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Drill vehicle special chassis operation manual


Written by WAN YONG 20080303

Verified by ZHOU XIANG 20080306

Checked by ZHOU CHANGSHENG 20080309

Standarized by CHU PEILAN 20080309

Approved by ZHOU YUELIANG 20080309

Hubei Sanjiang Aerospace WANSHAN special vehicle Co.Ltd

共 83 页 第 1 页
WS5531TZJ Drill vehicle special chassis operation manual

Hubei Sanjiang Aerospace WANSHAN special vehicle Co.Ltd

共 83 页 第 2 页
Company Introduction

Hubei Sanjiang Aerospace WANSHAN special vehicle Co.Ltd situates in

Xiaogan city Hubei province. Under direct control of China Sanjiang Space
Industrial Group Company,It is a state-owned exclusive investment Co.Ltd
and is one of the nationally-approved designated manufacturers of whole
vehicle and chassis of automobile.。
Sanjiang Volit Special Vehicle Co.Ltd is a joint venture of China
sanjiang space group and BELARUS largest heavy-duty cross-land vehicle
enterprise M3KT. It is under direct control of Hubei Sanjiang Aerospace
WANSHAN special vehicle Co.Ltd and specialized in production of heavy-
duty,super heavy-heavy duty military cross land vehicles;It specifically
designs and manufactures various oil field special chassis and half
trailer with the brand name “WANSHAN”
Since the formal running in March 1998, it completes trail production
in the same year.At present, it has the yearly production capacity of 300
sets with a yearly profit exceeding 10 million Yuan. There are 260
employees with Chinese nationlitity and berulus nationality and 70
technical personnel of various fields.A comparatively complete set of
modern enterprise management has been established and it has passed the
certificating of standard quality control of GB/T19001-2000。
It follows the principle of combined design and production of chassis
and upload for the oil field vehicle chasiss.It develops special chassis
that is applicable to whole vehicle as per client request. Up till now,
various special vehicle chassis and half-trailer for oil service(drilling)
vehicle from 30t to 150t、have been made. There are 4×4、6×4、6×6、8×
4、 8×6、 8×8、10×8、12×8、14×8 driving type of our products。Main

It takes marketing principle of clients first. A complete after-sale service

of delivery, commissioning, repairing,training, spare parts supplying has
been has been established for all process and needs.
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CAD Preface
Hubei Sanjiang Aerospace WANSHAN special vehicle Co.Ltd
welcome and thank for using our products.。

The “Wanshan B rand” WS5531TZJ Dri ll Vehicle Special Chassis

made by this company is a new type of dual power mechanism
14X8 chassis. This chassis is especially applicable fo r operation
on dirt and silt road surface, and it is provided with hydrau lic
power steering characteri zed with easily, freely and stable

The design, production and quality of “Wanshan Brand”

chassis of special vehicle for oil field conform to stipulations of
QC/T739-2005 Common specifications for special vehicle for oil field.

To operate this chassis in a safety and correct way fully

using its functions and imp roving work efficiency, please read
carefully Operation Manual of this chassis, work strictly
according to the operation rules.。

This manual mainly introduces the main technical

parameters,main structure and specification, work
principle,function,maintenance method of chassis.It is useful to
equipment managerial personals,operators,maintenance personnel.

Correct operation prolongs the service life and ensure the

chassis performances.




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Table of Contents
1 BRIEF ...................................................................... 9
1.1 OUT LIN E ................................................................ 9
1.2 AP P LIC ATION ......................................................... 9
1.3 COMPOSITE ............................................................ 9
2 TECHNICAL PAR AMETERS ...................................... 11
2.1 PER FORMANC E PARAM ETERS .............................. 11
2.2.1 POWER SYSTEM ................................................. 12
2.2.2 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM .................................... 14
2.2.3 RUNNING SYSTEM ............................................. 16
2.2.4 STEER ING SYSTEM ............................................ 17
2.2.5 BRAKING SYSTEM ............................................. 18
2.2.6 CAB ................................................................... 20
2.2.7 ELECTR ICAL SYST EM ........................................ 20
PAR TS ....................................................................... 23
3 OIL AND ASSISTANT MATERIAL ............................. 23
3.1 FU EL .................................................................... 23
3.2 LUBRIC ATING OI L ................................................ 24
3.3 COOLANT ............................................................. 24
3.4 HYDR AULIC OIL ................................................... 25
3.5 LUBRIC ATING GRE AS E ......................................... 25
3.6 ASSISTANT M ATERIAL ......................................... 25
描写 4 USE AND OPERATION ............................................. 27
4.1 BRIEF ................................................................... 27
4.1.1 COMMON ATTENTION POINTS ........................... 27


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CAD 4.1.2 DRIVER ATTENTION POINTS .............................. 28

4.1.3 SAFETY REQUIR EMENTS ................................... 31
4.2 OPER ATION PROCESS AND STEP .......................... 31
4.2.1 ENGINE START .................................................. 31 PREPAR ATION BEFORE ENGINE START ........... 31 NORMAL STAR T OF EN GINE ............................ 32 ENGINE START BY TO WING ............................ 33
4.2.2 DRIVING STAR T. ............................................... 33
4.2.3 GEAR SHIFT ....................................................... 34 NORMAL RU LE O F GE AR S HI FT ....................... 34 GEAR SHIFT CONTRO LLER .............................. 35
4.2.4 TURNING ........................................................... 35
4.2.5 BRAKING ........................................................... 35
CHEC KED IN DRIVING. .............................................. 35
4.2.7 ENGINE STOP .................................................... 36
4.2.8 USE OF DIFFEREN TIAL LOCK ............................ 36
CAB OPER ATION OF SWITC H IN CAB ............. 37 CAB ACCESSORY OPERATION ....................... 43
4.2.11 RUN-IN ............................................................ 46
5 MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE ................................ 47
5.1 BRIEF ................................................................... 47
5.2 DAILY MAINTENANC E .......................................... 49
5.2.1 MAINTEN ANCE BEFORE DRIVING. ..................... 49

5.2.2 MAINTEN ANCE IN DRIVING ............................... 56
5.2.3 MAINTEN ANCE AFTER DRIVING ........................ 56

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CAD 5.3 RUN-IN MAINTENANCE ........................................ 58

5.3.1 MAINTEN ANCE IN RUN-IN ................................. 58
5.3.2 MAINTEN ANCE AFTER RUN-IN .......................... 59
5.4.1 MAINTEN ANCE FOR SUMMER SEASON ............... 60
5.4.2 MAINTEN ANCE FOR WINTER SEASON ................ 62
5.5 MAIN ADJUSTING POINTS .................................... 64
5.5.1 ACCELERATING CONTR O L DEVICE .................... 64
5.5.2 BRAKE PED AL FR EE STR OKE ............................. 64
ADJUSTM ENT ............................................................. 64
6 STOR AGE ............................................................... 67
6.1 BRIEF ................................................................... 67
6.2 SHOR T-TERM STOR AGE ........................................ 67
6.2.1 PREPAR ATION ................................................... 67
6.3 MIDD LE- TERM STOR AG E ...................................... 69
6.3.1 PREPAR ATION ................................................... 69
6.4 LONG-T ERM STORAG E .......................................... 71
6.4.1 PREPAR ATION ................................................... 71
6.4.2 MAINT EN ANCE IN LONG -TERM STOR AGE .......... 72

7 VEHIC LE LUBRIC ATION ......................................... 74

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CAD 7.1 REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 74

7.2 LUBRIC ATION TABLE ........................................... 74
E LIMIN ATION ............................................................ 76
8.1 ENGINE ABNORMALITY ........................................ 76
8.3 BR AKE SYSTEM ABNORM ALITY ........................... 79
8.4 STE ERING SYS TEM ABNO RMALI TY ...................... 80
8.5 ELECTRIC AL SYS TEM ABN ORMALI TY .................. 81
VEHIC LE .................................................................... 82
10 PAC KING LI ST ....................................................... 82
10.2 SPARE PARTS, ACCESSORY AND TOOLS .............. 83
CRITICAL PARTS ....................................................... 83
12、OTHERS ............................................................... 83
12.1 QUALITY WARRANTY ......................................... 84




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1 Brief

1.1 Outline
WS5531TZJ drill vehicle special chassis(Hereafter WS5531TZJ
Chassis)is outline as Fig 1-1
1.2 Application
WS5531TZJ chassis is Heavy-duty chassis with front 3 axles
nd th th
for steering,1st ,2 ,5 ,6 axle for driving(14×8).It is
used for load and transport of drilling and repairing
equipments like derrick,reel,wrench,hydraulic oil tank and
water tank etc。
1.3 Composite
WS5531TZJ chassis is mainly made up of power
system,transmission system,driving system,steering
system,braking system,cab,electrical system and assistant




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旧底图登记号 Fig 1-1

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2 Technical parameters
2.1 Performance parameters
WS5531TZJ chassis main technical parameters see Table 2-1。
Table 2-1
Mo de l WS5531TZJ
Drill vehicle special
14×8,1、2、5、6 driving

platform included 15690±50

T o t a l l e n g t h (mm)
platform not included 14560±50

T o t a l w i d t h (mm)platform included 3100±20

Total height ( mm ) ( full-load , Engine cover

3140(C15)±30/3230(C18) ±30

Ⅰ-Ⅱ Axle(mm) 1350±6

Ⅱ-Ⅲ Axle(mm) 1350±6

and Axle Ⅲ—IV Axle(mm) 4150±12
Parame distance
IV –V Axle(mm) 1350±6
V –VI Axle(mm) 1350±6

V –VI Axle(mm) 1350±6

Tyre distance(mm)front/rear Full single tyre 18-22.5 2295±20/2200±20

Front single tyre 18-22.5/Rear double tyre 12.00-20 2295±20/2155±20

R e a r o v e r h a n g (mm)platform included 3215±20

Height from upper surface of chassis frame to
Chassis total weight(kg) ≤27000(C15)/30000(C18)
parame Loading weight(kg) 51000 (C15)/48000 (C18)
Total weight (kg) 78000

Number of axles 7
Nu mber o f st eer ing ax les / d r iv in g ax les 3/4

Number of seats 1


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Continuous table2-1(End)
Mo de l WS5531TZJ
NAME Drill vehicle special chassis
Max sp eed ( k m/ h) 45

Max slope climbing(%) 20

Minimum fuel consumption per 100KM (L/100km) 85(C15)/102(C18)

Road continuous millage (km) ≥600

Brake distance under Full load with initial speed of
initial 30km/h(m)
Max slope climbing (Full load)(%) 20
Outer Max noise (dB)at acceleration ≤88

A p p r o a c h a n g l e (°) 33

D e p a r t u r e a n g l e (°) 14

Minimum ground clearance(mm) 285

Minimum steering radius(m) 19.3

2.2 Main assembly technical parameters

2.2.1 Power system
It is for driving the whole chassis.Its power source is C15 or
C18 diesel engine by Cater pillar。It is different from normal
vehicle engine. It not only provides power to chassis but also
for uploaded special equipment.
Power system includes engine and its accessory system.
● E n g i n e


Type In-line six cylinder water-cooling turbocharged
electronic controlled direct-injection diesel
Rated power 403kW/2100r/min 470~522kW/2100r/min
Maximum torque 2470N·m/1400r/min 2880~3200N·m/1400r/min
Cylinder diameter 137mm 145mm
Piston stroke 171mm 183mm
Work Volume 15.2L 18.1L
Compression ratio 16.5 16.5
Minimum fuel consumption ratio 206g/kW·h 210.2~211.9g/kW·h
描写 Engine accessory system
It includes engine suspension,air-inlet system,fuel-in
system,cooling system,accelerator control device and air-outlet

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a.Air-inlet system
It is mainly made up of air filter,turbosupercharger,air-
air middle cooler and inlet pipes.The turbosupercharger sucks
the clean air that has been processed by air filter into its
inlet,then send it to air-air middle cooler by pipes,the cooled
compressed air via manifold enters the engine cylinder and
combusts with fuel。
b.Fuel supply system
It is mainly made up of fuel tank assembly,electronic
pump,secondary fuel filter(2um,High efficient)、fuel supply
pump,manual pump,fuel coarse filter(with oil-water separator)
c.Cooling system
It is mainly made up of radiator,engine oil cooler,torque
converter oil cooler,water inlet pipe,water outlet pipe,by-
pass pipe,safety valve.When the temperature setter of coolant
is fully closed, there is no coolant flowing from water outlet
to radiator,the coolant directly flows into cooling pump via
by-pass pipe; When the temperature setter of coolant is fully
open,small section of coolant flows into cooling pump via by-
pass pipe, most section of coolant flow into radiator via
water outlet pipe.The coolant flows out of radiator into water
inlet of cooling pump.
d.Acceleator pedal controller
Electronic accelerator pedal controller or pneumatic
accelerator pedal controller will be provided as per client
request. Electronic accelerator pedal controller system is made
up of electronic accelerator pedal,ECU control unit and ect.
Its function is realized by circuit control. When the pedal
is pressed, it converts mechanic action into PWM signal for
描写 ECU control unit that control fuel injection timing and
injection volume as per received signal.
描校 Pneumatic accelerator pedal controller system is made up of
pneumatic accelerator pedal、cylinder and ect.

