Competency 9

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Teaching Science in Elementary Grades

(Biology and Chemistry)
Midterm’s Module

1st Semester A/Y: 2022-2023

Prepared by:

 Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. describe the different phases, properties and structure of matter,
b. classify or group materials according to their phases and properties
c. examine the properties of materials to determine whether useful or harmful
d. justify the importance of matter in the universe.

Classify the materials listed below into solid, liquid or gas. List the names of the objects or materials
where they appropriately belong. Give reasons for grouping them together.

oxygen bottled milk bag cotton

air sweat oil block of wood

Classification of Matter Materials Reasons for Grouping Together




All materials have properties that can be observed and be used to identify them. When learners
observe different objects around them, they become aware of their characteristics. Using these features, they
can be able to group these objects as solid, liquid or gas. Furthermore, because of these distinct
characteristics, learners can also be able to classify materials according to their ability to absorb water, to
either float or sink, and even to determine they can decay or not.
Knowledge of the different properties of materials may be able to further to help learners make useful
materials and products out of the raw materials. In the process, they can investigate and observe changes
materials undergo such as when mixing a solid in a liquid or a liquid in another liquid.


Phases of Matter
Matter is the "stuff" that makes up the universe —
everything that takes up space and has mass is matter. All matter is
made up of atoms, which are in turn made up of protons, neutrons
and electrons. Atoms come together to form molecules, which are
the building blocks for all types of matter, according to Washington
State University.
A kind of matter like water and alcohol may exist in three different phases. Matter like these can change
from one phase to another with changes in temperature or pressure. Other kinds of matter like a block of
wood, a spoon, or the book are all in solid form. Wherever you place them in whatever condition, their phases
remain the same. Matter normally exists as either a solid, a liquid, or a gas.

Generally, as a solid is heated (or as pressure decreases), it will change to a liquid form, and will eventually
become a gas. For example, ice (frozen water) melts into liquid water when it is heated. As the water boils, the
water evaporates and becomes water vapor.

Sometimes, a solid will go directly from solid to gas - this is call subliming or sublimation. An example of
sublimation is dry ice, the solid (frozen) form of carbon dioxide, CO 2, which turns into gaseous carbon dioxide
at standard temperature and pressure - there is no liquid phase of CO2 at standard temperature and pressure.

The Five Phases of Matter

There are four natural states of matter: Solids, liquids, gases and
plasma. The fifth state is the man-made Bose-Einstein condensates.

1. Solids
In a solid, particles are packed tightly together so they don't move much. The electrons of each atom
are constantly in motion, so the atoms have a small vibration, but they are fixed in their position. Because of
this, particles in a solid have very low kinetic energy.
Solids have a definite shape, as well as mass and volume, and do not conform to the shape of the
container in which they are placed. Solids also have a high density, meaning that the particles are tightly
packed together. 

2. Liquids
In a liquid, the particles are more loosely packed than in a solid and are able to flow around each other,
giving the liquid an indefinite shape. Therefore, the liquid will conform to the shape of its container. Liquids
(most of which have a lower density than solids) are incredibly difficult to compress. 

3. Gases
In a gas, the particles have a great deal of space between them and have high kinetic energy. A gas has
no definite shape or volume. If unconfined, the particles of a gas will spread out indefinitely; if confined, the
gas will expand to fill its container. When a gas is put under pressure by reducing the volume of the container,
the space between particles is reduced and the gas is compressed. A gas is matter in which the molecules are
widely separated, move around freely, and move at high speeds. Examples of gases include the gases we
breathe (nitrogen, oxygen, and others), the helium in balloons, and steam (water vapor).
4. Plasma
A plasma is a gas that is composed of free-floating ions (atoms stripped of some electrons - positively
charged) and free electrons (negatively charged). A plasma conducts electrical currents. Plasma was
discovered by William Crookes in 1879. There are many different types of plasmas. Plasma is not a common
state of matter here on Earth, but it may be the most common state of matter in the universe, according to
the Jefferson Laboratory. Stars are essentially superheated balls of plasma. 
Plasma consists of highly charged particles with extremely high kinetic energy. The noble
gases (helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon) are often used to make glowing signs by using
electricity to ionize them to the plasma state. 

The resulting mixture of neutral atoms, free electrons, and charged ions is called a plasma. A plasma
has some unique qualities that causes scientists to label it a "fourth phase" of matter. A plasma is a fluid, like a
liquid or gas, but because of the charged particles present in a plasma, it responds to and generates electro-
magnetic forces.

SAQ #1: What are the characteristics of solid, liquid, gas and plasma as phases or states of matter that
distinguish them from one another? Give at least one specific example for each phase. (4 points)

5. Bose-Einstein condensate
The Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) was created by scientists in 1995. Using a combination of lasers
and magnets, Eric Cornell and Carl Weiman, scientists at the Joint Institute for Lab Astrophysics (JILA) in
Boulder, Colorado, cooled a sample of rubidium to within a few degrees of absolute zero. At this extremely
low temperature, molecular motion comes very close to stopping. Since there is almost no kinetic energy
being transferred from one atom to another, the atoms begin to clump together. There are no longer
thousands of separate atoms, just one "super atom." 
A BEC is used to study quantum mechanics on a macroscopic level. Light appears to slow down as it
passes through a BEC, allowing scientists to study the particle/wave paradox. A BEC also has many of the
properties of a superfluid, or a fluid that flows without friction. BECs are also used to simulate conditions that
might exist in black holes.

