SW BeTheChurch - GiveNotTake LeaderGuide

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We choose to give, not take. CHOOSE THE BEST ONES FOR YOUR GROUP


This week is all about reinforcing  What’s the nicest thing someone’s ever done for you?
our value of being spiritual  What’s the nicest thing you’ve ever done for someone else?
contributors, not spiritual  Talk about highs and lows from the past week.
consumers. Encourage your  What did you think of this week’s message? What stood out to you most?
students to get involved with
Swerve, and help them discover
ways they can give instead of
 What do you think it means to be a spiritual contributor?
 Describe someone you know who is a spiritual contributor. Why’d you pick that person? What do
they do?
GROUP CHALLENGE  Did you relate to any of the students in this week’s video? Why or why not?
Challenge your students to start
swerving this week.  Why do you think it’s important for us to be spiritual contributors instead of spiritual consumers?


YOUVERSION BIBLE  Look up and read Matthew 20:26-28 together.
PLAN o Who does Jesus say is a leader? Why do you think that is?
Don’t be different alone. o What kind of leader was Jesus?
 Look up and read John 13:12-15 together.
SCRIPTURE o What does Jesus teach us from that example?
Matthew 20:26-28 NLT
o How do you actually serve others like that and be a spiritual contributor?
“But among you it will be
different. Whoever wants to be a
leader among you must be your GET PRACTICAL: ACTION STEPS
servant, and whoever wants to be  Sometimes, we make being a spiritual contributor more complicated than it really is. Inviting people
first among you must become to church, serving others, and being generous with our time and money are a few ways we can be
spiritual contributors, but they aren’t the only ways either. What’s one thing you can start doing or
your slave. For even the Son of
keep doing to be a spiritual contributor?
Man, [Jesus], came not to be
served but to serve others and to  How can we as a group start helping you be a spiritual contributor?
give his life as a ransom for  Who is one person you can serve this week?
many.”  What are some ways you can stop taking and start giving?

John 13:12-15 NLT GET PRAYING

After washing their feet, he put  Pray specifically for students to become spiritual contributors who model Jesus for their schools,
on his robe again and sat down their families, and their friends.
and asked, “Do you understand  Pray for anything else students might need prayer for.
what I was doing? You call me
 Either have a leader pray, a student pray, or students pray for each other.
‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord’ and you
are right, because that’s what I
am. And since I, your Lord and
Teacher, have washed your feet,
you ought to wash each other’s
feet. I have given you an example
to follow. Do as I have done to

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