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2021, Vol. 2, No. 3, 213 – 224

Research Article

The Research Capability of Secondary School Science Teachers

Keneth S. Tolentino*

Planas High School, Schools Division of Pampanga, Department of Education, Philippines

Article history: ABSTRACT

Submission March 2021
Revised March 2021 This paper described the perceived level of research capability of sec-
Accepted March 2021 ondary school Science teachers in the basic education whereas a de-
scriptive-correlational design was employed to determine the extent
*Corresponding author: of relationship between research capability and profile of the 76 Sci-
E-mail: ence teachers from the Schools Division of Pampanga. A Research Ca- pability Self-Assessment Scale Abrazado & Coronel (2016) was
adopted to identify the level of research capability of the respondents,
also a checklist was developed to identify the problems encountered
by on their research undertakings. Most of the Science teachers did
not yet pursue higher professional studies. Majority did not have the
opportunity to attend research trainings; regarded with low research
productivity. Science teachers had moderate research capability. Sci-
ence teachers’ research capability had low level relationship with
their profile in terms of educational attainment, research trainings
and seminars attended, and research output. Lack of time, research
trainings and research skills were the problems encountered. A sus-
tainable research development program will aid Science teachers to
develop and enhance their research capability.

Keywords: Research capability, science teachers, research productiv-

ity, research issues, research training, R & D program

Educational institutions and organizations become one of its primordial functions to im-
around the world are constantly exerting ef- prove the condition of the education particu-
forts on their mission of providing world-class larly in teaching and learning processes and
and quality education. In the quest for quality serves as parameter to determine the attain-
education, continuous formulation, implemen- ment of its vision, mission, goals and objectives.
tation and evaluation of academic instruction Research is the creation of new knowledge
as well as policy and program development are and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new
undertaken in the education sector. These in- and creative way so as to generate new con-
novations and recalibrations are based on the cepts, methodologies and understandings. This
result-oriented studies and researches, hence could include synthesis and analysis of previ-
research in the educational organization has ous research to the extent that it leads to new

How to cite:
Tolentino, K. S. (2021). The Research Capability of Secondary School Science Teachers. International Journal of
Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research. 2(3), 213 – 224. doi: 10.11594/ijmaber.02.03.05
KS Tolentino 2021 / The Research Capability of Secondary School Science Teachers

