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Effects of Fluid Properties And

Mathematical Model on Heat Transfer
by the Rayleigh-Benard Convection


1.Intoduction: -......................................................................................................................................3

1.1 Background..................................................................................................................................3

1.2 Literature Review: -.....................................................................................................................5

1.3 Aim and Objectives: -...................................................................................................................9

2. Project Plan: -....................................................................................................................................9

2.1 Work Packages:...........................................................................................................................9

2.2. Work Breakdown Structure:.....................................................................................................10

2.3 Resources Required: -................................................................................................................10

References: -........................................................................................................................................12

Gantt Chart............................................................................................................................................1

1. Intoduction: -
1.1 Background
B'enard convection provided a straightforward illustration of a mean field-like transition
near a convection threshold during the 1970s, a period of intense interest in global theories
of phase transitions and critical events. Physicists are becoming more interested in fluid
mechanics thanks to the discovery of thermos-convective instabilities. Other communities,
especially those in the life sciences, were interested in the existence of dynamical order far
from equilibrium. The theory of phase transitions is ascribed to Francois Benard, however
his work should really be compared to that of Theodore von Karman (1912), as his initial
publication was made four years earlier. A cohesive structure that endures even at high
Reynolds numbers is the double array of alternate rolls—the vortex street. The issue is now
undergoing several advances with significant industrial and practical applications. Benard
has studied two significant issues that have had a significant impact on the development of
hydrodynamic stability theory and are now expressed in terms of closed systems (thermal
convection) and open-flow systems (wakes). It is now understood that these two categories
of systems exhibit significant variations in how chaos and turbulence develop. The praise
offered by the current publication is certainly merited given the influence of his work
through these two significant findings as well as his experiments (Hohler et al., 2003).

The partial differential equation for shear stress is

τ =−μ

Where μ is the viscosity and is the velocity gradient.

The ordinary differential equation for shear stress is


where F is the force of liquid and A is the area of the plate.

The ODE of heat flux is where h is the heat transfer coefficient

q=hA ∆ T

where h is the heat transfer coefficient, A is the plate area and ΔT is the temperature

The PDE of heat flux


where k is the thermal conductivity, A is the area and is the temperature gradient.

Heat transfer coefficient can be determined by Nusselt number


where h is the convective heat transfer coefficient, k is thermal conductivity of fluid and D is
the characteristic length.

Fluid velocity can be determined by Reynolds number


where ρ is the density, V is the velocity of fluid, D is the length and μ is the viscosity of fluid.

Rayleigh–Benard convection is the coordinated movement of a fluid which is confined

between two thermally conducting plates, and is heated from below to produce a
temperature difference. An uncoordinated movement of fluid particles which allows energy
transfer between lower and upper plates is substituted by a coordinated movement above a
certain temperature gradient. Rayleigh–Benard convection forms convection rolls (see Fig.
1) and allows a much more efficient energy transport between the plates.

Fig.1 Cross-sectional view of cell illustrating convection rolls.

In order for convection to occur, small fluctuations of hot fluid which begin to rise to the top
of the fluid layer grow in size through amplification processes. If the temperature difference
is above a certain threshold, an organized flow resembling overturning cylinders is formed.
If the temperature difference is raised further, the fluid rises very quickly, and a transition
from laminar to turbulent flow of the fluid may occur.

It can be said that the system, by generating a more efficient energy transport through
convection, tends to resist the external perturbation and tries to return back to the
equilibrium state.

1.2 Literature Review: -

A Rayleigh-Benard convection-based Rayleigh-Benard heat engine with the highest possible
efficiency was studied by José C. Íñiguez (Íñiguez, 2022) using a thermodynamic model. The
irreversible flow was shown to have a positive entropy change in the research, but the
architectural and functional order of the convective structure had a negative entropy
change. For the transition from an entropic to a nonentropic zone, a balanced total entropy
change was found. A coupling mechanism was employed in this investigation. Schmidt and
Saunders as well as Schmidt and Milverton were represented for the verification of the
experimental findings. In figure 2, a simplified representation of autopoietic model for
Rayleigh Bénard convection was shown.

