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Analog+digital phase and frequency detector for phase locking of diode lasers

Article  in  Review of Scientific Instruments · May 2005

DOI: 10.1063/1.1914785

36 1,545

8 authors, including:

Luigi Cacciapuoti Marco Fattori

European Space Agency INO - Istituto Nazionale di Ottica


Giacomo Lamporesi Marco Prevedelli

Università degli Studi di Trento University of Bologna


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Analog+ digital phase and frequency detector for phase locking

of diode lasers
L. Cacciapuoti
ESA Research and Scientific Support Department, ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1-P.O. Box 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk
ZH, The Netherlands
M. de Angelis
Istituto di Cibernetica, C.N.R., 80078 Pozzuoli (NA), Italy
M. Fattori,a兲 G. Lamporesi, and T. Petelski
Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Firenze and INFN, Sezione di Firenze, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI),
M. Prevedellib兲
Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica e Inorganica, Università di Bologna, 40136 Bologna, Italy
J. Stuhler
Physikalisches Institut, Universität Stuttgart, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany
G. M. Tino
Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Firenze and INFN, Sezione di Firenze, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI),
共Received 19 February 2005; accepted 24 March 2005; published online 2 May 2005兲
We describe a type of phase and frequency detector employing both an analog phase detector and
a digital phase and frequency detector. The analog and digital detectors are mutually exclusive so
that only one of them is active at any given time, resulting in a phase detector with both the broad
capture range of digital circuits and the high speed and low noise of analog mixers. The detector has
been used for phase locking the diode lasers generating the sequence of Raman pulses in an atom
interferometer. The rms phase error of the phase lock is about 100 mrad in a 5 Hz–10 MHz
bandwidth. The limit set on the interferometer phase resolution by the residual phase noise is 1.1
mrad. Since the digital circuitry is implemented with a programmable logic device the detector can
be easily adapted to other experiments requiring frequency/phase stabilization of lasers sources.
© 2005 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1914785兴

I. INTRODUCTION The best performances in terms of robustness and reli-

Phase locking of diode lasers is a well established tech- ability are generally obtained with digital phase and fre-
nique both in frequency metrology1,2 and in cold atoms quency detectors 共DPFDs兲 because of their broad frequency
manipulation.3 capture range. An occasional electrical or mechanical distur-
In the specific field of cold atom interferometry,4 a tech- bance abruptly driving away the lasers beat note from the
nique finding increasing applications both in high precision locking point will be recovered even by a feedback loop with
measurements of fundamental constants5–7 and construction relatively small loop bandwidth.
of high sensitivity inertial sensors,8–10 a couple of phase– The capture range of the DPFD is limited only by the
locked diode lasers almost resonant with the D2 line are maximum toggle frequency f t of its flip flops: single inte-
often used to induce Raman transitions between the two hy- grated circuits implementing a DPFD are available with f t up
perfine levels of the ground state of alkali atoms. The inter- to 200 MHz 共i.e., Analog Devices AD9901兲.11 It is also not
ferometric sequence is a combination of ␲ / 2 and ␲ Raman difficult to implement a broad phase range DPFD using stan-
pulses that split and recombine the atomic wave packets. dard transistor-transistor logic 共TTL兲 components with f t up
This application is particularly demanding since it re- to about 100 MHz.12
quires not only a robust optical phase-locked-loop 共OPLL兲, A DPFD is intrinsically noisier than a standard rf mixer
permitting continuous operation over long periods of time, used as an analog phase detector 共APD兲 because the com-
but also the lowest possible rms phase error 冑具␸2典, which is parator converting the beat note to digital levels tends to
one of the factors limiting interferometer sensitivity. have more jitter and to require a higher signal to noise 共S/N兲
ratio since it is more sensitive to amplitude-to-phase noise
a兲 conversion.
Present address: Physikalisches Institut, Universität Stuttgart, 70550
Stuttgart, Germany
It is difficult to quantify precisely the noise level of a
Also at INFN, Sezione di Firenze, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino 共FI兲, Italy, elec- DPFD, due to the strong nonlinear dependence on the input
tronic mail: 共S/N兲 ratio. An APD, apart from some 1 / f excess noise at

0034-6748/2005/76共5兲/053111/7/$22.50 76, 053111-1 © 2005 American Institute of Physics

