Crystal Forest Berly

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Crystal Forest And Its Magical Cursed

By : Berliana Putri Amanda Fadillah (XI-1/10)

This story began in a village called “Enchanted Village”. In this village, there
lived two daughters of the Emerald King, named Charlotte and Caroline.
Unfortunately they were both born with different physiques. Meanwhile
Charlotte with her beautiful look, and Caroline with a look that considered
less fortunate. They are both were orphans, because their father and mother
died in a ship accident during a big sea storm in the west sea of the
Enchanted Village. At that time, the emerald king and queen intended to go
to their relatives wedding party, across the sea in Canepy. But unfortunately,
the weather changed drastically, and the ship's hull began to crack due to the
shock of the storm. Then shortly after, the hull split into two. The Emerald
king and queen sank to the bottom of the sea and their bodies were never
found. The fortune tellers said that they had turned into mermaids that
swam freely guarding the sea of Canepy. To commemorate their service, the
inhabitants of the kingdom installed a painting of a mermaid on the porch
of their house, as a last tribute to the royal leader. And it is said that
Caroline's ugly face was a curse from the old crystal forest’s witch. Short
story, a long time ago, when their mother was pregnant Caroline, to be precise
when Charlotte was 2 years old. The Emerald family traveled to the crystal
forest in western Norway. They held a royal picnic with all of the crystal
ornaments. They prepared the picnic very luxuriously. Many families from the
other kingdom were also invited by the emerald family. At one point, when
everyone was busy eating. There came an ugly old donkey, who begged for a
piece of carrot bread that was being served in front of the emerald queen.
Because the queen was disgusted by the appearance of the donkey, the queen
ordered her soldiers to kill the donkey by shooting bullets at the donkey until
it died. When the donkey became helpless, suddenly the body of the donkey
flew into the sky and exploded, "Boom!". The donkey was transformed into an
old woman with a magic crystal wand. The old lady said, "I am the owner of
this forest, and whoever has a bad attitudes comes to visit this forest, they
will be cursed for the things he has done". The witch said again, "wow sweet
lady, it turns out that you are pregnant, huh? well, I'll make your child ugly
like the donkey you killed earlier!". Six months later, Caroline was born with
her ugly face. The two siblings also knew about the curse. And they intended
to break the curse. It was said that if they returned to the crystal forest, and
managed to do good. Then the curse would be immediately destroyed. When
dawn broke, they immediately rushed to the field to take the royal horse
carriage. They rode the horse to the crystal forest in a hurry. On the way
they met a variety of animals with unique shapes. Charlotte was stunned,
because the fruits produced from the forest came from crystal stones that
attracted anyone who saw them. Finally, they arrived at the crystal forest.
They sat under a lush tree while eating the layer cake they brought from the
kingdom. Charlotte suddenly saw a squirrel that had fallen from a tree. The
squirrel was injured. Without thinking for so long, Caroline went back to her
carriage to get her medicine kit. She returned and treated the squirrel until it
was healed. The squirrel said, "thank you beautiful princess, with your
kindness, your curse has been completely lifted". Caroline gasped and looked
at the puddle of water, and yes, her face had turned into a beautiful face.
Charlotte and Caroline both hugged happily, and apologized to the squirrel
for the behavior of her mother in the past. The squirrel turned into an old
woman, and she smiled happily. "I knew this would happen" said the old
woman, as she hugged Charlotte and Caroline. After all, they all lived happily
ever after.

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