Properties of Matter
Matter can be defined or described as anything that takes up space, and it is composed of miniscule
particles called atoms. It must display the two properties of mass and volume.

The different types of matter can be distinguished through two components: composition and
properties. The composition of matter refers to the different components of matter along with their relative
proportions. The properties of matter refer to the qualities/attributes that distinguish one sample of matter
from another. These properties are generally grouped into two categories: physical or chemical.
1. Physical Properties
Physical properties can be observed or measured without changing the composition of matter. Physical
properties are used to observe and describe matter. Physical properties of materials and systems are often
described as intensive and extensive properties. Physical properties can be extensive or intensive. 
a. Intensive properties, do not depend on the amount of the substance; they include color, melting
point, boiling point, electrical conductivity, and physical state at a given temperature. An intensive
property is a bulk property, meaning that it is a physical property of a system that does not depend
on the system size or the amount of material in the system. Examples of intensive properties
include temperature, refractive index, density, and hardness of an object. When a diamond is cut,
the pieces maintain their intrinsic hardness (until their size reaches a few atoms thick).
For example, elemental sulfur is a yellow crystalline solid that does not conduct electricity and has a
melting point of 115.2 °C, no matter what amount is examined. Scientists commonly measure intensive
properties to determine a substance’s identity, whereas extensive properties convey information about the
amount of the substance in a sample.

A physical property that will be the same regardless of the amount of matter.
 density: ρ=mvρ=mv
 color: The pigment or shade
 conductivity: electricity to flow through the substance
 malleability: if a substance can be flattened
 luster: how shiny the substance looks

b. Extensive properties vary with the amount of the substance and include mass, weight, and
volume. An extensive property is additive for independent, non-interacting subsystems. The
property is proportional to the amount of material in the system. A physical property that will
change if the amount of matter changes.
 mass: how much matter in the sample
 volume: How much space the sample takes up
 length: How long the sample is

Mass and Weight

The attraction of the earth’s gravity on matter depends on the mass of the object and its distance away
from the center of the earth. The correct unit to express mass is gram or kilogram while weight is in

SAQ #2: Find two objects at home with a regular shape. Measure their sides and compute for their volume.
(4 points)

2. Chemical Properties
A chemical property is any of a material’s properties that becomes evident during a chemical reaction; that
is, any quality that can be established only by changing a substance’s chemical identity. Chemical properties
cannot be determined just by viewing or touching the substance; the substance’s internal structure must be
affected for its chemical properties to be investigated.

For example, the ability of iron to rust can only be observed when iron actually rusts. When it does, it
combines with oxygen to become a different substance called iron oxide. Iron is very hard and silver in color,
whereas iron oxide is flakey and reddish brown. Besides the ability to rust, other chemical properties
include reactivity and flammability. Chemical Properties are observed characteristics of matter when they
undergo a change with another kind of substance.

Reactivity is the ability of matter to combine chemically with other substances. Some kinds of matter are
extremely reactive; others are extremely unreactive. For example, potassium is very reactive, even with  water.
When a pea-sized piece of potassium is added to a small amount of water, it reacts explosively. In contrast,
noble gases such as helium almost never react with any other substances.

Flammability is the ability of matter to burn. When matter burns, it combines with oxygen and changes to
different substances. Wood is an example of flammable matter

Here are several examples of chemical properties:

 Chemical stability refers to whether a compound will react with water or air (chemically stable
substances will not react). Hydrolysis and oxidation are two such reactions and are both chemical
 Flammability refers to whether a compound will burn when exposed to flame. Again, burning is a
chemical reaction—commonly a high-temperature reaction in the presence of oxygen.
 When vinegar is added to milk, it forms curdle, a thick soft substance. This is how cottage cheese is
made from milk. Other kinds of cheese are made from milk and rennet or a special kind of fungus. The
process is called curdling or precipitation.
 Food left overnight and not kept in refrigerator spoils. Its taste and appearance change. After several
days, it becomes rotten food and tastes bad with a foul smell. The process is called decaying.
 Statues change in color and texture after several years. They wear away of flake off. We describe the
process as corrosion. Silver spoons and figurines made of brass corrode after sometime.

