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PRAPKE ALONG AOHCALE CTAAN ELECA 1IET ILD FEDERAL NEGARIT GAZETTE ‘OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA (hae tehet pic ak amen ton Lo Je Content NE se ANT LE Prostmation No, 1236021 Pepe FOnPInCs Fae me tety|, Revised Feder this a Aat-Comapton crete AIR aS seainrees| Commision lamin oooPae 29M NP eve ALE ETE _ PROCLAMATION Ne a36un2 sca tmrTcs toc ete bry | | MEBELISEMEROCLMATSN SAS STABLISIMMENE OFTHE EER ETUC peters hte ANDLAMIL-COMBUIHON COMMISSION Ataag ara tom NE PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, te Govereat and te eoples of Bio ecogsize tat coat ad impo ae capable of hedrng the Soc ERAERE em TIOES TH om AF aT pee tne ner ADTRAN DD Tathe ARTE FTI t74C ArT Mew | Economic and Political development of oor fu ACH mcr NA, omy: county an fund near to sbi ep tyne eeoec@y rach: toa xg | WHEREAS, & has bicome esceiary © PRneAse ACHE TIM bee Fae | eve coruson and iors and cei Jotry cong ht aan ace? oniaa | S259 fp til ale ad or wich Comahor timc tha omnes tages | Ma OH sanene OK be Hw ® Cust Fada vacria mpac Ange, | “So cmbs comin: neric poms thé sustin the devlopmen, pene and ores Pech wee PIARYE AG Fhe | WHEREAS, ihe become proper or he mcr) eHebA NVAITY ans wer | commision © have independence and aaere AE tANEE HAE NIATEe EG | impatiy Is He operon by making FM oars perton sd iver be gui with the eincipesofwanpareny an account ARE ten 290h au TF POE ELLE een Met ae 1 ay pam UPAR DORE RAMEY AAMT mee OE AR TOA NnLAL UT Aenthe AG bets WWE KEK toe mae POA tome AT eMC msm Aaa emneneAred "OAK oO 0 ome 707 ILA fomng oohtha 40C ONIE HAM HERE Peet? ancory bert hn be 2 Pease can IVETE FUT LIE NATO MEL hod omoe MIA NAS MRAM AER AT ANAC RAK ICKY AAI KRHA TELA NAA Onaeks &noae Awhenee eran in omrIA NEED TE WOH AYER (8) one Fateh RPK horas mea aoe at &. pepe con BY APR PARA HONRICS toe me bent overs NEED arriiia town RPK Are A REAMAT.LE hate Rata AI 8 boa Fea RIM AA REET ese haWty iN MAY AEE ore AE WRN TOY RoR ter-manes Fog ome 9 Yor: A cheLNE ose pe ben” In AIR RRP HbA eheLiOs DeLING on Pree Wey Fae: the Commision by diferent laws and prvi in Jaw the scope of power ofthe commision that, woul enable accompli tole of edig and coordinating he sicomapon stage st he sional level WHEREAS, comution prevention is nota tak hat bogie and end a 2 given institon anit as become necessary fo provide in aw the reluions of the Commission would have with ster inatnione 29 a8 © make the Commission degutly represent te ation at internation nd cmtnetl eel nthe tea of ticorption struggle + NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance ith Arist S(1) of The Coostison ofthe Feder Democratic Republic of Biipia, is hereby proskimed allows. PARTON ‘GENERAL 1 ShastTe ‘Tle Proclamation may be cited as the Revised Federal ics and Art-Corsion Commision Proclamation No 12362021" 2 én Unless te contest requester fn this Proclamation 1 Commision” means The Federal tics sd Aat-Corupion Commision 21 "Commissioner or Dopey commissioner means the Commisoner ot the DepuyCommisioner of the Commision respectively; Om ppcarny — WL4A DUR on are TE ME TEA HEIE A et Se M89 yp a a OFF ANA erIHe ORE PEAKE badge of which Is iy or pari Ae ROA II NPE Moca by the Goverment and in Poser Teer omnes WF sor which ay ade Coreen iy speed “regan FA RCRA Tn | ay emul Eoervie™ means any Polio Femme MANA LET Noon oe Enerie oF Stare Company te med $00 er eKeR coment of whic) fly oF panty mM LAMY RCKE aL enhAe wna by the Feder Covrmet ' aay tee Brome RCRE Tne MFO NIA | 5/-Pai Orman meme ody te mame ore hin esna0n one sdniters money, propery or other ° funn meee 00 FANAM TIHA revue cles fs any fiom fom - Ince one AA VaR ementane member othe be or colt for Mare RIM — sae hae pat pvp Joke, he: de Peer Fa CR AND eat meee serene Kmy 4 oe, nehowever inca te lowing orien wcReT 2) Religie ors 1) Pot organiztonparies; ©) International organizations; nd 1 iro eter tional or religous a ezrath RERANCH A) PIA NOR LORIN NG mcs bean aie one ° LT He Lae eho UNC Torts WY cream annAry 7A any APE) "Pble OM for te purpose of tis { ALAN AMA FINI tone HC OE -roclamation, means Members, Speakers aa NRMOAE Pha ALM tnd Deputy Speakers of the House of | FARE? PMC AY ALDANG PhD Peoplds Reprserives, Speakers and DAM FETARN TARA