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Processing of Aluminum Dross: The Birth of a Closed Industrial Process

Article  in  JOM: the journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society · November 2014
DOI: 10.1007/s11837-014-1156-z


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2 authors:

Helgi T Ingason Thorsteinn Sigfusson

Reykjavik University Innovation Centre of Iceland


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JOM, Vol. 66, No. 11, 2014
DOI: 10.1007/s11837-014-1156-z
Ó 2014 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

Processing of Aluminum Dross: The Birth of a Closed Industrial



1.—School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavik University, Menntavegi 1, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland.
2.—Innovation Center Iceland, Arleynir 2-8, 112 Reykjavik, Iceland. 3.—e-mail:

This is the history of a modern aluminum dross recycling company, from its
beginnings in the last years of the twentieth century to the present day. The
vision of the founders was to build a local recycling plant and take full
responsibility for sensitive environmental issues by recycling aluminum dross
locally rather than shipping it abroad. The paper tells the history of the
company from the environmental perspective, and gives an overview of some
of the challenges and the decisions that followed from this vision, for instance
the selection of technology. The company developed a closed industrial process
for the recycling of aluminum dross, and the paper discusses some of their
laboratory experiments and industrial trials. An important milestone has now
been reached as the process in its present form is recognized by the environ-
mental authorities in the country. Furthermore, it seems realistic that in the
near future the final product from this process will be comparable to the
product delivered in the processing of salt cake in specialized chemical plants,
but at a fraction of the cost.

aluminum oxide or nitride.1 In order to stop the

oxide formation in the smelter, the dross must be
cooled as quickly as possible. More than one method
Alur, alvinnsla hf (Alur) was founded in Reykja- is available for this purpose. However, the method
vik in 1998. Alur is a typical start-up company with used will have a great impact on the composition of
a business idea that sprang from a university the cooled dross.1,2,33 Examples of well-known
environment. The idea was to treat white dross from methods are: floor cooling, dross stirring with rotary
primary aluminum smelters in Iceland locally, in- dross coolers, inert gas dross coolers, and dross
stead of exporting it to Europe for recycling. presses. The last two methods are widely-used. In-
The history of Alur can be told from different ert gas dross cooling typically consists of heavy steel
angles, but the most suitable one, one that best ex- skim pans, where the atmosphere is replaced with
presses the company’s history and its challenges argon gas to prevent further oxidation of the dross.
from the beginning, is the environmental perspec- Secondary recoveries are reported in the yield range
tive: specifically the genesis, treatment and pro- of 40–50%. The dross press is based on the principle
cessing of aluminum dross, generated in the that a liquid placed under pressure will separate
primary production of aluminum. It is a well-known from a solid and flow to the area of least pressure.
fact that the surface of molten aluminum oxidizes in The system, consisting of a pressing head and a set
contact with the atmosphere and forms a layer of of skim pans, rapidly cools the dross and a consid-
aluminum oxide (Al2O3). This layer must be re- erable amount of aluminum can be reclaimed in the
moved before casting the aluminum. When this is smelter. Overall dross recovery can range from 60%
done, some metallic aluminum is always removed as to 70%, but the aluminum content of the dross
well. In this way, between 1% and 5% of the alu- shipped to the recycling facility can be low.
minum is lost and the corresponding material is Aluminum dross is defined as hazardous waste in
called aluminum dross. Iceland. It is listed in the ECHA database3 as alu-
Hot dross is subject to thermiting—the atmo- minum dross: EC/List number 273-708-2 and CAS
spheric oxidation of the metal in the dross to form number 69011-71-8. The hazard statement for