and creative outcomes (DET, 2020). Research- 4, s. 2016, DepEd began to support backing fa-
ers around the globe are continuously conduct- cility for research across the Basic Education
ing research to introduce and contribute ideas, Research Fund. Lastly, DepEd Order No. 16 s
processes and products that improve the pre- 2017 issued the Research Management Guide-
sent situation of mankind. The rapid growth of lines to provide guidance in managing research
Asia’s research community has led to some initiatives in the national, regional, division and
countries in the region being referred to as ris- school levels. With these research programs
ing stars or the next scientific superpowers and policies in DepEd research productivity in
(Kamalski & L'Huillier, 2011). This implies that the department is expected.
countries in the region are taking steps for the Despite of the expectation from teachers to
quest of knowledge, findings and innovations. embrace the culture of research, some do not
At the same time, investing to research and to adhere on this objective since they do not have
their human resources to arm them with re- the expertise, capability, and knowledge in re-
search literacy and capability. search. Alim (2011) teachers were capable of
The Philippines stands as 67th out of 138 conducting researchers through various train-
countries in the world leaderboard for research ings, experiences, and skills acquired con-
and development spending, yet it is not enough nected to research. On the other hand, Abarro
to help our people (Gutierrez, 2020). In this and Mariño (2016) revealed that the public sec-
context, the country is taking efforts in the pro- ondary and elementary school teachers had av-
duction of research, particularly those who are erage level of research capabilities in writing
in the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as the different parts of a research proposal and
this is one of their mandates. Commission on publishable research paper or article and low
Higher Education (CHED) is directed to pro- level in using the APA bibliography format. The
mote, direct and support higher education in- research capabilities of public secondary
stitutions in performing their research and in- school teachers in writing a research proposal
struction functions (CHED, 2017). was influenced by their position and not af-
Aside from HEIs, the basic education fected by age, sex, civil status, highest educa-
through the Department of Education (DepEd) tional attainment and research trainings or
also adheres to the importance of research. The seminars attended.
Basic Education Governance Act of 2001 under- Science educators in the basic level of edu-
lined the significance of research in the organi- cation are expected to conduct both pure and
zation and administration of the basic educa- applied academic researches as they are super-
tion system. With this directive, DepEd has en- vising investigatory projects as well as provid-
deavored to promote and strengthen research ing solutions to classroom and community
in the department. Such efforts include differ- based problems through different endeavors.
ent research initiatives beneath the Basic Edu- Thus, this ignited the researcher to assess the
cation System Reform Agenda (BESRA) as well research capability of Science teachers in the
as the founding of the Research, Innovation, Schools Division of Pampanga and further ex-
and Policy Evaluation Secretariat (RIPES) in plore the issues and challenges of the respond-
2003. ents in conducting and making research. In-
DepEd also institutionalized the research- deed, research serves as a tool for the under-
based decision and policy making in the depart- standing of society’s needs, commitment in re-
ment and stipulates that policies in the depart- search benefits teacher nurture constant
ment should be based on research (DO No. 65, growth and development Manalili (2016). With
s. 2003). This ignited the agency to promote the this, Science educators’ research capability was
culture of research in the basic education. Fur- determined in this study in order to assess
thermore, the founded policy development their knowledge and skills in conducting re-
procedure (DepEd Order 13, s. 2015) within search. As educators and nature of the area of
the agency controls the use of evidence. Also, specialization, they should posses with re-
DepEd Order No. 24, s. 2015 / DepEd Order No. search skills to produce excellent, relevant and

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KS Tolentino 2021 / The Research Capability of Secondary School Science Teachers

responsive research outputs that would con- Division of Pampanga for teachers in conduct-
tribute meaningfully in the present situation of ing action research by providing series of
education in the country. workshops and trainings. These can address
the problems encountered by teachers in mak-
Statement of the Problem ing research.
The study aimed to determine the research To the Teachers. The results of this study
capability of secondary Science teachers in or- may provide data that can be used for enhanc-
der to assess their research knowledge and ing their research capability and to deliver ex-
skills that would serve as a basis for the formu- cellent research outputs.
lation of a sustainable research development
program. Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Specifically, this study sought to answer the The study focused in determining the level
following questions: of research capability of secondary Science
1. How is the profile of the secondary Science teachers of the Schools Division of Pampanga in
teachers be described as to the following? terms of technical skills, conceptualizing re-
1.1 Educational Attainment; search problem, designing research plan, re-
1.2 Trainings or Seminars attended in search data processing and writing the re-
research; and search paper and the problems encountered in
1.2.1 Number of Trainings/Seminars making research. The profile of the respond-
Attended ents were described in terms of trainings or
1.2.2 Level of Trainings/Seminars seminars in research and educational attain-
Attended ment.
1.3 Research Output
1.3.1 Completed Conceptual Framework
1.3.2 Presented The level of research capability of teachers
1.3.3 Published was determined in terms of the following re-
2. How is the research capability of the teach- search skills; technical skills, skills in conceptu-
ers described in terms of the following? alizing a research problem, skills in designing
2.1. Technical Skills; the research plan, research data processing
2.2. Skills in Conceptualizing a Research skills and skills in writing the research paper.
Problem; In addition, these research skills were associ-
2.3. Designing the Research Plan; and ated with the trainings or seminars in research
2.4. Research Data Processing? and educational attainment to see their rela-
3. How is the research capability of the teach- tionship. This looked into the problems en-
ers related to the following? countered by teachers and the implications of
3.1 Educational Attainment teachers’ research capability in doing research
3.2 Trainings/Seminars attended in to educational management.
Research; and
3.3 Research Output? Methodology
4. What are the issues encountered by teachers
Research Design
in making their research?
Correlational research design describes the
nature and extent of relationship between and
Significance of the Study
among variables. The study established the
As an institution mandated with significant
relationship between research capabilities to
role in holistic development of the Filipino
and profile of the secondary Science teachers.
youth, DepEd is currently implementing pro-
grams based on result-oriented studies.
Sampling Procedure and Participants
To the Department of Education. The find-
The utilization of a purposive sampling
ings of this study may provide feedback and in-
technique guided the researcher to determine
tervention to enhancement of the research pro-
the respondents of the study. In here, 76
grams of the department specifically in the
IJMABER 215 Volume 2 | Number 3 | March | 2021
KS Tolentino 2021 / The Research Capability of Secondary School Science Teachers