aibae Deputy Speakers of the Howe ofthe Fedeatlon, the President of the Republi, the Prime Minister, Depry Prime Minister, Ministers, Sue Ministers, Commissioners, Vice Commissioners, Diectrs, Deputy Directors, General Managers, Deputy ees MFA PAR LOE: LCR: EANECR AAP eV PA WIC ARebbe ls wha ARAN NeAOeIT Phra ne AMSAT: FaRCA SCH ET TATE PHYA TEMA AG ATH | General Managers; Presidents, Vice sadugeimanruaa| Presidents and Judges of Feder Cours, ASML UT AS AALED UAT PRTC the Atorny General, Depuy Attomey uncares CHATETE 8 Pha ATT MEA Ade NUE De AME Mbemane WnAI ROE toe TY fae DLPTD haar H coma Ack TAY MY DIED WOR 0 Fone hhmbne wr ATF tomrIny ance Oe wor Here ose teen ie one Mere boc ane abenem on unde Aor Sars ee INT oY RPK RAW AMA eC Pagabnees ene nang ROA Pte BT MC wer Ande Demin OL AA DAM MINKer HA Phin wes Bho ene BNL shia nanany remee 0c honk ae in LCRF aanANY TA any APE ar ana eC PRREMNeTS the mee AcE MOAN AMAA HOCH Oak AT PUPA SMPTE WC OLE MLCT FINE, On wee AA DAM? NAO NA eam arr hmell Fhe DALY sires Hi tmnt rar CED og evUNE ROE det Tar ORCL one Mere ofr bes Met oe Maer hoc mae arene a Fete fer Yor: (ta 200 oa a LE PHETE CIE Af Spee Ga 8.183 st “Geran —and File Prosetor Presiden and Deputy Presidents of, Universes: Deans snd Deputy Deane of Colleges; Dietors of Hospals and er ficial with sina rank at all 1Y "Public Employee” means any person, er thn those refered to under Sub- Article (6) of this Atle, employed or assigned, and working in any. public ‘office pemanety or temporarily fora vod of ne longer thn three mont 1 “Official of Public Enterprise” fr the purpose ofthis proclamation shall include ‘Chairman aed Members ofthe Board of irate or Boards of Management of te ers, the Head and Deputy Heads of the enterprise aswel as any management member appointed of assigned by the Board, Board of Management or any other competent body, 9) “Ocal ofa Publi Orgazaton” forthe purpose ofthis proclamation shall include Charman end Members of the Board of Directors of Board of Management of the ‘cxznization, the Head and Deputy Heads of the organization as well as any ‘management member appointed or assigned by the Board, head of the Organization or any ther competent body: 101 “Employee of a public enterprise oF alli organization” means any person employed oF assigned and working in sy public enterprise or oganizuion permanently or tempor fo period ofte longer than tee months, | | | Te pengens “ise 29 ous ove 16 ene IE MIE 47 Pee Ne ut F299 Rae oa Fhe AF | TEN Dion Unie are organaions Neo IIA mene! AA OL lemrIn> that the ethics and amcorpton AA SCE O67 MINE LCE commission creates under public ofices, avin ea TAGS FO, omnes He public emerrises or publi oxganizatons for i to accomplish its tasks in the respective insttsons, Aewmerkerk Aner Cenk tor ARCNRAT Gon, MING mb he WA PAL aL | — 121 “EAhics officer or employee of thes het TAY Newry ener AE Taso ue* means any person asianed OFF lene AT RCE one oF employed and working in public tune CE onT ten oF fee, public errs or public RPE FonAde A ers cremizaons: Tey NRC Int hers am 7Iny we | 11 Mass Orpaszton” means sade 70 FAPUCE ART ate mar thin and antcomuption clubs the mrmcy nent MF mts éorimision cremes in public or private Aowhthia NIALOT AO CLERGE ceca ntialas;ar. ster wie orgnizations creed in public offices, public enterprises and public organizations 30 a8 to enable it 1 enhance good eb values and prevent compton; PREP FOAMS FOL mA HN One NeyIne wince Ws torI AM CET AS UNE LCKT ote Prine AE AR AR NROTEEE Fen OW camine meter eranad Yaa me fred) rnerin WA? wee neo? OMIA AeA oer mere one am One ATA ann era LF AN 14 “Resor ells for pubic purpose means money, propery oF resource that is cllotd with the intent © sop, sis, enourage of develop the whole or seston of the sommeniy oF WT IAA MTOR one tery ‘obtained in any way ith such Inet AS AM Ako ECR ose TwOC nd administered or tilized by achasity OPT BUY IAT AIAN Pde ERLE, or association ox commits organized OPP RRO Wk PARC ORF or formed for such purpose, Paeath TIM HIE one 10% to se TEAC em ach a aE PME TE) FRE A Fel Ngee YI Pw 301 pe TH aha Tosa Reson ens HONE, BT THM: ach AF PmANAe of APPT ther simile precious items deposed Dakine NIE NEF hth 9 ina banka inde any wansacton a musscrter 1teIr THT eames Prawns ersaran vrs Ti “mkr 1% AL0r 0 