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CHAPTER 4 HYDROLOGY Chapter 4 Hydrology CHAPTER 4 HYDROLOGY 41 General ‘The location of the Garang river basin and hydrological observatories are shown in Fig. 2.1.1 ‘and the conditions of data recording are tabulated in Table 4.1.1. These observatories are being operated by Provincial Public Works Services (DPUP), Center of Meteorology and Geophysics (BMG), or Institute of Hydrautic Engineering (IHE). Hourly rainfall data are available at two (2) automatic rainfall stations, namely BMG- Semarang station in lowland and Kaligading station in highland. Manual rainfall stations have only daily rainfall data, ‘The stations shown in the table and figure were selected in the Feasibility Study in 1993. ‘There are three (3) automatic water level stations in the Garang river system. One is Panjangan station which is located at immediately downstream of the confluence of Garang River and Kreo River. It was set up in 1983, but the data before 1986 are not available. The others are Patemon station in Garang River upstream and Kalipancur station in Kreo River. Those were both set up in 1992, Besides, intermittent water level data at Simongan Weir recorded manually at flood ti available. In this study stage, the kinds and periods of the hydrological data are added to the data used in the Feasibility Study. The "Additional Data” ranging ftom 1991 to 1996 are shown in the right part of Table 4.1.2. The hydrological analyses, which are necessary for the flood control plan and water use plan, are supposed to be updated using the additional data, 4.2 Flood Control Analysis 4.2.1 Probable Rainfall (1) Annual Maximum Rainfall Hourly rainfall date are available at BMG-Semarang station and Kaligading station Of the two, the latter has a shorter record period of 17 years and contains many missing data. And it was found in the Feasibility Study that probable rainfall by the later is smaller than that by the former. Therefore, the former, which has longer record period and contains less missing data, is adequate to be adopted. 4-1 Chapter 4 Hydrotogs @). (4) Annual maximum rainfall for each duration (5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 120 minutes, 3, 6, 12 hours and | day) at BMG-Semarang station in 28 years until 1996 are extracted and tabulated in Table 4.1.2. Probable Rainfall Gumbel Method was employed to calculate probable rainfalls. The results are shown ity Table 4.2.1 and Figs. 42.1 and 4.2.2. One (1) hour probable rainfall of 100-year return period was calculated at 144.6 mm, and one (1) day rainfall of 100-year at 319.4 mm. Rainfall Intensity Formula As to Rainfall Intensity Formula, the Horner Type equation is used as well as the Feasibility Study. The results of calculation are shown in Tables 4,2.2 and 4.2.3 and Fig. 4.2.3. Two types of rainfall intensity curves are presented in Fig. 4.2.3 for short duration less than two (2) hours which is used for planning urban drainage and long duration more than one (1) hour which is used for planning flood control Design Storm The length of one (1) day is appropriate to the duration of design storm to be used in the flood control plan, considering actual rainfall patterns, the size of river basin and the kind of flood control facilities. Hourly distribution pattern of the design storm should be made from hourly rainfall data of actual storms. Hourly rainfall data of annual maximum rainfalls in the past 10 Table 4.2.4. The ratios of each ted 50 that the peak ratio can locate in years at BMG-Semarang station are tabulated it hourly rainfall to total are calculated, and s center time. Shown in Table 4.2.5 are the results, The average ratio of 10 storms are adopted to express the hourly distribution ratio of the design storm, ‘The design storm of each return period is calculated from probable one (1) day rainfall multiplied by the hourly distribution ratio (refer to the lower part of Table 4.25). One (1) hour rainfall at peak time accounts for 39 percent of one (1) day rainfall, Illustrated in Fig, 4.2.4 is the design storm of 100-year return period. 42.2 () @) 423 a Chapter 3 Hydrotogy Probable Peak Discharge Annual Maximum Flood Discharge in the ease which has less flood discharge data, probable flood discharge is calculated by a flood run-off model with input design storm. However, in the case of Garang River, probable flood discharge can be calculated directly from the peak discharge data at flood time Annual maximum water levels at Simongan Weir have been recorded manually from 1961 to 1996 at present. Annual maximum discharges are able to be converted from these water level data with the discharge formula for overflow as a rating curve. Simongan Weir consists of flood discharge section at center portion with fixed weir and with flushing gates on both sides. The gates are closed even at flood time, and the river water overflows above the gates with the same overflow depth as that of the center portion, Different discharge coefficients were applied to the center portion and the side portions of the weir. Shown in Table 4.2.6 are annual maximum discharges at Simongan Weir in the past 36 years calculated by the overflow discharge formula. Probable Peak Discharge Gumbel Method was employed to calculate probable flood discharges, with annual maximum discharges shown in Table 4.2.6, The results of calculation are shown in Table 4.2.7 and Fig. 4.2.5 According to this, 100-year probable discharge is 1,010 m'/s, and 25-year probable discharge is 790 m’/s (rounded up from raw value of 785 m’/s). Flood Run-off Model Outline of Storage Function Method Probable peak discharges have been estimated as described in Section 4.2.2. In addition to the peak discharge, probable discharge hydrograph is necessary to establish a flood control plan with dams. Accordingly, a flood run-off model, which can converts input hyetograph into discharge hydrograph, is needed. ‘The Storage Function Method is recommended to be employed as a flood run-off 403 Choprer 4 Hyelology model. This method receives wide recognition as the de-facto standard method in planning flood control with dams. The Storage Funetion Method has been developed to express non-linear characteristics of run-off phenomena. This method can give the process of transformation from rainfall to run-off on the assumption that there is a one-to-one functional relation between the volume of storage and run-off, Calculations of the ‘run-off from rainfall are made through the use of the volume of storage as medium fun ‘The relationship between the volume of storage of a basin and the discharge is expressed as follows S=K "QP where, S = depth of storage (mm) = depth of run-off (inm/hr) KP: constants ‘This formula is used as a substitution for the solution of equation of motion. That is, this formula establishes that the run-off is proportional to the exponent of the volume fall and run-off are considered to be similar to the run-off from a noteh in a container filled up of storage. This is equivalent to the thinking in which the phenomena of with water. Run-off calculations arc performed by the combination of this equation of motion With the following equation of continuity. aS/dt = F * Ra(t) -q(t¥TL) where, F 2 inflow coefficient Ra(t) + average rainfall in a watershed (mnv/hnr) Q(t¥TL) : depth of run-off with lag time (mm/hr) TL = lagtime (hr) © : time When making the run-off calculations for a basin, necessary to make calculations of effective rainfall. With the Storage Function Method, is thought that coefficient (F) is not related to rainfall (Ra) but to the catchment area (A). Namely, it is thought 4-4 Q) Chepter 4 Hydrology that FFI in the carly stages of rainfall (termed the primary