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(Deputy Executive Engineer)



JAGTIAL - 505327


JUNE – 2017

It is certified that the summer internship project report entitled “Widening

and Strengthening of Road” is the bonafide work of following students, 3rd
Year B.Tech in Civil Engineering of RGUKT Basar Campus of Rajiv
Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT), Telangana
carried out under our supervision during May 5th 2017 to June 19th 2017.






Name : K. Jagadeeshwer, Name : K. Ravi Shankar,

Assistant Executive Engineer (R&B), Deputy Executive Engineer(R&B),

NH Sub-Division Jagtial. NH Sub-Division Jagtial.

Station : Jagtial,

Date : 07.07.2017


We would like to express my sincere gratitude to our honourable Vice

chancellor Sri Ashok kumar, Head of the Civil Engineering Ms. T.Shanthi
Jagadeeswari for giving us this opportunity and their constant technical support
and encouragement helped us successfully completing the Internship.

We would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. K. Jagadeeshwer

(AEE), for recruiting us to do Internship on Road Construction at ROADS

We are extremely grateful to our Deputy Executive Engineer Mr.K. Ravi

Shankar for his significant role in transferring knowledge to us.

Lastly, We extend my thanks to all the employees working at Widening

and Strengthening of Road for cooperating with us.

The high growth number of vehicles will increase the movement and the
use of transport infrastructure. Road widening is one of the action that can be
used as the solution. However, this solution also increase the traffic

This is because people will switch to use the new road widened because
they believe this road can accommodate the existing traffic volume. For finding
out the effects of road widening towards the increasing of traffic performance
and road capacity, it is necessary to conduct a research and an analysis.

The road network of any city is its lifeline and the evaluation of their
performance is very necessary for future traffic planning, design, operation and
maintenance, etc. Traffic flow in most cities of India is a mixed traffic
characteristics and also the traffic congestion is the common problem in most
major cities in India. In Bengaluru city, most of the roads are congested and
operate in Level of Service E or F. The objective of the present study is to
improve the performance operation of the urban road network by proposing the
proper alternatives to enhance the traffic capacity.


1.1. Site Overview ------------------------------------ 1

1.2. Project Details ------------------------------------ 1


2.1. Terrain Classification ---------------------------- 2

2.2. Design Speed ------------------------------------- 2
2.3. Carriageway width ------------------------------- 2
2.4. Camber --------------------------------------------- 3
2.5. Horizontal Alignment ---------------------------- 3


3.1. Granular Sub-Base (GSB) ----------------------- 6

3.2. Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) -------------------- 7
3.3. Prime Coat ----------------------------------------- 11
3.4. Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) ---------- 11
3.5. Tack Coat ------------------------------------------ 17
3.6. Bituminous Concrete (BC) ---------------------- 17


4.1. California Bearing Test (CBR) ----------------- 19

4.2. Sand Replacement Method ---------------------- 20
4.3. Proctors Test For Compaction of Soil --------- 22
4.4. Sieve Analysis ------------------------------------- 24
4.5. Penetration Value of Bitumen ------------------- 26
4.6. Softening Point Test ------------------------------ 27
4.7. Ductility Test -------------------------------------- 28


5.1. Excavators ------------------------------------------ 29

5.2. Motor Grader --------------------------------------- 29
5.3. Dozers ----------------------------------------------- 30
5.4. Compacters ----------------------------------------- 30
5.5. Sensor paver ---------------------------------------- 31
5.6. Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer ----------------------- 32


6.1. Subgrade -------------------------------------------- 33

6.2. Granular Sub-Base (GSB) ------------------------ 33
6.3. Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) --------------------- 34
6.4. Prime Coat ------------------------------------------ 35
6.5. Dense Bituminous Macadam(DBM) ------------ 36
6.6. Tack Coat ------------------------------------------- 36
6.7. Bituminous Concrete (BC) ------------------------ 37

7. CONCLUSION ---------------------------------------------------------- 38

8. REFERENCES ---------------------------------------------------------- 38


Table 1. Terrain classification -------------------------------------------------------- 2

Table 2. Design Speed ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2

Table 3. Carriage width ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Table 4. Camber ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3

Table 5. Super elevation --------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Table 6. Grading of Granular Material ---------------------------------------------- 6

Table 7. Grading requirements of aggregates for wet mix macadam ------------ 8

Table 8. Rate of Application of Prime coat ----------------------------------------- 11

Table 9. Physical requirements of Aggregates for DBM -------------------------- 12

Table 10. Grading requirements of Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) ------- 13