Ate Fone | 16 iste dower mea any pesen who femng oR ore eee pm eons 16 the commision, ofthc, hha Name eeneman mc Van ans 8 cormption offense beni ane ann eahehe Ineo t0 be commited or iacurate heer eonshcA TP er Yor asset registration; TR) rune ¢0e omag AA A rcubKe | 17 “National Amicomuption Policy and ae er Strategy” means a wtionl document mnG) Meahaha XF Nowra cae Sa aie le Ee eee nee AS MR Ue ARCOMMEP HOOD OF fomsomaner cvieages of achieving in the Short and Jong tem in building goed tical onduet, preventing and combating Wek O98 Yor contigo 18) "tw" Ae CBRE ee we GWT) 18 enon” means nto. juical thant ott Primer Na sos eon Worse 72: cian, aa gaarces |” 19/ Any expression inthe matin eder inte the feminine. hs ate 4 4 a i Leip etd ~ BUTLES OF THE COMMISSION © eh. ete 2 Esashi Commision ay penen eovspanccs toe, nag werty| | The Federal Bic nd An-Corapon Commision (henafer refered 0 a8 ‘the Commission) herby established hu aaa te? Re rNe |S PRCA myn owner a athe Federal Goverment oie. One reer an Ai bey tener aMne 21 The Commission shall be secountble 1 evsas the Hout of Peoples Representatives. FP FMAM AM AS CREE ET AOPARCT | 3/ The Ads Abi and Dire Dawe City ecient Administrations shall exablish heir own thes and Anicomption commission, Engen z bent, ema newtitha ALEC IO RII HOT Ow OFF HHA MAP a9 99 tas 2 ec enae Ot eueniiy 7s ener ME NAD NM HUTA! 5, gheuiiy samp eet FoR MOP £7 AI PheAe MME AT HRA NOE ane nes HW feeds oA AF ATE ANG? ‘ooh 1 noe omg In. NO UY HUTA IS awsiin Wm FO emn PIA ANT RoAIrD Tae 2) a7 ftom? nam AT IAC amen Fengniao Ne rine AF teen oon lem CA RCRA AT MUN CEA woe eeovan Aas Cam PIO AT rom Anh RCRA CU UNe LCRA the. ALPE NG AGTH YO AT Ml PIA Fw > —aeTa@e — Namen are nensen Paha aI PIO OFE AE hE OCA emenG ton eure ene sbenaen ts foun nT ED IK REIL A Fe es 131 ey 01 Trini Comal “The Commission shall be fe from. any imerterence fom any person or orzan with regard to stviies undenaken_ to, prevent cerrption, S Head tics ‘The Comision shall have is Head Ofs= in Adi Abobo, 6, Obistne ofthe Commision ‘The’ Coinmissio shall have the folowing objentvesto 1Y Effectively enhane ethical and moral, vals of the generation; 2) Prevent corruption offences ad other impress “Y Makethe publi become owner othe at comvpton stugle by creating « popular ‘movement heipfl in the fight aginst 4 Create insaionl capacity that would enable to cary out powers and duties siventoitby ave 5) Ensure transparency and gcountbility in ‘public offices, public enterprises and public orenintions by having the aset and Goan tres of ther officials and employees declared, registered and made sccesble and verified as 10 its TIGRE 428 120% sun one PHY TE KEIE A el age Oe M9 ey Tian ea ee oe henitk —tontere® — name —tmat| The Commission shall have the following sttohan powers and dues to: BY One FOL mms PAA AG AGM | WV Prepare National Ani-Conuption Policy FUMOSNORPRALIROM SNIPE: and Se i have it approved and fellow up its implementation; HF hey mace AA ewan FAT SCRE NG Minne CREE 2 Provide or cause the provision of sing on ethics and coryption prevention to Fetitom OF PLR Ose Cran officials, heads and employees Fhe PAPE ONG MEET nee appointed, assigned or employed In hnkmato ner — tomane AF pubic offices, enterprises and fom? alia — AME ATODE organization before engaged tthe work: FREDAY LY ewan omnes A: dawrane | 3) sway or nus to be sued pasties and PAT RCEAE AT MINE SCRE work procedures in Public Offies, oar AmNTT ATE Mee CHINA Public Enterprises and public AF A2am rahe tans NCEE ‘otwizations prone or conducive 10 rs ore Ne ccc” ine md imprinter Cd ‘Be recommendations nd. follow op SHAAN emer Flea: thr implemenation repo fra oan Oko ne eM ey NCR SiGe Set cone brea ml AWA MW FmemcomCs Fomhon eee ee eer Aa hha. He FECA: ‘hose ling to implement 8 bexity amne nomgom rerenite une | 4 Where the Commission spect, or APHRET aD? Mere wR wT rectve information a preparation fr the eee commission of compton i undereay, by undertaking a rapid coupon prevention sty, suipend the ROAR Fema emhAhA Ade Memne-t Eh NIARCR One NNkALED eR ISL DANY Whose TD MERLIe HEPA mA Ahem onm POM ATL VT fomemcmes ‘operton or cause the taking of the necessary conection. Where iba, however, suppiclon about the ‘commission of compton inthe process Fomhdh AAMT At, Nia erCAA: it shall opr