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Capaian Mata Kuliah : Introducing Yourself and Others

Materi :

1. Introducing
2. Writing : Write a profile about yourself
3. Personal Pronouns
4. Describing people or something
5. Greeting : Meeting people
6. Dialog about Apologize


Dialog 1 ( Introducing Others)

Dialog 2 ( Introducing Ourself)

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Contoh Ungkapan Memperkenalkan Diri Sendiri

Contoh Ungkapan Memperkenalkan Orang Lain

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Adjective Possessive
Subject Object
(+ noun)

I Me My Mine

You You Your Yours

We Us Our Ours

He His His Him

She Her Her Hers

It It Its  -

Rama His His ( Rama’s ) Him

Shinta Her Her ( Shinta’s ) Hers

Rama and Shinta Them Their Theirs

Rama and I Us Our Ours

Example :

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1. I am David Beckham.

Let me introduce you to Mr. Fergie.

Victoria is my wife.

Victoria is wife of mine.

2. Shinta is my friend.

I will make her know you well.

Rama is shinta’s brother.

That book is hers. (her book)

3. Rama and I like to eat ice cream.

My mother tells us about that news.

An ice cream on the table is our ice cream.

An ice cream on the table is ours.


Dialog 1

Agent : Good morning Mr. and Mrs. …..?

Mr. Rama : Rama. Ramadhan Aldebaran.

Agent : Oke Mr. Rama, welcome to Gebyar personal Real Estate. I’m Saddam
Hussein. Can I help you?

Mr. Rama : Yes. We’ve just married and we are looking for a house, a house
which is not so big and not so small. Ehmm, medium I mean.

Agent : Ah, yes, you’re very lucky Mr. and Mrs. Rama. We have what you
want, a medium house. Here is the picture.

Mrs. Rama: It looks beautiful.

Agent : It does Mrs. Rama.

Mrs. Rama: How many rooms does I have?

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Agent : There are six rooms, one living room, one bathroom, two
bedrooms, one kitchen and one garage.

Mrs. Rama: Where’s the kitchen?

Agent : Well, here’s the kitchen.

Mrs. Rama: Hmm… it is very small.

Agent : Yes, it isn’t big. But there’s a cooker and a fridge. There are some
cupboards under the sink. The tiles are square.

Mrs. Rama: Are there any plates?

Agent : Yes, there are some circular and some oval plates in the

Mr. Rama : Very good. What about the chairs? Are there any?

Agent : Yes, but they are in the living room, four wooden chairs and one
wooden table.

Mrs. Rama: But there aren’t any glasses.

Agent : There are twelve conical glasses in the cupboard.

Mr. Rama : And …… is there television in the living room?

Agent : Yes, of course. There is a big, colour television.

Mrs. Rama: What colour are the walls?

Agent : Blue outside and yellow inside.

Mr. Rama : And what about the yard? I mean, how large is the yard?

Agent : The front yard is large enough but the backyard is not so large.

Mr. Rama : How do you think honey? Can we take this house?

Mrs. Rama: I think it’s very good. We can take it.

Mr. Rama : Ok, before we take this house, may I know how much it is?

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Agent : It’s not expensive, only seventy five million rupiahs.

Mr. Rama : Ok, I agree.

Agent : Very good.


Dialog 1 ( Dialog formal)

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Dialog 2 ( Dialog tidak formal)

Contoh Ungkapan Salam Sapaan

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Contoh Ungkapan Salam Perpisahan

Ungkapan Permohonan Maaf (Apologize)

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Ungkapan simpati

Ungkapan simpati Respon

That’s : ashamed  That’s quite all right
a pity
too bad  It is OK
 Don’t worry about that
How : awful
Terrible  Thank you

What : a pity
A nuisance

I’m sorry to hear that.

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A. Fill the blanks with an appropriate sentence or word!

Peter: Hello, Peter’s ...(1)... Can I speak with Sisil?
Sisil : Yes, it’s me. Did you ...(2)... all right last night?
Peter: Yes, thank you. I just want to ...(3)... for the incident last night?
Sisil : Please ,...(4)... it. It doesn’t matter.
Peter: But I broke a decorating pitcher in your house. It must be ...(5).... Wasn’t your
mother angry?
Sisil : Forget it. You did it ..(6)...
Peter: Yes, but ...
Sisil : Look. ...(7)... , I was a bit ...(8)... last night, but I’m all right now.
So, forget it.
Peter: Sisil, let me buy another pitcher .
Sisil : No, Peter. ...(9)... , you did it accidentally. I don’t want to hear about it
Peter: All right. I’m ...(10)... about that.
Sisil : It’s all right.

B. Answer the questions based on the dialogue above!

1. Where does the conversation take place?
2. Why does Peter call Sisil?
3. Does Sisil accept his apology?
4. Will Peter buy another pitcher next day?
5. Mention the two expressions to apologize stated in the dialogue!

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