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Its function is realized by air route control , when pedal
is pressed , it converts mechanic action into pressure for
cylinder that converts the received pressure into PWM signal
for ECU control unit that control fuel injection timing and
injection volume as per received signal。
e.Emission system
It is mainly made up of muffler,bellows,elbow and ect.。
Attention : Engine details refer to engine maintenance and
service manual.
2.2.2 Transmission system
It includes hydraulic gear box,transfer case, axle
transmission shaft ect.Transmission Fig see 2-1。 G e a r b o x
a.Hydraulic torque converter
Type and Composite:It includes torque converter and
Hydraulic retarder;
Maximum input rotation:2500r/min;
Maximum input torque:3118N·m;
Maximum torque ratio:1.77;
b.Mechanic gear box
Type: 5 o r 6 f o r w a r d d r i v e s , 1 r e v e r s e g e a r ,
S e e t a b l e 2-2 f o r D r i v e r a t i o o f e a c h g e a r

Table 2-2
Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ (Ⅵ) R
D r i v e r a t i o ig 4 2.68 2.01 1.35 1 (0.67) 5.15

● T r a n s f e r c a s e

Model:B Z X 1 8 0 B - 0 0 、BFX-00、Z 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 A A
Type:T type transfer case
Max input rotation:2100r/min;
Maximum input torque:14000N.m;
Transmission ratio :1:1。


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Fig 2-1 Axle
Chassis driving type is 14×8,where I axle、Ⅱ axle、V
axle and VI axle are driving axle,,I axle、Ⅱaxle and Ⅲaxle
are steering axle,IV、Ⅷ axle are air suspension axle.There
are wheel differential lock between driving axle I, VI;Ⅱ、V
are link-up axle that have wheels and shaft differential
lock。Differential type is planetary gear.Its lock and unlock
are controlled by wheel and shaft differential lock switch in
a. I Axle
旧底图登记号 Type:13t level steering and driving axle;

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Master speed ratio:2.818×3.478=9.801。
CAD b.ⅡAxle
Type: 13t level link-up dual sped reduction steering and
driving axle;
Master speed ratio:2.818×3.478=9.801。
c.Ⅲ Axle
Type:13t level steering and driven axle
d. IV、Ⅷ Axle
Type:13t level air suspension driven axle
e. V Axle
Type:13t level link-up dual sped reduction and driving
middle axle;
Master speed ratio:2.818×3.478=9.801。
f. VI Axle
Type:13t level dual speed reduction driving rear axle;
Master speed ratio:2.818×3.478=9.801。 Transmission shaft
Type:Double universal joint transmission shaft.
There 7 transmission shafts in transmission system.1 from
gear box to transfer case,2 from transfer case to 2 axle,2
th st
from transfer case to 5 axle,1 from 1 axle to second axle and
th th
1 from 5 axle to 6 axle.
2.2.3 Running system
It includes frame, suspension,wheels and ect.。 Frame
It is I-beam double longitudinal structure,right and left
longitudinal beam and high sectional cross beam form a frame
structure.Frame longitudinal beam is welded by 4 sections,upper
wing plate cross section size 25 mm×190mm,lower wing plate
cross section size 30 mm×190mm,Main ventral plate cross
section size: Front 12mm×330mm,Rear 12mm×450mm,Rear
reinforce paste cross section size 10mm×450mm。Center point


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distance between two longitudinal beam:920mm。Tow hook are in
front and rear of chassis for chassis towing
CAD Suspension
3 kinds of suspension system have been used:Triple steel
plate spring suspension,rigid beam balance suspension and air
suspension.The non-independent suspension which is formed by
longitudinally distributed triple steel plate spring structure
is used for the front 3 axles. IV、Ⅷ are air suspension servo
drive axles. The air suspension includes guide device and air
bellows。(Half)Rigid beam balance suspension are used between V
and VI. It has two thrust rods,a set of steel plate spring is
mounted on outerside of left and right longitudinal beam。 Wheel
Front 3 axles use single tyre;Rear 4 axle use single tyre
or double tyre.
Tyre specification:single tyre 18-22.5、double tyre 12.00-20
Tyre style:Single tyre: Low cross section without inner
tube.Double tyre: Air inflating heavy duty;
Cross section width:Single tyre 457mm、Double tyre 315mm;
Outer diameter:Single tyre 1155mm、Double tyre 1125mm。
Tyre pressure:790kPa(Single tyre)、740 kPa(Double tyre);
Standard single tyre load capacity:6100kg(Single tyre speed
35km/h);3270kg(Double tyre speed 90km/h);
Hub style:Spoke metal hub;
Hub specification:22.5×14(Single tyre)、8.5 standard
hub(Double tyre)
2.2.4 Steering system
It uses mechanic transmission,hydraulic assistance and
front 3 axles steering.It is made up of mechanic section and
hydraulic assistant section.Steering mechanic system is made up
of transmission device,steering trapezoid mechanism.Steering
hydraulic assistant system is mainly made up of steering
pump,powered steering device,steering oil tank,steering
描写 assistant cylinder,hydraulic pipes and ect.Working principle of
Steering hydraulic assistant system is shown in Fig 2-2。


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Fig 2-2
2.2.5 Braking system
It uses double close loop air brake , brake force acts on
all wheels , brake is drum type 。 Running brake system use
pneumatic double pipe system,the compressed air is sent by two
mutually-independent air route via big air storage tank,relay
valve,quick-release valve,energy storing spring brake air
chamber and diaphragm brake air chamber to brake valve
realizing running brake.It has emergency brake function , open
parking brake valve, the emergency brake is realized by energy
storing spring brake air chamber.
a.Running brake
It is made up of pneumatic brake valve,relay valve,energy
storing spring brake air chamber,diaphragm brake air chamber
and ect.The pneumatic brake valve and parking brake valve are
mounted in related places of cab. Brake and air chamber。
b.Parking brake
Parking brake use air-release spring, brake force acts on
wheels of IV 、 V and Ⅵ 。 It is made up of parking brake
描写 valve,relay valve,energy storing spring brake air chamber and
描校 c.Assistant brake
It is the braking by hydraulic retarder。
Working principle of braking system shown in Fig 2-3

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Fig 2-3

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2.2.6 Cab
Style:Flat-head single seat metal cab with Skelton welded
by cover skin.
Setup in cab : Inner decrocation,dashboard,rear
mirror,vesor,heat-proof device,cooling device, warming
device,distinguisher and other assistant control device,power
window. The seat,steering wheel,gear box rod and instruments
are arranged to meet ergonomics and related national
Warming device : Water warming device is used that adopts
the heat from engine as warm source.。
Cooling device ( Optional ) : It is made up of
compressor,condensor,evaporator and related pipes.The
compressor is mounted on the front right place, the evaporator
is mounted on right lower place of dashboard plate.The
evaporator of upload control cab is mounted on the right
place.The condenser is mounted on the front right place of cab.
2.2.7 Electrical system
Type:24V ,single-wire, negative grounding 。It is made up
of power supply,startor,controller,indicators and signal
siren,light,and other assistant instruments.。
Chassis electrical principle is shown at Fig 2-4。
Generator rating is 60A,driven by engine.。
Starter is mainly made up of battery,starting
deive,starting relay 、 switches and related wires 。 Single
battery volt is 12V and serially connected。The starter is 起动
24V,6.6kW,driven by engine.。
Dashboard is mainly made up of engine ampere meter,torque
converter oil meter,torque converter oil pressure
meter,double-needle pressure meter,electronic speed
meter,fuel meter. Siren signal indicators is mainly made up
of Parking light,High-beam light,Unparking light,wheel
locking light,axle lock light,right and left turning
描写 light,low pressure warning light,danger warning light,front
fog light,rear fog light。
描校 Assistant instrument:Warming device,windscreen
wiper,electric horn,working lamp socket and ect.。

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Fig 2-4a(Electric-controlled gear box)


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Fig 2-4b(Pneumatic-controlled gear box)

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2.2.8 Assistant equipment and structural parts

CAD a.Accessory
It mainly includes tool boxes and ect。
b.Walking plate and Protective railing
There are walking plate which is covered by anti-slip steel
plate on both side of chassis frame.There are turnable
walking footboard on both sides of walking plate for easy
working and maintaining.。
3 Oil and assistant material
3.1 Fuel
Fuel specification are mainly:
No.10 light diesel oil ─ applicable to area with minimum
temperature above 12℃。
No.0 light diesel oil - applicable to area with minimum
temperature above 4℃;
No.-10 light diesel oil - applicable to area with minimum
temperature above -5℃;
No.-20 light diesel oil - applicable to area with minimum
temperature above -14℃;
No.-35light diesel oil - applicable to area with minimum
temperature above -29℃;
In Winter, only the diesel oil applicable to Winter
temperature can be used to avoid blockage of pipe caused by
sedation of paraffin wax.If Winter diesel oil is short of
supply, mixture of diesel oil and kerosene (GB253-89)can used
instead 。 This is only used as an emergent measures which can
not be more than one tank.In mixing, firstly add kerosene, then
add diesel oil. Table 3-1 shows the ambient temperature and the
mixture ratio of diesel oil and kerosene
Table 3-1
Mixture ratio % Mixture ratio %
Ambient Temp℃ No.10 diesel No.-20 diesel
Kerosene Kerosene
oil oil
-10~0 90 10 100
-15~-10 70 30 100
描校 -20~-15 50 50 80 20
-30~-20 50 50

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3.2 Lubricating oil

CAD a.Engine lubricating oil
Its viscosity shall be correctly selected as per using
temperature shown in Table 3-1 。 In Winter,viscosity has great
effect on starting performance. The proper viscosity shall be
chosen as per the lowest temperature in starting. In Summer, a
higher viscosity shall be used for continuous high temperature.
CF-4 engine oil 15W/40(GREATW)Q/SH037.194-1998—applicable
to temperature above -15℃;
CF-4 engine oil 5W/30(GREATWA)Q/SH037.194-1998-applicable
to temperature above 30~+25℃。

Fig 3-1
b.Hydraulic transmission oil
It is mainly used for hydraulic torque converter,gear
box.The following specification can be used as per need:
Lubricating oil SAE 15W/40—applicable to temperature above
-25℃,suitable for C4 requirements;
c.Gear box oil
It is mainly used for lubrication of transfer case and
axles。The following specification can be used as per need:
85W/90 Heavy-duty vehicle gear oil (GL-5)(GB13895-1992)—
applicable to temperature above -20℃;
3.3 Coolant
It is mixed with water and anti-freezer. In mixing, firstly
add water into container then add anti-freezer and completely
mix both.
High-quality water shall be used with following quality in
Table 3-2。


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Anti-freezer uses USA 加 德 士 Extended Life Coolant , its

CAD percentage and temperature relation shown in Table 3-3 。 It is
toxical and shall be carefully used and kept。
Table 3-2
Caterpillar engine coolant minimum water quality
Item Max limit ASTM test method
Chloride(CI) 40mg/L “D512”, “D4327”
Sulphate (SO4) 100mg/L “D516”
170mg/L “D1126”
particle 340mg/L “D1888”
Acid value PH5.5~9.0 “D1293”

Table 3-3
Anti-freezer percentage Temperature
50%(Optimal percentage) Above -30℃
3.4 Hydraulic oil
Assistant steering system use anti-abrasion hydraulic oil
HV-46 ( GB11118.1-1994 ) of GREATWALL BRAND which is applicable
to temperature above -40℃
3.5 Lubricating grease
Common lithium base lubricating grease ( GB/T5671-95 ) is mainly for
transmission shaft,suspension support,steering system,doors
which is applicable to temperature above -30℃;
3.6 Assistant material
a.Washing solution
It is compounded by adding proper common washing agent into
the distilled water ,usually adding little anti-rust agent and
detergent 。 To avoid icing of washing solution in Winter,add
anti-freezer which is usually made by 50% ethyl alcohol 、 48%
formaldehyde and 2% detergent and anti-rust agent.For this, the
solidation point of washing solution shall be determined by
ratio of compound but must be lower than the temperature that
is to be used. Washing solution shall be clean,uniform,no

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sedation and foreign particles and be no harm to person and

CAD animal and not erosion to metal,rubber and plastics。
b.Electrolytic solution
It is compounded by mixture of pure sulphate acid and
distilled water.It shall be kept at high purity.Usually common
industrial sulphate acid and non-distilled water have harmful
particles and shall never be added into battery otherwise it
will influence the performance and life of battery.
The sulphate acid shall be in accordance with specification
of HG/T2692 , The water shall be in accordance with
specification of JB/T10053 。 The compounded electrolytic
solution shall be in accordance with specification of
c.Anti-rust grease
The connecting poles of batter use industrial paraffin
vaseline(SH0039-1990) as anti-rust grease.
Oil and Assistant material are detailed in Table 3-4。

Table 3-4
S/N Filling position per Ambient
10 l i g h t d i e s e l o i l GB252-
Above 12℃
0 l i g h t d i e s e l o i l GB252-
Above 4℃
-10 li gh t diesel oil
1 Fuel tank 500×2 Above -5℃
-20 li gh t diesel oil
-35 li gh t diesel oi l
CF-4 diesel engine oil
15W/40 (GREATWALL) Above -15℃
Lubrication s ys t e m Q/SH037.194-1998
描写 2 50×2
of engine CF-4 diesel engine oil
5W/30 (GREATWALL) -30~+25℃


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Engine cooling Anti-freezer Extended Life

