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7Cb(1) Adept adaptations

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1 Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

Different have different to help them to
in different . We say that the organisms
are to their habitats.

adapted features habitats organisms survive

2 Complete the sentences.

a A great crested newt has a tail for .
b A great crested newt is difficult to see. We say it is .
3 True or false? Write ‘T’ or ‘F’ after each sentence. b
a Duckweed gets a lot of sunlight because it floats on water.
b If conditions change in a habitat it does not affect the organisms.

4 Tick one box to choose the best answer.

a Why do polar bears have thick fur?

It looks nice. To stop them looking skinny.

To help them keep warm. To help stop them being seen by seals.

b Why do cacti have spines?

It’s too dry to grow proper leaves. To protect themselves.

So you can tell them apart from other plants. To soak up rain water.

I CAN... • describe some adaptations of organisms for their habitats.

Exploring Science edition 93 © Pearson Education Limited 2008

Unit03.indd 93 22/2/08 12:11:03

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