Other Properties of Matter

 Look at a gold necklace or bracelet. Notice how the gold is intricately bent and twisted to make a
lovely design. Such property is called flexibility. Flexible materials can be made into different
shapes. Flexible materials can be made into different shapes.
 When a boy pulls a slingshot (tirador), the rubber returns to its original size and shape when it is
released. Such material has a property called elasticity. Elasticity is the ability of a material to be
stretched and to be returned to its original size and shape.
 A chemist uses different kinds of liquids in dissolving a particular kind of solid. Water is used to
dissolve sugar and salts. Alcohol is used to dissolve ioding in preparing tincture of iodine. Kerosene
is used to dissolve candle. Such property of a solid being dissolved in a given amount of liquid is
called solubility. If a substance dissolves, it is said to be soluble; if it does not, it I said to be
insoluble. Solubility is the ability of a solid to dissolve in a definite volume of liquid at a definite
 Calamansi juice mixes readily with water. They are miscible. The property is known as miscibility.
However, water does not mix with oil. These two liquids are said to be immiscible. Miscibility is the
property of a liquid to combine physically with another liquid.
 Some solids like metals can be hammered into sheets. A solid like the galvanized iron is malleable
as it flattens out when hammered. It is not brittle like an egg shell which breaks when hammered.
Metals exhibits malleability. Malleability is a property of metals to be hammered into thin sheets.
 Will you ever touch a hot casserole? Casseroles are made of materials which easily get hot. These
materials are conductors. They exhibit the property of conductivity. Casseroles need wooden or
plastic parts as handle. The wooden part which does not easily get hot is an insulator. Insulator is a
material that does not allow the passage of electricity or energy. It also means a nonconductor.
Conductivity is a property of matter that allows it to transmit or conduct heat and electricity.
 Some metals and even plastics can be drawn into wire or thread. They are said to be ductile.
Examples are copper for electric wiring gold and silver threads woven into fabrics, and “Kevlar”
which is a very strong synthetic material. These materials exhibit ductility. Ductility is the ability of
materials to be stretched into wires or threads.
 Butter usually melts at room temperature about 300C. However, ice readily melts even at a very low
temperature. The two substances have different melting points. Melting point is the temperature
at which a solid changes into the liquid phase.
 Alcohol readily evaporates and boils at a low temperature(78.4 0C) while mercury, a liquid metal,
boils at 3570C. Substances have different boiling temperatures. Boiling point is the temperature at
which the pressure of the vapor above the liquid when heated equals the air pressure.
 Some solids can scratch another, like a nail can scratch aluminum but not the other way around.
Glass can leave a mark on a piece of chalk when scratched. Hardness is the ability of an object to
resist from being scratched.
 How do you describe the flow of catsup when poured? Does it flow easily like water? Some
substances like catsup take time to flow. Others like water and alcohol flow easily. We describe the
rate of flow in terms of viscosity. Oil is more viscous than water. Viscosity is the property of fluids
that prevents it from flowing.
 Buoyancy is the ability of materials to float in water. Some materials that can float or sink exhibit
the property of buoyancy and density. These enable boats and ships to float. Meanwhile, an anchor
of a boat will sink when thrown into the water. An object will float or sink depending on its density.
Density is a measure of the amount of matter in a given volume of liquid. To get the density of an
object, the mass of that object is divided by its volume (D= m/v).
For example the mass of a metal washer is 10 grams and its volume is 20 cubic centimeters.
Its density therefore is 10 g/20 cm' or D= 10 g/20cm³ D= .5g/cm³ If the density of an object is
less than the density of the liquid, the object will float. An object will sink if its density is greater
than that of the liquid.
 Porosity is a property of material that allows it to absorb water and other liquids. A material that is
porous like dishwashing sponge is an example of an absorbent material. Other porous materials
include cotton balls, gauze, blankets and pillows. Non-absorbent or non-porous materials are those
that do not absorb water like plastic bags, canisters, cans and ceramic mugs. They are useful for
storing food items therefore they should be kept dry. Umbrellas and rain coats are also non-
absorbent. What other materials in your home can be listed as porous or absorbent and non-
porous or non-absorbent?
 Decomposition is a property of materials to break down into simpler or smaller forms of matter.
Take the case of ripe fruits like banana which easily decays after a few days. The organic matter in
these parts of the plant are returned to the ground and becomes part of the soil. All materials that
decay are also referred to as biodegradable. All living things decay, but not in the same manner.
Decaying process is important in returning organic substances to the soil so that other living things
will also have source of nutrients for their needs. Humus in soil is rich in organic substances
produced by action of decomposers. There are several stages of decomposition. Using leaves and
fruits as examples discusses the stages of decomposition.
Not all materials decay as fast as plant or animal parts. Those that do not decay are called non-
biodegradable. When thrown into canals and other bodies of water they clog drainage and may
cause floods and pollution. There are town or city ordinances that prohibit the use of plastic bags
to hold goods sold in stores and market since it takes a long time for these to decompose. It has
been observed that garbage landfills are full and become homes for rats and other disease carrying
organisms. At home or in school, what should we do with garbage that do not decay?

