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Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. 24, No.

6: 283–287

Sensory Profiles of Sweeteners in Aqueous Solutions


Department of Food Chemistry and Analysis, Faculty of Food and Biochemical

Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Prague, Czech Republic


ŠEDIVÁ A., PANOVSKÁ Z., POKORNÝ J. (2006): Sensory profiles of sweeteners in aqueous solutions.
Czech J. Food Sci., 24: 283–287.

Sensory profiles of saccharin, acesulfame K, aspartame, and neotame were compared with that of sucrose in three
different types of water (tap water, commerical Crystalis water, and distilled water) under the conditions of the respec-
tive ISO standards. The intensities of off-flavours, especially bitter and metallic tastes, were higher in the solutions of
synthetic sweeteners than in that of sucrose. The aspartame solution was the sample closest to the sucrose solution,
and the intensity of off-flavours was significantly higher in acesulfame solution. Ratings of the bitter taste were related
to those of the metallic taste, the relation being semilogarithmic. The performancies of different assessors were nearly
the same in all ratings, and the absolute values of the ratings of sweetness and different off-flavours had the same
repeatabilities. The relative accuracy was, naturally, much higher in off-flavours than in the case of sweetness.

Keywords: sensory profile; sucrose; sweeteners; sweetness; synthetic sweeteners

Sucrose, a traditional sweetener, possessing a con- Aspartame belongs to the sweeteners most resem-
siderable content of energy, is now often replaced bling sucrose in the sensory profile (CARDELLO et al.
by low energy sweeteners, especially in some fruit 2003). Recently, the structurally related neotame (AB-
products and beverages. Several low-energy sweet- BOTT 2004) – N[N-3,3-dimethyl)-L-α-aspartyl-L-phe-
eners possess a common disadvantage of various nylalanine] – was found more efficient as a sweeten-
off-flavours and after-tastes, absent or extremely ing agent than aspartame, but of a similar sensory
weak in sugar solutions. Metallic, bitter, and as- profile (PRAKASH et al. 2002).
tringent tastes were most often reported among On the basis of the available literature, numerous
off-flavours (REDLINGER & SETSER 1987). The bit- data can be found on the application of neotame
terness of saccharin has been emphasised (MEYER to foods, beverages, and chewing gums, but the
2003). Therefore, the bitterness should be tested sensory profile of neotame was not compared in
in sensory profiling of sweeteners (CARDELLO et detail with those of other sweeteners in aqueous
al. 2000). The metallic taste is often present, but it solutions. Therefore, we have tested the sensory
was not distinguished from the bitter taste in many profiles of acesulfame K, aspartame, neotame, and
experiments. Off-flavours are usually less pregnant saccharin – all sweeteners having been approved
in mixtures of sweeteners (SAELZER 2004a, b). by Food and Drug Administration, USA (ADA

Supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Project No. MSM 604 6137305.

Vol. 24, No. 6: 283–287 Czech J. Food Sci.

2004), with that of sucrose under the conditions and swallowed. Flavour intensities were rated after
specified by the international standards. swallowing. After mouth washing with water and
waiting for 20 s, the second sample was evaluated. The
MATERIAL AND METHODS sample serving was in agreement with the respective
international standard (ISO 6658 – Sensory analysis
Material. Tap water contained mineral com- – Methodology – General guidance). The sensory
ponents in agreement with the national standard profile (ISO 6564 – Sensory analysis – Flavour profile
(ČSN 75 7121 – Ukazatele jakosti pitné vody. methods) consisted of four descriptors (sweet, bitter,
Vyhláška 252/2004 Sb., Ministry of Health CR, sour, metallic), rated on an unstructured graphical
22. 4. 2004): at least 30 mg/l Ca (the recommended scale (ISO 4121 – Sensory analysis – Methodology
content 40–80 mg/l) and at least 10 mg/l Mg (the – Evaluation of food products by methods using
recommended value 20–30 mg/l). Commercial scales), represented by a straight line 100 mm long,
potable water Crystalis (supplied by Crystalis, oriented by the description at the two ends (0% =
s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic), supplied from imperceptible; 100% = extremely strong). Rank tests
Teplice-Aderšpach Rocks, Police n. M., Czech were performed using the international standard
Republic, contained 34.0 mg/l Ca, 6.1 mg/l Mg, (ISO 8587 – Sensory analysis – Ranking). The asses-
2 mg/l Na, 7.5 mg/l NO 3–, and 128.0 mg/l HCO 3–, sors were selected, trained, and monitored accord-
the total mineral content 208 mg/l. Distilled water ing to the respective standard (ISO 8586 – Sensory
was prepared in an all-glass apparatus. analysis – General guidance for the selection, training
The following sweeteners were used: sucrose p.a. and monitoring of assessors – selected assessors);
(Lach-Ner, s.r.o., Neratovice, Czech Republic), they had experience in sensory profiling of a year
saccharin Na , acesulfame K and aspartame (all at least. They were trained for the special task after
the above sweeteners, purity higher than 99% DUBOIS et al. (1991).
dry matter, Urseta, s.r.o., Doksy u Kladna, Czech Statistical analysis. The two-way analysis of
Republic), and neotame (The Nutrasweet Co., variance, the one-way ANOVA, were applied using
Augusta, USA). the software Microsoft Statistica 7.0; the probability
Sensory analysis. The test room was equipped level was fixed at P = 0.95. The ranking evaluation
according to the requirements of the international was performed after Kramer (BARYŁKO-PIKIELNA
standard (ISO 8589 – Sensory analysis – General 1975).
guidance for the design of test rooms). Three or
four samples were served at a session, each time RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
30 ml of sample in a 50 ml coded beaker, served at
random order. The sample was ingested, moved in All samples were tested 20 times under the same
the mouth for 5–6 s by movements of the tongue, conditions using the same panel of assessors. The
Metallic taste (p.c.)

