4.the Impact of Training On Employee Performance in Private Banks of Hyderabad

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1................................................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Problem statement.................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Significance of the study.......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Objectives of the study............................................................................................................................................ 5
Chapter 2................................................................................................................................................................................6
LITERATURE REVIEW.....................................................................................................................................................6
Chapter 3................................................................................................................................................................................8
Theoretical Framework.........................................................................................................................................................8
3.1 Computer Trainings variables................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Communication Training Variables.......................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Management trainings............................................................................................................................................. 8
3.4 Employee Performance............................................................................................................................................ 8
Chapter 4................................................................................................................................................................................9
Research Methodology..........................................................................................................................................................9
4.1. Research Design.................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.2. Procedure............................................................................................................................................................. 10
4.3. Population............................................................................................................................................................. 10
4.4. Sample size and sampling method........................................................................................................................ 10
4.6. Hypothesis............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Chapter 5..............................................................................................................................................................................12
DATA ANALYSIS...............................................................................................................................................................12
5.1 Trainings................................................................................................................................................................ 12
5.2 Training are beneficial for the Employee Performance..............................................................................................13
5.3 Training design for job requirements..........................................................................................................................14
5.4. Applicable Training....................................................................................................................................................15
5.5. Training increase motivation......................................................................................................................................16
5.6. Improvement in Skills, Knowledge change in attitude, and new capabilities...........................................................17
5.8 Recognition for the Project.................................................................................................................................... 19
5.9. CRM...................................................................................................................................................................... 20
5.10 Two technological innovation advantages for professional activities......................................................................21
5.11. Impact of technology innovation..........................................................................................................................22
5.12. Use of device to maintain long-term customer relationship....................................................................................23
5.13. Level of maintaining relationship with Customers..................................................................................................24
5.14. Accountability and authoritative in decision making...............................................................................................25
5.15. Team work and leadership skills..............................................................................................................................26
5.16. Forecasting in HR area.............................................................................................................................................27
5.17. Strategies of Effective Management........................................................................................................................28
5.18. Level of Time Management.....................................................................................................................................29
5.19. Reduce Long Queues..............................................................................................................................................30
5.20. Career Aspirations....................................................................................................................................................31
5.21. Top Priorities............................................................................................................................................................32
5.22. Deliveries Enhance Productivity..............................................................................................................................33
5.23. Enhancement of Quality...........................................................................................................................................34
5.24. Training Enhance Quality...............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.25. Use of Tools and Machines......................................................................................................................................35
Chapter 6:.............................................................................................................................................................................38
CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS....................................................................................................................38
10. (Breadwell 1993, Garavan1997).............................................................................................................................................................................40

11. (www.eajournals.org)..............................................................................................................................................................................................40

The impact of training on Employee Performance in Private Bank sector Hyderabad......................................................41
18. Quick service deliveries enhance customer satisfaction and this will encourage customers to save more
leading to an increase in banks productivity....................................................................................................................43
20. My management has shown a genuine interest in my career aspirations”...............................................43
21. Day-to-day decisions here demonstrate that quality and improvement are top priorities”...................44
22. Most of the systems and processes here support us getting our work done effectively...........................44

Chapter 1

Banking sector is highly involved in the risks and returns as default, the trainings could manage
these risks and could highly evaluate the worth of the client by managing the risks of the
organization. In banking the purpose of training is to achieve the strategic goals of the organization
and compete the market in today’s’ fast moving world. Training is increasing its value day by day
in business world, because it enhances the competency and effectiveness of the employee as well
as organization. There are various aspects that are influencing the magnitude and superiority of
training activities like core change, change in the outward surroundings, the accessibility of skills
in employees etc.

(Cole 2002). The trainings enhance knowledge, skills, competencies and attributes ultimately
increase worker performance and productivity of organization. In organization recent learning
schemes, do not basically teach knowledge for job positions. Due to this organizations labor force
comprises of few employees with right skills, abilities and knowledge required to fill the job
position in the market. So there is a requirement for effective training for employees to improve
their organization productivity and performance. Banking services firms providing services that
are delivering to the customers and consumed by consumers at same time.