run-off rate) and that only the area FI*A (called the run-off zone) causes the run-off, When cumulative rainfall exceeds Rsa (saturated rainfall), then F=1 (this is termed the saturated run-off rate), and the run-off may occur even from the remaining part (1-F1)*A (infiltration zone) due to the rainfall exceeding Ra, However, both the run-off zone and infiltration zone shiould be calculated separately for the tun-off until the end of the flood. The volume of run-off from the basi should be the sum of run-off from both zones plus base run-off. Run-off (m’/s) from the basin (including the base run-off) is given by the following formula: QU) = FIFA Gt(H/3.6 + (ELPA GS(13.6 + QD where, QC): run-off (m/s) Fl: primary run-off rate A catchment area (km?) qt(t) + run-off by total rainfall (mm/he) qs(?) + run-off by rainfall after saturation (mm/tr) Qb.: base flow (m*/s) Hourly Data of Rainfall and Discharge at Flood Time Hourly dischargés are able to be calculated from the water level data recorded manually at Simongan Weir at flood time intermittently, with the same rating curve as the calculation of annual maximum discharge mentioned before. Discharge hydrograph of major floods are available to be used as check data for the calibration of flood run-off model. Five (5) annual maximum floods since 1987 were selected as the calibration data of flood run-off model considering the tesponse between rainfall and discharge, The basin average daily rainfalls during those floods are caleulated with Thiessen Polygon (refer to Fig. 4.2.6) and shown in Table 4.2.7. It is appropriate that hourly rainfall data of Kaligading station in highland are used after its total daily rainfalls have being adjusted to the basin average daily rainfalls shown in Table 4.2.8, The following data in five (5) floods are contained in Table 4.2.9. 4-5 Chapter 4 Tydrotogy 6) @) G) (@) hourly water levels, (b) hourly discharges by (a) (©) hourly cainfalls at Kaligading station (@) basin average hourly rainfalls proportional to (¢) Calibration of Flood Run-off Model Ifthe whole Garang river basin is expressed by sole basin model of Storage Function Method, the parameters in the model (namely K, P, TL, F) can be counted backward analytically using the data mentioned above. ‘The results of backward analysis are shown in Table 4.2.10 and Fig, 4.2.7. Flood Run-off Model for Garang River Basin The flood run-off model should be divided by smaller basins so that it ean express the effects of flood control by dams and the confluence of tributaries. Sub-basin division for the Garang river basin is shown in Fig. 4.2.8, Shown in Fig. 4.2.9 is the model diagram for flood run-off calculation which consists of basin units and channel units ‘The parameters in the flood run-off model by Storage Function Method are tabulated in Table 4.2.11. Here, the main parameters for basin units are determined by the average values from backward analysis shown in Table 4.2.10. For channel units, only the time lag of flow down is taken into account, because the storage effect in the /er channel seems little, considering from the size of the river channels. Area Reduction Factor ‘The hydrograph of probable flood are obtained from the flood run-off model with design storm as input. However, the peak discharge in hydrograph becomes bigger than the probable discharge estimated directly from annual maximum discharges in Section 3.3.3. ‘The difference between the peak is adjusted by the area reduction factor which means the ratio of basin average rainfall tharge in hydrograph and the probable discharge to point rainfall. ‘The area reduction factors, which depend on the catchment area and the magnitude of storm, were estimated at Simongan Weir site as shown in the table below. And the distribution curves of the area reduction factor for catchment area are shown in Fig. 4.2.10, Here, the area reduction factor is 1.0 at catchment area of zero, and 0.75 at catchment area of 204 km’ in the case of 100-year return period, 424 a (2) Choprer 5 Hydrology Return Period Syeat W0-yeat 25-year 50-year 100-year | ‘Area Reduction Factor [0.667 0.697 0.725 0.738 0.750 (at Simongan Weir, A=204 km’) Flood Control Plan Design Flood Discharge for River Improvement ‘The design storm multiplied by area reduction factor was inputted into the flood run- off mode! by Storage Function Method and then the flood routing calculation by Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam was carried out. The results are shown in Tables 4.2.12 to 4.2.14 and Fig, 4.2.11, and the summary is shown in the table below Ream Peak Discharge at Dam Peak discharge at Simongan Period Inflow ‘Ouiflow —[ Ouiemax. | without Dam | with Dam _(year) (als) (mss) | (nis) 5 20 60 320 17 30 70 60 End x 90 780 0. 40 100800" io ao fT Note: Discharge figures were rounded up to the nearest 10 m3/s ‘The design scale of Garang River/West Floodway is 100-year return period and the 100-year probable discharge is 1,010 m’/s. The design discharge of river channel at the downstream of confluence was calculated at 790 m/s with the flood control by Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam, This design discharge is equivalent to 25-year probable discharge without the dam ‘The distribution diagram of the design flood discharges in the Garang river system is shown in Fig. 4.2.12. Flood Control Capacity of Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam Since the catchment area of Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam is as small as 53.0 km’, it is difficult to operate flood gates properly because of fast flood run-off from basin ‘Therefore, the no-gate-discharging system is employed as the flood control system of Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam. The flood control outlet of the dam shapes open spillway whose crest elevation equals the normal water level of the reservoir. The width of over flow section is determined at 15 m so that the peak discharge of 100-year return period at Simongan Weir site Chepter 4 Hydrology Q) should be 790 m’/s with the flood controt by the dam. The outflow and storage conditions used in the flood routing calculation are shown in Table 4.2.13, The net value for the flood contro! capacity required of Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam is estimated at 2,505,000 m° as shown in Table 4.2.12. Therefore, the flood control capacity of Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam is determined at 3,100,000 m° including 20 percent allowance in accordance with "Manual for River Works in Japan’, Probable Discharge at Damsite ‘Area Reduction Factor ‘The area reduction factor for the whole catchment area of 204 km? was used in the flood control plan of the Garang river system. On the other hand, the area reduction factor for the dam catchment area of 53 km’ should be used in calculating the flood discharge at the dam site as a design control point. The flood discharge at the darn site is useful for the design of related facilities such as diversion tunnel, stilling basin, or emergency spillway. ‘The area reduction factors of design storms for the dam site are shown in Fig. 4.2.10. ‘The value is approximately C = 0.90 not depending on design scale, Design Discharge of Diversion Tunnel ‘The design discharge of diversion tunnel, which is necessary for dam construction work, differs with dam type. In general, once @ year frequent flood discharge is used for concrete type dam, and 25-year probable flood for fill type dam. Daily rainfall of once a year frequency cannot be calculated by Gumbel Method. It can be estimated by frequency analysis. The frequency distribution of daily rainfall in the past 10 years is tabulated in Table 4.2.15. According to this