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Second International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT 2019)

IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19P17-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-2119-2

Reducing Commercial Aviation Fatalities

Using Support Vector Machines

Anupam Mishra
Electronics and Communication Engineering
CMR Institute of Technology
Bengaluru, India Kamal Krishna Shrivastava Electronics and Communication Engineering
CMR Institute of Technology
Bengaluru, India
Anto Alex. B
Electronics and Communication Engineering
CMR Institute of Technology
Bengaluru, India Nasir Abdul Quadir
Electronics and Communication Engineering
CMR Institute of Technology
Bengaluru, India

Abstract--Reducing commercial aviation fatalities is just

one of the complex problems that has been solving for business, Aviation safety initiatives are introduced in order to reduce
government, and military leaders for over 100 years. Through the rate of fatalities through air. Accident rates and their
devotion, candor, courage, and character,original solutions were trends are focused by ,many aviation safety organization
produced where there are no road maps. Most flight-related which is published in their annual reports [3][4]. In present
fatalities stem from a loss of “airplane state awareness.” That is, situation, the relative stability of the industry can be
ineffective attention management on the part of pilots who may considered as stressed by observing the increasing level of
be distracted, sleepy or in other dangerous cognitive states. This congestion on airport sand skies. The growth rate of the fleets
work focuses on predicting one of these cognitive states, thereby
are increasingly tremendously with number of flight traffic,
helping the pilot to manage the flight effectively. This work
applies machine learning algorithm, Support Vector Machine
that is almost becoming double in every 15 years with
(SVM) to predict the cognitive state of the pilot during flight. aviation industry and they have already planned to deliver
2000 new aircraft per year by the end of 2019.Trained
Keywords – Aviation, Fatalities, SVM, EEG. personnel like pilots, technicians, cabin crew and air traffic
controllers should also support this growth.

By looking at these trends, it can be said that the rate of
accident is directly proportional to the number of fleets flying
Commercial Aviation Fatalities can be understood as the death or the increase in activity. In layman terms it could be said that
caused by Commercial Aviation accidents. more number of flights will result in more number of
One of the causes of such accidents is the erroneous accidents unless there are sum necessary steps taken to reduce
decisions taken by the pilot, possibly when he/she is frustrated it.
or distracted or various other reasons [1] (Like the one that
took place in the previous year, "Because of the emotional With regards of navigation, changes in contribution of
breakdown of the captain, the plane crash took place at Nepal's aircraft, contact with air traffic control for take-off and landing,
International airport that killed 51 people which was found in congested airspace, degraded weather conditions are the flight
a leaked draft of the official investigation."[2]. phases which are very complex in nature and place noteworthy
demands on the crew. Such contributing factors that can lead
to accidents are confluence of high work load and the
increased potential of unanticipated circumstances [5].

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Authorized licensed use limited to: American University of Sharjah. Downloaded on September 22,2022 at 10:57:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Second International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19P17-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-2119-2

Generally, in recent years, humans suffer from various

neurological disorders such as dementia, headache, brain
injuries, traumatic, epilepsy, strokes and non-epilepsy. The
pilots experienced distractions intended to induce one of the At first, A human brain is divided into 4 regions (Fig 2)
following four cognitive states:- namely:-
Frontal lobe (F)
a. Channelized Attention (CA) is, roughly speaking, the state Parietal lobe (P)
of being focused on one task to the exclusion of all others. Temporal lobe (T)
This is induced in bench marking by having the subjects play Occipital lobe (O)
an engaging puzzle-based video game.
b. Diverted Attention (DA) is the state of having one’s
attention diverted by actions or thought processes associated
with a decision. This is induced by having the subjects
perform a display monitoring task. Periodically, a math
problem showed up which had to be solved before returning to
the monitoring task.
c. Startle/Surprise (SS) is induced by having the subjects
watch movie clips with jump scares.
d. Baseline is being in a normal state.
It has been known that electrical charges of a human
brain are maintained by the billions of neurons. Such
individual neuron space produced very small electric potential
which is very difficult to be picked up by the EEG or MEG. Fig 2: Human brain
Summation of synchronous activities of millions of neurons
having similar spatial orientations are reflected by EEG
For EEG, 21 electrodes are placed on the scalp of human
In Electroencephalogram (EEG), normal and abnormal by system called 10-20 system i.e. the electrodes are placed at
activities are determined by the electrical signal of the brain 10% and 20% increments on the curves indicated as shown
which contains valuable information. Hence, alertness level below (Fig 3).
can be detected by analyzing the frequencies of sub bands. The nomenclature / naming given for these electrodes
We can take an example of detection of epileptic seizures represent respective position on scalp. We place odd
where we determine whether the person is suffering from number of electrodes on the left side of the brain and even
epilepsy or not. Similar kind of classification has been number of the right side of the brain. Smaller the number
performed in our proposed work [6]. closer is the position towards center.

