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Gearmotors \ Industrial Gear Units \ Drive Electronics \ Drive Automation \ Services

MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio

Edition 03/2007
11610212 / EN Manual
SEW-EURODRIVE – Driving the world

1 About MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio ................................................................. 5
1.1 What is the software used for?.................................................................. 5
1.2 Who is the software intended for?............................................................. 6
1.3 How is the software structured?................................................................ 7
1.4 Which functions does the software offer? ................................................. 8
1.5 Where can I get help with the software? ................................................... 9

2 General Notes .................................................................................................. 10

2.1 Structure of the safety notes ................................................................... 10
2.2 Types of safety notes .............................................................................. 11
2.3 General safety notes ............................................................................... 12
2.4 Documentation notes .............................................................................. 13
2.5 Right to claim under warranty ................................................................. 13
2.6 Exclusion of liability ................................................................................. 13

3 Installing MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio.......................................................... 14

3.1 Prerequisite ............................................................................................. 14
3.2 Starting installation.................................................................................. 14
3.3 Installing software components (options)................................................ 15
3.4 Adding exceptions to the firewall for software components (options) ..... 16
3.5 Selecting options for installation.............................................................. 17
3.5.1 MOVIDRIVE® units .................................................................. 17
3.5.2 MOVITRAC® units ................................................................... 18
3.5.3 MOVIAXIS® units..................................................................... 19
3.5.4 MOVI-PLC® and gateways ...................................................... 21
3.5.5 Decentralized drive systems.................................................... 22

4 Installing the Hardware................................................................................... 23

4.1 How do I connect a unit to the PC? ........................................................ 23
4.1.1 Which connection types are available? ................................... 23
4.1.2 How do I start up the USB11A interface adapter?................... 24
4.1.3 How do I start up the Peak USB-CAN adapter? ...................... 26

5 Basics of Operation – First Steps.................................................................. 32

5.1 How is the user interface structured?...................................................... 32
5.1.1 Structure of the framework ...................................................... 32
5.1.2 Project views and node types .................................................. 34
5.1.3 Structure of the toolbar ............................................................ 39
5.2 What is the procedure for configuring units?........................................... 40
5.2.1 Procedure for configuring units................................................ 40
5.2.2 Step 1: Creating a project and network ................................... 42
5.2.3 Step 2: Configuring communication channel(s) ....................... 43
5.2.4 Step 3: Scanning the network (unit scan) ................................ 43
5.2.5 Step 4: Configuring units using Tools ...................................... 43

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 3


5.3 How do I configure new units? ................................................................ 44

5.3.1 Configuring new units from the project planning view ............. 44
5.3.2 Configuring new units from the network view .......................... 46
5.4 How do I use communication channels?................................................. 47
5.4.1 How do I configure a communication channel? ....................... 47
5.4.2 How do I change/remove a communication channel? ............. 49
5.4.3 How do I configure the communication settings for
the SEW Communication Server? ........................................... 50

6 Communication Channels in Detail ............................................................... 51

6.1 Serial (RS-232, RS-485) ......................................................................... 51
6.1.1 Parameters for serial (RS-232, RS-485).................................. 51
6.2 SBus ....................................................................................................... 53
6.2.1 Parameters for SBus ............................................................... 53
6.3 Ethernet .................................................................................................. 54
6.3.1 Types of communication using Ethernet.................................. 54
6.3.2 Parameters for Ethernet .......................................................... 59
6.3.3 Configuring communication settings for Ethernet .................... 60
6.4 Profibus DP/DPV1 .................................................................................. 61
6.4.1 Communication via C2 master................................................. 61
6.4.2 Parameters for Profibus DP/DPV1 .......................................... 62
6.5 S7-MPI .................................................................................................... 63
6.5.1 Indirect S7-MPI to Profibus communication via SIMATIC S7 .. 63
6.5.2 Parameters for S7-MPI ............................................................ 65

7 Configuring Units using Tools....................................................................... 66

7.1 What type of tools are available? ............................................................ 66
7.2 Tools in detail .......................................................................................... 67
7.2.1 Startup wizard.......................................................................... 67
7.2.2 Parameter tree......................................................................... 68
7.2.3 Status group box...................................................................... 72
7.2.4 PDO Editor............................................................................... 73
7.2.5 Manual operation ..................................................................... 74
7.2.6 Scope....................................................................................... 75
7.2.7 PLC Editor ............................................................................... 75
7.2.8 Application Builder ................................................................... 75
7.2.9 Shell......................................................................................... 76
7.2.10 Bus Monitor.............................................................................. 76
7.2.11 IPOS® Assembler and Compiler.............................................. 77
7.2.12 Technology editors .................................................................. 77

Index ................................................................................................................. 79

4 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

About MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
What is the software used for?

1 About MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio

1.1 What is the software used for?

Proper use
MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio is a software package for drive engineering solutions.
• The software package establishes communication with the following SEW-
EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG units:
• Frequency inverters
• Drive inverters
• Servo inverters
• The software package enables you to perform the following functions with consis-
• Starting up units
• Parameter setting for units
• Visualizing unit settings
• Programming units
• Running unit diagnostics

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 5

About MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
1 Who is the software intended for?

1.2 Who is the software intended for?

Professional qualifications
The typical user of MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio has been trained or educated in one of
the following fields:
• Electrical engineering
• Drive engineering
• Automation engineering
Professional activities
A MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio user usually has one of the following occupations:
• Startup engineer
• Project planner
Additional qualifications
SEW-EURODRIVE recommends that users also participate in additional product
training for the units and motors that they will be operating with MOVITOOLS® Motion-
Programming experience
For users who wish to program the IPOS® Positioning and Sequence Control System
using MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio, familiarity with programming languages C or
Assembler is required.
For users who wish to program the MOVI-PLC® controller using MOVITOOLS® Motion-
Studio, familiarity with programming languages as defined in IEC 61131-3 is required.

6 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

About MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
How is the software structured?

1.3 How is the software structured?

System overview
The following figure illustrates the structure and functions of the MOVITOOLS® Motion-
Studio software package:

MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio


Parameter Setting Startup Diagnostics Visualization Programming


SEW Communication Server

Types of Communication

(RS-232, Ethernet SBus S7-MPI
Second Communication Channel

Fourth Communication Channel

Third Communication Channel
First Communication Channel

Fifth Communication Channel

Unit network

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 7

About MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
1 Which functions does the software offer?

1.4 Which functions does the software offer?

Establishing communication with units
The SEW Communication Server is integrated into the MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
software package for establishing communication with the units.
With SEW Communication Server, you can create up to four communication chan-
For establishing the connection, the communication channels are connected and their
parameters are set using the following communication types:
• Serial (RS-232, RS-485)
• Ethernet
• Profibus DP/DPV1
• SBus
• S7-MPI
Executing functions with the units
The following software components are integrated into the MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
software package for the execution of functions with the units:
• MotionStudio
All functions communicate using tools. For every unit type, MOVITOOLS® Motion-
Studio provides the specific tools supported by the unit.
You can find detailed information on the tools in chapter "Configuring units using tools"
(p. 66).

8 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

About MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
Where can I get help with the software?

1.5 Where can I get help with the software?

Online help

This documentation is displayed in a help window as soon as you start MOVITOOLS®


If you do NOT want the help window to be activated on startup,
• deselect the "Display" checkbox under menu [Settings] / [Options] / [Help].
Context-sensitive help
Press the <F1> key for context-sensitive help about fields which require you to enter
Telephone support
SEW-EURODRIVE offers you a 24-hour service hotline.
Simply dial (+49) 1805 and then enter the letters SEWHELP. Of course, you can also
dial (+49) 1805 7394357.

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 9

General Notes
2 Structure of the safety notes

2 General Notes
2.1 Structure of the safety notes
Structure of the safety notes
The safety notes in these operating instructions are structured as follows:


Nature and source of hazard.

Possible consequence(s) if disregarded.
• Measure(s) to avoid the hazard.

Degree of risk
The safety note indicates the degree of risk by means of a symbol and a signal word.
The following table lists all symbols and signal words employed in the safety notes,
along with their meaning and the consequences if disregarded.