same tothe eleva organ ‘which has the power to invstignte and prosecute: a HIRE cnn 9eh ou a TE PUR TE LIE fe! Nei ae Ne Rae Sri mc F Tem TI LTP TT | 3) Coase Te delaraton and registaon oF AG tm AcE Poor the asses and nancial interests of rath RCEAE AG fe SCRE ested pubic oficial, ple appointees fhe SAP ES MoE TO and employees of public ofes, heads Dar eaaeke NIA FNomN: Pha and employers f public enerpises and IRL TIN emcHor ANI “ELE IAPS RET NIAID RCD pli organizations; vei ts accuracy, ongnize such data and make it sccesiles BH era umm THAT ACT AT] — 6 Develop, pat ts, and anes het ATRLT USHA Ow eC software daabase tht would enable an annora: 9 AR Ferns sffetve set and faci interest FORA OR: NIT SAFO, NAT eclarion, registration and aces. © ee ee Sill provide information from the Pero? ne Zama dattase to relevant orans upon sees A ernie remcsets Romany “PUA | 7) Create a system w Prevent confit of Fm AGATE Fem FAT imees of led oficial public RCREE MS ening RCRA the pointes and employees, heads and PUPF OMG MONEE behNro employees of public enerprises and BALHEY hensmanc AS head NAM craunizaions hat would ake in och aga “eikad' Ser est onestion wih hele mandate aswell as ‘naltina tousitee, dese eacak power of ono and decision, nd report © Anan oT AF tan ey NCH bee eel pear a ore Investigate and proseate in order for Areas ary ea) Aha, NWA FPCAAN Wee 820 poases 1 tmeconcs tam ‘en them o ike apporae mesure where ecstacy. Particles sal be prescribed typos BY ne? dewsae AF Meine 1-76 | gr Esai and implement upon approve omit sare ence a procures and sen forthe ORES TANF AS NNT recognition sed sleson for avers, Rance hobs eLeTEOM A upon campeon, of ffi, and HET ORD eH owns npninnions, individ and clubs who paces HMR FREI: sre secs inte lM atin aed prevention of corption tm nemoeae en 20h ro EPRI CIE Ae Sch 8 et TR Fem AT Rew PDT] OT Prepare ase To prepare sub Tor myn Ae nem INS spproval and monitor the implemenition Ns (of Codes of Conduct for elested publi Acree emeIaI MIG RIM oficial, pubis ppolotes and Public PUMA OrF NAME FREOAI (Office employees aswell as heads and POOR NERO) Phas employees of puble_ eateries and creations 1 owyane cones aA% mya | 10) Contact sty on comin and fA SCRE MT ANNE RCERT impropriety vlnebity in pubic whe rmnNNG AMAR Meee es, pli enterites and ble tone naa rominnions id publi same if RIRAAAALHE AN #4 PRCA oemed green ERY ea-gemne VIA A tomas amtvan | 11! Orgunie mass orpsniins that wouk! amet me ene hep inthe enhancement of eis and RACKET mane mace WAT prevention of comuption in pub Nee Ink FAT CERF NG ONIN aus eared prpeaninn and ceive hy Marieke’ eit action institutions all levels PRICE RTE PREKAY Hi) fog omne WE ohare? ehdtAas| 12 Follow op and ensre the respect of Feo70R) MAMAN EN smioruplon laws and give 8 mane ganas constancy sevice on their . implementation; THY amyane omnee aks mwyane | 3) Oxpnize, sign and deploy Ethics FAT SCRE AT MINE LCRA Linison Directorates or Teams or Expos ATER MINNIE LLM RAED In publi oes, public enterprises and OFF WETED ofr Maemsot? publi ongnizations, FRORA: frome OME’ Th Maa eniemncs tac mans | 14 Coordinate Regional ties and eKIeT) — eobaMear -NnAare? sncorapion commissions and provide feinh Ron secnA them with the necestry technica suppont bamnag. WA haiFen unc: MMe | 15) By representing the country lase and cooperate with Naina, Continental and leteratonal bodies with similar objectives: AG Mar AeEE MOT 9G OTE Aman VENE AG MAMIE PRIA we TRRMPTE xan isch nn ene TH tne TE HIE 7 reel Neu Ghee 15,19 Petey 21 pee 304 ME ARO foe mae WCTITED nd plises esse the implementation of MICE hee Af NIA £RC.20: Interaonal and Cominenl ant compton conventions and co Th dar Mek A AUER FOL oma | 177 Repent the country with rege the PCTITED AAO beat UGH? | implementation of Tntrainal and Continental Aniomspion Conventions 18) ermine Heucey aemnbsar ng | 18 Couse the establishment of it own ahr rane? peer Independent media to promote ethical DIAsiA® toh the Nr eduction and to enhance enod this pee values 1M anrr7a¢ IAM Aemas wPKA| —_ 19°Rescve performance repos fom organs Poem AEM fmownc nA? mandated with the power of enhanc Denar AF HAO AMT Nee, thie, the ivetigntion and proszction Dia he NAAR GC BMA of compton offences and othe relevant crams, fh) ern nant sarsar aa sereans| 20! Own