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FIGURES CHAPTER 4 HYDROLOGY Chapter 4 Fig. 4.2.1 Fig. 4.2.2 Fig. 423 Fig. 4.2.4 Fig. 42.5 Fig. 4.2.6 Fig. 42.7 Fig 428 Fig, 42.9 Fig. 42.10 Fig, 42.11 Fig 42.12 Fig 4.2.13 Fig. 4.2.14 Fig. 42.15 Fig. 4.2.16 Fig. 43.1 Fig. 43.2 Fig. 43.3 Fig. 4.3.4 Fig. 43.5 Fig. 43.6 Fig, 43.7 LIST OF FIGURES Probable Rainfall in 10 and 60 Minutes Fea Probable Rainfall in 6 Hours and | Day .. R Design Storm of 100-Year Return Period fall Intensity Curve Probable Discharge at Simongan Weit snr T Calibration of Flood Model by Storage Function Method Sub-Basin Division for Flood Model Model Diagram for Flood Calculation en Polygon for Flood Analysis Area Reduction Factor for Garang River Basi Flood Control Effect by Jatibarang Dam Distribution of Design Flood Discharge in Garang River Ped-13 Adjustment Factors Developed by Hershfield for Estimation of PMP. Statistical Coefficient and Area Reduction Factor by Hershfield for Estimation of PMP Model Hyetograph of PMP and Hydrograph of PMF Inflow for Jatibarang Dam F416 Design Peak Inflow Discharge of Emergency Spillway for Dams in tndonesia, F417 ‘Thiessen Polygon for Low Flow Analysis. Daily Discharge Chart Observed at Panjangan Station in Garang Ri ae r aca ‘Tank Model Parameters sss Result Chart of Tank Model Simulation Schematic Diagram for Water Use Simulation Relation Between New Intake Water Quantity and Waiter Use Capacity of Dam... ie F-4.28 Jatibarang Dam Reservoit Operation and Flow Conditions .......csccseseseseeeee = eeeeee tla F-4-29, woraeis 30 ca [9peTHy soNTH O9 wsUTTON TAME | ewan eu Sand any vorneng gm) 38 8) repHHNE EMBEN eTEIIER mEEY sot ort 00-1 wt 01 PROBABLE RAINFALL IN 10 AND 60 MINUTES Fig. 42.1 THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL, URBAN DRAINAGE AND WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN'SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INGONESIA {JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY Fai ry os ca oe Cae cen | Bees em otis emu 20 (aptrosury fog 1 amen cms ooh sr oxe owen enzo - 3 : wai : : mot 0 | betel : : g2 eae RRR we ton oe rresuyey saroug | | aay eee sana 9 Sano HH PROBABLE RAINFALL IN 6 HOURS AND I DAY 422 Fig. "THE REFUBLIC OF INDONESIA F 5 j 5 g 8 § g ie A | 4 Hy 3 : 3 3 IN SEMARAN & : i zg E F-4-2 Short Duration (<2 hours) aa 1230.2 4o-yeor x ———12502 (7 #5.20 10.800 = 400 OSS eee ee EE EEE ECE EEE eee Eee eee cce al ° 20 40 60 80 400 120 Duration (minutes) Long Duretion (T>4hour Ll | ! ~ 125 f pe a a é E 400 4 — 2 = S-year R= * > (T4479) zg 134— Ys year e280) ao £ = year R2—— EMO E (1+40,60 10.835 3 °}— = 2s pepe ce ee ee ee ee ° @ ‘ 6 6 40 we Duretion (hours) Fi 42.3. RAINFALL INTENSITY CURVE ‘THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL, URBAN DRAINAGE AND WATER FESOURCES Oe VELOPMENT TN'SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA. JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY Design Storm of 10-year Return Period 150.0 = 1250 | ~ too |---— ~ = 150 |- - — | é E | 50.0. | = — 250 | = | a r | ere eee eae bette: 5 2n 8 hour | THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL, URBAN | pig 4.0.4 SHAINAGE AND WATER RESOURCES Devewoement | Fig. 4.24 IN SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA DESIGN STORM OF 100-YEAR RETURN PERIOD JAPAW INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY Annual Maxioun Discharge at Sinongan Reir Gusbel Probability Pape Rotura ri Period | oar) i] i am 500 +1] 0.0020 300 “1 0.083 200 0.0060 Return Period 100 + ton 0, 0100 #0 0.0125 60 1 i 4+} 0, 0167 50 owen fmnfmin fmm Peo] 0.0200 40 bet bot 0.0280 ae it 30 | 25-year Return Period fates 23 bbe] 0.0400 2 i +--| 0.0500 18 J} |---| 0.0667 | i] i | 10 fj 4-40, 1900 8 ftom} - fom| 0, 1260 | Pi 5 ‘ Lend {| 0.2000 a fet} g +} 0, 2600 : ! La 3 zg oo fmf 0.3939 2 ot ‘ font 0.5000 1.58 i { how] 0, 6329 1.30 | | | be} 0. re02 / i my Lito ! Hell ty (ado nn 1.08 | | : bo-}—|o 9524 | ty bi i | Lot - — +I 9, s901 ‘0-200 ~—«400~=«600S««HODS«t00« 2001400160010 wa/s ‘THE DETAILED OESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL, URBAN GRAINAGE AND WATER RESOURCES DeveLoPmMeNT | Fig. 4.2.5 TVSEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA JAPAN INTERNATIONAL. COOPERATION AGENCY PROBABLE DISCHARGE AT SIMONGAN WEIR JAVASEA sIMoNCAN LEGEND Po cd eee a ee ee oes RON THIESSEN POLYGON FOR FLOOD ANALYSIS LIAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY 1981. 12/21 Flood (Ke2.33 P=1. 0 TL=2h 41) Simongan —~ Caloulated a Observed rr CEP ereereeeee eee eee a 25m 33/3 1000 |- sti] wo | 61 ei oe cal= 371 ai/s 500 Gobs= 366 a3/s 250 otf 3 Dee 21 1990. 1/26 Flood 2he F=0..630) Sinongan ——"Cateulated ‘Observed m/s 1000 f- 150 Bars 81.8 o/h | Grenl=1268 18/5 | 500 0, obs= 890 n3/s 250 | ° 12 Jan 25 1993. 1/90 Flood (K=1.03 P=1.0 TL=2hr F=0. 883) Simongan Calculated Observed 1000 + Sn 750 500 250 ‘THE DETALED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL, URBAN. GAAINAGE AND WATER RESOURCES DeveLGrMent | FI: 42.7 (1/2) IN'SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA CALIBRATION OF FLOOD MODEL BY aa eST EDN ENTREE STORAGE FUNCTION METHOD LIAPAW INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY 1994.3/11 Plood (K=1, 62 P=1.0 Taghr F+0, 283) Simongan “Calculated "Observed —— ne Ee ae Se ain 25 8/5 | 1000 |- ‘50m 7 Ter} 750 frost 24,0 an/h Gea m/s Pele Qi obs= 315 ni/s 250 : o kL tog we Be Cd Nar Ud sar 12 1995. 11/28 Flood (K=2. 64 P=1.0 TL=thr — Calculated we Observed oy Tr Torrie et Rain | 408) Simongan 28.8 n/n 364 ni /s Fig. 4.2.7 22) CALIBRATION OF FLOOD MODEL BY ‘STORAGE FUNCTION METHOD ‘THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL, URBAN DRAINAGE AND WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INGONESIA “JAPAN INTERNATIONAL, COOPERATION AGENCY JAVA SEA CATCHMENT AREA AREA (Kme) THE DETALED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL. URBAN NAGE AND WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 1 SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF NDONCSIA JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY ‘SUB-BASIN DIVISION FOR FLOOD MODEL. a4 1 2 24 8 wn . Jatiborang om 48 é é g £ 20 Kreo River « 3) rnjangon dL stetion wrth 22 m LEGEND simongen esseuteat 0 ene SS suv asin Ea] River channel 7 bam Tee oEIUER PEON OF FOOD conTADL UREN | Hg ano DRAINAGE AND WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA LIAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY MODEL DIAGRAM FOR FLOOD CALCULATION F-4-10 —_—_1 4.0 I I 0.8 T g 4 © o6t- q So-yeoe ‘ a i: Is 28 Fe0r § 3 ls Fa a io-peer 3 3| [= Periog : i Is HH 04 i S g i 7 2 le a 3 = al | Ns o2-| | = 4 | ils | 14 : | i s 00 1 ! T it 4100 200 300 400 500 Area (Km?) “THE DETAILED DESIGN OF £1000 CONTROL, URBAN DRAINAGE AND Waren nesoUNcES OeveLOpMENT | Fig. 42.10 IN'SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA. LIAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY AREA REDUCTION FACTOR FOR GARANG RIVER BASIN F-4-1) (00-year Flood in Garang River ~~ Inflow (u/s) ue flow (e3/s) SS oo z L fain 25 50m m/s 5 500° f- | Ti ao (atibarang Dain Site) Rarax= 93.5 nah soo f Qinax= 283. 