s) Re f H p (m) Q (gpm) H p (ft) H p (ft) H p (ft) Pump (ft)
0 0.000 0.00E+00 0.0000 79.80 0.00 261.81 261.81 261.81 856.54
200 0.424 4.20E+04 0.0231 80.71 52.84 264.81 276.57 287.59 840.48
400 0.849 8.40E+04 0.0207 83.07 105.68 272.52 314.52 353.89 792.30
600 1.273 1.26E+05 0.0196 86.77 158.52 284.67 374.19 458.10 712.00
800 1.698 1.68E+05 0.0189 91.80 211.36 301.17 455.19 599.58 599.58
922 1.957 1.94E+05 0.0187 95.52 243.64 313.38 515.10 704.21 515.10
1000 2.122 2.10E+05 0.0185 98.14 264.20 321.99 557.37 778.03 455.04
1136 2.410 2.39E+05 0.0183 103.20 300.08 338.59 638.8 920.2 338.59
1200 2.546 2.52E+05 0.0182 105.80 317.04 347.12 680.64 993.31 278.38
1400 2.971 2.94E+05 0.0180 114.77 369.88 376.54 824.95 1245.3 69.59
1600 3.395 3.36E+05 0.0178 125.04 422.72 410.25 990.27 1534.0 -171.31
1800 3.820 3.78E+05 0.0177 136.62 475.56 448.24 1176.6 1859.4 -444.33
2000 4.244 4.20E+05 0.0176 149.51 528.40 490.51 1383.9 2221.4 -749.47

If we assume that the head at 800 L/min for 40 year old pipe is 70% of the maximum head for the pump,
and that the pump curve has the form H = H 0 - AQ :
H 800 = 599.58 ft We plot the pump curve along with the head loss on the graph below:
H0= 856.54 ft
A = 0.005752 ft/gpm2

Required Pump Head

New Pipe
700 20 Years Old
40 Years Old
600 Pump Curve
H (ft)



100 150 200 250 300 350
Q (gpm)

Sizing the pump for 800 L/min for at 40 years would (assuming no change in the pump characteristics) produce
922 L/min at 20 years and 1136 L/min for new pipe.
Since the head increases by a factor of two, the extra head could be obtained by placing a second identical pump
in series with the pump of Problem 10.68.
Problem 10.49 [Difficulty: 3]
Problem 10.50 [Difficulty: 3]

10.50 Consider the pipe network of Problem 8.138. Select a pump

suitable to deliver a total flow rate of 68 m3/h through the pipe

Given: Water pipe system.

Find: Pump suitable for 68 m3/h.


 p1 V12   p2 V2 2  L V2
 + α1 ⋅ + g ⋅ z1  −  + α 2 ⋅ + g ⋅ z 2  = h1 h1T = f ⋅ ⋅
ρ 2   ρ 2  D 2

 e 
64 1  2.51 
f= (Laminar) = −2.0 ⋅ log  D +  (Turbulent)
Re f  3.7 Re⋅ f 
 

L V2
The energy equation can be simplified to ∆p = ρ ⋅ f ⋅ ⋅
D 2

This can be written for each pipe section

L A VA 2
Pipe A (first section) ∆p A = ρ ⋅ f A ⋅ ⋅ (1)
DA 2

L B VB 2
Pipe B (1.5 in branch) ∆p B = ρ ⋅ f B ⋅ ⋅ (2)
DB 2

L C VC 2
Pipe C (1 in branch) ∆p C = ρ ⋅ f C ⋅ ⋅ (3)
DC 2

L D VD 2
Pipe D (last section) ∆p D = ρ ⋅ f D ⋅ ⋅ (4)
DD 2

In addition we have the following contraints

QA = Q D = Q (5)

Q = Q B + QC (6)

∆ p = ∆p A + ∆p B + ∆p D (7)

∆p B = ∆p C (8)

We have 2 unknown flow rates (or, equivalently, velocities); We solve the above eight equations
simultaneously. Once we compute the flow rates and pressure drops, we can compute data for the pump.

∆p pump = ∆ p and Q pump = Q A Wpump = ∆p pump ⋅ Q pump

The calculations, performed in Excel, are shown below.

Pipe Data: L(m) D(mm) e(m)

46 38 0.00026
46 38 0.00026
46 25 0.00026
46 38 0.00026

Fluid Properties:

f = 998 kg / m 3 µ = 1.0 × 10−3 N ⋅ S/m3

Flow Rate:

Q = 68 m3 /h = 0.0189 m3 / s

QA (m3/s) QB (m3/s) QC (m3/s) QD (m3/s)

0.0189 0.0141 0.0047 0.0189

VA (m/s) VB (m/s) VC (m/s) VD (m/s)

16.7 12.4 9.6 16.7


6.33E+05 4.70E+05 2.37E+05 6.33E+05

fA fB fC fD
0.0335 0.0336 0.0384 0.0335
Ideals: ∆PA (MPa) ∆PB (MPa) ∆PC (MPa) ∆PD (MPa)
5.64 3.2 3.2 5.64

Constraints: (6) Q = QB + QC (8) ∆PB = ∆PC

0.00% 0.00%

Error 0.00% Vary QB and QC using Solver to minimize total error.

For the pump:

∆P(MPa) Q(m3/s) P(kW)
1.42 0.0189 268

This is a very high pressure; a sequence of pumps would be needed.

Problem 10.51 [Difficulty: 3]

10.51 A fire nozzle is supplied through 90 m of 75 mm-diameter

canvas hose (with e = 0.3 mm). Water from a hydrant is
supplied at 345 kPa to a booster pump on board the pumper
truck. At design operating conditions, the pressure at the nozzle
inlet is 690 kPa, and the pressure drop along the hose is
7.5 kPa/m of length. Calculate the design flow rate and the
maximum nozzle exit speed. Select a pump appropriate for this
application, determine its efficiency at this operating condition,
and calculate the power required to drive the pump.

Solution: Apply the energy equation for pipe flow:

p V2  p V2  L V2
 1 + α1 l + gz1  −  2 + α 2 2 + gz 2  = h lT − h l + h lm
Computing equation:

2   ρ
 
2 

 hl = f
D 2

Assumptions: (1) V1 = V2 , (2) z1 = z2, (3) hlm = 0

p1 p2 ∆p L V2  2D∆p  2 e 0.3 mm
Then − = =f ; V=  ; = = 0.004; f = 0.028 (fully rough)
ρ ρ ρ D 2  fpL  D 75 mm

2 7.5 103 N m3 1m
V= × 75 mm × × 2
× 3 × = 6.34 m / s
0.028 1m m 10 kg 1000 mm

πD2 π  75  2 2
Q = VA; A = =   m = 0.0044 m
4 4  1000 

m m3
Q = 6.34 × 0.0044 m2 = 0.028 (design flow rate) Q
s s

Apply Bernoulle to nozzle

p 2 V22 p V2  2p 2 2
+ gz 2 = atm + n + gz n ; Vn = 
+ V22 
2 2  ρ 
 N m2 s2 m2 
Vn = 2 × 690 × 103 2 × 3 × 2 + (6.34)2 2  = 37.7 m / s
 m 10 kg s s 

The pump head requirement (neglecting V and z) will be

p1 − p0 N m3
Hp = = [690 + 7.5(90) − 345]103 2 × = 104 m
ρg m 9800 N Hp
From the pump selector chart (Fig. D.1) choose 3AE96 or 4AE10 pump, 3500 rpm.

Based on 4AE12 at 3550 rpm (Fig. D.5), expect η ≈ 0.75

Q∆P Qρg∆h 1 m N
P= = = × 6.34 × 0.0044 m2 × 9800 3 ×104 m = 38 kW
η η 0.75 s m
Problem 10.52 [Difficulty: 4]

10.52 A pumping system with two different static lifts is shown.

Each reservoir is supplied by a line consisting of 300 m of 20 cm
cast-iron pipe. Evaluate and plot the system head versus flow curve. 24 m
Explain what happens when the pump head is less than the height of
the upper reservoir. Calculate the flow rate delivered at a pump head
50 ft
of 26 m.

300 m of 20 cm pipe (cast iron)

Given: Pump and supply pipe system.

