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Objectives: 3.

By allowing them to share their knowledge, the network of experts

can check and balance each other’s understanding of subjects;
 Realize the opportunities and challenges in media and information therefore, refining learning through interactions.
 Research and cite recent examples of the power of media and information to affect 4. The convenience, abundance, and interconnection are opportunities
change worth taking advantage of.
D. Challenge:
1. The convenience of using media has become problematic because not
Activity: only does this promote laziness, but constant access also puts a lot of
pressure on servers, requiring constant upgrades and regular
ASK the students the following:
maintenance around cyberspace.
Are media, information, and technology friend or foe? Prove your answer. 2. Overwhelming amount of content to be found online requires the
tedious process of sorting through unnecessary or unrelated content
to one’s research.
I. Economics of Media; Ratings and Revenues 3. “It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts
A. Ratings – determine the number of people who watch, listen to or read a elbowing out the useful one” – Arthur Conan Doyle
particular media content 4. It raises credibility and authenticity issues.
B. Revenues- income generated by the advertisers to the media industry. III. Media and Information for Social Change
C. Opportunity: A. Society is heavily influenced by media and information.
1. In the year 2010, the creative and copyright industry contributed Php B. Social Change- significant alteration of social structure (interaction
661.23 billion to the Philippine Economy. between people and groups) and cultural patterns (shared ways of living
2. This makes an estimated 7.34% of the country’s gross domestic and thinking)
product (GDP). -- source: Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines C. Opportunity:
(IPOPHL) and World Intellectual property Organization 1. Social change can could be produced by scientifically designed and
D. Challenge executed communication campaigns. This involves information
1. Piracy- unauthorized use of another’s production, invention, or dissemination, promotion of development activities, and providing a
conception, especially in copyright infringement. medium for social interaction among communities.
2. It hampers the profitability aspect of the media. D. Challenge:
3. The right of the owner to sell directly or indirectly through advertising 1. Media and information have the power to sway society’s beliefs and
is violated. perceptions by having the tendency to receive data from the medium
4. The existence of cheap or even free digital technologies like torrent and accept it as a fact right away without conducting due diligence.
downloading makes it attractive to consumers. IV. Media and Politics
II. Media and information for Education A. The relationship between media and politics considers two perspectives:
A. Learning has never been easier and, at the same time, more complicated the impact of the media on an element in politics or the effect of politics
than it is today. on the media.
B. Education- the knowledge, skill, and understanding you get from B. The impact of media on an element in politics
attending a school, college, or university. 1. The information the public derives from the media often sways
C. Opportunity: support from one candidate to the next and therefore affects the
1. Distance learning or online learning is now a fast-becoming trend in results of the election itself.
society. C. Effects of politics on media
2. Someone who has access to the internet cannot need to attend a class 1. Politics regulates the media industry.
to get an education. One can earn a degree from the comfort of their 2. The law enforces rules and regulations governing the media industry.
D. Opportunity: ix. Political and charitable donations: The objectivity of the
1. The Freedom of Information Bill mandates the release of public reporter will be questioned if he covers and writes about
documents to those who require its benefits in its war against the organization to which he donated money.
corruption. (The Official Gazette) x. Blogs: Writing blogs raises ethical concerns and credibility
E. Challenge: issues since it is considered personal and opinion-based
1. In a developing country, the government focuses on poverty, content.
unemployment, lack of proper health care, and access to education. 3. Accountability- taking responsibility for one’s actions.
2. The government has given little support to efforts that will help i. It is the core of media ethics.
strengthen the media industry. ii. It involves self-regulation by remembering and respecting
3. Shortage of government funding that helps cultivate creativity. those to whom they are accountable in their work.
4. Weak enforcement of certain laws to protect the media exposes them 4. Censorship- any attempt to limit or prevent the free exchange of
to threats. information.
V. Media Controversies i. It suppresses information, ideas, or artistic expressions.
1. Stereotyping- the process of labeling an entire group of people according ii. Forms of censorship:
to the characteristics of some. 1. ) Preventive – exercised before the expression is
a. Gender Roles- The alpha male or the depiction of heterosexual made public. It may include government
males as superior to the other genders is still present in most restraints, licensing, or self-censorship.
media. Countless protests from feminist movements and the LGBT 2. ) Punitive- exercised after the expression is made
community to eradicate sexist elements in the media. public. This is penalizing in nature.
b. Racial Discrimination- Caucasians is at the top of the social class 3. ) Taboo- inappropriate or offensive to society.
2. Conflict of Interests
a. Conflict of interests- a situation in which there are competing ASSESSMENT:
professionals, personal, and/or financial obligations or interests
that compete with the journalist’s obligation to his outlet. Write an essay about following question and upload your answer to
i. Writing about friends and family members the google drive. A link will be sent from your teacher.
ii. Press junket trips offered to journalists that are paid for
the entities the reporters cover. i.e., movie studios, Media, Information, and Technology: Friend or Foe?
electronics companies, and government agencies.
iii. Accepting hospitality; Overindulging on the subject’s
iv. Gifts
v. Free tickets, copies of books, CDs, DVDs, and access to
subscription-only websites to be reviewed, written about,
or used as background material.
vi. Paying sources; compensating sources for information
undermines content integrity
vii. Quid pro quo: Promising something in return
viii. Investments: Any financial entanglement with the subject

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