03/5 @enax= 114 m3/s | 200 | i 100 i ne o — 2 4 100-year Flood in Garang River =~ Simongan without Dam Simongan with Dan (n/s) Toe eT Wy fain i ae] i | | | 50 m3 /s 1000 Tr 800 | (Simongen Weir Site) Rmax= 93.5 a/b coo | Ginax=10i0, | 400 200 ° PRE a ae gaara | 2 Es SRYARE AN VATE SESE Rey FLOOD CONTROL EFFECT BY JATIBARANG JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY F-4-12 3 3 3 (880) 790 -220 (4,040) Simongan Weir (4,040 790 West Flooewey ‘THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL, URBAN ORAINAGE AND WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INGONESIA : j A ¥= 3,400,000 m> gs qj i (20) i LEGEND (420) Mak Oettlow tram Oem 220 Cut Oieenarge unit + m/s Fig. 4.2.12 DISTRIBUTION OF DESIGN FLOOD DISCHARGE IN GARANG RIVER, LIAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY B-4-13 So perer Pree eeTp errr Tey eo) Pd 9 & 10}-— § § 80 i. ge Al We i pe & 4) ie " iE aof- - 20 Suit vo 0204 8880 ‘a = ° ra sm/sn wre: a Xn + Unadjusted average of « series of annual s oxlaur precipitation. g Xo 1 Unadjusted overage of « series of annual z | maximum precipitation excluding the hishest : values : i : Sn : Unadjusted standard deviatfon of » series i of annual naxicum precipitation: : Sa: Unadjusted standard deviation of « series 5 Ho} e +—— ‘of annual maxinum precipitation excluding i the highest value, re vol oascmvo OATa new trEaRs? Fig. 4.2.13 ADJUSTMENT FACTORS DEVELOPED BY HERSHFIELD FOR ESTIMATION OF PMP ‘THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL, URBAN DRAINAGE AND WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA, LIAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY F.4-14 5 & Serre eee eer cm 400 REDUCTION FACTOR OF PROBABLE MAXIIUM T { I POINT RANFALL ool pee | THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL, URBAN ORAINAGE ANO WATEH RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN SEMARANG INTHE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY 200 400 00 aRea (Kn?) Fig. 4.2.14 STATISTICAL COEFFICIENT AND AREA REDUCTION FACTOR BY HERSHFIELD FOR ESTIMATION OF PMP Peas 5 PROBABLE MAXIM FLOOD (For Emergency Spi llway) PMP Inflow (n3/s) 7 a Be oreo ot n3/s 2000 iu 1600 |- 1200 s00 | | soo | —~ ao Sel oo ee EEE Ere aoe o é zu 6 wo ¢ 1 Jen Jan 2 THE DETALED DESIGN O- FLOOD cowTROL, uRGAN Fo. 4.2.15 0 WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT MODEL HYETOGRAPH OF PMP AND IN SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA HYDROGRAPH OF PMF INLFOW FOR LIRPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY JATIBARANG DAM F-4-16 40.000 4.000 4 lag ge ea ie 40.000; 4.000. 8 8 8 8 ¢ 8 8 e 40 8 SPILLWAY DESIGN FLOOD INFLOWS (m3e) Km?) CATCHMENT AREA ‘THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTAOL, URBAN GRAINAGE AND WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN'SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA UAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY Fig. 42.16 DESIGN PEAK INLFOW DISCHARGE OF EMERGENCY SP!LLWAY FOR DAMS IN INDONESIA Be4-17 Noose 273400 LEGEND Berin Sevncery ‘THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL,URBAN | Fig 4.3.1 DHAINAGE AND WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT THIESSEN POLYGON FOR LOW FLOW ANALYSIS IN SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA LIRPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY F-4-18 — 1000 Daily O(n8/s)_in Garang Rivor (192, 6knd) Bae ni/s oo 123456789 WNl123 456789 We Year © 1987 Year = 1988 0 Daily O(n3/s)_in Garang River (192. 6kn2). 13/s 100 2345678 9 ORI 23456789 ON. Year = 1989 Year = 1990 oo9 2aily Q(w3/s)_in Garang River (192. 6k) eT TTT i Li ahh ina il wilh an 1 abel | 7 ie] Po L Tepe 667 BO Wiel 23 4 6 7 8 9 10 It 12 ver “oh tear “oe THE DETALED oFaIGN OF FLOOD conTROL,uRoAN | Ho-432(¥2) RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT | DAILY DISCHARGE CHART OBSERVED AT PANIANGAN I SEMIARARG IN FRE i Poe eve oe oe STATION IN GARANG RIVER JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGEN F-4-19 1000 3/s | tua Me Hyped tat. fh Nt fondo 100 Tesaeo7 eo a5 67 Year = 1993 Year = 1994 190 Baily @(08/s)_in Garang. River (192. 6k) Feet n3/s i 100 1 feodnfond Lebo 1 i 0 7 5 Year = 1996 8 9 10 1 12 Fig. 43.2 2) ‘THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL, URBAN ORAINAGE AND WATER HESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY [STATION IN GARANG RIVER F-4-20 DAILY DISCHARGE CHART OBSERVED AT PANIANGAN Tank-Model of Garang River (A=192, 6kn2) EE L Catchment Arca = 192.6 kn Le tee Lag Tine (Rain vs @) = 0 day nate te Initial Storage (Year=1967) A2= 10am | SEE x Hl — bi= 03 Month — Evaporation Bi= Om [— 1 242 em/d so bee 0 2 272 anid B2=_Oom | 32:79 an/d —geq EE 4 2.94 an/d 5 3.16 ana x L 8 20 s/s l= . 003 é oe ode EEE 8 31d onde sot 918 m/e ce omit io 01 md -_ —2 Mh 3.23 m/d ETH] FO 279 avd Mt Ae Rainfall = Input * 0.99 Di= On f eo PeARAGe ANG waren cescunces OovatoeneNT | aN DRAINAGE A 3 : IN SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA TANK MODEL PARAMETERS LIAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY F-4-21 126r = 283, ouGE = 229K 618 ae94 Jo pug ae ‘sBaz01g 4Uey poazesqg oO id RESULT CHART OF TANK MODEL SIMULATION de (o0rg eolev) TORE HRY IO THRO RANG Pood n I (ai 261 ir doeed jo aap cto dooney Fo fopat g 61 = 2004 é ato iq mos i] | Se< 5 wa ODT { 753 |G 1 vagteee iy | cael 0 ThE = i 198 =2k TH 3 6019 ATK 1 8 qeay JO pug 12 ae Ssdaohs ies AAP pousesqo a 8s pareny ie ae | Pande gee |e Rae G28 | 5 Ege) 2 33) § #8 F-4-22 UBT = 2894, 9261 = 729K P02 =1K 894 Jo pug 1 ‘aBez01g UPL porzosag peseneys) — pues} alrahds-be Bp Je cust wuoH Zr T1016 8 9 ag “eat I=bx 681 Bey =EX 89°28 =2x 86 °LT =I ea Jo pug 22 eseI0Ig yueL peniesqo 0 perejnaye) — uesey ‘THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL URBAN | Fi9. 4.3.4 (2/5) RESULT CHART OF TANK MODEL SIMULATION DRAINAGE AND WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY F-4-23 pet = 1894 e967 = 280, 1016 829 8 02,0 @ Lert oe I all is-hate (@igceiey) TORRE ICRTaY Jo OPOR- HURL — ToRTy BETA JO" THHOHAT, RESULT CHART OF TANK MODEL SIMULATION Fig. 43.4 (3/5) gst = 28°), 10° 25 584/32 i £56 | = Sasle 1 eo] § a 83218 ‘dbez01g Yu] =831 8 ot Seg \ Z ponseagy See | poreinoj2) } Sey baat dagete! “ee a (@19-e6t=y) TORT SURREY TO THORRTEL sary Bueray Jo TapoRCHUEL «OT ae z age |d 282 |° fo Fe4-24 get = 89, =eX 189°99 =2X 826-02 =1K 09f 30 pug 30 ‘deer03g 4D, paazasqg pereynorey — puszey 9861 = 3224 $861 = 1005 Zt 211016 8 2 9 weak Jo pug 1 ‘B82I09g YUL poszesqg poreyasrey — uesoy (ewig -Ze1=¥) BATE if ye i 1 | sve Ldeacast betas etal estat to TSP I “SIRI IO TOPORH — Fig. 43.4 (8/5) DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL. URBAN DRAINAGE AND WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INGONESIA RESULT CHART OF TANK MODEL SIMULATION 3 g { 8 3 z E F-4-25 aaezoig: bey, ponzosgg pexeqnarey — usioy Ire ir ininb-stet—rdt tet 2661 = 280K D3 e1028 U0, paszosqg pererna;ey — Buon] (eai9 G61) RESULT CHART OF TANK MODEL SIMULATION, THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD GONTAOL, URBAN | Fie.4.3.4 (5/5) DRAINAGE ANO WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT |N'SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA LIAPAM INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY F-4-26 JAVA SEA Existing Channel Semarang River Maintenance 045 m3/e me a | et ig ,it Bes iauel Cetehmet free ba sit gE Jotivarang Dom THE peTaLED oegay or Fuo00 SoTADL RSW [Re 435 SeARGe Rioranieh mesoumess sevecopnett |" Scuexamic DIAGRAM FOR WATER USE INSEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA SIILATION “JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY F-4-27 =} 88838 8 El oesed BL oaaee o 0 Z) ecece a m| 8geee 20 ¥-=40,345,000 m> 40 15 Woter Use Copocity of Dam {x40 m>) ” 9 a 3.5 3.0 4.5 ° New Intoke Woter {m/s} ‘THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL, URBAN | FIO. 4.3.6. SRANAGE AND WAIER RESOURCES DevevSPMeNT : .W INTARE WATE! IN SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA See ern i 7 QUANTITY AND WATER USE CAPACITY OF DAM LINPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY F-4-28 Dan Ysont oly aa Vacant Yee ae Yacant Yalan mrt 220 - | sec oon 190 0 Sobor aoe en + 12500 oo0es 2) en cous +t 4 T2eiséTee wn are eT eo wn vase 7 0° Dischara 2.00 SU Dlactaeae at Dan St wars i : avs ea tafe date onvs : 1969, ppcee ok Songs 529 ne ir \ Ho as NS i AN oan ails Wi?ieeeiee Wiki aeveeiay wie 8 se 2300 om 510 ota 730 tn 10000 09003 