The main objective of training is to achieve the short term and long term intent of human resource
by adding its value .building up the actual skills conceptual ideas, understanding with the
employees and clients and attitude of the individual are the manage areas of responsibilities of the
banks. (Noe and peacock 2002).quoted in their research that trainings encourage the employee to
adapt new technologies, communicate effectively and cooperate with peers from diverse
background. (Jorge, sebastain) In banking sector the fundamental challenge is rooted in growing
demand made by the public and regulatory environment. (Dauda & Akingbade, 2011) firms must
motivate their employees to accept the new technology and also organization gives incentive to
employee for improved performance. Besides organizations must purchase the developed
technological tool for improving the employee’s performance, facilitated job-tasks, improved
communication, increased efficiencies, and higher-levels of efficiency in work management.
Advance technology has changed the way of performing job.

Technological advancement improved the employee performance as well as less the employee
working effort and task completion time. New technology is not only essential for company or
government, it is also important for nation. Advancement in technology employees of banking
sector tend to be motivated to do their work and there is more need of training for employee skills
and knowledge about that specific technology. Companies without new technologies cannot run
their business. Technology is beneficial to increase human performance when human or
employees use technology use with ethical values. Adoption of technology is not a one handed
process it is easily when group of employee adopt technology easily. Organization could reduce
the work load for employee through technological advancement.

(Sultan, Jenkin 2007 and prez2014). Lemess, mesele, adeba 2015 quoted that by Hoc and
disorganized way many organizations are meeting their training’s need. Training in the
organization are less or more unplanned and unsystematic, whereas training needs are identifying
by other organizations to get their productive results.

(Breadwell 1993, Garavan1997). Banking sector has to increase and improve the quality as well
as quantity levels for the employee by organizing such trainings, so organization could increase
the productivity, because the bank employee is represents the firm and service provider for their
customer (Aryee 2009).The massive change in monetary sector worldwide from first to last lead to
Globalization and financial liberalization through major development in the wealth and sell
markets in developed countries. On the other side fiscal change has drastically changed monetary
structure scenery introduced by new expenses, decision and methods which are acquiring more
trainings in order to understand and to be implement by profitable banks. Or else these all changes
cause great risks to the finance which the banks may not be bear these threats on fertility and
sustainability of the business (ELIZA 2018).

1.1 Problem statement

In previous studies, it was reported that the number of employee’s are not capable enough to
perform the task in an efficient manner in particular and due to which the employee performance
in these banks was termed as one of the main causes of problem in banks inefficiency. The main
problem in this study is to what extent the training impact over employee performance in the banks
of Hyderabad. The banks performance is ineffective which disturbs the country’s economy greatly
however the bank plays an important role in the economic system of different countries. Therefore

the experienced employees are essentials for the banks in order to increase their productivity.
Therefore in this research the quantitative study examines how training impact on the performance
of employees in banks. Therefore from the literature review the following problem statement is
predicted to evaluate“ the impact of training on employee’s performance in private banks of

1.2 Significance of the study

This research is crucial for the organization overall performance as employees are important assets
who could make the agency work better and if the personnel are not professional and experienced to
perform their work obligations and responsibilities then the objectives and desires of the organization
aren't achieved. The impact of unskilled personnel is diagnosed in this research especially in
Hyderabad banks.

1.3 Objectives of the study

 The main objective of the study is to know the importance of the training in banking sector and
also to know how training impact on the performance of the employee and productivity if the
 To examine the hurdles in implementation of such programs.
 To decide the effect of employee understanding on organizational performance.

 To recognize the impact of abilities and abilities on organizational performance.

 To identify the weak areas of employee required training to be given to overcome the problems

 To identify effectiveness of the training Programs.

 To discover the impact of training on employee motivation.

 To identify the impact of schooling on worker satisfaction.

 To recognize the need of worker schooling in organization

Chapter 2

Obtaining proficiencies and help organization to retain its employees over fulfillment and
motivation by conducting trainings for employee’s performance. Emphasized training as a crucial
part to an employee for the change of the corporations because some of the employees have lack
of knowledge skills and abilities and failed to accomplish task on timely basis. Researchers have
engraved thru their research the exclusive dimensions of training in diverse sectors of corporate
world in gaining area over the competition.
Not that humans are once skilled and the game is over but the actual factor of challenge is to
continuously teach the personnel about the alternate and mastering to achieve high in such
as alternate.