Symbol Signal word Meaning Consequences if disregarded

Examples: HAZARD Imminent danger Severe or fatal injuries

WARNING Potentially dangerous situation Severe or fatal injuries

General hazard

CAUTION Potentially dangerous situation Minor injuries

Specific danger,
e.g. electric shock
STOP Possible property damage and • Damage to the drive system or its environ-
disruptions ment
• Significant disruption due to incorrect
installation or operation

NOTE Indicates a reference to useful None

information to ...
• Simplify the work for you
• Show you an alternative
method or
• Provide you with back-
ground knowledge if

10 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

General Notes
Types of safety notes

2.2 Types of safety notes

General and operation-related safety notes
You will find the following two types of safety notes in this document:
Safety note Validity
General safety notes Generally applicable and must be observed with
all work using MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
Operation-related safety instructions Applicable for certain procedures and must be
observed before taking the first steps of operation

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 11

General Notes
2 General safety notes

2.3 General safety notes

Unexpected system behavior

MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio allows you to adjust the unit to your specific application
with a high degree of accuracy.
There is a risk that you could (externally) adjust the unit parameters using communi-
cation channels which are not visible to the unit itself. These changes may result in
unexpected system behavior.
• Set the parameters for the unit so that any changes to the system behavior do not
pose a risk to yourself or others.

This documentation is a component of MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio and contains
important information about safe operation and installing the software.
• Read the documentation carefully before installing or working with
MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio.
• Pay particular attention to the safety notes contained in this documentation.

This documentation refers to the documentation of those units and option cards that
are operated with MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio (additional documentation).
• Read additional documentation carefully before operating the units and option cards
with MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio.
• Pay particular attention to the warning and safety notes in the additional documen-

12 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

General Notes
Documentation notes

2.4 Documentation notes

Additional documentation
You are referred to additional documentation. Examples of additional documentation:
• Operating instructions and system manuals for the units
• Option card manuals for fieldbus connection

2.5 Right to claim under warranty

Adhering to the operating instructions is prerequisite to fault-free operation and the fulfill-
ment of any right to claim under warranty. Read the operating instructions before you
start working with the unit.
Make sure that the operating instructions are available to persons responsible for the
plant and its operation, as well as to person who work independently on the unit. You
must also ensure that the documentation is legible.

2.6 Exclusion of liability

You must comply with the information contained in these operating instructions to
ensure safe operation and to achieve the specified product characteristics and perfor-
mance features. SEW-EURODRIVE assumes no liability for injury to persons or
damage to equipment or property resulting from non-observance of these operating
instructions. In such cases, any liability for defects is excluded.

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 13

Installing MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
3 Prerequisite

3 Installing MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio

3.1 Prerequisite
Administrator rights

You need local administrator rights to be able to install MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
on your PC.
• Contact your system administrator if you do not have local administrator rights on
your PC.
Microsoft products

When you install MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio, the following Microsoft products are
installed on your PC:
• Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0
• Installer 3.1
• J# Redistributable 2.0
Older versions of MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio

Older versions of MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio are uninstalled during the installation
routine but the project data is retained.

3.2 Starting installation

1. Place the installation CD in your CD-ROM drive.
Result: The "Start.htm" file is displayed in the browser.

If the "Start.htm" file does NOT open automatically:
• Open the file manually from the root directory of the installation CD.

14 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Installing MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
Installing software components (options)

3.3 Installing software components (options)

1. Select the "Setup for MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio" link
Result: The setup wizard is launched.
2. Choose the software components to be installed (options) (p. 17) by setting the rele-
vant checkboxes.

If Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 has not already been installed on your PC, the instal-
lation routine recognizes this and automatically sets the relevant checkbox.
If Installer 3.1 and J# Redistributable 2.0 have not already been installed on your PC,
they are the first software components to be installed.
The PC then restarts and the installation proceeds automatically.
3. Confirm the selected software components.
4. Follow the instructions of the setup wizard.
5. Enter the target directory for the installation or confirm the standard directory.
6. Specify who is allowed access to the installed software components on your PC:
• All users
• Current user

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 15

Installing MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
3 Adding exceptions to the firewall for software components (options)

3.4 Adding exceptions to the firewall for software components (options)


Before starting MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio, you must add exceptions to your firewall
for the installed software components.

1. Pay attention to the "Important hint" window when installation is complete. This
window displays the executable programs for which you need to add exceptions to
your firewall.

Result: The example displays the executable programs for a typical installation.
2. In your firewall, add exceptions for all executable programs that belong to the soft-
ware components (options) you have installed.
These are:
• SEWManager.exe
• Ofdas.exe
• Secos.exe
• Gateway.exe (for PLC Editor)

16 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Installing MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
Selecting options for installation

3.5 Selecting options for installation

Selection criteria
Selection of software components (options) depends on:
• Your units
• The purpose of your implementation of MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
Selecting software components (options) for the units
1. Select the software components (options) that you require for your units.
2. Refer to the detailed information about the respective unit.

3.5.1 MOVIDRIVE® units

Selecting software components (options) for MOVIDRIVE® units
1. Refer to the following table when selecting software components:
Units Software components
Description Illustration SEW MOVI- SEW Communi- SEW PLC SEW MOVI- Peak USB-CAN
TOOLS® cation Server Editor TOOLS® adapter
MOVIDRIVE® B Required Required Not required Required Recommended

MOVIDRIVE® B Required Required Required Required Recommended

with MOVI-PLC®

MOVIDRIVE® A / Not required Not required Not required Required Not required

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 17

Installing MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
3 Selecting options for installation

3.5.2 MOVITRAC® units

Selecting software components (options) for MOVITRAC® units
1. Refer to the following table when selecting software components:
Units Software components
Description Illustration SEW MOVI- SEW Communi- SEW PLC SEW MOVI- Peak USB-CAN
TOOLS® cation Server Editor TOOLS® adapter
MOVITRAC® B Required Required Not required Not required Recommended

MOVITRAC® B Required Required Required Not required Recommended

with MOVI-PLC®

MOVITRAC® 07 Not required Not required Not required Required Not required

18 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Installing MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
Selecting options for installation

3.5.3 MOVIAXIS® units

Prerequisite Installing the driver
To operate a MOVIAXIS® unit, you may require a USB-CAN adapter manufactured by

MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio installs its own driver from the directory "..\CAN-Driver".
• Do NOT install the driver supplied by Peak.
• Select the "Peak PCAN Dongle" software component as the option when you install
MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio.

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 19

Installing MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
3 Selecting options for installation

Procedure Selecting software components (options) for MOVIAXIS®

1. Refer to the following table when selecting additional software components:
Units Software components
Description Illustration SEW MOVI- SEW Commu- SEW PLC SEW MOVI- Peak USB-
TOOLS® nication Editor TOOLS® CAN adapter
MotionStudio Server
MOVIAXIS® Required Required Not required Not required Required

MOVIAXIS® with Required Required Required Not required Recommended


MOVIAXIS® with Required Required Required Not required Not required

Basic master
MOVIAXIS® with Required Required Required Not required Not required
master module
MOVIAXIS® Required Required Required Not required Not required
with MOVI-PLC®
Gateway master

20 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Installing MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
Selecting options for installation

3.5.4 MOVI-PLC® and gateways

Selecting software components (options) for MOVI-PLC® and gateways
1. Refer to the following table when selecting software components:
Units Software components
Description Illustration SEW MOVI- SEW Communi- SEW PLC SEW MOVI- Peak USB-CAN
TOOLS® cation Server Editor TOOLS® adapter
MOVI-PLC® Required Required Required Recommended Recommended

UFx11A fieldbus Not required Not required Not required Required Not required

DFx fieldbus Required Required Not required Not required Not required

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 21

Installing MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
3 Selecting options for installation

3.5.5 Decentralized drive systems

Selecting software components (options) for decentralized drive systems
1. Refer to the following table when selecting software components:
Units Software components
Description Illustration SEW MOVI- SEW Communi- SEW PLC SEW MOVI- Peak USB-CAN
TOOLS® cation Server Editor TOOLS® adapter
MOVIFIT® Required Required Not required Required Not required
MOVIFIT® Required Required Required Required Not required

MOVIMOT® Not required Not required Not required Required Not required

Fieldbus inter- Not required Not required Not required Required Not required
face MFx / MQx

MOVIGEAR® Required Required Not required Not required Not required

22 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Installing the Hardware
How do I connect a unit to the PC?