secondary Science teachers were involved presented in a graphical and textual form and
from the Schools Division of Pampanga. These provided appropriate interpretation supported
are teachers practicing their area of with literature and studies.
specialization in the secondary level of basic
education. Data Analysis Framework
Frequency and percentages scores were
Instrument utilized in order to describe the profile of the
A survey- questionnaire was used to Science educators. Mean scores from the
gather the necessary information from the research capability instrument were drawn
respondents in terms of the profile such as the and interpreted using a 5 Point Likert Scale.
trainings or seminars on research attended Issues encountered by teachers in conducting
educational attainment and research output. A research were tabulated to determine the
Research Capability Self-Assessment frequency of these problems. Spearman
Instrument (RCSI) with obtained 0.992 correlation was utilized to establish the extent
Cronbach alpha was adopted (Abrazado and and relationship between Science teachers’
Coronel, 2016) to analyze Science educators’ research capability and profile.
research capability. The scale assessed the
technical skills, skills in conceptualizing Results and Discussion
research problem, knowledge and skills in This section presents the results of data ob-
designing the research plan, skills on research tained from the respondents that includes the
data processing and skills in writing the profile, level of research capability, problems
research paper. Also, a checklist was develop to and issued encountered by Science teachers in
identify the problems and issues encountered making research and the extent of relationship
by the Science educators in conducting between their profile and perceived level of re-
research. search capability.

Data Collection Profile of the Science Teachers

Permission to conduct the study was sought The profile of teachers consisted of their
among the respondents by a transmittal letter highest educational attainment, trainings or
that was attached to the questionnaire. All seminars attended in research and research
gathered data were treated with utmost care output. The profile was described through the
and confidentiality. The responses from the use of frequency and percentage.
retrieved and accomplished survey
questionnaire undergone statistical treatment,

Highest Educational Attainment

Table 1. Educational Attainment of Science Teachers
Degree F Percent
Doctorate Degree 2 3%
Ed.D/Ph.D Units 1 1%
MA Graduate 10 13 %
MA Complete Academic Requirement 15 20 %
MA with units 11 14 %
BSEd/BS Graduate 37 49 %
Total 76 100.0

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KS Tolentino 2021 / The Research Capability of Secondary School Science Teachers

Table 2 shows that most of the Science educational attainment widens one’s horizon
teachers did not yet pursue higher professional and perspectives in a certain field (Manalili,
studies (37 or 49%) but some of them had 2016). Science teachers need to pursue
doctoral degrees (1 or 1%) and master’s graduate school to enrich their academic,
degrees (1o or 13%). Pursuing higher instructional and research capabilities.