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053111-2 Cacciapuoti et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 053111 共2005兲

low frequency, often has a noise density limited by the shot

noise of the current flowing into the diodes, translating to a
phase noise spectral density routinely below 1 ␮rad/ 冑Hz.13
The typical propagation delay of fast comparators and digital
electronics in a DPFD is a few ns, while the turn on time of
the Schottky diodes in an APD can easily reach a few
hundred ps.
The capture range of the APD, however, is on the order
of the loop bandwidth f l which is typically 3 – 5 MHz, lim-
ited by the loop delay time and the phase lag in the diode
laser frequency modulation response. If the beat note differs
from the locking point by more than f l the APD error signal
is averaged to zero by the feedback loop.
Very low 具␸2典 OPLLs are thus generally built around an
APD,13 possibly adding in parallel a DPFD at much lower
gain.14,15 In this type of combined APD+ DPFD systems the FIG. 1. Transfer functions for four different kinds of phase and frequency
effect of the DPFD is negligible when the APD keeps the detectors. 共a兲 Ideal PFD with a dynamic range of ±6␲ and a saturation
OPLL in lock but it can bring the beat note back within the output of Vm = ± 3 arbitrary units. 共b兲 Same as 共a兲 but with a dead zone of
±␲ / 2 centered around 0 phase difference. 共c兲 Ideal APD+ DPFD transfer
APD capture range in case of occasional disturbances. This function, assuming an APD/DFPD gain ratio of 5. 共d兲 Approximation of 共c兲
often implies a loss of the phase memory due to the limited easily implemented with standard logic building blocks. Each step within
phase detection range 共usually 艋4␲兲 of most single chip the dynamic PFD range is 2␲ wide.
DPFD. 共for example ±6␲ in Fig. 1兲 the output voltage is V0 ⬀ ⌬␸.
In this article, attempting to take the best of both the Outside the dynamic range the detector saturates to V0
digital and the analog worlds, we present a modification of = ± Vm indicating the sign of the frequency difference of the
the APD+ DPFD system where, depending on the magnitude inputs. Note that a PFD has a monotonic transfer function.
of the phase error ⌬␸, only one of the two detectors is active So in an OPLL it is not possible to stabilize the slave laser
at any given time. At small 兩⌬␸兩 only the APD generates the 共SL兲 both at higher and lower frequency with respect to the
detector output, while the DPFD detects the occurrence of master laser 共ML兲, as when employing an APD.
cycle slips in the APD. In this mode of operation any jitter in If the previous transfer function can be modified as in
the DPFD is irrelevant. The occasional cycle slip increases Fig. 1共b兲 by adding a “dead zone” of width ␲ centered
兩⌬␸兩 above threshold so the APD is immediately disabled around ⌬␸ = 0, the output VD of the PFD can be combined, in
and the DPFD generates the phase/frequency error signal un- the dead zone, with the error signal VA of a standard APD
til reentering the small 兩⌬␸兩 region. If 兩⌬␸兩 remains within where the input phases have been arranged so that VA
the dynamic range of the DPFD, switching between the two ⬀ sin共⌬␸兲, obtaining a total output V0 = VA if 兩⌬␸兩 艋 ␲ / 2 and
modes does not cause a loss of phase memory in the DPFD. V0 = VD otherwise, as shown in Fig. 1共c兲.
With respect to a traditional APD+ DPFD, this detector Even if the PFD is implemented with a noisy digital
has the advantages of being insensitive to digital noise and circuit, its output is null when 兩⌬␸兩 ⬍ ␲ / 2 and only the APD
having much better chances of quickly recovering from cycle is contributing to V0. Nevertheless, the PFD can still detect
slips without losing phase count. It can then be useful not cycle slips in the APD and suppress its output whenever
only for reliable, low noise OPLLs but also for locking to, or 兩⌬␸兩 ⬎ ␲ / 2. If the phase jump is within the PFD dynamic
counting, beat notes when either the limited available control range and the servo loop has enough bandwidth, recovering
bandwidth or the poor S/N ratio would make an OPLL that is to the 兩⌬␸兩 ⬍ ␲ / 2 region can take place without loss of phase
based only on an APD too unstable. For example, a couple of memory, i.e., saturation of the DPFD.
spectroscopic applications involving the phase locking of a Two auxiliary output signals can also be generated eas-
diode laser to an optical comb generator have already been ily: the first one can be used to read if the PFD is in the dead
reported.16,17 zone or not, i.e., if the APD is in lock. The second one is a
The article is organized as follows: in Secs. II–IV we flag signaling if a saturation of the PFD, i.e., a loss of phase
present the principle of operation of the APD+ DPFD and memory, has ever occurred since the last flag reset. They can
discuss some practical implementations. A detailed descrip- both be used to validate data not only for our specific appli-
tion of the circuit developed for our specific application and cation but, for example in a frequency chain where a beat
of the complete OPLL setup are given in Secs. V and VI, note has to be counted for a given time, while making sure
respectively. Finally in Sec. VII we present the experimental that all the OPLLs have been in lock during the measure-
results and discuss the performances of our system. ment. A more rigid phase policy, namely set a flag if an APD
cycle slip has ever been detected since the last flag reset, is
II. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION also easily enforced.
The transfer function of an ideal phase and frequency
detector 共PFD兲 is shown in Fig. 1共a兲. For a phase difference A DPFD can approximate the ideal PFD using a digital
⌬␸ between the two inputs within a given dynamic range phase counter.12 The two DPFD inputs which, according to