propery, ene into contr, soe hats OF Rhine AF ea: and be sued in its own name; I a7 eomdardY AF Var@ Wwra| 21 Perform such oer ies as may be ° Ameen tach AR eT defied by law and underake other shsesan setvies ners forthe atainment of fsahiectves, 2 chen hi Organisation ofthe Commis “The commision shal have; Bi bets dbase NBEMIE| A Commisinee and epuy cored Pome PMC ME erm Commisioners © be appointed by the hence rhea Dene: MF house of peoples representatives upon nomination hy the Prime Minister and HY oar DEAD FU O61 ayia seal petebae sw TERETE an aoe ae ae LE PMR 147 RIE I Fe Nee HPF 0 a Ven nae 9. Eaniieand Duties Comaisonsr WY weniive phen eUng. YA omiry | 1 TheCommisione shal be he op offi PiU mere SRA: semads of the Commission and, at POeAREaiy such, shall oraz, diet and manage the actives ofthe Commision, HY muy AVEO JON NER (A) FeLIMe | Without prejudice 10 the provisions of Matane oF hatte Sub-Anicle (1) of this Ale, the Commissioner shal fave powers and dies to ©) MY APE NIK HCC 1) Eves the powers and duis of the Foy mAMG HE Aree Commision spied! ander ae Foran: tice 7of this Procaition, A) Fhentey oor aC: FRomaNL OLA AT 1) Prepare and subi to the House of seIPEF Ee) ONTEY aint | People Representative fr spproval OMe PHC AF AVEO, TORE the organiantonl smvctre, sary Wee PLUTAL WCNC AbARO™ seale and benefit schemes of the Savers employees of the Commision and implement same upon approval, partials shall be specifi in Regulations to be issued by the FIA omic® Zanes House, A) Mi APE erent £72 ©) Prepwe reasons in tine with AS Ph RcA towne Aetee| | provsons specied inthis APE Amr mcr ty mae Proclamation andthe bse principles SOM IDE ania role hc of Ped rae orate AF prena: aoete tna see eee RCA: House of Peoples Representatives and implement se upon aporova om) Aim NORM Te Heo ©) To spoit, asian, employ, sim: Ramen: sobeee inser and amis the neesary RERRER: ~FAGAKAN NCIC sth, Parclars shal be pid in AI ALOMe, £74 LONTA® erkcion toby bank: im) MNT Nee toe TONE AG OR MIDE arhc ak) FHCAAALELI Md AF. Lorne: ©) Propare the anneal work program and budget of the Commision and Submit to the House and implement same upon approvals _ =-@=anaxanacr=xraxD lL we EEE yc sack sun $00 FE PHO) TE O7 LTE Fl Seat Gr 1g ZAP REPEAT TERRE] 0 ear expnre aeons ANIKe te Terr mwah approved budget and work Pes aT the THA om progr of the Comminion a per secon ‘lean fia ows ee 2) Repreeat te Commission m is Ameren TEE Na eating ith ied parties pohnas Th) Fhe) aban fone. NAAR ) Sabmit geen perommance and FLAM Gr CR MORE APNG Mot frases ofthe Commision seca | oie Hower 4) ara rv ANA Tee i) Where neces, 16 give oder for Ae ooo EIT MINER LY the seach of bank sscounts of any © Naka, MMF TUL FIFO om person or crsizaton angering er CHR eI HAM NIRLET Of the oases infomation i the AS nncaye mck NIAANOA proces of set rexnraton anche ah resin verifeion and rangement of confit of ier : 4) yay your inners anaitaye.| 5) Report or omens which has given by eng ahaha AF ORE tome lew safgudinfirmans thee ahaha Hing Aberin 787 is threat on pean who give Aeradte, PII rem Oe Infimitin st Commdaon ¥h RerHs — akchia — tnihn eel OS ee eee ° eee serfeion, mete compton ers avr7 emaeck haa NE wae DIAKCAM a, 07 ABM AHO Aha siebnagans: by partie ahevtt ma anaes | 3 The Commissioner may delegate part of tis powers and dies to theofficial nd employes of the Commission to the prevention and others coupon prevention actives OPED mm mame ING her Abert. ene BaP AT xen nesesay for he efetvenss and 7 Mahas Ago LiAas: ~~ ffciony of the Commision. 1. exhiba weit. naar no 706 40, Bawars and Dates ofthe Dents ‘Sommissons| 8) hee benitree 1 The Depty Commision shal 2) Aust the Commisoner in planing oem ee are TREE demmeds aervan benitys7 genes oroaiang, ieting and coordinating the Smctions ofthe Commision; 1m URED nse 130k a one 18 MEY EY MIE A tae Hee te 1, Fy ame 8? By WRT, oP RE omen tm 1) Folow ap pa ote Commo nema amen herds nce! eprom by sharing funtion in aA? Ate-bas sccordace withthe stuctire ofthe Commision, Ah) BOUT OTETCHE 2H NOD the | ©) Acton behalf of the Commissioner sacs | inthe absence of theater, om) hitne taste Foam at 4) Perform such ter duties as maybe NCE ss@sa: special ents thi by the Commissioner, A PnRe bene teh ANeRiiVG surg 21 The: Deputy Commissioner shall be accountable