Trainings in Research
Table 2. Research Trainings of Science Teachers
Level of Trainings / Seminars Attended F Percent
International 3 4%
National 4 5%
Regional 3 4%
Division 20 26 %
Cluster 7 9%
School 8 11 %
None 31 41 %
Total 76 100.0

Majority of the Science teachers did not endeavors. This is to confirm the findings of
have the opportunity to attend research Alim (2011) which showed the association
seminars and trainings (31 or 41%) while some between trainings and research capability.
of them were able to attend on division (20 or Science teachers need to have related trainings
26%), regional (3 or 4%) , national (4 or 5%) to improve their research productivity.
as well as international (3 or 4%) level of Although majority had trainings in research, it
trainings and seminars. Still, Science teachers would be much better if everybody is given the
were actively participating and engaging chance to attend trainings in research.
themselves on the different research related

Research Output
Table 3. Research Output of Science Teachers
Research Output F Percent
Published 2 3%
Presented 5 7%
Completed 14 18 %
None 55 72 %
Total 76 100.0

Table 3 revealed that only 2 or 3 % of the tional attainment, research benefits, and incen-
teachers had published their research output in tive system. Therefore, the department should
journals. Five or 7 % of them had the oppor- strengthen research development program
tunity to present their studies in colloquia and among Science teachers by establishing a moti-
conferences and 14 or 18 % completed their re- vating and rewarding system to ensure re-
searches. Quimbo (2013) stated that research search productivity From the results, it could
productivity can be associated with educa- be concluded that Science teachers had low re-
search productivity since most of them had no
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research outputs. From here, it could be a ques- graduate students are required to conduct re-
tion of how will teachers lead students to re- searches. Wittman (2013) highlighted that
search when they have not yet completed any the skills needed by a researcher in order to
research. solve research problems incorporate creativity,
judgment, communication, organization and
Research Capability persistence. In here, research capability of Sci-
Research skills among Science teachers ence teachers was determined through the fol-
should have been developed during the under- lowing skills: technical skills, skills in conceptu-
graduate studies and one of the ways to alizing a research problem, knowledge and
strengthen this is by their enrolment in the skills in designing the research plan and skills
in research data processing.

Technical Skills
Table 4. Technical Skills of Science Teachers
Technical Skills Mean SD Description
Written communication 3.40 0.68 Moderately Capable
Oral communication 3.50 0.76 Capable
Critical/analytical thinking 3.50 0.76 Capable
Problem solving 3.40 0.68 Moderately Capable
Research organization 3.30 0.93 Moderately Capable
Online research, use of electronic resources 3.50 0.76 Capable
databases and search engines (ICT)
Use of computer commands/programs/ 3.60 0.87 Capable
software (ICT)
Acknowledging or citing sources/cross 3.30 0.93 Moderately Capable
Total 3.40 0.68 Moderately Capable

Science teachers are moderately capable As to the extent of technical skills of the Sci-
(3.40) in written communication and capable ence educators, sixty-one or (80.26%) of them
in oral communication (3.50). In terms of criti- had a high level of competence in demonstrat-
cal thinking skills Science teachers were capa- ing their technical skills in research. Fifteen or
ble (3.50) in evaluating ideas and analyzing the (19.74%) of them were scaled with low level of
arguments of others. Science teachers showed competence in their technical skills. Majority of
moderate capability (3.40) in problem solving the Science teachers had high level of technical
and research organization (3.30). skill. This was because in the four (4) technical
Science teachers also showed capable level skills the Science teachers were capable and on
(3.50) in doing online research, use of elec- the other skills they were on the upper limit of
tronic resources databases and search engines moderate capability. On the whole, technical
and use of computer commands/programs/ skill was high among the Science teachers. As to
software (3.60). Furthermore, Science teachers process, the researchers were capable along
had a moderate capability in acknowledging or conceptual skills, moderately capable in com-
citing sources/cross-referencing (3. 30). In ad- putational skills and technical skills (Dela Cruz,
dition, Science teachers had high level of com- 2016). It means that the Science teachers had
petence in their technical skills (61 or 80.26%) the technical skill characterized by capability to
while fifteen or 19.74% had very low capabil- do oral communication, critical thinking, and
ity. online research and by their skill to use com-

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Skills in Conceptualizing a Reasearch Problem