CAD 3 system ( engine 、 75×2 Coolant. Mixture with Above -30℃
radiator and pipe) water is 50:50
4 Gear box 75×2 Mobil 1300 SAE 15W-40 Above -25℃
Gear oil(GL-5)85W/90
5 Transfer case 70 Above -20℃
6 main reducer 20×4 Same as 5
7 Wheel side reducer 2.25×8 Same as 5
Anti-wear oil HV-46
Steering oil
8 45 GREATWALL Above -40℃
tank(include pipes)
Distilled water+common
Above 0℃
As per washing agent
9 Washing tank
need Distilled water+common Determined by
washing agen+anti-freezer compounding
Electrolytic solution percentage
As per ( Pure sulphate
10 Battery
need acid+distilled water)
Battery connecting As per Industrial paraffin
11 Above -40℃
poles need vaseline SH0039-90
axle 、 transmission
Common lithium base
shaft 、 suspension 、 As per
12 lubricating grease Above -30℃
steering system 、 need
Note:Adding volume refers to the first adding. Afterwards, adding volume shall be to
required places or marks
4 Use and Operation
4.1 Brief
4.1.1 Common attention points
l To operate this chassis in a safety and correct way
fully using its functions and improving work efficiency, please
read carefu lly Operation Manual of this chassis, wo rk st rictly
according to the operation rules
The operator shall be specially trained and qualified and
master vehicle basic structure,performance,work principle,using
and maintenance method.
Correct run-in can prolong the service life of chassis and
improve reliability and economics of chassis.Run-in mileage
描写 of new chassis is 500km(Include adjustment mileage and
delivery test mileage) 。 In run-in period, maintenance shall
描校 be specifically done and in accordance with relevant rules
Note : The chassis is equipped with dual power groups.It

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use the right engine for driving and the left engine shall
CAD not be used only at emergency.
The steering oil tank has a switch spherical valves. When
the chassis is running, turn off this valves, on the
contrary, turn it on while upload works.
Technical maintenance and repair shall be done with switch-
off of whole vehicle electrical supply 。 Take out key from
ignition switch and cut off the positive short-circuit wire
from battery。
Note:In chassis welding,ECU plug between engine and torque
converter( see Fig 4-1 ) shall be disconnected otherwise ECU
shall be burnt 。 In addition, chassis pipes,harness shall be
protected from burning.
socket socket

Fig 4-1
Note : As per client request, the setup(For example gear
box,AC,accessory tools and ect) can be different without prior
notice. Please refer to related documents for the different
4.1.2 Driver attention points
a.Use and replace fuel,lubricating oil,coolant and other
oil as per specification;
b.Check engine oil level before driving and compensate when
it is not enough.
描校 c.At normal temperature,continuous starting time shall not
exceed 10s ;At low temperature,continuous starting time shall

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not exceed 15s , If it can not start once,it shall be stopped

CAD for 1 minute and do the second starting. If it can not be
started at 3 continuous times, it shall be checked and remove
the abnormality.After engine start,the key shall be
immediately released and it automatically return to “ ON ” 。
After engine start, never turn Key to “S”;
d.In engine running,engine oil pressure needle shall always
in the green range.If pressure is low,it is in the left red
range. As the engine speeds up, pressure needle is in the
green range. If pressure is high,it is in the right red
range.At this moment, stop vehicle immediately and switch off
engine and find the reason.
e.Power on and raise engine speed(1200r/min),the warning
light on engine control cabin shall be off otherwise the
generator may not normally generate the electricity or
circuit has problems, stop vehicle immediately and find the
f. Power on ,parking light is on. After engine start, the
parking light shall be off when the packing is released at
the pressure not less than 0.5MPa ; In driving, when the
parking light is on, stop vehicle immediately and find the
g.After engine start, it shall be kept at idle running
3min,then gradually raise rotation speed. The vehicle can be
moved and driven when the engine coolant needle is in the
green range; Cold engine is permitted to run at high speed.
h.Engine shall not be kept at 1000r/min for longer time
with full load. It is best to keep at 200 ~ 1600r/min for full
i.Engine rotation speed shall be gradually lowered before
it is to be off. Keep the Idle running more than 3min then
switch off.Do not switch it off suddenly at full load. It is
描写 prohibited to cut off electricity supply to whole vehicle
during engine running.;
描校 j.In engine preheating, driver shall keep idle running of
engine with rotation normally not less than 600r/min;

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k.In normal driving,it is prohibited to lock the axle and

CAD wheel differential locks;To drive through difficult road, lock
the axle differential locks and its light is on.After this road,
it shall be unlocked timely. The vehicle must be stopped when
the differential lock switch is being operated.;
l.In normal driving, it is prohibited to lock the transfer
case differential locks. To drive through difficult road, lock
the transfer case differential locks and its light is on.After
this road, it shall be unlocked timely. The vehicle must be
stopped when the differential lock switch is being operated;
m.In normal driving,the steering system and braking systems
shall be kept normal at any time;To ensure driving safety, It
is prohibited to switch off engine and drive vehicle with
gear box at neutral shift;
n.Brake system pressure shall not be less than 0.6Mpa at
normal operation;
o. W h e n t h e v e h i c l e m o v e s d o w n a l o n g s l o p e , y o u c a n s e l e c t
t he gear shift and use t he br ake peda l to co ntro l t he speed, do not
s lid e at neu t r a l po s it io n;
p. T h e t e c h n i c a l m a i n t e n a n c e a n d r e p a i r s h o u l d b e c a r r i e d o u t
u nd er co nd it io n o f po w e r ing o ff t h e nt ir e ve h ic le 。 T a k e o ff t he
k e y in ig n it io n sw it ch and d isco n n ect t he sho rt w ir e at po s it ive
po le o f st o r ag e bat t er y。 ;
q.It prohibits to have blockage within 10m when vehicle is
parked; ; to have flammable things within 20m to avoid firing
when circuit is being checked;
r. W h i l e p a r k i n g t h e c h a s s i s a t a d o w n g r a d e s l o p e , t u r n t h e
g e ar sh i ft ha nd le int o ne ut r a l po s it io n, a nd p ut st o w - wo o d s o n t he
bo t t o m s id e o f t ir es. 。 ;
s.When working lame is used, its work volt must be 36V
safety voltage;
t.To check and repair vehicle at road side or
night,illuminated siren marks must be put in front or behind
描写 vehicle;
u.Because this vehicle is for drilling transportation,
描校 attention shall be given to upper section of chassis when
working under the chassis;

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v.To avoid sudden rising of charging volt damaging

CAD electrical devices, the ground wire between battery and vehicle
must be removed when charge battery;
w.The dismantled parts from maintenance or
troubleshooting,they must be mounted on their original places.
4.1.3 Safety requirements
a.Engine is prohibited to be started when there is
abnormality on parts or mechanism of chassis. If can be
operated only after abnormality is cleared;
b.Inflate the wheel only when the wheel hub nuts are
tightened. It is prohibited to remove wheel with full air in
tyre or inflate the removed tyre;
c.The wheel hub nut shall be tightened to its required
place in continuous tightening.;
d.Before engine start, ensure the gear box at neutral shift
and Press horn or notice surounding persons that the enginee is to be
e.Coolant is toxical,wash hands after touching it; To avoid
burning, special attention shall be paid when change
lubrication oil and coolant;
f.It is prohibited to use flammable fire when adding fuel
or check fuel tank.In fuel filling, avoid its splash on other
parts of chassis.;
grit is prohibited to heat up chassis assembly with flame;
h.When chassis catches fire, use distinguisher or other
measures,it is prohibited to put water on fire。
4.2 Operation process and Step
4.2.1 Engine start Preparation before engine start
In using electrical system, connect the negative switch on
the right side of battery box, i.e. put the knob of switch at
horizontal position. Check chassis as per 5.2.1 before moving
描写 vehicle. Prepare to start the engine after completion of
following operations:
描校 a.Check the gear box to be at neutral position;
b.Switch on electrical master switch;

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c.Check accelerator pedal to be flexible;

CAD d.Pump oil 20s with manual pump (First start or start after
long storage) Normal start of engine
Normally, battery supply electricity to start the engine.
If low volt of battery or starter damaged, engine can be
started by chassis towing.
Engine normal start as per steps and operation below:
a.Ensure parking valve(As shown in Fig 4-2 ) at parking
position as shown in Fig 4-3;

Fig 4-2

Fig 4-3
b.Warn surrounding persons with horn or other method;
c. Press accelerator to 1/4 of full stroke and clockwisely turn the
key from ON to START ,the stater begins to drive the enginee to run ; As
soon as enginee starts working, release the key which automatically retun
描校 to ON;
d.After engine start, release the accelerator pedal to keep

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engine run at idle speed,then idle running 3 min at middle

CAD speed to raise the engine temperature gradually(It is not
allowed to run engine at high speed). At this time, engine
siren indicator shall be off.
e.One time starting time of starter shall not exceed 10s,
If engine can not be started, then repeat starting after 1
minute stop. If it can not be started 3 times, find the problem.
f.In engine running, connection of battery,generator and
adjusting device can not be disconnected otherwise the
generator will burnt。
l Note : Only when the battery is connected can the
engine be started. If starts engine without battery,driving
belt of generator must be removed before starting.。 Engine start by towing
At special condition, If low volt of battery or starter
damaged, engine can be started by chassis towing 。 In towing
start, chassis brake system shall be good and the towing start
shall be done on straight road.
The engine start by towing as per following steps:
a.Connect chassis and towing vehicle by steel wire with
distance not less than 5m;
b.Connect air pumping pipe to flexible joint of chassis
brake system(mounted on left beam of chassis)and pump the
pressure to be higher than 0.6Mpa;
c.Insert key and power on whole vehicle;
d.Gear box on proper shift(shift 2),close parking control
valve ( In closing,pull out the park brake valve, then to
position shown in Fig 4-2);
e.Towing vehicle drive at 10 ~ 15km/h , sudden change of
speed shall be avoided;
f.After engine started,chassis and towing vehicle stop and
gear box to neutral shift;
描写 g.Remove steel wire and cut off pumping pipe.
4.2.2 Driving start.
描校 Before driving, check all differential locks to be off.。
Choose proper gear shift as per load and road condition.。

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Check steering system and check brake system on proper road

CAD condition.。
After chassis starts,gradually speed up.To make full use of
engine power, it is best to gear a higher shift when the
engine rotation reaches maximum。
l Note : In going down long slope, proper gear shift
shall be used and vehicle speed shall be controlled to avoid
engine over speed.
4.2.3 Gear shift Normal rule of gear shift
Use higher shift to drive as per road condition and vehicle
rules.Driver shall experiencedly predict the road condition
and timely change to proper shift. Proper shift is determined
by flatness of road,condition of road and turning. When gear
shift,the following point shall be paid attention to:
a.When vehicle is to be moved in good road, 2 shift can be
used to move the vehicle , Move gear shift to 2 shift
position, then gradually accelerate the vehicle, gear a
higher shift as per proper speed of vehicle. In driving, it
is not necessary to frequently change gear, use accelerator
to control vehicle speed. It is not allowed to do sudden
accelerating at starting movement;
b.If at lower or middle shift, vehicle has not been speed
up, it is harsh to change the shift to higher position. Only
when the vehicle has been speed up can it be changed to higher
c.If speed is high, gear shift shall be at higher
position.To slow down the vehicle, driver only needs to
release the accelerator pedal and the vehicle speed will drop
as the engine rotation drops. Only when vehicle speed is
lowered can gear be shifted to lower position.
d.It is prohibited to change the forward shift to reversal
描写 shift。Only when vehicle is stopped can the reversal shift can
be geared up.
描校 e.In Winter, the rotation can not be too high at the
beginning because the oil viscosity is low. Therefore, firstly

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run for a while to raise the temperature of transmission oil

CAD till the viscosity becomes sparse, then change to high speed
and high load working.。 Gear shift controller
It is an electric(Hydraulic)driving mechanic controller
with a movable handle for gear change.。
See 《Allison Transmission Operator ’s Manual 》for Allison
transmission operation. See Allison “ Auto gear box
maintenance manual” for gear shift of Allison 。
4.2.4 Turning
It is controlled by steering wheel in cab ,it requires to
steadily operate steering wheel for turning. For sharp turning,
timely change to lower shift with slow speed keeping engine
rotation not less than 800r/min to ensure sufficient turning
4.2.5 Braking
Reduction of vehicle speed and stop are realized by braking. Braking
distanceddepens on the adhesion force between ground and tire and running
speed.Speed is higher, adhesion force is smaller, braking distance is
longer. On wet and smooth ground, the braking distance can be several
times of those on dry road。
At braking,steadily press the brake pedal. Any braking will increase
theconsimption of fuel and wearing of tires. Thus it shall be used as
less as possible.Downhil, turning, running on smooth road, braking
is required to slow down。On smooth road or high speed running,
forcely press brake pedal lead to side slide of chassis and lose
In going down slope,the driving brake is usually used to slow
down the chassis. In long slope, hydraulic retardar can be used
to reduce the chassis speed.。
In emergency, emergent brake is used to park the vehicle or
reduce its speed to required range.In emergency braking,release
accelerator pedal and close parking brake control valve(At
closing, firstly pull out the handle of brake valve and move to
position as shown in Fig 4-2 ) , till the vehcile speed is
4.2.6 Work status of various assembly to be checked in driving.
In driving, Work status of various assembly shall be

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checked , If abnormality found, stop vehicle and check.In