4 Installing the Hardware

4.1 How do I connect a unit to the PC?
4.1.1 Which connection types are available?
You will need additional connection hardware (option) to connect your PC to the unit,
which you can obtain from SEW-EURODRIVE.
The type of connection hardware you require depends on the units.
Connection types
The following table shows you the different types of connection hardware available, and
for which units they are suitable.
Connection hardware Order no. Scope of delivery Units
Interface adapter 08248311 • Connection cable with • MOVIDRIVE® B
RJ10 connector and • MOVITRAC® 07A
USB connector • MOVITRAC® B
• UFx fieldbus gateways
• DFx fieldbus gateways
• DHx MOVI-PLC® control
• MFx-MQx fieldbus interfaces
for MOVIMOT® or field
distributors Z3/Z6/Z7/Z8
USB-CAN adapter 18210597 • Connection cable with • MOVIAXIS®
manufactured by Peak 9-pole sub-D connector, • MOVIDRIVE® B
length: 2 m • MOVITRAC® B
• A 120 ohm terminating
resistor is fitted to one
end of the cable

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 23

Installing the Hardware
4 How do I connect a unit to the PC?

4.1.2 How do I start up the USB11A interface adapter?

Prerequisite Prerequisite
The following instructions describe how to start up the USB11A with a MOVIDRIVE®
unit. To start up other units using the USB11A, proceed in the same way.

For detailed information about operation and startup with MOVIDRIVE® units, refer to
the "MOVIDRIVE® MDX60B / 61B Operating Instructions".

Overview Overview
The figure shows the connection of the USB11A [4] to MOVIDRIVE® [1] and PC [6]
using the two cables that are provided.
• One connection cable with RJ10 [2] connector and USB connector [3]
• One USB cable [5], [6]

[2] RJ10 connector on the connector cable is connected to the diagnostics socket (X terminal)
[3] USB connector on the connection cable is connected to the USB11A
[4] USB11A
[5] Connection of the USB cable to the USB11A
[6] Connection of the USB cable to the PC

24 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Installing the Hardware
How do I connect a unit to the PC?

Connecting the Prerequisite

USB11A interface You need local administrator rights to be able to install the USB driver on your PC in
adapter and step 5.
installing the driver

You can also download the USB driver from the SEW homepage:
• Go to
• Search for "Interface Driver & Fieldbus Tools" under the heading "Software".
Connecting the USB11A interface adapter and installing the driver
1. Plug the RJ10 connector on the connector cable into the diagnostics socket
(X terminal) [2] on the MOVIDRIVE® [1].

2. Insert the USB connector on the connection cable [3] into the USB11A [4].
3. Plug one end of the USB cable [5] into the USB11A [4].
4. Plug the other end of the USB cable [6] into a free USB port on your PC.
5. Install the USB driver from the MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio installation CD (Software
ROM 7).
Result: The PC assigns the first free COM port to the interface adapter and detects it
after approx. 5 to 10 s.

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 25

Installing the Hardware
4 How do I connect a unit to the PC?

4.1.3 How do I start up the Peak USB-CAN adapter?

Prerequisite Installing the driver
To operate a MOVIAXIS® unit, you may require a USB-CAN adapter manufactured by
The following instructions describe how to start up the USB-CAN adapter with a
MOVIAXIS® unit (CAN1 communication).
To start up other units using the USB-CAN adapter, proceed in the same way.

MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio installs its own driver from the directory "..\CAN-Driver".
• Do NOT install the driver supplied by Peak.
• Select the "Peak PCAN Dongle" software component as the option when you install
MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio.

For detailed information about operation and startup with MOVIAXIS® units, refer to the
"MOVIAXIS® MX Multi-Axis Servo Inverter Operating Instructions" manual.

26 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Installing the Hardware
How do I connect a unit to the PC?

How do I address a
CAN1 communica-
Overview Basic address for CAN1 communication
The basic address is the address for the first axis module in an axis system. The
addresses for the additional axis modules are assigned in ascending order based on the
basic address.
The figure shows the MOVIAXIS® supply module [1] with the address switches S3 [2]
and S4 [3] for setting the basic address. Basic address "1" is set (default setting).

[1] MOVIAXIS® supply module

[2] S3: Address switch for the basic address ("ones" digit)
[3] S4: Address switch for the basic address ("tens" digit)

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 27

Installing the Hardware
4 How do I connect a unit to the PC?

Addressing CAN1 Procedure

communication on 1. Set the "ones" digit of the basic address at the S3 address switch.
the supply module

2. Set the "tens" digit of the basic address at the S4 address switch.
Result: The address for the first axis module – the basic address – is set. In the
example, the address "73" is set.

The addresses for the other axis modules are automatically set once the 24 V voltage
supply is started. If you change the basic address during operation, the change will
only be effective after the 24 V voltage supply has been restarted.

28 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Installing the Hardware
How do I connect a unit to the PC?

Setting the CAN1 Overview

baud rate The figure shows the MOVIAXIS® supply module [1] with DIP switches [2] S1 and S2.
The CAN1 baud rate is set to 500 kBit/s (default setting).

[1] MOVIAXIS® supply module

[2] S1, S2: DIP switches for setting the CAN1 baud rate

Setting the CAN1 baud rate

1. Set the S1 and S2 DIP switches [2] to the required CAN1 baud rate. Refer to the table
125 kBit/s 250 kBit/s 500 kBit/s 1 MBbit/s



Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 29

Installing the Hardware
4 How do I connect a unit to the PC?

Connecting the Overview

Peak USB-CAN The figure shows a USB-CAN adapter [1] in a MOVIAXIS® axis system. The USB-CAN
adapter adapter [1] is connected to one end of the connection cable [2]. The other end is
connected to the supply module via the CAN1 bus [3]. The signaling bus is connected
to the final axis module with a terminating resistor [4].

[1] USB-CAN adapter connected to the USB port on the PC

[2] Connection cable with integrated terminating resistor at one end (marked in color); included in the
scope of delivery for the USB-CAN adapter
[3] Connection to the CAN1 bus (X12 socket at the supply module)
[4] Terminating resistor of the signaling bus (120 ohm), included in the scope of delivery for MOVIAXIS®

30 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Installing the Hardware
How do I connect a unit to the PC?

Connecting the Peak USB-CAN adapter

• Ensure that the SEW driver is installed from the "..\CAN-Driver" directory before
connecting the USB-CAN adapter.

1. Plug the USB-CAN adapter feeder line [1] into the USB port on the PC.
2. Plug the colored end of the connection cable [2] into the USB-CAN adapter.
3. Plug the other end of the connection cable into the socket (X12) on the MOVIAXIS®
supply module [3].
Terminating CAN1 communication

If you are NOT using the connection cable with integrated terminating resistor:
• Ensure that there is a 120 ohm terminating resistor between the CAN_H line and
the CAN_L line.
1. Terminate the signaling bus on the final axis module with the terminating resistor [4].

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 31

Basics of Operation – First Steps
5 How is the user interface structured?

5 Basics of Operation – First Steps

5.1 How is the user interface structured?
5.1.1 Structure of the framework
The MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio user interface comprises a central framework and the
individual tools. These are started as separate applications from the framework, or they
are integrated into the framework as plug-ins.
The following figure shows the different areas within the framework:

32 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Basics of Operation – First Steps
How is the user interface structured?

Areas and their function

The following table describes the areas within the framework and their function:
Area Description Function
[1] Menu bar The main menu and toolbar contain all the important commands for
navigating the framework.
[2] Toolbar
[3] Area for project views Information about the units in a project. The information is visualized
using the following types of project views (34):
• Network View
• Project planning view
[4] Area for plug-ins The tools are displayed in the form of plug-ins in this area.
The plug-ins are displayed either using tabs or as a separate window.
The view depends on the tool you choose.
In the example, the "Parameter tree" (68) tool has been selected for a
[5] Unit status area You can display the status information for units that you can access
online in the status bar. You can also hide the unit status area.
[6] Status bar You can view the current communication mode of the MOVITOOLS
MotionStudio in the status bar. This is where progress information is
displayed during a unit scan.

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 33

Basics of Operation – First Steps
5 How is the user interface structured?

5.1.2 Project views and node types

Overview Types of project views
MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio displays information on the units in project views.
The following table explains the two types of project views:
Project view Function
Project planning view • Displays all configured units in a freely definable logical hierarchy.
• In this view, you can visualize the way the units fit together within a
machine or a system component, for example.
Network view • Displays all units with a communication link.
• This view visualizes the topology of a network and its units.

