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Albacite, Irha L.

BSBA 3.1A Operation Management

SCENARIO 1: Leadership for Quality at Kentucky Corporation

Kentucky Corporation is a diversified technology company that operates in the highly

competitive electronics industry. Kentucky relies on its employees’ dedication to outperform the
competition worldwide in the areas of quality and productivity. The focus of Kentucky’s leaders
is on individuals and helping them achieve their peak performance levels. But there is a
problem, the managers of Kentucky Corporation seem to accept whatever recommendation of
the employees without weighing its pros and cons.

QUESTION: What is the most appropriate strategy the Kentucky managers should employ in
order to eliminate the organizational problem and promote leadership? Explain your answer.

The leadership style described in the question is a type of participative leadership. Here the
leader accepting all the proposals of subordinates and workers without assessing pros and cons,
this could lead into negative consequences on the decision making process.
Although employees are very dedicated and performing extremely good to achieve all the
targets and goals of the organization but at the same time their demands always accepting by
top management without assessing pros and cons. Such situation could not sustainable for long
run because it could result into to gradually increasing demand with passage of time. And the
situation where top management is directly accepting the demands of employees without
consideration and taking views of leaders.
So leaders should analyze the demands by employees for better policy formulation and
implementation for the long run and that should be betterment for both management and
employees. The leadership quality should be participative and bottom to up approach but at the
same time on the demand should analyze by top management and while doing this proper
attention should be given in the welfare and motivation factor of the employees to continuously
work with dedication.
In this way Kentucky managers should adapt the strategy which would minimize the
organizational hurdles and empower leadership quality with better management and
communication between leaders and employees at the time of decision making.

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