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TOEFL Structure Test 4 Time: 25 minutes This section is designed to test your ability to recognize language structures that are appro- priate in standard written English. The questions in this section belong to two types, each of which has special directions. DIRECTIONS: Questions 1-15 are partial sentences. Below each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Select the one word or phrase that best com- pletes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question you have selected. Blacken the space so that the letter inside the circle does not show. EXAMPLE I Sample Answer Drying flowers is the best way - - - - - - them. eaood (A) to preserve (B) by preserving (©) preserve (®) preserved The sentence should state, “Drying flowers is the best way to preserve them.” Therefore, the correct answer is (A). EXAMPLE II Sample Answer Many American universities - - - - - - as small, private colleges. S@eG&eo (A) begun B) beginning (©) began (D) for the beginning ‘The sentence should state, “Many American universities began as small, private colleges.” ‘Therefore, the correct answer is (C). After you read the directions, begin work on the questions. 1, Tennessee has about 140 newspapers, 2. When consumers cannot have everything creeee 25 are issued daily. they want, they have to choose - ~~ (A) about which moet they want what (© which are about (®) which is about (© they want it (D) that they want GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. » 3. The temperature of an object rises when (© heat flows (D)hot flow 4, From ancient times, people - - - - - - their land, air and water. (B) always have pollution (© have always polluted () pollution always has 5. Jean Fragonard was a French artist - portraits of children. @ whose paintings © who painted ) whose painted 6. Overharvesting brought North American alligators to - - -- - - in their natural habitats. (A) nearly extinct © extinct near (D) extinction nearly 7. The Ford Foundation was established in 1936 to advance human well-being by - funds for education. - ) contribute: (B) contribution © to contribute (®) contributing 8. Fireweed received its name because it - after a forest fire. ) quick growth © quickly grown (D) growing quickly 9. Florida's long coastline and warm weather - - - - -- swimmers to its sandy shores, (B) attract © they attract ()is attracted by 10. Amazon pygmies consider their songs settee part of their culture. (A) an important and extremely B) as extreme and important (D)as extreme importance 11. Psychologists define anxiety as.a feeling of dread, apfirehension, or - - - = - = afraid @)be afraid © having fear ©) fear 12. Ancient nations have used - - - - - - their emblems and flags for thousands of years. (A) the same symbols as © symbols the same as (@)symbols as the same 13, For years experts -- - - - - the effect of coaching and preparatory courses on test scores. (are examining 1} examined (yhaving been examined GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. > 14, The nitrogen cycle - - - - - - of nitrogen 15. While working as a clerk, Edison spent through the atmosphere, hydrosphere, much of his time - - - - - - the stock and lithosphere. ticker. @ the cecattliy he st (C) it is the circulation (© on study (D)is it the circulation (D) studying GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. » DIRECTIONS: In questions 16-40 every sentence has four words or phrases that are underlined. The four underlined portions of each sentence are marked (A), (B), (©), and (D). Identify the one word or phrase that should be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and blacken the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have selected. ‘EXAMPLE I , Sample Answer eHoo Christopher Colurnbus has sailed from Europe in 1492 and discovered a new land he thought to A B D be India, The sentence should state, “Christopher Columbus sailed from Europe in 1492 and discov- ered a new land he thought to be India.” Therefore, you should choose answer (A). ‘EXAMPLE II Sample Answer ®eo00 As the roles of people in society change, so does the rules of conduct in certain situations. A B c D The sentence should state, “As the roles of people in society change, so do the rules of con- duct in certain situations.” Therefore, you should choose answer (B). After you read the directions, begin work on the questions. 16. James Maxwell based his work on the discoveries of the English physical Michael Faraday. A B c D 17. The behavior of animals appears to depend on patterns of reactions which ‘they are born. A B e D 18. For centuries, people have wondered why have they particular dreams while they sleep. A B Cc D 19. After the Roman Empire has collapsed, Europe had no regular postal service. A B c D 20. Most frequently, asphalt is used to pave streets, avenues, highways, and airport. A oD c D 21. Samuel Coleridge was poet and philosopher of the English romantic movement in the early A B c D 1800s. 22. When one person intentional takes the property of another without legal justification, the A B c crime is called theft. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. » 23. Computers programs, catalogues, directories, and collections of data are protected by A B Cc D 24. 25. copyright laws. ‘The water temperature in a spring depends on that of the soil through where the water flows. A B c D ‘Tree squirrels are active, noisy, and lively animals that make its home in tee trunks. A B c D Botanists have determined that there is more than 60 species of sunflowers. A B cs 27. Pure sodium immediately combines with oxygen when is exposed {© ait. A c D 28. Special education is intended help both handicapped and gifted children to reach their o A B 29. Trading fairs held in Antwerp during the 1300s brought famous to the city. A B c D 31. 32. 33. 35. 37. By 1850, California had a sufficiently. lame population tesepoenlzed mama A Gingham ls a fabric used to make dresses, curtng, and fuminures covers A Plato's most last contribution to mathematics was his insistence on using, ieaapalng in A B geometry. ‘Sedatives are a group of drugs that lesally prescribed and should be = en an cisactes, A Maps ee landforms se-commoniy vad in physical geography and geology. A When the minerals needed for com so grow are lack, the husks may be stunted, A Rembrandt was forced to declare bankruptcy in 1656, and his possessions were sale. A Pearls and similar substances may be classified by how are cultivated. A B c D GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. » 38. During winter, grizzly bears live in dens,.caves or the other natural shelters. vite te B c D 39. The neck of a classical guitar is wider than those of a steel-string guitar. A B c D 40. Insufficient oxygen causes lactic acid to built up in the muscles of long-distance runners. A B Cc D »>STOP< ‘This is the énd of Section 2. Read the directions for Section 3. Do not read or work on any other section of the test. Look at the time now before you begin work on Section 3. Use exactly 55 minutes to work on Section 3.

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