Find: Head versus flow curve; Flow for a head of 26 m.


 p1 V12   p2 V2 2 
Basic equations:  + α1 ⋅ + g ⋅ z −
1  + α 2 ⋅ + g ⋅ z 2  = h1T − h pump
ρ 2   ρ 2 

L V2 Le V 2 V2
h IT =f⋅ ⋅ +f ⋅ ⋅ +K⋅
D 2 D 2 2

L Va 2 L V2 V2
Applying to the 24 m branch (branch a) −g ⋅ H a = f ⋅ ⋅ + f ⋅ e ⋅ a + K ⋅ a − g ⋅ H pump
D 2 D 2 2

L ea
where H a = 24 m and is due to a standard T branch (= 60) and a standard elbow (= 30) from Table 8.4, and

K = K ent + K exit = 1.5 from Fig. 8.14

 L L   Va
H pump = H a + f ⋅  + ea  + K ⋅ (1)
 D D   2⋅g

 L L   Vb
Applying to the 15 m branch (branch b) H pump = H b + f ⋅  + eb  + K ⋅ (2)
 D D   2⋅g
L eb
where H b = 15 m and is due to a standard T run (= 20) and two standard elbows (= 60), and
K = K ent + K exit = 1.5
Here are the calculations performed in Excel:

Given data: Computed results: Set up Solver so that it varies all flow rates to make the total head error zero

L = 300 m
Q Qa Va Qb Vb Hpump H
Hpumps(m) Rea fa (Eq. Reb fb
(m3/s) (m3/s) (m/s) (m3/s) (m/s) (Eq. 2) (Errors)

e = 0.26 mm 24.0 0.070 0.000 0.000 8.62E+00 7.4264 24.0 0.070 2.230 4.42E+05 0.0215 24.0 0.00
D = 20 cm 24.5 0.088 0.016 0.506 1.00E+05 0.0231 24.5 0.072 2.292 4.54E+05 0.0215 24.5 0.00
K = 1.5 25.0 0.097 0.023 0.72 1.44E+05 0.0225 25.0 0.074 2.35 4.66E+05 0.0215 25.0 0.00
Lea/D = 90 25.5 0.104 0.028 0.89 1.77E+05 0.0223 25.5 0.076 2.41 4.78E+05 0.0215 25.5 0.00
Leb/D = 80 26.0 0.110 0.033 1.03 2.05E+05 0.0221 26.0 0.078 2.47 4.89E+05 0.0215 26.0 0.00
Ha = 24 m 26.5 0.116 0.036 1.16 2.30E+05 0.0220 26.5 0.079 2.52 5.00E+05 0.0215 26.5 0.00
Hb = 15 m 27.0 0.121 0.040 1.27 2.52E+05 0.0219 27.0 0.081 2.58 5.11E+05 0.0214 27.0 0.00
ρ = 1000 kg/m3 27.5 0.126 0.043 1.38 2.73E+05 0.0218 27.5 0.083 2.63 5.21E+05 0.0214 27.5 0.00
v = 1.01E-06 m2/s 28.0 0.131 0.046 1.47 2.92E+05 0.0218 28.0 0.084 2.69 5.32E+05 0.0214 28.0 0.00
28.5 0.135 0.049 1.56 3.10E+05 0.0217 28.5 0.086 2.74 5.42E+05 0.0214 28.5 0.00
29.0 0.139 0.052 1.65 3.27E+05 0.0217 29.0 0.088 2.79 5.52E+05 0.0214 29.0 0.00
29.5 0.144 0.054 1.73 3.43E+05 0.0217 29.5 0.089 2.84 5.62E+05 0.0214 29.5 0.00
30.0 0.148 0.057 1.81 3.59E+05 0.0216 30.0 0.091 2.89 5.72E+05 0.0214 30.0 0.00

Total Error: 0.00

For the pump head less than the upper reservoir head flow will be out of the reservoir (into the lower one)
Problem 10.53 [Difficulty: 4]

10.53 Consider the chilled water circulation system of Problem

8.130. Select pumps that may be combined in parallel to supply
the total flow requirement. Calculate the power required for 3
pumps in parallel. Also calculate the volume flow rates and
power required when only 1 or 2 of these pumps operates.

Solution: Apply the energy equation for steady, incompressible pipe flow.

p1 V2 p V2 h   L Le  V2
Computing equation: + α1 1 + z1 + H a = 2 + α 2 2 + z2 + lT ; hlT =  f  + + k 
ρg 2g ρg 2g g   D D   2

Assumptions: (1) p1 = p2, (2) α1V12 = α 2 V22 , (3) z1 = z2, (4) Neglect minor losses, ≈ 0, k ≈ 0

Q 4 V2 1 2 m
V= = 0.7 m 3 /s × = 2.48 m / s ; = × (2.48) ⋅ = 0.313 m
A π(0.6) 2 m 2 2g 2 s 2 9.81 m

VD e
Assume T = 5°C , so ν =1.57 × 10−6 m2/s ; Re = = 9.85 × 105 ; = 7.7 × 10 −5 ; f = 0.0131
ν D

L V2 4800 m
Ha = f = 0.0131 × × 0.313 m = 32.8 m
D 2g 0.6 m

For three pumps in parallel, each will operate at Q/3 = 0.23 m3/s. The requirement for each pump is H = 32.8 m at Q = 0.23 m3/s.
This can be supplied by Peerless Type 10AE12 pumps with impellers of D = 305 mm diameter, operating at N = 1760 nominal
rpm. The efficiency at this operating point is η ≈ 0.85.

Find operating points graphically for 1, 2, and 3 pumps:

10AB12 Pumps in Series

Head, Ha (m)

Approx. BEP:
1 pump 2 pumps
3 pumps
Approx. System Head

0 0.12 0.24 0.36 0.48 0.60 0.72 0.84
Volume Flow Rate, Q (m3/s)

The graphical solution is shown

Q1 = not satisfactory, Q2 = 0.59 m3 /s ( m arginal ), Q3 = 0.7 m3 /s (ok )

 = ρQgH ≈ 50 kW, W
Assuming ηρ ≈ 0.7, then Wm1 m2 ≈ 189 kW , and Wm3 = 321 kW
Problem 10.54 [Difficulty: 4]

Given: Sprinkler system for lakeside home

Find: (a) Head loss on suction side of pump 
(b) Gage pressure at pump inlet
L34 = 45 m
(c) Hydraulic power requirement for the pump
(d) Change in power requirement if pipe diameter is changed 30 m
(e) Change in power requirement if the pump were moved L12 = 20 m  

Solution: 
We will apply the energy equation for steady, incompressible pipe flow.

Basic equations:
 p V1
2   p V2
2 
1 2
ρ  α 
1 2  g  z 
1  ρ  α 
2 2  g  z 2  h lT  h p
   
2 Le V 2 2
L V V h
h lT  f    Σ f    Σ K H
D 2 D 2 2 g

Assumptions: 1) p 1 = patm 2) V 1 = 0

The given or available data is Q  40 D  2  cm e  0.15 mm p atm  101.3  kPa p 4  300  kPa (gage)

z1  0  m z2  3  m z3  z2 z4  33 m L12  20 m L34  45 m

6 m kg
From Table A.8 at 20 oC ν  1.01  10  p v  2.34 kPa ρ  998 
s 3

Q 4 Q m V D 4
At the specified flow rate, the speed of the water is: V  V  2.122 Re   4.202  10
A 2 s ν
π D

  e  1.11 6.9
f  1.8 log
e 3
 7.5  10 Therefore we can calculate the friction factor:     0.036
D   3.7 D  Re 

 p2 V
2   L12 Le  V2 V
Between 1 and 2:   α2   g  z2  f       K In this case: Le  ( 30  16)  D K  0.78
ρ 2   D D 2 2
 L12 Le  V2 V
The head loss before the pump is: HlT12  f      K
 D D  2 g 2 g HlT12  8.844 m

 V2  L12 Le  V2 V 
Solving for pressure at 2: p 2  ρ   g  z2  f       K  p 2  54.946 kPa (gage)
 2  D D 2 2

To find the pump power, we need to analyze between 3 and 4:

 p3   p4   L34 Le  V2 V
  g  z3     g  z4   f       K In this case: Le  ( 16  16)  D K  0
ρ  ρ   D D 2 2

  L34 Le  V2 p3  p2

 
p 3  p 4  ρ g  z4  z3  f  
 D
  
D 2
p 3  778.617  kPa Thus the pump head is: Hp 
ρ g
 85.17 m

Now we can calculate the power: Wp  ρ g  Q Hp Wp  556 W

Changing to 4 centimeter pipe would reduce the mean velocity and hence the head loss and minor loss: D  4  cm
4 Q V D   e  1.11 6.9
f  1.8 log
Q m e 3
V  V  0.531 Re   2.101  10
 3.75  10     0.032
π D
2 s ν D   3.7 D  Re 

 V2  L12 Le  V2 V 
Le  ( 30  16)  D K  0.78 p 2  ρ   g  z2  f       K  p 2  26.922 kPa (gage)
 2  D D 2 2

  L34 Le  V2 p 3  778.617  kPa (gage)

Le  ( 16  16)  D K  0

 
p 3  p 4  ρ g  z4  z3  f  
 D
  
D 2

p3  p2 Wpnew  Wp
Hp   58.44 m Wpnew  ρ g  Q Hp  381.283 W ΔWp   31 %
ρ g Wp

p 2  p atm  ρ  pv
The pump should not be moved up the hill. The NPSHA is: NPSHA   4.512 m for 2-cm pipe.
ρ g

