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Name: Alexia Jane T.

Benablo Subject: Principle of Economic

Course: BSBA-1 Date:

My reaction paper for the BSP webinar on preparing for your future is that we all know that we
all have dreams for our future. It is essential for an individual to prepare not only for his/her present but
also for the future. You need to prepare yourself well to face adverse situations with a smile. I am
delighted to see that genuine organizations are interested about training people, particularly young
people, for the future. They are discussing the necessity for up skilling and reskilling in order to meet
future needs. Furthermore, they are giving relevant training programs as a means of demonstrating that
they are serious about their mission. They provide programs in critical thinking, creativity,
entrepreneurship, and analysis, among other things, that will undoubtedly be beneficial to them as they
join a rapidly changing and dynamic world. I paid a brief overnight visit to some family in Manila the
other day and spent time interacting with my nephews and nieces, both young professionals and little
children. To be honest, I was astounded by the way these young people are now—technically savvy and
full of self-assurance. But, in the back of my mind, I wondered if they would know how to link
themselves and their actions to God. My sincere hope is that, in addition to these necessary technical
abilities, the more essential ‘skill' of connecting everything to God be developed. We should not limit
ourselves to the practical and technological levels, since without God, everything becomes meaningless.
In reality, God must be the primary motivation and ultimate aim of all the new abilities that individuals
must master today. He should not be traded for a purely technological, material, or temporal item.
These tangible and temporal things, on the other hand, should be the method by which we approach
God. Every one of us should learn to offer God everything that we are, having, and do. For example, our
job should not be entirely technological with a strictly worldly and temporal objective. It must be a
manifestation of our devotion to God, a method of worshiping, praising, and thanking him. To be true,
since everything originates from God and belongs to him, everything may be linked to him. And, if we
follow Christ's example, we will understand that all of our earthly activities may and should be an
occasion or method of relating to God. This fundamental fact about us and our lives should be on our
minds at all times. We have a major problem when we disregard or are apathetic to God, which is just
one step away from acting against him. There is a pressing need to make young people, in particular,
aware of the role of God in our lives. Everyone must understand how to relate to God and everything in
their lives. This, I believe, is the major problem confronting all educational institutions. We need to
reskill and up skill individuals in the spiritual and moral elements of their lives, not only the technical
aspects of their lives, to prepare them for the future. We need to figure out how to properly teach
individuals to be with God while working on their technological tasks. For this reason, the necessity of a
specific life plan, which should include, first and foremost, certain acts of piety and a program of ongoing
spiritual and moral growth, cannot be overstated. Yes, we should learn to spend some time each day in
prayer and meditation, as well as reading the gospel and other spiritual works to understand more
about God. We should use the sacraments, for example.

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