CAD driving, normal indication of meters as follows:
a.Engine max rotation 2100r/min;
b.Engine idle rotation (600~650r/min);
c.Engine coolant temp GREEN(60~102℃);
d.Engine oil pressure 0~0.69MPa;
e.Volt meter 0-28V;
e.Gear box oil temp GREEN(65~135℃);
f. Gear box oil pressure GREEN(0.965~1.585MPa);
g.Brake system air pressure 0.6~0.8MPa。
4.2.7 Engine stop
Before engine stop, its rotation shall be gradually reduced
to idle speed, run 3min till its oil temperature,water
temperature have been balanced. Then stop the engine.At
temperature not exceeds 30 ℃ , coolant temperature generally
not exceed 75 ℃ at stop. , At temperature exceeds 30 ℃ ,
coolant temperature generally not exceed 90℃ at stop.
Engine stops as the steps listed below:
a.Release accelerator pedal and simultaneously press the
engine-off switch till the complete stop of engine rotation,
then release the engine-off switch;
b.After engine off, turn the key from “ ON ” to “ LOCK ”
anti-clockwisely, pull it out and cut of master electric power
supply of whole vehicle.
l Note : Do not suddenly switch off the engine when it
is at full load.
4.2.8 Use of differential lock
Switch of axle differential lock is mounted on dashboard in
Only when vehicle is going to move at worse road and it is
stop or move at walking speed can the differential lock be on.
The relative light will be on when the differential lock is
描写 on. It must be off when vehicle has passed the difficult
road(Light is off).
描校 l Note : Only when brake system pressure not less than
0.6MPa,chassis is at stop status can it be on or off.。

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Axle and wheel Differential lock switch on dashboard are

CAD trigger switch. When it is used, the light will be on。
4.2.9 Pressure Control of air suspension
th th
The 4 and 7 axle of chassis use air suspension.Air bellow
inflating switch as shown in Fig 4-4。

1 2 3 3-Pressure meter
1-Inflating handle 2-Press adjusting knob (Each for front and rear)
Fig 4-4
When it is not loaded,the valves shall be the position
shown in Fig, air bellow is deflated. When it is loaded,turn
handle 1 by 90 ° clockwisely, air bellow is inflated. When
pressure reaches 0.58MPa , load carrying capacity is 13 ton ,
pressure reaches 0.54Mpa ,and carrying capacity is 12 ton,当
0.44Mpa is 10 ton, 0.05Mpa is 2 ton(Un-loaded)。
Adjusting method as follows:
a.Release positioning screws on both sides of adjusting
b.turn the handle and monitor pressure change. Keep the
handle at two limits and pressure range is:0.05~0.58(MPa);
c.Tighten positioning screws on both sides of adjusting
handle,ensuring handle to be in the working range above。
d.When chassis is un-loaded, handle is at 0.05MPa,When it
is fully loaded, handle is at 0.58Mpa。
4.2.10 Operation of switch and attachments in Cab
描写 Operation of switch in cab
Meters,control instruments and signal lights are shown in
Fig 4-6。


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Fig 4-5

Fig 4-6
a.Engine ignition lock
Ignition lock of two engines(Fig 4-7 ) are respectively at
left and right side directly below dashboard.It has 3 shifts




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Fig 4-7
STOP:Initial position。
RUN: Middle position at engine running。
START : When it is to start the engine,turn it up. After
engine start, release it and it automatically return to
“RUN”。After engine starting, never turn it to “START” 。
b.Main light switch
It includes front and read fog lights,dashbaord light,High-
beam light supply,position light(small light),reversal
light,side light、license plate light.
High beam Side light Fog light
0 × × ×
S1 × ○ ×
S ○ ○ ×
S2 ○ × ×
S3 ○ ○ ○
Note:× OFF,○ ON。
When positional light is power on, the front and rear
position lights(small light),side light,license plate light are
on but dashboard light and reversal light are not on , at this
time, press the lever switch of dashboard illumination,the
dashboard light is on; Press the lever switch of reversal
beeper, reversal light is on and the beeper sounds。
When fog light is power on, front fog light is on while
rear fog light is not on.At this moment, Press the lever switch
描写 of rear fog light,it is on.
When high-beam light is power on, the combination switch
描校 will be on for far light and near light.。
c. Combination switch

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It is the combination of head light,Surpass light,changing

CAD light,windowshield wiper switch,washing switch,electric horn
Head light switch : It is on the left controlling bar. As
shown if Fig 4-8 , when it is at lower position, it is far
light, when it is at middle position, it is near light.

Fig 4-8 Fig 4-9

Steering indicator switch : As shown in Fig 4-9 , Push
control bar forward,right steering light is on, Pull it
backward, left steering light is on.
By-pass light switch: : As shown if Fig 4-8,Raise the
control bar upward and release it once,light is firstly on
then off warning vehicles driving in front. In normal running,
it will be on when it is operated regardless of other lights
Light changeover:It must be used when vehicles meet on the
road at night. Put on the front high-beam, move the control
bar up and down to realize the far and near light change.
Wiper switch:As shown in Fig 4-10,turn the control bar to
set the on/off and interval of wiper.Turn it to “OFF” it
stops , to “ INT ” i n t e r m i t t e n t w i p i n g ; , to “ LO ” l o w s p e e d
w i p i n g ; ,to “HI” h i g h s p e e d w i p i n g ; 。
Washing switch:It is a button at the end of wiper control
bar as shown in Fig 4-11。When front windshield is to be washed,
press it and the washing solution is continuously sprayed on
windshield and simultaneously wiper move to clean the
windshield. Release the button, washing stops


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Fig 4-10 Fig 4-11

l Note:
1 ) When wiper is only used on dry windshield, it will
scrape the glass, it must be used with washing device;
2 )Do not use washing device without washing solution,If
it is continuously for 5s without washing solution, its motor
will be burnt;
3 ) Washing device will run at least 3s before it is off.
Otherwise wiper can not be stop unless master electric supply
is cut off.。
Electric horn switch:It is on top (as shown in Fig 4-9) of
left side light of combination switch , Press it, horn sounds,
release it, horn stops
d.Axle differential switch
When chassis moves on dirt road and wheels slide, it is
used to lock the differential of front and rear axle and the
light is on。It shall be operated when vehicle stops。
e.Wheel differential lock switch
If chassis moves at mud road and wheel slips, this switch
shall be used.At this time, front and rear lock is engaged and
its indicator is on. It shall be operated at parking status.。
f.Transfer case neutral shift
Power which is to be sent to driving axle and upload via
transfer case is controlled by operating its switch manually or
描写 pre-set it at cab.
l Note : When upload works,this switch must be used to
描校 cut the power to driving axle avoiding accident which is caused
by self-moving of vehicle。

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l Points to be noticed in operating of control switch:

CAD To avoid damage of differentials, the wheel
differential and axle differential shall be
switched off immediately as soon as vehicles
drive out of mud and difficult road.
In normal driving, if speed reducer,which is
for going down slope is engaged,it will consume
the engine power.Therefore,only when going down
long slope, the speed reducer is on.It prohibits
to use retarder when driving at slipper and wet
road.If it is used on these roads,traffic
accidents that are caused by road adhesion loss
of driving wheels.
Operating sequence of differential
lock:Firstly,front power adding switch is on,
then rear axle differential switch is on, finally,
front axle differential switch is on. The switch-
off operation is reversal。
It prohibits to switch on front power adding
switch when driving at good road.
Axle and Wheel differential lock can be
engaged and disengaged only when chassis is
g. Warm air switch
Warm air blower is on, it supplies warm air to cabin.
h.Roof switch
Press it, roof light is on.
i.High-beam enhance switch:
When combination switch is on,press lever switch, high-beam
is enhanced。
j.Danger warning switch:
Press it, the signal lights at left,right,front,rear flash
描写 to notice the walking people and other vehicles nearby.
k. AC control system operation
It is at right side ( Fig 4-12 ) of seat.Knob 1 for
air volum;Knob 2 for cooling or air circulation。


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1- Volume knob 2-cooling or air circulation

Fig 4-12 Cab accessory operation Door Lock
a.Open outside of vehicle
Slightly turn key backward to vehicle. When a “Pa” sound is
heard, lock is open. Then hold door knob (key can be pulled
out)with four fingers and thumb to open the door.
b.Close outside of vehicle
Make sure the lock is released,slightly close the door,turn
key forward to vehicle. When a “Pa” sound is heard, lock is
on,Pull out key(It can not be locked at half-locked condition)
c.Lock inside
After closing door,press safety lock now inside cab. Door
is locked. Pull it up,door is unlocked.。
d. Open inside of vehicle
Only when lock is released, door can be open inside.If it
is locked, safety lock must be pulled up to open the door.
l Attention : Af t e r c l o s e , c h e c k t h e c l o s n e s s . I t i s
very dangerous to drive when the door is half-close and
h a l f - o p e n 。 Key must be used to lock door outside of car. It
prohibit to press inner lock button and lock the door. A d j u s t m e n t o f s e a t
a. A d j u s t i n g f o r w a r d s o r b a c k w a r d s
A s s h o w n i n F i g 4-13, D u r i n g a d j u s t i n g , t h e a d j u s t i n g
描写 h a n d l e c a n b e l i ft e d t o a d ju st t h e s e at fo r w a r d s a n d b a c k w a r d s ,
t he seat is mo ved t o r eq u ir ed po sit io n b y ap p ly in g t he pro p er
fo r ce fo r war d s o r back war d s, and t h en t he seat can be se l f- lo ck ed
描校 a ft e r r e le a s i n g t h e h a n d l e ( f o r wa r d s or b a c k wa r d s a d j u s t m en t ±

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Fig 4-13
b. Ad ju st in g o f ba ck in clin a ti on
As shonw in Fig 4-12, Move the handle to its Maximum
for adjusting the back inclination then release it for
self-locking(Inclination range 80°~120°)。
To protect gears, It is not allowed to adjust the
back inclination whenthehandles are not fully raised

or released 。

c. Adjusting rigidity
As shown in Fig4-11 , The rigidity of seat can be
selected by adjusting the Knob based on body weight of
driver to the optimal status indicated in the knob
Attention:Do not turn the red pointer out of the
range of 40Kg~130Kg
d. Adjusting of height
As shown in Fig 4-11,Raise handle under seat and move
the seat to required position,release the hanle for
描写 self-locking (Adjusment range: 65mm)

Raise the front adjusting handle,press the front section of

seat to required position.Release pressing, the seat restores


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automatically and self-locks;Rear adjusting handle is same as

CAD that of front one;Combinated use of both handle,height of seat
can be adjusted. 。
e. a d j u s t i n g o f S e a t p i l l o w
All set pillows are adjustable by manual moving of

them.。 Safety belt

In using emergency 3-point safety belt,firstly slowly pull
the belt from the stretcher, then insert the metal joint into
clip(As shown in Fig 4-14 )till the “geda”sound is heard。
After being locked, you can slowly incline or move.If there is
emergent braking or passenger’s sudden forward inclination,the
stretcher automatically locks.Safety belt will not extend any
more preventing injury to passenger caused by forward
To release safety belt, only press the red button (As shown
in Fig 4-15 ) of stretcher , metal joint will be ejected.The
safety belt automatically shrink into the stretcher.

Fig 4-14 Fig 4-15

Safety belt shall be lowered as much as possible. Do not
put above the waist avoiding slip from it.Arms must be one on
top of safety belt and the other one is below safety belt
描校 Note : To ensure driving safety, Please fasten your seat

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存储介质编号 Radio.
CAD Radio is at upper section above driver. Its panel and
function are shown in Fig 4-16。

1.Volume(VOL) 2.Tune(TUN) 3.Cassest out 4.Fast Backward

5.Fast forward 6.Balance(BAL)7.Bass(BAS) 8.Treble(TRE)
9.Hour 10.Band(AM/FM) 11.Frequency/Clock
12.Minute 13.CD(CD IN) 14.(POWER)
Fig 4-16 S t e e r i n g w h e e l a d j u s t m e n t
T u r n t h e l o c k h a n d l e a s i n d i c a t e d b y F i g 4-17, I t c a n b e
adjusted up and down and fo rwa rd and backward( Up and
Down stroke: 60mm, Fo rwa rd and Backwa rd angle±6°),
After adjustment, lock the steering wheel as per indication.
It is proh obited to adjust steering wheel at driv



Fig 4-17
4.2.11 R u n - i n
描校 Run-in must be done to new vehicle or overhauled
chassis. Run-in is greatly relatedtoprolong vechile life

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service,reliablility and economic using。

In run-in period,maintenance shall be done as follows:

a. The specified run- in mileage is 500km ( including

ad ju st ment and ex- fact o r y t est milea g e) .;
b.In run-in,load and excessive drive speed will have bad
effect on normal use and life of chassis.In run-in,load and
engine rotation limit is shown in Table 4-2;
c. D u r i n g r u n - i n p e r i o d , d o n o t d r i v e o n t o u g h r o a d , i t w o u l d
be bet t er t o dr ive o n a flat o r g ent le slo p ing har d ro ad ;
d. D r i v e t h e v e h i c l e c o r r e c t l y , d a s h i n g i s s t r i c t l y p r o h i b i t e d
t o avo id su d d en acce ler at io n and e merg en c y br ak ing 。
Table 4-2
Mileage(km) Load Engine rotation(r/min)

0~150 No ≤1300

150~300 Not exceed 50% of rated load ≤1500

300~400 Not exceed 75% of rated load ≤1800

400~500 Not exceed 100% of rated load ≤2100

5 Maintenance and Service

5.1 Brief
The planned maintenance and service on chassis can timely
eliminate the hidden problems and prevent the accumulation of
abnormality,then ensure a good technical status and prolong the
service life.。
To correctly proceed the maintenance and ensure safety and
reliability, the following measures shall be taken along with
the requirements of various specific maintenance.:
a.Maintenance personnel shall be trained and qualified in
mastering the basic structue,features,work principle and
service techniques.;
b.The work site normally shall be flat cement ground with
描写 ditch. It must be clean and well-ventilated and free from
flammable and toxical materials;
描校 c.Maintenance and service shall normally be done at ambient
temperature not less than 5 ℃ 。 In field maintenance,the work

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site shall be prevented from dusts,sand grains and moist.;