A project contains exactly one project planning view at all times. There can also be one
or several network views.

Project planning Overview

view and node The figure shows the structure of the "Project planning view" window and examples of
types node types:

34 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Basics of Operation – First Steps
How is the user interface structured?

Posi- Description Function

[1] Pushpin "Pins" the window to the screen
[2] Project nodes • Top node in the project view
• Represents the project and is given the same name
[3] Structure nodes • Combines several units in one partial tree to show how they fit
• You can freely assign the name of the structure node.
[4] Unit node with mini • Configured unit for which the unit parameters in the project are
symbol managed (with node status showing).
• The mini symbol indicates the node status.
[5] Unit node without mini Configured unit for which the unit parameters in the project are
symbol managed (without showing the node status).
[6] Parameter file node Represents a unit-independent parameter file that is included in the
[7] [Project planning view] Tab for displaying the project planning view

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 35

Basics of Operation – First Steps
5 How is the user interface structured?

Network view and Overview

node types The figure shows the structure of the "Network view" window and examples of node

Posi- Description Function

[1] Pushpin "Pins" the window to the screen
[2] Master node • Top node in the network view
• Represents the network and is given the same name
[3] Media node Represents a physical medium or bus system in the network
[4] Unit node Represents the unit and its communication link in the network
[5] [Network view] tab Tab for displaying the network view

36 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Basics of Operation – First Steps
How is the user interface structured?

Node status Overview

The mini symbols indicate the node status. The figure shows the different types of mini

Mini symbol and node status

The following table shows the project views in which the mini symbols are displayed and
the node status they indicate.
Mini Project view Node status
[1] Network view Unit scan active:
Indicates that the node is in a network that is being scanned.
[2] Project plan- No communication link available:
ning view Indicates that the unit represented by the node is not available in the current
[3] Network view Node is not configured:
Indicates that the node represents a unit that is NOT configured.
[4] Network view Several communication links available:
• Indicates that there are more unit nodes in the network that link to the
same unit.
• The mini symbol appears for the unit which is NOT configured for the
"Standard communication link".
• You can change this setting in the Context menu under [Set as standard
communication link].

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 37

Basics of Operation – First Steps
5 How is the user interface structured?

Mini symbol and node status (continued)

Mini Project view Node status
[5] Project plan- Unit parameters have been changed:
ning view / • Indicates that you have modified the unit parameters since you last
Network view saved.
• Save your project
[6] Project plan- Parameter file has been modified:
ning view • Indicates that you have modified the parameter file since you last saved.
• Save your project
[7] Project plan- Parameter file included as link:
ning view • Indicates that access to the parameter file is not direct (through copying
in the project directory), but is included as a link in the project.
[8] Project plan- Parameter file not found:
ning view • The linked parameter file could not be found at the location that was
referred to.

38 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Basics of Operation – First Steps
How is the user interface structured?

5.1.3 Structure of the toolbar

The following figure shows the MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio toolbar

[1] Creates a new project

[2] Opens an existing project
[3] Saves the current project
[4] Switches to window view
[5] Switches to tab view
[6] Displays the windows so that they overlap
[7] Displays the windows next to one another
[8] Switches to online mode
[9] Switches to offline mode
[10] Organizes the units in a hierarchy in the network (right to left)
[11] Organizes the units in a hierarchy in the network (top to bottom)
[12] Deletes selected units
[13] Scans the network for units
[14] Skips the communication channel during the unit scan to shorten the scanning process
[15] Terminates the scan
[16] Opens the window for configuring the communication channels

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 39

Basics of Operation – First Steps
5 What is the procedure for configuring units?

5.2 What is the procedure for configuring units?

5.2.1 Procedure for configuring units
The following figure illustrates the main steps for configuring your units using the tools
in MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio.

Communication mode (online or offline)

The figure displays the mode for the respective main step. In the fourth main step, the
correct mode depends on the tool that you want to use.

MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio starts up in the communication mode that was set before
it was switched off.

40 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Basics of Operation – First Steps
What is the procedure for configuring units?

1. Perform main steps 1 to 3.
• The mode switches from Offline to Online.
• You are in the Network view.
2. Change the mode if necessary.
3. Perform main step 4.
You can find detailed information about the individual main steps below.

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 41

Basics of Operation – First Steps
5 What is the procedure for configuring units?

5.2.2 Step 1: Creating a project and network

Adding exceptions to the firewall for software components (options)

Before starting MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio, you must add exceptions to your firewall
for software components (p. 16) that you have installed.
• In your firewall, enter all the executable programs that belong to the software
components you have installed.
• Check your firewall settings. It is possible that the firewall would prevent the execu-
tion of a program in the background. In other words, the user would not receive a
Creating a project and network
The "Welcome…" window launches when you start MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio, and
prompts you to create a project.
1. Make sure that "New project" is selected and confirm.
Result: The "New project" window opens.
2. Enter a name and save directory for the new project. Confirm.
Result: The "New network" window opens.
3. Enter a name for the new network. Confirm.
Result: The main screen opens and the "Configure communication plugs" window

42 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Basics of Operation – First Steps
What is the procedure for configuring units?

5.2.3 Step 2: Configuring communication channel(s)

Configuring communication channel(s)
1. Configure the communication channel(s) (p. 47).

5.2.4 Step 3: Scanning the network (unit scan)

Scanning the network (unit scan)
1. Press to scan the network (unit scan).
2. If the scan does not run correctly, change the communication settings for the SEW
Communication Server (p. 50).

5.2.5 Step 4: Configuring units using Tools

Configuring units using tools
1. Select the unit you want to configure.
2. Right-click to open the context menu and display the tools for configuring the unit.

Result: The example shows the context menu with the tools for a MOVIDRIVE® unit.
3. Select the tool (p. 66) with which you want to configure the unit.
4. Save your unit networks and your projects.

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 43

Basics of Operation – First Steps
5 How do I configure new units?

5.3 How do I configure new units?

5.3.1 Configuring new units from the project planning view
1. Switch to the project planning view with the [Project planning view] tab.
2. Use structure nodes to arrange a logical structure that represents your system.
3. Add a new unit. Open the [New unit] command in the context menu.

Result: The "New unit" window opens.

44 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Basics of Operation – First Steps
How do I configure new units?

4. Select the unit type from the list [2] and enter a name (signature) [1] for the new unit
to be configured.

Result: The new unit is added under the configured structure nodes.
5. Call up the two views via [View] / [Project views] / [Combine views]
6. Drag the newly configured unit from the project planning view into the network view
(drag and drop).

7. Assign a valid address [1] to the newly configured unit.

Result: The newly configured unit has a communication link in the network. Also, the
mini symbol on the unit node disappears in the project planning view.

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 45

Basics of Operation – First Steps
5 How do I configure new units?

5.3.2 Configuring new units from the network view

1. Switch to the network view with the [Network view] tab.
2. Perform a unit scan in online mode.
Result: All detected devices are displayed.
3. Select the unit you want to configure.
4. In the context menu, select the [Project unit] command.

Result: The "Configure unit" window opens

5. Enter a name (signature) for the new unit to be configured [1] and confirm.

Result: The unit parameters are uploaded to the project.

6. Confirm.
Result: The mini symbol on the unit node disappears in the network view.

46 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Basics of Operation – First Steps
How do I use communication channels?

5.4 How do I use communication channels?

5.4.1 How do I configure a communication channel?
There is a hardware connection between your PC and the units you want to configure.
Configuring the communication channel
1. Select [Network] / [Communication plugs], or you can click the icon.
Result: The "Configure communication plugs" window opens, in which you can
configure up to four communication channels.
2. From the list [1], select the communication type to which you want to assign a free
communication channel [2].

Result: In the example, the third communication channel [2] is assigned the commu-
nication type "serial".

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 47

Basics of Operation – First Steps
5 How do I use communication channels?

3. Select the "Show all parameters" checkbox [1] in the right section of the window.

Result: In the example, all parameters for the "serial" communication type are
4. Change the parameters that are entered if necessary. When doing so, refer to the
detailed description of the parameters:
• Serial (RS-232, RS-485) (p. 51)
• SBus (p. 53)
• Ethernet (p. 59)
• Profibus DP/DPV1 (p. 62)
• S7-MPI (p. 65)

48 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Basics of Operation – First Steps
How do I use communication channels?