tothe Commisioner BY bevire ameTEO mak beritve na) 3 Unless specified cttevise thé Deputy Vad harony antec sito deere | Commisioner having senaiy in eee ee erat ea ea erred reat er Pea UTR 1 PheA verte Set i rent a ef Mbonnae Ak etitem Mere tPA, paeee eee eeet ene etree WeKCH oohna Wer. NIA Aha aa Commissioners ae appointed the same time, the commissioner may astgn one of them 11, Term of Ofie and Removal from Office ne nga ra i ‘Commiionsrs ‘ Ay PhenING AE FHA HLS tee | The tem of offie of he Commisioner now nent ow garsas ue 79 | andthe Deputy Commisone shal be for ana, UF AAT NIKE AND ee sh yeas; he my, However, be New A ARP AAAs reappoined for only one tem whore W vertine one pica wertve imy| 2 One ssid, the Commissioner or he Meter ene Depuy Commissioner may nat be Dneeee: stent ted ime removed excep on his own wil rom is ofc ule: a NE ome Nendo NE 1) MMR nw Coy PINE RIA 2) He bat outed the provisions of Phone? IVI baa the relevant code ofcondut; an ee 66m xen 1 24 $16 8 ONY HEY LIE A ea Ngee 8 le imens eas ah anit A) RAD UY tree tee Prawes incompetence and inefficiency, BEAT AAR EAE Aran (9) He ean no longer carry out his a) ns FIG whIPR FING responsibities on account of, (ee vay TaGO? erETA ies: vr att 4) On mining reieement ae. om) tad REL AR ACD BAPTA 1Y- The provisions in Sub Aric (2) (2) and H ay00 KIeO (H) ALLA ste (0) AF (A) (6) ofthis Anite shall apply where it FA 292 AIT CoH CONIA has been verified by the House and tone whe ae tack ANI ‘voted on by majority vote. LPR ARI Ya: 12, Emploumeat of Enlace ofthe © 1 nahenin. watts re wae * Boalt Pas bpeE NAHE Anedace [cess nse skate tle ant of Anat var Ou APE Etat? | a employer ofthe Commision shal be in BILE AG HL Kc0 WA ACA UT] seconde with he regulations tobe ned Dnerag, mcr PE emer nrsec wc | by te Howe lowing the poisons aid fk Orsome RIM me PEAS dowa n this Proclamation andthe gee incipls ofthe adr ii Servis Law r 15, TahaeafanOanh Pater ‘Any pen all pon Assigned or ployed in the Commission ake nth that te wl be ii th Feder Constation and ffl he demands of ple tt and employment, adminsration and dismissal of CO averty etme Ter mort nd Ret A om PIny IP Memsy CENAAEY UAE ARGS ope UnAYT domomr> Aner AROS ERRoWINO UCU £4 AE professions responsibility bestowed on him, Details regarding the oth stall be species sansa: {nthe admiiseave eplation 14, Rights. of Eolas Any oflcale and employees of the hee eet eae aroeiton Seats he ent 2) Onin atte sly were gg vee neo, A Ave 2E MES SH fin tone hE We eLeOste eRe OLA ag reer am ener ome sarsans WeUs $07 NOK aeragor Arnon RIN PON? FAPTA: benefits in acordaoe with «special salary sale and benefit scheme approved by the Hous of Peoples Represenavs In view of the special nature of thee ork. Deal shall be spied in regulon wo be isued as per this proclamation ————— 1 TRGHERE xz 120% um 990 MER TE EIE 9% Fae ep a 1g 8 TH waFF Roa a The way oF aay employee may tached of deducted except in secordance 0) deme an arenes 4) oe AP ae 8) A-writen consent of he employe; oh) OV MERIT omen ces rh con cco: hav anbeC Ae ose ater ©) Provisions the law. Antares EF cu ATER OH NOE (YA) oF) | 37 The amount deductible in ecordance with coe mek Remar Pee Sub Artle (2) (8) of () ofthis Arle FIkcme koma NI On may not exeed one third of the sry of apna: the employee BV Eor eberity ton meet tess | AtY Permanent employee of the ‘Commission i ened to # pension in accordance with th Penson I, AT med Famer amie pTeRAL Bl eben aot 0) eer MMe mI Nemwmne ae Ara aeuachnt -rmpet | Avr om, LET PMNS ae Fas CHE Norm 5 Any employer of the Commission sal 8) Be provided with anomey service at the expense ofthe Commision for any liability incured while exectng. is dies properly an Lense: Paniclars shall be determined by the Regulation 1 1) Oe hoa, rane, UNEP 1») Have the riaht 0. appropriately ANIA tomes AE Ase, question superiors under any foomer: tree FICK) circumstances, inform miskes, toms I roa resolve problems though dscsson PCED mb Met “TEA swell as lodge complaints saa folowing he chins of command; a) thet Page PANIED ©) Have the right appeal for relevant TAPED bea Ab ee organ with regard to the decision Awe am HC MT oe passed by the Commission in FART Ae ache? telaion 10 any grievances and DIMM Ate AHA FRCL iscipine ius; Paeulas shall, ema PFEPA: UCUG REAR ‘be determined