Table 11. Rate of Application of Tack Coat ------------------------------------------ 17

Table 12. Aggregates gradation for BC ----------------------------------------------- 18

Table 13. Standard load for different penetration values --------------------------- 19

Table 14. Calibration of Apparatus ---------------------------------------------------- 21

Table 15. Measurement of soil density ------------------------------------------------ 22

Table 16. Values of compaction test -------------------------------------------------- 23

Table 17. Values of Sieve analysis ---------------------------------------------------- 25

Table 18. Values of Penetration test --------------------------------------------------- 27


Figure 1. Layers of the Road ----------------------------------------------------------- 5

Figure 2. Components of Widening Portion ----------------------------------------- 5
Figure 3. WMM Plant ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Figure 4. Four bin feeder ---------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Figure 5. Slinger conveyer -------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Figure 6. Pugmill mixing unit ---------------------------------------------------------- 10
Figure 7. WMM storage silo ----------------------------------------------------------- 10
Figure 8. Hot Mix Batch Plant --------------------------------------------------------- 14
Figure 9. Cold aggregate bin feeder --------------------------------------------------- 15
Figure 10. Burner -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
Figure 11. Sand replacement method --------------------------------------------------- 21
Figure 12. Compaction of Soil ----------------------------------------------------------- 23
Figure 13. Soil Compaction Curve ------------------------------------------------------ 24
Figure 14. Sieve analysis ----------------------------------------------------------------- 25
Figure 15. Penetration test --------------------------------------------------------------- 26
Figure 16. Softening point --------------------------------------------------------------- 28
Figure 17. Ductility moulds to be filled with bitumen ------------------------------- 28
Figure 18. Excavator --------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Figure 19. Motor Grader ----------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Figure 20. Dozer -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Figure 21. Earth Compactor ------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Figure 22. Asphalt Compactor ---------------------------------------------------------- 31
Figure 23. Sensor Paver ------------------------------------------------------------------ 31
Figure 24. Emulsion Sprayer ------------------------------------------------------------ 32
Figure 25. Subgrade(Compacted soil) -------------------------------------------------- 33
Figure 26. Granular sub-base ------------------------------------------------------------ 34
Figure 27. Wet mix macadam ----------------------------------------------------------- 35
Figure 28. Emulsion sprayer ------------------------------------------------------------- 35
Figure 29. Dense bituminous macadam ------------------------------------------------ 36
Figure 30. Tack coat ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
Figure 31. Bituminous Concrete -------------------------------------------------------- 37
Figure 32. Height gauge ----------------------------------------------------------------- 37


1.1 Site Overview

This project envisages widening of roads in Jagtial district of Telangana. Under this
project single lane roads are modified as double lane roads. The project includes the
improvement roads connecting Metpalli to Rangarao pet.

1.2 Project Details

Project type : Widening and Strengthening of Road

Civil contractor : Roads and Buildings Department.

Project Guide : Mr. K.Ravi shankar

Project cost : 20 crores

Location : Metpalli to Rangarao pet

Length of Road : 10 km


2.1 Terrain Classification

The general slope of the country classifies the terrain across the area. The terrain is an
important parameter terrain short isolated stretches of varying terrain should not be taken into

Table 1: Terrain classification

Terrain Classification Cross Slope in %

Plain 0 – 10
Rolling 10 – 25
Mountainous 25 – 60
Steep >60

2.2 Design Speed

Design Speed is a basic criterion for determining all geometric features of horizontal
and vertical alignment. The design speeds for the rural roads should be taken as given in table

Table 2: Design Speed

Road Design Speed (Km/h)

Classification Plain Terrain Rolling Terrain Mountainous Steep Terrain
Ruling Min. Ruling Min. Ruling Min. Ruling Min.
ODR 65 50 50 40 30 25 25 20

Ruling design speed should be the guiding criterion for the purpose of geometric design.

Minimum design speed may, however, be adopted where site condition and cost does not
permit a design based on “Ruling Design Speed”

2.3 Carriageway width

The Width of the carriage way depends on the

1) Predicated traffic volume and

2)Traffic capacity of each lane.

