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In various regions of the northern and southern hemispheres, winter is the coldest season of

the year. It is marked by snowfall and bitterly low temperatures, which are frequently made
worse by strong winds. Due to the winter-affected region's distance from the sun in the earth's
orbit around it, the season, which lasts around three months, is brought on.

During this time, the majority of schools are out of session, work in offices slows down, and
timetables are adjusted to reflect the vagaries of the season. Days are short and nights are long
during this time; but, as the season goes on, these conditions normally steadily reverse. On
winter mornings, the sun doesn't rise until fairly late and isn't particularly warm.

Most people spend their mornings and nights within by the fire, rarely venturing outside until it
is light outside. Everyone understands the importance of the weather report during the winter,
when the information they provide can mean the difference between wearing the right
protective clothing and freezing to death, knowing whether the roads would be passable the
following morning, or learning whether the previous evening's blizzard had forced them to
cancel plans.

On winter mornings, the majority of people get out of bed to clear their walkways of snow.
When conditions were extremely bad, snow and wind-blocked roads, grounded planes, and
even frozen rivers for days, weeks, and months.

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