Figure 1. Relationships between bitter

and metallic off-flavours in solutions
of sweeteners (expressed in % of the
Bitter taste (p.c.) graphical scale)

Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. 24, No. 6: 283–287

Table 1. Sensory profiles of sweeteners

Water Sweetener Sweet taste Bitter taste Acid taste Metallic taste
aucrose 82 ± 8 7±2 7±2 11 ±3
saccharin 62 ± 4 25 ± 3 12 ± 3 28 ± 4
acesulfame 69 ± 2 31 ± 4 7±2 33 ± 4
Tap water
aspartame 69 ± 3 4±1 6±1 15 ± 2
neotame 76 ± 3 22 ± 4 14 ± 3 29 ± 4
blank 2±1 3±1 5±2 10 ± 2
aucrose 72 ± 2 6±2 12 ± 1 9±1
saccharin 73 ± 3 12 ± 2 10 ± 2 23 ± 3
acesulfame 65 ± 3 29 ± 5 7±2 31 ± 4
aspartame 72 ± 2 9±2 4±1 19 ± 3
neotame 75 ± 2 18 ± 3 9±2 30 ± 4
blank 1±1 1±1 1±1 2±1
aucrose 71 ± 2 4±1 10 ± 2 8±2
saccharin 74 ± 3 18 ± 3 11 ± 3 29 ± 3
acesulfame 69 ± 3 28 ± 4 7±2 35 ± 5
Distilled water
aspartame 70 ± 2 12 ± 1 4±1 21 ± 3
neotame 68 ± 3 16 ± 3 11 ± 3 37 ± 3
blank 2±1 6±2 3±1 12 ± 2
aucrose 75 ± 6 6±2 10 ± 2 9±2
saccharin 69 ± 6 18 ± 5 11 ± 3 27 ± 3
acesulfame 68 ± 3 29 ± 3 7±1 32 ± 3
Mean values
aspartame 70 ± 3 7±2 5±1 18 ± 3
neotame 73 ± 3 17 ± 3 11 ± 3 32 ± 3
blank 2±1 3±1 3±1 8±1

solutions of sweeteners were tested in three types of solvents tested (Table 1); the exact agreement could
water (tap water, water Krystalis, and distilled water), not be expected. Nevertheless, substantial bitter and
and the respective water was tested for comparison. metallic off-flavour notes were observed in the case
The concentrations of sweeteners corresponded ap- of all sweeteners, they were the lowest, however, in
proximately to 9% sucrose (the reference sample), i.e. the case of aspartame, in agreement with the litera-
0.257 g/l in the case of saccharin, 0.45 g/l in the case ture (CARDELLO et al. 2003). Neotame was found
of acesulfame K, 0.45 g/l in the case of aspartame, always slightly less favourable from the standpoint
and 0.011 g/l in the case of neotame. The solutions of off-flavours than aspartame.
were prepared immediately before testing, and were The intensities of metallic and bitter tastes were
tested at 23°C. The responses were based on litera- interrelated (Metallic = 24.3 log Bitter – 3.1; R 2 =
ture data (TUNALEY et al. 1987), but the sweetness 0.79; N = 18), the relationship being semilogarith-
responses were not exactly those of sucrose solutions mic (Figure 1). The high correlation coefficient
as they depended on the water used. Nevertheless, shows that the dependence was very close, and in
they were not significantly different in the three some cases, it was probably not possible to dis-

Vol. 24, No. 6: 283–287 Czech J. Food Sci.