Table 3: Carriage width

Classification Width of carriage way

Single lane 3.75 m
Two lanes without raised kerbs 7.0 m
Two lanes with raised kerbs 7.5 m
Intermediate carriage way 5.5 m
Multilane pavements 3.5 m per lane

2.4 Camber
The camber on straight of road should be as recommended in below table.

Table 4: Camber

Surface type Camber ( in %)

Low Rainfall High Rainfall

(Annual Rainfall<1000 mm) (Annual Rainfall>1000 mm)
Earth Road 4.0 5.0
WBM and Gravel road 3.5 4.0
Thin Bituminous 3.0 3.5
Rigid Pavement 2.0 2.5

At super-elevated road section, the shoulder should normally have the slope of same
magnitude and direction as the pavement slope subject to the minimum cross-fall allowable
for shoulder. The camber for earth shoulder should be at least 0.5 % more than that for the
pavement subject to the minimum of 4 %. However, 1 % more slope than the camber for
pavement is desirable.

2.5 Horizontal Alignment

2.5.1 Horizontal Curve

In general, Horizontal curve should consist of circular portion flanked by spiral

transition at both ends, design speed, super elevation and coefficient of side friction affect the
design of circular curves, length of transition curve is determined on the basis of rate of
change of centrifugal acceleration or the rate of change of super elevation.

2.5.2 Super elevation

Super elevation to be provided on curve is calculated from the following formula:



e = Super elevation in meter per meter

V= Design speed in m/s

R= Radius of the curve in meters

Table 5: Super elevation

Plain and rolling terrain 7%

Snow bound area 7%

Hilly area but not snow bound 8 – 10 %


Figure 1: Layers of the Road

1.67 m 3.66 m 1.67 m

(Widening Portion) (Existing Road) (Widening Portion)

1.67 m

1.82 m

1.92 m

Figure 2: Components of Widening Portion

Subgrade – Compacted Soil

Sub-base course – Granular Sub-base (200 mm)

Base course – Wet mix macadam (250 mm)

Prime Coat – 0.7 Kg/m2

Surface course – Dense bitumen macadam (50 mm)

Tack Coat – 0.2 Kg/m2

Binder course – Bitumen concrete (30 mm)

3.1 Granular Sub-Base (GSB)

3.1.1 Introduction

Granular material for use in sub-base course shall be a naturally occurring gravel,
blended as necessary with fine or coarse material and screened to produce the specified
gradation. Crushing of natural granular material shall not normally be required, unless for
meeting the grading requirements, producing a higher quality sub-base with improved
mechanical stability or when shown on the Drawings.

Gravel shall consist of hard, durable and sound rock fragments, free from dirt, organic
matter, shale and other deleterious substances.

3.1.2 Physical Requirements

The material shall have a 10 % fines value of 50 KN or more (for absorption value of
the coarse aggregate shall be determined as per IS: 2386(part-3); if this value is greater than
2%, the soundness test shall be carried out on the material delivered to site as per :383. For
Grading 2 and 3 materials the CBR shall be determined at the density and moisture content
likely to be developed in equilibrium conditions which be taken as being the density relating
to a uniform air voids content of 5 %.

Table 6: Grading of Granular Material

Sieve Designation % by Weight Passing

50 mm 100
25 mm 75 – 95
9.5 mm 40 – 75
4.75 mm 30 – 60
2.0 mm 20 – 45
0.425 mm 15 – 30
0.075mm 5 – 20

3.2 Wet Mix Macadam (WMM)

3.2.1 Introduction

Aggregates used are of the smaller sizes, varies between the 4.75 mm to 20 mm sizes
and the binders(stone dust or quarry dust having PI(Plasticity Index) not less than 6%) are
premixed in a batching plant or in a mixing machine. Then they are brought to the site for
overlaying and compaction.

The PI (plasticity Index) of the binding material is kept low because it should be a
sound and non-plastic material. If the plasticity index is more then there are the chances of
the swelling and more water retention properties. So this value should be kept in mind.

3.2.2 Scope

Wet mix macadam shall consist of laying and compacting clean, crushed, graded
aggregate and granular material, pre mixed with water, to a dense mass on a prepared sub
grade/sub base/base or existing pavement as the case may be in accordance with the
requirements of these specifications. The material shall be laid in one or more layers as
necessary to lines, grades and cross sections shown on the approved drawings or as direction
by the engineer.

3.2.3 Physical Requirements

Coarse aggregate shall be crushed stone. If the crushed gravel/shingle is used, not less
than 90% by weight of gravel/shingle peace retained on 4.75mm sieve shall have at least two
fractured faces.

If the water absorption value of the coarse aggregate is not less than 2%, the
soundness test shall be carried out on the material delivered to site.

To determine this combined proportion, the flaky stone from a representative sample
should first be separated out. Flakiness index is weight of flaky stone metal divide by weight
of stone sample only the elongated particles be separated out from the remaining (non-flaky)
stone metal. Elongation index is weight of elongated particles divided by total non-flaky
particles. The value of flakiness index and elongation index so found are added up.

