Final Exam For Learning

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NAME: Charlene J.

PERMIT NUMBER: Unifast Scholar

General direction: Write the letter of the correct answer in CAPITAL LETTER. 50 X 2 TOTAL

1.) Jean Piaget was a philosopher from?

A.) England
B.) Iceland
C.) Switzerland
D.) Germany

Ans: C

2.) Jean Piaget studied cognitive development and learning theories encompassed in his view of?
A.) Genetic epistemology
B.) Genetic epidemiology
C.) Genetic engineering
D.) None of the above

Ans: A

3.) Piaget’s theory of constructivism argues that people produce knowledge and form meaning is
based upon their?
A.) Experiences
B.) Wisdom
C.) Stocked knowledge
D.) Way of thinking

Ans: A

4.) Piaget’s theory of constructivism addresses _________________________?

A.) How learning actually occurs and focusing on what influences learning.
B.) How learning actually does not occur and focusing on what influences learning.
C.) How learning actually does not occur, nor focusing on what influences learning.
D.) None of the above
Ans: D

5.) Vygotsky’s theory does not have stages like?

A.) Jean Piaget’s theory (Constructivism theory)
B.) Constructivism theory and Cognitivism theory
C.) Cognitivism theory
D.) None of the above

Ans: A

6.) A part of Vygotsky’s theory is scaffolding which is giving the learner the __________?
A.) Right amount of teaching at the right time
B.) Right amount of assistance at the right place.
C.) Right amount of teaching at the right place.
D.) Right amount of assistance at the right time.

Ans: D

7.) Zone of Proximal Development is defined as ___________.

A.) The strategy that includes designating one student as the “expert” on a subject
B.) A relatively permanent change in behavior due to environment
C.) The range of tasks that are too easy for an individual to master alone, but can be mastered with
the assistance or guidance of adults or more-skilled peers.
D.) The development of students and their learning that can be mastered alone

Ans: C

8.) What are the 2 key components which create the construction of an individual’s new knowledge?
A.) Accomodation and experience
B.) Experience and learning
C.) Experience and knowledge
D.) Accomodation and assimilation

Ans: D

9.) This causes an individual to incorporate new experiences into the old experiences.
A.) Assimilation
B.) Knowledge
C.) Constructivism
D.) All of the above

Ans: A
10.)This is reframing the world and new experiences into the world operates.
A) Accomodation
B.) Constructivism
C.) Assimilation
D.) Vygotsky’s theory

Ans: A

11.) It impacts learning curriculum because teachers have to make a curriculum plan which enhances
their students logical and conceptual growth.
A.) Lev Vygotsky’s Social Constructivist Theory
B.) Piaget’s Theory of constructivism
C.) Constructivist Teaching Method
D.) Constructivist Teaching Behavior

Ans: B

12.) The following are NOT a principle of constructivism except.

A.) All knowledge is socially constructed
B.) Knowledge will be shared between teachers and students.
C.) Learning exists anytime
D.) Some knowledge are social

Ans: D

13.) This prior knowledge influences what new or modified knowledge an individual will construct
from new learning experiences.
A.) Learning is an active process
B.) Learning is something we do together, in interaction with each other, rather than abstract
C.) All knowledge is constructed
D.) Knowledge is constructed, rather than innate, or passively absorbed

Ans: A

14.) The following are NOT a main type of constructivism except.

A.) Mental Constructivism
B.) Radical Constructivism
C.) Personal Constructivism
D.) Rational Constructivism 

Ans: D

15.) Social Constructivism is based on the work of?

A.) Jean Piaget
B.) Lev Vygotsky
C.) GSI Teaching and Resource Center
D.) Ernst Von Glasersfeld
Ans: B

16.) It is a key feature of effective teaching, where the adult continually adjusts the level of his/her
help in response to the learner’s level of performance.
A.) Scaffolding
B.) Constructivism
C.) Social Constructivism
D.) Constructivist learning theory

Ans: A

17.) It promotes a sense of personal agency as students have ownership of their learning and
A.) Scaffolding
B.) Constructivism
C.) Social Constructivism
D.) Constructivist learning theory

Ans: D

18.) The following are true about Jean Piaget except.

A.) Philosopher in Switzerland
B.) He is a natural scientist that was famous for the work that he did studying cognitive development
and learning theories encompassed his view of “genetic epistemology”. 
C.) He highlights the role of social and cultural interactions play in the learning process.
D.) At the young age of 11 he attended high school at Switzerland Latin wherein one of his short
pieces was the start of his scientific career. 

Ans: C

19.) The following are NOT a pedagogical goals of constructivist classroom except.
A.) To embed learning in social experience
B.) To become student-centered
C.) To be interactive and rooted in negotiation
D.) To make the learning interactive and effective

Ans: B

20.) The following are the descriptors of constructivist teaching behaviors except.
A.) Encourage and accept student autonomy and initiative
B.) Seek elaboration of students’ initial responses
C.) Allow wait time after posting questions
D.) Help students construct their own knowledge

21.) He states that cognitive development stems from social interactions from guided learning with
the zone of proximal development as children and their partner’s co-construct knowledge.
A.) Lev Vygotsky
B.) Jean Piaget
C.) Benjamin Bloom
D.) Jean Peaget

Ans: A

22.) The teachers in this theory function as facilitators whose role is to aid the student when it comes
to their own understanding.
A.) Metacognition
B.) Social Constructivist Theory
C.) Theory of Constructivism
D.) Social Learning Theory

Ans: C

23.) It is relatively permanent change in behavior due to environment.