Studies have been completed discussing the education methods, their delivery, employee belief of
education training defects, improvement opportunities, education investment consequences for
organizations, and effect of schooling employees’ behavior. Our meta-analysis section elaborates
the specific authors’ perspectives on training. The training in organization using funnel approach
via beginning from Hyderabad. Trainings are very beneficial to both managers as well as the
employees because it affects the performance of employees and also beneficial in performing non-
bank financial activities.
This research tells that training enhanced employee commitment on modification processes.By
the development of knowledge, skills, proficiencies, behavior and abilities the training delivers
profit to the employee performance and the organization. (Benedicta Appiah 2010) tells training
enhances knowledge, skills, attributes and competencies and ultimately worker performance and
productivity in organization.(Dauda & Akingbade, 2011).Technologies can only lead to increased
productivity or improve performance when collective with other resources effectively by human
resources or when done effectively, and use technology productively and ethically.
(Farooq & Khan, Impact of Training and Feedback on Employee Performance, 2011). Because of
global environment firms are met with different nature of problems that they never faced before.
More competencies regarding job are required that are essential for achieving organizations goals.
Firms should adopt these changes and equip them with latest technology and develop their abilities

to use latest.(Asma mehmood 2012) citied that retention and commitment towards employee
performance influenced by trainings .
(Atola Janepher Adongo 2013) highlighted that the organization neglects the reputation of training
which leads high turnover and cost of new hiring of employees reduce the organization’s
Today’s challenging world is more competent, so the trainings can overcome the
capabilities of employees more efficiently which could be beneficial for the
organization’s efficiency. According to (Frankin Dang Kum 2014) ineffectiveness
Data became collected via random sampling method. He concludes that the organization
who make investment on human resource control view schooling as an opportunity for
growing their long term productivity

Chapter 3

Theoretical Framework


Communication management
training trainings


3.1 Computer Trainings variables

 Accessibility to office computer

 Computer courses attended

 Amount of computer experience

3.2 Communication Training Variables

 Employee engagement

 Problem solving

 Customer relationship

3.3 Management trainings

 Decision making

 Time management

 Designing Strategies

3.4 Employee Performance

 Decision making

 Motivation

 Self-improvement

Chapter 4

Research Methodology
This studies is quantitative look at that is descriptive in nature and based on primary fact series
methods. On the other side secondary records is likewise amassed from studies articles to justify this
studies. The pattern is taken from both male and female managers and all staff running in banks of
Hyderabad. Questionnaire is developed for all staff members of banks Hyderabad. It is next to not a
possible to take at an entire population therefore small part of the population is used as a pattern.
It is hard to capture structures of the pattern which it holds, so the results may be simplified in
wider populace. Sample has been taken from accessible populace.
The sample has been taken from both males and female employees of different Banks of
Hyderabad. Primary a data was collected and although secondary data also used to classify the
work done. Study provides an empirical evidence of factors that effects employees training and
performance of organization.
The reaction on these indicators has then been related the employee performance. Banking zone has been selected
as population. Sampling are the branches of consultant banks working in Hyderabad including: silk, Bank Alfalah,
Summit Bank Limited, UBL, Sonari Bank Limited, Habib Bank Limited, Allied Bank Limited. The questionnaire had
been given handiest to those employees who

are working there and attended some education sessions at some point of the course of
their activity at their respective banks.
The self –evaluation responses approximately the have an effect on of education on
the employees’ talents stage and their behavioral elements like motivation & loyalty to their

bank were gotten. On the premise of frequency of responses then the effects have been drawn for
proving they have a look at goals and answering the questions.
It is an empirical research that quantitatively measures the impact of Training on various abilities
and retention elements like motivation & loyalty of employees within the banks of Hyderabad. We
have followed the descriptive and explanatory approach to assess the role of training in personnel
work overall performance and to satisfy the other study objective. Survey sampling has been used
to accumulate relevant information and responses. The sampling strategies used were comfort
sampling and referral sampling.