If anything, the pump should be moved down the hill to increase the NPSHA.
Problem 10.55 [Difficulty: 4]

  

Given: Fire nozzle/pump system

Find: Appropriate pump; Impeller diameter; Pump power input needed

 p V2
  p3 V3
2  2
2 L V2
Basic equations  ρ  α 2  g z2   ρ  α 2  g z3  h l h l  f  D  2 for the hose
   
Assumptions: 1) Steady flow 2) Incompressible flow 3) α at 2 and 3 is approximately 1 4) No minor loss

 p V2
  p1 V1
2 
 ρ  α 2  g z2   ρ  α 2  g z1  h pump for the pump
   

Assumptions: 1) Steady flow 2) Incompressible flow 3) α at 1 and 2 is approximately 1 4) No minor loss

The first thing we need is the flow rate. Below we repeat Problem 8.179 calculations

p2  p3 2
Δp L V 2  Δp D
Hence for the hose   f  or V
ρ ρ D 2 ρ f  L

We need to iterate to solve this for V because f is unknown until Re is known. This can be done using Excel's Solver, but here:
kg 6 m
Δp  750  kPa L  100  m e  0 D  3.5 cm ρ  1000 ν  1.01  10 
3 s
2  Δp D m V D 5
Make a guess for f f  0.01 V  V  7.25 Re  Re  2.51  10
ρ f  L s ν
 e 
1  D 2.51 
Given  2.0 log    f  0.0150
f  3.7 Re f 
2  Δp D m V D 5
V  V  5.92 Re  Re  2.05  10
ρ f  L s ν
 e 
1  D 2.51 
Given  2.0 log    f  0.0156
f  3.7 Re f 
2  Δp D m V D 5
V  V  5.81 Re  Re  2.01  10
ρ f  L s ν
 e 
1  D 2.51 
Given  2.0 log    f  0.0156
f  3.7 Re f 

2  Δp D m V D 5
V  V  5.80 Re  Re  2.01  10
ρ f  L s ν
2 3 3
π D 3m m
Q  V Q  5.578  10 Q  0.335 
4 s min

We have p 1  350  kPa p 2  700  kPa  750  kPa p 2  1450 kPa

 p V2
  p1 V1
2 
For the pump 2
 ρ  α 2  g z2   ρ  α 2  g z1  h pump
   
p2  p1 p2  p1
so h pump  or Hpump  Hpump  112 m
ρ ρ g
We need a pump that can provide a flow of Q  0.335  or Q  88.4 gpm, with a head of Hpump  112 m or Hpump  368  ft

From Appendix D, Fig. D.1 we see that a Peerless 2AE11 can provide this kind of flow/head combination; it could also handle four
such hoses (the flow rate would be 4  Q  354  gpm). An impeller diameter could be chosen from proprietary curves.

The required power input is Wm  where we choose ηp  75 % from Fig. 10.15

ρ Q g  Hpump
Wm  Wm  8.18 kW for one hose or 4  Wm  32.7 kW for four

Ppump 6.14 kW
Prequired  Prequired  Prequired  8.77 kW or 4  Prequired  35.1 kW for four
η 70 %
Problem 10.56 [Difficulty: 4]

Given: Swimming pool filtration system, filter pressure drop is Δp=0.6Q2, with Δp in psi and Q in gpm
Find: Speed and impeller diameter of suitable pump; estimate efficiency

We will apply the energy equation for steady, incompressible pipe flow.

Basic equations:
 p V1
2   p V2
2  2 Le V2 2
1 2 L V V h
 ρ  α1 2  g  z1   ρ  α2  2  g z2  h lT  hp h lT  f  D  2  Σ f  D  2  Σ K 2 H
    g

3 2 2
3m  5 ft 7m
The given or available data are: Q  30 gpm Q  1.893  10 ν  1.06  10  ν  9.848  10
s s s
slug kg
ρ  1.93 ρ  995 D  20 mm e  0  mm
3 3
ft m

Setting state 1 at the pump discharge, state 2 at the tee, state 3a downstream of the filter, and state 3b after the 40 ft pipe, we can look
at the pressure drop between 1 and 2:
e Q 4 Q m V D 5
V1  V2 0 V  V  6.025 Re   1.224  10
D A 2 s ν
π D
  e  1.11 6.9
f  1.8 log
0 Therefore we can calculate the friction factor:     0.017
D   3.7 D  Re 

Since this is a straight run of pipe: Le  0 K  0 and therefore the pressure drop is: Δp12  ρ f   Δp12  47.04  kPa
2 D

Since both legs exhaust to the same pressure, the pressure drops between the two must be equal, and the flow rates must equal the
total flow rate of the system. This requires an iterative solution, using Solver in Excel. The result is:
3 3
3 m 4 m
Qa  1.094  10  Qb  7.99  10  The resulting pressure drop is Δp23  42.96  kPa
s s

Neglecting any pressure at the pump inlet, the pump must supply: Δppump  Δp12  Δp23  90.0 kPa
The resulting head is: Hpump   9.226 m in U.S. units: Hpump  30.269 ft
ρ g

ω Q
This head is too low for any of the pumps in Fig. D.1. Therefore, assuming a speed of 3500 rpm: N   0.544
 
g  Hpump
In customary units: Ncu  2733 N  1485 So from Figure 10.9 we can estimate the efficiency: η  65 %

ρ Q g  Hpump
The pump power is: Wp   262.056 W Wp  262.1 W
Problem 10.57 [Difficulty: 4] Part 1

10.57 Water is pumped from a lake (at z = 0) to a large storage

tank located on a bluff above the lake. The pipe is 75 mm- 4
diameter galvanized iron. The inlet section (between the lake Gate
and the pump) includes one rounded inlet, one standard 90° Valve
elbow, and 15 m of pipe. The discharge section (between the Std T 3
pump outlet and the discharge to the open tank) includes two Elbows
standard 90° elbows, one gate valve, and 46 m of pipe. The pipe
discharge (into the side of the tank) is at z = 21 m. Calculate the
z = 21 m z = 27 m
system flow curve. Estimate the system operating point.
Determine the power input to the pump if its efficiency at the 1
operating point is 80 percent. Sketch the system curve when the 2 L021 = 15 m
water level in the upper tank reaches z = 27 m. If the water level 0
L224 = 46 m
in the upper tank is at z = 23 m and the value is partially closed
to reduce the flow rate to 10 m /h, sketch the system curve for
Rounded Inlet
this operating condition. Would you expect the pump efficiency
to be higher for the first or second operating condition? Why?

Solution: Apply the energy equation for pipe flow. The pump must overcome the gravity lift plus the head losses in the pipe
and fittings.

Assume: (1) Nominal speed is ∇ = 3.66 m/s, T = 15°C, γ = 1.14 × 106 m2/s (Table A.8)
(2) Flow in fully rough zone (e = 0.0005 ft (Table 8.1), e/D = 0.002, f ≈ 0.024)
(3) Cases: (1) Water in tank below  
(2) Water in tank at z = 27 m 
Valve open
(3) Valve closed so Q = 10 m3/L, valve part closed
h et  L Le Le   V2
H et = =  K ent +f  +3 (elbow)+ (gate valve)  +K exit 
g  D D D   2g
  61m   V2 V2
H et = 0.04+0.024  +3(30)+8  +1 =22.2
  0.0767 m   2g 2g

HS = z end + 22.2 HS

Assume V = 3.66 m/s , Q = 58 m3/h, = 0.68 m , HS = 21 + 22.2 (0.68) = 36.1 m
Case 1: zend = 21 m Operating point: Q = 58 m3/h, HP = HS = 36.1 m Operating Point
P= = 1000 kg/m 3 × 9.81 m/s 2 × 58 m3 /h × h/3600 s × 36.1 m × 1/0 .8 = 7.13 kW P
Case 2: zend = 27 m; HS = 27 + 22.2 (0.68) = 42.1 m
[Q(m3 /h]2
HS = 27 + 15 = 27 + 4.46 × 10 −3 [Q(m3 / h)]2 HS
(58)2 (m3 /h)2
Case 3: Q = 10 m3/h; H S = H P; Assume HBEP = 0.7 Ho
(H o − Hop ) 36.6 36.6/0.7 − 36.6 2
H P =Ho + 2
Q2 = − 2
Q =52 − 4.66×10−3Q 2
Qop 0.7 (58)
Hp = 51.5 m at Q = 10 m3/h Hp
[Difficulty: 4] Part 2

Water pumped from lake to storage tank on bluff:

Input Date:
Friction factor: f = 0.024 ( --- )
Pipe diameter: D = 75 mm
Calculate Results:
Pipe area: A = 4.42 × 10 m2
System Curves for Various Conditions:
Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: Valve partially closed
Hs Hs Hs
3 2/2g 3
Q (m /h) V (m/s) V (m) (z3 = 21 m) (z3 = 27 m) Q (m /h) (z3 = 23 m)
0 0 0 21 27 0 23
6 0.38 0.0074 21.2 27.2 0.45 24
11 0.69 0.024 21.5 27.5 0.9 27.6
17 1.07 0.058 22.3 28.3 1.35 33.3
23 1.45 0.107 23.4 29.4 1.8 41.3
28 1.76 0.158 24.5 30.5 2.25 51.7
34 2.14 0.233 26.2 32.2
40 2.51 0.321 28.1 34.1
45 2.83 0.408 30 36
51 3.21 0.525 32.6 38.6
57 3.58 0.653 35.5 41.5
63 3.96 0.8 38.7 44.7
68 4.27 0.93 41.6 47.6

Pump Head Curve:

Q (m3/h) Hp (m)
0 52
11.4 51.8
22.8 50
34 48
45.6 44
57 40
63 37
68 34
Problem 10.58 [Difficulty: 3]

10.58 Performance data for a centrifugal fan of 1 m diameter, tested at 650 rpm, are

Volume flow rate, Q (m3/s) 3 4 5 6 7 8

Static pressure rise, ∆p (mm H2O) 53 51 45 35 23 11
Power output, P (kW) 2.05 2.37 2.60 2.62 2.61 2.4

Plot the performance data versus volume flow rate. Calculate static efficiency, and show the
curve on the plot. Find the best efficiency point, and specify the fan rating at this point.