A.) Behaviorism
B.) Attitude
C.) Experience
D.) All of the above

Ans: C

24.) In behaviorism;
A.) Operant means voluntary while classical means involuntary
B.) Operant means involuntary while classical means voluntary
C.) Operant and classical are both voluntary
D.) Operant and classical are both involuntary

Ans: B

25.) It focuses on the learning that occurs within a social context. It considers that people learn from
one another, including such concepts as observational learning, imitation, and modeling.
A.) Behaviorism
B.) Bloom’s Taxonomy
C.) Social Learning Theory
D.) Lev Vygotsky’s Social Constructivist Theory


26.) The following are NOT a General principle of Social Learning Theory except;
A.) The more knowledgeable is the person the more social experiences she/he have.
B.) Cognition plays a role in experience.
C.) Learning can occur with experience.
D.) None of the above

Ans: D
27.) It involves interaction with others and working in groups.
A.) Behaviorism
B.) Social Cultural Learning Theory
C.) Sociocognitive Learning Theory
D.) None of the above

Ans: B

28.) The following are constructivism types of learners except;

A.) The Active Learner
B.) The Passive Learner
C.) The Creative Learner
D.) The Social Learner

Ans: D

29.) The following are Cognitive Information Processing Theory Assumptions except;
A.) Cognitive processes influence the nature of what is experienced.
B.) People are selective about what they process and learn.
C.) Meaning is constructed by the learner.
D.) Prior knowledge and beliefs play a major role in the meanings that students create.

Ans: B

30.) The following are Cognitive Information Processing Theory Key Words except;
A.) Reference
B.) Interference
C.) Reconstruction Error
D.) Flashbulb Memory

Ans: C

31.) The following are the 8 Cognitive Information Processing Theory Processing Strategies except;
A.) Meaningful Learning
B.) Rehearsal
C.) Collaboration
D.) Wait Time

Ans: D

32.) This is a learning theory that focuses on the processes involved in learning rather than on the
observed behavior.
A.) Bloom’s Taxonomy
B.) Sociocultural Learning Theory
C.) Cognitivism
D.) Cognitivist Learning Theory
Ans: C

33.) This do not require an outward exhibition of learning, but focus more on the internal processes
and connections that take place during learning.
A.) Cognitivists
B.) Bloom’s Taxonomy
C.) Cognitivism
D.) None of the above’

Ans: A

34.) It suggests that learners are active agents who learn best when discovering things for themselves
rather than simply being lectured to.
A.) Bloom’s Taxonomy
B.) Sociocultural Learning Theory
C.) Cognitivism
D.) Constructivist Learning Theory

Ans: D

35.) This theory can be considered a bridge or a transition between behaviorist learning theories and
cognitive learning theories.
A.) Bloom’s Taxonomy
B.) Social Learning Theory
C.) Sociocultural Learning Theory
D.) Constructivist Learning Theory

Ans: B

36.) This is often misconstrued as learning theory that compels students to “reinvent the wheel”.
A.) Constructivism
B.) Bloom’s Taxonomy
C.) Social Learning Theory
D.) None of the above

Ans: A

37.) It considers that people learn from one another, including such concepts as observational
learning, imitation, and modeling.
A.) Behaviorism
B.) Social Learning Theory
C.) Sociocultural Learning Theory
D.) Constructivism

Ans: B

38.) ___________ involves vicarious learning and observing what others do.
A.) Behaviorism
B.) Social Learning Theory
C.) Constructivism
D.) None of the above

Ans: D

39.) One of the following includes in the Cognitive Information 8 Processing Theory Processing
A.) Collaboration
B.) Cooperation
C.) Visualization
D.) Elaboration

Ans: C

40.) In one of the general principles of social learning theory, __________ say that learning has to
berepresented by a permanent change in behavior.
A.) Social learning theorists
B.) Constructivists
C.) Behaviorists
D.) Socialists

Ans: C

41.) Over ___ years, social learning theory has become increasingly cognitive in its interpretation of
human learning.

A.) 45 years
B.) 40 years
C.) 35 years
D.) 30 years

Ans: D

42.) It is based on observation and scientific study.

A.) Constructivism
B.) Social learning theory
C.) Behaviorism
D.) None of the above

Ans: D

43.) When we encounter something new, we have to reconcile it with?

A.) Our present ideas and previous experience
B.) Our experiences
C.) Our previous ideas and experiences
D.) Our ideas
Ans: C

44.) _____ teachers encourage students to constantly assess how the activity is helping them gain
A.) Behaviorist
B.) Constructivist
C.) Socialist
D.) None of the above

Ans: B

45.) Students in the constructivist classroom ideally become.

A.) Expert learners
B.) Poor learners
C.) Experienced learners
D.) All of the above
Ans: A

46.) In constructivism, with a well-planned classroom environment, the students learn.

A.) How to be an experienced learner
B.) How to be a pro
C.) How to learn
D.) How to be u po

Ans: C

47.) When students continuously reflect on their experiences, students find their ideas gaining in.
A.) Wisdom and power
B.) Knowledge and power
C.) Powerpuff girls
D.) Complexity and power

Ans: D

48.) It is invented not discovered.

A.) Wisdom
B.) Behavior
C.) Knowledge
D.) Power

Ans: A

49.) According to constructivism, we are active creators of our own.

A.) Behavior
B.) Experience
C.) Fate
D.) Knowledge
Ans: D

50.) In connection to your answer on item number 49, in order to to this we must do the following
A.) Ask questions
B.) Explore
C.) Observe
D.) Assess what we know

Ans: D

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