12500 ons 15000 0008 we Beale 6 aie Va 2 ate Teodéerss wie wn ior oe Onis Bass 15 /s waar - Pre Pcs Sauls bei _ vas Po TrrePegeewiaris7 ibe Tres, PecwuRr asi eeT ee wna an re THE OETALED DesiaN OF FLOOD conTaoL, urea [Fa 43.7 (1/5) oR eH HESOURGES DEVELOPMENT P DRARUGE AND WATER PESQURCES DEVELOPH JATIBARANG DAM RESERVOIR OPERATION AND FLOW CONDITIONS LIAPAW INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY F-4-29 us Yacent Yolo Ban toga tole “sere whe tn tone arti uve th, lh ee visa oO pe own Fage ewe 2500 ota ‘00 00083 17560 003 000 cones | 9 cones fale ere 100s i 15 na/s wave Sats 0 nile 2500 0008) 0 00 10 0 toco0 ooo 12500 40003 reitreree wie mapas a. ia THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL, URBANY DRAINAGE ANO WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN/SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA LIAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY F-4-30 Fig. 4.3.7 (2/5) JATIBARANG DAM RESERVOIR OPERATION AND. FLOW CONDITIONS seen fc banat Sores wie she wave ave eave ays onvs 20 aie 15 as/s wave sare O eile [200 wo 2} | so cons 1500 naa | oo ons { 2090109 000 os pel Towne a /Dlscharce st Dea Skig oars cde ear 6 cals see 2s man — ous Trsssepeewumi es eeeTee WHRIEST Te Tee DUN 0 i ae m0 avs 5 ware ii “Le dt Vesiserpes ue 1670 10 to 50 oa 1600 oto pL | 0 nna fel to oma Veyiserecwuai sass epee wnwr aris eres WHT se ses _biscparte at ver si 15000 ano 2 eal 5 ails was Beye Vesteereswidizsaseteowumi tras ets es wn ee 1983 isa THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL, URBAN | Fig. 4.3.7 (3/5) DRAINAGE AND WATER RESOURCES OEVELGPMENT JATIBARANG DAM RESERVOIR OPERATION AND. IN/SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA FLOW CONDITIONS JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY F-4-31 fs Vaca Yolne Den ac tole. peta Dun Shia ! eee as | os ons - | e810 000m cecal 100 oon i TRoeveep as WUBITT TT OT Eo NR 1389 se Rrevisever win ws 310s = Rows ons Anis 2ea/s TEItS ET SS WHE 1808 Tisaeeses wn a (Dagar at Sleoyesn Paes oT as 10 18a an Vasa. Youn a oie 20 s/s 15 atl 0 ave Sails THVT eTeT win var 7 | snc oom 500 00083 1000 ones a 12500 0059 rivesereown 1089 Djapharne st Doe. iS = Brasiseres win oom 1990 Perteray wuwirst ie res wn vee ve \ 5 Nah wave as lens Amys ane emis @ i sat Se aie ye 0 ne odes eee on 1899 ‘THE DETAILED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL, URBAN GRAINAGE AND WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT. IN SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA LIAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY Fia. 4.3.7 (4/8) JATIBARANG DAM RESERVOIR OPERATION AND. FLOW CONDITIONS P-4.32 & Tivasepse wun saat Dlagtares at Due sive VEST PCT eo wha TTT eT Te wHE ie i 2500 0005 00 0080 150 00 19000 e003 12300 gonad (6000 doa me jar 2 ays eescictl DRAINAGE ANO WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN SEMARANG IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA LIAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY ‘THE DETALED DESIGN OF FLOOD CONTROL, URBAN | Fis. 4.3.7 (5/5) JATIBARANG DAM RESERVOIR OPERATION AND FLOW CONDITIONS F-4-33 Tree ope ds one ms aE N 5s CHAPTER 5 GEOLOGY Chaprer $ Geology CHAPTER 5 GEOLOGY 5.1 Geology of Damsite 5.11 Geological Survey In the Phase 1 period from August 1997 to March 1998, the study on the definitive plan of Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam was conducted as the concrete gravity type, which was a conclusion of the Feasibility Study conducted in 1993. However, as a result of the geological urvey conducted in the Phase 1 study period, it was concluded that the gravity type dam could not be applied for Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam because of the lack of the shear strength of the foundation rock. Then the dam type was changed to a rockfill type. Therefore the additional geological study of Jatibarang Multipurpose Dam for the type of rockfill dam ‘was carried out in the Phase 2 period from July 1998 to January 1999. The work items and quantities of geological survey at the dam in the study periods of Phase | and 2 are shown in the following table ‘Study Period Work Item: ‘Work Quantities ‘Core Drilling (D=66mm) 724 holes, 1,699 m in total Ligeon Test in Borehole To holes, 245 times ta tial [Trench Excavation Ticenches, 638 m in total Phase 1 [Adit Excavation acl, 110 mn trad Fin-ita Shearing Test Takis Times in total eismile Prospecting | 2 Tnes, 1300 m intoral Laboratory Test of Core Sample Bi samples | ‘Core Drilling (D = 66mm) Ghoies, 505 m in total pase [Lugeon Test in Borehole Thole, 52 times in wil Toading Test ia Borehole Tholes, 20 tines in total In-situ Plate Loading Test (atthe existing adits) | 3 adits, 6times in total | ‘The locations of bore holes, trenches and adits are shown in Fig. 5.1.1 and the details of each investigation items and their work quantities are shown in Table 5.1.1 5.1.2 Stratigraphy The foundation rock of the Jatibarang damsite consists of Damar formation from the latter period of Tertiary to Quatemary. Riverbed deposit and Talus deposit are distributed as secondary sediment. The geological strata at the damsite is shown in Table 5.1.2, and the geological map and the geological profile at the damsite are shown in Figs. 5.1.1 and 5.1.2. Damar formation at the damsite formulate alternation which consists of various sedimentary rocks and pyroclastic rocks, however it can be divided into two (2) strata of pyroclastic rock Sol Chapter 3 Geology Units and three strata of sedimentary rock units, They show almost level geological structure, Pyroclastic rock unit mainly consists of voleanic breccia, and contains mafic tuff and andesite lava partly. Volcanic breccia composed of main part of the geological stratum is homogeneous. Crack hardly develops into the mother-rock, and hardness of rock is comparatively high. However, lower pyroclastic rock unit contains organic material partly, degree of cementation of the voleanic bieccia is different at upper and lower pyroclastic rock units, Sedimentary rock unit is formed by complicated alternation which consists of conglomerate, conglomeratic sandstone, tuffaceous sandstone and sandstone mainly. The thickness of each bed is ranged between several em and several m, and the faces changes laterally remarkably. The hardness of the mother-rock is different at upper, middle and lower sedimentary rock units. Lower sedimentary rock wi which exists 40 im deep below the riverbed is soft and shows low degree of ecmentation, and existence of confined groundwater is confirmed. 5.1.3 Dam Foundation Rock Conditions Strength of Foundation Rock (1) Rock Classification ‘The foundation rock distributed at the damsite consists of soft rock, It is classified into four (4) classes based on their hardness and cementation, namely D class as the worst class, CL class, CM-L class and CM-H class as the best class, The rock classification of the damsite is shown in the table below. Rock classes of the dam axis section are shown in Fig. 5.1.3. Chasifcation Characteriaies Completely weathered to a reddish soll without remains of mother-rock vexture. Very low cementation part observed inthe boring core, which is observed like sand and gravel. Core recovery ratio ranges from 0 % to $0 %. ‘Moderately to highly weathered to a brown soil although remains of cx. | motherrock texture. The mineral grains ae nt decompased. Low cementation part observed in a boring core, which is observed Id sand and gravel. Core recovery ratio is more than 70 9 ‘STighily weathered to fresh rock that consists of mainly tut uflaccous | ‘sandstone, sandstone and conglomerate. Rock fragment is slightly soft. ‘This class with moderate degree of cementation contains the fresh part and relatively weathered part, but they have the almost same hardness. ightly weathered to Fresh rock that consiats of mainly veleane Breccia, | D a ‘conglomeratic sandstone and volcanic conglomerate, Rock fragment is CMH | relatively hard. ‘This class with high degree of cementation contains the fresh part and the relatively weathered part, but they have almost same hardness. 