Given: Data on centrifugal fan.

Find: Plot of performance curves; Best efficiency point.

Basic equations: ηp = Wh = Q ⋅ ∆p ∆p = ρ w ⋅ g ⋅ ∆h (Note: Software cannot render a dot!)
Here are the results, calculated using Excel:

ρ w = 1000 kg/m3

Fitting a 2nd order polynomial to each set of data we find

Q (m3/s) ∆p (mm) pm (kW) pk (kW) η(%)
3 53 2.05 1.56 76.1%
4 51 2.37 2.00 84.4%
∆p = −1.32Q 2 + 5.85Q + 48.0
5 45 2.60 2.21 84.9% η = −0.0426Q 2 + 0.389Q − 0.0267
6 35 2.62 2.06 78.6%
7 23 2.61 1.58 60.5% Finally, we use Solver to maximize η by varying Q:
8 11 2.40 0.86 36.0%
Q ( m3/s) ∆p (mm) η (%)
4.57 47.2 86.1%
Problem 10.59 [Difficulty: 3]

10.59 Using the fan of Problem 10.58, determine the

minimum size square sheet-metal duct that will carry a flow
of 5.75 m3/s over a distance of 15 m. Estimate the increase
in delivery if the fan speed is increased to 800 rpm.

Given: Data on centrifugal fan and square metal duct.

Find: Minimum duct geometry for flow required; Increase if fan speed is increased.


Basic equations: ηp = Wh = Q ⋅ ∆p ∆p = ρ w ⋅ g ⋅ ∆h (Note: Software cannot render a dot!)

L V2 4 ⋅ A 4 ⋅ H2
and for the duct ∆p = ρ air ⋅ f ⋅ ⋅ Dh = = =H
Dh 2 P 4⋅H

m3 ω' m3
and fan scaling Q = 5.75 ω = 650 rpm ω' = 800 rpm Q' = ⋅Q Q' = 7.08
s ω s

Here are the results, calculated using Excel:

Fitting a 2nd order polynomial to each set of data we find

ρ w = 1000 kg / m3
∆p = −1.32Q 3 + 5.85Q + 48.0
ρ air = 1.225 kg / m
vair = 1.50.E-05 m 2 / s User Solver to vary H so the error in ∆p is zero

L = 15 m Fan
Q (m3/s) ∆p (mm)
7.08 23.3
Assume smooth ducting

Note: Efficiency curve not needed for this problem Duct

Q (m /s) ∆p (mm) pm (kW) ph (kW) η (%) H (m) V (m/s) Re f ∆p (mm)
3 53 2.05 1.56 76.1% 0.472 31.73 9.99.E+05 0.0116 23.3
4 51 2.37 2.00 84.4% Error in ∆p 0.00%
5 45 2.60 2.21 84.9%
6 35 2.62 2.06 78.6%
7 23 2.61 1.58 60.5% Answers:
8 11 2.40 0.86 96.0% Q (m3/s) H (m) Q (m3/s) H (m)
5.75 0.394 7.08 0.472
Fan Performance Curve
60 100%

η 75%
40 ∆ρ
∆ρ (mm)

η (%)
30 50%


0 0%
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
Q (m3/s)
Problem 10.60 [Difficulty: 3]

1 0.60 The performance data of Problem 10.58 are for a 1 m

diameter fan wheel. The fan also is manufactured with
1.025, 1.125, 1.250 and 1.375 m diameter wheels. Pick a
standard fan to deliver 14 m3/s against a 25 mm H2O static
pressure rise. Determine the required fan speed and input
power required.

Given: Data on centrifugal fan and various sizes.

Find: Suitable fan; Fan speed and input power.


3 2 2 3 5
Q'  ω'   D'  h'  ω'   D'  P '  ω'   D' 
Basic equations: =  ⋅  =  ⋅  =  ⋅ 
Q ω D h ω D P ω D
We choose data from the middle of the table above as being in the region of the best efficiency
Q=5 ∆p = 441.45 Pa P = 2.62 kW and ω = 650 ⋅ rpm D =1m
ρ w = 1000
m3 ∆p
The flow and head are Q' = 14 h' = 25 mm At best efficiency point: h = = 45 mm
s ρw ⋅ g
These equations are the scaling laws for scaling from the table data to the new fan. Solving for scaled fan speed, and
diameter using the first two equations
1 3 1 1
 Q  2  h'  4  Q'  2  h  4
ω' = ω ⋅   ⋅   ω' = 250 ⋅ rpm D' = D ⋅   ⋅  
 Q'   h   Q   h' 
D ' = 1.938 m
This size is too large; choose (by trial and error)
Q=7 h = 23 mm P = 2.61 kW
1 3 1 1
 Q  2  h'  4  Q'  2  h  4
ω' = ω ⋅   ⋅   ω' = 489 ⋅ rpm D ' = D ⋅  ⋅  D ' = 1.385 m
 Q'   h   Q   h'
Hence it looks like the 1.375 m fan will work; it must run at about 500 rpm. Note that it will NOT be running at best
efficiency. The power will be
3 5
 ω'   D' 
P' = P ⋅   ⋅   P' = 5.67 kW
ω D
Problem 10.61 [Difficulty: 3]

10.61 Consider the fan and performance data of Problem 10.58.

At Q = 5.75 m3/s, the dynamic pressure is equal to 4 mm of
water. Evaluate the fan outlet area. Plot total pressure rise and
input power for this fan versus volume flow rate. Calculate the
fan total efficiency, and show the curve on the plot. Find the
best efficiency point, and specify the fan rating at this point.

Given: Data on centrifugal fan.

Find: Fan outlet area; Plot total pressure rise and power; Best effiiciency point.


Basic equations: ηp = Wh = Q ⋅ ∆p t ∆p = ρ w ⋅ g ⋅ ∆h t (Note: Software cannot render a dot!)

p dyn = ⋅ ρ air ⋅ V 2

m3 p dyn ρ air V 2
At Q = 5.75 we have h dyn = 4 mm Q = V⋅A and h dyn = = ⋅
s ρw ⋅ g ρw 2

ρw Q
Hence V= ⋅ 2 ⋅ g ⋅ h dyn and A=
ρ air V

The velocity V is directly proportional to Q, so the dynamic pressure at any flow rate Q is 4 mm
 
 Q 
h dyn = 3 
 5.75 m 
 
 s 

The total pressure ∆ht will then be ∆h t = ∆h + h dyn ∆h is the tabulated static pressure rise

Here are the results, generated in Excel:

At Q = 5.75 m3 / s
V = 8.00 m / s
hdyn = 4 mm Hence
A = 0.71838 m 2
Fitting a 2nd order polynomial to each set of data
3 we find
ρ w =1000 kg/m
ht = −0.12Q 2 + 0.585Q + 4.7986
ρ air =1.225 kg/m
Ph = −0.133Q 2 + 1.43Q − 1.5202
Q (m3/s) ∆p (mm) pm (kW) hdyn (mm) ht (mm) Pm (kW) η (%)
3 53 2.05 1.09 5.41 1.59 27.7% η = −0.0331Q 2 + 0.330Q − 0.0857
4 51 2.37 1.94 5.29 2.08 57.6%
5 45 2.60 3.02 4.80 2.36 90.6%
6 35 2.62 4.36 3.94 2.32 88.4% Finally, we use Solver to maximize η by varying
7 23 2.61 5.93 2.89 1.99 76.1%
8 11 2.40 7.74 1.87 1.47 61.3% Q:

Q (m3/s) ht (mm) pm (kW) η (%)

4.98 4.73 2.30 90.8%

Fan Performance Curve

6 100%
ht 75%
ht (cm), ρh (kW)

η (%)
3 50%

0 0%
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
Q (m3/s)
Problem 10.88 [Difficulty: 4]

10.62 Performance characteristics of a Howden Buffalo 150

axial flow fan are presented below. The fan is used to

Static Pressure, Dp (mm H2O)

power a wind tunnel with 0.3 m square test section.
The tunnel consists of a smooth inlet contraction, two
screens (each with loss coefficient K = 0.12), the test 100 Static pressure rise
section, and a diffuser where the cross section is 5
N = 1835 rev/min
expanded to 610 mm diameter at the fan inlet. Flow 4

Power, P (kW)
from the fan is discharged back to the room. Calculate 3
and plot the system characteristic curve of pressure 50
loss versus volume flow rate. Estimate the maximum 2
air flow speed available in this wind tunnel test 1
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Volume Flow Rate, Q (m3/min)

Solution: Apply energy.