For the decomposition of EEG into its sub bands a

discrete wavelet space transform (DWT) can be applied (Fig
1). For each sub bands we calculate statistical features energy
and co- variance. We applied support vector machine for
classification and got accuracy up to 95.5%.

The EEG images are extracted using Discrete Wavelet

Transform (DWT). DWT combined with DB4 are used.SVM
is the classifier used for the classification purposes and it
hyper plane the signals based on the threshold. Fig 3: Electrode position

Fig 4: Frequency domain spectrum of EEG

Fig 1: EEG frequency ranges

978-1-7281-2119-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 361

Authorized licensed use limited to: American University of Sharjah. Downloaded on September 22,2022 at 10:57:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Second International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19P17-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-2119-2

expected output/ outcome.

In earlier days, Fig 4 was used to determine the state of The Front-end of our project is a user friendly static
a pilot. But, if the number of pilots undergoing EEG is around web page, comprising of http API service block which
5000 (say), then it is not possible to determine the state of all establishes a connection with the Back-end and also between
these pilots at once and also it is time consuming to determine UI component (A platform through which user can enter the
state of one pilot at a time. Hence, this frequency is converted values to be tested) and the web page displaying the status of
from respective voltage levels as shown in following table.- pilot’s mental health.
The processes involved in the proposed work are:-
Measurement of Brain Waves 1) EEG data collection:-
Rhythm Frequency(Hz) Amplitude(μV) Real time values of EEG signals are obtained by
Alpha 8-13 20-200
performing the EEG test on every pilot along skin moisture
Beta 13-30 5-10 value and respiratory rate of every pilot before boarding the
Delta 1-5 20-200 flight. These data is been stored in form of data set.
Theta 4-8 10 2)Data preprocessing:-
Data pre-processing is the first step in machine learning
To eradicate this issue:- which is highly important before applying any Machine
 We have build a model to detect troubling events from learning algorithms [8]. In this import, we import the final data
aircrews physiological data, for which data acquired set generated, import necessary libraries, deal with missing data
from actual pilots in test situations, and our model will and categorize them effectively, split the data set into training
be able to run calculations in real time to monitor the set and test set in order to train and test them for effective
cognitive states of pilots. With our help, pilots could prediction and also apply feature scaling.
then be alerted when they enter a troubling state, 3)Feature extraction:-
preventing accidents and saving lives. When the size of the data set is large, it is suspected to be
 You are provided with real physiological data from redundant. Hence, this data set is transformed to a reduced set
eighteen pilots who were subjected to various of features by the help of feature selection. The selected
distracting events. The benchmark training set is features are expected to have the relevant information from the
comprised of a set of controlled experiments collected data set so that the desired task can be performed. Data
in a non-flight environment, outside of a flight visualization is the representation of data for human
simulator. The test set (abbreviated LOFT = Line visualization which determines whether the data is linear or not.
Oriented Flight Training) consists of a full flight (take 4)Classification:-
off, flight, and landing) in a flight simulator. Process of identifying the category to which a new data
will fall is known as classification. This is done with the help of
 For each experiment, a pair of pilots (each with its
various classification algorithms like SVM, Xgboost, ANN etc.
own crew id) was recorded over time and subjected to
the CA, DA, or SS cognitive states. The training set In our proposed work, SVM classification algorithm is used.
contains three experiments (one for each state) in 5)Output:-
which the pilots experienced just one of the states. For SVM algorithm then classifies the pilots into categories
example, in the experiment = CA, the pilots were either based on their cognitive states as A, B, C and D as shown in
in a baseline state (no event) or the CA state. (Fig 6).


Data Generation :
Data used for analysis is taken is from a valid
sample data set of 400 pilots in order to train the Machine
Learning model in which each pilot was found to be
exhibiting one of the states mentioned in introduction section
depending on the voltage range of all EEG signals, respiratory
rate and sweat level [9]. Random data is being given within a
fixed range of values as test data for prediction.

Support Vector Machine Algorithm:

Machine learning is used to predict and classify
Fig 5: Representation of front-end and back-end of our data using machine learning algorithms being employed
according to the data set. Some of the algorithms are SVM,
The Back end of our project is the Machine Learning ANN, Xgboost etc. SVM is a classification algorithm which
model, comprising of mainly Model Training and Model can be trained to learn the relationship that exist between
Prediction(Fig 5) [7]. Using the available dataset, the model input and output data including nonlinear and linear
is trained based on an algorithm with certain accuracy. This relationship. This classifier algorithm is used to classify the
accuracy varies with different algorithms. However, it can different classification of EEG signals [10].
be increased by increasing the size of the dataset i.e. by
updating the dataset with more rows of data. Training in this This SVM classifier model technique mainly
context, means developing a co-relation between the classify data into two ways:-.
dependent variable and independent variables creating a If data set is linear separable then it can classify the data by
model.pki file (Fig 5) which allows us to save the model for using linear kernel function. By visualization of data set we
later prediction. Lastly, for prediction, test data are fed to can check whether the data set is linear separable or non-linear
the model whose predicted output almost matches with the separable.
Authorized licensed use limited to: American University of Sharjah. Downloaded on September 22,2022 at 10:57:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Second International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19P17-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-2119-2

i. If data set is non-linear separable then we have to use

Gaussian kernel function for the classification which is IV. FORMULA FOR SVM
provided by the SVM.