Factors affecting decomposition:

1. Presence of organism or decomposers that cause decay - Decompose can be detritivores, fungi and
bacteria. Detritivores like earthwo breakdown plant and animal materials and feed on these. Fungi,
mushroom and ear fungi breakdown plant materials and cause decay at the same time feeding on the decayed
materials. Bacteria are microorganism that we cannot see but their action can be observed on dead animal
bodies when these are undergoing decay. Usually, the process is accompanied by foul or bad smell. Spoiled
food has foul odor because of decay that is going on.
2. Temperature - The warmer the temperature, the faster is the decay process. So when the days are very
warm leaving spaghetti on the table and other carbohydrate rich food will easily spoil. Placing food in the
refrigerator slows down the growth of decomposers.
3. Moisture - Have you noticed a pile of leaves during summer in the school yard but during rainy season, the
leaves disappear fast and blend with the soil? With water available, the plant parts easily crumble and
decompose. Decomposers are also present in moist places, so the decay process is fast. Dry materials like
leaves are not good habitats for decomposers. Drying fish prevents bacteria from feeding on the flesh of the
4. Exposure to elements - Our mother would remind us to cover the food left after a meal. Air may contain
bacteria and will hit the food. Covering the food prevents bacteria from growing on the food and start the
decay process.
5. Salt content of the material - A salty food usually decays slowly. This is because decomposers cannot grow
well in salty environment. Have you noticed that fish, squid and meat do not decay immediately when salted?
Salting is a way of delaying or stopping decomposition, thus preserving food for some time. Effects of decay on
our health How does decay affect our health? Have you been to a dentist because of tooth decay? What
causes tooth decay? Food particles left in the mouth and teeth are food for bacteria when you don't brush
your teeth regularly. The action of bacteria release acids that can dissolve the enamel of your teeth creating
tooth cavities. Eating left over food that has started to decay may cause loose bowel movement. It is advisable
not to eat food that has started to emit foul odor.

SAQ #3: Perform this activity which is all about Products of Decay and Effects on our Health and answer the
questions that follow. (10 points)
1. Visit a dumping site of garbage in your locality or choose a place in your vicinity where you can
observe materials which are trashed. Observe the different materials in the garbage.
2. Identify materials which are partially decayed or did not undergo decaying process.
3. If you have a cell phone get a picture of the chosen study area. If you have none, make a sketch or
drawing of only four materials in different stages of decay or decomposition. Then answer the following
a. Which materials did not show sign of decay? Which materials are partially decayed?
b. What are the characteristics of materials that decay, that do not decay?
c. Is decaying process beneficial or harmful to u? Explain your answer.
d. List down products of decay that are harmful and useful to us.
e. What is the role of the decaying process to the environment? to the people?

Useful or Harmful Materials

Multiple material products are beneficial to man because of technology. Because of technology, raw
materials are transformed to different products that have improved man's way of life. However, some
products which are useful to man maybe harmful to animals and plants and the environment or the other way
around. Sometimes, it is the incorrect use of the useful materials that makes these harmful. Hence, it is
imperative to really identify characteristics of household and consumer materials. Here are important
concepts that can help future teachers understand about the topic.
 Household materials and consumer products can be grouped as (1) those used for cleaning: (2) for
food preparation; (3) beautification; (4) building construction; and (5) and household products.
 Materials found in products like metal container, ceramic, rubber, glass or plastic have specific
properties. Humans have learned to manipulate the different properties of matter to create other
 Materials are enhanced or upgraded by technology. Technology has continuously improved the
quality of products such as detergents, household cleaners, food seasoning, medicine, plastic,
paints, stainless metals and many more making human life convenient. In fact technology has
enhanced beauty products and health products which are very popular among consumers today.
 Materials have beneficial effects at home and in the environment. They can make work and life
easier like cooking faster; preserving food, homes and clothes clean, smells good and disinfected.
 However, materials can sometimes do harm. They may contain hazardous substance, an ingredient
that may cause skin irritation, injury, or illness during or after handling or use or if accidentally
 Chemicals can contaminate food and when properly disposed of or even used, they can cause
death. Hence, there is a need to exercise care and caution when using them.
 Before buying or using any consumer products-such as food, clothing. medicine, cleaning product,
soap and shampoo, insect repellent or pesticides always find out if it is the best for the purpose you
 Caution: Always read the labels or product information leaflets first.

Structure of Matter


Matter is made up of microscopic units

called atoms. Chemical elements are composed of
atoms of a certain type. The classification of the
elements takes place according to the periodic table. If
several atoms (chemical elements) react with each
other and form a stable unit by chemical bonds, these
are called molecules.
Have you tried peeling an orange or a ripe
jackfruit(langka)? Sometimes even after washing your
hands, you can still taste and smell the fruit in your
hand. Such observation shows that a part of the fruit has been left in your hand, though you cannot see it. The
particles of the fruit and other substances are so small that they cannot be seen with the ordinary microscope.
These very tiny particles of matter that retain their behavior or chemical identity such as taste and odor are
called molecules.
A molecule is the smallest particle of matter that exhibits the properties of such matter. A molecule is
formed when two or more atoms of an element chemically join together . Molecules are so tiny that a drop of
water has billions of water molecules in it. It is difficult to imagine how many water molecules there are in a
glass, in a liter or in a pond. How do we compare the molecules of water to that of salt and of air?

Molecules of a gas are very far from each other. Molecules of a liquid are close to each other but are
loosely bound that they flow. Molecules of a solid are very close to each other in a rigid fixed structure.