5.4.2 How do I change/remove a communication channel?

Changing/removing a communication channel
1. Select the menu items [Network] / [Communication plugs].
Result: The window containing the communication channels you have established
2. From the list [2], select a different communication channel or "---" to remove the
current communication channel.

Result: In the right section of the window, "Plug not connected" [1] appears as confir-
mation when the communication channel is removed.

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 49

Basics of Operation – First Steps
5 How do I use communication channels?

5.4.3 How do I configure the communication settings for the SEW Communication Server?
Configuring communication settings for the SEW Communication Server
1. Open the tab [Settings] / [Options] / [Communication].
2. Configure the communication settings for the SEW Communication Server. Refer to
the following table:
Communication setting Description Note
Scan range level 1 The unit is scanned up to this By entering values here, you
highest address can limit the scan range and
thereby shorten the length of
Scan range level 2 The unit is scanned up to this hier- time it takes to scan the unit.
archy level within the network
Communication time-out Waiting time in [ms] that the client • Default setting: 5000 ms
waits for a reply from the server • The communication timeout
after it has made a request. is only effective if MOVI-
• Client = MOVITOOLS® TOOLS® MotionStudio and
MotionStudio SEW Communication
• Server = SEW Communication Server are not installed on
Server the same PC (with remote
maintenance, for example).
Automatic baud rate detec- • If, under [Network] / [Communi- • Set the starting value for
tion (serial) cation plugs] / [Serial], you automatic baud rate detec-
have set "AUTO", the units are tion.
scanned with both baud rates
in succession.
• The unit scan begins with the
baud rate that you set under
starting value.

50 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Communication Channels in Detail kVA n
Serial (RS-232, RS-485)
f 6
P Hz

6 Communication Channels in Detail

6.1 Serial (RS-232, RS-485)
6.1.1 Parameters for serial (RS-232, RS-485)
The following table describes the parameters for the serial (RS-232, RS-485) communi-
cation channel:
Parameters Description Note
COM Port Serial port connected to the inter- • If there is no value entered
face adapter here, the SEW Communica-
tion Server uses the first
available port.
• A USB interface adapter is
indicated by the addition of
Baud rate Transmission speed with which • Possible values:
the connected PC communicates • 9.6 kBit/s
with the unit in the network via • 57.6 kBit/s
the communication channel • AUTO (default setting)
• Find the correct value for the
connected unit in the docu-
• If you set "AUTO", the units
are scanned with both baud
rates in succession.
• Set the starting value for
automatic baud rate detection
in the tab [Settings] /
[Options] / [Communication].
Parameter telegrams Telegram with a single parameter –

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 51

kVA n Communication Channels in Detail
6 f
Serial (RS-232, RS-485)
P Hz

Parameters (continued)
The following table describes the parameters for the serial (RS-232, RS-485) communi-
cation channel:
Parameter Description Note
Multibyte telegrams Telegram with several parameters • Multibyte telegrams are used
• saving unit parameters
• saving diagnostics data in
conjunction with the
"Scope" (p. 75) tool.
Timeout Waiting time in [ms] that the • Default setting: 100 ms
master waits for a reply from a • Increase the value if a delay
slave after it has sent a request in communication is causing
malfunctions. If connections
via the modem or teleservice
adapter are slow, increase
the timeout setting for para-
meter and multibyte tele-
grams by a factor of 10 as
Retries Number of request retries after Default setting: 3
the timeout is exceeded

52 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Communication Channels in Detail kVA n
f 6
P Hz

6.2 SBus
6.2.1 Parameters for SBus
The following table describes the parameters for the serial SBus communication
Parameter Description Note
Baud rate Transmission speed with which • Possible values:
the connected PC communicates • 125 kBaud
with the unit in the network via the • 250 kBaud
communication channel • 500 kBaud (default
• 1 MBaud
• The correct value depends on
the total cable length of your
Find this value for the
connected unit in the docu-
• All connected units must have
the same baud rate.
Parameter telegrams Telegram with a single parameter –
Multibyte telegrams Telegram with several parameters –
Timeout Waiting time in [ms] that the • Default setting: 100 ms
master waits for a reply from a • Increase the value as
slave after it has sent a request required if a delay in commu-
nication is causing malfunc-
Retries Number of request retries after Default setting: 3
the timeout is exceeded

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 53

kVA n Communication Channels in Detail
6 f
P Hz

6.3 Ethernet
6.3.1 Types of communication using Ethernet
Direct Overview
communication The figure shows the network with direct communication using Ethernet:

[1] PC with Ethernet TCP/IP interface

[2] Ethernet TCP/IP connection
[3] Switch
[4] Unit with Ethernet interfaces

Parameter requests from MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio are transferred from a PC [1] to
a switch using Ethernet TCP/IP interface via Ethernet [2].
The parameter requests are then passed directly on to the Ethernet interface of the unit
from the switch.

54 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Communication Channels in Detail kVA n
f 6
P Hz

Indirect Ethernet Overview

to Profibus The figure shows the network with indirect (lower-level) Ethernet to Profibus communi-
communication cation via SIMATIC S7:

[1] PC with Ethernet TCP/IP interface

[2] Ethernet TCP/IP connection
[3] SIMATIC S7 with "SMLP Server" function block
[4] Unit with Profibus interfaces

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 55

kVA n Communication Channels in Detail
6 f
P Hz

Parameter requests from MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio are transferred from a PC [1] to
a SIMATIC S7 [3] using Ethernet TCP/IP interface via Ethernet [2].
The SEW function block "SMLP Server" directs these parameter requests to the units
via the lower-level Profibus DP/DPV1. The SIMATIC S7 acts as a gateway from
Ethernet TCP/IP to Profibus. The units are Profibus stations.

Siemens units
If you operate Siemens units in your network, you must carry out additional settings.
• Please refer to the additional documentation to ensure fault-free procedure.

For detailed information about the startup and configuration of Siemens units, refer to
the "MOVITOOLS® – Connection to SIMATIC S7 via Ethernet" manual.

56 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Communication Channels in Detail kVA n
f 6
P Hz

Communication Overview
with EtherCAT The figure shows the network with communication using EtherCAT:

[1] PC with Ethernet TCP/IP interface

[2] Ethernet TCP/IP connection
[3] Switch
[4] PC with TwinCAT control, EtherCAT master and engineering interface
[5] Unit with EtherCAT interfaces

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 57

kVA n Communication Channels in Detail
6 f
P Hz

Parameter requests from MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio are transferred from a PC [1] to
a switch using Ethernet TCP/IP interface via Ethernet [2].
Parameter requests are transferred to the EtherCAT interfaces in the unit via a PC with
TwinCAT control and EtherCAT master.

Engineering interface
You may not use non-assigned Ethernet interfaces on units with EtherCAT interfaces
for Engineering.
• Only use the TwinCAT control interface for engineering.

58 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Communication Channels in Detail kVA n
f 6
P Hz

6.3.2 Parameters for Ethernet

Parameters for EtherCAT
The following table describes the parameters for EtherCAT:
Parameter Description Note
Timeout Waiting time in [ms] that the client • Default setting: 1000 ms
waits for a reply from the server • Increase the value as
after it has made a request. required if a delay in commu-
nication is causing malfunc-
Scan range of: Start address for the EtherCAT By entering values here, you can
scan range limit the EtherCAT scan range
and thereby shorten the length of
Scan range up to: Stop address for the EtherCAT
time it takes to scan the unit.
scan range
IP address EtherCAT master IP address for the EtherCAT –

Parameters for SMLP

The following table describes the parameters for SMLP:
Parameter Description Note
Timeout Waiting time in [ms] that the client • Default setting: 1000 ms
waits for a reply from the server • Increase the value as
after it has made a request. required if a delay in commu-
nication is causing malfunc-
Broadcast IP address IP addresses of the local network In the default setting, the unit
segment within which the unit scan only retrieves units that are
scan is carried out in the local network segment.
IP addresses SMLP server IP address of the SMLP server or Here, enter the
of other units that are to be IP address for …
included in the unit scan but are • SIMATIC S7 control, if you
outside the local network are operating an indirect
segment Ethernet to Profibus commu-
nication via SIMATIC S7
(p. 55)
• Units that are to be included
in the unit scan but are
outside the local network

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 59

kVA n Communication Channels in Detail
6 f
P Hz

6.3.3 Configuring communication settings for Ethernet

Setting up the protocol
1. Open [Network] / [Communication plugs].
2. Select the "Ethernet" communication channel.
3. Set up the protocol. Select one of the following buttons;
• Configure SMLP
• Configure EtherCAT
Entering parameters
1. Change the parameters that are entered if necessary. When doing so, refer to the
detailed description of the parameters (p. 59).
2. To add or delete an IP address, open the context menu [1]

Result: The example shows the context menu [1] and the window [2] that you use
when adding an IP address for an SMLP server.