Questionnaires had been delivered inside the diverse branches of banks with the aid of hand and
online as well. Sample size became determined on the premise of instinct and gut feelings. The
time concerns and availability of respondents became the major cause behind selecting the pattern
size thru intuition. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) is being used to analyze the
responses accrued on the questionnaire.

4.1. Research Design

The type of study will be quantitative, since it will measure the relationship between the
dependent and independent variable.

4.2. Procedure

The research shall be conducted through the following methods:

 A questionnaire will be prepared keeping in view all the factors.

 Data will be collected through the questionnaire.

 The data will then be assembled and recorded using software like SPSS.

 The data will then be analyzed and interpreted using diverse methodologies.

 Hypothesis will then be either approved or disapproved based on the interpretations.

 Conclusion and recommendation on the subject will be presented.

4.3. Population

The population of my research is the user of different banks in Hyderabad. In which I have selected the , Bank Alfalah, Summit Bank Limited, UBL, Sonari Bank

Limited ,Habib Bank Limited, Allied Bank Limited

4.4. Sample size and sampling method

In this examination populace is the entire classification of upper level and middle level of banks
in Hyderabad. It is beside difficult to examine an entire populace, along these lines little segment
of the populace is utilized as an example. It is hard to perceive structures of the example which it
holds, so the outcomes can be disentangled in more extensive populace. Test has been taken from
available populace for example gathering of supervisors and center level staff having comparative

qualities. The example is taken from both male and female supervisors and operational
chiefs working in banks of Hyderabad.

4.5. Measurement/Instrument selection


Primary data would be collected through questionnaires and the data provided by the bankers of
Hyderabad. The questionnaire would be structured.

Secondary data would be collected from different articles, research papers, magazines and
different sources on internet.

4.6. Hypothesis
H˳1: There is no relationship between employee knowledge and motivation.
Hᴬ1: There is a relationship between employee knowledge and motivation.
H˳2: There is no relationship between employee knowledge and satisfaction.
Hᴬ2: There is a relationship between employee knowledge and satisfaction.
H˳3: There is no relationship between skills and abilities and employee motivation.
Hᴬ3: There is a relationship between skills and abilities and employee motivation.
H˳4: There is no relationship between skills and abilities and employee satisfaction.
Hᴬ4: There is a relationship between skills and abilities and employee satisfaction.

Chapter 5


5.1 Trainings

Fig: 5.1 The training are :

(Source: This study)

The data was collected from 60 respondents 78.3% were male where as 22.7% were female
employee from various private banks of Hyderabad, said that trainings are leaning enhancement
sharing information and motivation for the employee performance.

5.2 Training are beneficial for the Employee Performance

Fig: 5.2 Attending any training program is beneficial for the organizational performance:
(Source: This study)

Trainings are beneficial for the better performance of employee in the field of banking the
statement was given to the bankers so, 55% were strongly agree that trainings are beneficial for the
employees’ performance whereas 35% were also agree and 8.3% were neutral about the statement
whereas very low (1.7) % employees were not agree that trainings are beneficial for the employee

5.3 Training design for job requirements

Fig: 5-3 The training program designed based on the requirements of the job:
(Source: This study)

In the banks training programs are designed to fulfil the requirement of the job.
31.7% were strongly agree about this statement whereas 43.3% were agree, 20% were neutral and
the other 5% were disagree about trainings are not designed for the fulfilment of job requirements.

5.4. Applicable Training

Fig: 5-4 The trainings you have taken are applicable for the job you do:
(Source: This Study)

The trainings took by the bankers were applicable for the job they are doing 43.3% were
strongly agree. 41.7% were agree whereas 15% where neutral that the trainings they have taken
were applicable for the job they are doing in the bank.

5.5. Training increase motivation

Fig: 5-5 Trainings increase motivation to the job

(Source: This study)
51.7% of the employee said they are strongly agree that trainings increase our motivation and
encouragement for the job we are doing we increase our productivity. Whereas 31.7% are also
agree but 16.7% were neutral about the statement.