Table 5. Science Technical Skills in Conceptualizing a Research Problem
Skills in Conceptualizing a Research Problem Mean SD Description
Identification of a research problem or topic 3.40 0.68 Moderately capable
Reviewing related literature 3.40 0.68 Moderately capable
Defining concepts, constructs or variables. 3.40 0.68 Moderately capable
Formulating hypothesis or proposition 3.40 0.68 Moderately capable
Developing a theoretical framework 3.30 0.93 Moderately capable
Developing a conceptual framework 3.30 0.93 Moderately capable
Formulating the research objectives or 3.30 0.93 Moderately capable
statement of the problems.
Total 3.40 0.68 Moderately Capable

Science teachers were moderately capable low level of capability in conceptualizing a re-
in identifying problem (3.40). Same interpreta- search problem.
tion was obtained in reviewing literature (3.40) As to the level of competence of the Science
and defining concepts and constructs or varia- teachers in their skills on conceptualizing the
bles (3.40). Also, they were moderately capable research problem, results shows that 34 (44.74
in formulating hypothesis (3.40) as well as in %) of the Science teachers were on very high
developing a theoretical framework (3.30) and level of skill in conceptualizing a research prob-
(3.30) developing a conceptual framework. lem, while 29 (38.16%) were under high level
Moreover, on their ability of formulating the re- and 13 or 17.11% were under very low level.
search objectives or statement of the problems, The results shows that Science teachers were
teachers had moderate capability (3.30) high to very high in this research skills. They
Science teachers’ skills had moderate capa- can easily deal on the nature of their research
bility in conceptualizing a research problem problem. Others need to seek the guidance for
(3.40). In a study conducted by Formeloza and them to be able to conceptualize a research.
Pateña (2013) faculty members found that they Majority of the Science teachers had very
were least capable in constructing a research high level of skill in conceptualizing a research
problem and the conceptual / theoretical para- problem. Though in all skills Science teachers
digm. Moreover, as to the extent of this re- were moderately capable, this is for the reason
search skill, majority (34 or 44.74%) of the that they were on the upper limit of moderate
teachers had very high level of capability, while capability. In general, Science teachers had a
29 or 38.16% of the teachers were high. Some very high level in their skills in conceptualizing
of the teachers (13 or 17.11%) fell under very a research problem.

Skills in Designing the Research Plan

Table 6. Science Teachers Skills in Designing the Research Plan
Knowledge and Skills in Designing the Research Plan Mean SD Description
Research design 3.20 0.92 Moderately capable
Study locale 3.20 0.92 Moderately capable
Population and Sampling techniques 3.20 0.92 Moderately capable
Sources of data 3.30 0.93 Moderately capable
Types of instruments 3.10 0.91 Moderately capable
Procedures in data collection 3.20 0.92 Moderately capable
Ethical considerations 3.20 0.92 Moderately capable
Statistical tools 3.10 0.91 Moderately capable
Total 3.20 0.92 Moderately Capable

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Science teachers had moderate capability very low level of competence. Majority of the
(3.20) in designing a research plan. In making a Science teachers were average to high on their
research design (3.20), skill in identifying the capacity to plan and execute their research.
locality of their study (3.20) and sources of data Nevertheless, some were still finding a hard
(3.30) they were moderately capable. In col- time on how they will plot their research activ-
lecting data, performing sampling techniques ities.
and ethical considerations, teachers had mod- Though in all skills the Science teachers
erate capability (3.20). Moreover, a moderately were moderately capable, this is for the reason
capable level (3.10) was observed among the that some were on the upper limit of moderate
Science teachers on their skill of the instru- capability. Thus, most of them were on the high
ments and statistical tools being used in their level of research capability in designing re-
researches (3.10). search. However, some teachers demonstrated
The findings also revealed that majority or average level on this skill since some of them
43.42% of the teachers had high level of capa- were on the lower limit moderate capability.
bility in constructing the plan for research, Generally, the Science teachers had a high level
32.89% of them had the average skill, and on their skills in designing the research plan.
eighteen (18) or 23.69% of them had very low Salom (2013), exposed that faculty members
level of competence. are capable in the areas of the research proce-
In addition, the study reveals that 33 dure. This has been contributed to the nature
(43.42%) of the Science teachers had high level of the subject matter which usually entail pro-
of competence in designing the research plan cedural activities.
and 25 (32.89%) of them were on the average
level. However, 18 (23.69%) were still within