data, daily rainfall of once a year frequency becomes 128 mm by proportion. ‘The 25-year probable one (1) day rainfall is 256.7 mm as shown in Table 4.2.1 The hourly rainfall pattem same as the design storm used already in flood control plan is adopted (refer to Table 4.2.5). The flood run-off calculations for once a year frequent rainfall and 25-year probable rainfall at the dam site are carried out considering the area reduction factor. The results are shown in Table 4.2.16. The once 42.6 w Chapter + Hydrology a year frequent flood discharge is calculated at 140 m’s, and the 25-year probable discharge at 280 m’/s, ‘That is to say, the diversion discharge becomes 140 m’/s for concrete dam, and 280 mm/s for fill type dam. Design Discharge for Stilling Basin For the decision of design discharge of stilling basin, the 100-year probable discharge at dam site as a design control point is necessary. The design storm of 100-year probability was already described in flood control plan, What should be changed is only the area reduction factor. The results of food run-off calculation are also shown in Table 4.2.16. The 100-year probable discharge at dam site as a design control point is 340 ms, Probable Maximum Flood Probable Maximum Precipitation ‘The Probable Maximum Flood (PME), which is the subject flood for the design of emergency spillway of dams, is calculated by the same flood run-off model as flood control plan with the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) as the input storm, ‘There are two (2) kinds of methods for estimating PMP, namely meteorological method and statistical method. Statistical procedures for estimating PMP are used wherever sufficient precipitation data are available, and are particularly useful for making quick estimates or where other meteorological data such as dew point and wind records are lacking, Our study area quite corresponds to the above conditions, ‘The Hershfield Method in statistical methods is employed to estimate PMP for Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam because it is the most commonly used and recoriimended by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), ‘The following equation has been developed as the principal approach of the Hershfield Method: Xp= Xn! +Km* Sn’ Chapter 4 Hydrology Q) where, Xp : point PMP Xn": adjusted average ofa series of the annual maximum precipitation Sn’: adjusted standard deviation of a series of the annual maximum precipitation Km : statistical coefficient The adjusted average and standard deviation values (Xn' and Sn’) in the above equation are estimated from the unadjusted values (Xn and Sn) calculated by the observed annual maximuin precipitation (data at BMG Semarang), multiplied by the adjustment factors developed by Hershfield (refer to Table 4.2.17 and Pig. 4.2.13) The statistical coefficient (Km) in the above equation is also estimated from the relationship of the Km and Xn values developed by Hershfield (refer to Fig. 4.2.14), The point PMP can be estimated through the above procedures and converted into the areal average PMP using the area reduction factor curves, The area reduction curves were developed by WMO based on average values obtained from the depth-area- ion (DAD) analysis of major general-type storms in the world (fefer to Fig. 4.2.14). The finally estimated areal average PMP with time durations of one (1), six (6) and 24 hours are respectively 220 mm, 478 mm and 963 mm as shown in Table 4.2.17. Probable Maximum Flood ‘The model hyetograph of a center-concentrated pattern can be made from the PMP values mentioned above. This storm pattern should be used as input of the flood run-off model. It is inappropriate to use the design storm pattern by only one (1) day rainfall which was used in the flood control plan, because one-hour and 6-hour rainfalls in the design storm pattem exceed that of PMP. ‘The model hyetograph as input data into the flood run-off model, and the discharge hydrograph as the result of calculation, are shown in Table 4.2.18 and Fig. 4.2.15, The peak inflow discharge of PMF is calculated at approximately 1,600 m’/s, which could be within the proper limits of the PMF enveloped curve for all dams in Indonesia (refer to Fig. 4.2.16). 4-10 43 43.1 Ww @) @) Chapter 4 Hydrology Water Utilization Low Flow Analysis Daily Rainfall Low flow analysis aims to convert a series of daily rainfalls into a series of daily discharges. The daily rainfall data at Sumurjurang station (No.65¢), which is located in the middle reaches of the Garang river basin, are used as a representative daily rainfall pattern, The rainfall data at Sumurjurang station in the past 30 years (from 1967 to 1996) are tabulated monthly in Table 4.3.1 (after supplementation of missing data), The basin average daily rainfalls are calculated by multiplying daily rainfalls at Sumurjurang and the modification coefficient together (refer to Table 4.3.4) based on the Thiessen polygon shown in Fig. 4.3.1. Water Balance and Annual Loss ‘The data at three (3) automatic water level stations (nainely, Panjangan, Petemon and Kalipancur stations) in the Garang river basin are available as daily average discharge. ‘Those discharge data ate compiled monthly in Table 4.3.2. Fig. 4.3.2 shows daily discharge fluctuation at Panjangan station in the past 10 years (from 1987 t0 1996). Flow regime and water balance by observed discharge are tabulated in Table 4.3.3. According to this, Annual [oss (= annual rainfall - annual runoff depth) at Panjangan station amounts 1,181 mm in average. This amount of loss corresponds to 73 % of pan evaporation, and it seems pertinent amount from a hydrological view. Compared with this, annual loss at Kalipancur station makes extremely small amount at 408 mm. It seems to be caused by the rating curve being used Selection of Calibration Data The daily discharge data at Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam and Simongan Weir sites are necessary in water use simulation mentioned later. Simongan Weir site is located very near from Panjangan station, Therefore, the discharges at Simongan Weir should be caleulated from the discharges at Panjangan multiplying by the catchment area ratio (=204.0/192.6km?), 4-1 Chapter 4 Rydrology @) 6) On the other hand, although Kelipaneur station is located near Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam in Kreo River, the data at Katipancur has a problem about accuracy @s mentioned above. Therefore, it is appropriate that the discharges at Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam also should be calculated from the discharges at Panjangan multiplying by the catchment area ratio (=53,0/192.6km’). Accordingly, the available daily discharge data observed at Panjangan station in the past 10 years are used in low flow analysis as calibration data for a run-off model Outline of Tank Model Method ‘The Tank Model Method is applied to low water run-off analysis. This method incorporates calculations of direct run-off during rainfall as well as other elements such as the separation of infiltrated rainwater, evapotranspiration, and oozing-out of groundwater, Serial storage type model, which is called the Tank Model, is used for run-off calculations in which the catchment is replaced with containers having several run-off holes on their sides and bottoms (refer to Fig. 4.3.3). Rainwater is placed in the top container of the model, Containers below the top one receive water from the hole in the bottom of a higher container. Part of water in each container runs off to the outside through the holes on the side, while the remaining water moves to a lower container, The sum of run-off from the holes on the sides of containers of all stages becomes the