Sl.no Test Test method Requirements

1) Los angels abrasion value or IS :2386(part-4) 40%(max)
Aggregate impact value. or IS: 5640
2) Combined flakiness and elongation IS:2386(part-1) 30%(max)

Table 7: Grading requirements of aggregates for Wet Mix Macadam

IS Sieve Designation: % by weight passing through the IS sieve:

53.00 100
45.00 95-100
26.50 -
22.40 60-80
11.20 40-60
4.75 25-40
2.36 15-30
0.60 8-22
0.075 0-8

3.2.4 Preparation


Soil stabilizing machinery as Wet Mix Macadam Plants is the Synonym for High
quality Top notch performance, Lower operating costs, Superb Service back up... translating
into productivity and return in turn High profits for the customer. Conforming to international
standards the WMM range of Wet Mix Plants also conforms fully to the latest MORTH
(Ministry of Road Transport & Highway) specification.

The Standard configuration of the plants comprise of the following units: Cold
Aggregates Bin Feeders – Over Size Removal Vibrating Screen - Slinger Conveyor – Pugmill
Mixing Unit – Load Out Conveyor with anti Segregation gob hopper – Water Storage Tank –
Fully Automatic Control Panel, Weather Proof Control Cabin.


 WMM-100 (Capacity 100 Tons/Hour)

 WMM-160 (Capacity 160 Tons/Hour)
 WMM-200 (Capacity 200 Tons/Hour)
 WMM-250 (Capacity 250 Tons/Hour)

Figure 3: WMM Plant

i. Four Bin Feeder

The Four Bin Feeder unit is having

four bins and each bin is driven by
individual A.C. Motors and gears for
speed variable to flow of aggregate. All the
four bins are having a screw gate, which is
calibrated for adjustment to allow the
opening / passage for materials to be
dropped on conveyer belt. The sum of all
the bins will comes on a second conveyer
belt known as gathering belt, and the same
will be transferred to oversize removal
vibrating screen and will be transferred to
Slinger conveyer. Figure 4: Four bin feeder

ii. Slinger Conveyer

Slinger Conveyer conveying aggregate

materials from four bin feeder to Pugmill
Mixing unit. It is fitted with Electronic
Load Cell continuous weighing System of
Cold Aggregate Receiving from Four Bin
Figure 5: Slinger conveyer

iii. Pugmill Mixing Unit

Pug mill unit Mounted on sturdy chassis

and having Capacity 100 TPH to 250 TPH.
The aggregate materials are being mixed
with water from water tank. Pug Mill Unit
having two oppositely rotating paddle
Figure 6: Pugmill mixing unit
arms dual shaft make a homogenous mix.
iv. WMM Storage Silo

The aggregate discharged from Pug mill

is collected into an inclined load out
conveyor equipped with SILO TYPE
hopper with hydraulically operated cam
shell gate to provide surge capacity when
changing trucks and controls segregation
Figure 7: WMM storage silo in the mix.

3.3 Prime Coat
3.3.1 Scope:

This work shall consist of application of a single coat of low viscosity liquid
bituminous material to a porous granular surface preparatory to the superimposition of
bituminous treatment or mix .The work shall be carried out on a previously prepared
granular/stabilized surface.

3.3.2 Materials:

The primer shall be cationic bitumen emulsion SS1 grade conforming to IS:8887 or
medium curing cutback bitumen conforming to IS:217 or as specified in the contract.

Quantity of SS1 grade bitumen emulsion for various types of granular surface shall be
given in table.

Table 8: Rate of Application of Prime coat

Type of Surface Rate of Spray (kg/sq.m)

WMM 0.7-1.0
Stabilized soil bases/crusher run macadam 0.9-1.2

3.4 Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM)

3.4.1 Introduction:

This work shall consist of construction in a single course of 50 to 100 mm thick

base/binder course to the following specifications on a previously prepared base.

3.4.2 Materials:


The bitumen shall be viscosity grade paving bitumen complying with the Indian
standard specification IS:73, modified bitumen complying with specified in contract.

Type and grade of bitumen to be used shall be specified in the contract.

Coarse aggregate:

The coarse aggregates shall consist of crushed stone, crushed gravel or other hard
material retained on 2.36mm sieve. They shall be clean, strong, durable, of fairly cubical

shape, free from disintegrated pieces, organic or other deleterious substances.