60 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Communication Channels in Detail kVA n
Profibus DP/DPV1
f 6
P Hz

6.4 Profibus DP/DPV1

6.4.1 Communication via C2 master
The figure shows the network with a direct Profibus communication via C2 master:

[1] SIMATIC S7 (C1 master)

[2] PC with Profibus card (C2 master)
[3] Unit with Profibus interfaces that are DPV1-capable

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 61

kVA n Communication Channels in Detail
6 f
Profibus DP/DPV1
P Hz

Parameter requests from MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio are transferred from a PC [2] to
the Profibus interfaces in the unit via the Profibus.
In this case, SIMATIC S7 does not perform any routing. The connected PC is equipped
with additional hardware (Profibus card) so that it can act as a Profibus station
(C2 master).

Siemens units
If you operate Siemens units in your network, you must carry out additional settings.
• Please refer to the additional documentation to ensure fault-free procedure.

For detailed information about the startup and configuration of Siemens units, refer to
the "DFP21B PROFIBUS DPV1 Fieldbus Interface" manual.

6.4.2 Parameters for Profibus DP/DPV1

The following table describes the parameters for the serial Profibus DP/DPV1 commu-
nication channel:
Parameter Description Note
Profibus server Select the "Start automatically" The Windows status bar
checkbox if you want to launch displays the active
the Profibus server every time the Profibus server
SEW Communication Server is

62 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Communication Channels in Detail kVA n
f 6
P Hz

6.5 S7-MPI
6.5.1 Indirect S7-MPI to Profibus communication via SIMATIC S7
The figure shows the network with indirect S7-MPI to Profibus communication via

[1] PC with S7-MPI interface

[2] S7-MPI connection
[3] SIMATIC S7 with the FC_MoviTools function
[4] Unit with Profibus interfaces

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 63

kVA n Communication Channels in Detail
6 f
P Hz

Parameter requests from MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio are passed on from a PC [1] to
a SIMATIC S7 [3] using S7-MPI interface via the S7-MPI connection [2].
The SEW FC_MoviTools function directs the parameter request to the Profibus inter-
faces in the unit via the Profibus. The SIMATIC S7 acts as a gateway from S7-MPI to
Profibus. The units are Profibus stations.

Siemens units
If you operate Siemens units in your network, you must carry out additional settings.
• Please refer to the additional documentation to ensure fault-free procedure.

For detailed information about the startup and configuration of Siemens units, refer to
the "MOVITOOLS® – Connection to SIMATIC S7 via S7-MPI Interface" manual.

64 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Communication Channels in Detail kVA n
f 6
P Hz

6.5.2 Parameters for S7-MPI

The following table describes the parameters for the serial S7-MPI communication
Parameter Description Note
Name Name of the S7-MPI station If you communicate with several
stations, you can give the stations
self-explanatory names to help
you differentiate between them
MPI address S7 MPI address for the SIMATIC –
Segment ID Segment ID for the SIMATIC S7 Default setting: 0
Slot Number of the slot in the compo- If required, count the modules to
nent rack, where the SIMATIC S7 determine the number
CPU installs the S7-MPI interface
Rack Number of component rack Default setting: 0
Manual DB entry Select the "Create entry" If you enter the numbers manu-
checkbox if you want to manually ally, these are only taken into
enter the numbers of the commu- account in the online scan
nication data block (CDB) and the
hardware data block (HDB)
Communication DB number Number of the communication
data block (CDB)
Hardware DB number Number of the hardware data
block (HDB)

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 65

Configuring Units using Tools
7 What type of tools are available?

7 Configuring Units using Tools

7.1 What type of tools are available?
Functions and tools
Every function that you can perform with the MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio software
package has a corresponding tool. The tools are provided in the context menu, and
depend on the unit.
Assigning functions to tools
The following table shows which functions are assigned to which tool
The technology functions are cross-functional.
Function Tool
Startup • Startup wizard (p. 67) • Technology functions
(p. 77)
Parameter Setting • Parameter tree (p. 68)
• PDO-Editor (p. 73)
• Shell (p. 76)
Diagnostics • Manual operation (p. 74)
• Status (p. 72)
• Application builder (p. 75)
• Bus monitor (p. 76)
Visualization • Scope (p. 75)
• Application builder (p. 75)
Programming • PLC-Editor (p. 75)
• IPOS Assembler and Compiler (p. 77)

66 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Configuring Units using Tools
Tools in detail

7.2 Tools in detail

7.2.1 Startup wizard
Description of the startup wizard
The following table describes the tool and shows which units are supported:
Tool Description Supported units
Startup wizard A tool for… Supported for all units
• Adjusting the unit to the motors
and encoders that are
• Optimizing the current, speed
and position controller
• Use of the tools varies
according to the unit type

Using the startup wizard

1. Select the unit you want to startup.
2. Start the tool from the context menu under [Startup].
3. Follow the instructions of the startup wizard.
• For detailed information about startup and parameters, refer to the operating instruc-
tions and system manual for the unit.
• For detailed information about using the startup wizard, refer to online help, which
you can call in the tool.

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 67

Configuring Units using Tools
7 Tools in detail

7.2.2 Parameter tree

Description of the Description of the parameter tree
parameter tree The following table describes the tool and shows which units are supported:
Tool Description Supported units
Parameter tree View for managing unit parameters. Supported for all units
Tool for…
• Individually reading/changing
unit parameters (p. 69)
You can use the context menu or
toolbar for …
• Backing up unit parameters
(p. 70)
• Comparing unit parameters
with a backup copy (p. 70)
• Searching unit parameters
• Creating a unit parameter
document (p. 71)
• Grouping unit parameters
(p. 71) for creating individual

Toolbar in Overview
parameter tree The following figure shows the toolbar for managing unit parameters:

68 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Configuring Units using Tools
Tools in detail

Managing unit Prerequisite


Switch to online mode to manage unit parameters.

Managing unit parameters

1. Select the unit parameter.
2. Deactivate [Write protection] in the context menu for the following management
• Changing unit parameters
• Adding lines or unit parameters

Reading/changing Reading/changing unit parameters

unit parameters 1. Select the [Network view] tab.
2. Select the unit you want to configure.
3. Open the context menu and select the [Parameter tree] menu item.
Result: The "Parameter tree" view opens on the right section of the screen.
4. Expand the "Parameter tree" up to the node you require.

5. Double click to display a particular group of unit parameters.

6. Read/change parameters.

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 69

Configuring Units using Tools
7 Tools in detail

Creating backup Creating backup for unit parameters

for unit parameters 1. Open the context menu in the "Parameter tree" view.
2. Select [Parameters -> File].
3. Enter a name for the backup file. Confirm.
Result: All unit parameters transferred from the unit to the backup file.

Comparing unit Comparing unit parameters

parameters 1. Open the context menu in the "Parameter tree" view.
2. Select the [Compare] menu item.
3. For "Source 2", choose one of the following types:
• File (a backup file, for example)
• Online
• Project data
4. Press the "Compare" button.
Result: The parameters from "Source 2" are compared with the unit parameters. Any
parameter differences are listed.

70 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Configuring Units using Tools
Tools in detail

Creating and Creating and printing a unit parameter document

printing a unit 1. Open the context menu in the "Parameter tree" view.

If you want to document particular unit parameters, select the corresponding node.

2. Select the [Create document] menu item.

3. Enter a name for the HTML file. Confirm.
4. Choose one of the following options:
• Document the complete parameter tree.
• Document the unit parameters of the selected node
• Document the unit parameters of the current window.
Result: The unit parameters are displayed as an HTML file in a browser window,
which you can then print.

