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Circle the correct answers. (40 M)

1. The baby has got five (tooth / teeth / toothes).

2. John is wearing new (glass / a glass / glasses).

3. Is Suzy from England?

No, she (isn’t / is / aren’t).

4. (Are / Is / Am) the child crying?

5. (This / These / Those) are cool sandals here.

6. Can you see the giraffe? (Its / His / It) neck is long.

7. The children are playing games. They don’t do (their / our / his ) homework.

8. Whose posters (is / am / are) those?

9. Peter (haven’t / hasn’t / don’t have) got a basketball.

10. (Has / Have / Do) we got a CD player?

11. Where (is / are / do) my socks?

12. There (aren’t / isn’t / haven’t) two swings in the garden.

13. How many (plate / plates / a plate) are there?

14. I can sing but I (can / can’t) dance.

15. These shoes are nice. Can I wear (they / them / their)?

16. Lily is carrying a big box. Can you help (she / her / it)?

17. Joni usually (study / studies / is studying) French at the weekends.

18. (Do / Does / Did) the students always listen to their teacher?

19. He (doesn’t / don’t) watch TV in the morning.

20. Tina usually (rides / is riding / rode) her bike in the evening.

21. The boys (are dancing / dance / danced) in the class now.

22. Tim doesn’t (has / have / had) a new pen.

23. Is Jenny (study / studying / studied) for the test?

24. David (aren’t / isn’t ) reading a comic.

25. Anna usually wears trousers but today she (wears / is wearing / wore) shorts.

26. (Does / Do / Did) Vicky always eat an apple after lunch?

27. Why are you reading a book (every day / now / on Sunday)?

28. Do you (always / right now) play games on Mondays?

29. Are there (some / any / a) biscuits?

30. There (is / isn’t / aren’t) any milk in the fridge.

31. We have got (some / a / any) bread for breakfast.

32. There are some plates but there aren’t (some / any / a) glasses.

33. How (many / much) orange juice is there?

34. Julia hates (go / going / goes ) to the cinema.

35. We mustn’t (swim / swimming / swam) in the lake.

36. What time (do / does / did) you do your homework last night?

37. They (eat/ are eating / ate) sandwiches yesterday.

38. Did your parents ( are seeing / see / saw) a film last weekend?

39. Last year, we (fly / flew / are flying) to Hong Kong.

40. We (clean / are going to clean / cleaned) the room tomorrow.

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