5-2 Chapter 3 Geology (2) Mechanical Property of Rocks ‘The laboratory tests and the in-situ shearing tests were carried out in the Phase 1 stage, and the in-situ plate loading tests and the loading tests in boreholes were ‘carried out in the Phase 2 stage. The results of unconfined compression tests of boring core samples are shown together with physical properties in Table 5.1.3 and Figs. 5.1.4 and 5.1.5. The results of in-situ shearing tests in adits T-1 and T-3 are shown in Table 5.1.4 and Figs. 5.1.6 and 5.1.7. The results of in-situ plate loading tests in adits T-1, 1-3 and T-4, and the results of loading tests in boreholes are shown in Tables 5.1.5 and 5.1.6. ‘The results of the tests are summarized in the following table. Result oF Tes jeat | Rok -1| Unconfined Elastic Modulus Shear Geological | ciasi-| rock |PAS"| Compressive] (Deformation Models) | Strength nl eo featon Suength | —Baehares Jane) tm) Akatiem | aaron | genom | aed : 600-5500 aan § | 400-3400) Taaeears T1G0e1 AO0 | ZSUOR BOT sedieettagy| Ct |_Sanasone (500-700) _| 2:100-6,300) 2°00) os asaaad Hot le ‘07500 | Rook Sandstone 1,500,600) | e00-7/000) Ls ~ Tat =P FSOOEBOT| 20 Conglomerate 7 7 cam | “Sandsione EEE 17;20079:700) sal Upper Pyroclastc Voleonie 4,70048,000 Rock | cM.H s6—92 | Arm etiene Breccia 2,700-4'300) EL.105m Tat} 30] 327 - —Tatceous : Middle Sandstone | _° | 8735 Sedimentary See | 300-50,000 | 9,300 | Rea | CM-L | Sandstone | 45 8 ee] aay | 300 Conglomerate | a EL.105m ~ Sandstone | 5 | 10-6 EL.80a] onalomerare 36 cone | emaeneae 5 | 3a Bay [se Tower Pyroclastic Rock | cw. | Volcan raw | eo EL.80m ~ a oo EL.30n Note: 1": The existing ratio of every rock in the middle sedimentary rock was estimated by boring date, ty Shear strength F: Coeftcieat of internal friction Chapter 5 Geology @) As described before, the foundation rock is classified into four (4) classes. However, the mechanical property test results of each rock class are scattered in a wide range and the test results do not always represent the rock class. This comes from the complicated alternate layers which consist of different single layers in terms of gradation and compressive strength. Rock classification is made to express an average compressive strength of complicated alternate layers. Judging from test results, compressive strength of CL class rock which is highly weathered is considered to be gradually increased as the depth become deeper. The test results of CM-L and CM-H classes show the original strength of the mother-rock which is not weathered. The test results of the both CM-L and CM-H classes show only slight difference. However, CM-H class cor ists of aliemate layer composed of single layers of relatively large compressive strength or homogeneous and massive thick layers. ‘Therefore, CM-H class is judged to have bigger strength than CM-L class, however there is no remarkable difference of sirength, Estimated Shear Strength, Elastic Modulus and Deformation Modulus ‘The estimated shear strength and modulus of each rock unit were decided by the results of the rock tests, in-situ shearing tests and loading tests for each geological unit and rock class. The estimated values are summarized bellow. Elsie] Deformation | Extimated Shear Geological Unit | Rock Clas [FS Moone Pel seenoae 3,000 = 5,000] 1,300-3,000} 55 oe Ce Gc Lana 14°30 tn (F0.7) ~~} 9,000 = 13,000" 5,000 ~7,500 7 Rock CML lass |e? agent 45 tn? (10.8) Upper ye 5 z eg a Pyroclastc Rock | CMH class eee Middle CEL class Sedimentary | and CM-H 7 : co“4S ttn? (0.8) Rock class Tower CMH class 7 7 ‘9250 tm? (F0.8) Pyroclastic Rock : Note f : coefficient of internal fretion ‘The background of the decision is described hereinafter. © From the results of unconfined compressive strength tests, the shear strength of Chapter 5 Geolowy the lower pyroclastic rock unit belonging to CM-H class was presumed to be between the values of fine sandstone belonging to CM-L class and conglomeratic sandstone belonging to CM-H class. The shear strength of lower pyroclastic rock unit is set at x= 50 thm’, coefficient of internal friction f = 0.8 on the presumption that it is directly proportional to their unconfined compressive strength test results, @® inthe mi CMLH class is observed. From the results of unconfined compressive strength idle sedimentary rock unit, complicated alternation of CM-L class and tests, shear strength of CM-L class rock, which mainly consists of tuff, tuffaceous sandstone and sandstone, can be set at t= 33 tfim’, coefficient of internal friction f = 0.8 (test results of fine sandstone), and shear strength of CM- H class rock, which consists of conglomeratic sandstone, is set at r,= 85 tH coefficient of internal friction 10.8 (test results of conglomeratic sandstone). ‘The constituent ratio of each rock class is acquired from boring data, then the average shear strength of the unit is caiculated and set at t,= 45 tim’, coefficient of internal friction f= 0.8. ® The unconfined compressive strength of upper pyroclastic rock unit is apparently bigger than the one of sedimentary rocks which belongs to CM-L class and conglomeratic sandstone which belongs to CM-H class. But there is no difference on the results of loading tests. Then the shear strength of the unit is set at same value of the one in the lower pyroclastic rock unit, ® The shear strength of CM-L class rock in the upper sedimentary rock unit is set at the same value of the one in the middle sedimentary rock unit, © The shear strength of CL class rock, which consists of tuffaceous sandstone, in ‘the upper sedimentary rock unit is set at t) = 30 ti/m’, coefficient of internal friction f= 0.7 considering the average of the test results, © _ The test results of the elastic modulus and deformation modulus of CM-L class and CM-H class are ranged widely at each geological unit and the values of the test results are overlapped each other. Therefore, it is judged that there is no difference of elastic modulus and deformation modulus between CM-L class and CM-H class, The elastic modulus and deformation modulus are represented by the values of 9,000 to 12,000 kgficm? for elastic modulus and 5,000 to 7,000 kgf/cm? for deformation modulus considering the average of the test results. @® The elastic modulus of CL class in the upper sedimentary rock unit shows 2,900 5-5 Chapters Geology to 8,600 kgfiem? by the plate loading tests and 600 to 5,800 kgffem? by the loading test in boreholes. Thouigh the result show different values by the test methods, the values of both test results show smaller than that of the ones of CMLL, and CM-H classes. The average values of the elastic modulus ranges 3,000 to 5,000 kgf/cm? and deformation modulus ranges 1,500 to 3,000 kgf/cm? in CL. class of upper sedimentary rock unit, Permeability ‘The results of lugeon tests in boreholes are shown in Table 5.1.7 and Figs, $.1.8 and 5.1.9. The distribution of lugeon value at the dam axis section is shown Fig, 5.1.10. The permeability of the foundation rock at the damsite is described below based on the hugeon test results, (1) Riverbed ‘The permeability of the lower pyroclastic rock unit that exists between EL. 50m and EL. 80 m is small, Especially, the lugeon valve of this rock unit between EL. 50 m and EL. 60 m is less than 5 lugeon. The permeability of the lower sedimentary rock unit that exists deeper than EL. 50m shows more than 20 lugeon and confined groundwater with maximum pressure of 2.0 kgflem* is confirmed, 2) Left and Right Abutments ‘The permeability of the upper pyrociastic rock unit and middle sedimentary rock unit, Which are distributed between EL. 80 m and EL. 120 m shows less than 10 lugeon. Seventeen percent of the lugeon test results in them shows average critical pressure of 6 kgflen’, At the left and right abutments, less pervious rock zone with less than $ lugeon rises Lup to as high as the normal water level of EL. 148.9 m. The groundwater level at the s right abutment has observed higher than the normal water level. However, the groundwater level has not yet observed at the level higher than the normal water level at the left abutment. 