If crushed gravel is used not less than 90 % by weight of the gravel pieces retained on
4.75 mm sieve shall have at least two fractured faces.

Table 9: Physical requirements of Aggregates for DBM

Property Test Specification

Cleanliness(dust) Grain size analysis Max 5% passing 0.075 mm

Particle shape Combined Flakiness and Elongation Max 35%
Strength Los Angeles Abrasion Value (or) Max 35%
Aggregate Impact Value Max 27%
Durability Soundness either: Sodium Sulphate Max 12%
Magnesium Sulphate Max 18%
Water Absorption Water Absorption Max 2%
Stripping Coating and Stripping of Bitumen Minimum retained coating
Aggregate Mix 95%
Water Sensitivity Retained Tensile Strength Min.80%

Fine aggregates:

Fine aggregates shall be the fraction passing 2.36 mm sieve and retained on 75 micron
sieve, consisting of crusher run screening, gravel, sand or a mixture of both. These shall be
clean, hard, durable, uncoated, dry and free from dust, soft or flaky pieces and organic or
other deleterious matter. Natural sand shall not be allowed in binder courses. However,
natural sand up to 50 % of the fine aggregate may be allowed in base courses.


Filler shall consist of finely divided mineral matter such as rock dust, cement as
approved by the engineer. The filler shall be graded within the following limits:

IS Sieve designation % passing the sieve by weight
600 micron 100
300 micron 95-100
75 micron 85-100

Table 10: Grading requirements of Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM)

IS Sieve size in mm Percentage passing the sieve by weight

37.50 100

26.50 90 – 100

19 71 – 95

13.2 56 – 80

4.75 38 – 54

2.36 28 – 42

0.3 7 – 21

0.075 2–8

3.4.3 Preparation


i. Plant Performance:

 90 to 120 ton per hour (60 to 80 batches per hour)

 The capacity is based on mean density of 1.6 ton/m3 and hot mix temperature of
160oC at mixer outlet.

 When density is less or hot mix temperature requirement is high or moisture content is
high, the production capacity drops proportionately.

 The plant capacity shall be 90 t/h when mean moisture content in aggregate is 6%,
and 120 t/h when mean moisture content is 3%.

 Aggregate should be clean and should not be covered with dirt.

 Aggregate shall not contain oversized material, which may block the feeding path.

 Filler shall contain less than 1% moisture and shall be free form agglomeration.

Figure 8: Hot mix batch plant

ii. Cold Aggregates Bin Feeder

An Easily transportable Four bin

cold aggregates feeder unit with a storage
capacity of 25.12m3 / 40 T.

Gathering conveyor with feeding

capacity of 150 Tph. - Gathering conveyor
and slinger conveyors provided with
trough idlers, roller guides and return

Complete aggregates feeding

system comprising of structural assembly
with mechanical and electrical drives,
necessary controls and wiring up to the Figure 9: Cold aggregate bin feeder
control cabin.

iii. Burner

Complete Burner unit (300 - 1150

Ltrs/hr) Fully Automatic, Proportioning,
High Pressure, Fuel atomising type low
noise burner suitable for Light diesel fuel
oil. Fully integrated low noise turbo
blower powered by a 18.5 kW, 4 pole

Remote operating control station,

high pressure fuel oil pump together with
flame monitoring system, and with an
electric ingniter, interconnections,
controls, safety devices and interlocks, fuel
line piping with necessary control valves,
filters, structural base, supports and Figure 10: Burner
complete internal wiring and connections
into the control cabin. Unique Air pre-
heating system.

iv. Four Deck Vibrating Screen

Completely enclosed Four Deck vibrating screen (1200mm wide x 3600mm long),
sieves and stores four different aggregate sizes. The Inclined circulating, vibrating type
screen is provided with duplex spring absorbers, and is powered by a 7.5 kW four-pole

Supplied along with One set of Sieves with the following sieve sizes:
3 x 4 mm, 7 mm , 16 mm , 24 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm.

v. Hot Aggregate Bin

Four compartment hot aggregates bin with 12 m3 storage capacity, over flow and over
size rejection chute, bin level indicators, pneumatic controlled cut off gates and a sampling
device on each compartment.

Temperature measuring point on bin no.1.

vi. Weighing System

Automatic accumulating, weighing type Aggregate weigh hopper, with four point
suspension hopper and load cell transducer.

Automatic individual weighing type Asphalt and Filler weigh hopper with four points
suspension hopper and load cell transducer.