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053111-3 Analog+ digital phase detector Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 053111 共2005兲

the standard jargon, will be named radio frequency 共rf兲 and

local oscillator 共LO兲, are converted to digital levels by fast
comparators. The counter, initially preset at midscale, will be
incremented at the rising edges of the rf and decremented at
the rising edges of LO. If the output of the counter drives a
digital to analog converter 共DAC兲, after a low pass filter, the
output signal is proportional to the phase difference between
rf and LO. The dynamic range is set by the number of bits in
the counter and DAC. Overflow or underflow in the counter
are prevented by blocking, with some extra logic, the rf input FIG. 2. Simplified block diagram of the DPFD. RF and LO have already
been converted to digital signals. The optional cycle slip detection logic has
when in the “all ones” state and the LO when in the “all been omitted.
zeros” state. Note that this DPFD has zero output when rf
and LO are in phase while the standard APD requires rf and
LO out of phase by ±␲ / 2 for zero output.
better to choose z for the binary number 100 … 001, instead
A practical implementation builds the phase counter us-
of 100 … 000, to minimize commutation noise in the DAC
ing two standard up/down counters and an adder: CRF counts
by avoiding 011…111↔ 100…000 transitions. This can be
up the rf input while CLO counts down the LO input. The
done by forcing a reset condition where CRF is preset to z
sum of the outputs of CRF and CLO generated by the adder
and CLO is preset to “all zeros.”
behaves exactly as required even when the counters over-
The block diagram of the DPFD is shown in Fig. 2.
In a real system, the different commutation times of the
flip flops in the counters and the carry propagation delay in
the adder should also be taken into account. Since they do
not have a fixed phase relation when out of lock, it is impos- IV. APD–DPFD INTERFACES
sible to decide when to sample, i.e., store in a latch, the adder
output, in order to read a stable value. On the other hand, Adding an APD to the DPFD requires only a copy of the
sampling is desirable because it can be used to create a dead LO signal 共LOA兲 out of phase by ␲ / 2 with respect to the
zone and because it helps in reducing glitches. digital LO 共LOD兲 and a digitally controlled switch to enable
A reasonable choice is to sample the adder output at the the APD output when ⌬␸ falls within the DPFD dead zone.
falling edge of LO. When in lock, rf will be in phase with The most straightforward design generates LOD and LOA
LO and so sampling will be halfway between two consecu- from LO using a 90° power splitter, distributes the rf signal
tive transitions of both counters, ensuring that propagation between the APD and DPFD with a 0° power splitter and
effects in the DPFD will not produce reading errors. enables the APD output with a digitally controlled rf switch
This sampling procedure corresponds to rounding the as shown in Fig. 3共a兲. In this way, the APD does not suffer
phase difference to an integer number of cycles so that the from any jitter induced by the comparators generating the
output of the DPFD has a staircase shape where each step is digital versions of rf and LO.
2␲ wide. By inverting the LO signal, in order to shift the Since rf components tend to be more expensive than
staircase by ␲ and properly adjusting the LO phase to the digital logic and the LO signal has very high S/N, it can be
APD, the total transfer function of this DPFD plus APD has considered replacing the 90° splitter and the rf switch with
the shape shown in Fig. 1共d兲. The two differences with the digital circuitry as in Fig. 3共b兲: both LOA and LOD are digital
desired shape of Fig. 1共c兲, namely a staircase shape instead signals and the phase shifting can be accomplished either by
of a single dead zone and a width of 2␲ instead of ␲, with using a delay line or by starting from a LO at twice the rf
the addition of the two unstable points at ⌬␸ = ± ␲, do not frequency. Driving the APD with a digital signal from the
significantly change the APD+ DPFD operation. DPFD 共via a buffer or an attenuator兲 replaces the rf switch.
The saturation logic uses two binary number compara- The APD output is controlled by gating the LOA, an accept-
tors to check the latch output n against an upper and lower able solution since high isolation is not required.
threshold 共tu and tl, respectively兲, blocking CRF if n 艌 tu or By pushing simplification even further 关Fig. 3共c兲兴, the rf
CLO if n 艋 tl. The output of the two comparators can also input to the APD can also be derived from a comparator. At
signal upper and lower saturation and set the saturation flag. the risk of some extra phase noise, the 0° phase shifter can
It is not safe to maximize the DPFD dynamic range by let- also be eliminated. Driving both APD inputs with digital
ting tu = ‘‘all ones’’ and tl = ‘‘all zeros’’ since occasional roll- signals also nicely implements an automatic gain control: the
overs can still take place when the rf and LO frequencies are APD output voltage no longer depends on the rf amplitude
very different. 共but below a certain amplitude threshold phase noise in-
A third comparator signalling the n = z condition 共where creases rapidly兲. It is even possible to avoid any analog cir-
z is the binary code corresponding to zero DAC output兲 is cuitry at all, since the analog mixer can be replaced by its
required to enable the APD output and can be used to detect digital version, an exclusive or 共XOR兲 gate. This last PFD is
cycle slips. completely digital but can still be divided in a short propa-
Since, when in lock, the adder will oscillate between n gation delay phase detector 共the XOR gate兲 and a broad
= z and n = z + 1 共or n = z − 1兲 if rf leads 共or lags兲 LO, it is range PFD 共the phase counter兲.