CAD d.In chassis usage,it shall be maintained timely as per
requirements.Results which are caused by lacked maintenance or
improper maintenance, the manufacturer will not be responsible
e.Check oil level;Change and Add oil as follows:
1)Clean dust, mud and other dirt on oil drainage plug,oil
adding plug,oil level plug and oil mouth;
2)Check seal ring before remounting. If necessary, replace
3)Before remounting, Clean the iron fillings and foreign
things on the oil drainage plug and the metal filtering mesh;
4)In oil change, if the drained oil and added oil are
different and not allowed to be mixed in using, cleaning shall
be done before adding oil. Transmission assembly can be cleaned
by diesel oil, add a little of new oil and run shortly, then
drain it out;
5)In oil draining, pipes or utensil shall be used. Do not
let oil flow on the parts of chassis;
6)After oil change, it usually runs 1~5min,then check oil
and add or drain it to required place;
7)If leakage is found,the remaining oil shall be checked
f.Before maintenance, engine shall be off and be prevented
from sudden starting. After maintenance,all the moved
instruments shall be restore to their original places. Never
add fuel to fuel tank when engine is running.;
g.In vehicle washing,do not directly spray water on
engine,generator,cable joints,engine air filter inlet,emission
h.In parts dismantling,falling of parts shall be prevented
and bumping to parts nearby shall also be prevented especially
描写 on brake,steering,inflating pipes and cables
i.To ensure safety and efficiency of dismantling,suitable
描校 tools especially tools delivered with vehicles are to be used;
j.The dismantled parts shall be put in order for restoring

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CAD k.Oil seal,sealing ring,open pin,self-lock nut, clamp may
be damaged, they shall be replaced at re-mounting;
l.Master electricity supply shall be cut off when patch-
welding of frame and other sections or welding will be done.
After welding, the electric supply can be restored;
m.Maintenance personnel who have not mastered the
structure,performance,dismantling method of assembly shall not
dismantle it.Critical assembly such as engine,gear box,
transfer case and steering mechanism especially the imported
parts can only be maintained by senior technical personnel of
manufacturers. Common parts like electric components,air
valve,hydraulic elements shall be replaced other than be
dismantled when there are problems in case of irrecoverable
abnormality by further damage;
n.In tightening of fixing nut of inner and outer wheel
hub ,nuts which are opposite at diameter shall be tightened
sequentially. Only after the tightening of fixing nuts of inner
and outer hubs of wheel and nuts between wheel and hub,the
inflating can be done. It is prohibited to mount and dismantle
the inflated tyre;
o.Flame can not be used to add oil or check oil.In oil
adding, oil shall be avoid being splashed on parts of chassis;
p.If fire happens on chassis, distinguisher or other
temporary measures shall be taken. It is prohibited to add
water on firing oil;
q.All electric plugs,pipe joints shall not be stamped to
avoid damage.
r.In checking, harness,pipes shall be avoided putting
close to heating elements of pre-heating time relay and other
moving parts.
5.2 Daily Maintenance
描写 It mainly includes cleaning and checking.The frequently-
occurred problems can be found by daily maintenance to keep
描校 good condition of vehicles.
5.2.1 Maintenance before driving.

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存储介质编号 Engine and its accessory system

CAD a.Check engine oil level
1) T w i s t o u t o i l m a r k e r , c l e a n i t w i t h c l o t h t h a t h a s
no fibers. Then insert the clean oil marker into its
measuring place.;
2 ) Oil level mark is shown in Fig 5-1 。 Lubricating oil
level shall be checked before engine start when the vehicle has
been parked more than 。 The oil level shall reach the upper
mark(FULL line)as much as possible. If it only reach or below
the lower mark(ADD line ) , oil must be added. After check,
insert oil level into limited position of oil case;

Fig 5-1
3 ) To add oil, open the oil lid by twisting, add the
required oil through the filling mouth of engine. Checking
method of oil level shall be done as per points 1 and 2 listed
above , at this moment, oil level shall not exceed the mark
shown in Fig 3-1。After oil filling, close the lid.
b.Check coolant level
1 ) Insert key and turn it to “ ON ” and check the
abnormality indicator of engine is on or not. If it is on
indicating shortage of coolant, add coolant;
2)In coolant adding, the expansion tank cover of radiator
can be open only when engine temperature is below 50℃ and it
shall be open slowly releasing cooling system pressure;
3 ) Do not add cold coolant into hot engine.Otherwise it
damages foundry parts of engine.It shall be added when engine
描写 cools down to temperature below 50℃;
4 ) When adding coolant to filling mouth of radiator
描校 expansion tank, check the liquid level to be in between of high
and low mark.。

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c.Check fuel in fuel tank

CAD 1)After power-on of chassis,fuel needle normally shall be
in the 3/4 range or above. Determine the fuel is sufficient or
not as per its usage. If it is not enough, add it to upper
2 ) When adding fuel, open the lid by twisting,insert fuel
gun into fuel filling mouth and visually check the fuel is
filled fully.After filling, close the lid.
d.Start and pre-heat engine for a period under different
rotation speed and check the meters of engine is normal or
1)In full working process of engine, engine oil meter must
be in the range of 0~0.69MPa;
2 ) In full working process of engine , water temperature
meter must be in green range.Only under exceptional condition,
it can point in yellow range for a short period;
3 ) In full working process of engine , engine warning
indicator will not be on. It means engine information
indicating device is found to be free of abnormality;
4)In full working process of engine,rotation speed meter
needle shall change as per change of accelerating pedal
stroke and engine idle rotation is 600 ~ 650r/min , Max
e.Under the engine running,check leakage of fuel and engine
f. Under the engine running , check leakage of cooling
system of engine。
1 ) Operate accelerating pedal to change the engine
rotation.At this time,fan rotating speed of radiator and
middle cooler shall be changed;
2)Check leakage of cooling system pipes。
Note : Other daily checking points of engine, refer to its
描写 Manual。 Transmission system
描校 In check and add lubricating oil , chassis shall be parked
at flat road. To avoid check error, do not immediately check

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oil level after long-time driving.The lubricating oil shall not

CAD flow and be cooled (not exceeding 40℃);If lubricating oil has
foams due to stirring and it is not possible to correctly check
oil level, the check shall be done repeatedly.In using,oil
level shall be checked periodically and its seals be checked.
If necessary, change the seals。
a.Check gear box lubricating oil level
1)Check at cool status
Before engine start,determine its volume by checking the
visual oil level or plug at the left side of gear box.(Fig 5-
2) 。If red mark is shown or oil level reaches or higher than
ADD plug(S/N 3) by serial number 1 of Fig 5-2 , it means
lubricating oil level meets requirements.

1 Visual oil level 2 FULL level check plug 3 ADD level check plug 4 Adding plug
Fig 5-2
2)Check at warm status
It determines that the oil volume can ensure the normal
描写 running of gear box or not.In check, Chassis is parked at flat
ground and hydraulic retarder is off, run engine at idle status
for several minutes , gear box reaches the normal work
temperature of 82-104 ℃ , then remove the check plug 3.If oil


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level is lower than the edge of hole, then add oil at filling
CAD mouth 4 till it overflows.
b.Check lubricating oil level of transfer case
1 ) Twist oil adding plug and overflow plug of transfer
case, if there is not oil flowing from the oil adding mouth,
then add lubricating oil at this mouth;
2 ) Add required lubricating oil at this mouth till it
overflows. Then twist oil overflow plug and adding plug with
specified torque.
c.Check oil level of main reducer
Chassis shall be parked at flat ground,Parking brake is
on.Oil adding mouth of various axle main reducers are the check
points for oil level , Firstly,twist out the screw plug, check
oil level. If it is lower than the edge of hole,add oil at this
mouth till it overflows from this place.
d.Check lubricating oil level of wheel side reducer
Twist screw plug from oil adding mouth in the center of
wheel side reducer. check oil level. If it is lower than the
edge of hole,add oil at this mouth till it overflows from this
place. Running system
a.Tyre pressure check
Use tyre pressure meter to check its pressure which shall
be in accordance with requirements.If not, inflate the tyre;
b.Tyre condition check and change
Remove stones and foreign things inside tyre groove.
Clean the punched places and patch it up with adhesive.At
the same time, dismantle all parts of tyre and check if there
is any hidden damage,delaimination,aging,protusion,cracking
and etc and remedy them timely.
Check tyre wear-out condition, If groove depth is less than
5mm or reach the wear-out mark, it shall be replaced. If there
severe punched places, it shall also be changed.Attention
描校 points for tyre changing as follows:
1)For new tyre, it shall be changed for the same axle at

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the same time. Same axle shall be mounted the same

CAD specification tyre made by the same manufacturer. At emergency,
it permits the same axle to be mounted the same specification
tyre made by the different manufacturer. But driving mileage
shall not exceed 200km,driving speed not exceed35km/h In tyre
mounting,tyre running direction mark shall be same as the
driving direction.Since the work condition of every tyres is
not same,the wear-out place and extent are not same,the
alternate tyre change method is used to prolong tyre service
c.Wheel dismantling and mounting
D i s m a n t l e w h e e l a s s h o w n i n F i g 5-3:

Fig 5-3
1 ) Ra i s e w h e e l t o move tyre above groun deflating
2 ) Remove all connecting nuts between axle and wheel hub
with tyre spanner and leveling pole,removing tyre;
3)Remove the protective ring with cow bar
4)Take out outer tyre ;
描写 5 ) Check installing and seal of air inlet. Replace it if
描校 The assembly of wheels is reversal to dismantling as follows:
1)Put talcum powder on inner surface of outer tyre;

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2 ) Inflate the tyre with proper volume of compressed

CAD air,mount the valve rubber tube ;
3)Put tyre on wheel hub,Mount retaining ring on tyre;
4 ) Put wheel on the hub, firstly fix it with 3 nuts that
has the equal distance. In this step, check wether the nut has
been in spherical groove of sector cushion pad.Mount the wheel
to required position. If it has not been correctly mounted on
wheel hub, it will swing;tighten the nuts that are opposite to
each other along the diameter in sequence;
5 ) After wheel mounting, reinflate the tyre to required
6 ) After mount of wheels, its fixation nuts must be
tightened at two separate times. First time tightening is after
25 ~ 50km driving , Second time tightening is after 100 ~ 150km
driving. Steering system
a.Check flexibility;
Start engine,gear low shift to move vehicle, turn steering
wheel and check wether it is flexible or not;
b.Check steering oil tank oil level
1 ) Twist out oil level,clean it with cloth that has no
fibers. Then insert the clean oil marker into its measuring
2)At this time, oil position shall be in middle of these
two marks.If it only reach or approximate lower mark,oil must
be added immediately; After checking,insert the oil level and
twist it up;
3)Twist the lid from oil tank,add required oil at adding
mouth.Check oil level as per points listed at 1)、2),At this
time, oil position shall not exceed upper mark of oil
level;Close oil tank with lid after hydraulic oil adding.。 Brake system
描写 Check leakage of pipes,valves,braking function at pressure
of 0.75Mpa. If there are loosen joint of pipes, tighten them.
描校 Electrical equipment
Power on chassis and check function of various

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meters,indicators,switches,lights,horns and wiper.

CAD Others
Check vehicle to be clean. If necessary, clean it,remove
dirt and wipe the window,light and ect. Before cleaning, close
all doors,windows,covers,do not spray water directly to
engine,battery,meters,electrial joints. Clean them dry with
5.2.2 Maintenance in driving Meters and its functional check
In driving, check engine ampere meter,mileage meter,gear
box lubrication oil temp meter, gear box lubrication oil
pressure meter 、 fuel meter and air pressure meter,various
indicators,switches at all times and make sure they are working
normally。 Assembly temperature check
At parking for rest, check temperature of gear
box,transfercase,driving axle main reducer and wheel side
reducer. Their temperature shall not exceed values in Table
5-1. If they are out of these values, it shall be checked. Assembly leakage check
At parking for rest,check leakage of various seals. If
leakage found, it shall be eliminated. Other check
At parking for rest,check connection of various tightening
components. If looseness found, it shall be tightened
5.2.3 Maintenance after driving Engine daily maintenance
Its daily maintenance shall be done as per the time shown
by hour meter. Refer to its manual for the maintenance and
steps. Gear box daily maintenance
Refer to automatic gear box service manual.
描写 Transfer case lubricating oil change
Oil drainage method as follows:
描校 a. Before oil drainage,Chassis shall work for a short


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period to discharge the condensed water that is mixed in the

oil.It shall be parked at flat place;
b.Twist out screw plug of transfer case,Collect oil with
untensil,Clean impurity on screw plug;
c.After drainage,check the seal washer to be intact.Then
twist it in with required torque.
After drainage, Add oil as per methods of。After
5km driving,check oil level of transfer case.If it is lower
than overflow mouth, replenish lubricating oil.
After run-in of new vehicle(driving 500km ) ,change
lubricating oil of transfer case. After this change, it will be
changed every 20000km but once per year。 Main reducer and Wheel side reducer oil change
Before oil drainage,Chassis shall work for a short period
to discharge the condensed water that is mixed in the oil.It
shall be parked at flat place(Best to have ditch) , Twist out
screw plug from oil drainage mouth.Add oil as per methods of and
After run-in of new vehicle(driving 500km ) ,change
lubricating oil of main reducer and wheel side reducer. After
this change, it will be changed every 20000km but once per
year。 Check work status of tyres
Do as per methods listed in Change hydraulic oil of steering oil tank.
Check its level as per methods listed in。
After run-in of new vehicle(driving 500km),change steering
hydraulic oil. After this change, it will be changed every 以
30000km but once per year。Methods as follows:
a.Drain oil : Remove lid from steering assistant oil tank,
remove drainage screw plug till no more oil drops from
描写 there.Clean impurity on screw plug,tighten it. Clean filtering
mesh at oil adding mouth.;
描校 b.Add oil : Mount filter mesh at adding mouth,add oil to
required position. Mount the lid and oil level