All weighing hoppers are fitted with proper shock isolation device.

vii. Asphalt pumping system comprising of :

5.5 kW, 450 Lpm, Jacketed, gear type Asphalt transfer pump for feeding asphalt from
the storage tank to the asphalt weigh hopper complete with skid and wiring.

7.5 kW, 800 Lpm, hot oil jacketed asphalt gear type Spray pump for spraying asphalt
into the pug mill mixer via spray bars. Complete unit with controls and wiring.

viii. Computerized Control Cabin comprising of

 Operator's Control Cabin

 Electrical Power control console
 Distribution switch board
 Temperature Indication
 Sequence Control panel
 Dryer & Burner control

ix. Pug Mill type Mixer Unit

Twin shaft, 1400 kg mixing capacity, jacketed pug mill with welded steel shell, lined
with replaceable wear resistant spiral liners. Provided with a wide opening slide gate for
quick discharge of hot mix.

3.5 Tack Coat

3.5.1 Scope

The work shall consist of the application of a single coat of low viscosity liquid
bituminous material to existing bituminous preparatory to the superimposition of a
bituminous mix, when specified in the contract or as instructed by the Engineer.

3.5.2 Materials

The binder used for tack coat shall be either Cationic bitumen emulsion or suitable
low viscosity paving bitumen of VG 10 grade.

Table 11: Rate of Application of Tack Coat

Type of Surface Rate of Spray (kg/sq.m)

Bituminous surfaces 0.20 – 0.30

Granular surfaces treated with primer 0.25 – 0.30

3.6 Bituminous Concrete

3.6.1 Introduction

This work shall consist of construction of Bituminous concrete, for use in wearing and
profile corrective courses. This work shall consist of construction in a single layer of
bituminous concrete on a previously prepared bituminous bound surface. A single layer shall
be 30 mm/ 40 mm/ 50mm thick.

3.6.2 Materials:

1. Bitumen,
2. Coarse aggregates,
3. Fine aggregates,
4. Filler and
5. Aggregates Gradation.

3.6.3 Aggregate Grading with Binder Content

When tested in accordance with IS:2386 (Part – I) , the combined grading of the
coarse and fine aggregates and filler shall fall within the limits shown in below Table 12.

Table 12: Aggregates gradation for BC

IS Sieve Designation(in % passing the sieve by weight

19.00 100

13.20 90 – 100

9.5 70 – 88

4.75 53 – 71

2.36 42 – 58

1.18 34 – 48

0.6 26 – 38

0.3 18 – 28

0.15 12 – 20

0.075 4 – 10


4.1 California Bearing Test (CBR)

The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test was developed by the California Division of
Highways as a method of classifying and evaluating soil- subgrade and base course materials
for flexible pavements. CBR is a measure of resistance of a material to penetration of
standard plunger under controlled density and moisture conditions. CBR test may be
conducted in remoulded or undisturbed sample. Test consists of causing a cylindrical plunger
of 50mm diameter to penetrate a pavement component material at 1.25mm/minute. The loads
for 2.5mm and 5mm are recorded.

The CBR test is used for the evaluation of subgrade strength of roads and pavements.
The CBR value obtained by this test is used with the empirical curves to determine the
thickness of pavement and its component layers. This is the most widely used method for the
design of flexible pavement.

This load is expressed as a percentage of standard load value at a respective

deformation level to obtain CBR value.

C.B.R. = ×100

Table 13: Standard load for different penetration values

Penetration of plunger (mm) Standard load (Kg) Unit Standard load

2.5 1370 70

5.0 2055 105

7.5 2630 134

10.0 3180 162

12.5 3600 183

Tests are carried out on natural or compacted soils in water soaked or un-soaked
conditions and the results so obtained are compared with the curves of standard test to have
an idea of the soil strength of the subgrade soil.

Generally, the CBR value at 2.50mm penetration will be greater than that at 5.00mm
penetration and in such case take the value at 2.50mm as the CBR value.

If the CBR value corresponding to a penetration of 5.00mm exceeds that of 2.50mm,

repeat the test. If the identical results follow, take the value corresponding to 5.00mm as the
CBR value.

