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Objective To evaluate the definite integral 1 x dx as the limit of a sum and verify it by actual

Pre-requisite knowledge Knowledge of intogration and geometry.
Materials required: Cardboard, white paper and graph paper.
1. Take a cardboard of a suitable size and paste a white
paper on it. .

2. Draw two lines perpendicular to each other, representing

co-ordinate axes X'OX and YOY'.
3. Draw a quadrant of a circle with O as centre and radius
1 unit (10 cm), as shown in the figure.
The curve in the 1st quadrant represents the graph of the
function v1-x in the closed interval [0, 1] O
AA, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A
4. Let origin O be denoted by A and the points where A10
Curve meets the x-axis and y-axis be denoted by
Fig. 19.1
and B, respectively
5. Divide ApAo into 10 equal parts with points of division as, A. Az Ag Ag

6. From each of the points A, Ag, Aq . . . Ag. draw perpendicular on the x-axis to meet the curve
at the points
B,, B, B Bg. Measure the lengths A,B,. A,B2,
of A,Bo, AB, and call them as
Yo Y1 Y2 Y3 whereas width of each part, AA,
Y A,A AA, =
AAs A,Ay

AAg AgAg =AgA10
0.1 unit.

1. Yo A%B, =
1 unit

Y A,B, =
0.99 units
y2 A B , = 0.97 units
Ya AB = 0.95 units
Y4 A B 4 = 0.92 units

Ys AB = 0.87 units
Ys AB = 0.8 units

Y A,B, 0.71 units

Ys AgBa = 0.6 units

Y9 AgBg= 0.43 units

Y10 A1oB10 which is very small and assumed to be 0.
2. Area of the quadrant of the circle
Area bounded by the curve and the two axes
sum of the areas of 10
2 1 * (0.1) x [(1 + 0.99)+ (0.99 + 0.97) + (0.97 0 . 9 5 ) + (0.95+0.92) + (0.92 +0.87)

(0.87+ 0.8) + (0.8+ 0.71) + (0.71 +0.6) + (0.6+0.43) + (0.43)]

(0.1) x [0.5 +0.99 + 0.97 + 0.95 + 0.92 0.87 0.80+ 0.71 + 0.60 +
0.1x 7.74 0.774 sq.
units (approximately)
3. Also. [1 -xdx =|x1-2 sin'x 3.14= 0.785 sq. units.
2 4
4. The area of the quadrant as a limit of a sum is nearly the same as the area obtained by actual

From the above activity we see that the definite integral -x dx can be evaluated as the limit
of a sum.

Application Useful to give concept clarity of area bounded by the curves.

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