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053111-4 Cacciapuoti et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 053111 共2005兲

cuits 共ICs兲 in 4 bit blocks so it is straightforward to imple-

ment a DPFD with a dynamic range on the order of ±12␲
共letting tu = 14, tl = 1兲 with a f t of at least 100 MHz. The
modest complexity of the circuit however makes it possible
to fit all the digital components of the DPFD in a single
complex programmable logic device 共CPLD兲. A CPLD offers
some distinct advantages with respect to a more traditional
implementation. It is much more versatile since it can be
easily reprogrammed to fix errors in the development phase
and adapted to slightly different designs later 关changing the
number of bits in the DPFD, implementing a DPFD without
a dead zone as in Fig. 1共a兲, adding prescalers on the inputs
etc.兴. The total APD+ DPFD system is also less prone to
noise since all the fast switching digital circuitry is concen-
trated in a single chip. The speed of DPFD built with a
standard CPLD can reach f t = 200 MHz. In a low density
CPLD 共Altera EPM7064兲 an 8 bit DPFD with a dynamic
range of ±224␲ has been implemented. The CPLD program
has been written in VERILOG and makes heavy use of a series
of Altera specific predefined macros for counters, adders,
comparators, and latches, allowing an exact correspondence
between the code and the block diagram in Fig. 2.
The DPFD output is converted to a bipolar voltage of
±2.5 V, giving an average slope of 3.55 mV/ rad, by a stan-
dard 8 bits current output DAC 共Analog Device DAC08兲 and
an operational amplifier converting current to voltage. A
trimmer is provided to adjust the output voltage offset.
We have implemented the APD+ DPFD interface in the
simplified form of Fig. 3共c兲. The low 具␸2典 obtained has jus-
tified this choice. Both the rf and LO signals are converted to
TTL logic levels by a couple of fast comparators 共Linear
Technology LT1016兲 driving, a 500 MHz APD 共MiniCircuits
RPD—1兲 providing a nominal output of 1 V / rad. The sig-
nals at the APD inputs have been adapted at +7 dBm with a
resistive network. The main reason for using a real APD
instead of a XOR gate is the lower propagation time, reduc-
ing the total loop delay.
The 90° phase shifter is a chain of eight noninverting
buffers cascaded to form a delay line implemented around a
TTL octal three—state buffer 共SN74245兲. Each buffer adds a
delay of about 2 ns. The proper output is selected with a
jumper. The three—state control of the buffer switches the
LOA signal 关replacing the AND gate in Fig. 3共c兲兴. A better
solution would be a proper multitap delay line with a 1 or 2
ns delay per tap. In principle, it would also be possible to
include the delay line into the CPLD. However, this is ex-
plicitly not recommended by the manufacturer. A frequency
FIG. 3. Different possible APD–DPFD interfaces. 共a兲 Both the rf and LO
signals reaching the APD are analog. It requires two power splitters at 90° independent 90° phase shift generated by starting from a LO
共power splitter 共P.S.兲 90°兲 and 0° 共P.S. 0°兲 degrees and a digitally controlled at twice the frequency and two flip flops commuting on op-
rf switch. 共b兲 The LO signal is digital while rf is still analog. The 90° power posite wave fronts is probably, however, the best solution if a
splitter is replaced by a digital 90° phase shifter while the APD output is
gated by blocking the LOA signal with an AND gate. 共c兲 Same as 共b兲 but rf
suitable high frequency source for the LO is available. This
is also a digital signal. No power splitters are required and the APD output last point is not totally trivial: in many interferometers, a
is largely independent from rf amplitude. It can generate more phase noise frequency tunable, phase continuous, OPLL is required, forc-
than 共a兲 and 共b兲. ing the use of a direct—digital—synthesis 共DDS兲 oscillator
as the LO source. Most of the DDSs with potentially low
V. ACTUAL IMPLEMENTATION phase noise 共i.e., after using a high quality master clock兲
have a maximum output frequency of 15–30 MHz, already
All the DPFD components 共counters, adder, compara- below the optimum value 共roughly f t / 2兲 maximizing the cap-
tors, and latch兲 are available as standard TTL indegrated cir- ture range.