Molecular Attraction
How do we explain why molecules of gases are very far from each other and those of solids are so
close to each other? Let us use an analogy or a model to explain this. Two very light balls can be pasted
together using glue. Molecules are like that. They stick together because of a molecular bond(glue) that keeps
molecules together as in the solid and liquid phases.

How do we explain molecular bond? A nail when placed near a magnet is attracted to it. Molecules
behave in a similar way. The bond is the attraction between molecules. Molecular bond is the attraction
between molecules. A molecular, or covalent bond, is formed when atoms bond by sharing pairs of
electrons. This sharing can occur from atom to atom, or from an atom to another molecular bond. There
are two types of molecular bonds: polar bonds and non-polar bonds. In polar bonds, the molecular bond is
unevenly shared between atoms; in non-polar bonds, the electrons are evenly shared between the two
atoms. Molecules of a solid have stronger molecular attraction while those of a liquid have weak attraction. In
the case of the molecules of a gas, the attraction is very weak or sometimes none at all because they are very
far from each other. What evidences show molecular attraction?
It is about the water that goes up all the way to the top of the tree. Liquids can move upward through a
capillary tube. Molecules of the liquids are attracted to the walls of the capillary. The water molecules also
attract each other that they drug each other and climb their way upward. The process is called capillarity.
Another example to illustrate capillary action is the spread of water in an absorbent material such as paper.
When one end of the paper is dipped in water, the fiber or pulp of paper acts like capillary tubes. Capillarity is
the diffusion of a liquid through a fine tube. The rise or fall of a liquid surface relative to the adjacent
general level of liquid is Capillary action. It is due to a combination of Cohesion and Adhesion. If the level of
liquid rises, it is called as Capillary rise and if the level of liquid falls, it is called as Capillary depression.

Have you seen insects walking on the surface of the water in a pond? How can the insects do that?
Look at the molecules of the liquid in a container. The molecules are attracted to each other. But the
molecules at the surface have unbalanced forces of attraction. They are pulled downward and sideward. The
same attraction is true to all the molecules at the surface. As a result of this, there seems to be a membrane or
elastic film at the surface. The molecules behave as though they were being stretched. That stretching is
referred to as surface tension. This property of water allows insects to float. This also explains why a rain drop
has a spherical shape. Surface tension is the unbalanced forces of attraction exhibited by molecules at the
surface of a liquid.
The cohesive forces between liquid molecules are
responsible for the phenomenon known as surface tension.
The molecules at the surface of a glass of water do not have
other water molecules on all sides of them and consequently
they cohere more strongly to those directly associated with
them (in this case, next to and below them, but not above).
It is not really true that a "skin" forms on the water surface;
the stronger cohesion between the water molecules as
opposed to the attraction of the water molecules to the air
makes it more difficult to move an object through the
surface than to move it when it is completely submersed.
Surface tension could be defined as the property of the surface of a
liquid that allows it to resist an external force, due to the cohesive nature of the water molecules.

It seems to defy the laws of physics, but a paper clip made of steel can indeed float on the water surface. The
high surface tension helps the paper clip - with much higher density - float on the water.

Due to the surface tension, small objects will "float" on the surface of a fluid, as long as the object
cannot break through and separate the top layer of water molecules. When an object is on the surface of the
fluid, the surface under tension will behave like an elastic membrane.

Examples of Surface Tension

 Walking on water: Small insects such as the water strider can walk on water because their weight is
not enough to penetrate the surface.
 Floating a needle: A carefully placed small needle can be made to float on the surface of water even
though it is several times as dense as water. If the surface is agitated to break up the surface tension,
then needle will quickly sink.
 Don't touch the tent!: Common tent materials are somewhat rainproof in that the surface tension of
water will bridge the pores in the finely woven material. But if you touch the tent material with your
finger, you break the surface tension and the rain will drip through.
 Clinical test for jaundice: Normal urine has a surface tension of about 66 dynes/centimeter but if bile is
present (a test for jaundice), it drops to about 55. In the Hay test, powdered sulfur is sprinkled on the
urine surface. It will float on normal urine, but will sink if the surface tension is lowered by the bile.
 Surface tension disinfectants: Disinfectants are usually solutions of low surface tension. This allow
them to spread out on the cell walls of bacteria and disrupt them.
 Soaps and detergents: These help the cleaning of clothes by lowering the surface tension of the water
so that it more readily soaks into pores and soiled areas.
 Washing with cold water: The major reason for using hot water for washing is that its surface tension
is lower and it is a better wetting agent. But if the detergent lowers the surface tension, the heating
may be unnecessary.
 Why bubbles are round: The surface tension of water provides the necessary wall tension for the
formation of bubbles with water. The tendency to minimize that wall tension pulls the bubbles into
spherical shapes.
 Surface tension and droplets: Surface tension is responsible for the shape of liquid droplets. Although
easily deformed, droplets of water tend to be pulled into a spherical shape by the cohesive forces of
the surface layer.


