MODULE 1 - Part - 2 - Characteristics and Importance of Entrepreneurship

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1. Ability to take risks ∙ Starting any new venture involves a

considerable amount of failure.

∙ Requires courage and be able to evaluate

all factors and need to take risks which
is the essential part of being an

2. Innovation ∙ Highly innovative to generate new ideas

-continuous, never ending ideas
-innovation requires creativeness
-sustainability is also important

∙ Change can be the launching of a new

product that is new to the market or a
process that does the same thing but in a
more efficient and economical way.

3. Visionary and ∙ Must have a clear vision for the new

Leadership Quality -visionary
∙ Leadership is paramount because leaders
impart and guide employees towards
the right path of success.

4. Open Mind ∙ Every circumstance can be an

opportunity and used as a benefit to
the company.

5. Flexible ∙ Must be flexible and open to change

according to the situation.
-adapting to the entire experience
-must be open to all matters
∙ Equipped to embrace change in a product
or services, as when needed.
6. Know your product ∙ Know well the product offering
∙ Aware of the trend in market
∙ Know if the product and service offering
meet the demand of the market or
whether time to tweak a little.
∙ Able to be accountable and then alter as
needed is a vital part of

a. Accelerates Economic Growth ∙ Creates new products and services
∙ Provides new job opportunities .
∙ Utilizing resources in the most effective

b. Innovation ∙ Serve as a HUB of innovations that

provides new product ventures, market,
technology and quality of goods
∙ Increases the standard of living of people

c. Impact on Society and ∙ Society improves if the employment base

is large and diversified.
Community Development
∙ Brings change in the society and promote
facilities that assists the organization
towards a more stable and high quality
of community life.

d. Support research and ∙ New product and services need to be

researched and tested before launching
Development in the market

e. Develops and Improve ∙ Increases the likelihood of finding

innovative solution to social
Existing Enterprises challenges faced by communities
around the world.

End of Module 1 - Part 2

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