Fig.2: Simplified model of autopoietic model for Rayleigh Bénard (Íñiguez, 2022)

Paul manneville (Manneville, 2006) investigated the thirty years of the research journey of
Rayleigh-Benard Convection. In this study, the author reviewed linear and non-linear
stability analysis and the transition in convective turbulence. The author also reviewed the
role of confinement effects in controlling the scenarios towards dynamical system theory or
space-time chaos. In the investigation different types of aspects of RB convection were
discussed. In figure 3 the density of spiral cores was shown which increases as R increases.

Fig.3: Density of spiral cores (Manneville, 2006)

P. G. Siddheshwar and N. Meenakshi (Siddheshwar and Meenakshi, 2017) investigated

Rayleigh–Bénard convection in liquids where the liquids were mixed with nanoparticles and
their fluid properties were changed. In the study, the heat transfer in nanofluids was
provided by the Khanafer–Vafai–Lightstone single-phase model. The liquid and solid phases
in this model are in local thermal equilibrium and move at the same local velocity. This
shows that while the nanoparticles and liquid particles have distinct thermal characteristics,
they have similar flow properties. In the study, it was found that the heat transfer increased
with every case of using twenty different types of nanofluids than normal liquids. In figure 4,
isotherms of unsteady convection were shown.

Fig.4: Isotherms of unsteady convection (Siddheshwar and Meenakshi, 2017)

P. Urban et al. (Urban et al., 2012) investigated the heat transfer efficiency in turbulent
Rayleigh-Benard convection experimentally in a cylindrical cell. When the mean
temperature of the working fluid was measured inside the cell at half of its height it was
found that for Rayleigh Number 1012 ≤ Ra ≤1015 the Nusselt number follows Nu ∝ Ra1/3. In
figure 5, it was shown that for constant density and T mGe, this quantity displays roughly linear

Fig.5: Temperature difference Tmp TmGe plotted versus 𝞪ΔT andΔT(Urban et al., 2012)

Zhen-Hua Wan et al. (Wan et al., 2019) investigated the influence of sidewall properties for
the flow characteristics. In this investigation the main focus was on the Nusselt number and
the local vertical temperature gradients near the horizontal mid-plane on the cylinder axis
and close to the sidewall. The simulation showed that the sidewall can be worked as a heat
conductor and the phenomenon decreases with the increasing Rayleigh Number. It was
concluded in the investigation that the proper design method should be used to minimise
the interaction between fluid and sidewall. In figure 6, time and azimuthally averaged local
Nulb number at the plate as function of radial location for various Ra and sidewall
arrangements with neon, the working substance.

Fig.6: Different sidewall configurations (Wan et al., 2019)

Pallares et al. (Pallares, Grau and Giralt, 1998) investigated a three-dimensional numerical
study of natural convection for medium range Rayleigh Number and three different Prandtl
Number. In the stable and laminar regime, seven distinct structures, including four of the
single roll-type, two of the four roll-type, and a toroidal roll, had been found. Analysis was
also done on the stability of various constructions when the aspect ratio or cavities are
slightly altered. In figure 7, convection structure developed in a cubical cavity for single roll
was shown.

Fig.7: Single roll flow distribution (Pallares, Grau and Giralt, 1998)

1.3 Aim and Objectives: -
The aim of the project is to evaluate the heat transfer coefficient of Rayleigh-Benard
convection model using the two different approaches as a function of fluid properties.
1. Firstly, a thorough literature will be carried out in order to understand the formulas
and the theories related to the topic
2. Secondly, develop the partial differential equation (PDE) and ordinary differential
equation (ODE) of fluid properties to calculate the velocity and the temperature
between 2 plates
3. Develop the shear stress and heat flux to the wall by using the velocity gradient and
temperature gradient
4. Develop a temperature field to evaluate the convection heat transfer coefficient and
compare the
5. Results and discussion will be carried out further in order to analyse and evaluate
before reporting takes place

2. Project Plan: -
2.1 Work Packages:
WP-01: Literature Review

In this phase, literature about the Rayleigh–Benard convection will be studied. Learning
different techniques on heat transfer and the effects of changing different parameters will
also be studied. Increasing heat transfer techniques will also be studied.