Grouping unit Grouping unit parameters

parameters 1. Open the context menu in the "Parameter tree" view or use the toolbar (p. 68).
2. Specify your required tree structure using the menu items:
• [Add empty tree]
• [Add tree]
• [Add standard tree]
• [Add node].
3. Drag your required unit parameters into the node(s).

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 71

Configuring Units using Tools
7 Tools in detail

7.2.3 Status group box

Status description
The following table describes the tool and shows the units that are supported:
Tool Description Supported units
Status • Tool for running unit diagnostics Supported for all units
• Status information includes…
• Address of the station
• Bus used for communica-
tion by the station
• Unit name
• Unit signature
• Unit status (enable, etc.)

Using the status

1. Switch to online mode.
2. Select the unit, the status of which you want to find out.

3. Open the context menu and select the [Status] menu item, or drag the device into the
"Unit status" area (p. 32) using the mouse.
Result: The status information for the unit is displayed in the "Unit status" area [1].

Next to the status information for the unit, there is a button [2] for you to reset the unit.
Too many units in the "Unit status" area slow your PC down.
• Remove the unit from the "Unit status" area.
Removing the unit from the unit status area.
1. Select the unit you want to remove.
2. Open the context menu and select the [Remove unit] or [Remove all units] menu

72 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Configuring Units using Tools
Tools in detail

7.2.4 PDO Editor

Description of the PDO Editor
The following table describes the tool and shows which units are supported:
Tool Description Supported units
Process Data Object Editor The editor allows you to… Supported for all MOVIAXIS® units
(PDO Editor) • Set parameters of input/output
terminals on the servo inverter
• Configure process data graphi-
• Set parameters for MOVIAXIS®
Function Control Blocks (FCBs)

Using the PDO Editor

For detailed information about parameter setting, refer to the "MOVIAXIS® MS Multi-
Axis Servo Inverter" project planning manual.

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 73

Configuring Units using Tools
7 Tools in detail

7.2.5 Manual operation

Description of manual operation
The following table describes the tool and shows the units that are supported:
Tool Description Supported units
Manual operation Tool for manually controlling the • Supported for the following
unit from your PC. units:

Using manual operation

You can only run manual operation using the serial interface.
MOVIGEAR® units are the only exception. You can also run manual operation using
S Bus for these units.
1. Switch to online mode.
2. Select the device you want to control from your PC.
3. Open the context menu and select the [Manual operation] menu item.
Result: The "Manual operation" window opens
4. Activate manual operation by clicking the "Activate manual operation" button
5. Enter a setpoint for the speed of in the required operating mode.
6. Select one of the following operating modes:
• Rapid speed
• Creep speed or
• Variable
7. Begin manual operation by pressing [Start].
Result: In the right section of the window, the actual values for the following para-
meters are displayed:
• Status
• Binary inputs and outputs
• Speed
• Output current

74 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Configuring Units using Tools
Tools in detail

7.2.6 Scope
Description of Scope
The following table describes the tool and shows the units that are supported:
Tool Description Supported units
Scope Tool for running diagnostics on Supported for all units
process values by recording in real
time (oscilloscope program)

Using Scope

For detailed information about using Scope, refer to the "SEW-SCOPE® Operating
Instructions" manual.

7.2.7 PLC Editor

Description of the PLC-Editor
The following table describes the tool and shows the units that are supported:
Tool Description Supported units
PLC Editor The PLC Editor is an IEC 61131-3- • Supported with the following
compliant programming editor with units for MOVI-PLC®:
comprehensive libraries • MOVIDRIVE® B
comprising: • MOVITRAC® B
• Function modules • MOVIAXIS®
• Technology functions • MOVIFIT®

Using the PLC-Editor

For detailed information about PLC programming and using the PLC-Editor, refer to:
• The "MOVI-PLC Programming in the PLC Editor" system manual
• Online help, which you can call in the tool

7.2.8 Application Builder

Description of the Application Builder
The following table describes the tool and shows which units are supported:
Tool Description Supported units
Application Builder Editor for creating: Supported for all units
• User-specific visualizations
• Application-specific diagnostics

Using the Application Builder

For detailed information about using the Application Builder, refer to online help, which
you can call in the tool.

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 75

Configuring Units using Tools
7 Tools in detail

7.2.9 Shell
Description of the Shell
The following table describes the tool and shows the units that are supported:
Tool Description Supported units
Shell Higher-level tool that contains the Supported for the following units:
following functions on one inter- • MOVIDRIVE® A
face: • MOVITRAC 07®A
• Parameter setting • MOVIMOT®
• Startup

Using the Shell

1. Select the unit for which you want to run the Shell.
2. Start the Shell from the context menu using the [Shell] menu item.
3. Select the required function.

For detailed information about the unit parameters, refer to online help, which you can
call in the Shell.

7.2.10 Bus Monitor

Description of the Bus Monitor
The following table describes the tool and shows the units that are supported:
Tool Description Supported units
Bus Monitor • Tool for running diagnostics on Supported for all units for which you
the communication between run diagnostics using MOVI-
the field bus and the unit TOOLS®.
(monitor mode).
• Tool for specifying setpoints for
the unit independently from the
controller (control mode).
• A prerequisite for the tool is a
serial communication between
your PC and the unit.

Using Bus Monitor

For detailed information about using the bus monitor, refer to online help, which you can
call in the tool.

76 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

Configuring Units using Tools
Tools in detail

7.2.11 IPOS® Assembler and Compiler

Description of the IPOS® Assembler and Compiler
The following table describes the tool and shows the units that are supported:
Tool Description Supported units
IPOS® Assembler • Tool for IPOS® programming in Supported for all units you program
assembler using MOVITOOLS®.
IPOS® Compiler • Tool for editing and compiling
IPOS® programs

Using the IPOS® Assembler and Compiler

For detailed information about IPOS® programming and using the tool, refer to …
• "IPOSPlus® Positioning and Sequence Control" system manual
• Online help, which you can call in the tool

7.2.12 Technology editors

Description of the technology editors
The following table describes the tools and shows which units are supported:
Tool Description Supported units
Motion technology editor The editor allows you to: Supported for MOVIAXIS® and
• Startup MOVIDRIVE® units
• Set parameters
• Control
• Visualize technology functions
Technology functions (applica-
tions) for MOVIAXIS®:
• Electronic gear unit
• Electronic cam
• Touch probe
• Result control
• Virtual encoder
Technology functions (applica-
tions) for MOVIDRIVE®:
• Internal synchronous operation
• Electronic cam
• MOVIDRIVE® application
Single-axis positioning for The editor allows you to:
MOVIAXIS® • Startup
• Set parameters
• Control
• Visualize a single-axis
positioning for MOVIAXIS®

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 77

Configuring Units using Tools
7 Tools in detail

Using technology editors

1. Select the unit for which you want to run a technology editor.
2. Start the tool from the context menu under [Technology Editors].
3. Follow the wizard instructions.
For detailed information about technology functions (applications) and using the motion
technology editor, refer to:
• The "MOVIAXIS® MX Multi-Axis Servo Inverter Technology Editor for Single-Axis
Positioning" manual
• The application manuals for MOVIDRIVE® units and in online help, which you can
call in the tool