(Published online September 27, 2014) 2235

2236 Ingason and Sigfusson

aluminum dross is H261: ‘‘In contact with water aluminum oxide and magnesium oxide, a salt
releases flammable gases.’’ A total of 6 precaution- (NaCl), potassium chloride (KCl), and other mate-
ary statements are given, for example p. 232: ‘‘Pro- rials such as carbides, nitrides, and fluorides. Salt
tect from moisture’’ and p. 402 ‘‘Store in a dry cake is either disposed of or recycled in special
place.’’ chemical processes.11,12 Landfill is permitted in the
The environmental authorities expect industry to U.S., but in many countries it is banned or the cost
reduce the generation of hazardous waste as much of it is too high.9,14 Huang13 analyzed the mineral
as possible, and aim for their reuse and recycling. In phases, metal content and metal leachability of salt
1995, Iceland became a member of The Basel Con- cake samples from 10 different facilities in the USA.
vention on the Control of Transboundary Move- The results showed that aluminum (Al), aluminum
ments of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal.4 oxide, aluminum nitride and its oxides, spinel and
The goal of this agreement is to reduce the genera- elpasolite are the dominant mineral phases in salt
tion and transport of hazardous waste between cake. The average Al content was 14%. Landfilling
countries. This is to be achieved by disposing of means the problem of the disposal of salt cake is
hazardous wastes as close as possible to the point merely postponed. As a consequence, the secondary
where they are created and by handling all haz- aluminum industries in Europe and the USA have
ardous waste according to the standards of envi- been forced to consider recycling technologies for
ronmental protection. Exports of aluminum dross salt cake. Recovery of salt cake takes place in spe-
from aluminum smelters in Iceland fall under the cialized chemical plants and the cost is high. The
Basel Convention. overall goal of recycling salt cake is to reclaim the
It is difficult to speak of a typical composition of salts and deliver solid residues or non-metallic
white aluminum dross, as the ratio of metallic alu- product (NMP) that consists of alumina and other
minum that can be reclaimed may range from 30% to oxides, with some aluminum nitride and aluminum
90%. Although aluminum dross contains aluminum carbide. The NMP can be landfilled or sold, e.g. to
oxide (Al2O3), this aluminum cannot be recycled. cement producers, or used in the production of cal-
Dross also contains aluminum nitride (AlN), which cium aluminate.1,14
is formed when the molten alloy comes into contact In recent years, new recycling processes have been
with nitrogen at a temperature of over 1200°C.5 The developed in which there is no need for the addition of
precise composition is dependent on the granular salt flux. During the early days of Alur, these new
size. Roth6 claims that coarse concentrate white processes were examined and compared. One of these
dross can contain more than 90% aluminum, fines processes, based on the use of plasma technology, was
can contain 20–30% aluminum, and bag house dust developed by Alcan of Canada and has been in use in
can contain less than 15% aluminum. Manfredi the United States and Canada since the second half of
et al.7 make a distinction between granular dross, the last century. Plasma is created in burners that
with 47–69% aluminum and a density of about 1 t/ emit flame at a very high temperature. The burner is
m3, and compact dross with 71–93% aluminum and a placed at the end of the rotatable furnace. The dross is
density of about 2.4 t/m3. Peterson8 points out that then put into the furnace, the door closed, and the
dross can also contain some aluminum carbide and plasma flame ignited. The charge is heated to 700–
cryolite, Na3AlF6, which is often associated with 800°C while the furnace rotates.15,16 Compared with
molten metal coming from electrolysis cells. the traditional RSF process, the flame temperature is
The traditional method for processing aluminum much higher for a plasma furnace and the volume of
dross is the Rotary Salt Furnace (RSF) process. The waste gas much less. In addition, no salt flux is mixed
furnace is a rotating barrel with a burner at one into the process. The drawback of plasma furnaces is,
end. The burner flame heats up the furnace lining, however, that the investment is high, maintenance is
and this heat is transferred to the charge. Salt expensive because of the complicated equipment, and
flux—NaCl or KCl—is mixed with the dross to- electricity prices are high in many parts of the
gether with some additional cryolite or CaF2. The world.1,10
percentage of salt may range up to 50% depending A variation on the plasma furnace is the carbon
on the composition of the dross.1,5,9 The salt flux electrode furnace (Droscar), which was also devel-
protects the metal and prevents reactions with oped in Canada by Hydro Quebec. This furnace is
oxygen and nitrogen. The salt is also believed to not based on a plasma burner but on carbon elec-
help with the separation of the metal and the solid trodes, between which burns a flame of ionized gas.
material. However, there are several drawbacks to The investment is much smaller than for the plasma
this process. It is inefficient on three counts: finan- furnace, the flame temperature is very high as in
cially, in terms of energy efficiency and, in particu- the plasma furnace, and the process is based on the
lar, from environmental perspectives. Up to 1 ton of same basic idea.17 The third process is the universal
residues or salt cake will be created for every ton of rotary tilting furnace (URTF) process or Alurec
aluminum dross.1,9,10 The amount of salt cake and process. This process was developed in collaboration
its chemical composition causes problems, and care between AGA in Sweden, Hooghovens in the Neth-
must be taken that it does not contaminate erlands and Hertwich in Austria. Here a closed
groundwater. Typically it consists of aluminum, furnace rotates while heat is transferred to the
Processing of Aluminum Dross: The Birth of a Closed Industrial Process 2237