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存储介质编号 Fastener and sealing parts performance check

CAD a.Check connection of various fasteners. If looseness
found,tighten them.;
b.Check leakage of various sealing places.If leakage
found,eliminate it.
5.3 Run-in maintenance
Run-in maintenance has great effect on chassis usage and
service life in later stage of application. Besides abiding by
the driving requirements run-in, the run-in maintenance shall
be carefully done.Run-in maintenance includes Maintenance in
run-in and Maintenance after run-in.
5.3.1 Maintenance in run-in
In run-in, chassis shall be done following maintenance
besides its daily maintenance:
a.Check on working status of various assembly
In run-in, frequently check the working status of
engine,gear box,transfer case,main reducer,wheel side
reducer,suspension,wheels,steering system,braking system.
1 ) In driving, check working status of various
meters,indicators, switches and ect;
2 ) In driving,check various assembly to be in smooth
running and free from abnormal shocks or noise;
3 ) In driving, check indications of engine,gear box. If
values out of range, park the vehicle and keep engine idling
till temperature return to normal valve and then continue
4 ) At parking, check temperature of transfer case,main
reducer,wheel side reducer ant ect.Temperature requirements are
shown in table 5-1。
Table 5-1
Balance temperature not exceed 110℃,Max
1 Transfer case Overflow mouth
temp not exceed 130℃
描写 Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ Below adding
2 Temperature not exceed 120℃
axle main reducer mouth along case
Wheel side Below overflow
3 Temperature not exceed 90℃
描校 reducer mouth along case
4 Steering oil tank Body under Temperature not exceed 80℃


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steering oil
CAD tank
b.Check main assembly mounting
In run-in, tightening status of various assembly shall be
frequently checked especially the mounting bolt of engine, of
cooling system,of air inlet and outlet,of gear box,of transfer
case,of suspension system, of transmission shaft,of steering
supporter and nuts of tyres and hubs.If any looseness is found,
timely tighten them with required torque.
c.Check pipes,wires mounting
In run-in, frequently check oil pipes,air pipes,harness in
terms of looseness,friction,and blockage with adjunct parts.,
especially the rubber pipes. If any abnormality, eliminate it
d.Oil change specification in Run-in
If excessive foreign particles of oil or serious degrading
of oil is found in run-in, the mileage of oil change shall be
shortened. Main sections oil change period see Table 5-2。

Table 5-2
Change period
S/N Name st
1 2nd and later on
At most 10000km or Yearly 1 time
1 engine About 500km or 50h
500h at least
At most 5000km or At most 30000km or Yearly 1 time
2 Gear box
125h 1200h at least
Yearly 1 time
3 Transfer case About 500km About 20000km
at least
Yearly 1 time
4 Main reducer About 500km About 20000km
at least
Yearly 1 time
5 Wheel side reducer About 500km About 20000km
at least
Steering oil Yearly 1 time
6 About 500km About 30000km
cylinder at least
5.3.2 Maintenance after run-in
After run-in, besides daily maintenance,vehicles shall be
done maintenance as follows:
a.Wash outside of vehicle to remove oil stain,mud and ect.


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b.Visual check on oil or air leakage of whole vehicle;

CAD c.Check fastening of various bolts;
d.Check fastening of pipes and wires
e.Check and clean air filter;
f.Clean foreign substance and dust of engine cooling
system,especially inside the radiators;
g.Change engine lubricating oil and filter;
h.Clean fuel filter and its core. Clean fuel tank and fuel
i.Check engine mounting support;
j.Check and Adjust V-belt of engine and compressor;
k.Check fastening of engine;
l.Check engine valve clearance ;
m.Check and clean air-vent plug of gear box;
n.Change lubricating oil of gear box, transfer case,main
reducer and wheel side reducer;
o.Tighten tyre nuts
p.Clean steering oil tank and filter mesh; Change steering
q.Check and adjust toe-in;
r.Check and adjust brake shoes clearance.
s.Check joints of battery and cables;
t.Check various meters,signal indicators,lights,horn,
u.Check lubrication place of transmission
shaft,suspension,and steering system. Add lubrication grease.
5.4 Seasonal maintenance
Seasonal maintenance shall be done with the ambient
temperature change in different seasons.。
5.4.1 Maintenance for Summer Season
a.Engine oil change
Change engine oil with corresponding specification as per
描写 local ambient temperature.
b.Gear box lubrication oil change
描校 Change lubrication oil with corresponding specification as
per local ambient temperature

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c.Transfer case lubrication oil change

CAD Change lubrication oil with corresponding specification as
per local ambient temperature
d.Main reducer and wheel side reducer lubrication oil change
Change lubrication oil with corresponding specification as per
local ambient temperature
e.Fuel change
Change fuel with corresponding specification as per local
ambient temperature
f.Battery maintenance
1)Battery check
① Check and remove the rust and pollute on the surface of
connection poles andpaintthe vaseline. Check the connection
to be firm or not.;
② In Summer, check liquid level every 5 to 6 days and
other seasons every 10 to 15 days. It shall be 10~15mm higher
than the plate. It is required to pay attention to the polarity
when replacing the battery. If it is lower than this, add
distilled water and check the air vent hole.;
③ heck the liquid specific gravity every 1 month shall be
in accordance as table 5-3. If it is not, charge the battery。
Table 5-3
A m b i e n t T e m p (℃) -40~-30 -30~-20 -20~-10 -10~5 5~15
specific gravity 1.33 1.32 1.31 1.30 1.29
A m b i e n t T e m p (℃) 15~25 25~35 35~40 40~50 —
specific gravity 1.29 1.28 1.27 1.26 —

2)Battery maintenance charging

After thorough discharge, it shall be charged within 12h as
① Remove seal bolt of battery
② Electrolytic solution temperature shall not exceed 45℃
during battery charging. If it exceeds this temperature, it
shall be cooled down or the charging volt or current be
temporarily reduced.
描校 ③ 3h after charging completion, use special straw to check
and adjust the solution height;

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④ Check and adjust the specific gravity of electrolytic

CAD solution;
⑤ After completion of check and adjust the specific
gravity of electrolytic solution, twist in the sealing bolt.。
3 ) Points for attention of battery use
① It shall be taken out if chassis will not be used for a
longer period.During battery storage, its open-circuit volt
shall be checked once monthly. If it is lower than
12V,charging is required;
② Battery which has different discharge degree and use
status can not be connected for using or be charged together;
③ If condition permited,constant-volt charging shall be
used for compensatory charging of battery;
④ Sealing bolt which is on top of battery can only be open
when the electrolytic solution checking and distilled water
adding are required. Before mounting, its contact surface
shall be cleaned in floating water and dried;
⑤ Check specific gravity and height of electrolytic
solution as per Table 3-4 and adjust or add it. Unless the acid
is confirmed dissipated, the sulphate acid is prohibited to be
⑥ Battery must be changed every 2 years;
⑦ Overcharge or Over-discharge shall be avoided in battery
use. Overcharge leads to polarity plate erosion and lower
level of electrolytic solution. Over-discharge leads to
polarity plate sulphated. If these abnormality occur, they
will be treated by special persons, discarded if necessary;
⑧Crack,damage,burnt,erosion of battery case,poles shall be
repaired or changed as per need.。
5.4.2 Maintenance for Winter Season
a.Engine oil change
Change engine oil with corresponding specification as per
描写 local ambient temperature.
b.Gear box lubrication oil change
描校 Change lubrication oil with corresponding specification as
per local ambient temperature

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c.Transfer case lubrication oil change

CAD Change lubrication oil with corresponding specification as
per local ambient temperature
d.Main reducer and wheel side reducer lubrication oil change
Change lubrication oil with corresponding specification as per
local ambient temperature
e.Fuel change
Change fuel with corresponding specification as per local
ambient temperature
f. Check W a r m a i r b l o w e r
In Winter,Turn the ball valve of its water vent pipe to
‘Open’; After a period of engine running, switch it on to check
its warming and defrosting work status and the leakage of
g. Check pre-heating function of engine(As per setup)
If ambient temperature is lower than +5℃,it is used and check
the function of engine low-temperature starting.
h. Timely drainage of agglutinated things and water in air
storage tank.
If ambient temperature is lower than 0℃, the agglutinated
things and water shall be drained from air storage tank before
and after the vehicle use。To drain the agglutinated things and
water,press the water drainage valve which is at the bottom of
air storage tank and maintain 5s till they have been completely
drained, then release the valve which will automatically reset.
i. Starter maintenance
In Winter, When ambient temperature is lower than 0℃,open
the starter motor which is at rear back side of engine, put a
layer of low-tem lubrication grease SH0459-92。
j. Battery maintenance
1 ) When ambient temperature is lower than 0 ℃ , it shall
frequently be kept at fully charged to ensure normal start of
描写 vehicle
2)When ambient temperature is lower than -25℃ and outside
描校 packing duration exceeds 12h , temperature-preserving measures
shall be taken

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Other maintenance items refer to 5.4.1.g。

CAD 5.5 Main adjusting points
5.5.1 Accelerating control device
a.Idle rotation adjustment : Start engine and its idle
rotation shall be 600 ~ 650r/min 。 If not meet, use the special
software of engine manufacturer to adjust it till qualified;
b.Max rotation adjustment : Start engine and press
accelerating pedal to its full distance, its maximum rotation
shall be 2100r/min 。 If not meet, use the special software of
engine manufacturer to adjust it till qualified。
5.5.2 B r a k e p e d a l f r e e s t r o k e
It shall be 15mm~20mm,If it is not, adjust the screws of
pedal to have it to be in the range ,If it is not up to
requirements, it shall be adjusted as follows:
Pedal at free statu, release lock nut of air brake master
valve piston, twist it and adjust its length(If length comes
out more, free stroke increase; If length comes out less, free
stroke increase),tighten lock nut after adjustment。
5.5.3 Steering system free stroke adjustment
The chassis is located at rectilinear movement position, fix the steering arm, thus
when the steering wheel is turned to any angle, its free path will not exceed 15º 。In
check free stroke of steering wheel,start engine,check the
movement of steering wheel.If it is too large, tightening
condition of steering wheels,shafts,meachsnim,drag pole,ball
pin and arms shall be checked. If necessary, tighten them.
5.5.4 Turning wheel toe-in checking and adjustment
Chassis on flat ground and straight movement,
tighten all wheels nuts and inflatethe tire to required
pressure (no load, full load) 。 Check if it is necessary
to adjust the Toe-in as per the wear-out of tires: : Left
and Right wheels are worn out uniformly or the inner and
outer graves (not exceed 6mm) are worn uniformly. It is
required to adjust toe-in and the steps are:
描写 a. M e a s u r e d i s t a n c e A a t d i a m e t e r 6 1 0 m m o f t w o t y r e s
along same axle. It position is at the back side of axle
Ⅰ 、 Ⅱ 、 Ⅲ a s s h o w n i n F i g 5-4
b. D r i v e c h a s s i s t o h a v e t y r e s t u r n e d 1 8 0 ° , M e a s u r e


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distance B at diameter 610mm of two tyres along same

CAD axle. It position is at the front side of axleⅠ、Ⅱ、
wheel hub outside as shown in Fig 28(only indicating
axle I ,II)
a s s h o w n i n F i g 5-4;
c. F r o n t t o e - i n ( D i f f e r e n c e o f A a n d B ) o f a x l e Ⅰ 、
Ⅱ 、 Ⅴ 、 Ⅲ:3~8mm;
d. D r i v e c h a s s i s t o h a v e t y r e s t u r n e d 1 / 4 , m e a s u r e
toe-in of steering tyre as per steps a to c above。
To e- in ad ju st ment as fo llo ws:
a. C h a s s i s i s a t f l a t g r o u n d a n d w h e e l s s h a l l b e
straigh 。 Thus, the outer surface (left and right side)
of front wheel is almost at the same plane.;
b. T u r n s t e e r i n g s i d e d r a g b a r a n d a d j u s t s t e e r i n g
wheel to toe-in of above range.。

Fig 5-4
5.5.5 Wheel hub bearing clearance adjustment
Steps as follows:
a.Raise wheel above ground;
b.Drain lubricating oil from wheel side reducer;
c.Twist out the lock nut on planetary gear outer supporter
描写 and remove the outer cover.;
d.Remove retaining ring from end of sun gear, take out sun
gear from spline of haft shaft
e.Twist out fastening nut and remove the outer supporter


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with planetary gear;