5.6. Improvement in Skills, Knowledge change in attitude, and
new capabilities

Fig: 5-6 The trainings improve skill, knowledge, attitude change, new capability:
(Source: This Study)
when I asked The trainings improve skill, knowledge, attitude change, new capability then 60% of
the bankers were strongly agree and 35% were agree too. Whereas 5% said we are neutral not
agree nor disagree.

5.7. Job satisfaction.

Fig: 5.7 The training lead me to the job satisfaction.

(Source: This Study)

21.7% bankers said they are strongly agree trainings lead them to job satisfaction, 31.7% said they
are just agree and 35% were neutral. Whereas 8.3% were disagree and 3.3% were strongly
disagree for the statement.

5.8 Recognition for the Project

Fig: 5-8 The last time accomplished a big project, I received recognition.
(Source: This Study)

35% of the bankers from various banks of Hyderabad are agree that they received recognition for
accomplishing the big project and 23.3% are strongly agree, but 9% said they are disagree they
haven’t received any recognition from their organization for the accomplishment of the project.
Whereas 26.7% are neutral about the statement.

5.9. CRM

Fig: 5-9 In how many categories do you classify your CRM?

(Source: This Study)

28.3% of the bankers said Operational CRM.23.3% said Consumer CRM. 20% said Corporate CRM
and 18.3 mentioned collaboration CRM whereas 10 said Analytical CRM.

5.10 Two technological innovation advantages for professional activities.

Fig: 5-10 Two main advantages consider technological innovation has brought to your
professional daily activity

(Source: This Study)

Explanation46.7% replied the innovation they need is to speed up to perform the role better and
40% said efficiency innovation is needed, 30% said quality of output must be increased and
26.7% told us innovation in motivation could be improved. Whereas 23.3% of the bankers said
flexibility in the adoption should be increased for the better professional daily activities.

5.11. Impact of technology innovation

Fig: 5-11 Technological innovation has impacted positively on your productivity

(Source: This Study)


45% are strongly agree that technology has positivity impacted on their productivity in the
organization 36.7% are agree and 16.7% are neutral nor agree not disagree, whereas 1.7% are
totally disagree for this.

5.12. Use of device to maintain long-term customer relationship

Fig: 5-12 device use for maintaining relationships with long-term customers

(Source: This Study)


When we asked from the bankers what device do you use to maintain the relationship with the
customers 43.3% said for the both manual and electronic device we use to maintain and 25% said it
depends upon the customer how they are like to keep in touch with us and it depend upon the
nature of the customer, and 16.7% bankers said it depends on the conditions and time what is
relevant for us and the customers. Whereas 0nly 10% bankers said the use electronic devices to
maintain the long-term relationship with customers.

5.13. Level of maintaining relationship with Customers

Fig: 5-13 level of maintaining relationships with customers

(Source: This Study)


56.7% bankers’ maintenance level is active for the customers and 20% are on highest level
to maintain the relationship whereas 18.3% are on moderate level.

5.14. Accountability and authoritative in decision making

Fig: 5-14 The training program enables the employee to be accountable and authoritative
in decision making

(Source: This Study)


48.3% agree about the statement, bankers said training programs improve the decision
making power in accountability and authoritatively way, and 26.7% are strongly agree but
21.7% are neutral, whereas 3.3% are disagree with the statement.

5.15. Team work and leadership skills

Fig: 5-15 The training methods focus on developing team work and leadership skills

(Source: This Study)


50% Agree by trainings team work and leadership skills increases and 33.3% were strongly agree
with this statement. But 13.3% were neutrally respond whereas 3.3% said they are disagree.

5.16. Forecasting in HR area

Fig:5-16 Management in identifying analyzing forecasting and planning changes

in HR area

(Source: This Study)


The trainings regarding analyzing forecasting and planning or change in attitude impact on the
performance of employee in the career 61.3% are really agree for the trainings and 33.3% replied
moderate, remaining 15% are disappointed with the trainings. HR plays important role in
productivity they should be powerful in all these factors.

5.17. Strategies of Effective Management

Fig:5-17 Strategies of organization linked to the performance management system

(Source: This Study)


Strategies plan for the organization links with performance of the employee with reward strategies
team work strategy and leadership strategies these all are reciprocal with employee performance.
Bankers said they are being motivated with reward strategies and team work strategies.

