English Learning Class 7

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Exercises chapter 6

Nama :
Class :

I. Multiple Choice
1. Nobody knew that one day he …. be rich.
a. will
b. would
c. would to
2. Would you …. to go?
a. like
b. liked
c. to like
3. Rachel : Would you like some pizza ?
Kevin : …… , I don’t like pizza very much.
a. Yes, please
b. No thanks
c. Don’t worry
4. Adrian : Hello, what would you like ?
Kerry : Hi, I’d like a kilo of rice and …. sugar, please.
a. Some
b. An
c. A
5. There is .... honey in the glass.
a. Some
b. Any
c. Many
6. How many …. can we eat per week ?
a. eggs
b. egg
c. eggs/egg
7. He cleaned up his kitchen sink after finding two …
a. Mouses
b. Mouse
c. Mice
8. Are …. new books imported from England?
a. This
b. That
c. These
9. Bukankah itu mobil barumu?
a. Isn’t this your new car?
b. Isn’t that your new car?
c. Aren’t those your new cars ?
10. Domba-domba itu ada di kebunya pak Smith.
a. Those sheep are in Mr. Smith’s Garden
b. These sheep are in Mr. smith’s garden
c. Those sheep is in Mr. Smith’s garden
11. ….. table is so messy! Can you clean it? Because I will put my papers on your table.
a. This
b. These
c. Those
12. Your cookies are much better than … cookies over there.
a. This
b. These
c. Those
13. … boys in our row are quiet but … boys in the front are loud.
a. That, these
b. Those, these
c. These, those
14. Would like/I’d like fall into that category….
a. Offering
b. Asking
c. Giving
15. Dia (perempuan) tidak ingin membeli gaun baru.
a. He wouldn’t like to buy new dress.
b. She would like to buy new dress.
c. She wouldn’t like to buy new dress.

Answer no. 16-20 according this dialogue

Ryu : Hi Ken. Are you free tonight?

Ken: I think so. Why?
Ryu: Because there’s a new science-fiction movie at the theatre. Would you like to see it?
Ken: No, thanks. I don’t like science-fictions.
Ryu: Oh… What about a comedy then? There’s one starring Adam Sandler.
Ken: I don’t know. I don’t really like his movies.
Ryu: What about a pop concert then?
Ken: Well, I am not into pop music.
Ryu: Oh, I understand now, it’s Thursday today and your favourite sitcom is on TV!
Ken: You know me very well Ryu… You are welcome to watch it with me.
Ryu: That’s a great idea! Let’s meet at your place at 7:30 then!

16. Ken doesn’t want to go to the movie theatre with Ryu, because —-.
a. he wants to be alone
b. he wants to go to a soccer match
c. he doesn’t want to miss his favourite TV show
17. Ken’s initial excuse not to go to the pop concert is that —-.
a. his favourite sitcom is on tonight
b. he is not interested in pop music
c. he is fond of classical music
18. Does Ken like science-fictions?
a. Yes, he does
b. No, he does not
c. He don’t know
19. What day sitcom is on TV?
a. Sunday
b. Wednesday
c. Thursday
20. How many people in the dialogue?
a. Two
b. One
c. Four

II. Essay

Read the passages and answer the follow-up questions according to the readings.

Dear Melissa,
I hope you are well. Guess what! I am having a big party next week at my house and I am
inviting all my close friends. The theme of the party is going to be Harry Potter, so all
must dress accordingly. You would make a great witch! I need to let everyone know by
Wednesday since I am throwing the party next Saturday. Sam is going to decorate the
house and my mother is going bake a cake and make lots of food. There is going to be
music and dancing as well. John is going to be the DJ. You can stay over at my house. It’s
going to be great! I hope to see you then.


21. What kind of an organization is it?

22. When is the party?
23. Whose party is it?
24. Where is party
25. Why we must wear Harry Potter costumes?

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