discharge of a river. ‘Tank Model Simulation Daily rainfatls at Sumurjurang multiplied by modification coefficient 0.99 are inputted into Tank Model. Evaporation amount, which is subtracted daily from Tanks, is 1,181 mm by annual total, and monthly pattern of evaporation is assumed to be proportioned to pan evaporation pattern (refer to Table 4.3.5). ‘The parameters of Tank Model, which include run-off holes, seepage holes and initial storage depths, were determined by trial simulation so that the calculation discharges can simulate the observed ones well. The parameters are finally determined as shown in Fig. 43.3. ‘The flow regime of calculated discharges and observed discharges in the past 10 years are compared in Table 4.3.6, and the simulation plottings of discharges in the past 30 4-12 (6) 43.2 a Chopter J Hydrology years are shown in Fig. 4.3.4, where the calculated discharges and observed discharges in the latest 10 years are plotted by comparison, It is obvious that the ‘Tank Model simulation resulted in success. As to the discharge data which should be used in water use simullation described later, the observed discharges in the latest 10 years, and the calculated discharges by Tank Model in the previous 20 years, are adopted. The flow regime and water balance at Simongan Weir site in the past 30 years are shown in Table 4.3,7. The average annual {oss in 30 years became exactly 1,200 mm finally. S-days Discharge for 30 years ‘The water use simulation described later are carried out with S-days intervals, The ta of 5-days discharges in the past 30 years are contained in Table 4.3.8. Water Use Simulation Required Water Quantity Water requirement in the downstream of Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam consists of two (2) kinds of discharges, namely, river maintenance discharge, and water use discharge which is taken into PDAM facilities at one (1) kilometer upstream from Simongan Weir. Jatibarang damsite and Simongan Weir site are necessary and sufficient as control points in water use plan. As to Simongan Weir site, the maintenance. flow for Semarang River which diverts to the right bank, and another maintenance flow for ‘existing channel in the left bank side, are required. No maintenance flow is required for West Floodway, becaise the downstream stretch from Simongan Weir lies in a tidal compartment, The intake records of maintenance flow in the past 10 years are arranged annually in Table 4.3.10, and monthly details are contained in Table 4.3.11. As to minimum discharge to be secured, 0,50 m’/s for Semarang River and 0.15 m’/s for the Left ynual minimum ‘Channel is determined to be adopted, aiming at average quantity of intake rate in the past 10 years. It was recommended in the Master Plan in 1992 that the discharge of 1.0 m’/s should be secured for the future maintenance flow of ‘Semarang River after the completion of Mundingan Dam. 4-13 Chapter 4 Hydrotogy Q) @) Regarcling Jatibarang damsite, water use discharge is flow, the discharge of 0.26 m'/s (= 1.0 mn'/s x 53/204 km’), w necessary. As fo maintenance h is estimated from maintenance discharge of Semarang River desirable in the future (1.0 m/s), multiplied by the catchment ratio, is adopted. This maintenance discharge means the minimum outflow from the dam, The necessary quantity of outflow from the dam is almost determined by the deficit discharge at Simongan Weir. Therefore, the storage capacity of the dam necessary for water use does not so much depend on the maintenance discharge at dam site, The water use discharge at Simongan Weir site means the intake rate by PDAM for water supply including existing intake rate and newly developed water volume. The existing intake rate is evaluated as 0.58 m'/s which is the design capacity of intake facilities from Garang River as of the Feasibility Study in 1993. Possible water quantity to be taken from river depends on the water use capacity of dam, and is determined by water use simulation Calculation Procedure Schematic diagram for water use simulation is shown in Fig, 4.3.5, and the calculation procedure is described in Table 4.3.9. The balance of discharges required at two (2) control points (dam site and Simongan Weir) must be calculated. If the balance makes deficit, the amount must be released from the dam, On the contrary, if the balance makes surplus, it can be stored in the dam reservoir, The water use simulation consisting of such calculation procedures was carried out for the past 30 years in five-day intervals, and the necessary storage volume of dam for each year was estimated as accumulation of deficit discharge. The actual calculation example is shown in Table 4.3.12. Storage Capacity for Water Use Dam storage volumes required for water use with variously assumed intake rates added to newly developed water quantity were obtained, as shown in Table 4.3.13, ‘The water use capacity of the dam is determined by No. 3 low flow for the past 30 4.36 is the relation between newly developed water quantity and water use capacity of dam. years (corresponding to No. 1 fow flow for 10 years). Shown in Fi Even in the case without new intake rate, the water use capacity of 1.0°10® m? is 4-14 4) Chapter + Hydrology needed to ensure existing water rate and maintenance flow. It means that the present condition of water use is unstable, In the case of new intake rate of 1.46 m’Vs, which is the same condition as the Feasibility Study and confirmed as the maximum amount to be developed anew by Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam, water use capacity (Vn) required is approximately 10.4*10° m® (in 1991: design drought of 3rd / 30 years). The discharge data by observation were used for recent 10 years, and the discharge data calculated by Tank Model whose precision was enhanced by calibration data for 10 years were used for the previous 20 years. Ilustrated in Fig, 4.3.7 is dam reservoir use conditions such as dam vacant volume, inflow and outflow at dam site, and discharges at Simongan Weir site. The secured discharge at Simongan Weir site is 2.69 m’Vs which includes 0.65 m'/s for river maintenance, 0.58 m’/s for existing intake, and 1.46 m’/s for new intake. Evaporation from Reservoir Although evaporation phenomenon occurs from ground surface everywhere, the evaporation amount from reservoir water surface is bigger. For that reason, the volume of evaporation increase due to the change from ordinary ground to reservoir were estimated, as shown in Table 4.3.14. Evaporation from reservoir can be regarded as equal to pan evaporation. Accordingly, the difference between pan evaporation and basin evaporation becomes the amount of evaporation increase in depth (1,610 - 1,200 = 410 mm/year = 1.12 mm/day). With this increase in depth being multiplied by average pounding area (819,000 m') and ‘number of supplying days from dam in the design drought (108 days in 1991), the total volume of evaporation increase in drought time is estimated at approximately Ve = 0.1 x 10% m’, ‘Therefore, with net capacity (Vn) being added to evaporation increase volume (Ve), the water use capacity of damm (Vw) comes to 10.5 x 10° m? (Viw=VatVe). 