5-6 Chapter § Geology Conelusion From the riverbed to the halfway up to the slope at the damsite, fresh to slightly weathered rock which belongs to CM-L or CM-H classes is distributed at the depth less than several meters from the ground surface and the rock is judged to have enough bearing capacity as the foundation rock for the rockfill type dam with the height of 80 m. ‘There exist weathered rock which is classified CL class with thickness of maximum 30 m from the ground surface at the upper slope of both abutments. The surface layer of abutment with 10 m deep which is highly weathered shall be removed, and the layer below highly ‘weathered rock is judged to have enough bearing capacity as the foundation rock of the dam, abutinents, At the riverbed of the damsite with the elevation of about EL. 75 m, sedimentary rock with low solid state of around 3 m deep exists within the lower pyrociastic rock unit. This sedimentary rock which is classified as CL class locally distributed horizontally and shows high permeability of more than 20 lugeon, but itis judged to have enough bearing capacity. ‘Therefore, such.water sealing works as replacement of the layer or grouting, with fine cement shall be applied as a foundation treatment. Sedimentary rock unit consists of alternate layers with faces extremely change, Since continuous cracks which might be water passages do not developed, permeability of the unit is considered to be low. However, layers with high permeability exist locally. These layers with low cementation are considered to be developed by repeated horizontal swelling and shrinkage and to be become water passages. Since the unit consists of soft rock, introduction of excessive pressure at grouting works may be cause collapse of foundation rock, introduction of pressure at grouting works should be done below a critical point. 52 Geology of Reservoir Area 5.2.1 Geological Survey A saddle portion whose lowest elevation is EL. 161.69 m exists at the right bank of the reservoir, Since the creep length of the saddle portion at the Surcharge Water Surface (BL. 151.8 m) is about 150 m, leakage from the saddle portion can be presumed depending on the condition of the geology. Gentle slopes and isolated hills are scattered at the right bank of the reservoir and the distribution of the alternate layers consist of some sedimentary rocks which covers bedrock of 5-7 Choprer 5 Geology siltstone is considered to be topographically irregular. There is a possibility that this irregularity of the topography was caused by landslide and the area has possibility to cause lands ai impounding water in the reservoir The same topography is recognized at the left bank of the reservoir, However, since bedrock of siltstone is outeropped aver a wide area, it is judged that this area has low possibility of landslide. Considering above topographical conditions, geological survey with borings and excavation of trenches was conducted at the saddle portion and gentle slopes in the right bank of the reservoir. ‘The work items and quantities of geological survey in the reservoir area are shown in the following table, Work Tien Work Quantities ‘Core Drilling (0=66 mim Té holes, 475 m in total Lugeoi Test in Bore Hole S holes, 28 times in total ‘Standard Penetration Test Ti holes, 310 times in total “Trench Excavation Trenches, 766 m in total ‘The locations of boreholes and trenches are shown in Fig. 5.2.1 and the details of each investigation items and their work quantities are shown in Table 5.2.1. 52.2 Topography and Str: igraphy Geological map and strata at the reservoir area are shown in Table 5.2.2 and Fig, 5.2.2. ‘Topography and stratigraphy of the reservoir area are described hereunder. ‘Topography Kreo River on which Jatibaranig Multipurpose Dam is planned forms a narrow valley at the damsite and flows toward the direction of south-southwest to north-northeast, However, alluvial terrace with the width of about 500 m is developed along Kreo River and the valley is wide at the upper stretch from about 400 m upstream of the damsite. Mountains around the reservoir form topographical features of relatively flat plateaus with the elevation of about 200 m and the relative height between the riverbed and the top of the surrounding mountains ranges 80 to 100m Chepter 3 Geology ‘The slope gradient of the surrounding mountainside of the reservoir is relatively gentle except the slopes of both banks at the damsite. Gentle slopes and isolated hills are scattered at the halfway of the surrounding mountains. Mountains at the right bank of the ceservoir forming a border with the watershed of Cebong Rive which is a tributary of Kreo River have narrow ridges at the elevation of 165 m and form saddle portion with the length of about 200 m, Stratigraphy ‘The bedrock of the reservoir area consists of Kerek Formation which belongs to Miocene to. Pliocene in Tertiary, Damar Formation and Kaligetas Formation which belong to Pliocene in Tertiary to Pleistocene in Quatemary. Each formation mainly consists of sedimentary rocks and quality of rock is soft. Damar Formation is distributed at the northern side of a fault which exists 400 m upstream, (Southern side) from the damsite and Kerek and Kaligetas formations are distributed at the southern side of the fault, Riverbed and terrace deposits which are secondary deposit in Holocene in Quatemary are distributed along the existing riverbed, and talus deposit is distributed at the skirt of the surrounding mountains. () Bedrock Kerek Formation consi is of siltstone and includes limestone in an appearance of lens with some tens of em in length. Siltstone is soft and tends to be deteriorated by slaking, Kaligetas Formation consists of sedimentary rock and forms alternate layers which mainly consist of conglomerate, conglomeratic sandstone, tuffaceous sandstone and sandstone, Kaligetas Formation is distributed above the halfway of the mountainside, and generally weathered with reddish brown color and gradually transforming to soil. Damar Formation consists of alternate layers of sedimentary rock unit, which mainly consists of tuffaceous sandstone, conglomeratic sandstone and volcanic conglomerate, and pyroclastic rock unit, which mainly consists of volcanic breccia. The geological ages of Kerek Formation and Kaligetas Formation are different and the relation: of the geological structure of both formations is unconformity. However, according to boring and trench excavation survey, the basal conglomerate 5-9 Chapter e) 5 Geology of Kaligetas Formation or the weathered zone underneath the surface of unconformity is not recognized. ‘The surface of unconformity at the mountains on the right bank of the reservoir is undulated and does not form dip slope which may become slip surface. Fault The fault mentioned above is recognized by boreholes and excavated trenches at the saddle portion of the right bank of the reservoir. The fault recognized at the saddle portion is small scale with the width of less than 10 em and consists of foliated fault {gouge developed with slickenside, The fault is inclined toward southwest with the angle of about 60° at the trench