Po V 2 ≈ 0(2) P1 V2   L L   V2
Computing equation: +  +gz o =
+ α1 1 + gz1 + hlT ; h lT = f  + e  + K 
P 2 2   D D   2

Assumptions: (1) p0 = patm, (2) V0 ≈ 0, α1 ≈ 1, (3) z0 = z1, (4) Losses in diffuser, screens

V2   A   Q2
∆p tan patm − p1 V12 V12
= = + h lT = + (2K screen + K diffuser ) =  2K S + K d +   
p p 2 2 2   A1   2A

 A Q Q2
From continuity, V1A1 = VA; V12 2
=V   ; V= ; V2 = ; A = 1 ft2;
 A1  A A2
π 2
A1 = D1 = 0.29 m 2
2 2
 1   1 
From Fig. 8.19, K d = c pi − c p = 1 −   − 0.70 = 1 −  − 0.70 = 0.199
 AR   3.14 
1 m6 1 1 N ⋅ s2 min 2
∆p tan = [2(0.12) + 0.199 + 0.096] × Q 2 × × × ×
2 min 2 (0.09) 2 m 2 m3 kg ⋅ m 3600 s 2

∆p N m3 1000 mm
∆h tan = = 0.0113[Q(m3 / min) 2 ] 2 × × = 1.153 ×10−3 [Q(m3 / min) 2 ]
pg m 9800 N m

The resulting curve is plotted above; computed values are tabulated below.
The system will operate where the tan curve and system curve cross.

The approximate operating point is Q = 210 at h = 60 mm H2O.
The test section speed is

Q 210 m3 1 min
V= = × 2
× = 38.9 m / s
A min 0.09 m 60s

Q (m3/min) 50 100 150 200 250 300

∆P(mmH2O) 3.6 13.9 30 55 87 104
Problem 10.63 [Difficulty: 4]


Problem 10.64
[Difficulty: 3]

10.64 Experimental test data for an aircraft engine fuel Back Back Back
pump are presented below. This gear pump is required to Pump Pressure Fuel Pump Pressure Fuel Pump Pressure Fuel
supply jet fuel at 205 kg per hour and 1 MPa to the engine Speed MPa Flow Speed MPa Flow Speed MPa Flow
fuel controller. Tests were conducted at 10, 96, and 100 (rpm) (gage) (kg/h) (rpm) (gage) (kg/h) (rpm) (gage) (kg/h)
percent of the rated speed of 4536 rpm. At each constant 1.4 815 1.4 780 1.4 40
speed, the back pressure on the pump was set, and the flow 4536 2.1 815 4355 2.1 790 453 1.7 33
rate measured. On one graph, plot curves of pressure (100%) 2.8 815 (96%) 2.8 782 (10%) 2.1 26
versus delivery at the three constant speeds. Estimate the 3.5 805 3.5 775 2.4 20
6.3 775 6.3 775 2.8 14
pump displacement volume per revolution. Calculate the
volumetric efficiency at each test point and sketch contours * Fuel flow rate measured in pounds per hour (kg/h).
of constant ηv. Evaluate the energy loss caused by valve
throttling at 100 percent speed and full delivery to the

mv =
N = 4536 rpm 0.95
Back Pressure, ρ (MPa)

N = 4355 rpm

453 rpm

0 230 460 690 920
Fuel Flow Rate, m (kg/h)

For the pump, m = ρ∀N , so ∀ = . Analyzing the 4536 rpm case,

kg m3 min hr
∀ ≈ 815 × × × = 3.67 × 10 −6 m3 /rev
hr 815 kg 4536 rev 60 min

∀ actual 
At constant speed, ηv = = . Calculation shows ηv decreases as speed is reduced, see below.
∀ geometric m(ρ = 0)

 =  p  m3
m L kg W ⋅s hr
Energy loss is Wl   p L = (815 − 205) × ×1 MPa × ×
 ρ  hr 815 kg N ⋅ s 3600 s

 = 208 W

At 453 rpm, the best volumetric efficiency is

m 4536 40 kg / h 4536
ηv ≈ × ≈ × = 0.49 , or about 50%
m(p = 0) 453 815 kg / h 453

730 kg/hr 4536

At 4355 rpm, ηv ≈ × ≈ 0.933 , or more than 93% (this is doubtful).
815 kg / hr 4355
Problem 10.65 [Difficulty: 3]

10.65 A hydraulic turbine is designed to produce 26,800 kW

at 95 rpm under 15 m of head. Laboratory facilities are
available to provide 5 m of head and to absorb 35 kW from
the model turbine. Determine (a) the appropriate model test
speed and scale ratio and (b) volume flow rate, assuming a
model efficiency of 86 percent.

Given: Data on turbine system.

Find: Model test speed; Scale; Volume flow rate.

W ω⋅ P2
Basic equations: Wh = ρ ⋅ Q ⋅ g ⋅ H η = mech NS = 1 5
Wh ρ2 ⋅ h4

The given or available data is

ρ = 1000 Wp = 26,800 kW H p = 15 m ωp = 95 ⋅ rpm Hm = 5 m Wm = 35 kW
where sub p stands for prototype and sub m stands for model

Note that we need h (energy/mass), not H (energy/weight) h p = H p ⋅ g h p = 147.15 hm = Hm ⋅ g
h m = 49.05 2
ωp ⋅ Wp 2
Hence for the prototype NS = 1 5 N S = 3.18
ρ2 ⋅ hp 4
1 1 5
ωm ⋅ Wm 2 ρ2 ⋅ hm 4 rad
Then for the model NS = 1 5 ωm = NS ⋅ 1 ωm = 69.8 ωm = 667 rpm
ρ ⋅ hm
2 4
Wm 2 s

Hp Hm D m ωp Hm
For dynamically similar conditions 2 2
= 2 2
so = ⋅ = 0.092
ωp ⋅ D p ωm ⋅ D m D p ωm Hp

Qp Qm ω D 
Also = so Qm = Q p ⋅ m ⋅ m 
ωp ⋅ D p 3 ωm ⋅ D m 3 ωp D
 p 
To find Qp we need efficiency. At Wp = 26, 800 kW and H p = 15 m from Fig. 10.17 we find (see below), for

N ( rpm ) ⋅ P ( kW ) 2
N Scu = 5 = 516.49 η = 93%
H (m)4

Efficiency, η (%)



Impulse Francis Axial-flow

0 40 80 240 400 560 720
Specific speed, Ns = N (rpm) [ ρ (kW)]
[H (m)]5/4

Wmech Wmech Wp
Hence from η= = Qp = Qp = 195.83 m3 / s
Wh ρ⋅Q⋅g⋅H ρ ⋅ g ⋅ Hp ⋅ η

and also Qm = Q m = 0.83 m3 / s
ρ ⋅ g ⋅ Hm ⋅ η
Problem 10.66 [Difficulty: 2]

10.66 Preliminary calculations for a hydroelectric power

generation site show a net head of 715 m is available at a water
flow rate of 2 m /s. Compare the geometry and efficiency of
Pelton wheels designed to run at (a) 450 rpm and (b) 600 rpm.

Solution: Apply specific speed equation to classify performance.