Table 2. Average differences between two results of sensory ratings

Sweetener Sweet taste Metallic taste Bitter taste

Sucrose 6 5 6
Saccharin 15 14 12
Acesulfame 12 15 18
Aspartame 9 7 6
Neotame 11 16 14
Mean value 11 11 11

Expressed in % of the graphical scale

Table 3. Average differences obtained by rating the same solutions by different assessors

Taste Assessor A Assessor B Assessor C Assessor D Assessor E Assessor F Mean value

Sweet 12 10 10 8 11 9 10
Metallic 12 10 9 19 12 12 12
Bitter 12 10 12 12 10 10 11
Mean 12 10 10 13 11 11 11

Expressed in % of the graphical scale

tinguish clearly between the two tastes. The values No significant differences were observed among
of off-flavours obtained in our experiments were the ratings of the sensory profiles in the three dif-
moderately higher than those reported by other ferent brands of water used as solvents.
authors (PRAKASH et al. 2002; NOFRE & TINTI The average differences between two results
2000). The probable reason was that in our experi- on rating the same solution by different asses-
ments, the assessors were more concentrated on sors are given in Table 2. The lowest values were
the evaluation of off-flavours. obtained in the case of sucrose and aspartame,

Table 4. Significance of difference between sweeteners in intensities of off-flavours

Sucrose Saccharin Acesulfame Aspartame

Metallic taste
Neotame + – – +
Aspartame + + +
Acesulfame + –
Saccharin +
Acidic taste
Neotame – – – –
Aspartame – – +
Acesulfame – –
Saccharin –
Bitter taste
Neotame + – + +
Aspartame – – +
Acesulfame + –
Saccharin +

Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. 24, No. 6: 283–287

the latter being the sweetener closest to sucrose References

in its character (CARDELLO et al. 2000). No sub-
stantial differences were found between saccharin, ABBOTT P.J. (2004): Neotame. WHO Food Additives
acesulfame and neotame. Series, 52: 1–45.
The performances of the individual assessors ADA Report (2004): Position of the American Dietetic
Association: use of nutritive and nonnutritive sweete-
were tested as well (Table 3). No significant dif-
ners. Journal of American Dietetic Association, 104:
ferences were found, probably due to the long
experience of the assessors. Their ratings could BARYŁKO-PIKIELNA N. (1975): Zarys Analizy Sensorycz-
be thus considered as reliable. nej Żywności. Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne,
Statistical differences between the ratings of Warszawa.
off-flavours are shown in Table 4. The ratings of CARDELLO H.M.A.B., DA SILVA M.A.A.P., DAMASIO M.H.
the bitter taste of the synthetic sweeteners were (2000): Description quantitative analysis of sweetness
higher than in the case of sucrose solutions (very in different concentration. Ciencia e Tecnología de
low bitter taste). Aspartame solutions were less Alimentos, 20: 318–328.
bitter than those of other sweeteners, and acesul- CARDELLO H.M.A.B., DA SILVA M.A.A.P., DAMASIO
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reported in the literature (CARDELLO et al. 2000). by descriptive analysis and time-intensity analysis.
Alimentaria, 346: 23–30.
The bitterness of neotame solution was slightly
higher than that of aspartame solution, and simi-
lar to that of saccharin, however, still lower than BRANDS L.M. (1991): Concentration-response rela-
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had more intensive metallic taste than the sucrose 26–28.
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three replications) showed that the off-tastes were PRAKASH I., CORLISS G., PONKALA R., ISHIKAWA G.
lower in water and in sucrose solutions, but signifi- (2002): Neotame: the next-generation sweetener. Food
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cantly higher in the case of synthetic sweeteners.
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Bitter and metallic off-tastes of neotame solution SAELZER K. (2004b): Novel sweetening systems for tea
were more intensive than those of sucrose solu- and coffee. Individual combinations of sweeteners
tions, of the same order as in case of aspartame optimize flavour. Alimentación, Équipos y Tecnología,
and saccharin solutions, and less intensive than in 23: 45–47.
acesulfame solutions. The three types of water used TUNALEY A., THOMSON D.M., MCEWAN J.A. (1987): De-
for dissolving the sweeteners yielded similar values. termination of equi-sweet concentrations of nine sweet-
The absolute accuracy of the off-flavour ratings was eners using a relative rating technique. International Jour-
about the same as that of the sweetness rating. nal of Food Science and Technology, 22: 627–635.

Received for publication February 13, 2006

Accepted after corrections May 24, 2006

Corresponding author:
ALENA ŠEDIVÁ, MSc., Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze, Fakulta potravinářské a biochemické technologie,
Ústav chemie a analýzy potravin, Technická 5, 166 28 Praha 6, Česká republika
tel.: + 420 220 443 263, fax: + 420 233 339 990, e-mail:


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