5.18. Level of Time Management

Fig: 5-18 your Organization’s level of time management

(Source: This Study)


The graph tells us that the bank sector is highly developed in the term of time management and
employee are punctual for the job and the work they have been assigned.

5.19. Reduce Long Queues

Fig:5.19 Effective management of time reduce the long queues in the banking hall

(Source: This Study)


The graph shows that time management training really help them to avoid for long queues in the bank
hall time management plays the major role and by the controllable management and time employee
could reduce the long queues and could help customers not to wait too long in banking hall.

5.20. Career Aspirations

Fig:5-20 My management has shown a genuine interest in my career aspirations”

(Source: This Study)


When this question was asked from the bankers they said, our organization is helpful for us in
building our career aspirations and shows interest to motivate us for further promotions and help us
by guiding us.

5.21. Top Priorities

Fig:5-21 Day-to-day decisions demonstrate quality and improvement are top priorities

(Source: This Study)


This study tells that day-to-day decision can improve the quality of productivity and keep top
priorities and give the better results to the organization and bankers are highly satisfied with
the decision daily and done daily effectively.

5.22. Deliveries Enhance Productivity

Fig:5-22 Quick service deliveries enhance customer satisfaction encourage customers increase
in banks productivity.

(Source: This Study)


The deliveries given on time to the customers can increase productivity and keep the customer loyal with the
organization bankers said they are the king they should be handle with care and love so and should always
prefer their preference so they could be loyal with the bank by this bankers should get trainings.

5.23. Enhancement of Quality

Fig: 5-23Training enhance high quality of product/service

(Source: This Study)


The quality of the services are given to the customer could increase productivity and relies the
customer loyal with the organization. By training employee could improve the quality of product
and services given to customers.

5.24. Use of Tools and Machines

Fig: 5-23 Training help me to enhance use of tools, machines and operational safety
(Source: This Study)


The bankers said tools machines are very useful and time saver as well as energy saver for us this
is very important to arrange the trainings of such type so we can use them frequently .

5.25. Elimination of obsolesce in skills

Fig: 5-25 Training helps me to eliminate obsolesce in skills.

(Source: This Study)


Training enhance our knowledge and skills so we can give productive results to the organization
by training we have over some many barriers for the work and learn many new and innovate thing.
These trainings are beneficial for us as well as organization.

5.25. Employee Value

Fig: 5-26 I feel valued at work?

(Source: This Study)


The private bank sector of Hyderabad said, they are happy with their job and their bank give them
value and take care of them and their needs. They are highly satisfied with their banks and like to
stay there and for the bank. They get their recognitions and rewards and motivation.

Chapter 6


The result of this research have proven that the element of the training of organization have fine
effect on worker overall performance of banks in Hyderabad. Despite of that, this research has
supplies precious information and expertise to the banks approximately the significance of training
in growing worker performance.
As a result, it is able to be finish that the banks which provide schooling to their personnel in a
proper manner can gain extensive improvement in overall performance and productivity and might
deal more range of clients with satisfaction.
Training is compulsory for employees to beautify knowledge, capabilities and talents that offer
substantial guide to increase the overall performance of banks of Hyderabad. Performance of the
relationship depends at the worker responsibility that's to be determined with the aid of HR
approach for the training and development.
By giving additional schooling stages inside the affiliation workforce turn out to be involve to
advantage further information their information approximately their career which eventually
supports them in accomplishment campaigns between their peer assemblies.
In the worldwide age of technology training has come to be very important as the corporation
introduces new and advance technologies of their work place. So it's miles obligatory for all of the
banks to provide advanced training to their employee for the betterment of their performance.
The key finding of studies study are pressure level and motivation technical information training
application method understanding and employee performance motivation of personnel which
indicates a strong high quality dating with worker performance.
It shows that it shows high financial institution is training a talent control software to accomplish
their cutting –edge and destiny wishes help them to compete with the rapid adjustment in working
environment. Moreover, management fashion is the key for the banks that have good management
makes good surroundings for the employee to perform responsibilities effectively.


