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Самостійна робота 6

Task 1.Fill in the correct form of the verb – All tenses

1. They have been in Chicago for 20 years (be).

2. I saw a wonderful film in the cinema last night. (see)
3. The sun rose at 6:38 yesterday morning (rise)
4. The sun was shining when the climber reached Mount Everest. (shine)
5. I promise that I will not tell this secret to anyone (not tell)
6. Unfortunately, just as we got to the airport their plane was taking off (take).
7. They go to the movies only once in a while (go)
8. I was tired yesterday because I didn’t sleep well the night before (not sleep).
9. Sh! Someone is listening to our conversation (listen)!
10. When I left the house this morning, it was already rain (already rain)
11. I think Bob is leaving for London this very moment.(leave)
12. The plane will take off in a few minutes. (take)
13. I get up at 7 every morning but this morning I slept long and I didn't get up until 8. (get,
sleep, not get)
14. I am not wearing wear my watch because it is being fixed (not wear).
15. This has been an easy quiz so far (be).
16. They are living in an apartment right now because they can’t find a cheap house. (live)
17. Everyone was sleeping when the earthquake hit the small town. (sleep)
18. He has been living by herself since her divorce (live)
19. I was angry that I made such a stupid mistake (make).
20. I predict that by 2020, man will have landed on Mars (land)
21. He quit his job a couple of years ago. (quit)
22. Our daughter has not graduated from the university yet (gradate).
23. They didn’t send any Christmas cards last year (not send)
24. She goes to a doctor once a year for an examination (go)
25. They were talking about me when I interrupted their conversation. (talk)
26. Nothing much was happening when I got to the meeting (happen).
27. My parents will be in New York two weeks from today (be).
28. I made two mistakes in the last quiz. (make)
29. Unfortunately, our team didn’t win any games last year. (not win)

Task 2. Text
More and more people want to live the rural life... but...

City life is cool; but is country life cooler?     Apparently yes.
    After the terrible Covid-19 epidemic of 2020, lots of people would like to leave their city and
live in the country.
More and more people in Britain want to live in the country, and this is causing more and
more problems in some rural areas.     The population of British cities has been falling for years.
Cities like Liverpool and Glasgow have lost about 30% of their population in 30 years. But
Britain's population is still growing. Where are the people going?     Answer: to the country.    
The English countryside has a classic image. People imagine that life in the country is slow and
calm; that there are no traffic jams, no pollution, and no crime. In some places, this is true; but in
others it is not.
Small towns and villages are becoming more and more popular; people have more space and
most houses have gardens. But problems are growing. Lots of people want to live in the country
and work in the city; so more and more people travel long distances each day, to go to work. Of
course, they don't use buses (they are too slow) or trains (they don't stop in the country); they use
cars. And although they live in the country, they want to use supermarkets and good fast roads....
but they do not want to see them or hear them. Besides, lots of young people say that life in the
country is boring: there is not enough to do, there are not enough activities and excitements.    
Little villages now have traffic problems in the morning, just like big cities! And they are
getting worse.
    The problems are very complicated! If everyone moves into the country, large parts of the
countryside will disappear! People leave cities and big towns, to escape from urban problems;
but more and more, they are bringing their problems with them.     On warm summer days, and
cold winter days, air pollution can be a big problem in large parts of the south of England, not
just in London. Traffic jams are now often part of life, even in the country; crime has become a
serious problem in rural areas.
Perhaps there is hope for the future. Soon Britain's population will stop rising. From about the
year 2030, it will perhaps start to fall. In 100 years’ time, there will be less people in Britain than
today - perhaps two million less. No doubt there will be less pollution too; oil and petrol will
probably be rare by then.

1. Read the article, then decide whether these statements are right or wrong.

1. There were more people in Britain in 1980 than today. R/W

2. There are good fast bus services in rural parts of England. R/W
3. Air pollution and traffic are problems in parts of the country. R/W
4. Young people particularly like living in the country. R/W
5. There is very little crime in rural areas of England. R/W
6. The British population will start to get smaller before the year 2030. R/W  

Maximum: 30

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