Computing equation: NScu = (rpm, W, and m units)

From Fig. 10.17, ηmax ≈ 0.89 at NScu = 5. The output power (used to define NScu) is

N m3 W ⋅s
p out = ηpQgH = 0.89 × 9800 ×2 × 715 m × = 12.5 MW
m3 s 1N ⋅ m

At N = 450 rpm

450 rpm(12500 kW) 2
Ns cu = = 13.6 , so η ≈ 0.88

Neglect nozzle losses and elevation above the tailrace. Then

 m 
Vj ≈ 2gH =  2 × 9.81 2 × 715 m  = 118 m / s
 s 

From Fig. 10.10, U = Rw ≈ 0.47 Vj = 55.5 m/s. Thus

2(0.47 Vj ) m s
D = 2R = = 2 × 55.5 × = 2.36 m
w s 47.1rad

The jet diameter is found from Q = Vj A j = πVj D 2j / 4, so

4Q  4 2m3 s 
Dj = = × ×  = 0.15 m (15cm)
πVj  π s 118 m 

The ratio of jet diameter to wheel diameter is

Dj 0.15 m
r= = = 0.0636 or 1:15.7 (this is reasonable)
D 2.36 m

Results from similar computations at N = 600 rpm are:

N Nscu D Dj/D η
(rpm) (USCS) (m) (---) (---)
450 13.6 2.36 1:15.7 0.88
600 18.1 1.77 1:11.8 0.89

The unit operating at 600 rpm is closer to NScu = 5, where peak hydraulic efficiency is expected.
Problem 10.67 [Difficulty: 2]

10.67 Conditions at the inlet to the nozzle of a Pelton wheel are

p = 4.9 MPa and V = 24 km/h. The jet diameter is d = 190 mm
and the nozzle loss coefficient is Knozzle = 0.04. The wheel
diameter is D = 2.4 m. At this operating condition, η = 0.86.
Calculate (a) the power output, (b) the normal operating speed,
(c) the approximate runaway speed, (d) the torque at normal
operating speed, and (e) the approximate torque at zero speed.

Given: Pelton turbine.

Find: 1) Power 2) Operating speed 3) Runaway speed 4) Torque 5) Torque at zero speed.


 p1 V12   pj Vj2  h V2
Basic equations:  + α ⋅ + z1 

+ α ⋅ + z j  = 1T
 g
h1T = h1 + h1m = K ⋅
 ρ⋅g 2⋅g   ρ⋅g 2⋅g  2

and from Example 10.5 Tideal = ρ ⋅ Q ⋅ R ⋅ ( Vj − U ) ⋅ (1 − cos ( θ ) ) θ = 165 ⋅ deg

Assumptions: 1) p j = p amt 2) Incompressible flow 3) α at 1 and j is approximately 1 4) Only minor loss at nozzle 5)
z1 = z j

Given data p1g = 4.9 MPa V1 = 24 km / h V1 = 6.67 m / s η = 86%

D kg
d = 190 mm D = 2.4 m R= K = 0.04 ρ = 103
2 m3

 p1g V12 
2 2 2⋅ + 
p1g V12 Vj K Vj  ρ 2  m
Then + − = ⋅ or Vj = Vj = 97.3
ρ⋅g 2⋅g 2⋅g g 2 1+ K s

π ⋅ d2 m3 p1g V12
And Q = Vj ⋅ Q = 2.76 H= + H = 502 m
4 s ρ⋅g 2⋅g

Hence P = η⋅ρ⋅Q⋅g ⋅ H P = 11.7 MW

From Fig. 10.10, normal operating speed is around U = 0.47 ⋅ Vj U = 45.7 m / s ω = ω = 38 rad / s
ω = 363 rpm
U run rad
At runaway U run = Vj ωrun = ωrun = 81 ωrun = 773 rpm
D s
 

From Example 10.5 Tideal = ρ ⋅ Q ⋅ R ⋅ ( Vj − U ) ⋅ (1 − cos ( θ ) ) Tideal = 3.36 × 105 N.m

Hence T = η ⋅ Tideal T = 2.9 × 105 N.m

Stall occurs when U=0 Tstall = η ⋅ ρ ⋅ Q ⋅ R ⋅ Vj (1 − cos ( θ ) ) Tstall = 5.45 ×105 N.m
Problem 10.68 [Difficulty: 2]

Given: Data on Francis turbines at Niagra Falls

Find: Specific speed, volume flow rate to each turbine, penstock size
Solution: 1
Wmech 2 2
Basic ω P L V
equations: Wh  ρ Q g  H η NS  h  g H h lT  f  
Wh 1 5 D 2
2 4
ρ h
The given or available data is
ρ  998  Wmech  54 MW ω  107  rpm η  93.8% H  65 m Lpenstock  400 m Hnet  H 83%
2 ω Wmech
The specific energy of the turbine is: h  g  H  637.4 The specific speed is: NS  NS  0.814
2 1 5
2 4
ρ h
Wmech 3 3
m m
Solving for the flow rate of the turbine: Q   90.495 Q  90.5
ρ h  η s s

4 Q
 
m Q
Based on the head loss: h lT  g  H  Hnet  108.363 Since V  into the head loss equation:
2 A 2
s π D
4 Q 
8 f  L Q
2  8  f  L Q2 
h lT  f     Solving for the diameter: D   
L 1
  This will require an iterative solution.
D 2  2  2 5  π2 h 
 π  D  π D
 lT 

Assuming concrete-lined penstocks: e  3  mm If we assume a diameter of 2 m, we can iterate to find the actual diameter:

D (m) V (m/s) Re e /D f D (m)

2.000 28.807 5.70E+07 0.001500 0.02173 3.510
3.510 9.354 3.25E+07 0.000855 0.01892 3.414
3.414 9.888 3.34E+07 0.000879 0.01904 3.418
3.418 9.862 3.34E+07 0.000878 0.01904 3.418 D  3.42 m
Problem 10.69 [Difficulty: 2]

10.69 Francis turbine Units 19, 20, and 21, installed at the
Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River, are very large
[55]. Each runner is 830 mm in diameter and contains 550
tons of cast steel. At rated conditions, each turbine develops
610 × 103 kW at 72 rpm under 87 m of head. Efficiency is
nearly 95 percent at rated conditions. The turbines operate at
heads from 67 to 108 m. Calculate the specific speed at rated
operating conditions. Estimate the maximum water flow rate
through each turbine.


Apply definitions of specific speed and efficiency.

NP 2 p
Computing equations: N scu = 5 η=
H 4
ρ QgH

1/ 2
72 rpm ( 610 × 103 kW )
Thus N s cu = 5/4
= 212 N scu
(87 m )
From η ,

η pgH

So Q is maximum at minimum head. Assuming η = 0.95 , the

1 m3 1 1 N.m
Q≈ × 610 ×106 W × × × = 978 m3 /s (max) Q
0.95 9800 N 67 m W.s

This is an estimate because η may not be constant, nor may it be possible to develop full power
at H = 67 m.
Problem 10.70 [Difficulty: 3]

10.70 Measured data for performance of the reaction turbines at

Shasta Dam near Redding, California, are shown in Fig. 10.39.
Each turbine is rated at 77 × 10 kW when operating at 138.6
rpm under a net head of 115 m. Evaluate the specific speed and
compute the shaft torque developed by each turbine at rated
operating conditions. Calculate and plot the water flow rate per
turbine required to produce rated output power as a function of

Solution: Apply the definitions of specific speed and efficiency, use data from Fig. 10.39:

NP1/2 p
Computing equations: NScu = 5
η= p = WT

(138.6 rpm)(77 × 103 kW)1/2

At rated conditions, Ns cu = = 102
(115 m)5/4

p s 1N ⋅ m
T= = 77 × 106 W × × = 5.31× 106 N ⋅ m
W 14.5 rad W ⋅ s

Find Q from definition of η; at rated conditions, η ≈ 0.93 (Fig. 1039):

p 1 m3 1
Q= = × 77 ×106 W × ×
ηρgH 0.93 9800 N 115 m

Tabulating similar calculations:

H (m) P (103 kW) η (---) Q (m3/s)

72.5 * – –
85.3 * – –
100.6 77 0.86 84
115 77 0.93 73.5
130 77 0.90 65
145 77 0.89 58.3
*Cannot produce rated power at this head.


p = 77 MW
n = 138.6 rpm
Volume Flow Rate, Q (m3/s)






90 105 120 135 150

Net Head, H (m)
Problem 10.71 [Difficulty: 3]

Given: Data on Pelton wheel

Find: Rotor radius, jet diameter, water flow rate.
The given or available data is
kg 6 m
ρ  999  Wmech  26.8 MW ω  225  rpm H  360 m ν  1.14  10 
3 s

From Bernoulli, the jet velocity is: Vi  2  g  H Assuming a velocity coefficient of Cv  0.98 (4% loss in the nozzle):

Vj  Cv  2  g  H  82.35 From Fig. 10.36, at maximum efficiency: U  R ω  0.47 Vj So the radius can be calculated:
R  0.47  1.643m
From Fig. 10.37 the efficiency at full load is η  86% Thus: η  Solving for the flow rate:
Q ρ g  H

Wmech 3
Q   8.836
η ρ g  H s

π 2 Q Q
We can now calculate the jet velocity: Aj   Dj  Therefore, Dj  2   0.37 m Dj  37.0 cm
4 Vj π Vj

3 kg
mrate  ρ Q  8.83  10
Problem 10.72 [Difficulty: 2]

10.72 An impulse turbine under a net head of 9.9 m was tested

at a variety of speeds. The flow rate and the brake force
needed to set the impeller speed were recorded:
Wheel Flow Brake
speed rate force (N)
(rpm) (m3/h) (R = 0.15 m)
0 13.15 11.70
1000 13.15 10.68
1500 13.15 9.88
1900 12.64 8.50
2200 11.93 6.45
2350 9.58 3.87
2600 7.85 1.51
2700 6.93 0.40
Calculate and plot the machine power output and efficiency as a
function of water turbine speed.

