Class 8 Revision 4

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PT - 2 Examinations Revision 4 (2022-2023)



General Instructions:
Based on
4) Section C has (Q.15 to Q.17) 3 Short Answer-II (SA-II) type questions carrying 3
marks each.

1) Two numbers are in the ratio 7:5. If they differ by 16, what are the numbers?

2) Find the product of i) ( 6 l+12 m ) ∧( 5l−m ) . ii) ( l 2 +m )∧(l+ m2).

3) Use the tables below to draw linear graph: The number of days a hill side city received
snow in different years.

Year 2003 2004 2005 2006

Days 8 10 5 12

4) Simplify the following expression: x2(x – 3y2) – xy(y2 – 2xy) – x(y3 – 5x2).
5) To fit a new wall paper on the wall the old wall paper needs to be removed.
a) A contractor offers to remove the old wall paper of a rectangular wall at the rate of Rs120 per
square metre from a room l metre wide and k metre long. Represent the total cost in form of a
b) If a wall is 3m wide and 6m long then find the total cost of removing the old carpet.

6) Find the value of X in equation11 – 5x + 3x + 4x =18.

7) Use the tables below to draw linear graph: Population (in thousands) of men and women in a
village in different years.

Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

No. of men 12 12.5 13 13.2 13.5

No. of women 11.3 11.9 13 13.6 12.8

8) Rahul and Sofiya are arguing over the answer of the given equation
2(x+2)+5(x+5)=4(x-8)+2(x-2). Rahul is claiming the answer is -53 whereas Sofiya says the
answer is 8. Find out who is correct by solving the given equation showing all steps.

9) The sum of three consecutive multiples of 8 is 264. Find the multiples.

10) Sum of two numbers is 84. If one exceeds the other by 12, find the numbers.

 11) Draw the graphs for the following table of values, with suitable scales on the axes.
Interest on deposits for a year and specify if the following graph is linear or line graph.

Deposit (in Rs.) 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Simple interest (in Rs.) 80 160 240 320 400

12) Simplify n (8n + 5) - n (n + 1 + n) + n and find its values for n = -1.

13) Find the volume of rectangular box whose length, breadth and height are xy, x²y and3xy²

14)  Add the following polynomial: x + y + xy, x – z + yx, and z + x + xz.

15) The perimeter of a rectangular swimming pool is 154 meters. Its length is 2m more than twice
its breadth. What are the length and the breadth of the pool?

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