CAD f.Open locking washer,remove tightening nut and locking
washer, remove them, then remove locking washer that is used to
fix hub;
g.Turn hub bearing adjusting nut 1/2 circle out , check
flexibility of hub. If it is difficult to turn or impossible to
turn, find the reason(brake shoes closely contact brake
drum,bearing clearance is small,bearing is damaged and ect);
h.Tighten wheel hub bearing adjusting nut with special
sleeve spanner(Torque is around 588.6N · m)To have the force
distributed uniformly on,Turn the wheel hub while the nut is
being tightened;
i.Fix locking washer. The open pin of nut shall be in the
nearest hole of locking washer when it is fixed;
j.Mount locking washer and nut , Tighten the nut and bend
the edge of locking washer;
k.Put lubricating oil on sealing ring of planetary gear
outer supporter,then mount the outer supporter and tighten the
bolt between it and wheel hub;
l.Mount sun gear, put the retaining ring on outer shaft to
fix the sun gear.;
m.Mount planetary gear outer supporter cover and tighten
the nut;
n.Add oil wheel side reducer and tighten screw plug;
o.After adjustment of wheel hub bearing clearance, check
the temperature between wheel hub and wheel side reducer by
driving a while. If temperature is too high,adjustment shall be
done again.
5.5.6 A j u s t i n g t h e c l e a r n a n c e o f b r a k s h o e s
W h e e l b r a k e s h o e a n d d r u m c l e a r a n c e i s 0.5~0.7mm,
adjusting method as follows:
a. T w i s t o u t w h e e l d u s t c o v e r b o l t a n d r e m o v e i t ;
描写 b. M e a s u r e c l e a r a n c e b e t w e e n b r a k e s h o e m i d d l e
section and brake drum with filler gauge;
描校 c. I f c l e a r a n c e i s o u t o f t h e r e q u i r e d r a n g e , i t
shall be adjusted as follows:Twist cover on both side of


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brake oil tank with special spanner(or ( or knocck it

CAD with minus screw driver ) to have adjusting pole
enlengthened or shortened. If the pole is enlengthened,
the clearance becomes smaller; If the pole is shortened,
the clearance becomes larger;
d. A f t e r c l e a r a n c e a d j s u t m e n t , m o u n t l e f t a n d r i g h t
dust cover and tighent the fixing bolt
6 Storage

6.1 Brief
It is a process to store vehicles that are not used for a
period of time with proper maintenance measures to keep them in
good stand-by condition for timely using as per need.。
The storage is classified into 3 kinds as per its period:
Short-term storage is the storage period within 3 months,
Middle-term storage is the storage period from 3 months to 1
year. Long-term storage is the storage period more than 1
Vehicles shall be stored in warehouse that are rain-
proof,snow-proof,hail-proof and prevented from direct sun shine
and equipped with fire-fighting facility.
In vehicles storage,engine shall be maintained as per
requirements of engine operational manual.。
6.2 Short-term storage
6.2.1 Preparation
The following preparation shall be done before short-term
a.Thorough cleaning of vehicles.Remove dusts and pollutants
from their surfaces.After cleaning, they shall be wiped
dry.Compressed air can be used on places if water can not
reach.Parts which are rusted shall be clean with sandpaper to
remove rust stains and wiped dry with alcohol-soaked cotton
gauze.Vehicle outer surface that have dripped paints shall be
描写 repaired;
b.Check the oil and assistant materials of vechicles.The
描校 fule,lubricating oil,brake solution,hydraulic oil and coolant
shall be in accordance with relevant manuals;

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c. Discharge the sediment from the container of brake system.

CAD Use softwood plug to block or plastics cloth to cover
emission of relay valves。
6.2.2 Maintenance in short-term storage
Steps as follows:
a.Park vehicles at dry and well-ventilated warehouse;
b.Power-off and remove battery. Store it in warehouse after
charging and shall be maintained by specific personnel。If it
is left on vehicle,it shall be check once monthly and
maintained as per need.;
c.Start engine every 15 days. Run it 15min at rotation of
d.Check appearance of vehicle once monthyly.The rusted
sections shall be treated and anti-rust protection be done.If
components are found damaged, find the reason and repair;
e.Check leakage of fuel, lubricating oil,brake
solution,steering hydraulic oil and engine coolant from pipes
and joints once monthly. If leakage found, it shall be treated
f.Check tyre pressure once monthly.If it does not meet
requirements, inflate tyre to required value by compressed air
source outside.;
g. Check steering system once monthly,start engine and
drive vehicle with turning of steering wheel left and right 5
to 6 times.Each time 1 to 2 circles , If oil leakage of
assistant steering system or other abnormality are found, they
shall be treated timely;
h. Check meters once monthly.After engine start, meters
shall be normal. Otherwise they will be treated timely;;
i. Clean dust and dirt from vehicle once monthly。
6.2.3 Start using after short-term storage
The following points shall be noted:
描写 a.Check tyre pressure;
b.Check oil and assistant material to be in accordance with
描校 requirements. If necessary, it shall be replenished or

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c.Remove soft wood plug and plastics cloth from various

CAD holes;
d.Clean anti-rust oil or grease from various units and
outerside of components;
e.Mount battery and connect wires;
f.Start engine and raise its temperature to normal value;
g.Check work status of various assembly and components. If
any abnormality,eleminate it.
h.Drive vehicle at 35km/h on good road with a speed of
20km ~ 30km , Check vehicle technical status in driving. If any
abnormality,eleminate it.
6.3 Middle-term storage
6.3.1 Preparation
Steps as follows:
a.It is determined as per storage limit and maintenance
condition of vehicles. If necessary, change engine oil and
coolant of engine,lubricating oil of gear box, transfer case
lubricating oil,main reducer lubricating oil,wheel side reducer
lubricating oil,braking oil and steering hydraulic oil. The oil
to be changed shall be in accordance with specification of
b. Thorough cleaning of vehicles.Remove dusts and
pollutants from their surfaces.After cleaning, they shall be
wiped dry.Compressed air can be used on places if water can
not reach.Parts which are rusted shall be clean with sandpaper
to remove rust stains and wiped dry with alcohol-soaked cotton
gauze.Vehicle outer surface that have dripped paints shall be
c. Discharge the sediment from the container of brake
system. Use softwood plug to block or plastics cloth to cover
emission of relay valves;
d.Check tightening condition of connecting joints for all
描写 electrical instrument and equipment;
e.Envelope all exposured bulbs with paper.;
描校 f.Cleanse pollutant and rust from delivered tools. Spray
anti-rust oil on non-workable surface and vaseline on workable

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surface of tools. Tools are wrapped by was paper.。

CAD 6.3.2 Middle-term storage maintenance
The following preparation shall be done before middle-term
a.Park vehicles at dry and well-ventilated warehouse;
b.Power-off and remove battery. Store it in warehouse after
charging and shall be maintained by specific personnel 。 If it
is left on vehicle,it shall be check once monthly and
maintained as per need
c.Put fiber sleeve,enchanced water-proof paper or other
materials on wheel for protection;
d.If condition permited,support vehicle with supporter
having wheels 8mm~10mm above ground;
e. Start engine every 15 days. Run it 15min at rotation of
f. Check appearance of vehicle once monthyly.The rusted
sections shall be treated and anti-rust protection be done.If
components are found damaged, find the reason and repair;
g. Check leakage of fuel, lubricating oil,brake
solution,steering hydraulic oil and engine coolant from pipes
and joints once monthly. If leakage found, it shall be treated
h.Check tyre pressure once monthly.If it does not meet
requirements, inflate tyre to required value by compressed air
source outside;
i. Check steering system once monthly,start engine and
drive vehicle with turning of steering wheel left and right 5
to 6 times.Each time 1 to 2 circles , If oil leakage of
assistant steering system or other abnormality are found, they
shall be treated timely;
j. Check meters once monthly.After engine start, meters
shall be normal. Otherwise they will be treated timely;
描写 k. Check spare parts,accessory and tools once monthly. If
rusted stain is found, it will be cleansed and put vaseline;
描校 l. Clean dust and dirt from vehicle once monthly;
m. Check battery once monthly and recharge it;

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n. In storage period, ambient temperature meets seasonal

CAD maintenance,it will be done。
6.3.3 Start using after middle-term storage
The following points shall be noted:
a.Remove tyre cover and Check tyre pressure;
b.Check oil and assistant material to be in accordance with
requirements. If necessary, it shall be replenished or
c.Remove soft wood plug and plastics cloth from various
d.Clean anti-rust oil or grease from various units and
outerside of components;
e.Remove paper from bulb expousred;
f.Mount battery and connect wires;
g.Start engine and raise its temperature to normal value;
h.Check work status of various assembly and components. If
any abnormality,eleminate it.
i.Drive vehicle at 35km/h on good road with a speed of
20km ~ 30km , Check vehicle technical status in driving. If any
abnormality,eleminate it.
6.4 Long-term storage
6.4.1 Preparation
The following preparation shall be done before long-term
a. It is determined as per storage limit and maintenance
condition of vehicles. If necessary, change engine oil and
coolant of engine,lubricating oil of gear box,torque converter
lubricating oil,transfer case lubricating oil,main reducer
lubricating oil,wheel side reducer lubricating oil,braking oil
and steering hydraulic oil. The oil to be changed shall be in
accordance with specification of manual;
b.Drain diesel oil from fuel tank,Clean it,Blow fuel pipes
描写 with compressed air.Remove fine filter and coarse
filter,dimantle and clean them. Then restore them. Fill
描校 specified diesel oil into fuel tank and vent air from fuel
supply pipe;

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c. Thorough cleaning of vehicles.Remove dusts and

CAD pollutants from their surfaces.After cleaning, they shall be
wiped dry.Compressed air can be used on places if water can
not reach.Parts which are rusted shall be clean with sandpaper
to remove rust stains and wiped dry with alcohol-soaked cotton
gauze.Vehicle outer surface that have dripped paints shall be
d. Discharge the sediment from the container of brake
system. Use softwood plug to block or plastics cloth to cover
emission of relay valves;
e.Remove brake drum,brake shoes,return spring,hub and
bearings, clean the pollutant and old lubricating grease from
them with gasoline. Put new lubricating grease on hub and
bearings,mount brake drum,brake shoes,return spring,adjust hub
bearing clearance to required value,adjust brake shoe clearance
to required value;
f.Mount the tyre. Inner surface of outer tube and inner
tube and pads shall be painted with talcum powder。Hub and its
inner and outer surface shall be cleaned and painted anti-rust
oil. Then mount the tyres and inflate them to required
g.Check tightening condition of connecting joints for all
electrical instrument and equipment;
h.Envelope all exposured bulbs with paper.;
i.Cleanse pollutant and rust from delivered tools. Spray
anti-rust oil on non-workable surface and vaseline on workable
surface of tools. Tools are wrapped by was paper.。
6.4.2 Maintenance in long-term storage
The following maintenance shall be done in long-term
a.Park vehicles at dry and well-ventilated warehouse;
b.Power-off and remove battery. Store it in warehouse after
描写 charging;
c.Put fiber sleeve,enchanced water-proof paper or other
描校 materials on wheel for protection;
d.If condition permited,support vehicle with supporter

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having wheels 8mm~10mm above ground;

CAD e. Start engine every 15 days. Run it 15min at rotation of
f. Check appearance of vehicle once monthyly.The rusted
sections shall be treated and anti-rust protection be done.If
components are found damaged, find the reason and repair;
g. Check leakage of fuel, lubricating oil,brake
solution,steering hydraulic oil and engine coolant from pipes
and joints once monthly. If leakage found, it shall be treated
h. Check tyre pressure once monthly.If it does not meet
requirements, inflate tyre to required value by compressed air
source outside;
i.Check steering system once monthly,start engine and drive
vehicle with turning of steering wheel left and right 5 to 6
times.Each time 1 to 2 circles , If oil leakage of assistant
steering system or other abnormality are found, they shall be
treated timely;
j.Check meters once monthly.After engine start, meters
shall be normal. Otherwise they will be treated timely;
k.Check spare parts,accessory and tools once monthly. If
rusted stain is found, it will be cleansed and put vaseline;
l.Clean dust and dirt from vehicle once monthly;
m.Check battery once monthly and recharge it;
n.In storage period, ambient temperature meets seasonal
maintenance,it will be done.
6.4.3 Start using after long term of storage
The following points shall be noticed:
a.Remove tyre cover and Check tyre pressure;
b.Check oil and assistant material to be in accordance with
requirements. If necessary, it shall be replenished or
描写 c.Remove soft wood plug and plastics cloth from various
描校 d.Clean anti-rust oil or grease from various units and
outerside of components;

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e.Remove paper from bulb expousred;

CAD f.Mount battery and connect wires;
g.Start engine and raise its temperature to normal value;
h.Check work status of various assembly and components. If
any abnormality,eleminate it.
i.Drive vehicle at 35km/h on good road with a speed of
20km ~ 30km , Check vehicle technical status in driving. If any
abnormality,eleminate it.

7 Vehicle lubrication

7.1 Requirements
a.B e f o r e l u b r i c a t i o n , C l e a n o i l n o z z l e , p l u g s , f i l l i n g
point and pollute aruond them;
b.Chassis lubricating oil and grease shall be strictly
selected as per Table 2-7;
c.In oil change,it is best to drain lubricating oil from various
assembly when it is warm.;
d.Adding volume of lubricating grease is 1/3 ~ 1/2 of
bearing(or matching places like spline and ect ) and outer
e. T o l u b r i c a t e t h e u n i v e r s a l c o u p l i n g o f d r i v i n g
shaft, do not use the oil gun which has other grease
leftover.Other grease may damage the coupling and
f. A f t e r l u b r i c a t i o n , w i p e o u t t h e g r e a s e o u t s i d e 。
7.2 Lubrication table
Lubrication table shown in Table 7-1。
Table 7-1
S/N Name Lubricating period Remark
Check and compensate lubricating
oil before driving.New vehicle 1
1 Engine 1 time oil change after 500km,Later
on, oil change after every 500h
running but once yearly.