bythe epuatons: fron, RH Bonga: re | 8 er has temp Teor £m ety weet NIA AtOr wy conc PRA NA EhLAMAS ave 7 maces FRA ad INCA! CIC NA ADOm Aeyamer £90 Bana 1) ehenis Ade BAPE NG ACT nae Ak awe 2c meseH komant NF AR AE TRIED Dame aA AT Mahe pac ak aOR EME PRL: 6) ANCE Take new 9c err ped MTPRLAE Hee AB. Newnes mrres WY MTA Aomner SFAAH CHE Ken Creer amenes Lanta fy APE ANI TE MO AIF (Xen) murcie a THAT NA He irene 99 garsass AAWTT ANA ANG ofr AWE ADIN OLE anomie Abaco KETOT: TR. Qe) hove. DIR ANTE Bi een we Nec I emt eee ner are TWiT ected WIE OC ATEMAT Th hee Roma NIK NEED LIFAB a ver 0-47 HIE A Neg ete M8 FB Ty Be ead w bans provided the relevant pension Law for permanent tl o paral dsabity sustained in tlation to hs duis acl sal be specfed inthe Regulations tobe sued, ©) Invew of the pei nature of het work, the Commission shall have the salary and various benefits of ofcale and employees of the Commission stated and implement 18 upon approval by the House of Peoples Represenaives 15 After informing the Commision engages in anyother activity which may not have 4 colt of interest with hi ty, during is sore time, Details shall be specified in iveives 10 be sued by the Commission 18, Exemnion rom Tas [Any compensition to be made parsunt 10 Avice 14 SubAnile (3X6) of this Proclamation shall be exempt fom taxation and may not be tached, deducted by way of set or assigned by the beneficiy 5 Susnension fom Dat 1 An employee ofthe Commision may be suspended fom ty by withholding his salary for & period not exceeding one month if tat course of ation i necessary forthe smooth exeeuton of the work, oR Tt Rito FOR NIRS (B) PREDTION ACH Fenty mort MOVRA ofr AAA TAD Me OT eAHAN NIL A bewnher nk hye ushomer aot Atew AebaATE NIE OG horde Dek Rabe ENB TCH BUT NPR APO MneMer £741 LOT 1h, 00862 1 BEAN PAR IAD Bene eso a wh Peo PRT me Como, AW APIC Pde Th hrweOe 47 kre Mah nen oc ACH harhanRneMAnTAd hinge NEPA 8) tine PAALFAD Bee eosnhrA rH Powe fen meek CERImO ET hb@bOe 4) Re UNIT dew wh or nek hathon OAATAD tape Nr HF ay Aveo TOR AER (A) ET (R) Abebite FI WA wor mods Pate) TRATAI ACPA Azone Peco 4d, hinge RAPSAN 18. OER hexity ane penenant@y ER ON Mtoe whe ar AICO sorvan Te ga ona oe eC enn BEN tsa sock oun ne TE ED DE EIE VP Fe Neg eH Ft 2p De TT Reminding Be provitons of Sab 1 of this, Ariel an employee shal be suspended for a ational one oath i he i formally charged with « ‘iminalo aspiary offence for hich his damisl sw be expected if it is proved gains him. Deals shal be pected in regulations to be insed at ‘pe this Proclamation. 1, Retin oC Liason 1 Display mesure may not be taken gsnst an employee pf the Commission who ns commited an offense entailing simple disci pena unless atch measure is taken wihin six months, the relied for investigation, fom the time te breach of laine it known; 2) No disciplinary charge shall be brovght galas an employee Who has commited cluding the time an offense ening rigorous disptinay penal unless such dsilinary charge is Iwought within » year fom the time the commision ofthe ofense is known 11 The Offical who has fled to take the measres specified under Sub-Aricles (1) for @) of this Amc shall be hel responsible. dass ‘The Commission prepare its budget and samt for approval tothe Howe Books oC Assounis 1V-The Commission shall keep complete and secure books of aeours; Ne | Teenie fv Ti NA NBA AF MKC emt amconiobs hea oar f, toermnG eho ene HEA NOIRE BE Wenite eRcon ene new ge ommis ORE NT ewan eA RCE ane termmG te De tong mlaha ne? emeiene Ae Pncom Foner amb dhe Fe ea reams Werte AERC OTE IN LOKAT mmr EPPING EIEN RT Lows mhaha ne7 reneneradc NF fbb Fergani ahh the eA. DIRROR FRCI8 Hy tose ah avery gus re nea cbmare BE Nee em pree UAE AT Nowra At SCERE one tehene aahety WEA 9A& we met eommedli Femme: EMO AF eeragae fame eteits garsans PRE COPING mh e W de KLE Nem nee OAT OT Neen AMT SCERE OTF 1A RALPH thee ROE DE hee sare HIE ens nach aun one 8 Pre HE IIE A Fle Nop cme Me Ay oe Sees Se TAs Commaions Wools oF aseounis and Financial document shall be Audited annually by the Feral Autor Gener 11 -The Commission shal establish Ehies and [Ani-comuption Lisson, offices at every level of Publis Offces and. Public Entries the duty of which tall be 1 coordinate an ary ou eh ssues and ‘comspion prevention activites thelr