The dataset used for proposed work is found to be non Predicted Value:
linear. Hence Gaussian Kernel function is used for
classification (Fig 6). Consider two samples x and x1 to be Predict “y = 1” if ϴTf  0
feature vectors in some input space. The Gaussian Kernel Predict “y = 0” if ϴTf < 0
function f is defined as:-

 || x  x1 ||2 Training:
f ( x, x1)  exp( )
2 2 m
1 m T
min C y (i ) cost1 ( T f (i ) )  (1  y (i ) ) cost0 ( T f (i ) )  ( j M j )
i 1 2 j 1
||x-x1||² is the squared Euclidean distance between x and
f is a feature vector which is found by choosing a
x1, s is called free parameter. The Euclidean space of kernel
kernel function. We use a Gaussian Kernel for which:-
has infinite dimensions.
The range of Gaussian Kernel is between 0 and 1 and
decreases with distance. For s = 1, the expansion for f will be:- exp
 || x  x1||2 
(xT x1) j  || x ||2  || x1||2
exp( ) exp( ) exp( )
2 j 0 j! 2 2 V. RESULTS
The EEG signal is a graphic record of the
2 2 n1 nk 2 n1 nk direction and magnitude of the electrical activity that is
 || x  x1|| 
 || x || x ...xk  || x1|| x1 ...x1k
exp( )    exp( ) 1
exp( ) 1 generated by brain nerves. The signal at different frequency
2 j 0 ni  j 2 n1!..nk ! 2 n1!..nk ! bands is analyzed by the wavelet transformation. This can be
done by decomposing the signal into a coarse approximation
Detection of alertness level by visual scanning of EEG signal
is very time consuming and may be inaccurate, specifically
for long recordings. The detection of alertness level through
IV. FORMULA FOR SVM EEG signals is an important part in reducing commercial
aviation fatalities. When the Machine Learning model is
IV. FORMULA FOR SVM trained with a dataset of 400 pilots based on SVM Algorithm,
382 rows of data are observed to be predicted correctly while
the remaining 18 rows of data are observed to be predicted
incorrectly giving an accuracy of 95.5% which is found to
excellent compared to all other algorithms like ANN, Xgboost
etc (Fig 7). Hence, the test data fed to the user friendly static
web page is found to show the expected prediction. (Fig 8).

Fig 7: Training result

Fig 6: Gaussian Kernel function in SVM

Here f is chosen based on type of the kernel

function that we are using. In the formula (mentioned in the
next section) of the kernel SVM ϴ represents parameter.

978-1-7281-2119-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 363

Authorized licensed use limited to: American University of Sharjah. Downloaded on September 22,2022 at 10:57:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Second International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19P17-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-2119-2

sweat level, respiratory rate fed to the Machine Learning.

Looking upon this issue, machine learning techniques can be
applied to the EEG signals which can classify the mental state
of pilots in a very short duration of time and is possible before
every operation of the flight.
Through research the system can be built in order to
classify a pilot mainly into Channelized Attention, Diverted
Attention, Surprised. With the given data set, SVM algorithm
generates result with accuracy higher than any other
classification algorithms. Extended machine learning
techniques that can be used are Naive Bayes, Xgboost, ANN
(Artificial Neural Network), that can also result in effective


[7] Shakhatreh, Hazim, Ahmad H. Sawalmeh, Ala
Al-Fuqaha, Zuochao Dou, Eyad Almaita, Issa
Khalil, Noor Shamsiah Othman, Abdallah
Khreishah, and Mohsen Guizani “Unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs): A survey on civil
applications and key research challenges” IEEE
Access 7 (2019): 48572-48634
[8] Kour,Ravdeep et al “Big Data Analytics for
Maintaining Transportation Systems”
Transportation Systems pp 73-91, Singapore
2019, Springer.
[10] Manus Ross,Corey A. Graves,John W.
Fig 8: User Friendly Static Web Page
Campbell,Jung Ho Kim (2013) Using Support
Vector Machines to Classify Student
Attentiveness for the Development of
Personalized Learning Systems, Published in
12th International Conference on Machine
Learning and Applications.
In today’s world, medical fitness requirements change from [11]
time to time. Every commercial pilot’s license holder is
obliged to have a Class-1 medical check every year. A
commander holding an airline transport pilot’s licence (ATPL)
and all pilots aged over 40 are obliged to have medical tests
twice a year [11].
For most people, the aviation medical exam is a piece
of cake. For others, it can be frustrating to wait for the waiver
process to be completed. But this is the part that must be
passed by each pilot. State or Baseline using the EEG signals,

978-1-7281-2119-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 364

Authorized licensed use limited to: American University of Sharjah. Downloaded on September 22,2022 at 10:57:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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