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CHAPTER 14 key term

Balance of payments:. Cán cân thanh toán

Cargo preference Ưu đãi hàng hóa
Certificate of origin Giấy chứng nhận xuất xứ
Commercial invoice Hóa đơn thương mại
Embargoes Cấm vận
Export management company (EMC) Công ty quản lý xuất khẩu (EMC)
Export packers Nhà đóng gói xuất khẩu
International freight forwarders Giao nhận vận tải quốc tế
International logistics Hậu cần quốc tế
Letter of credit Thư tín dụng
Load centres Trung tâm xếp hàng
Logistics Performance Index (LPI) Chỉ số hoạt động hậu cần (LPI)
Macroenvironmental influences Ảnh hưởng vĩ mô
Methods of payment Phương thức thanh toán
Non Tariff barriers Không rào cản thuế quan
Non Vessel-operating common carrier (NVOCC) Hãng vận chuyển chung không vận hành bằng tàu
Ocean carrier alliances Đại dương liên minh người vận chuyển
Open account Tài khoản mở
Open skies agreements Thỏa thuận bầu trời mở
Shipper’s export declaration (SED) Tờ khai xuất khẩu của người gửi hàng (SED)
Shipper’s letter of instruction (SLI) Thư hướng dẫn của người gửi hàng (SLI)
Shipping conferences Hội nghị vận chuyển
Short-sea shipping (SSS) Vận chuyển đường biển ngắn (SSS)
Tariffs Terms of sale Điều khoản bán hàng

Balance of payments: A record of all economic transactions between the residents of the
country and the residents of all other countries within a given period of time (1 year). Its role
is to show all payments received from other countries (credits) and all payments made to
other countries (debits). In a year, all inflows of payments must be equal to outflows; sum of
credits=sum of debits.
cargo preference: requires a certain percentage of traffic to move on a nation's flag vessels
commercial invoice
a document used in cross-border trade that summarizes the entire transaction and contains
key information such as a description of the goods, the terms of sale and payment
prohibition of trade between popular countries
Certificate of origin
a document that states the name of the country in which the shipped goods were produced
Export management company (EMC)
an important middleman for firms with relatively small international volume or those
unwilling to involve their own personnel in the international function, range from size of 1
person up to 100 and handle 10% of manufactured goods exported, one company does it all
Export packers
The preparation of goods for international shipping
International freight forwarders
a person or company that organizes shipments for individuals or corporations to get goods
from the manufacturer or producer to a market, customer or final point of distribution
International Logistics
the process of planning. and managing the flow of goods and products in your. company's
supply chain from acquisition to customer purchase, where part of the process involves
crossing at least one international border.
Letter of credit
a letter from a bank allowing the person who has it to take a particular amount of money from
a bank in another country
The Logistics Performance Index
is an interactive benchmarking tool created to help countries identify the challenges and
opportunities they face in their performance on trade logistics and what they can do to
improve their performance.
Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC)
An ocean carrier who performs all of the services of a carrier, but who does not own their
own vessel(s).
Ocean alliances
are groups of ocean freight carriers who agree to pool their respective fleets of vessels, in
order to extend their geographic coverage and service offerings.
The Open Skies Agreement is fundamental to the operation of the global aviation industry.
Shipper's Export Declaration (SED)
Document required by the U.S. Department of Commerce for exports of certain controlled
items, and/or shipments to certain countries, and/or shipments anywhere that exceed certain
dollar amounts
Shipper's Letter of Instruction (SLI) is a document which provides shipping instructions to
the freight forwarder to ensure accurate and correct movement of the products across borders.
Short sea shipping, abbreviated as SSS, is the maritime transport of goods over relatively
short distances, as opposed to the intercontinental cross-ocean deep sea shipping.

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