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610 founding of islamic religion

started being recognized in Saudi Arabia the religion is still studied
and talked about today because people still believe in it and follow
the islamic ways and it is always good to lear about other cultures

1096 the first crusade

took place in france - this led to the explosion of kingdoms like
Denmark and Sweden also created different political views
example ; in Prussia

722 spanish reconquista

took place in Portugal and Spain the reconquista turned catholic
religion to the dominant religion of Spain and also dramatically
decreased the population of grandona , cordona and Seville 

spanish inquisition took place in several colonies in spain the

roman catholicism was foced to change and other religious
traditions resulted in a more homogenous spanish culture the
control of spanish monarchy increased 
1478: Spanish Inquisition Frg and other Central Powers to take all the denounce for Planet
War I. This intended a loss of territories, a reduction in military
Hundreds of thousands of Spanish language Jews, Muslims, and forces, and reparation payments to Allied powers.
Protestants were forcibly converted, expelled from Spain, or
executed. The Inquiry spread into other parts of Europe and the

1916: Sykes-Picot Treaty 1933: Hitler Appointed Chancellor

After some backroom negotiations – which included industrialists,
The Sykes-Picot Agreement made the contemporary Middle East.
Hindenburg's son, the previous chancellor Franz von Papen, and
It serves part of the initial installments in a lengthy line of
Hitler – Hindenburg acquiesced and on 30 Jan 1933, he formally
contemporary European – and following American – meddling in
nominated Adolf Hitler as Germany's new chancellor.
the region. And, in supplying a set of unrealistic and difficult
promises to the Arabs, it led straight into straight away to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict

1933: The Holocaust begins

Afterwards liberation, countless Jewish survivors feared to revert
to their previous homes by virtue of the antisemitism (hatred of
Jews) that persisted in parts of Europe and the trauma they had
suffered. Several who revertZWQ= home feared for their lives.

1919: Treaty of Versailles End WWI

The Treaty of Versailles is one of the top controversial armistice
treaties in history. The treaty's so-called “war guilt” clause forced
1944-D-Day invasion of normandy
The Normandy invasion commenced revolving around the tide
against the Nazis. A major psychological blow, it additionally 1992: Bosnian civil war begins
prevented Hitler from forwarding troops from French republic to
250 000 men were slauthred whilst the war, 35 000 women were
develop his Eastern Fore against the advancing Soviets.
raped. At the crest of the war nearly 2,000 000 individuals were
displaced. Meanwhile this number has already been reduced to
500 000. Croatia alone is still hosting 100 000 refugees from

1948: Creation of israel

In 1948, the Israeli Declaration of Independence sparked the 1948
Arab–Israeli War, which resulted in the 1948 Palestinian exodus
and the roads were impassable led to waves of Jewish emigration
from other parts of the Middle East. Today, more or less 43
percent of the global Jewish population resides in IsraelIn 1948, the
Israeli Declaration of Independence sparked the 1948 Arab–Israeli
1994: Apartheid Ends
War, which resulted in the 1948 Palestinian exodus and the roads Places of apartment were sure by racial classification. Between
were impassable led to waves of Jewish emigration from other 1960 and 1983, 3.5 million sunless Africans were removed from
parts of the Middle East. Today, more or less 43 percent of the their homes and forced into segregated neighbourhoods as a
global Jewish population resides in Israel consequence of of apartheid legislation, in several of the greatest
mass evictions in contemporary history.

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