Given: Data on impulse turbine.

Find: Plot of power and efficiency curves.


Basic equations: T = F⋅ R P = ω⋅T η= Here are the results calculated in Excel:

Wheel speed Flow rate Brake T (N.m) P (kW) η (%)

H = 9.9 m (rpm) (m3/h) force (N)
(R=0.15 m)
0 13.15 11.70 1.76 0.000 0
ρ = 1000 kg/m3
1000 13.15 10.68 1.60 0.168 47.3
1500 13.15 9.88 1.48 0.232 65.6
R = 0.15 m
1900 12.64 8.50 1.28 0.255 74.4
2200 11.93 6.45 0.97 0.223 69.3
2350 9.58 3.87 0.58 0.143 55.3
2600 7.85 1.51 0.23 0.063 29.2
2700 6.93 0.40 0.06 0.017 9.1
Turbine Performance Curves
0.30 100%

P (kW)

η (%)
0.15 50%


0.00 0%
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
ω (rpm)
Problem 10.73 [Difficulty: 4]
Problem 10.74 [Difficulty: 3]

Given: Published data for the Tiger Creek Power Plant

Find: (a) Estimate net head at the site, turbine specific speed, and turbine efficiency
(b) Comment on consistency of the published data

N P N P P
Basic Equations: NScu  NS  η
5 5 ρ Q g  Hnet
4 4
H ρ ( g  H)
The given or available data is
3 2
kg m 6 m
ρ  999  P  58 MW Q  21 Hgross  373  m ν  1.14  10 
3 s s
Using data from Fig. 10.37, we will assume η  87% We can take this to estimate the net head: Hnet   324 m
ρ Q g  η
Therefore:  86.875 % This is close to 87%, so the assumption for the efficiency was a good one.

From the same figure, we will assume NScu  5 Therefore the dimensionless specific speed is NS   0.115

NS ρ g  Hnet 4
We may then calculate the rotational speed for the turbine: N   108.8  rpm
The power output seems low for a turbine used for electricity generation; several turbines are probably used in this one plant.

24 hr 365  day 8 kW hr

To check the claims: 58 MW    5.081  10  This number is 50% higher than the claim.
1  day yr yr

s hr kW hr
58 MW    0.767  This is in excellent agreement with the claim.
3 3600 s 2
21 m m m
Problem 10.75 [Difficulty: 4]

Given: Hydraulic turbine site

Find: Minimum pipe size; Fow rate; Discuss

hl 2
L V Δz
Basic equations: Hl   f  and also, from Example 10.15 the optimum is when Hl 
g D 2 g 3

As in Fig. 10.41 we assume L  2  Δz and f  0.02

2 g  D Hl g D
Then, for a given pipe diameter D V 
f L 3 f
2 2
π D V
Also Q  V Ph  ρ Q Pm  η Ph Here are the results in Excel:
4 2
f = 0.02
ρ = 998.00 kg/m3
η = 83%

D (cm) V (m/s) Q (m /s) P h (kW) Pm (kW) Turbine efficiency varies with specific speed
25 6.39 0.314 6.40 5.31 Pipe roughness appears to the 1/2 power, so has a secondary effect.
30 7.00 0.495 12.12 10.06 A 20% error in f leads to a 10% change in water speed
35 7.56 0.728 20.78 17.25 and 30% change in power.
40 8.09 1.016 33.16 27.53 A Pelton wheel is an impulse turbine that does not flow full of water;
45 8.58 1.364 50.09 41.57 it directs the stream with open buckets.
50 9.04 1.775 72.42 60.11 A diffuser could not be used with this system.

41.0 8.19 1.081 36.14 30.00 Use Goal Seek or Solver to vary D to make Pm 30 kW!

Power Versus Pipe Diameter



Pm (kW)





20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
D (cm)
Problem 10.76 [Difficulty: 4]

10.76 A small hydraulic impulse turbine is supplied with water

through a penstock with diameter D and length L; the jet
diameter is d. The elevation difference between the reservoir
surface and nozzle centerline is Z. The nozzle head loss
coefficient is Knozzle and the loss coefficient from the reservoir to
the penstock entrance is Kentrance. Determine the water jet speed,
the volume flow rate, and the hydraulic power of the jet, for the
case where Z = 90 m, L = 300 m, D = 150 mm, Kentrance = 0.5,
Knozzle = 0.04, and d = 50 mm., if the pipe is made from
commercial steel. Plot the jet power as a function of jet
diameter to determine the optimum jet diameter and the
resulting hydraulic power of the jet. Comment on the effects of
varying the loss coefficients and pipe roughness.

Solution: Apply the energy equation for steady, incompressible pipe flow.

≈0(z )
p1 V2 p2 α 2 V22 h   L Le   V2
Computing equation: + α1 1 + z1 = + + z 2 + lT ; h lT = f  +  + K
pg 2g ρg 2g g   D D   2

Assumptions: (1) p1 = p2 = patm, (2) V1 ≈ 0 , α2 = 1, (3) Le/D = 0, (4) Knozzle based on Vj2


Vj2  L V
H= +  f + K entrance  + K nozzle 1
2g  D  2g 2g

From continuity, VA = Vj A j , so V = Vj Aj / A = Vj (d / D) 2 ; V 2 = Vj2 (d / D)4 , and

 2
 L 4  2  
 d Vj  2gH 
H =   f + K ent    + 1 + K nozzle  ; Vj =
  D   D  2g  L 4 
   d
  f + K ent    + 1 + K n 
  D   D 

Assume e = 0.00005 m (Table 8.1), so e/D = 0.0003. From Fig. 8.13, in the fully rough zone, f = 0.015. Then for dj = 50 mm

 
 
 m 1 
Vj =  2 × 9.81 2 × 90 m ×  = 35.3 m / s
 s   300 m    50 

 0.015  0.15 m  + 0.5  100  + 1 + 0.4
    
 

( V = 3.92 m / s , Re = VD / U = 6.05 × 105 , so f = 0.016, which makes Vj = 35 m/s

35 m π  50  2 3
The jet flow rate is Q = Vj A j = × ×  m = 0.069 m / s , and the jet power is
s 4  1000 
Vj2 1 kg m2 m3
p n = pQ = × 998 3 × (35)2 2 × 0.069 = 42.2 kW
2 2 m s s
Repeating these calculations using a computer program gives:

Peak power, pj ≈ 42.4 kW, occurs for 55 < d < 56 mm.
Jet Power, Pj t(kW)

Loss coefficients have a minor effect. Making both Kent and Kn zero
41 increases pj by 4.8 percent.

Pipe roughness causes larger changes; pj increased 12.8 percent

with e = 0 (smooth).

50 56 62
Jet Diameter, dj (mm)
Problem 10.77 [Difficulty: 3]

Given: Data on boat and propeller V1 V2 = V3 = V

  V4
Find: Propeller diameter; Thrust at rest; Thrust at 15 m/s y
CS 

Basic equation: (4.26)

Assumption: 1) Atmospheric pressure on CS 2) Horizontal 3) Steady w.r.t. the CV 4) Use velocities relative to CV

     
The x-momentum is then T  u 1  mrate  u 4  mrate  V4  V1  mrate where mrate  50 is the mass flow rate

 
It can be shown (see Example 10.13) that V  V4  V1

 
m m 1 m
For the static case V1  0  V4  45 so V   V4  V1 V  22.5
s s 2 s
π D kg
From continuity mrate  ρ V A  ρ V with ρ  1.23
4 3
4  mrate
Hence D  D  1.52 m
ρ π V

For V1 = 0 
T  mrate V4  V1  T  2250 N

 
m 1 m
When in motion V1  15 and V  V4  V1 so V4  2  V  V1 V4  30
s 2 s
Hence for V1 = 15 m/s 
T  mrate V4  V1  T  750  N
Problem 10.78 [Difficulty: 4]

V1 V2 = V3 = V
  V4

CS 

Given: Definition of propulsion efficiency η

Find: η for moving and stationary boat

Assumption: 1) Atmospheric pressure on CS 2) Horizontal 3) Steady w.r.t. the CV 4) Use velocities relative to CV

   
The x-momentum (Example 10.3): T  u 1  mrate  u 4  mrate  mrate V4  V1  
Applying the energy equation to steady, incompressible, uniform flow through the moving CV gives the minimum power input
 V 2 V 2 
4 1
Pmin  mrate   
 2 2 

On the other hand, useful work is done at the rate of

Puseful  V1  T  V1  mrate V4  V1 

V1  mrate V4  V1  
V1  V4  V1 
Combining these expressions η 
 V 2 V 2  1
mrate 

 
 V4  V1  V4  V1 

 2 2 
2  V1
or η
V1  V4

2  V1
When in motion V1  30 mph and V4  90 mph η  η  50 %
V1  V4

2  V1
For the stationary case V1  0  mph η  η  0 %
V1  V4
Problem 10.79 [Difficulty: 4]

10.79 The propeller for the Gossamer Condor human-powered

aircraft has D = 3.6 m and rotates at N = 107 rpm. Additional
details on the aircraft are given in Problem 9.127. Estimate the
dimensionless performance characteristics and efficiency of this
propeller at cruise conditions. Assume the pilot expends 70
percent of maximum power at cruise. (See Reference [56] for
more information on human-powered flight.)