4-15 TABLES CHAPTER 4 HYDROLOGY Chapter 4 Table 4.1.1 Table 4.1.2 Table 4.2.1 Table 4.2.2 Table 4.23 Table 4.2.4 Table 4.2.5 Table 4.2.6 Table 4.2.7 Table 4.2.8 Table 4.2.9 Table 4.2.10 Table 4.2.11 Table 4.2.12 Table 4.2.13 Table 4.2.14 Table 4.2.15 Table 4.2.16 Table 4.2.17 Table 42.18 Table 43.1 Table 43.2 Table 4.3.3 Table 4.3.4 Table 4.3.5 Table 4.3.6 Table 4.3.7 Table 4.3.8 Table 4.3.9 LIST OF TABLES: Hydroiogical Stations and Data Collection ‘Annual Maximum Rainfall for Each Duration at BMG-Semarang Station scsnessnnmnnennnsinnnannsnnnn TAD Probable Rainfall for Each Duration at BMG-Semarang Station 143 Rainfall Intensity for Short Duration .nnmsnnnenn TH Rainfall Intensity for Long Duration soe TAS Hourly Rainfall Data in Annual Maximum Daily Rainfall at BMG-Semarang Station ...0nsm 14-6 Hourly Rainfall Ratio in Annual Maximum Daily Rainfall and Design Storm Annual Maximum Discharge at Simongan Weir Probable Peak Discharge at Simongan Weir. Daily Rainfall at Flood Time ... Hourly Data Observed at Flood Time... Parameters Estimated by Flood Analysis Parameters in Storage Function Method 100-Year Probable Flood Control by Jatibarang Dam Outlet Condition of Dam for Flood Control Probable Peak Discharge and Design Discharge .. Frequency of Daily Rainfall... eons TEAS Probable Peak Discharge at Jatibarang Damsite .esoswnnen TAS Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) for Jatibarang Dam EOL a Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) for Jatibarang Dam by Storage Function Method ... Monthly Rainfall for 30 Years at Sumurjurang Station Monthly Discharge Observed in Garang River System... Flow Regime and Balance in Observed Daily Discharge Records... T4-18 Thiessen Coefficient and Basin Rainfall... : econ THAD Monthly Evaporation in Tank Model : : T4-19 Comparison of Flow Regime Between Tank-Model and Observation ... Flow Regime for 30 Years at Simongan Welt... 5-Days Discharge at Panjangan in Garang River .. Calculation Procedure for Water Use Simulation Table 4.3.10 Table 43.11 Table 4.3.12 r Table 4.3.14 ke 4.3.13 1 TADS Monthly Records of Intake Discharge For Maintenance T4206 Summary Records of Intake Discharge for Maintenance .. Water Use Simulation of Jatibarang Dam with New Developed Water Resourees... T4217 os Pod 28, Dam Storage Capacity Required for Water Use... Evaporation Volume to Increase from Reservoir in Drought Petiod cc. cht sve Poe 29 erep woyyuorUT suLeUt D=foquidg ‘ep oia|duoou; suvow gajoquXg “eyLp or—|duiod suOU Ym[OquIdS : ION o999090/9999 (9661-1961= 19477] JoawAy wnuEEREYA FEAUUY) [1961 gaqeasjeaaqqae (Gwxgoz=Vv sary SuereD) [ugel | Ae don ueduows Beg [eae] z1e Mm Ato Ch) vv¥VV@ (qunjrgg =v dearyoay) |z661 | SHI mouvdyey vYvvV¥ad (zunjo’se =W sary Bue) [7661 | SHI vow vyvyvylyyvy (qug'z61=v sonny Bue) |eg61 aH ueBuefueg Beg aBmayosig Atea (| vvavasyaavvavuvve 0861 | SHT BupeaeA s YY VYVVIVYYVYY¥YV¥V¥YVY¥V¥Vay (¥=9961-6561)| OWE: Suemues OWA Th I Bred Treswey ALNOH (2) V¥VVVYVVVVVVVVVVVV EVV a ¥ [956i Onna Buauownkueg! 66 VVYVVV¥YVVYV¥VV¥V¥V VY VV Vv ¥ ¥ @ @|es6i jonatnd ueduoweld| 16 2 aqgeavevvvyvegaaaaea v alise| one adorn] 489 > yevyyvelyyv¥vVaavvvYavvVVVavevavved ona'ng| Suvanfinamng} 259 : a@v¥vV¥VaeEVaVVVYVYaaVVYVYYVYY¥ owe pura} 6S vVvV¥Y¥|YVYYW¥V¥YVY¥Y¥Y¥V¥V¥V¥VY¥Va@vVVaeVVV¥ YY owe'ng| walt) pp vyvyvyly¥vv¥¥¥¥YY¥Y¥YY¥W¥ YY wY vw yw vy [eel] owe |“ Suemung one atr vYaV¥YYYVY¥VYVY YY VY YY YY Ya ¥ ¥ 6/8561) OWG | Sueysueunaung| pir vYvVaVV¥V¥ YY Y¥VVY SEO VEE Va Vv ¥ ¥ Vi IS6I DNGNG| ueuequiy| 6€ g@aagvvavvaavvavagvyVVYYVSs 6961 |OWS'Nd| vlog] Le aavvvv¥V¥VVYVVV¥V¥VYV¥YVYaVvYV¥VYY¥ pwa'ng| syouvozBN| Fe VV YY YY YY VY YY VY WY Vv ¥ YY ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥/8p6 [Maing yesuayauerey cc vvavyYVYVYVV¥VV¥Vaayyy vy v¥-¥ V/Is6I[pna'ng| urpeuogasi] sz ied Tresumey Aired (1) maeg [euonippy| £66] 41 Aprag Ay i Ee ee + Gee ee ee ar eK | woz werg | ues yong ON NOILIATIOO VLVG GNV SNOLLVIS TYIIDO TONGAN, rrp ae. @ 5 an Zit “tt ott ¥IT ol 8 99) 1p 9661 [8 yet 001 01 001 001 6L. ie 09. se S661 [LT 98. 6L 6L 89 9g ss 9 7661 [97 oet ou 801 cy 98 se ov £661 |sz 86 6 88 og Sk ss oc z661 [pz sz ie on ov. 8b ov. oe. 166r [ez we 08 99 8S is 0s OE loser [ez 801 oot 001 08, ss bb 0 lesot fiz au Zot 201 18 1 Is 98 ss61 [oz 96 6 6 88. $8 09. 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Le 6 eco it sul 201 86 58. ze 09 oe se6t for sel 201 401 su 6s. ep ze 9261 |6 06 08 ze +S os. fp ve 996: [8 16 bb ly or se 82 gi soot |e 86 16 68 08 aL 2° rg 961 |9 ou. 2 tr or or Be st e961 |s & ws Sb 8 se og st iza6t |p “8 99 os bP &b ov 87 1961 |e i9 Ls Is ly ov ov zw lost fz se ss ss. gs es os og losot_ ft SiOY-O —_sIMOY-E —-UMOZ] —“LIMROD —UIgy _-uTuge -uNNimcT [xeak Ton NOLLVIS ONVAVINIS-OWSG LV NOLLVUNG HOVE AOA VIVANIVE WOWIXVIN TVANNY TIP GEL T-422 (e/t)eA + OX = X + PON | tlre 108 LOLE 9ELt ere) Vat 6 999 cet UL posit 18°S6 ST6L Cy el gzss 99b 910E 44 8e'St ©X ter S88e THE TOIT v TIT Sts O'OEL rL6 889 98h £71069 | OO0L SOse OTE eese VOEl Poll vtg ss 60r 18S6Z'S | 007 OPT 6901 6'8L zoe SOE OELO0'S aOctce cle O: COV aa to enon eS pecan Leveetis| $1009. Ste 66 bt ots OC bLsLey £96 669 os o's 96S380°P se6 189 S8r Vee bGLO6E $06 oso ely oee StOLO'E O99 I Veol CL veg ose ole 6UHSEE Got cell FOOT Ss IS 'hh LOE | eseore Lys vst TLé Tw 6s otb ree Oz0L6e OSE Tw ols see ves BLE T9% LEOsez. S871 616 Les 90k _8 6b T9E ose | pelos Mie Pee retentive Oy aad Wares aa ta gaa enn IAs SLL 0°89 ts. ose 8°87 " Sip CRB 89 2 eh. 09 ea outa Cone mRe {uu Guu) (way (ww) (ws) (uns) CU) (WW) A aque Smolj-ZI sinoy-9 smog _“wOgL “WLUN9 “UlWSy “LiuHOE “aug cuw-g — | equip} poweg wamoy (9651-9261 9961-6561) BC=N eed NOILVLS SNVUVINIS-OWA LY NOLLVUNG HOVA YOd TIVANIVE TTAVIONd TTP GEL 433 Table 42.2 RAINFALL INTENSITY FOR SHORT DURATION (T<2 hours ) Return Period] Time Probable Dat by Formula) Difference] Rainfall Intensity Formula Téyeat) |_ (min) (gnm/he)_—__(onm/hr)| (%)| (Remind, T=mnin.) 3 204.6 195.0 AT 10 Isla 160.9 63 15 1349 138.1 24 2| 30 101.2 99.4 21.8 | R= 1567.(THI.79)°0.139 45 80.5 93 “15 60 68.2 66.7 22 120 47 42.6 22. 3 210.2 261.2 “33 10 196.7 209.0 3 15 179.0 172 -1.0 s| 30 128.7 127.1 -1.2| R= 1271. 9/(T+ 6.95)70.638 45 1019 1023 04 60 88.6 87.0 18 120 512 578 10 5 313.8 305.6 26 10 226.7 240.6 6. 1s 208.2 202.9 25 10] 30 1469 145.4 “1.0 | R= 1230.24 T+ 5.20)°0.600 45 116.1 1176 13 60 102.2 100.5 “17 120 625 68.0 07 s 355.4 348.2 20 10 255.5 270.8 6.0 15 236.2 278 23.7 20] 30 164.4 163.0 -0.9 | Ru 12461.4(T# 4.12)°0.575 45 129.6 1322 20 60 152 113.4 “16 | wo] 773 76; 04 5 3688 361.9 “19 10 264.7 280.4 59 15 245.2 235.3 -4.0 2s} 30 170.0 168.7 0.8 | R= 1245.5/(T+3.81)°0.568 45 133.9 136.9 22 60 1193 1176 “14 120 80.5 80.7 02 3 709.6 403.5 14 10 292.7 309.7 58 15 2728 259.1 -49 so} 30 187.0 185.8 -0.6 | R= 1273.4/(T+ 3.06)"0.550 45 1472 151.2 20 60 132.0 130.2 “4 120 90.1 90.2 oul 3 450.0 45.5 “10 10 320.6 338.8 57 15 299.7 282.9 5.6 too] 30 204.0 202.9 0.5 | R= 1318.3(T+ 2.53)°0.537 4S 160.3 165.5 32 60 144.6 142.8 “12 120 99.6 9.5 0 7-4-4 ‘Table 4.2.3 RAINFALL INTENSITY FOR LONG DURATION (> hour ) Retum Period] ‘Time [Probable Dat by Formula] Difference] Rainfall Intensity Formula T (year) | _(min.)| (mm/h) (%)| —_(R=mmfr, T=min) [6 688 09 120 412 12 2} 180 30.0 1.0] R= 2417.0/(7#10.80)90.836 360 172 06 720 98 2.0 1440. ss} 19 0 90.0 16 120 55.1 31 5] 180 406 15] R=3245.6(7H14.750.831 360 23.6 26 20 Bs 29 1440 16, 13 60 To42 20 120 643 4a to} 180 475 1.7] R= 3721.31(1#15.67)90.826 360 207 34 720 139 3.6 1440 9.1 22 60 1178 23 120 BA 54 20} 180 54.2 1.9} R= 4202.21(T+16.63)90.824 360 311 39 720 183 32 1440. loa 10 60 122.0 23 120 76.0 56 25) 180 563 LB] R= 4430.3/(TH17.47°0.826 360 33.0 44 720 19.0 36 440 108 09 60 135.3 25 120 846 6.1 50] 180 28 1.9 | R=4923.21(7418.23)°0.824 360 369 48 720 213 3.6 1440 121 08 60 1483 26 120 93.1 65 100} 180 693 2.1 | R= 5426.1U(T#19.02)°0.824 360 408 54 720 23.5 Ad 1440 13.4 08 60 6, 2.9) 120 124 15 1000} 180 90.7 23 | R=7100.8(T#20.899°0.822 360 53.6 63 720 310 43 1440 174. 