Some materials can be broken apart to form another material. For example, table salt or sodium
chloride can be broken apart to form sodium and chlorine. These materials are called compounds. However,
some materials cannot be broken apart to form new things. For example, sodium, chlorine, oxygen, gold, and
iron cannot be broken further are called elements. The basic element of an element is an atom.
Atoms are the basic units of matter and the defining structure of elements. The term "atom" comes
from the Greek word for indivisible, because it was once thought that atoms were the smallest things in the
universe and could not be divided.

History of the atom

The theory of the atom dates at least as far back as 440 B.C. to Democritus, a Greek scientist and
philosopher. Democritus most likely built his theory of atoms upon the work of past philosophers, according to
Andrew G. Van Melsen, author of "From Atomos to Atom: The History of the Concept Atom" (Duquesne
University Press, 1952). 
Democritus' explanation of the atom begins with a stone. A stone cut in half gives two halves of the
same stone. If the stone were to be continuously cut, at some point there would exist a piece of the stone
small enough that it could no longer be cut. The term "atom" comes from the Greek word for indivisible,
which Democritus concluded must be the point at which a being (any form of matter) cannot be divided any
His explanation included the ideas that atoms exist separately from each other, that there are an
infinite amount of atoms, that atoms are able to move, that they can combine together to create matter but
do not merge to become a new atom, and that they cannot be divided. However, because most philosophers
at the time — especially the very influential Aristotle — believed that all matter was created from earth, air,
fire and water, Democritus' atomic theory was put aside.
John Dalton, a British chemist, built upon Democritus' ideas in 1803 when he put forth his own atomic
theory. Dalton's theory included several ideas from Democritus, such as atoms are indivisible and
indestructible and that different atoms form together to create all matter. Dalton's additions to the theory
included the following ideas: That all atoms of a certain element were identical, that atoms of one element
will have different weights and properties than atoms of another element, that atoms cannot be created or
destroyed and that matter is formed by atoms combining in simple whole numbers.

Joseph John Thomson, the British physicist who discovered the electron in 1897, proved that atoms
can be divided. He was able to determine the existence of electrons by studying the properties of electric
discharge in cathode-ray tubes. According to Thomson's 1897 paper, the rays were deflected within the tube,
which proved that there was something that was negatively charged within the vacuum tube. In 1899,
Thomson published a description of his version of the atom, commonly known as the "plum pudding model."

The next scientist to further modify and advance the atomic model was Ernest Rutherford. In 1911,
Rutherford published his version of the atom, which included a positively charged nucleus orbited by
electrons. This model arose when Rutherford and his assistants fired alpha particles at thin sheets of gold.

Rutherford was able to approximate the size of the nucleus of the gold atom, finding it to be at least
10,000 times smaller than the size of the entire atom with much of the atom being empty space. Rutherford's
model of the atom is still the basic model that is used today.

Several other scientists furthered the atomic model, including Niels Bohr (built upon Rutherford's
model to include properties of electrons based on the hydrogen spectrum), Erwin Schrödinger (developed the
quantum model of the atom), Werner Heisenberg (stated that one cannot know both the position and velocity
of an electron simultaneously), and Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig (independently developed the
theory that protons and neutrons were composed of quarks). 

Dalton’s Atomic Theory

John Dalton (1766-1844) is the scientist credited for proposing the atomic theory. This theory explains several
concepts that are relevant in the observable world: the composition of a pure gold necklace, what makes the
pure gold necklace different than a pure silver necklace, and what occurs when pure gold is mixed with pure
copper. Dalton used as a basis for his theory: the law of conservation of mass and the law of constant

Law of Conservation of Mass: (1766-1844)

The law of conservation of mass states that the total mass present before a chemical reaction is the
same as the total mass present after the chemical reaction; in other words, mass is conserved. The law of
conservation of mass was formulated by Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) as a result of his combustion
experiment, in which he observed that the mass of his original substance—a glass vessel, tin, and air—was
equal to the mass of the produced substance—the glass vessel, “tin calx”, and the remaining air.

Dalton’s Atomic Theory

The main points of Dalton’s atomic theory are:
1. Everything is composed of atoms, which are the indivisible building blocks of matter and cannot be
2. All atoms of an element are identical. (atoms of one kind of element are alike in size, mass and
3. The atoms of different elements vary in size, mass and structure.
4. Atomic particles of one element combine with those of another element forming another kind of
particle called molecule.
5. Compounds are produced through different whole-number combinations of atoms.
6. A chemical reaction results in the rearrangement of atoms in the reactant and product compounds.
(atoms are not broken during ordinary chemical reaction)
7. Only atoms unite with one another.

Subatomic particles
A typical atom consists of three subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. The Bohr
model shows the three basic subatomic particles in a simple manner. Most of an atom's mass is in the  nucleus
—a small, dense area at the center of every atom, composed of nucleons. Nucleons include protons and
neutrons. All the positive charge of an atom is contained in the nucleus, and originates from the protons.
Neutrons are neutrally-charged. Electrons, which are negatively-charged, are located outside of the nucleus.
Protons and neutrons are heavier than electrons and reside in the nucleus at the center of the atom.
Electrons are extremely lightweight and exist in a cloud orbiting the nucleus. Protons and neutrons have
approximately the same mass. However, one proton is about 1,835 times more massive than an electron.
Atoms always have an equal number of protons and electrons, and the number of protons and neutrons is
usually the same as well. Adding a proton to an atom makes a new element, while adding a neutron makes an
isotope, or heavier version, of that atom.