charge by the flame of an oxyfuel burner. The flame

temperature is very high and there is no need for
the addition of salt.18 The main advantages of the
Alurec process, compared to the RSF process, is that A decision was made to locate the plant at the port
the amount of solid waste will be much less and of Helguvik, the main oil supply and distribution
energy consumption in kWh per ton is only 30–50% harbor of the Reykjanes peninsula. It was further-
of the energy consumption in the RSF process.5 more decided to enter into close cooperation with a
Examples of processes for processing hot dross are fishmeal plant in Helguvik, and install the alumi-
the Ecocent and Drosrite processes.10 Such recycling num recycling facility within the building of the
has to be part of, or work in very close conjunction, fishmeal plant, which operated for only a few weeks
with the aluminum smelter. The advantage, how- every year. The recycling of aluminum dross
ever, is that less heat will be lost as there is no need therefore takes place in the same building as the
to cool the dross and heat it up again. production of fishmeal. This sharing of housing,
infrastructure and human resources for the melting
of fish and aluminum was considered newsworthy
internationally, and was presented in a scientific
The business idea behind Alur emerged in 1995 paper in the JOM in 2010.19 The manufacturing
and its essence was to build up operations in Iceland process is a batch process and the main components
to recycle aluminum dross. Prior to that, Dross had are described in Fig. 2.
been shipped to Europe for recycling from the Rio The URTF manufactured by Hertwich consists of a
Tinto Alcan smelter in Straumsvik, the only plant in vessel that is open at one end. It can be tilted and
Iceland at the time. In 1995, it was known that a turned with hydraulic equipment. The furnace rota-
new aluminum smelter would be built at Grundar- tion is controlled and the rotation speed varies from
tangi, and this meant that the business idea would the beginning to the end of each batch. The power of
become feasible. The vision of Alur’s founders was to the burner is 3 MW and the fuel is marine oil, burned
build a recycling plant in Iceland and take full in pure oxygen. The power consumption in the pro-
responsibility for the sensitive environmental issues duction process itself is 200–300 kWh per tonne of
of the aluminum industry in Iceland by recycling aluminum dross, but 75 kW of electrical power is
aluminum dross in this country instead of shipping required to rotate the furnace. The furnace capacity
it abroad. The ambition was to select the best is 5 m3 of dross. A simplified representation of the
available technology while trying to minimize, as far material balance of the process is shown in Fig. 3.
as possible, the negative environmental impacts of The material balance is based on a recent example
such an operation, and always aiming to close the from the operation of Alur with an input of 1000 kg
environmental circle so that all products related to aluminum dross. In this example, the aluminum
aluminum production in Iceland would become dross has been pressed in the smelter, prior to
valuable products in one form or another. sending it to Alur’s facilities. 39 l of marine oil and
During 3 years in the operating history of Alur, 124 kg oxygen are used. The aluminum reclaimed in
all aluminum dross derived from aluminum pro- this example is 455 kg, the quantity of solid residues
duction in Iceland was recycled by Alur. On aver- (NMP) is 528 kg, and there are 16 kg of filter dust.
age, aluminum dross was 1.5% of the total The emissions are: carbon dioxide 111 kg, sulphur
aluminum for these years. Aluminum production in dioxide 0.14 kg and dust 0.12 kg. It should be poin-
Iceland and the estimated creation of aluminum ted out that the consumption of energy for heating is
dross in the years 1995–2012 is shown in Fig. 1. higher in this example than indicated by the sup-
The selection of the technology was one of the first pliers of the equipment. This is explained by the fact
and most important decisions made by Alur’s foun- that, in this example, the plant was run at only a
ders in the years 1995–1997. The choice was be- fraction of its capacity. The furnace was run on a
tween the three processes that treat cold dross: the day-shift for 5 days per week and considerable
plasma process, Droscar and Alurec. The RSF pro- quantities of oil and oxygen were thus used for
cess was not considered, due to the drawbacks of heating the furnace. As a consequence, the calcu-
that process, as described above. lated consumption of fuel was higher than expected.
The possibility of using electrical energy was The preliminary environmental assessment for
quite appealing, but the decision was nevertheless Alur20 discussed several options for handling the
the Alurec process. The reasons were several, but NMP. The basic solution was to cool the NMP and
mainly that Alurec was a proven technology; in deliver it in big bags to Sorpa, the waste management
addition, a similar furnace had been in successful and solid waste disposal company of Reykjavik and
use in Germany for several years, investment costs its adjoining municipalities. The environmental
seemed acceptable, and the process met all the assessment concluded that the NMP could be used for
environmental standards. Last but not least, the landfilling and reference was made to the landfilling
capacity of the process was of the same magnitude of spent pot lining (SPL) and fine aluminum dross,
as was needed for recycling all aluminum dross which has been practised for many years in Stra-
produced in Iceland (Table I). umsvik. Reference was made to a report from the
2238 Ingason and Sigfusson