06 1-4-5 e @ * puCéep v ur gure ayqeqora) CEES OCS OPS BAY ORE CEM EC EE OCD HONE LOO OS 2D oe 85 62 95 98 $$ 98 COC COC Ese HUI TO 9B HS FS 98 OO OO oT OT LL OVS 9% TS LL I'S CL OB OB LE Cool OB LL T's I's LL 00 00 VU UT yO Ch 1S Ch HO Ch ¥9 OS] OSE £61 NES O'S! HO Ch Ch HD ODO OO Si Sl vs 9f B81 9f pS OF ye 971 971 C91 So OT YS of OF PS 0 00 00 00 BT (uuysy -uir01§ uaiseq [(wu)pyl pousa wine OOH IO TEODORO MICO Sed ONEO ALO OREO ONLOUNLOOE COORG ELL OSEAN COOL OREO OE HLOO ODO OARTOLOCO.OR| | ‘070 690 000 090 000 000 O90 OO oO GOD oo cw 86 OO OO 90 10 00% O00 00 OO O70 000 B00 ]OT i09 t00 #0 £0 £00 00 O00 ODD O00 OP wD gv Id O10 apo ODD OOD Od OOD OO 200 coo 100 SoU 0'0 09'0 970 00 9010 0 COD O00 so LOD zI'o BO'D Z'D 000 LOO G00 OVD O' OO 00 OC O00 00 OO 0 10 $00 i0' 090 100 G0 odo GO HOD LOD HOD FIO B00 490 GO OI'9 O0' CO 000 O90 O90 900 HI 0070 00° 0 000 90% OO 00} OO 100 AG E00 LOD BP'0 OFO O90 OD OVD OF Oe O00 ADC O00 OOD O00 000 00'0 00°C 90'0 000 100 10°0 600. GOO C10 OTO LID LTO OO £00 000 000 000 000 000 O00 000 000 O00 o0'0 TOO £9 60'0 000 E00 LOO LOO GOO E10 0:0 ZIO SID £00 800 FOO 000 OOO 000 000 000 000 000 O00 200 000 S00 10 100 900 Ov ioo EO LO NWL H CBS v dV=V-1730000| Remarks 4 Lm) on) (mis) (3) (m3) Q 148.6 a0] 00] 17,300,000 O| Normal WI. 149.0 oa 16 150.0 La 497] 18,641,000] 1,341,000 151.0 24 nis 152.0 34 188.1 153.0 44 276.9 1540 54 376.5 155.0 64 485.7} 24,270,000 ‘Note : Overflow Width B=15m, charge Coefficient C-2.0 T-4-12 eS ‘Table 4.2.14 PROBABLE PEAK DISCHARGE AND DESIGN DISCHARGE Return Period Design Storm [Area Peak Discharge at Simongan Peak Total |Reductio | Probable Discharge] After Dam Control mmfbr_mm/day|Factor 705 180.7 | 0.667 [2 836 ©2143] 0.697 100.1 256.7] 0.723 | 1124 2882] 0.738 1246 319.4] 0.750 Table 4.2.15 FREQUENCY OF DAILY RAINFALL, Unit: days Daily Rainfall|> 190mm > 170mm > 150mm Se30mmssOmm! > 90mm > 70mm Frequency! 1987 1 T T 3 4 5 5 1988 0 0 0 0 4 B 1989| 0 0 ° 0 1 9 1990] 0 1 1 1 3 7 1991 o 0 ° o 6 8 i992] 0 0 0 3 4 9 1993 0 1 3 3 3 5 1994 0 0 0 0 0 3 1995 0 0 0 0 0 0 19s 0 0 0 1 i 1 Gaye On 3 03 OTE] 37 For iveis ion NEDA = 126inw/day Note : Rainfall Data at Sumurjurang(No.65e) were used Table 4.2.16 PROBABLE PEAK DISCHARGE AT JATIBARANG DAM SITE. (hy Storage Function Method) Return Period Design Storm Area Peak Discharge Peak Total |Reductio at Dam Site Remarks mm/hr__mm/day|Pactor m/s 499° 128.0 EFO90 BEATE | 100.1 256.7 | 805 a 280, 124.6 319.4 [8090] Bd) T.4-13 Table 4.2.17 PROBABLE MAXIMUM PRECIPITATION (PMP) FOR JATIBARANG DAM (1) Annual May Station Unit: mm No. Tay] aaa 5 2 87 3 124 4 100 s 120 6 100 7 166 8 91 9 206 10 us n 126 12 192 7 i 7 4 87 Is 96 (9% 16 85 91 "7 149253 18 1986 100 129130 19 1987 88 96 138 20 1988 gl 7174 2 1989 80 108142 2 1990 58 82 HIS B 1991 49 125132 24 1992 80 9899 25 1993 92 130-238 26 1994 68 86 90 27 1995 79 100124 28 1996 eros 7 uz @ Mean Value Xn 3, including all ems) T2109. 137.5 Xm 7, after excluding maximum items) 69.7 105.5 1333 Xm/Xn 098 097 097 Adjustment for maximum data c= 102 1011.01 ‘Adjustment for record length Cas 101.01 1.01 L Adjusted _Xn’=Xn* C1 * C2 Ba 2 1403 ‘@) Standard Deviation Sn=(GumnGexay ayayOs ‘Sm 8, including all tems) 99 335. 494 Sm (N27, after excluding maximum items) 189 28.8 45.1 Sm/Sa 0.95 0.86 0.91 Adjustment for maximum data C= 107097 1.03 ‘Adjustment for record length Che 1041.04 1.04 Adjusted_Sn'= Sn *.C3* C4 21 338 52.9 @ Point Value of PMP Statistical Coefficient Km= 77 Ta 138 PMP from equation PMP = Xn'+ Km Sn 244-483-870 Adjustment for fixed interval observation c5= 100 1021.13 L Adjusted PMP PMP*= PMP * C5 246 493983 (5) Areal Average PMP 7 a ‘Area Reduction Factor C= 090 097 098 PMP for S3km2 PMP" = PMP" * C6 [SEREZORIEA TSG 7.414 Table 4.2.18 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD (PMF) FOR JATIBARANG DAM BY STORAGE FUNCTION METHOD Time Model Fiyetograph | Probable Maximum (pour) | _byPMP (mm) | Flood (m3/s) T 22 a 2 22 5 3 233 s3| a 4 246 93 & 5 26.1 7 6 28.0 134 7 304 148} 8 335 161 9 379 175 10 449 192] u 569 213 2 220.0 243 13 65.7 460) 4 49.8 1,599] 5 40.9 1355 16 355 1,099] 7 318 894 18 29.1 741 19 270 629) 20 233 547] 24 29 486 n 22.7 440) 2B 27 405| mA 208 37] 1 00 354 2 0.0 335 Total 963.0 Peak 220.0 1,599] Ted 15 & BS tiep Styssius yo wonewourojddns soy : o1ON Sec TSS Visi tie Teer 60h v's Tab esoay ols OE O56 0% OSE OSL OGIE 9661 i) CLL OSL OLY OSE LSE | 5661 orl 0% ores Z OSS GOVE TOF | P66I oz ozs O19 —OLOE «OTST OTVBE—O'SSL_ ‘| E661 osse OL ose O19 © o'soy ose O'zsE | 2661 oo rel COS OEE OMI O'SIy OPE | L661 Or 098 oe = OLST. Out OLEZ © 109 | 0661 oui OBI Ore OLPE OEIS ODE OLE | 661 oor (oee O61 O'SHE OTH BS 99S | BBCI oo (Oe O9ll Oss O16 01099 OSL J BOL ool oY O%L —060Z_—«sO'HDS-« SHE ©—-'ZHS_ | 9861 OGL 86 OSE BIZ «OTST OTSHZ ED | S861 2 ots Ls os ott OOS O'S | PRE + vo 00 osse o'1oe OLIe § 99er | E861 : oo 00 oo oses ves ose | c86t oo re0e s10z 00 oee §—O'zOr | 1861 oot OL ore 0'66E ose o'ree | 0861 voc (Ob 099% O'LLb veo 0809 | 6461 ole 088 ozo! 088 ozoy ov9L | 8461 oo © 00 orst Ore weze oer | ce6t oo of ost 029 ory osé | 9461 ost 00 oer ote west «OEE | SLO Ot Obb Orsi OBIE ose '6vS | ¥LOI oz Obbt oro 09 eee oes | £L6I oo 00 Ost Ove ogee 0'899 | z261 oo ost ose Oey opis ose | 1261 oo 09 ore OL9E OBOE OPSP | OLT oo ous os (09% O6tL O'9S% | 696I Ort o11z owe oor L69E O99 | 896I go 00 C16 Lge v99s ore _| L961 Bay 18 Rew adv qed wep_*d ROA (S9°ON) NOLLVLS ONVANLUNWAS LV SUVIA OF YO TIVANIVE ATHLNOW rep age, igy qe pre ee SE ee Orb Ze6 068 8901 [PRB ve sc el 6L0 260 ore eS wo! 1S0l 659 vee We tO 60 Oz Wy 88% we Oz SLT ou a0 070 sO 950 is ee Ossi GER SUP 98 Wr 6S 6L'9 BSL ors 8S i 66 PEEL 1094 99° oot 881 et ere orb wg xX Xx sBieay AON 96 dag __ Say ung Aepy Tey aed wer sou msn “95aW) JOATY ODN Ul HONIG AR: LE Or ee on Ie Of OSL ZOE SEL__feduioay soy ws OEE IP wer «ESE oetr 908 60% | 9667 sy lee eo 20 es 09 see 6d Oe | S66I ore wi 6E0 veo 090 wl soz oror sr 186 | ¥661 are tw ote 160 60 sz 0% os 8B OTL | C66 oz ere grt oer est isi ez oz x__| 2661 ‘eaeisny [oaG AON eg aay rn TT eax seu (ani9 Sav) weansdy sonTy BuTseH wy ONES BoUSTEG woe [seit ers az ove soz Ore oS EL LOE! OSGI SIye 16st _[aBeiay eco «ieoOT:=CSSSCE:COCLOE:C*CS~SCRSSCL:~C«OOE:*CSSIT_:~«CGO'RT”SoFI | 966I +58 Wi 91 Cl GB 16T GI POS OFF ssi BNE! BEI ] s66t zs ory Ce 1-H MHT «BE ETL vez sZt v's | 7661 up ivy Wt Le ee ML LD -9S PLT s6RE LPL | S661 16 wr S$ $99 059 -e9wES BLS Lozi BLL 466 | e661 68 is6 LS OLIELohyL LCE Ct SILI wz ost | 1661 $56 wel 9% Ll Ste SOE SSE eS LOL lett 9eFl 8rOr | 0661 isi1 |ovsi 6€L 90F B81 OE BE GOI HG osgt rier 986 | 6861 «8 wil ute IS sel Ol est sez 99 He LOT «1TH | BRI vor__|tes ss 802s] ore owE SUS 8e9 gore weet WEI L861 eBaony [90d AON 19Q dag Saying _unf Ae RW deg eer OA sgur wiry (ang Zo1=V) soNTy BuwIeD uy GONG WeTTElEG WALSAS WARY ONVUVD NI CEAUISEO TOUVHOSIG ATHINOW TEP MAL T-4-17 16 9869. ZwHO07O | iL SOc Ore i vere [eee [ase oer ot 6ET tO 86sy SALIOAY €L eit [soe [eer oso $970 ~—« S60 oso ocdi [99E | 9661 6s sz |eos joes wo ago att orp age | soe | soo1 98 woe jee | oe two sd $970 008 — avroy 1 s9¢ j H66r z1 sort foso's jos ore wwe OOS ors —oover | soe | coat us oso's 99'¢ seo S60 ar o's oxot | 99¢ | 2661 TEN 95=V) JORDY ONY UF WONNERg ISTE EH { ae ao 301 ore eso S19 eeHOOTIO $8 vere we 190 (0 S01 6268 Y ORTH Dasa 2 oe, ssh OF wi orl Ore Of9 ogee [99e [9661 te sett Isp $90 wd LOL TUL OSIZ | S9E | SOG oe cH9'% ore 1z0 (dS LOT Ov oss | soe | 9661 ae 8s 39¥'e sre 90 sco 860 br te © Opr90I | s9e | oot i Lis oso'e ost veo ori zi ost sz _oszz jose | 2661 = ED exT Teaniy Sav) wBOTST TOMY BMI NOUS Wie 98usk 10's 6o0 Si SE Pees ZeAOOTO 8s eee 08% 16) O61 esc es Sezel any +9 192° 68Lt ££ ose Ste OL oases [99E [9661 es 969° eee +8 sel Lz O89 arsy [soe | s66t zs 919°, TH9'e zs wl Lt St cost | s9€ | p66 ebr'e ‘ ez ut owe corso | soe | S661 oz0'€ oor 08s OFL asze |o9e | 2661 ad +68 rel Lt a9 |s9e | 1661 939° #56 orl ost 209 on'10z | s9e | core is wi ore 18 aos | s9€ Piel cist ws srl Nz ORY oo'ezi | 99¢ 8seT sz’ eral wi we ses 0766 _| soe ane (1)-(€} [660s ale (s/c) (sew) (yeu) (seu) (sie) (seu) S807 