78 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40


A Communication channel
Adapter Configuring Communication Channel(s) ...... 43
How do I address a CAN1 communication? .27 How do I change/remove a communication
How do I start up a Peak USB-CAN channel? ......................................... 49
adapter? ..........................................26 How do I configure a communication
Setting the CAN1 baud rate? .......................29 channel? ......................................... 47
Which connection types are available? ........23 Parameters for Ethernet .............................. 59
Address Parameters for Profibus DP/DPV1 .............. 62
Configuring communication settings for Parameters for S7-MPI ................................ 65
Ethernet ...........................................60 Parameters for SBus ................................... 53
How do I address a CAN1 communication? .27 Parameters for serial (RS-232, RS-485) ..... 51
Application Builder System overview ........................................... 7
Tools .............................................................75 Which functions does the software offer? ...... 8
Areas Communication plugs
Basics of operation, user interface ...............32 How do I configure a communication
channel? ......................................... 47
Communication Server
Basic address
Configuring communication settings for the
How do I address a CAN1 communication? .27 SEW Communication Server .......... 50
Baud rate Communication settings
Parameters for SBus ....................................53 Configuring communication settings for
Parameters for serial (RS-232, RS-485) ......51 Ethernet .......................................... 60
Setting the CAN1 baud rate .........................29 Communication types
Bus Monitor How do I configure a communication
Tools .............................................................76 channel? ......................................... 47
System overview ........................................... 7
Which functions does the software offer? ...... 8
Communication via C2 master .....................61
1. Creating a Project and Network ............... 42
2. Configuring Communication Channel(s) .. 43
How do I address a CAN1 communication? .27
3. Scanning the Network (Unit Scan) .......... 43
How do I start up a Peak USB-CAN
adapter? ..........................................26 4. Configuring Units Using Tools ................. 43
Setting the CAN1 baud rate .........................29 How do I change/remove a communication
channel? ......................................... 49
Terminating CAN1 communication ...............30
How do I configure a communication
Which connection types are available? ........23
channel? ......................................... 47
Procedure for configuring units .................... 40
Communication via C2 master .....................61
Communication with EtherCAT ....................57 D
Configuring communication settings for Diagnostics
Ethernet ...........................................60 What type of tools are available? ................ 66
Configuring communication settings for the DIP
SEW Communication Server ...........50 Setting the CAN1 baud rate ......................... 29
Direct communication ...................................54 Documentation notes
Indirect Ethernet to Profibus communication General information ..................................... 10
via SIMATIC S7 ...............................55
Indirect S7-MPI to Profibus communication
via SIMATIC S7 ...............................63

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 79


E Master nodes
EtherCAT Project views and node types ...................... 34
Communication with EtherCAT ....................57 Media node
Ethernet Project views and node types ...................... 34
Configuring communication settings for Menu
Ethernet ...........................................60 Basics of operation, user interface .............. 32
Direct communication ...................................54 Mini symbol
Indirect Ethernet to Profibus communication Project views and node types ...................... 34
via SIMATIC S7 ...............................55 Mode
Exclusion of liability Procedure for configuring units .................... 40
General information ......................................10 Motion technology editor (TEC Editor)
Tools ............................................................ 77
How do I address a CAN1 communication? 27
MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio installation ......14
How do I start up a Peak USB-CAN
Framework adapter? ......................................... 26
Basics of operation, user interface ...............32 Setting the CAN1 baud rate ......................... 29
Function module Terminating WCAN1 communication .......... 30
Indirect Ethernet to Profibus communication MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio installation
via SIMATIC S7 ...............................55 Decentralized drive systems ........................ 22
Functions MOVI-PLC® and gateways .......................... 21
System overview ............................................7 MOVIAXIS® units ........................................ 19
What type of tools are available? .................66 MOVIDRIVE® units ...................................... 17
Which functions does the software offer? ......8 MOVITRAC® units ....................................... 18
Options ........................................................ 17
Prerequisites ................................................ 14
Procedure .................................................... 14
Indirect Ethernet to Profibus communication
via SIMATIC S7 ...............................55
Indirect S7-MPI to Profibus communication
Indirect S7-MPI to Profibus communication
via SIMATIC S7 .............................. 63
via SIMATIC S7 ...............................63
Parameters for S7-MPI ................................ 65
Interface adapter
How do I start up the USB11A interface
Communication via C2 master .................... 61
adapter? ..........................................24
Communication with EtherCAT ................... 57
Which connection types are available? ........23
Direct communication .................................. 54
IP address
Indirect Ethernet to Profibus communication
Configuring communication settings for via SIMATIC S7 .............................. 55
Ethernet ...........................................60
Indirect S7-MPI to Profibus communication
IPOS via SIMATIC S7 .............................. 63
Tools .............................................................77 Scanning the Network (Unit Scan) .............. 43
L System overview ........................................... 7
Network view
Liability for defects
Basics of operation, user interface .............. 32
General information ......................................10
Procedure for configuring units .................... 40
M Project views and node types ...................... 34
Manual operation Node types
Tools .............................................................74 Project views and node types ...................... 34

80 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40


O Configuring new units from the project

Overview of the system planning view .................................. 44
How is the software structured? .....................7 Project planning view
Basics of operation, user interface .............. 32
Project views and node types ...................... 34
Parameter file nodes
Project view
Project views and node types .......................34
Basics of operation, user interface .............. 32
Parameter setting
Project views and node types ...................... 34
What type of tools are available? .................66
Proper use ........................................................... 5
Parameter tree
Description of the parameter tree .................68 R
Parameters Reset (button)
Comparing unit parameters with a backup Basics of operation, user interface .............. 32
copy .................................................70 Routing
Creating and printing a unit parameter Indirect Ethernet to Profibus communication
document .........................................71 via SIMATIC S7 .............................. 61
Creating backup for unit parameters ............70 Indirect S7-MPI to Profibus communication
Description of the parameter tree .................68 via SIMATIC S7 .............................. 63
Grouping unit parameters .............................71 RS-232, RS-485
How do I configure a communication Parameters for serial (RS-232, RS-485) ..... 51
channel? ..........................................47 S
Managing unit parameters ............................69 S7
Parameters for Ethernet ...............................59 Communication via C2 master .................... 61
Parameters for Profibus DP/DPV1 ...............62 Indirect Ethernet to Profibus communication
Parameters for S7-MPI .................................65 via SIMATIC S7 .............................. 55
Parameters for SBus ....................................53 Indirect S7-MPI to Profibus communication
Parameters for serial (RS-232, RS-485) ......51 via SIMATIC S7 .............................. 63
Reading/changing unit parameters ..............69 Parameters for S7-MPI ................................ 65
PDO Editor Safety notes
Tools .............................................................73 General information ..................................... 10
Peak Scan
How do I start up a Peak USB-CAN Configuring communication settings for the
adapter? ..........................................26 SEW Communication Server .......... 50
PLC-Editor How is the toolbar structured? ..................... 39
Tools .............................................................75 Scanning the Network (Unit Scan) .............. 43
Plug-in Scope
Basics of operation, user interface ...............32 Tools ............................................................ 75
Profibus SEW Communication Server
Communication via C2 master .....................61 Configuring communication settings for the
Indirect Ethernet to Profibus communication SEW Communication Server .......... 50
via SIMATIC S7 ...............................55 Shell
Indirect S7-MPI to Profibus communication Tools ............................................................ 76
via SIMATIC S7 ...............................63 Siemens
Programming Communication via C2 master .................... 61
What type of tools are available? .................66 Indirect Ethernet to Profibus communication
Project nodes via SIMATIC S7 .............................. 55
Project views and node types .......................34 Indirect S7-MPI to Profibus communication
Project planning via SIMATIC S7 .............................. 63
Configuring new units from the network Signaling bus
view .................................................46 Terminating CAN1 communication .............. 30

Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40 81


Single-axis positioning Toolbar

Tools .............................................................77 How is the toolbar structured? ..................... 39
What type of tools are available? .................66 Tools
SMLP server Configuring Units Using Tools ..................... 43
Indirect Ethernet to Profibus communication System overview ........................................... 7
via SIMATIC S7 ...............................55 Tools in detail .............................................. 67
Startup What type of tools are available? ................ 66
What type of tools are available? .................66 Which functions does the software offer? ...... 8
Startup wizard Transmission rate
Tools .............................................................67 Setting the CAN1 baud rate ......................... 29
Status TwinCAT
Tools .............................................................72 Communication with EtherCAT ................... 57
Status bar Types of safety notes
Basics of operation, user interface ...............32 General information ..................................... 10
Structure nodes
Project views and node types .......................34
Switch Unit nodes
Direct communication ...................................54 Project views and node types ...................... 34
Symbol bar USB-CAN adapter
Basics of operation, user interface ...............32 How do I start up a Peak USB-CAN
adapter? ......................................... 26
TCP/IP How do I start the USB11A interface
Communication with EtherCAT ....................57 adapter? ......................................... 24
Direct communication ...................................54 Which connection types are available? ....... 23
Indirect Ethernet to Profibus communication
via SIMATIC S7 ...............................55
TEC Editor (motion technology editor)
Basics of operation, user interface .............. 32
Tools .............................................................77
Project views and node types ...................... 34
Technology editor
What type of tools are available? .................66
What type of tools are available? ................ 66
Terminating CAN1 communication ...............30 W
Terminating resistor Window
Terminating CAN1 communication ...............30 Basics of operation, user interface .............. 32

82 Manual – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio V 5.40

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