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Go Airlines (India) Ltd.

IFS – Standard & Procedures

Subject Rostering Policy
Reference No 392
Issue Date 5th March’20
Effective Date 15th March’20

Dear Crew,
Kindly find below the rostering policy that will be effective 15th Marh’20.

1. Daily Rostering

a) Rostering team releases 02 rosters for the day.

1. Early Roster will be released at 1600hrs, crew whose reporting is between 0000hrs to 0600hrs there will be no
changes made in their final roster unless there is a disruption or any operational exigency. In cases of operational
exigencies crew will be requested to co-operate with the revised flight.
2. Final Roster will be released by 1900hrs, this will be the final roster for the crew.

b) In case of any changes between roster release and final roster, crew will receive SMS on their registered mobile
phones as well as emails on their official email ids from the rostering team.
c) Rostering will only call Crew in case of any changes, if Crew is pulled out/swapped flights due to FDTL issues and
incase of any last minute changes post final release of the roster.

To check for their flight duties the following day, Crew must check roster on:
 Crew Portal
 SMS received on their registered mobile
 Email received on their official email id

d) In case of discrepancies between SMS, Email, and portal duties Crew should report immediately via an email to and copy to their respective Base team for corrective action.

Note: There will be no display of roster at Base, crew to refer to their crew portals, also keeping in view the quantum
of work, Cabin Crew should limit their calls/queries to the rostering team.

a) Criteria for Swap:

 Same Gender.

 Crew Rank (Service and Safety).

 Within FDTL limitations.

 Flight Duties only and not for OFF.

 Request to be receive 48 hours prior to the reporting time.

 Applicable for the entire duration of flight, which may impact the duty period of both the crew.

 Crew have to mail only from official Email ID.

 Only 02 Swap allowed per month (including initiating and accepting).

 Cannot swap for flights on two different dates. Crew would have to swap the entire roster for that period.

Go Airlines (India) Ltd.

IFS – Standard & Procedures

b) Process in Swaps:
 To initiate a swap the crew has to send the mail from the Company ID only.

 Initiator of the swap has to send an approved trailing mail from the crew accepting the swap 48 hours prior to
reporting. (Sample attached in point No C.

 In the absence of the trailing mail the swap request will not be accepted.

 Rostering will action the swap and will notify both the Crew through same mail 24hrs prior.

 Note: Swaps may not be actioned 100% due to operational constraints.

c) Swaps will be acknowledged only if sent in below format: Subject of Email to be maintained as - Swap request.


a) Criteria for Request Flight:

 Request flights will be approved only for planned stage roster.

 There will be 02 request flights per crew per month.

 Request flights can be approved for the planned month only and will not be approved on daily operational level.

 Does not require any additional hotel booking.

 Mandatory Training not to overlap with request flight date.

 If request flight is for International layover – only 01 may be approved.

 In case of 2 SCC (LCCC/IFM/SCC) have requested for same flight, crew having emailed first will get preference.

 No request flights will be approved for festive days.

Note: Day operations can make changes to approved request flights only due to Operational reason followed by email
to Crew with cc to Base team and Sr.Manager Cabin Crew Operations.

Go Airlines (India) Ltd.

IFS – Standard & Procedures

b) Process of Request Flight:

 Crew to send an email to

 Request flight emails will be accepted only for planning month.

 Email for the request flight has to be sent from 04th to 11th of the current month. eg: if the crew have to request
flight for ‘April 20, then they need to apply for the request flight between 04th to 11th March’20.

 In case requested flights is not approved then crew to send an email assist with alternate date in next 24hrs of the
email revert from planning team.

 Planning team shall revert with confirmation/rejection on/by 13 th of every month.

 No emails of request flights will be accepted on and after 15th of current month.

 Scheduling team will plan the roster for crew as per their request only if not resulting to additional days off and
maintaining roster legality.

c) Application Format for request flights:

 Subject of Email should be as mentioned below: REQUEST FLIGHT for the month XXX’20.Request flight format to
mention in the email -
Staff ID Crew Name Flight Date Flight No. Flight sector


a) Cabin Crew Logistics team is accountable for crew operating pattern and training team is accountable for any
training related HOTAC booking (planned and unplanned).
b) Crew can write/contact to 022 67420329 for all Hotel Queries and Concerns.
c) Rostering is accountable for any changes in the COP once the roster is released.

Prepared By: Approved By:

Ms. Nehal Vyas Ms. Sumita Shetty

Sr. Manager Cabin Crew Operations GM – Service Delivery and Standards

Distribution List

Vice President – In Flight Services SEP & COE Training Team

Base Management Team Rostering Team

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