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Lesson 1: Living in Space

Orbital Space Colonies

1. population - the whole number of people or inhabitants in a country or region

2. acquainted – having personal knowledge of something; having met
3. dense – marked by compactness or crowding
4. inhabitant – one that occupies a particular place regularly, routinely, or for a
period of time
5. socialize – associate, mingle
6. orbit – a path described by one body in its revolution about another
7. pseudo-gravity – artificial gravity
8. torus – a doughnut-shaped surface generated by a circle rotated about an axis
in its plane that does not intersect the circle
9. hull – the outer covering of a fruit or seed; the main body of a usually large or
heavy craft or vehicle
10. suffocate – to deprive of oxygen; to stop the respiration of
11. toxic – containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of
causing death or serious debilitation
12. colony – a body of people living in a new territory but retaining ties with a
parent state
13. spacecraft – a vehicle or devise designed for travel or operation outside the
earth’s atmosphere.
14. infrastructure – a system of public works of a country, state, or region
15. gravity – weight
16. cylinder – a surface traced by a straight line moving parallel to a fixed straight
line and intersecting a fixed planar closed curve
17. transcode – convert (language or information) from one form of coded
representation to another.
18. century – a period of 100 years
19. vast – very great in size, amount, degree, intensity, or especially in extent or
20. discard – to get rid of especially as useless or unwanted

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