Solution: From the solution to Problem 9.174, minimum power to propel the aircraft occurs at V = 17.2 km/hr (4.78 m/s).

Assume this is the cruise condition.

From the given data, at 19.2 km/hr (5.33 m/s), FD = 27 N

1 1 m2 N ⋅ s2
ρV 2 = × 1.23 kg/m3 × (5.33) 2 × 2 × = 17.5 N / m 2
2 2 s kg ⋅ m

FL W W/A 19 N/m 2
CL = = = = = 1.08
ρV 2 A gA g 17.5 N/m 2

FD 27 N
C D = CL = 1.08 = 0.0328
FL 890 N

C 2L (1.08) 2
C D,D = C D − CD,L = C D − = 0.0328 − = 0.0110
πar π(17)

At V = 17.2 km/h (4.78 m/s), g = 14.1 N/m2

W W/A m2 C2
CL = = = 19 N / m 2 × = 1.35; CD,i = L = 0.0341
gA g 14.1 N πar

CD 0.0451
C D = C D,o + C D,i = 0.0110 + 0.0341 = 0.0451 ; FD = FL = 890 N × = 29.7 N
CL 1.35

For the propeller,

V m  60  s 1
J= = 4.78 ×   × = 0.745
nD s  107  rev 3.6 m

FD m3  60  s
CF = = 29.7 N × ×  × = 0.0452
ρn 2 D 4 1.23 kg  
107 rev 2
3.6 m 4

Assume a 30 percent reserve for climbing and maneuvres. Then if hd= 0.9,

pout FD V 1
ηp = = = × 29.7 N × 4.78 m/s = 0.777
pin ηd (0.7) 290 W (0.9) 182.7 W

182.7 W
Finally, Pprop = ηd pin = 182.7 W = ωT; T = = 16.3 N ⋅ m
T m3  60  s2 1
CT = = 16.3 N ⋅ m × ×  × × = 0.00689
ρn 2 D 5 1.23 kg  107  rev (3.6)5 m5

CT 60
Cp = = 0.00689 × = 0.0039
n 107
Problem 10.80 [
Problem 10.81 [Difficulty: 2]

10.81 The National Aeronautics & Space Administration

(NASA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) cosponsor
a large demonstration wind turbine generator at Plum Brook,
near Sandusky, Ohio [7]. The turbine has two blades, with a
radius of 19 m, and delivers maximum power when the wind
speed is above V = 29 km/h. It is designed to produce 135 hp
with powertrain efficiency of 75 percent. The rotor is designed
to operate at a constant speed of 45 rpm in winds over 2.6 m/s
by controlling system load and adjusting blade angles. For the
maximum power condition, estimate the rotor tip speed and
power coefficient.

Given: NASA-DOE wind turbine generator.

Find: Estimate rotor tip speed and power coefficient at maximum power condition.


Pm ω⋅R Pm
Basic equations: CP = X= U = ω⋅R η=
1 V Pideal
⋅ ρ ⋅ V3 ⋅ π ⋅ R 2

kg rad
and we have ρ = 1.23
ω = 45 ⋅ rpm = 4.712 ⋅ R = 19 m
m s
km 1000 m hr
V = 29 × × = 8.06 m / s P = 100 kW η = 75%
hr km 3600s

The blade tip speed is: U = ω ⋅ R = 79.6

The tip speed ratio is: X= = 9.88 (X will decrease at the wind speed increases.)

The mechanical work out is: Pm = = 133 kW From this we can calculate the power coefficient:

CP = = 0.364
⋅ ρ ⋅ V3 ⋅ π ⋅ R 2
Problem 10.82 [Difficulty: 3]

10..112 A typical American multiblade farm windmill has

D = 2.1 m and is designed to produce maximum power in winds
with V = 24 km/h. Estimate the rate of water delivery, as a
function of the height to which the water is pumped, for this

Solution: Assume the efficiency trends shown in Fig. 10.45.

Computing equations: Cp = X = WR/V
ρV 3 πR 2

From Fig. 10.45, Cp max ≈ 0.3 at X = 0.8. V = 24 km/h (6.67 m/s). Then the power developed is

π kg m3  2.1
P= × 0.3 × 1.23 3 × (6.67)3 3 ×  m 2 = 190 W
2 m s  2 

Converting this mechanical power to pumping gives hydraulic power as

Ph = ρQgh = ηPm

ηPm m3 N ⋅ m 60 s
Thus Qh = = 0.7 × 190 W × × ×
ρg 9800 N W ⋅ s min

m3 ⋅ m
Q h = 0.81

Q varies inversely with the distance lifted, h. The volume flow rate actually delivered would be less, due to suction lift, pipe
friction, and minor losses.
Problem 10.83 [Difficulty: 5] Part 1/3
[Difficulty: 5] Part 2/3
[Difficulty: 5] Part 3/3
Problem 10.84 [Difficulty: 3]

10.84 A compressor has been designed for entrance conditions

of 101.3 kPa and 21°C. To economize on the power required,
it is being tested with a throttle in the entry duct to reduce the
entry pressure. The characteristic curve for its normal design
speed of 3200 rpm is being obtained on a day when the
ambient temperature is 14.4°C. At what speed should the
compressor be run? At the point on the characteristic curve at
which the mass flow would normally be 57 kg/s the entry
pressure is 55.16 kPa. Calculate the actual mass flow rate
during the test.

Given: Prototype air compressor equipped with throttle to control entry pressure.

Find: Speed and mass flow rate of compressor at off-design entrance conditions.


 M ⋅ T01 ω  ∆T01  M ⋅ T01 ω 

Basic equations: η = f1  ,  = f2  , 
 p 01 T01  T01  p 01 T01 
 

Given data: p 01d = 101.3 kPa T01d = 21º C ωd = 3200 ⋅ rpm T01 = 14.4°C M d = 57 kg / s
p 01 = 55.16 kPa

ω ωd
Since the normalized speed is equal to that of the design point, it follows that: =
T01 T01d

Solving for the required speed: ω = ωd ⋅ ω = 2650 rpm

M ⋅ T01 M d ⋅ T01d
At similar conditions: = Solving for the actual mass flow rate:
P01 P01d
T01d p 01 kg
M = Md ⋅ ⋅ M = 37.48
T01 p01d s
Problem 10.85 [Difficulty: 3]

10.85 The turbine for a new jet engine was designed for
entrance conditions of 1100 kPa and 925°C, ingesting 250
kg/s at a speed of 500 rpm, and exit conditions of 550 kPa and
730°C. If the altitude and fueling for the engine were changed
such that the entrance conditions were now 965 kPa and
870°C, calculate the new operating speed, mass flow rate, and
exit conditions for similar operation, i.e., equal efficiency.

Given: Design conditions for jet turbine, off-design actual conditions.

Find: New operating speed, mass flow rate, and exit conditions for similar operation.


 M ⋅ T01 ω  ∆T01  M ⋅ T01 ω 

Basic equations: η = f1  ,  = f2  , 
 p 01 T  T01  p 01 T 
 01   01 
p 01  M ⋅ T01 ω 
= f3  , 
p 02  p 01 T01 

Given data: p 01d = 1100 kPa T01d = 925º C ωd = 500 ⋅ rpm M d = 250 p 02d = 550 kPa
T02d = 730°C p 01 = 965 kPa T01 = 870° C

ω ωd T01
At similar conditions: = Solving for the required speed: ω = ωd ⋅ ω = 485 ⋅ rpm
T01 T01d T01d

M ⋅ T01 M d ⋅ T01d T p kg
= Solving for the actual mass flow rate: M = M d ⋅ 01d ⋅ 01 M = 226
P01 P01d T01 p01d s

∆T0 ∆T0d T
= Solving for the temperature drop: ∆T0 = ∆T0d ⋅ 01 Substituting in temperatures:
T01 T01d T01d

T01 T01
T01 − T02 = ( T01d − T02d ) ⋅ T02 = T01 − ( T01d − T02d ) ⋅ T02 = 686 ⋅ 59°C
T01d T01d

p 01 p 01d p
= Solving for the exit pressure: p 02 = p 01 ⋅ 02d p 02 = 482.5 kPa
p 02 p 02d p 01d

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