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053111-5 Analog+ digital phase detector Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 053111 共2005兲

Control signals are limited to upper and lower saturation the parabolic flight of the atomic cloud. To characterize the
detectors connected to light emitting diodes on the front OPLL, however, the DDS has been operated at a fixed fre-
panel. Two switches can separately enable the APD and the quency of 40 MHz.
DPFD, allowing APD only, DPFD only, or APD+ DPFD The DPFD and APD outputs drive a three–paths feed-
operation. back loop acting on the SL injection current, both directly at
the laser mount 共fast current path兲 and via the current driver
共slow current path兲, and on the SL external cavity length, via
a low voltage piezo stack 关piezo transducer 共PZT兲 path兴.
VI. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The fast current path is directly derived from the APD.
A detailed description of our interferometer has already The IF output enters a 6 dB gain stage 共also lowering the
been published elsewhere.7,18 Therefore we will briefly sum- APD output impedance兲 followed by a gain setting resistive
marize here only the setup involving the generation of the voltage divider with an output impedance close to 50 ⍀. A
three ␲ / 2 − ␲ − ␲ / 2 Raman pulses forming the interferomet- standard RG-58 coaxial cable connects the fast output to the
ric sequence. laser diode through a passive network formed by an imped-
As ML and SL we have used different laser diodes ance matching 50 ⍀ resistor to ground and a 1 k⍀ in parallel
共Sanyo, Sharp, and Sacher兲 with similar results. The mea- with a small capacitor in the 220–680 pF range. The resistor
surements presented in Sec. VII however have all been ob- of the passive filter acts as a 1 mA/ V voltage-to-current con-
tained with a Sanyo ML and a Sharp SL. verter, while the capacitor provides an essential phase lead
The laser diodes have been assembled in extended cavi- starting from 300 kHz to 1.2 MHz that compensates a pole
ties with lengths of 1.5 and 3 cm, terminated by a generally present in the frequency modulation response of
1800 lines/ mm grating, mounted in Littrow configuration diode lasers. A large 共1 ␮F or so兲 dc blocking capacitor can
with a mechanical design similar to that described in Ref. 19. also be included. A servo bandwidth of at least 3 MHz or
Injection current and temperature stabilization are provided better is usually possible, but care should be taken to mini-
by homemade electronics. When running at 80–90 mA, the mize the length of optical and electrical paths from the laser
typical optical power after the extended cavity is 25 mW. to the photodiode, the APD and back, since the loop delay
After a pair of anamorphic prisms, a 30 dB optical isolator can produce a significant phase shift. The total delay should
and a half—wave plate, the ML and SL beams are combined be kept below 28 ns for a phase shift of less than 30° at 3
on a polarizing beam splitter 共PBS兲. The two half-wave MHz. Every 30 cm of free space or 20 cm of RG-58 cable
plates are used to balance the ML and SL intensities on both will add 1 ns. The propagation delay of the comparator
PBS outputs; the first output carries a total power of less than should also be taken into account.
1 mW and, after a 45° polarizer, is sent to a fast photodiode The slow current path acts on the modulation input of
共New-Focus 1002兲 with a responsivity of 0.1 mA/ mW for