WG ASL ADS AST y__ | ste unawy} SURO NOL Tend Go [mV SAT BURIED UF LOneg woBUETEG SCUOIIU AOAVHISIG ATV GAAUISAO NITONVIVE UNV WINGY MOTE CLF MIL Tabled3.4— THIESSEN COFFFICIENT AND BASIN RAINFALT, Average Ramitall Thiessen Coatiicient Station in 1971-1990 ~~ Caichmeni Area (rmlyeat) Panjangan Patemon Kalipaneur! Nose 305 O16 O12 ‘O00 No. 0.16 ous 0.00 No.39 Old 0.26 0.12 No.65e 0.54 O17 0.88 Total Tor 100 Basin Raval 2769 386 sBasiny Rainfall /No.65¢ 80 ho 099 2 kee 108 Table 4.3.5 MONTHLY EVAPORATION IN TANK MODEL. Evaporation in Month — | Pan Evaporati Annual Loss "Tank Model: G)_mmiday| ‘mnu/year|(1)*0.734 inm/day| Ta 33 Feb. 37 Mar. 38 Apr. 40 May 43 Jun. 45 Jul, 4s Aug. Sa Sep. 57 Oct 55 Nov. 44 Dec. 38 ‘otal(mmiyr) 1610 VT8T Note: (Annual Loss)/ (Annual Pan Evaporation) = 0.734 T4219 Asis] LTRs 06: Datta 6 URTRAL © WUD RAY OT TpeaReCS G.CCTEE ROS MOAVA| 666 «| €L01-Z:S=<“i«éRTCOC‘i‘iST:*C*C*«CTE:*C*«éL:C“<«i‘é‘S:«COCBES CG sez jess so SO SIT: SEZ] OTOL OSH | So6t esi [zee at OPT HT SLT STOTT COST | GI sos fapul SL SHL eV LLTSC( LE OTL (OTHE | 661 pel Jive ose = OSE OH OS Loe ose | Z66t vol [vos OL OL FTL ORT FOOLED | I neatasgg £q, perl «|S = OL OKL OPS LOD tL MIO | 0661 jest [ist ger ast ae re igs stl ost | 6861 josor jes 90 = OTH We Of = GOTT orezi | 8868 6rol we ses tli _ 066 a zorore S06 vee ES EOL sss 66% SGU ses set ty LOU s68 SEL art soe sis S88 Se6 897 ORT sry e960 6 60560 862 eS TTL 1661 repow yen £4 jr cet tt ewe 6S 880 0651 stl ZONE ws 16 orst 6861 vsti 6ET Ist pee 699 H9'P 8861 280 90 wz wr 89 L861 (seu) (sew) Grew) sew) (Siew) wea WOO S56 __—SL_—— MOSSE JRA, Beg Jo PEL. jenuuy auiBey Old TUN TEI=W) HORNS we NOLLVAUASAO ANY THCOWAINVE NITA LAG TWIT MOTI JO NOSRIVAKOD SEY UAL T-4-20 OC RE VTE C8: LEG TaN CCG CUMIN ER OMS SECTMRNGLTN] (sak og) oBeaAN | 666 € 1S Wt SOF PE HBL GHSI BGS [ODE | 9661 862‘! $0 S50 STL GEOL OBR |S9E | S66I Stl Bhi LL GZS PHIL BIZ | $9 | #661 ver PSL «SCT RHT HOE EOEL Ge'LEE | soe | E661 LE Wh IS hSLOBTL ZHVE |99E | ZOE sol B01 ITE ISL GS ERFL GeLD |s9C | 1661 sel SET BHT ST BED. 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Jan|21397 23.26 65.685 46327 13007 103310 eb [30350 4102 19.676 9312 6770 9807] Fed] 7309 GOI 7138 6.358 26087 32.360 Mac] 6245 14682 12950 11106 14289 18566 | —Mar| 19012 29.806 17.643 23.143. 27982 28253, ‘Ape|37378 14250 16112 12420 15906 26187) Apr] 12.136 8370 7876 69K1 1015 6857 May] 9969 7144 15158 6989 6313 5682) May] O516 S636 11131 esis 6.018 un] $454 5248 $017 4.850 4658 4469] Jun) 5667 5405 5.268 4886 4046 sul] 4281 4.093 3.909 3.729 sao] Jul] 472 dan 4359 3908 3.716 Aug] 3.174 2835 2670 2336] aug] 3527 3386 3.189 2ast 2602 aise Lan Ler 1367) Sep] 2514 2350 2.189 1877 ns im Hoos 1281, oa} oat] 1380 1233 Lae 13621334 0940 5733 1720 0988 4.192| Nov} 1308 1287 4988, 5059 3.613, 4.033, 28054 117907462 17417] Deo] 6942 2945 _ 4826 Hg 10380 | 40 hors 7 13014 28203 27247 21.067 43.10 16958] Jan} 6.710 49.657 35.171 36434978 7852. 12068 6758 18061 26394 14315] Feb] 9962 15916 10391 4467 3.973 S218 5405 5567 8.289 17273 40455] Mar| 6379 10960 9805 M7 9818 4552 50193 12233 7.807 5.90) 5.181) Ape] 6731 6208 4979 nan 7337 5.359 16473 10146 6918 9626] May| S683 4579 5882 7319 902 G73 1352 9860 16667 12693| un] 587 e118 7.123 $063 72 $912 WOW SMA 9399 $932) Jul] 3721 3.549 20349 341 6009 7.638 5311 7881 6866 6329] Aug] 3244 3.075 2.900 2326 4535 4293 4414 5802 6159 4275] Sep] 3736 2.868 2.820 3756 3.908, 360 3439 3281 307] oa] 2427 16238 4370 3347 3087 13512 5915. 681s 6.446 7127 73035] Nov] 17673 16731 27189 10807 5.602 8.826 8735 5.148 6.14 9.226 38200 12466] Dec | 9288 15911 10964 16.231 7.164 10.125 re 6485 11996 10685, rvs} tan] 9.681 6.288 42923 42462 15373 HB 27542 15514 13215, ze7z| Feb] 15871 9.654 8.633 11.706 18.262 1082 3386615371 13.4 50350 | Mar] 15438 26764 21153 400081 43457 16.588 0459 2hsi4 42508 20367) Apr | 13483 31.876 2048 9.421 D224 $0493 Hess 9.056 9483 7351] May| 10.7% 24309 10370 7.639 6332 6.054 7003 18622 7956 G74 6470 6245] Jun] 522 5613 sav0 S239 S074 4900, 6000 6722 5953 6321 GIN 5287] Jul] 4733 ASH SAIL 4364 4138 4037 $026 4817 4619 4413 4217 4007] Aug] 3858 3.677 4.588 3.479 3.437 4231 379) 3596 3403 3214 3213 2950] Sep] 4430 7949 5.113 3263 2991 2813 $198 7143 3291 2722 6772 Sami] Oee| 4191 11946 23496 9644 12621 G02 8009 12246 10825 5.086 4025 3628] Nev] 5820 4149 3.860 3.108 14790 10843 2971 1598 6072 24911 21033 U4ds4| Dec] $941 9223 12710 28855 20.569 15039 TS m2 775 21957 15698 37.799 Masa] Jan] 13.338 7380 5.741 Mh922 31785 15800 Feb| 16910 11902 10937 22832 9903 9413] Feb| i162 Is0r¢ 11635 14883 losoI 7.867 Mar} 8222 16.241 21480 20802 24327 14985] Mar| 9.610 32423 15838 17491 16086 34969 Apr | 19.788 1u334 92) 25614 11621 | Ape|17954 12528 8287 18.173 16469 22374 May | 7.868 e143 12252 13907 9220] May] 10.423 18617 900k 3589 ESID 12088 Jn | 17.735, 6240 9712 R662 6853] Jun] 7.102 GAT 5.865 5.682 SAAT 5.68 Jul | 5.648 S185 10907 12367 1Oo77| Jul] 5495 SL 4.818 4024 4435 4231 aug] 3945, 4675 4475 4280 4070] Aug] 4028 3.848 3.663 3508 3347 3500 ‘Sep 3.855 5300 $432 4200 3537} Sep| 3.343 S647 16171 SIE 4961 3645 oa) 3.701 SN 29) 1419 acs] On| S38 KISH 6S? ABDI 45AR 10505 Nov | 9.003 72k 11327 16.707 14332] Nov] 1075 7481 1098 20063 16.700 72252 Dee] 19.982 65348 17468 10345 18.770 41300] Dec |21M9 87976373 9770 ror 1076 Jan | 19.791 20875 26.203 48.728 21.626 2.217] Jan [40.029 30.030 23.932 33956 Feb} 18267 26.393 37750 17895 27865 32508] Feb] 15.048 15.606 13.591, mas Mar] 22004 25861 37930 14.267 12959 18383) Ma [38088 23533 55.371 win ‘ape| 24.181 21430 31322 26411 200089 10.711) Apr] 9490 8433 1.620 7918 May] 10913 30705 16234 9914 8122 7357) May| 2021 6850 6.687 6.008, Jun| 10809 28082 15.164 8737 15680 12464] Jun] S777 S8IT. 6.735 499 Hal] $324 7430 7197 6817 6585 6330] ul | 9787 4596 4 409 3361 ‘vg| 6019 5853 5602 $413 $203 4976] Aug] 3680 3508 3334 2901 Sep] 4746 4683 4439 6491 4557 aon] Sep| 2747 2577 210 1931 Oa] 8146 $203 $580 8443 10237 8387] Oa] 1780 1733 1508 1406 Nov] 4591 6926 195k 21.747 19294 8602] Nov| 1566 1526 1846 14166 11475 8986 Decl 15054 11578 14420 94059548 7.364 | Dec] 3.966 7685 13360 6660 48704173, T4222 a0 Table 4.3.8 (23) by Tank Model ( A=192.6 km?) 5-DAYS DISCHARGE AT PANJANGAN IN GARANG RIVER Unit mis ar_[ ES SAT TOTS aver STEWS ISI] rT 952 —}— Jun] 9586 7942 7306 29846 15707 19312] Jun] 4068 8194 6OI2 27796 BES 13677 Feb 12196 13.259 644 $496 6365 40M] Feb | dail 9.796 M56 1027S 9.144 5335 Mar] 29.005 87121 15455 26245 23.196 16121 | Mar|22604 37995 26588 24961 15.142 20317 Ape] 1829 8610 0s trast 8325] Apr] 4s0si 29919 21869 R6IR $365. 189K May] $810 4884 4.701 sa 15372] May! 8888 6040 5.023 4830 Leds att Jon ]13023 12316 8361 ago 43m] Jun] 4242 4062 dass 374 156 3381 Jul] 431 39820 3.777 3as7 3287] Jul] 3213 3.050 2859 2730 2573 205 Aug] 3076 2912. 2.751 2440 2274] Aug] 2281 2090 19 17931432198 Sep] 2103 1983 1.389 tas 1345] Sep] 1340 1192 1053 Loot 0.973 90 Oa] 1286 1260 1235 hiss 1is6] —on| 0924 0899 0875 0850 0825. 0.799 Nov] 5.618 S51 2.219 609 1328] Nov] 10506 2351 L174 1239 0867 0823 Dee | 13924 84594205 8579 29.16] Deol Lors 5598 7314805 19307285, TE eee EEE ISS seer eee eee Jan |47.722 14487 19,136 25221 38694 33829] Jan] 20303 17.622 20027 22114 8353 $334 Feb 22264 30208 33.380 13618 19.581 11389] Feb] 9514 7317 466 9.216 4033 8279, Mar] 10073 “7130 11837 38403 224M | Mar] 8812 6458 I8BM 53.56 SEBS 3.132 Apr 5767 7076 8880 525 5206] Ape] 5489 5.582 14OIR 16583 2491 S318 May] 303s 4880 6372 Toot 4969] May }12a51 M735 IR652 9943 7.198 7017 Jan) 4369 3.180 4468 4564 4.948 | gun] 792 3742. 