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Michelle Alejandra García Cachú

Nadia Ivonne Elías Tinajero

Franco Emilio Zanelli Cardenas
Elyzabeth Marycruz Espinoza Mendoza

Teacher: Romero Hijinosa Ariana Michel

In Mexico, one out of every eight children under the

age of five is shorter for their age.
According to the National Council for the Evaluation of Social
Development Policy (CONEVAL), in 2020, 22.5% of the national
population was in a vulnerable condition due to lack of
access to nutritious and quality food. This percentage
represents a figure of 28.6 million people, 1.1 million higher
than the 27.5 million estimated in 2018.

INEGI data For its part, the National Institute of Statistics

and Geography (INEGI), through the National Household
Income and Expenditure Survey, 2020, estimated that, in that
year, 46.7% of Mexican households expressed concern that
the food will run out due to lack of money or resources; and,
in fact, in 12.7% of the households, they actually ran out of
food at least once, due to lack of money or resources. Given
such figures, little can be said to add anything relevant to
measure the magnitude of the problem; however, it should
be emphasized that this is a problem in the country that, far
from being treated effectively, continues to grow
significantly, since, according to data from the Ministry of
Health, the population treated for malnutrition has
increased between 2020 and 2021.

Information from the Ministry of Health Indeed, according to

data from the Epidemiological Bulletin of the Ministry of
Health, through which cases of immediate notification and
conventional health surveillance are recorded, until
epidemiological week 33 of 2021, which ended on August 21,
cases of malnutrition in the three levels of measurement
that exist in our country, increased compared to the same
period in 2020. Thus, for cases of mild malnutrition, there is a
record of 27,490 new cases accumulated until August 21,
This figure contrasts with the 20,859 cases registered in
the same period of 2020; difference that implies a growth
of 18.8% between both periods. It is also pertinent to say
that, in accordance with the Official Mexican Standard
NOM-031-SSA2-199 for child health care, it defines, for this
age group, that mild malnutrition is the nutritional
disorder that produces deficit weight between minus 1
and 1.99 standard deviations, according to the weight-for-
age indicator

In Mexico, 1 out of every 8 boys and girls under 5 years of

age are short (moderate or severe) for their age¹. The lack
of a sufficient, varied and nutritious diet is associated
with more than half of the deaths of girls and boys
worldwide. When they are undernourished, they are more
likely to die from disease and be stunted for the rest of
their lives. An advanced degree of malnutrition is not
necessary to suffer serious consequences; three quarters
of children who die from related causes are only slightly
or moderately malnourished. Children and adolescents in
the southern states of the country are about twice as
likely to have low weight or height for their age, as a
result of chronic malnutrition, than those living in the
north. This difference is also present when comparing
rural with urban areas. Low-income households and
indigenous households, no matter what state they are in,
are the most prone to child malnutrition
After years of struggle, at UNICEF we know what the
causes of child malnutrition are and that there are
low-cost and highly effective actions against
malnutrition. These are some of the most important:
1. Access to healthcare When health care is scarce and
children do not receive the care they need for their
age, it is very difficult to detect possible cases of
malnutrition. F Routine height and weight checks are
one of the main tools for diagnosing whether a child is
malnourished. Therefore, if health care is expanded,
the incidence of this scourge can be reduced.

2. Training of mothers and fathers In countries with

high levels of malnutrition, food is scarce. However, it
is proven that teaching parents which foods available
to them are most beneficial for their children helps
combat malnutrition.
3. Therapeutic food The ready-to-use therapeutic food
consists of a paste of peanut concentrate that contains
the necessary nutrients for the recovery of children
suffering from severe acute malnutrition.
4. Breastfeeding The milk produced by mothers is one
of the most effective ways to end malnutrition. When
a baby does not benefit from breastfeeding, the
probability that it will die is multiplied by 14.
5. Access to water and sanitation Drinking safe water
and having access to adequate sanitation help prevent
infectious diseases, one of the main causes of child
malnutrition. For this reason, a faucet and a toilet play
a fundamental role in the fight against malnutrition.
Children and adolescents in the southern states of the
country are about twice as likely to have low weight or

height for their age, as a result of chronic

malnutrition, than those living in the north. This
difference is also present when comparing rural with
urban areas. Low-income households and indigenous
households, no matter what state they are in, are the
most prone to child malnutrition. Boys and girls
between 1 and 2 years of age have the highest
percentages of chronic malnutrition. This group
coincides with the age at which many babies stop
being breastfed, reflecting the importance of
breastfeeding for good nutrition in early childhood.
introduction: malnutrition is a problem that reaches all parts of
the world, either due to lack of resources or poor quality of
products, nutritional ignorance and other determining factors
that can affect nutrition

Conclusion: malnutrition is a condition that is acquired by bad

information and bad economy, we must try to carry out all the
medical recommendations so that our children are educated in
the food field and look after themselves as people.

5 problems
1. there is no knowledge of health or preventive medical care

2. Parents don't know what to do when their children get sick.

3. There is not enough food for good nutrition.

4. Newborn babies are prone to malnutrition

5. There is no hygienic food care, making the population sick

5 solutions
1. Access to health and medical care

2. Training of mothers and fathers In countries with high levels

of malnutrition.

3. Therapeutic food

4. Breastfeeding. Michelle Alejandra García Cachú

Nadia Ivonne Elías Tinajero

Franco Emilio Zanelli Cardenas
Elyzabeth Marycruz Espinoza Mendoza
5. Access to drinking water.

Teacher: Romero Hijinosa Ariana Michel


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