1000 14

Estimated total creation of aluminium

dross in Iceland in 1000 tons. 12

Al production, ton (x 1000) / year


Rey arfjordur


Straumsvik 2

0 0


Fig. 1. Development of aluminum production in Iceland (y-axis on left) and the corresponding creation of aluminum dross (y-axis on right) in the
years 2003–2012. Based on official production data from the Icelandic smelters, Fjardaal in Reydarfjordur, Rio Tinto Alcan in Straumsvik and
Nordural in Grundartangi, as well as production data from Alur, alvinnsla.

Table I. Comparison of several industrial processes for recycling aluminum dross

Investment Technical Prooven Flue gas Flame Solid

Process cost complexity Energy technology Flue gas volume temperature residue
RSF Low Little Oil Yes CO2, CO, NOx Large Low Salt cake
Plasma Large Large Electricity Yes N2, air Little Very high NMP
Graphite Moderate Some Electricity No N2, air Little Very high NMP
Alurec Moderate Some Oil Yes CO2 Some High NMP
The ‘‘proven technology’’ variable reflects whether this is an experimental process or whether the process has been in operation as an
industrial process for some time

Fig. 3. A simplified representation of the mass balance in Alur’s

production process.

removing the aluminum. This was to be an extra

process step, during which excess oxygen is blown
Fig. 2. Overview of the recycling plant. into the furnace after all the molten aluminum has
been removed. The chemical reactions following this
injection would lead to the burning of the remaining
University of Iceland,21 where it was stated that such aluminum and aluminum nitride, and aluminum
landfill had shown very little impact on the environ- oxide would be formed in exothermic reactions. This
ment around the dumping pits in Straumsvik. aluminum oxide would have a market value. To the
The preferred solution by Alur was to perform a best of Alur’s knowledge, this process step would be
so-called ‘‘afterburning’’ in the furnace, after possible with the equipment supplied.
Processing of Aluminum Dross: The Birth of a Closed Industrial Process 2239