3539 3353, 3.87 3024 Jul 8.778 As61 7.637 aacr 3.698 | sa] zest 2699 2540 2383 2251 2067 Aug] 4078 3616 3.334 Sox 2848] Avg] 1902 752 Leos 62 322 LIT Sep| 9279 7.370 6574 4469 2995] Sep] tOid Olse8 0739 731 0.705 08h oa] 3219 6698 3.470 5587 2616| Octf 7310 2890 0896 7252 15301 14880 Nov] 3922 3736 2928 39e4 3.165] Nov] 4aks 2052 1.298 10s 3727 36950 Dee | 3.873 11862 9.222 7962 6249| Dec 16.357_4.698 4795 2409 1.602 3.480, 19 10H Jan 23.40% dr. 088 33.077 301 1330] Jan] S8k7 8378 3630, 2891 RSIS 5.062 Fep/31.522 43.138 17.150 21880 3275 14208) Feb |22.870 20025 28346 24.439 110m 6397 Mar] 9.501 17370 23.338 33659 15225 11723 | Mic|1B045 24483 7308 5687 4399 3am Apr [10889 27756 4aa3s 18053 14.855 11.255] —Apr| 3.258 3438 5905 4400 3.483 34D May | 9243 15695 12.163 9.530 idde2 8750| way] 3045 28M 2750 2617 3372 2.65 Jun 12924 15676 8750 6.770 6188 5.967] dun] 2380 2853 7482 3007 21 2.000 Jul 5.750 5595 6276 $391 5.068 4969] dul] 3618 1.960 LAOH 3028 L928 L685 Aug] 757 3.072 4449 4254 oes 3899] Avg] 1514 1502 1402 1.192 FOs6 368 Sep] 3649 3457 435 3474 3.008 6899 Sep] S640 20467 11767 D1ade 128 4219, Oe] 10909 3.410 3392 2950 2453 34s] On| 28s 2336 1770 1616 1909 1.86 Nov] $366 Ged 5302 3.018 3.008 15938] Nov] 2101 L911 azar 3638 dit 10383 Dee | 6339 7210 4007 3.168 3480 6805] Dee 1761 10438 1128 8.118 8595 13.752 from os 135 Perec | Jan | 8791 7238 19.980 14161 10525 25257] Jan] 6500 4.693 3.757 2.899 2400 2516 Feb] 9430 17905 13.130 14249 13978 9.07] Feb] 2356 2264 6396 5.115 25695 9.501 Mor| 6752 2800 7.773 24.110 15.723 15202] Mar| 7991 S062 4318 4301 4998 3.706 Ape] 9479 10308 10217 29.126 18018 16135] Ape] 3250 3087 355 9.831 IMaR2 6712 May |18659 10897 7.120 3633 $363 22.73| May] 368 2885 2698 2428 24d 2288, Jun] 3.086 6.187 3201 5.005 ain 4.676) —unf 21311982 L880 TI L581 Las Jul] 4438 4251 06s 3490 3.74 6518] | HoOR 1365 L367 9 S027 1683 Aug] 6803 7567 4109 $237 3499 3390] Aug] 2207 1379 0998 O65 0781 1972 Sep] 3192 3009 4718 2978 2686 2514) Sep] 6607 3338 L651 082 06H 0.46W0 Oa) 2347 2488 2.053 1908 3.290 16340) On] O61 4389 L015 0822 9.693 9.260 Nov] 17408 6234 14.110 5.288 8208 22050| Nov] 8246 3954 4292 4424 2.359 9971 roe SL 2E8_zi960 itary 7ae2 sas i707] Dee |2ho%s 1903786 LIDAR) He rT = ro Jon] 9598 13985 73.766 12916 10973 16597) Jon] B08 10428 19642 38.750 70.907 25456 Feb|27463 8907 15392 15071 13.861 2614] Feb/ 15.272 6.604 4929 14.522 12.160 9508 Mac} $426 8330 11222 6934 3470 S021] Mar] 14620 70306 13999 19.466 13280 12373 Ape) 48250 4619 4477 4308 4143 3.982] Ape{ Md T1331 N9s1 9921 637 4805 May] 6889 13889 6700 8002 3984 di7i| May] 4533 4348 7107 4816 AIDE OTE un] 3792 3625 3682 3391 6.121 944] Jun] 4348 3991 6.435 11691 0924 6245 Jul| 4723 7059 4382 19.859 5.6 Jul] 4.778 3.708 3530 3422 3233 3721 Aug] 3427 3.197 3.029. 2.864 2.703 Avg] 3150 5362 3.108 2796 4615 4856 Sep| 2381 2186 2024 1866 L711 Sep| 2583 2618 3846 2979 3007 2.380 oa] Vis 1273 1206 LaRE 115s. Ox] 2201 2038 3611 1958 1761 4888 Nov] 1102 LaBl 1061 Loto 1039 Nov] 5.060. 7.249 3.787 2783 1.839 2977 Dec] 9031 11583 8071 1945511823 Dec] 1845 1615 5.770_3.305_3719_ 10964 | Table 4.3.8 (3/3) 5-DAYS DISCHARGE AT PANJANGAN IN GARANG RIVER, by Observation (A=192.6 km? ) Unit m3¢s eT SST TOTS SITUS BST] SIO BOS 25-3 1587 a > Jan} 7528 1886 23920 35620 24.620 28133] Jan} 6440 12980 12.720 10280 9.967 Feb | 19902 29.680 40820 31680 37800 25867] Feb] 13840 108209400 12420 9.250 Mor| 34.160 21680 11.480 16340 29020 33533] Mar] 9.780 13580 14.560 0440 8367 Apr] 9934 17996 19.200 8650 9.514 6992] Ape 1.800 21.240 12.400 11400 May} 7300 7882 6436 Gast 4752 5663 | May| 7340 8480 10560 1.380 13.000 dan | 6598 685 4430 4020 3.814 4396] Jun] 11220 10.480 6.300, 3000 4.620 Jui $206 3356 3.150 3672 3218 3382] — Julf 3420 5.490 Gado 43504750 vg] 2762 2700 2490 2310 2281 2243] aug} 3260 4450 5.00 9680 8750 Sep] 1.798 1.962 1988 1708 1.718 2018] Sep] 7240 9.100 8.240 420 4400 Ge] 2212 1910 1826 2498 192 1728) Oex| 7900 0.160 50RD 5.840 5300 Nov] 1772 3078 2230 3.276 5.20 7436] Nov] 4990 6620 3.550 5910 3.650 Des| 6350 71982714 10756 141825 6822 | Dec] 21680 _17.500_ 24.820 8.000 5.658 er Tar | Jan] 9.120 11512 11380 16000 34.304 15,135 | Jan] 4326 5.798 5.366 25.100 103.64 Feb | 21.160 30200 22580 20880 17616 9030] Feb | 49.780 44.780 39.600 32.580 35220 26.300 Mar| 1.785 13.658 11702 18408 25300 49.833) — tar}24100 29260 19980 17320 19220 25933 ‘Apr|12030 16718 12468 S858 6862 6.122 | Apr | 16164 32.700 35.060 17.720 17522 7336 May| 7968 10902 SSI 5866 S480 443] May] 9184 S06R S852 3812 3434 3308 San} 2376 2378 3502 4362 2488 2606] Jon] 3.436 95I8 BARS 7864 3.85" 3.250 val 3440 3482 2309 2400 2096 1917] sul 3672 2834 2834 2418 2496 2370, Ag] 1816 1988 4872 1495 1326 1330] Aug] 3500 3.350 3300 3.500 3.400 2792 Sep] 1408 1994 2294 Lago 1490 1452] Sep] 2750 3940 2600 2750 3.350 3.050, Oat] 1.732 156 4340 3328 218 zI98] On| 3250 2900 3.050 2368 246 2317 Nov] 4286 2380 4316 4286 3920 6856] Nov| 1602 1450 1730 3688 2880 2258 Lg Pf $876 15086 00 az raed 40t8| Doe] 4566 are 2m 30252384057 rm Tos Jan [10336 12436 7.122 Ast 10516 10460] Jan] 7.680 12.800 21.680 22020 13.120 13.800 Feb | 52940 54660 25900 38480 86740 27400] Feb | 12000 14.160 14480 9.320 12800 10933 Mar] 29.880 17060 11.089 9.998 17280 14.183] Mar/ 11120 27.560 24840 11.160 55.800 31.617 Apr] 9076 11300 6380 9904 13583 13480] Ape| 16240 14280 20500 18800 17300 10.720, May| §822 9504 8816 16320 4412 3903] May] 10400 8800 8.380 5.900 5.600 4.600, Jon ]13.420 8782 9518 12169 10902 6354] Jun] 4450 4350 3680 3650 3.700 3.500 Jail 3452 753 4792 2331 2744 2552] ul| 3850 3.250 3050 2500 2750 2585 aug] 4242 3894 296 275 2290 2195| Aug] 2600 2650 2456 2236 1972 1.730 Sep] 2134 1834 1706 1484 1864 2272] Sep} Lost 1.796 1420 1620 1620 1512 Oa) 4192 2816 2090 4760 4098 032] er] 1356 2192 2500 3.650 4.150 4133 Nov] 3014 2898 8076 11480 6984 11.906] Now| s0s0 3350 3.050 2550 2750 4240 Dez [17420 11648 13960 22.718 8316 17555| Dee| 3072 8290 _44s2_2706 5360 _3.130 ro nee Jan | 12966 72.360 13520 41320 53.160 #8150) Jan] 4900 080 15440 7400 17.40 26317 Feb | 34980 14080 10736 9370 6816 11103] eh 12820 11680 21480 12600 12160 9.867 Mor] 13.870 11290 9344 24228 8560 9.613 | war |13520 16.720 10300 20880 19.040 13.533, Apr] 10568529 7322 6734 8000 8792] Apr| 10.160 9.600 4.960 7.980 6.800 6320, May] 7426 $394 6112, Easy 7148 7705] May| 6.140 6920 15.840 7440 6.040 6225 Jun| 6340 S041 3816 4648 6754 S692] Jun] S330 6.180 8900 7800 6.700 5.420 wal] 5774 3998 3220 2780 3.214 2500{ Jul] <700 4250 3300 ZIss 1136 2103 ug] 3228 2.668 4956 2588 2076 25001 Aug] 3250 3500 3150 2850 2550 2.170 Sep] 1836 2445 2136 1720 2500 2276] Sep| 1796 1620 Ga16 0520 0872 2.280 Oa 1804 1560 1460 1508 1370 2280] Oar] 2456 1928 1400 1386 1.400 1.473 Nov] 2366 ¥300 1708 25338 3268 4408) Nov! 1846 7.080 10290 11040 18240 27240 Dec | 14.268 10330 13440 16.712 19020 13197 | Dee] 11180 10400 18.140 15200 21120 14.700 ta 86 Jon} 22.860 27.820 8092.13.90 15.700 22.183] Jan! 13.680 16800 10.080 14320 17.640 16.817 Feb] 18.500 18.140 28.260 21.800 27920 14367) Fed | 20800 27250 32.820 31.080 20.720 37880 Maz [15600 19.140 20500 19.720 13.580 13.000] Mfar| 29.980 32.700 27.160 14480 16.720. 10.467 ‘Apr|26260 14910 14320 14da0 27420 15080] Apr) $980 9260 10.800 16920 11920 7.680 May |12350 G96 64425530 3712 3483 | May] 6360 7220 6240 7360 6750 un] 3128 3098 3.386 3688 3516 3.034] Jun] $250 G09 S400 487 4.754 4970 Jui] 3192 3.008 2990 2790 230 2.17| Jul] 3.100 3100 2706 2476 2650 2.708 vg} 1800 1.542 1356 1380 1308 1260| Aug] 2750 3562 2956 3.000 3.056 3.083 Sep] 1806 1332 1500 1212 1295 4082} Sep| 2650 3860 3.050 2950 3.000 2568 et} 1.068 1236 1236 1380 L434 1345) Oat] 2236 4238 3450 3.750 3.350 14667 Now| 2225 3081 7592 5538 B18 7244) Nov| 9.170 134807280 7180 20800 6130 Dee] 12144 9184 96225334 7518 12760] Dec] 16-480_21460 22560 11920 11.200 14833 T4224 & ee

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