PS-1 and about 70° at the boring RA-5. Kerek Formation which is distributed on the southern side of the fault is older than Damar Formation which is distributed on the northem side of the fault. The fault is presumed to be a reverse fault with upheaval of the southern side. Kerek Formation which is expected to exist under Damar Formation is not confirmed by boreholes with the depth of 100 m (EL. 0 m) at the damsite located northem side of the fault. From this survey result, it is presumed that the possible displacement of the fault will be more than hundreds of meters. Hydrogeological Structure Sedimentary rock unit of low degree of cementation with lugeon value of more than 20 is recognized deeper than EL. 50 m at the damsite. However, since this layer is considered not to be continued to the southem side of the fault and no permeable layers are confirmed along the fault, the possibility of seepage from the upstream of the dam to the downstream through the sedimentary rock unit is none, Furthermore, this sedimentary rock unit accompanies confined groundwater and it is judged that the pyrozlastic rock units which is distributed on the sedimentary rock unit form wide range of impermeable layer. In considering the layer of confined groundwater, it is judged that Damar Formation thas a homocline which incline gently or a fold which has a gentle wave tune in the wide area. Above mentioned geological structures are illustrated in Fig. 5.2.3. 5-10 Chapter S Geology 52.3 Result of Geological Survey Saddle Portion at Right Bank ‘The saddle portion at the right bank of the reservoir forms ridge which has the length of about 200 m at the elevation of lower than 165 m and at the lowest elevation of 161.69 m, On the other hand, the Surcharge Water Surface is EL. 151,80 m and the deference of the elevation of the saddle portion and the Surcharge Water Surface is 10 m at the minimum. The width of the saddle portion at the level of EL. 151.80 mis about 150m. ‘The dritling works with seven (7) bore holes were conducted at the saddle portion along the both survey lines in parallel with (BP line) and crossing (AP line) the right bank ridge. The geological profiles along the survey fines are shown in Fig. 5.2.4, and the lugeon test results are tabulated in the Table 5.2.3. The survey results are briefly described hereinafter. © A fault is developed at the northernmost end of the saddle portion and the bedrock of the saddle portion is siltstone which belongs to Kerek Formation at the southern side of the fault, alternate layers of sedimentary rock unit which belongs to Damar Formation at the northern side of the fault, © Siltstone, which forms the saddle portion, is fresh and soft with N value of 30 to 50 atthe depth of 15 to 25 m from the ground surface. @© The impervious rock with the lugeon value of less than 5 exist deeper than 5 to. 20 m from the ground surface at the saddle portion. However, the lugeon test results show very low critical pressure of 1.54 to 4.15 kgf / cm? at each test section. Around the saddle portion with the elevation of less than 165 m, the pervious rock with lugeon value of more than 20 is distributed at the depth less ‘than 10 m deeper than the Surcharge Water Surface and the groundwater level is lower than the Surcharge Water Surface. Surrounding Slopes of Reservoir Landslide at a slope near the saddle portion makes tive loss of the length of seepage path of the ridge and, as a result, there is a possibility of increment of leakage from the reservoir. Landslide at the slope of the opposite side of the entrance of the narrow valley of Kreo River may cause big wave which damage the dam directly. Considering these issues, drilling works and trench excavation on the four (4) survey lines (CP, DP, EP and FP lines) as shown in Fig, 5.2.1 were conducted. The geological cross sections of the four (4) survey lines are shown in Figs. 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 and the survey results are described hereinafter. Sell Chapter S Geology a) Q) @) (4) CP Line ‘A gentle slope is developed below EL. 180 m and the bedrock above EL. 180 m consists of sedimentary rock unit which belongs to Kaligetas Formation and siltstone hich belongs to Kerek Formation below EL. 180 m. Secondary deposit, which was formulated by landslide or collapse, is not distributed on th antle slope. The geological structure of the bedrock will not cause rockstide and slip surface is not recognized by boreholes. DP Line A gentle stope is developed above EL. 170 m and the bedrock above EL. 155 to 165 1m consists of alternate layer of sedimentary rock unit which belongs to Kaligetas Formation, siltstone which belongs to Kerek Formation below the elevation. Weathering and silting of the sedimentary rock unit which belongs to Kaligetas Formation is progressed and N values of the unit are about 10. However, disorder of layers which will be caused by rockslide is not recognized and no slip surface is found at a portion where N value increases sharply. EP Line A gentle slope is developed at around EL. 155 m and the slope above EL. 155 m is stéep with horseshoe shape. The bedrock consists of the altemate layers of sedimentary rocks, which belong to Kaligetas Formation, and siltstone, which belongs to Kerek Formation, Since the surface of unconformity is undulated very much, sedimentary rock unit, which belongs to Kaligetas Formation, is distributed above the elevation of around 165 m and around the very gentle slope between EL.140 to 155 m. Talus deposit or sliding block is not found at the drilling cores of RI-l and RI-2. Talus deposit was found at the trench of SS-3 excavated at the gentle slope around EL. 155 m, Since the extent of talus deposit is limited and the thickness of the layer is presumed to be thin, it is judged that a big scale of landslide, which affects the function of the reservoir, will not take place. FP Line A gentle slope and isolated hills are developed between EL. 150 m and the terrace 5-12 Conclusion wo @ 8) Chapter 5 Geology plain. The bedrock consists of alternate layers of sedimentary rocks, which belong to Kaligetes Formation, and siltstone, which belongs to Ketek Formation. The surface of unconformity is undulated very much and Kaligetas Formation is generally distributed at the surface of the slope. Talus deposit or sliding bloc! not distributed in the area between the gentle slope and the isolated hills. Saddle Portion on Right Bank At the saddle portion on the right bank of the reservoir, pervious rock with Iugeon value of more than 20 is distributed with 150 m in length and 10 m deeper than the Surcharge Water Surface (EL. 151.80 m). The elevation of the groundwater is lower than the Surcharge Water Surface at this area. The necessity of the leakage protection works to mitigate leakage after filling water in the reservoir will be studied in CHAPTER 7, Fault From the results of the limited number of core driltings and trench excavations, the fault developed at the boundary of Damar and Kerek formations was judged small scale with the width of less than 10 cm without permeable layers. During the construction stage, the fault shall be exposed by removing topsoil. Based on its scale and permeability confirmed, the possibility of seepage from the upstream of the dam to the downstream through the faut shall be studied again Stopes around Reservoir Gentle slopes and isolated hills are scattered on the right bank of the reservoir. The possibility of landslide is considered at this area by the topographical features However, since sliding block or slip surface are not recognized at the slopes where the geological survey was conducted, it is judged that the present topography is old dissected terrace or was formulated by differential erosion depending on the difference of