rerpciv office or enterprist 2/The Commission shall cause the ‘eablishmem of Eties and Ani eruption Liison offices at every level ‘of Pubic Organizations the day of which shall bet coordinate and ery out tial issues and corition prevention aetivites Jn thei respective organization: 3) The ethoe and anicomupion Lisson offée shall be accountable 10. the Commission: 4/1 hal be the dty ofthe Commision to assign, employ, transfer and dismiss the head or employee of the cies and amicoruption tisiton offices of poblic | tices and enterprises. The ehics ison offices be esablished shall be rand in parallel with he line staf of the publi fies or eterises We TERE kan 30h ae anc PE TE FY ERIE A en ep Oe Ne Fa TH We RCE ot tPF] PMG ohete WEA DA ae man Neng NPAs Aria AT AIAATOR FRC20 FLED OMIM mn WW ‘The Commission shall cause th ssipnment, employment, wansfer anc isis ofthe head or employer oft ‘this and anicruption Liason offs of publi organiations The ethic sion ee ee offices to be established shall by ar cameh tne LOH oc ee orenizedin parallel wth he lin aff purses the public onpaizton; Hdmi mmes aA ae RCE NS UNE LCR one 6! Particulars regueding the tics an aicorupion Lisson offices wor LER eM ooh NE telaion with the Commission, the hen Meris 96 eUeert@y tome. organization and operation shall EN AREER AS MEE eT specified by directives to be ised by thy ALI IRen memes BONEN Commission YW eeerracemssenete® WwrReKAy | 71 The work relation of the ethics Lisson Fey y0 mpeee Abs CAME RCE offices with ter respective pblicofce Ag FINE KCRAF oc emu act@y publceeterpie or public onpnization toe Ee hehe nun shall be determined by directives 10 by minis PaneAs issued byte commision, 88. be Wha force te¢_emns | 21. Work Relations of the Commision wil pirE 26 naar toe PERE ‘ie inl Eis and Aa Caray ay wont ane 22 tavranc xs coc | FAM con ting an oe mas tet) mores ne | repose fe leading and coda feranc 49neh eexstise:? ni's| ics and Aniconypin aivies a than MG ther NnbRc% | Natal lee sald io teormic rec enag teeerey| Axton eomtns of gin earaaban eatin eae peoaea ted iy stnninions ed gin echnical supen A) wey haa AT hie AMARC Fo PICT OG ene DLITE 26 PAPEL LGC A PITRE ace shnioe 2 The Commission shall exabloh planning reporting and relation sien with the thes and Anincoruptin commissions of the regional and sit sdminiseaions: —_ © Sv TPnAA he PnP) PRR POT Fog mag wT ARAN Fo Dane £0 ots NMI torema PORE MG OEM me TY are ater snes Ag At £922 P ‘AB. tomtannc 282% Tar oo, ofr ahe write ann nee Frome? a eG) Amare osc, NAIA aM am aan AE. 22:07 meee fem wan Ar ft bone ph AkAR EM Mea ae any APE saan A) enh LaF) PET ML APR ome Pane KL AINE mone Asan gaa fi. 83 Le Bi Na Kod CHPTNCT OG eons 17 RReLS APR er RESIN AG MTHS APE er BEIRUT AP. ems Muy APE eer £1UP My APE Ae AS evra, AO hy PRE 26 Ear ITEM Mate UP Mu AE ater UA MAE ag rere AETators: and Regional ies nd Aa ‘omypion commsions shall submit siatinical dita and periodic report regarding the sate of anti-corruption wsivites in thie respective City cr Region tothe Commision, ‘PARTEOUR 22, Dutuin Couserate Any person is duty bound 10 cooperate whenever cooperation and asistnce is required by the Commision in conection with ts power and duis 2S, Rowen io Issue Resulaons amd irae: 1 The Houte of People Repesetatves may the inplementtion ofthis Pretamaton: fase Regulations for 2! The Commission may issue Directives for the implementation ofthis Proclamation and the Regulations Issued under this Proclamation. ‘Hepeale and Lnanalicuble Laws 1 Provisions provided under The Revised Federal Ethics and Commission Establishment Proclamation a, Ani-Comupion ‘No.t32008, proclamation No. 8832015 covered by this Proclamation are hereby repealed and Amendment 2 All laws which are inconsistent with sis Proclamation shall act apply on matters cover unde this Pelamaton, wens {9268 ou Ane TEAR IE LE A Fe Sgr 1.1 pug — eee #%. AE eos ae BUR MRE IE um Ie haem 49 Kee cos gars: AAD NOM Pht TE OY ETE 9.9 aunact nos, PATER KOO APHEALE eran TenAy ———_ 2S, Eietive Daie This Proclamation shall ner no force the day of ts plication on Fei Nezarete Gates Done at Addis Ababa, On this 19" Day February, 2021, SAHLEWORK ZEWDIE PRESIDNET OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ErHOPLA

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