the current source. Our drivers include a modulation circuit
generating the ML–SL beat note. The second PBS output
similar to that described in Ref. 20, with a bandwidth ex-
injects a tapered amplifier whose transverse profile is cleaned
ceeding 1 MHz and a gain of 100 ␮A / V. The APD output is
by a cylindrical lens and a fiber. A hot Rb cell provides
processed by a passive lag-lead network with the pole around
filtering in the frequency domain. The Raman beams finally
10 kHz and zero at 300 kHz and is then combined with the
reach an acousto-optic modulator 共AOM兲. The AOM trans-
DPFD output with the proper gain ratio and sent to the cur-
mission is controlled by an arbitrary function generator, pro-
ducing the pulse sequence. rent driver. An optional inverter can be used to adjust the
The width of ␲ / 2 pulses is about ␶ = 50 ␮s, while the sign of the feedback. The slow current loop serves both for
total duration of the ␲ / 2 − ␲ − ␲ / 2 interferometric sequence the purpose of safely 共for the SL兲 increasing the gain of the
is typically 2T = 200 ms. analog loop in the frequency region where the interferometer
The beat note at about 6.8 GHz detected by the photo- is more sensitive to phase noise 共see below兲 and for that of
diode is amplified 共27 dB兲 by a low noise figure 共below 2 pushing the bandwidth of the digital loop up to few tens of
dB兲 4–8 GHz amplifier 共JCA 48-301兲. A first downconver- kHz.
sion stage is formed by a mixer with conversion losses of 5.5 The PZT path sums both the APD and DPFD and in-
dB 共MITEQ M0408兲 and a fixed frequency low phase noise cludes a proportional-integral amplifier, an optional inverter,
local oscillator 共Anritsu MG3692A兲 at about 6.874 GHz. The and an output offset stage for manually tuning the SL oper-
mixer intermediate frequency 共IF兲 output is further amplified ating frequency. The crossing between proportional and inte-
共27 dB兲 by a 500 MHz amplifier 共MiniCircuits ZFL—500 gral part is around 200 Hz and the unity gain frequency f PZT
LN兲 and finally sent to a −10 dB directional coupler. The is 1 kHz for the APD, a bit less for the DPFD, and is limited
10% output is used for analysis and monitor 共residual phase by the PZT frequency response. The frequency tuning coef-
noise measurements or observation with a spectrum ana- ficient at the PZT input is on the order of 1 GHz/ V. The
lyzer兲 while the 90% output is sent to the rf input of the extra integrator ensures that at low frequency the PZT path
APD+ DPFD detector. The LO input is provided by a 80 will have higher gain than the current ones. The crossover is
MHz DDS 共Agilent 33250A兲 phase locked to the 10 MHz around 1 Hz.
Anritsu time base. During the interferometric sequence the The complete DPFD and APD circuitry plus the loop
DDS must execute phase-continuous linear frequency ramps filter has been assembled on a standard Euro Card size
to compensate for the gravity-induced Doppler shift, due to 共160⫻ 100 mm2兲 double layer printed circuit board.21

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053111-6 Cacciapuoti et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 053111 共2005兲

TABLE I. Contributions to the mean square phase noise angle 具␸2典 of the
OPLL and to the square of phase resolution of the interferometer ⌬⌽OPLL

关see Eq. 共3兲兴 from the four noise zones of S␸.

S␸ zone 具␸2典共rad2兲 ⌬⌽OPLL


I 1 ⫻ 10−8 9 ⫻ 10−8
II 20⫻ 10−8 46⫻ 10−8
III 6.7⫻ 10−5 23⫻ 10−8
IV 1.1⫻ 10−2 34⫻ 10−8
Total 1.1⫻ 10−2 112⫻ 10−8