geology. Therefore, there is no slope which may cause landslide by filling water in the reservoir and ne protection works against landslide is required 5-13 Chapter 5 Geology 53 Construction Material 5.3.1 Construction Material Survey ‘The following materials are required for the embankment of rockfill dam and the concrete for appurtenant facili ies. + Aggregate + Impervious Material + Semi-pervious Material + Pervious Material To collect such necessary information and data on aggregate for concrete and embankment material as quality and available quantity, drilling works, seismic prospecting, works, test pit excavation and soit and rock mechanical laboratory tests were executed. The work items and quantities of construction material survey in the study period of Phase! and Phase 2 are shown in the following table. Aggregate Seay Peed Work hem Work Giantes Coe Deg TO=R6 min) TShoes,T10 mitt al iam Prospecting 7 STs, 1,700 mi total Laboratory Test of Core Sample —— [spe ‘Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Test ‘S samples Ee Non-mixed Impervious Material Study Period Work Tem ‘Work Quantities | Cove Daling TT Boles, 200m nv Test 12 pie Physical Fropsiy Tet ehalag TAT Of HpEATE gravy, water content, iguid limit plastic Tint | 24 samples and particlesize analysis, Phese 2) Sfoisiure: Density Relation Tea (D=TO0 min) [4 Ganples ‘solidated UndrainedTriaxial Compression | 44 oo nies oH ‘Test (D=100 mm) i Pereabny Tes Ferns 24 samples Mixed Impervious Material Sy Ped | Work em Work Quntes Fiyaial Propeny Test incudiig eas a specie ‘gravity, absorption, water content, liquid limit, | 5 samples Plast imi and partilessze analysis Phase? [Moisture Density Relation Test (D= 100mm) | Ssaiples Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression “Test (D=100 mm) 5 samples Permeability Test (O=100 iam) 5-14 Chopler 5 Geology ‘Non-mixed Semi-pervious Material study Pevtod Work Tes Work Quantities ~ Core Drilling (D=66 min) TO holes, 100m in total | [Tesi Pit Tits Phase 2 [Physical Property Test nsiuding tS of specie | gravity, absorption, water content and particle-size | 8 samples analysis Mixed Semi-pervious Material Sdy Period Work Ten Wark Quantities Relative Density Test (D=100 mim Consolidated Drained Triaxial Compression Test Phase? | (100 mn) Permeability Test (D=100 mm) a Pervious Material Sa PT Work Ta ~ Wark Guanes Sampling including sieving works Teainple Physical Property Test including tests of specific gxavity, absorption and particle-size analysis Phase 2 | Large Scale Relative Density Test (D=300 mm) | Tsamaples Large Scale Consolidat rained Triaxial Compression Test (D=300 mm) Farge Seale Permeability Test (D=300 mii) Famples 7 samples 4 samples The details of investigation items and quantities are shown in Tables 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 53.2 Conerete Aggregate The geological survey of quarry site for aggregate was carried out in the Phase | stage Selection of Quarry Sedimentary rock which is distributed within the area with the radius of 5 km centered at the damsite is formulated in the period between Miocene in Tertiary and Pleistocene in Quaternary and mainly consists of conglomerate, sandstone and mudstone. In the sedimentary rock, pyroclastic rock which consists of tuff breccia and tuff exist partly in stratum, The sedimentary rock in this area is too soft to be utilized as pervious material As shown in Fig, 5.3.1, volcanic rocks which formulate Mt, Ungarang located 17 km south of the damsite and intrusive rocks which scattered around Mt. Ungarang exist around the damsite, However the volcanic rocks mainly consist of low cemented rocks such as welded tuff or tuff breccia, Lava which is usually used as aggregate or pervious material is not distributed in wide range. Only the intrusive rocks can be used as aggregate and pervious material in this region. 5-15 Chapter 5 Geology Mt. Mergi located 17 km southeast of the damsite which was considered suitable as a quarry of aggregate for the dam conerete in the Phase | stage is formulated with intrusive sheet of andesite. Therefore, Mt. Mergi was selected as the quarry of aggregate and pervious material. ‘Topography and Stratigraphy ‘Topography and stratigraphy of Mt. Mergi and its around area which is selected as a quarry site for the concrete aggregate for the appurtenant facilities and the pervious material of embankment of rockfill damn are described hereunder. a @ ‘Topography Mt. Mergi, the quarry site, is located on a plateau of about EL 400 m which extend in the east area of Mt. Ungaran. Mt. Mergi of which elevation is EL. 570 m has the height of around 170 m from its foot, Mt. Mergi extends about 1.5 km in the east-west direction and 0.8 km in the north-south direction. Stratigraphy ‘The location and geological profile at the quarry site is shown in Fig. 9.3.2, and the geological constitution at the quarry site is tabulated below. Formation and Ase | Stratum Name Symbol Description | Kndesite consists of sheet or dike, which 1s mainly composed of Plagioclase, Pyroxene and Ore Minerals, and shows dark gray. But it was changed in quality party by the hydrothermal alteration, and secondary minerals that consist of Chlorite, Mordinite and Ilite were formed, and show greenish Tight gray. The hardness of rock is ‘comparatively high, and the bedrock has cracks with the interval of 10 to 209 em. Byroclastie rock mainly consists of voleaate breccia, and partly contains mafic tuff and andesite lava. Voleanic breccia contains Kp | fragments of andesite and pumice, and matrix consists of mafic wif, Rocks are weathered strongly, so the hardness of rocks is very sof ‘This stratum is covered by andesite sheet Andesite An 3 “Tertiary ~ Quaternary Pliocene ~ Ph Pyroclestic Rock Kaligetas ‘The plateau around Mt, Mergi consists of sedimentary rock and pyroclastic rock which was formulated between Pliocene in Tertiary and Pleistocene in Quaternary and voleanic rock which was formulated by the volcanic activities of Mt. Ungaran in Quaternary. While andesite of Mt. Mergi consists of intrusive rock. The difference of 5-16 Chopter $ Geology topography mentioned above is caused by differential erosion by the difference of geological constitution. ‘The form of the intrusive rock of andesite at Mt. Mergi is not clarified yet. At the southeast end of Mt. Mergi where core drilling works were conducted, intrusive rock is distributed. However, itis clarified by the drilling works that there exist pyroclastic rock below EL. 470 m to 480 m and the Therefore, intrusive rock is judged to form sheet, fe rock covers the pyroclastic rock ‘The andesite include phenocryst of Plagioclase and Pyroxene with the diameter less than 3 mm, and partially secondary mineral, such as Chlorite, is formed by hydrothermal alteration. ‘Therefore, soft and porous portions by hydrothermal alteration exist in the boring cores. ns of Rock for Aggregate Rock classification Cracks with same directions, which may possibly cause flatness of aggregate, do not, developed in the andesite at the quarry site.-Since the interval of cracks of the andesite is 10 to 200 om, the maximum aggregate size of 15 cm is supposed to be available. The andesite of the quamry site is classified into four (4) classes, D class, CL class, CM class and CH class based on the hardness of the rock and the characteristics of four (4) classes are summarized in the table below. Rack Classification Characteristics Boring cores could be drilled without water like soil. D_ | -Rocks are deeply weathered and very sof, - Discrimination of exacks is impossible. “Boring cores mainly consists of shorierTength of cores than is Gameter or separated conditions -Cores are deeply weathered, discolored to brown or reddish brown and soft “Brown colored weathering is developed atthe eracks and mostly inlude ‘weathered materia Column cores which was softened by hydrothermal alteration belong to this clas. cL ‘Mainly consisting of column core with the length of 10 70 50 om. CM | sAlmost of cores are fresh and hard. Cracks show brown colored weathering or fresh, "Mainly consisting of column core with the length oF 10 to 50 em, cH Rocks are composed of finer grain mineral and itis harder than CM class, Cracks show brawn colored weathering or fresh. 