The environmental assessment was dated May Iceland. The size distribution of the samples is
2000 and the operations were started in Helguvik in shown in Table II.
October 2003. During the commissioning of the fur- The AlN content of the samples was determined
nace, it was discovered that the refractory lining with the Kjeldahl method. For the sample from
supplied would, in fact, not withstand the high tem- smelter 1, the AlN content was 17.2%; for the
peratures of the extra ‘‘afterburning’’ process step. sample from smelter 2, the AlN content was 11.7%.
This solution was therefore not possible. As a result, In earlier stages of the research project, the
the company was already faced with a huge problem material was treated and tested without prior
at the beginning of their operations: how should the crushing. The ground samples were treated by
NMP be processed? These were difficult times in submerging them in a laboratory reactor—in water
Alur’s life. During the first weeks and months, there that was heated in an oil bath—for a period of up to
was complete uncertainty about how to respond 6 h. The water temperature and ammonia coming
properly to this problem. To begin with, the NMP was from the reactor were logged, and the ammonia in
stockpiled after it had cooled. However, it soon be- the water in the reactor was determined after the
came clear that this could not continue because rain experiment was finished. For comparison, regular
water and atmospheric moisture reacted with alu- stirring was carried out in some of the samples,
minum nitride in the NMP and formed ammonia. It while no stirring was performed in other samples.
was clear that knowledge and experience had to be Some of the results from these trials showed that
developed through theory and trials in order to the material is crushed during the regular stirring
identify the best possible solutions to this problem. and, as a consequence, 50% more AlN in the original
sample will react with the water when stirring is
LABORATORY TRIALS done. The test showed that the process—with stir-
ring—reduced the AlN content in the sample from
A number of research papers have reported on
smelter 1 to 4%. In later stages of the research
laboratory and pilot-scale trials where aluminum
project, 1000-g samples of material from both
dross is leached.22–24 Kevorkijan 25 discusses the
smelters were ground to <0.5 mm particle size in a
hydrolysis of AlN in samples of filter dust from an
disk mill. The samples were then treated in the
aluminum smelter in Slovenia. The average grain
reactor as described above, using the same quantity
size was 67 lm. The material was submerged in
of water, and stirring at 500 rpm. After treatment,
boiling water and Kevorkijan used the chemical
the material was divided into fine-grained and
coarse fractions, and dried. The weighed average
2AlN þ 3H2 O ! Al2 O3 þ 2NH3 (1) content of AlN in the treated sample from smelter 1
was 2.1%, but 2.3% in the sample from smelter 2.
to explain that the wt.% of aluminum oxide in- Crystalline phases were identified with x-ray dif-
creased from 78% to 95% while the wt.% of AlN fraction (XRD), before and after the treatment. The
decreased from 7% to 0%. Fukumoto26 made a de- results are shown in Table III.
tailed assessment of the hydrolysis behavior of
aluminum nitride in various solutions. He found out INDUSTRIAL OPERATION
that a higher temperature and a larger surface area
of AlN produced a more efficient acceleration of the To begin with, this neutralizing of NMP was
hydrolysis. Below a temperature of 351 K, crystal- performed in a primitive way using open containers
line bayerite and NH3 were produced in the hydro- outdoors. However, that method was not acceptable
lysis. A process for converting dross residues to from a safety and environmental point of view. A
useful products is described in a patent from 1991.27 more permanent solution was therefore developed,
In this process, residues from plasma dross pro-
cessing—with aluminum nitride content of at least
5%—are treated with a solution of at least pH 7. Table II. Size distribution of dross samples
Very soon, Alur leaned towards the solution to
treat the NMP by submerging it in seawater under From (lm) To (lm) Smelter 1 (%) Smelter 2 (%)
controlled conditions. In that way, they could en- 90 4.34 3.82
sure that ammonia would be formed in the exo- 90 125 4.63 3.07
thermic reaction between aluminum nitride and 125 250 14.68 12.84
water, and that this ammonia would be contained in 250 355 7.10 8.76
the water. Extensive trials in a laboratory were 355 500 7.27 9.39
carried out in collaboration with the Technological 500 800 7.38 9.47
Institute of Iceland.28 The main objective was to 800 1600 14.00 15.55
investigate whether water treatment of NMP could 1600 2500 11.84 12.81
be used for the destruction of aluminum nitride in 2500 4000 11.43 10.42
4000 8000 17.30 13.72
the NMP, and for the removal of soluble metal salts. 8000 0.00 0.12
Samples of NMP were obtained from the processing Sum 99.97 99.97
of aluminum dross from two primary smelters in
2240 Ingason and Sigfusson