The Bohr model is outdated, but it depicts the three basic subatomic particles in a comprehensible
way. Electron clouds are more accurate representations of where electrons are found. Darker areas represent
where the electrons are more likely to be found, and lighter areas represent where they are less likely to be
Particle Electric Charge Atomic Charge Mass (g) Atomic Mass Spin
(C) (Au)

Protons +1.6022 x 10-19 +1 1.6726 x 10-24 1.0073 1/2

Neutrons 0 0 1.6740 x 10-24 1.0078 1/2
Electrons -1.6022 x 10-19 -1 9.1094 x 10-28 0.00054858 1/2

 Au is the SI symbol for atomic mass unit.

 The positive charge of protons cancels the negative charge of the electrons. Neutrons have no charge.
 With regard to mass, protons and neutrons are very similar, and have a much greater mass than
electrons. Compared with neutrons and protons, the mass of an electron is usually negligible.
 Spin is associated with the rotation of a particle. Protons, neutrons, and electrons each have a total
spin of 1/2.

The nucleus was discovered in 1911 by Ernest Rutherford, a physicist from New Zealand. In 1920,
Rutherford proposed the name proton for the positively charged particles of the atom. He also theorized that
there was a neutral particle within the nucleus, which James Chadwick, a British physicist and student of
Rutherford's, was able to confirm in 1932.

Virtually all the mass of an atom resides in its nucleus. The protons and neutrons that make up the
nucleus are approximately the same mass (the proton is slightly less) and have the same angular momentum,
or spin.

The nucleus is held together by the strong force, one of the four basic forces in nature. This force
between the protons and neutrons overcomes the repulsive electrical force that would otherwise push the
protons apart, according to the rules of electricity. Some atomic nuclei are unstable because the binding force
varies for different atoms based on the size of the nucleus.

1. Protons
Protons are positively charged particles found within atomic nuclei. Ernest Rutherford discovered
them in experiments with cathode-ray tubes that were conducted between 1911 and 1919. Protons are about
99.86% as massive as neutrons. 
The number of protons in an atom is unique to each element. For example, carbon atoms have six
protons, hydrogen atoms have one and oxygen atoms have eight. The number of protons in an atom is
referred to as the atomic number of that element and equal to the number of electrons. The number of
protons also determines the chemical behavior of the element. Elements are arranged in the Periodic Table of
the Elements in order of increasing atomic number.

2. Electrons
Electrons are tiny compared to protons and neutrons, over 1,800 times smaller than either a proton or
a neutron. Electrons are about 0.054% as massive as neutrons. Joseph John (J.J.) Thomson, a British physicist,
discovered the electron in 1897. Originally known as "corpuscles," electrons have a negative charge and are
electrically attracted to the positively charged protons. Unequal amounts of protons and electrons create ions:
positive cations or negative anions. Electrons surround the atomic nucleus in pathways called orbitals, an idea
that was put forth by Erwin Schrödinger, an Austrian physicist, in the 1920s. Today, this model is known as the
quantum model or the electron cloud model. The inner orbitals surrounding the atom are spherical but the
outer orbitals are much more complicated.

An atom's electron configuration refers to the locations of the electrons in a typical atom. Using the
electron configuration and principles of physics, chemists can predict an atom's properties, such as stability,
boiling point and conductivity.

3. Neutrons
The neutron's existence was theorized by Rutherford in 1920 and discovered by James Chadwick in
1932, when he demonstrated that penetrating radiation incorporated beams of neutral particles . Neutrons
were found during experiments when atoms were shot at a thin sheet of beryllium. Subatomic particles with
no charge were released – the neutron.
Neutrons are uncharged particles found within all atomic nuclei (except for hydrogen). A neutron's
mass is slightly larger than that of a proton. The number of neutrons is called the neutron number and can be
found by subtracting the proton number from the atomic mass number. The neutrons in an element
determine the isotope of an atom, and often its stability. The number of neutrons is not necessarily equal to
the number of protons.

SAQ #4:How are the protons different from neutrons and electrons? How do you find the number of
protons, electrons and neutrons that are in an atom of an element? (2 points)