5-17 Chaprer 5 Geology Q) Laboratory Test Results ‘The results of rock laboratory tests are shown in Table 5.3.3 and Fig. 5.3.3 and 5.3.4, The summary of the results of physical property tests and unconfined compressive tests are tabulated below. Class Physical Properties che ropeny ‘Averigax Saturated” | Averages Absorption | Averages Unconfined Surface-10° Coarse Material = 65% | w20, (Crashed Rock : 20%) [T7598 — 190. 4.75mm (DmaxOMc) : = | 639x10* (Natural Sand : 80%) | "16.39% Fine Material 125% | 1.837 (TPD-IU } | (Dgsiwetside)| 0.09 | 30.49] 3.01108 Coarse Material: 75% | We=17.0%6 (Crushed Rock : 20%) | .934 19.0-4.75mm (DmaxOMc) : = | toaxao® (Navral Sand = 80%) | W=13.8% CASE2 CASES [Fine Materia 277% [ATT i” (CTPD-IU ) | C95:Wer side) | 039 | 2039] 247x108 Coarse Material: 73% | w=17.8% (Crusted Rock 35%) [1564 19.0-4.75mm «DmaxOMc) : + | 962x108 (Natural Sand: 65%) | we14.8% CASES Fins Matera TH CUPB-AU ) | (D95:IVer Side) | 0.06 | 36.00 | 1s x10% Coarse Material : 65% | w=18.9% (Crushed Rock : 20%) PT830 19.0- 475mm (Oimax0MC) 7 (Natural Sand : 80%) | w15.5% CASES Gi) Conclusion of Test Results, Permeability required for the impervious material is less than 1x10* cm/sec in general. Among the five samples in the table above, CASE-3 shows permeability of more than 1x10 cm/sec under both optimum moisture content and D9S density (wet side), it is judged that CASE-3 sample can not applied as impervious material Some of other samples show the permeability of more than 1x10° cm/sec under D9S density. However, it will be possible to compact more by effective compaction equipment and effective supervision of the 5-26 Chapter 5 Geology ‘embankment works and required permeability is expected to be obtained at the construction site. CASE-1 sample has possibility that fine material exceed 25 % of total weight and the optimum moisture content is 20.5 % which is bigger by 5 % than the one of other samples. In general, workability of impervious material with fine material of more than 25 % will be deteriorated and may cause subsidence. Therefore, CASE-] sample is judged not suitable as an pervious mater The samples of CASE-2, 4 and 5 are available as mixed impervious material, Estimated physical and mechanical properties are summarized in the table below and the range of full sized gradation of the actual mixed impervious material is shown in Fig. 5.3.20. Waar (Tet - 7 ‘Sample Size) jan: Symbol Test Results | Estimated Value jarreneSpecife |G. aie. a7 erre a [Optimum Water Tope [148-165 % 15.50% | Value 95 Dey 2 [LIU] impervious [Density we [tro8-17mwm [neo (<19.0 mm) leear siren C005 0:39 eae? — fot een? tet Sesneth [gr pao 360° 5 7 [.6a*10* = 3.36X10 : fen * WMoswe conn fomsee [Max Dry Density) ‘The values in table above are decided based on the lower limit or average value of the test results of the available three (3) samples. The test material of three (3) samples are adjusted to exclude the grain size bigger than 19.0 mm. Therefore, the actual range of gradation is set to include 20 to 50% ofcoarse material with the size of more than 19.0 mm. (b) Mixed Semi-pervious Material (Sample for Test Crushed rock of the quarry site at Mt, Mergi and purchased sand mined around Mt. Merapi are also used for mixing material for the laboratory test of mixed semi-pervious material. 5-27 Chapter 5 Geology (ii) Gi) Results of Tests ‘Test results of mixed semi-pervious material are presented in Table 5.3.9 and Figs, 5.3.21 and 5.3.22. The test results arc summarized as bellow. can es Cans Si SST pay Adjusiment of Gradavion | po | quent) | #0 | lem) crushed Rock CASE-1 19.0-4.75mm : 30% | 0.39 0.02 35.68 4.09% 107 1S one cid Hon | CASE-2 19.0-4.75mm : 60% | 0.41 0.03 35.46, 14x10?) {an une 0% ‘a ‘rushed Rock wy | t0s4 75mm 30% | gy ta ltastes cases | 208 oa | om | saz | 2000 1% Cra RoE As | gy RAFI :6%| O28 | oor | a60 | 222x108 0% Conclusion of Test Results ‘The permeability required for semi-pervious material is 1x10? to 1x104 emfsee general. All of the test samples presented in the table above almost satisfy the requirement and they are judged to be utilized as semi- pervious material. The estimated physical and mechanical properties are summarized in the table below and the range of full sized gradation of the semi-pervious material is shown in Fig. 5.3.20. Tem Symbol ] Test Resulis | Estimated Valve! iBuik Specie Gaviy_| Gb [2573-2600 [Natural Water Content [W7|039-0.75% Void Ratio e_|oal=023 SemicPervious [5 Deas ye [ERT BOTTA (<19.0 mm) (COR o0or [Mena crest] Sample Size) Shear Srenth latent 0.0 igen epee emo fs" Permesbiiny nie eae 136710 emisee_lemisee * Note : The moisture content of samples the time of test sre presumed tobe dryer then fal the time mined, Therefore the estimated value of moisture cantent makes bigger than the test value. ‘These values presented in the table above are decided based on the lower limit or average value of the test results of above samples. Since the test ‘material of the samples are adjusted to exclude the grain size of bigger than 19.0 mm, the actual range of gradation is set to include 40 to 70 % of 5-28 Chapter 5 Geotegy coarse material. In Case 3 in which natural sand is mixed, the permeability is 1.36x10" cnvsec, which is almost lowest limit for semi-pervious material. The sample was adjusted without the grain size bigger than 19.0 mm, Since Case-3 include fine grade of 3.6 %, the fine grade of 2 % will be the upper limit for the actual material Consideration Prior to the embankment works of the dam body, the standard for the construction supervision shall be established upon the confirmation of mixing ratio or gradation of embankment material by trial embankment works. The following items shall be taken into consideration in establishment of the standard. aM @ G) Permeability of Mixed Impervious Material ‘Some of the samples of imperious material for the laboratory tests do not satisfy the permeability requirement of less than 1x10° cm/sec at the wet side of optimum inoisture content, Therefore, the gradation or the allowable moisture content shall be decided through in-situ permeability tests by trial embankment. Adjustment of Moisture Content and Mixing Method of Mixed Impervious Material The natural moisture content of weathered soil which is available near the damsite is as high as 40 % and when the weathered soil is mixed with coarse material, weathered soil mey become hard pan. To prevent weathered soil from hard pan, suitable mixing method shalt be selected through trial embankment, Crushed rock or sand which are supposed to be used as coarse material for mixing have moisture content of only several %. It is confirmed that the mixed sample with the crushed rock and sand tend to have lower moisture content than the optimum moisture content, Therefore, adjustment method of moisture content of the mixed material using crushed rock and sand shall be studied through trial embankment. Sand Ratio in Semi-pervious Material ‘The natural sand which was used for mixing material in the laboratory tests are debris flow deposit mined around Mt. Merapi and the quality of the natural sand will Aluctuate depending on the mining places. Therefore, when the natural sand is used as a mixing material, quality control of the sand is quite important

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