Table III. Phases identified in NMP with XRD before and after water treatment

Sample a-Al2O3 Cryolite AlN CaF2 NaCl Al Al(OH)3 Diaoyudoite

NMP from Smelter 1
Before XX x XX x XX o o x
After Coarse XX x x x o o XX x
After Fine XX x o x o o XX x
NMP from Smelter 2
Before XXX o X x o o o X
After Coarse XXX o x x o o X X
After Fine XXX o x x o o X X
o—the phase was not found, x—the phase was identified. X, XX and XXX indicate stronger presence of the phase

pletely submerged in seawater. The flushing pit is

Flushed NMP is divided into three chambers. The NMP is kept in
each chamber for 2–3 days which is stirred every
removed from
III (2-3 days)

day, using a powerful hydraulic excavator, to ensure

NMP is moved between the chambers

the lushing pit that the seawater will come into contact with all of
of the lushing pit – regular stirring

to a temporary the NMP. After a period of 2–3 days, the NMP is

stockpile moved to the next chamber in the pit and the same
routine is repeated. After 2–3 days in the third
chamber, the NMP is removed from the flushing pit
and piled up for 1 day, while the seawater drips
II (2-3 days)

from the material. At the next stage, the NMP is

transferred to a more permanent stockpile, where it
Sea is stored until it is used. The material has been used
as a base material in road and harbor construction
in the Helguvik area.
To assess the efficiency of the flushing process,
samples of NMP, before and after flushing, were
I (2-3 days)

taken in the spring of 2013. XRD analysis of the

samples was carried out by ISOR—Iceland Geo-
Cold NMP is survey. Figure 5 shows the XRD spectra for the
poured into NMP. The curve in Fig. 5a shows the NMP without
the lushing pit any treatment and the curve in Fig. 5b shows the
NMP after treatment in the flushing pit, as de-
scribed above.
It has been shown that the process is quite effec-
Fig. 4. The flushing process for NMP. tive in removing the AlN from the NMP. With ref-
erence to Alur’s laboratory experiments, published
research on the leaching of aluminum dross and the
based on the concept of landfill and dumping pits XRD spectra above, it is assumed that if the alu-
that had been applied for decades in Straumsvik minum dross received by Alur contains 15% AlN,
and at Grundartangi. In the case of Alur, a dumping 80% of this AlN will react with water in the flushing
pit was used for processing the material but not as a process and form NH3 according to reaction (1). This
permanent storage, hence its name—flushing pit. A would mean that for the year 2013, a total of 92 tons
new flushing pit was designed and constructed at of ammonia were created in the Alur flushing pro-
the Alur processing area in Helguvik. The flushing cess and dissolved and removed by the seawater.32
pit was located close to the coast. It was deep en- This release of ammonia to seawater can be com-
ough to ensure that it would never run empty, that pared to an average fish farm in Iceland and does
the surface would be controlled by the tides, and not cause noticeable environmental damage. After
that the sea water in the flushing pit would be flushing, the NMP is relatively inert so that rain-
continuously replenished. The flushing process has water and atmospheric moisture have no influence
evolved over many years of operation and is shown on it. In other words, the original problem associ-
in a simple way in Fig. 4. ated with the NMP is solved with this method.
The flushing process starts on day 0 when cold However, another problem associated with the
NMP is put into one end of the flushing pit, com- NMP was discovered along the way: higher than
Processing of Aluminum Dross: The Birth of a Closed Industrial Process 2241