FIG. 4. Closed loop beat note signal at 40 MHz. The servo bumps at 800 noise zones of S␸ as zone I,II, and III, respectively, while the
kHz and 3 MHz due to the slow and fast current loop are clearly visible. The
resolution bandwidth is 10 kHz. The plot is the average of 100 scans.
servo bumps region, above 200 kHz, will be referred to as
zone IV.
By integrating S␸ we obtain 冑具␸2典 ⯝ 100 mrad in the 5
VII. RESULTS Hz–10 MHz bandwidth. The contribution to 具␸2典 from each
one of the four S␸ noise zones is reported in Table I.
A typical spectrum of the 40 MHz closed loop beat note An atom interferometer measures the transition probabil-
is shown in Fig. 4. A numerical integration shows that the ity p between two atomic states, expressed as
fraction of power in the carrier amounts to 0.985.
The closed loop square modulus of the single-sided p = 21 共1 + C cos ⌽兲 共2兲
phase noise spectral density S␸ has been recorded by de- where C is the contrast of the atomic fringes and ⌽ is the
modulating the 40 MHz beat note at the directional coupler relative phase accumulated along the two interfering paths.
output. The sensitivity ⌬p depends then on the S/N ratio of the de-
In order to reject the DDS contribution to the phase tection ⌬C and the phase resolution ⌬⌽. To evaluate the
noise, an analog mixer compares the beat note 共LO input兲 impact of S␸ on ⌬⌽ the procedure outlined in Ref. 22 can be
directly to a 90° out of phase copy of the DDS signal 共rf followed. As a result, the contribution ⌬⌽OPLL
of the OPLL
input兲. The Fourier transform of the IF output, scaled to phase noise to ⌬⌽ is given by a weighted value of the S␸
rad2 / Hz, is shown in Fig. 5. integral
In the frequency range from 5 Hz to 200 kHz S␸ can be
approximated by
= 冕 ⬁
S␸共f兲兩H共f兲兩2df , 共3兲

冦 冧
␣␸/f if 5 Hz ⬍ f ⬍ 200 Hz,
S␸ = ␤␸ if 200 Hz ⬍ f ⬍ 20 kHz, 共1兲 where H共f兲 is the Fourier transform of the interferometer
sensitivity function h共t兲, given by
␥␸ f if 20 kHz ⬍ f ⬍ 200 kHz,

冦 冧
␻0 cos关␻0共t + T兲兴 for − T 艋 t 艋 − T + ␶ ,
with ␣␸ = 3 ⫻ 10−9 rad2, ␤␸ = 1 ⫻ 10−11 rad2 / Hz, and ␥␸ = 2.5
␻0 cos关␻0共t − T兲兴 for T − ␶ 艋 t 艋 T,
⫻ 10−20 rad2 / Hz3. h共t兲 = 共4兲
Above 200 kHz, the servo bumps of the slow and fast − ␻0 cos共␻0t兲 for − ␶ 艋 t 艋 ␶ ,
current loops, at 800 kHz and 3 MHz respectively, are clearly 0 otherwise,
where 2T and ␶ are defined as in Sec. VI, while ␻0 = 2␲ f 0
In the following we will refer to the 1 / f, white, and f 2
= ␲ / 共2␶兲. Therefore, one gets

兩H共f兲兩2 =
16f 40
共f 2 − f 20兲2

sin2共␲ fT兲 sin关␲ f共T − 2␶兲兴

cos共␲ fT兲 册 2
. 共5兲

As intuitively expected, both low frequency noise, at f ⬍ f 1

= 1 / 共␲T兲 and high frequency noise, at f ⬎ f 0 = 1 / 共4␶兲 are
heavily attenuated by 兩H共f兲兩2. Note that the apparent second
order pole at f = f 0 is not real since it is compensated for by
a corresponding zero by the term in square brackets. For an
evaluation of ⌬⌽OPLL2
, approximate expressions for Eq. 共5兲
can be easily obtained. Again, the contributions to ⌬⌽OPLL 2

from the four S␸ noise zones are listed in Table I. The zone I
FIG. 5. Square modulus of the single-sided phase noise spectral density S␸
from 5 Hz to 10 MHz of the OPLL. The spectrum is divided in four different value has been overestimated by extending the low fre-
regions according to the power laws that they follow. quency integration limit to zero.

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Complete schematics, parts list, Verilog source code, Gerber files, data
This work was supported by INFN, MIUR, INFM, ASI, sheets etc. are available sending e-mail to the corresponding author.
CRF, and LENS. The authors would like to thank R. Drul- 22
P. Cheinet, B. Canuel, F. P. D. Santos, A. Gauguet, F. Leduc, and A.
linger for a critical reading of the manuscript. Landragin 共unpublished兲

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