Skills in Research Data Processing

Table 7. Science Teachers Skills in Research Data Processing
Skill on Research Data Processing Mean SD Description
Statistical treatment of data for quantitative research 3.00 0.90 Moderately capable
Treatment of data for qualitative research (coding) 3.00 0.90 Moderately capable
Presentation of data (textual, graphical, tabular) 3.10 0.91 Moderately capable
Analysis of data 3.20 0.92 Moderately capable
Interpretation of data 3.20 0.92 Moderately capable
Total 3.10 0.91 Moderately capable

Skills of Science teachers in research data minimal number or 7 (9.1%) of the teachers
processing fell under moderate capability had very low level of proficiency in this re-
(3.10). In addition, the Science teachers had search skill.
quite difficulty in statistical treatment of data Furthermore, findings indicates the level of
for quantitative and qualitative research with competence in research data processing among
moderate capable level (3.00). Presentation of the Science teachers that most of them (35 or
data among the Science teachers fell under 46.05 %) were already with very high level of
moderate capability (3.10). Analyzing and in- expertise in managing research data while 21
terpretation of data (3.20) were under the or 27.63% had high and 13 or 17.11 had aver-
same level. Thirty-five (35 or 46.05%) of the age level. Seven or 9.21 % of the teachers
teachers were under very high level of compe- showed very low level of competence in re-
tence in handling research data and 21 or search data processing. These Science teachers
27.63% of the Science teachers were highly ca- were finding a hard time to manage and admin-
pable. Only thirteen (13 or 17.11%) of the Sci- ister research data.
ence teachers were under the average level. A

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Most of the Science teachers had high to data are considered as one of the difficulties en-
very high level of skill in research data pro- countered by teacher-researcher. This means
cessing for they were capable in quantitative that this area of research is critical as this leads
data and on the other skills they were on the to the generation of research-driven data. Gen-
upper limit of moderate capability. Salom erally, skill in research data processing was
(2013) stated that analyzing and interpreting high to very high among the Science teachers.

Research Capability Related to Educational Attainment, Training or Seminar Attended in Research

and Research Output
Table 8. Relationship of Teachers’ Profile to Research Capability
Research Trainings
Educational Attainment Research Output
Research Capability and Seminars Attended
Technical Skills 0.4629 Low 0.4376 Low 0.3043 Low
Skills in
Conceptualizing 0.4740 Low 0.4135 Low 0.3815 Low
Research Problem
Skills Designing the
0.4780 Low 0.3895 Low 0.4475 Low
Research Plan
Skills in Research
0.4111 Low 0.3464 Low 0.3401 Low
Data Processing

Educational attainment had a significant re- Alim (2011) teachers were capable of conduct-
lationship to the Science teachers’ technical ing researchers through various trainings, ex-
skills (0.4629), skills in conceptualizing the re- periences, and skills acquired connected to re-
search problem (0.4740), skills in designing re- search. Hence, exposure to research-related ac-
search plan (0.4779) and skills in data pro- tivities will equipped teachers in conducting
cessing (0.4110). In connection to the findings research and ensure the production of quality
of Salom (2013) that the academic rank, high- research outputs.
est educational attainment, and teaching load Research outputs of teachers had signifi-
have significant difference in teachers’ level of cant relationship to technical skills (0.3043),
research capability. This means that educa- skills in conceptualizing the research problem
tional attainment is one of the predictors of re- (0.3815), skills in designing research plan
search capability as this expose teachers in the (0.4475) and skills in data processing (0.3401).
field of research since this is being offered as Abrazado & Coronel (2016) describe research
one of the core subjects and requirement for productivity in terms of full-length research
the degree. output produced in the past five years. This pe-
Attending trainings or seminars in research riod of time enable researcher to develop and
had significant relationship to Science 60 improve necessary skills in conducting re-
teachers’ technical skills (0.4376), skills in con- search. Thus, acquiring research-capability re-
ceptualizing the research problem was lated skills will ensure increase in productivity
0.41346, skills in designing research plan since this enable teacher-researcher to craft
0.3895 and skills in data processing 0.3464. quality and responsive research outputs.

