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Portades, Jan Vincent O.

CS158-2 Final Requirement


Watch the first 5 episodes of Netflix Korean TV Series “Sandbox” and answer the
following questions:

1. What are the factors that measure the qualities of Artificial Intelligence? Provide an
explanation why it is considered as a factor? List as many factors as you can find.

In the series, “Sandbox,” there is a lot of technology showing the factors that
measure the qualities of Artificial Intelligence. The first one is the accuracy of the data
output which can be seen in the very first episode. The second leading man is testing a
virtual assistant called “Yeongsil.” This technology is similar to Amazon Alexa and Apple’s
Siri, which assist you by using automatic speech recognition. According to the response
of the device, it gives inaccurate information regarding the user’s speech input or
phrase. It may be confused with the natural language of the user which has a different
meaning compared to the data programmed on the device.

Episode 1. START-UP.

Second factor is the quality of the AI where in Episode 2, it mentions the FPS or
frame per second of the object detection developed by Samsan Tech. It has the fastest
fps amongst others that gives them the first place in the competition.

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2. What are the challenges while developing Artificial Intelligence?

The first challenge will be money or the budget to develop AI. In Episode 4,
Samsan tech is struggling on finding investors even though they won the CODA
competition, since the company is still new, Dosan and his co workers are not prepared
for any business plan to present to the investors.

Episode 4. Sandbox.

The next challenge is the lack of resources that beginners and small companies
encounter. Thanks to Sandbox, these starters, especially in the AI field, are given plenty of
resources for them to be worked with in the hackathon which can be seen in the fourth

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Episode 5. Hackathon

3. What are the definitions of Artificial Intelligence as mentioned in the first 5 episodes?

There are a lot of terms that can link to AI. In episode 4, the first challenge of the
hackathon is to answer topics using the terms that describe it. A person inputs deep
learning and the second term can be found in episode 5 in which Dosan talks about
ANN or Artificial Neural Network, which is part of the AI field, and he mentions machine
learning. Deep learning and machine data are connected when explaining the
definition of AI since deep learning is a subset of machine learning where it has
algorithms that mimics how the human brain works. It can solve complex problems and
activities that require human intelligence.

Episode 4. Sandbox.

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Episode 5. Hackathon

4. List down the issues that an AI solution may show (during the demo) and explain why it
is considered as an issue?

During the demo of the proposed product of Samsan Tech, Dalmi presented that
they can identify if the writings are forged or not. However, the Injae Company has a
technology that can copy handwritings where it is used to test Samsan Tech’s
technology where it does not show accurate response. The issues that can be discussed
here is that AI is still in progress where some fields are still not ready or to be used. Another
issue here is that the technology of Injae Company, may be placed in the wrong hands
and use it for bad purposes.

Episode 5. Hackathon.

5. What are the AI technologies/solutions mentioned in the first 5 episodes?

5.1. Description
5.2. Benefits

In episode one, “Yeongsil,” is a technology that uses automatic speech

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recognition that is very similar to Amazon Alexa and Siri. It has a large amount of data
that can identify the speech input of the user and provide an output or information that
answers the user’s request. Nowadays, automatic speech recognition is a very useful
device for people regardless of age. It is like a digital assistant that helps get what you
need in terms of researching, utilities, and digital services.

Episode 1. START-UP.

In the second episode, the technology that Samsan Tech is developing is object
detection. This technology helps to identify objects with the use of cameras. With this
technology, it can help people to recognize the objects or images they did not know. In
addition, this type of technology can be fused with automatic speech recognition. This
may help blind people to identify what is in their surroundings by the use of speech.


During the hackathon in episode 5, Samsan Tech introduced a technology that

can identify the forged handwritings. This tests the authenticity of the text that is being
presented. This is very useful in banks, police departments and supreme court. This
technology may help to reduce crimes and scams.

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Episode 5. Hackathon.

Lastly is the font generator by the Injae Company which is developed to copy
any font styles and produce it as writings or texts. It has benefits on productions of old
books and artists posters. It also benefits dangerous people as they can copy
penmanships and signatures of other people.

Episode 5. Hackathon.

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