4.2 Sand Replacement Method

Determination of field density of cohesion less soil is not possible by core cutter
method, because it is not possible to obtain a core sample. In such situation, the sand
replacement method is employed to determine the unit weight. In sand replacement method, a
small cylindrical pit is excavated and the weight of the soil excavated from the pit is
measured. Sand whose density is known is filled into the pit. By measuring the weight of
sand required to fill the pit and knowing its density the volume of pit is calculated. Knowing
the weight of soil excavated from the pit and the volume of pit, the density of soil is
calculated. Therefore, in this experiment there are two stages, namely

1. Calibration of sand density
2. Measurement of soil density

Figure 11: Sand replacement method

Table 14: Calibration of Apparatus

Sl. Description Determination

1. Mean weight of sand in cone (of pouring 450
cylinder) (W2 ) in gms

2. Volume of calibrating container (V) in ml 980

3. Weight of sand + Cylinder, before pouring 11040

(W1) in gms

4. Mean weight of sand +Cylinder, after 9120

pouring (W3) in gms

5. Weight of sand to fill calibrating container 1470

(Wa = W1 - W3 - W2) in gms
6. Bulk density of sand
= *1000 Kg/m3 1500 Kg/m3

Table 15: Measurement of soil density

Sl. Determination No.

No. Observation and calculations

1. Weight of the wet soil from the hole ( ) in gms 2310 2400 2280

2. Weight of sand + Cylinder, before pouring( ) in gms 11040 11042 11037

3. Weight of sand + Cylinder, after pouring( ) in gms 8840 8752 8882

4. Weight of sand in the hole 1750 1840 1705

( ) in gms
5. Bulk Density 1980 1956.5 2005.8
* Kg/m3

6. Water content (w) in % 18.48 18.81 19.26

7. Dry Density 1671.17 1646.75 1681.87


Dry Density (Average value) 1667 Kg/m3

4.3 Proctor Test for Compaction of Soil

Determination of the relationship between the moisture content and density of soils
compacted in a mould of a given size with a 2.5 kg rammer dropped from a height of 30 cm.
the results obtained from this test will be helpful in increasing the bearing capacity of
foundations, Decreasing the undesirable settlement of structures, Control undesirable volume
changes, Reduction in hydraulic conductivity, Increasing the stability of slopes and so on.

Soil compaction is the process in which a stress applied to a soil causes densification
as air is displaced from the pores between the soil grains. It is an instantaneous process and
always takes place in partially saturated soil (three phase system). The Proctor compaction
test is a laboratory method of experimentally determining the optimal moisture content at
which a given soil type will become most dense and achieve its maximum dry density.

Figure 12: Compaction of Soil

Diameter of the mould = 102 mm

Height of mould = 114 mm

Volume of the mould, V= 0.000931 m3

Table 16: Values of compaction test

Sl. Determination No.

Observations and Calculations
No. 1 2 3
1 Mass of empty mould with base plate 4124 4124 4124
Mass of mould, compacted soil and base
2 6089 6179 6271
3 Mass of compacted soil M = (2) – (1) 1965 2055 2149

4 2.001 2.093 2.188

Bulk Density
5 Water content, w ( %) 4% 6% 8%

6 18.87 19.37 19.87

Dry density

Plot a curve between water content and as ordinate.

Figure 13: Soil Compaction Curve

Result of Proctor Test for Soil Compaction:

Maximum dry density (from plot) = 19.87 KN/m3

Optimum water content (from plot) = 8%

4.4 Sieve Analysis:

The grain size analysis is widely used in classification of soils. The data obtained
from grain size distribution curves is used in the design of filters for earth dams and to
determine suitability of soil for road construction, air field etc. Information obtained from
grain size analysis can be used to predict soil water movement although permeability tests are
more generally used.

Sieve analysis helps to determine the particle size distribution of the coarse and fine
aggregates. This is done by sieving the aggregates as per IS: 2386 (Part I) – 1963. In this we
use different sieves as standardized by the IS code and then pass aggregates through them and
thus collect different sized particles left over different sieves.

The apparatus used are –
i) Sieves used are 45 mm, 37.5 mm, 26.5 mm, 19 mm, 13.2 mm, 9.5 mm, 4.75 mm, 2.36
mm, 1.18 mm, 0.6 mm, 0.3 mm, 0.15 mm, 0.075 mm and are arranged according to the sizes
with largest aperture sieve at the top and smallest aperture sieve at the bottom.

ii) Balance or scale with an accuracy to measure 0.1 % of the weight of the test sample.