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Problems or Issues Encountered in Conducting Research

Table 9. Problems/Issues Encountered by Teachers in Making and Conducting a Research Output
Problems F Precent Rank
1. lack of time 53 69.74% 1
2. lack of trainings/workshops in research 41 53.94% 2
3. lack the necessary research skills 28 36.84% 3
4. lack of writing skills 7 9.21% 4
Identified Issues Encountered by Teachers F Precent Rank
1. less idea about research 1 1.32% 1.5
2. financial problems 1 1.32% 1.5
3. problems on materials and tools 1 1.32% 1.5
4. pre-occupied with teaching loads and paper works 1 1.32% 1.5
5. retrieval of questionnaires from respondents is difficult 1 1.32% 1.5

Insufficient time in conducting research Based on the results and findings, the fol-
was the leading problem among the Science lowing conclusions were derived. Most of the
teachers (53 or 69.74%). Next to this was the Science teachers had not yet pursued higher
lack of trainings or workshops in research (41 education. The number of Science teachers
or 53.94%). Twenty-eight (28 or 36.84%) of who attended seminars or training in research
the Science teachers lacked the necessary re- organized by the Division Office was high but
search skills. The lack of writing skills was also majority of the Science teachers did not have
experienced by the Science teachers (7 or the opportunity to attend this kind of semi-
9.21%). Furthermore, other problems raised nar/training at any level. A very minimal num-
by the Science teachers were less idea about re- ber of Science teachers were able to produce
search, financial problems, and problems on their research output.
materials and tools, pre-occupation with teach- Science teachers were classified moder-
ing loads and paper works and difficulty on the ately capable level in their technical skills, skills
retrieval of questionnaires from their respond- in conceptualizing research problem, skills in
ents. Abrazado and Coronel ‘s (2016) found designing the research plan and skills in re-
that productivity of the faculty in terms of pro- search data processing. Science teachers’ abil-
ducing research output was more determined ity to conduct research is at approaching profi-
by research capability in terms of the levels of ciency. Research capability of the Science
proficiency or competency in going through the teachers showed low level relationship to high-
research process than the workload. It can be est educational attainment, trainings or semi-
implied that reducing the number of teaching nars attended in research and research output.
preparations or the hours of work did not al- The lack of time was the main problem of teach-
ways follow improvement in research produc- ers in making and conducting a research.
Conlusion Science teachers had established some
The study aimed to determine the research skills needed in making and conducting re-
capability of secondary Science teachers and search. This was evident from the level of re-
established the relationship between their search capability of the teachers. Supervision
highest educational attainments, train- from research experts is still highly needed for
ings/seminars attended, and research output the Science teachers to be guided in producing
on their research capability. Problems encoun- their research output. Teachers who were en-
tered by teachers in conducting research was rolled or had finished programs in the graduate
also explored. schools were capable to do research. In this

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KS Tolentino 2021 / The Research Capability of Secondary School Science Teachers

case, teachers must find means and ways to en- Education, Vol.2, No.1: February 2016 (pp.1-21),
roll in the graduate school programs in order to ISSN 2423-1401
Alim, Teng Ali (2011). Research capability of state univer-
develop and strengthen their research capabil- sities and colleges (SUC’s in Region XII, Cotabato
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high quality research output. pines.
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