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S/N Name Lubricating period Remark
CAD points
New vehicle 1st time oil change
after 5000km driving or 125h
2 Gear box 1 running。Later on, oil change after
every 20000km driving or 1200h
running but once yearly.
New vehicle 1st time oil change
after 500km 。 Later on, oil change
3 Transfer case 1
after every 20000km driving but
once yearly.
Main reducer New vehicle 1st time oil change
4 4
onI,II,V,VI after 500km 。 Later on, oil change
Wheel side after every 20000km driving but
5 12
reducer once yearly.
New vehicle 1st time oil change
Steering oil after 500km 。 Later on, oil change
6 1
tank after every 30000km driving but
once yearly.
7 19
8 suspension 2
rotating shaft
9 Balance box 4
Steering knuckle
10 6
11 straight drag 12
bar ball pin
Steering cross
12 drag bar ball 6 Check and Add lubricating grease
pin every 1500km driving.Change
Steering lubricating grease , every 10000km
assistant driving。but once yearly.。
13 6
cylinder ball
Steering knuckle
14 12
main pin
15 Steering support 2
16 transmission 2
17 Brake shoe pin 48
Brake pedal
18 1
描校 rocker
19 Cab door hinge 1


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S/N Name Lubricating period Remark
CAD points
Note : Period can be adjusted according to quality of oil,grease and working

8 Common abnormality analysis and elimination

8.1 Engine abnormality
See table 8-1。
Table 8-1
Abnormality Possible reasons Measures taken Remark
Check , Disengage it from
Engaged with transmission system
transmission system
Check , determine assistant
Lower than start limit temp
device to be used
Engine oil grade and quality wrong Change engine oil

Fuel quality different from manual Change fuel

Battery problem or not being
Check and repair battery
charged beforehand
Starter motor circuit breaking or
Check and repair circuit
joints oxided
Engine cannot
Starter motor problem or small
start or Check and repair starter motor
gear not rotate
Air valve clearance wrong Adjust air valve clearance
Repair or change Oil injecting
Oil injecting nozzle abnormality

Flame preheat plug problem Repair Flame preheat plug

Fuel finished Add oil and vent air

Dirty fuel filter Clean and vent air

Fuel pipes blockage Clean and vent air

System not sealable. Air exists Check and fasten joint;vent air

Winter running rule. Clean

Lower temp.Fuel generates wax
coarse filter change fine
blocking filter
filter. Vent air

Engine oil viscosity too high Change engine oil

Engine start Check electrolytic solution
difficult Battery problem or not being specific gravity,clean
charged beforehand connecting poles and put oil on
描写 them
Fuel air vent pipe blockage Check clean air vent pipe

描校 HP oil pump pressure not enough Check and repair it

Engine Fuel quality different from manual Change fuel

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Air valve clearance wrong Adjust air valve clearance

CAD HP oil pipe not sealable Check and repair it

Repair or change Oil injecting

Oil injecting nozzle abnormality
Fuel finished Add oil and vent air
Dirty fuel filter Clean and vent air
Fuel pipes blockage Clean and vent air
System no sealable. Air exists Check and fasten joint;vent air
Temp-keeping with hanging screen at
Cylinder top lower temp
frog panel

Continuous table 8-1

Abnormality Possible reasons Measures taken Remark
Lubricating oil level too high Drain oil
Lubricating oil level too low Replenish lubricating oil
Dirty radiator or fins of
Clean radiator and fins
engine oil
Dirty radiating fins of Clean,pay more attention on
Engine cylinder sleeve and cover vertical fins of cylinder cover
overheating ,temp- Cooling fan problem Clean or change it
warning acts Supercharged air becomes hot
Check and repair
or hot loop circuit
Oil injector no function or Special
Check oil injector
injected volume not accurate personnel
Oil injecting nozzle Repair or change Oil injecting
abnormality nozzle
Oil level too low Replenish it
Engine inclination too much Check and adjust lubricating oil
Engine oil grade and quality
Change engine oil
Engine oil no wrong
pressure or too Engine oil pipe blockage Clean filter
Check engine oil pump,filter,
Lubricating system leakage
pressure meter,radiator
Crank shaft clearance too much Check,adjust bearing clearance
Engine oil no Lubricating oil level too high Drain oil
pressure or too
low Fuel quality different from
Change fuel
Air filter dirty or Clean,change filter or
supercharger problem supercharger
Supercharged air inlet is not
Check and repair
Air valve clearance wrong Adjust air valve clearance

HP oil pipe not sealable Check and repair it

描校 Oil injecting nozzle Repair or change Oil injecting
abnormality nozzle


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Fuel finished Add oil and vent air

CAD Dirty fuel filter Clean and vent air

Fuel pipes blockage Clean and vent air

System no sealable. Air exists Check and fasten joint;vent air

Air supply not enough at high
Clean air filter
Lubricating oil level too high Drain oil
Engine oil
consumption too Engine inclination too much Check and adjust
much Engine oil grade and quality
Change engine oil

Continuous table 8-1(end)

Abnormality Possible reasons Measures taken Remark
Check , determine assistant device
Lower than start limit temp
to be used
Fuel quality different from Change fuel
White smoke at
Air valve clearance wrong Adjust air valve clearance
Repair or change Oil injecting
Oil injecting nozzle abnormality
System not sealable. Air exists Check and fasten joint;vent air
Air filter dirty or supercharger
Clean,change filter or supercharger
Smoke detector limit is full Repair
Supercharged air inlet is not
Check and repair
Black smoke at sealable
emission Air valve clearance wrong Adjust air valve clearance
Air ring coked or broken Repair
Repair or change Oil injecting Special
Oil injecting nozzle abnormality
nozzle personnel

HP oil pipe not sealable Check and repair it

Oil injecting nozzle abnormality Repair or change Oil injecting
cylinder of
engine not Dirty fuel filter Clean and vent air
Fuel pipes blockage Clean and vent air

Belt sounds at
engine Generator belt loosen Adjust V-belt

8.2 Transmission system abnormality

See table 8-2。
描校 Table 8-2
Abnormality Possible reasons Measures taken Remark


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Gear box oil level too low Add oil to required level
CAD Gear box oil level too high Drain oil to required level
Gear box oil
Oil pipe or radiator oil pipe
temp too high Clean or change radiator
Continuous high-load working Stop high-load working,cooling at
time too long low speed

Bearing too much wearing Change bearing

Transfer case
Gear wearing Repair or change
Lubricating oil polluted Change lubricating oil

Main reducer Oil surface too high Drain oil to required level
oil temp too
Change lubricating oil
high Improper lubricating oil
corresponding temperature

Driving axle
Bearing worn,damaged or
bearing Check,adjust,or change bearing
incorrectly mounted
abnormal noise
Improper adjustment of gears Check,adjust gears
Wheel side
Gears excessively worn Change gears
reducer noise
Driving axle oil
Oil seal damaged Change oil seal

Universal joint,movable spline
shaft Lubricating.
bad ,parts seriously worn

Balance block fallen Send it for repair

Transmission Change bearing and timely
Bearing worn
shaft shocks lubricating
Transmission shaft bent Send it for repair

8.3 Brake system abnormality

See table 8-3。
Table 8-3
Abnormality Possible reasons Measures taken Remark

Brake shoe clearance small Adjust clearance

New brake block not contact

Run-in 、check and repair
Brake drum hot enough
描写 Brake no function Repair or change brake drum

Foreign things in brake drum cleanse

描校 Braking Different braking clearance of
Adjust braking clearance
run-off wheels


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Low pressure at one side of

Check and replenish pressure
Brake block excessively worn Check and repair

Earlier braking of front axles Adjust double-chamber brake valve

Brake chamber air pressure not

Check air loop

Braking pressure not enough Check and adjust air loop

Braking not Wheel braking clearance is large Adjust clearance

sensitive Brake block excessively worn Check and repair

Vehicle over speed Drive as per specification

Slow rising of Compressor malfunction Check its work status
air pressure
and quick Pipe joint loosen Tighten pipe joint
drop of air
pressure at Vale parts not sealable in brake
Check and change
stop system
Clearance between brake block
Parking Readjust as per need.
and drum is too large
brake weak
Oil on brake block Clean brake block

8.4 Steering system abnormality

See table 8-4。
Table 8-4
Abnormality Possible reasons Measures taken Remark

Steering oil pump worn Repair or change oil pump

Low pressure at overflow valve Adjust pressure of overflow valve
and flowrate valve and flowrate valve
Steering oil cylinder and pipe Repair Steering oil cylinder and
leakage pipe

Heavy Hydraulic oil viscosity too low Change hydraulic oil

steering Engine rotation not lower than
Engine rotation too low
Steering ball joint bad
Lubricate ball joints
Steering ball joint excessively
Repair,change ball joints
Front tyre low pressure Replenish pressure

Air in steering hydraulic system Vent air check oil pipes

Steering Steering ball joint valve
vibrates or Adjust ball joint
clearance too large
shocks Steering joint bearing clearance
描校 Repair steering joint bearing
too large


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8.5 Electrical system abnormality

See table 8-5。
Table 8-5
Abnormality Possible reasons Measures taken Remark

Low battery Charge battery

Cable joint untightened Tighten joints

Weak Starter carbon brush wearing Check, change carbon brush

starting of
vehicle Starter main contact bad Tighten joints

Starter motor coil short circuit Repair coil

Master electricity switch
Change contacts
contact seriously burnt
Motor adjuster problem Readjust it to required value
Volt meter
abnormal Electyric solution not enough Add Electyric solution
Battery joints not good Adjust joints
Check master fuse,harness and
No light when switch-on
Section of light not on Check harness and abnormal light

Frog light not on Check electricity,bulbs and joints

Different illuminance of rear

Short circuit of lights

Lights Signal light is not on Check harness joint and bulb

Light is not on Check electricity and bulb

Side turning lights only one is

Check harness joint and bulb

Emergency light is not on Check bulb and fading resistor

Dashboard turning indicator is Check turning light outside and
off after a swift on. indicator bulb
Horn no sounds Check switch,power fuse and relay
Horn always sounds Check switch and horn relay contact

Others Whole vehicle no electricity Check master electricity switch

Press start switch,Starter no Check master electricity fuse and
work start switch
描写 All meters no work Check master power of meters

Check meters,connecting wire and

Some meters no work
Check brake switch,harness and bulbs to be
Press brake pedal,fuse burnt broken
short circuited or not

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Fuse burnt at Brake signal light Check harness that is before brake switch
CAD mounting to be short connected or not

9 Spare parts,accessory and tools with vehicle

For each vehicle, there is 1 set of spare parts,addessory
and tools as shown in Table 9-1 9-2。

Table 9-1
S/N Code Name Qty Usage Storage Remark
Spare parts,accessory
1 Q700B01 Grease nozzle Reserve Warehouse Stanard setup
2 Q700B45 Grease nozzle 5 PCS Reserve Warehouse Stanard setup
3 18-22.5 Spare tyre 1 set Reserve Hub 22.5×14
4 12.00-20 Spare tyre 1set Reserve Hub 8.5-20
Working lamp With autombile
5 1 PCS Lightening
NZ7-2F type vehicle lights
Triangle warning With
6 GB19151-2003 1 PCS Warning Stanard setup
plate vehicle

Table 9-2
S/N Code Name Qty Storage
1 GB10639-1989 M i n u s s c r e w d r i v e 100×6 1 PCS With vehicle
6 GB/T4440-2008 Adjust a bl e spann er GB/T 4440-100A 1 PCS With vehicle
13 GB5356-2008 H e x a g o n s o c k e t s p a n n e r GB5356-14 1 PCS With vehicle
26 Box Spanner (Box style) 30×32 1 PCS With vehicle
32 GB1164-1989 Gr ea se gun A200 GB1164 1 PCS With vehicle
34 QB/T2349-1997 Cr ocodi l e pli er s 200 QB/ T2349 1 PCS With vehicle
39 S3900Ta100 T yr e in fla tin g h ose 1 PCS With vehicle
40 Cow bar Ø20x590 1 PCS With vehicle
41 DQ1213X Portable work lamp 1 PCS With vehicle
42 JB/T2104-2002 H y d r a u l i c j a c k QYL20 1 PCS With vehicle
11 GB19151-2003 warning board 1 PCS With vehicle

10 Packing list
10.1 Documents delivered with vehicle
Technical documents delivered with vehicle as follows:


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a.drill vehicle special chassis manual(WS5531TZJSM)1

b.Quality certificate of drilling special chassis 1 copy;
c.Manual( C15 engine) (C A T E R P I L L A R ) (English version);
d.Allison 5000/6000serial automatic gear box service
manual(Chinese version)。
10.2 Spare parts,accessory and tools
See table 9-1 和 9-2。
11、Tightening torque of important and critical parts
See table 10
Table 10 Tightening torque of important and critical parts of chassis
S/N Main checking points Tightening

Name Bolt SPEC

Steering vertical arm nut M24x2 700±10
Steering Steering mechanism M18x1.5 510±10
system mounting

Transit arm suppor M18x1.5 510±10

M16 350±10
M14 200±10
2 Transmission shaft assembly
M12 180±5
M10 100±5

Front single axleU-shape M20 600±10

Front double axle drag bar M12 180±5
3 Suspension
Rigid balance beam nut M24 700±10
Rigid balance beam middle M20 600±10

描写 support
4 Wheel M22 650±10


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12.1 Quality Warranty

CAD Within 6 months dated from delivery,We will provide parts and
repair service free of charge for our products which really
have quality defects in design,manufacture when they have been
normally and correctly handled in transporting,storing and
using as per the given rules and specification.If it is out of
the warranty period and the quality problems happen, we will
provide parts and repair service for our products with charge.
12.2 Contacts
If quality problems happen during using of our products,
Please contact our marketing department:
Manufacturer:Hubei Sanjiang Wanshan Special Vehicle Co.Ltd.;
Address : Beijing road No.69, Xiaogan city Hubei Province ;
Phone:0712-295350;Fax: 0712-2950389
Technical support:0712-2357090
After-sale service:0712-2357523 Fax:0712-2825537
Postal code:432100




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