WP-02: Design Parameter

During this phase, several types of differential equations for heat convection will be learned,
and various parameters affecting the heat transfer coefficient will be proclaimed.

WP-03: Required Equations

In this phase necessary equations will be developed to calculate the required shear stress
and heat flux between the flat plates using the velocity gradient and temperature gradient.
Measurements can be varied for different densities.

WP-04: Evaluation of Heat Transfer Coefficient

In this phase a temperature field will be created to determine the convection heat transfer
coefficient and it will be compared to check how accurate these two approximate methods

WP-05: Final Report and Poster

The final report for this thesis will include all of the work from work packages 1 through 4,
and from this report, a poster will be created for the project presentation.

2.2. Work Breakdown Structure:

Proposal stage: Semester 1: (From 02/10/2022 to 16/10/2022)

In this stage, the background research of the Rayleigh-Benard convection method and
applications should be done to understand the project topic. The aim and objectives should be
clearer by the background study. To show the procedure and the strategy for this project, the Gantt
chart must be displayed. Attending the weekly sessions will help you clarify any areas of the subject
that are confusing and will allow you to ask the necessary questions. It is necessary to submit the
proposal report, which is worth 5% of the project.

Interim stage: Semester 1: (From 15/11/2022 to 25/1/2023)

At this stage, the literature should be reviewed thoroughly. The full working procedure should be
selected in this stage. For that more research is needed to collect sufficient information to visualise
the experimentation of the project. The design and the materials should be selected in this stage for
the experimentation. 10% of the project will be completed by submitting the interim report and the
self-evaluation form.

Final stage: Semester 2: (From 8/2/2023 to 15/5/2023)

In the final stage, the experimentation process will be done to determine the heat transfer
coefficient of Rayleigh-Benard convection model using the two different approaches. The
results will be compared and discussion will be made. A total of 85% of the project will be
represented by the final report, poster presentation, and logbook, which will all be submitted in.

2.3 Resources Required: -

The software that will be used:

1. Internet
2. YouTube
3. PC
4. Microsoft Word
5. Microsoft Excel

References: -
Corcione, M. (2011) ‘Rayleigh-Bénard convection heat transfer in nanoparticle suspensions’,
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 32(1), pp. 65–77. doi:

Hohler, M. E. G. et al. (2003) Springer Tracts in Modern Physics Volume 184 Springer Tracts
in Modern Physics.

Íñiguez, J. C. (2022) ‘An autopoietic, heat-engine-centered model for Rayleigh-Bénard

convection and its contrast with experimental data’.

Manneville, P. (2006) ‘Rayleigh-Bénard Convection: Thirty Years of Experimental,

Theoretical, and Modeling Work’, pp. 41–65. doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-25111-0_3.

Pallares, J., Grau, F. X. and Giralt, F. (1998) ‘Flow transitions in laminar Rayleigh-Bénard
convection in a cubical cavity at moderate Rayleigh numbers’, International Journal of Heat
and Mass Transfer, 42(4), pp. 753–769. doi: 10.1016/S0017-9310(98)00192-6.

Siddheshwar, P. G. and Meenakshi, N. (2017) ‘Amplitude Equation and Heat Transport for
Rayleigh–Bénard Convection in Newtonian Liquids with Nanoparticles’, International Journal
of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 3(1), pp. 271–292. doi: 10.1007/s40819-015-

Urban, P. et al. (2012) ‘Effect of boundary layers asymmetry on heat transfer efficiency in
turbulent rayleigh-bernard convection at very high rayleigh numbers’, Physical Review
Letters, 109(15), pp. 10–13. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.154301.

Wan, Z. H. et al. (2019) ‘Effect of sidewall on heat transfer and flow structure in Rayleigh-
Bénard convection’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 881, pp. 218–243. doi:

Gantt Chart

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