 In a solid, particles are packed tightly together so they don't move much. The electrons of each atom
are constantly in motion, so the atoms have a small vibration, but they are fixed in their position.
Because of this, particles in a solid have very low kinetic energy.
 In a liquid, the particles are more loosely packed than in a solid and are able to flow around each other,
giving the liquid an indefinite shape. Therefore, the liquid will conform to the shape of its container.
 Much like solids, liquids (most of which have a lower density than solids) are incredibly difficult to
 In a gas, the particles have a great deal of space between them and have high kinetic energy. A gas has
no definite shape or volume. If unconfined, the particles of a gas will spread out indefinitely; if
confined, the gas will expand to fill its container. When a gas is put under pressure by reducing the
volume of the container, the space between particles is reduced and the gas is compressed.
 Physical properties can be observed or measured without changing the composition of matter. Physical
properties are used to observe and describe matter. Physical properties of materials and systems are
often described as intensive and extensive properties. Physical properties can be extensive or
intensive. .
 Intensive properties, do not depend on the amount of the substance; they include color, melting point,
boiling point, electrical conductivity, and physical state at a given temperature. An intensive property is
a bulk property, meaning that it is a physical property of a system that does not depend on the system
size or the amount of material in the system.
 Extensive properties vary with the amount of the substance and include mass, weight, and
volume. An extensive property is additive for independent, non-interacting subsystems. The property is
proportional to the amount of material in the system. A physical property that will change if the
amount of matter changes.
 Chemical properties are properties that can be measured or observed only when matter undergoes a
change to become an entirely different kind of matter. They include reactivity, flammability, and the
ability to rust.Reactivity is the ability of matter to react chemically with other substances.Flammability
is the ability of matter to burn.
 A molecule is the smallest particle of matter that exhibits the properties of such matter. A molecule is
formed when two or more atoms of an element chemically join together. Molecules are so tiny that a
drop of water has billions of water molecules in it. It is difficult to imagine how many water molecules
there are in a glass, in a liter or in a pond.
 Atoms are the basic units of matter and the defining structure of elements. The term "atom" comes
from the Greek word for indivisible, because it was once thought that atoms were the smallest things
in the universe and could not be divided.
 Dalton’s atomic theory proposed that all matter was composed of atoms, indivisible and indestructible
building blocks. While all atoms of an element were identical, different elements had atoms of differing
size and mass.
 Dalton’s atomic theory also stated that all compounds were composed of combinations of these atoms
in defined ratios.
 Dalton also postulated that chemical reactions resulted in the rearrangement of the reacting atoms.
 The nucleus was discovered in 1911 by Ernest Rutherford, a physicist from New Zealand. In 1920,
Rutherford proposed the name proton for the positively charged particles of the atom. He also
theorized that there was a neutral particle within the nucleus, which James Chadwick, a British
physicist and student of Rutherford's, was able to confirm in 1932.


 Padpad, Evelyn C. et. al. (2010) Science Links Worktext in Science and Health.
 Mapa, Amelia, P. and Campos, Maria Rowena R. (2007). Science and Technology for Life-long Learning


Answer the following questions briefly but accurately.

1. Why do plastics take longer time to decompose compared with a box made of cartolina? (3 points)

2. How does decomposition help in the recycling of nutrients among living things and their environment? (3

3. Why do we float easily in water but not in a freshwater swimming pool? (3 points)

4. Is it important to be aware of the labels of household materials and consumer products? Why (3 points)

5. As a student, what can you do to control the hazardous effects of some materials used at home and in the
environment? (3 points)

In a matrix below, are useful materials/products that are known to be useful to man. How can these
materials become harmful to man? Give at least 5 and explain your answer.
List of Useful Materials/Products When and how can the material/product
become harmful? Explain
Talojongon, Tigaon, Camarines Sur, Philippines
Tel. No. (054) 884-9536
“Excellence in truth in the service of God and Country”

Name: ____________________________________Course/Year/Sec: ________________ Date: ____________

Competency # 9 Answer Sheet

Phases, Properties and Structure of Matter

SAQ #1: What are the characteristics of solid, liquid, gas and plasma as phases or states of matter that
distinguish them from one another? Give at least one specific example for each phase. (4 points)
SAQ #2: Find two objects at home with a regular shape. Measure their sides and compute for their volume.
(4 points)

SAQ #3: Perform this activity which is all about Products of Decay and Effects on our Health and answer the
questions that follow. (10 points)
1. Visit a dumping site of garbage in your locality or choose a place in your vicinity where you can
observe materials which are trashed. Observe the different materials in the garbage.
2. Identify materials which are partially decayed or did not undergo decaying process.
3. If you have a cell phone get a picture of the chosen study area. If you have none, make a sketch or
drawing of only four materials in different stages of decay or decomposition. Then answer the following
a. Which materials did not show sign of decay? Which materials are partially decayed?
b. What are the characteristics of materials that decay, that do not decay?
c. Is decaying process beneficial or harmful to u? Explain your answer.
d. List down products of decay that are harmful and useful to us.
e. What is the role of the decaying process to the environment? to the people?
SAQ #4:How are the protons different from neutrons and electrons? How do you find the number of
protons, electrons and neutrons that are in an atom of an element? (2 points)


Answer the following questions briefly but accurately.

1. Why do plastics take longer time to decompose compared with a box made of cartolina? (3 points)

2. How does decomposition help in the recycling of nutrients among living things and their environment? (3

3. Why do we float easily in water but not in a freshwater swimming pool? (3 points)

4. Is it important to be aware of the labels of household materials and consumer products? Why (3 points)

5. As a student, what can you do to control the hazardous effects of some materials used at home and in the
environment? (3 points)

In a matrix below, are useful materials/products that are known to be useful to man. How can these
materials become harmful to man? Give at least 5 and explain your answer.
List of Useful Materials/Products When and how can the material/product
become harmful? Explain

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