In this examination in the wake of talking about the realities and discoveries analyst proposals are
as per the following:

This examination gives an experimental sign of factor that influences preparing and representative
execution that can give understandings to banking segment of Hyderabad. Persuasive preparing
project ought to be begun for representatives to create inspirational attribute. Preparing program is
a basic apparatus for creating employee's aptitudes and capacities and knowledge. Every bank
should actualize it.

Banks existing preparing program are compelling yet banks ought to likewise chip away at
empowering representatives to improve their capacity and manage innovative framework. Banks
should dispatch powerful preparing system for their representatives with the goal that they can
without much of a stretch handle the challenging circumstance of workplaces.


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The impact of training on Employee Performance in Private Bank sector Hyderabad.

I Am Researcher Preh Fatima Thaheem Student of MBA The reason of this research is to know the importance of training in private banking sector of Hyderabad,
and also to fulfill the academic requirement assigned by my Supervisor Dr. Professor Vishnu Parmar IBA University of Sindh Jamshoro. Your personal data will be

1. Name __________ (Optional) 2. Designation___________

2. Select Your Bank
o Summit
o Alfalah
3. Age
o 20-24
o 25-29
o 30-34
4. Gender
o Male
o Female
5. Experience in banking Sector.
o Less than 1 year
o 2-4 years
o More than 5 years
1. What do you understand by trainings?
o Learning
o Enhancement
o Sharing information
o Motivation
o All of above
2. The training program designed based on the requirements of the
job. o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree
3. The trainings you have taken are applicable for the job you do?
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree
4. Do the trainings increase your motivation to the job you do?
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

5. The trainings improve skill, knowledge, attitude change, new capability?
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree
6. The training lead me to the job satisfaction.
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree
7. The last time accomplished a big project, I received recognition.
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree
8. In how many categories do you classify your CRM customers?
o Consumer
o Corporate
o Collaboration
o Analytical
o Operational
9. What device do you use for maintaining relationships with long-term customers?
o Manual
o Electronic
o Both
o Depend on customer
o Depend on conditions
10. As a bank employee, technological innovation has impacted positively on your productivity?
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree
11. Technological innovation has impacted positively on your productivity?
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree
12. As a bank employee, what two main advantages do you consider technological innovation has brought to your professional daily acti vity?

o Efficiency

o Motivation

o Quality of output

o Speed to perform role

o Flexibility

13. What is the level of maintaining relationships with customers?
o lowest level
o Inactive
o Moderate
o Active
o highest level
14. The training program enables the employee to be accountable and authoritative in decision making?
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree
15. The developmental activity helps the management in identifying analyzing forecasting and planning changes needed in company’s HR area?
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree
16. What strategies of your organization have been linked to the performance management system to make it more effective?
o Reward strategy
o Team work strategy
o Cultural strategy
o Leadership strategy
o Entertainment programs
17. How will you rate your Organization’s level of time
management o Highly dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Neutral
o Satisfied
o Highly satisfied
18. Quick service deliveries enhance customer satisfaction and this will encourage customers to save more leading to an increase in banks
productivity. o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
19. Effective management of time reduce the long queues in the banking hall
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

20. My management has shown a genuine interest in my career

aspirations” o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

21. Day-to-day decisions here demonstrate that quality and improvement are top
priorities” o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

22. Most of the systems and processes here support us getting our work done effectively
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree
23. Are you satisfied with your organization? if yes, rank according to your preference accordingly :1=Strongly disagree, 2= Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly
Statement Ranking 1-2-3-4-5

1. I feel valued at work?

2. I am happy at my work

3. I believe there are good career opportunities for me at this company

24. Please rate the skills below by putting x where you feel it should be Below is a list of basic skills that to have Please rate accordingly: (Place
an X on the relevant box)
Assume objective 1= very low, 2= low, 3= moderate, 4= high, 5=very high.

Questions item Rank 1-2-3-4-5

1. Training increase my productivity

2. Training enhance high quality of product/service

3. Trainings help me to enhance use of tools, machines and operational safety

4. Training helps me to eliminate obsolesce in skills.

Thank You for your Kind Response


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