Fig. 5. XRD spectra for NMP. (a) A sample of NMP without treatment, (b) a sample taken after treatment in the flushing pit. Arrows indicate the
frequency peaks AlN and show that AlN is significantly reduced with treatment in the flushing pit.

anticipated contents of fluoride in the NMP. A calcium and forms the insoluble CaF2 in the flush-
standard compliance test for leaching of granular ing process. The mechanisms behind these trans-
waste materials (EN 12457-2:2002) revealed that formations are shown in Eqs. (1) and (2).
the concentration of fluoride was above the limits Although not all the aluminum nitride and fluo-
set out in the regulations for landfilling. It is to be ride is transformed in the flushing process, it can be
expected that the NMP contains a certain amount of concluded that this would in fact happen over time
fluoride.8 This has to do with the fact that some bath when the NMP is submerged in seawater. For this
material may be mixed with the dross. The bath reason, it is concluded that using flushed NMP as a
material is high in cryolite, which is used in the filling material in harbor construction work is
electrolysis of alumina, and cryolite contains fluo- harmless to the environment.
ride. It serves the interests of the aluminum smelter
to keep this material in circulation within the plant. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
However some of the cryolite escapes the cycle, ends
The laboratory- and industrial-scale experiments
up with the dross, and is subsequently sent to the
have helped to underpin Alur’s strategy to process
dross recycling facility. In order to look at the fluo-
the NMP in flushing pits. The results from laboratory
ride content in NMP and how this could be dealt
experiments and industrial operations of the flushing
with, a collaboration project was launched with a
process are in line with reported research from
large engineering consultancy, Mannvit. The effect
leaching of aluminum dross.22–26 The process has
of seawater on fluoride concentration in the NMP
been recognized by the environmental authorities in
was examined, and the survey29 pointed out that
Iceland, as can be seen in the official operating permit
the salinity of the seawater is largely due to sodium
for Alur dated September 2011.31 Flushing of NMP is
chloride content. However, seawater also includes
authorized, and it is confirmed that the flushed NMP
other ions in large quantities such as magnesium
is not considered hazardous waste. Flushed NMP is
and calcium, though the fluorine concentration in
used as a construction material, for example in har-
seawater is small. Fluoride salts, such as calcium
bor construction or in road building. This is, however,
fluoride, are harmless because of their insolubility.
only one important milestone for Alur. Utilization of
Fluoride reacts with calcium and magnesium in
flushed NMP must be part of a particular imple-
seawater and precipitates as the insoluble salt CaF2
mentation project, and this method of utilizing the
at pH 8.30 The pH of the sea around Iceland is about
NMP is therefore subject to some uncertainty. Fur-
thermore, using the NMP as a construction material
Ca þ F2 ! CaF2 (2) is a low use form of a material with a lot of potential,
because of its high alumina content.
Alur’s vision is still the same as the vision of the
To examine whether these effects can be seen in entrepreneurs who established the company in
practice, a comparative test was carried out in the 1998. Great experience has been accumulated in the
spring of 2013. Figure 6 shows XRD spectra of NMP 11 years that have passed since the beginning of
samples, before and after the flushing process. The operations in late 2003. The subject of this article
analysis was performed by ISOR—Iceland Geosur- has been the environmental aspects of the opera-
vey. tion; the processing of NMP has always been by far
Two important observations can be made from the the biggest challenge facing the company and the
comparison of the XRD spectra in Fig. 5 and 6. associated costs for labor, experts, trials and dif-
Figure 5 shows that the percentage of AlN de- ferent kinds of chemical analysis from the beginning
creases significantly with treatment in the flushing are enormous. But the company has never given up
pit. Figure 6 shows that the fluoride reacts with in its efforts to develop a lasting and acceptable
2242 Ingason and Sigfusson

Fig. 6. XRD spectra for NMP. (a) A sample of NMP without treatment, (b) a sample taken after treatment in the flushing pit. Arrows indicate the
frequency peaks for calciumfluoride (CaF2), and show that its concentration increases with treatment.

solution for the handling of NMP and to create a 12. L. Falardeau, Dross in the Aluminium Industry (Thane:
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