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Mangrove or Bakawan in Filipino is a tropical plant that is adapted to

loose, wet soil, salt water, and being periodically submerged by tides. It sustains
diverse flora and fauna species in large proportion and provides many ecosystem
services. There are fifty (50) and above species found throughout the world. The
average and common mangroves grows about 9 meters (30 feet) tall and their
leaves are 5 to 15 cm (2 to 6 inches) but some of the mangroves like the red
mangrove ranges from the height of 80 feet tall. Mangroves are viviparous which
reproduce from buds that form plantlets while still attached to the parent plant.
When this matured part of plant has been detached, we can call that as propagule
of mangrove and it can now form as new tree of mangrove. There are three (3)
main types of mangroves and they are first, the Red Mangrove which is eighty
(80) feet tall. It is called red mangrove because its trunk or the main wood is red in
color. It has oval-shaped, thick and leathery leaves and may reach 15 cm in length
and 6 cm in width. They are dark green with numerous small, reddish-brown dots
on the lower surface and a small deciduous pointed tip. Red mangrove has prop
roots extending from the trunk and adventitious roots from the branches and these
roots provides support for the mangrove. Second type of mangrove is the Black
Mangrove wherein it has silvery pointed green leaves and a black trunk (that is
why it is called black mangrove) and can grow to 50 to 65 feet tall. Black
mangrove species have specialized above ground roots called breathing roots or
pneumatophores and these roots have numerous pores through which oxygen
enters into the underground tissues. Last type of mangrove is the White Mangrove
which is the smallest among these three types because it is only fifty (50) feet tall.
It is based on the white salt deposits that are expelled from the leaves and form
surface deposits that is why it is called white mangrove. It has a leaves that
are simple, opposite, and between 1 and 3 inches long and it has no visible aerial
roots. After knowing what mangroves is, we need to know why does this tree
matter and why do we need to take care, conserve and preserve it.
We need to conserve mangrove because first, they are a natural coastal
defense which prevents flooding, erosion and storm surge as well as these trees
lessen the negative outcome of these disasters to human. Second reason to
conserve mangrove is that, they are carbon sinks meaning they capture and hold
carbon dioxide so that they can lessen the effect of global warming and
atmospheric problems and last reason is that, they provide livelihood. Mangroves
are source of wood, medicinal purposes, animal fodder, fisheries and ecotourism
which offers give help and aid to human being. Of course, despite of these so many
reasons to conserve this mangrove forest, there will always be a threat and a
problem that may occur and may interrupt in the helpfulness and beauty that these
trees can give.
There are actually two (2) types of threats and destruction to mangrove
forest. First is the Natural Mangrove Destruction and the second one is the
Anthropogenic Mangrove Destruction. Natural Mangrove Destruction is a kind
of destruction wherein this came from natural phenomena such as cyclone, storm,
tsunami as well as intensive grazing wherein animals consume these mangrove
forest so much that it results to the destruction of mangrove. Second threat is
Anthropogenic Mangrove Destruction wherein it is caused by the guardian of
the environment, we, humans. Some of the destructions made by humans are
deforestation, agricultural activities, influent release, garbage, urbanization and
pollutants like oil. But despite of these threats and destruction we created, we still
have the chance to recover everything we have done that are wrong before it is too
Here are some of the tips on how we can be a better concerned citizen who
care for the nature and for the future by means of conserving and recovering the
mangrove forest. First tip is to do Afforestation in this world full of deforestation.
We must plant many mangroves so that we can still recover what we have lost.
Second, we must do Protective Measure to formally end the destruction we are
causing. Third, we must do Regeneration of the Degraded Mangrove Areas and
lastly, we must do and promote Eco-Development.

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