Mahnoor - 19 Nov 2022

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A. Use the table to describe the visitors polled.

People 35 and under mostly preferred

snowboarding more than skiing.A couple of
more people over 35 preferred skiing
All in all it's more like a tie, but snowboarding is
more preferred

B. What information can the owners of the resort

determine from the data in the table?

More people like snowbording

C. Make a statement that is supported by the data.

Above 35 most people like skiing

A two-way table is a way to display frequencies or

relative frequencies for two variables.

One of the variables is represented using rows and the

other one using columns.

They are used to see if there is any relationship

between the two variables.

It can only take certain

It can be counted.
It cannot be divided.
It can be graphed on a bar
Example: number of dogs,
number of books, number
of students etc.

It can take any value within a

It can be measured.
It can be divided.
It can be graphed on a
histogram or a line graph.
Example: time, the weight of
a dog, the height of the
students etc.

City A most people said no

City B most people said yes
In total, more people have rainboots

almost 50%

almost 25%

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