Table 17: Values of Sieve analysis

Sieve Mass of Percentage Cumulative Cumulative

size retained retained on percentage percentage
(mm) agg. (g) sieve (%) retained (%) passing (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
45 0 0 0 100
37.5 0 0 0 100
26.5 268.1 7 7 93
19 2621.0 68 75 25
11.2 901.2 23 98 2
4.75 39.6 1 99 1
2.36 0 0 0 1
1.18 0 0 0 1
0.6 0 0 0 1
0.3 0 0 0 1
0.15 0 0 0 1
0.075 0 0 0 1
Pan 13.7 1 100 1
Total 3847.1

Figure 14: Sieve analysis

4.5 Penetration Value Of Bitumen:
Penetration value is a measure of hardness or consistency of bituminous material. It
is the vertical distance traversed or penetrated by the point of a standard needle in to the
bituminous material under specific conditions of load, time and temperature. This distance is
measured in one tenths of a millimeter. This test is used for evaluating consistency of
bitumen. It is not regarded as suitable for use in connection with the testing of road tar
because of the high surface tension exhibited by these materials.

4.5.1 Scope & Significance

1. The penetration test is used as a measure of consistency. Higher values of penetration

indicate softer consistency.

2. The test is widely used all over the world for classifying bituminous materials into
different grades.

3. Depending upon the climatic conditions and type of construction, bitumen of different
penetration grade are used. Commonly used grades are 30/40, 60/70 and 80/100.

4. In warmer regions, lower penetration grades are preferred and in colder regions bitumen
with higher penetration values are used.

5. The test is not intended to estimate consistency of softer materials like cut back which are
usually graded by viscosity test.

Figure 15: Penetration test

Table 18: Values of Penetration test

Sample Penetration
Readings Mean
1 79
76 76.33
2 79
75 76
3 80
75 76

 The grade of the bitumen is VG-20 (Penetration value is 76)

4.6 Softening Point Test

Softening point denotes the temperature at which the bitumen attains a particular degree of
softening under the specifications of test. The test is conducted by using Ring and Ball
apparatus. A brass ring containing test sample of bitumen is suspended in liquid like water or
glycerine at a given temperature. A steel ball is placed upon the bitumen sample and the
liquid medium is heated at a rate of 5 C per minute. Temperature is noted when the softened
bitumen touches the metal plate which is at a specified distance below. Generally, higher
softening point indicates lower temperature susceptibility and is preferred in hot climates.

4.6.1 Significance and Use

Bitumens are viscoelastic materials without sharply defined melting points; they
gradually become softer and less viscous as the temperature rises. For this reason, softening
points must be determined by an arbitrary and closely defined method if results are to be

The softening point is useful in the classification of bitumens, as one element in

establishing the uniformity of shipments or sources of supply, and is indicative of the
tendency of the material to flow at elevated temperatures encountered in service.

Figure 16: Softening point

 The grade of bitumen is VG-20 (Softening point is 470 C)

4.7 Ductility Test

Ductility is the property of bitumen that permits it to undergo great deformation or

elongation. Ductility is defined as the distance in cm, to which a standard sample or briquette
of the material will be elongated without breaking.
Dimension of the briquette thus formed is exactly 1 cm square. The bitumen sample is
heated and poured in the mould assembly placed on a plate. These samples with moulds are
cooled in the air and then in water bath at 27o C temperature. The excess bitumen is cut and
the surface is levelled using a hot knife. Then the mould with assembly containing sample is
kept in water bath of the ductility machine for about 90 minutes. The sides of the moulds are
removed, the clips are hooked on the machine and the machine is operated. The distance up
to the point of breaking of thread is the ductility value which is reported in cm. The ductility
value gets affected by factors such as pouring temperature, test temperature, rate of pulling
etc. A minimum ductility value of 75 cm has been specified by the BIS.

Figure 17: Ductility moulds to be filled with bitumen.

 The grade of bitumen is VG-20 (The Ductility value is 60 cm)


5.1 Excavators

Figure 18: Excavator

 For earth work, the commonly used excavators are hydraulic excavators, which work
with great efficiency.
 They consist of a boom, stick (dipper arm), bucket and cab on a rotating platform
known as the house that sits a top an undercarriage with tracks or wheels.
 It can remove the big sized boulders. It is used in various types such as digging in
gravel banks, clay pits, digging cuts in road works and filling the shoulders.

5.2 Motor Grader

Figure 19: Motor Grader

 A motor grader is a huge productive earth-moving apparatus equipped with a
long blade which is used to level a surface of roads and construction sites.

 Graders can produce inclined surfaces to give cant (camber) to roads. At the
end it has a plow which stays close to the ground. A blade is situated under
the cab to spread and push gravel.

5.3 Dozers

Figure 20: Dozer

 Dozers equipped with hydraulic system are heavy machines used for clearing
and grading land, usually having continuous treads and a broad hydraulic
blade in front.

5.4 Compacters

Some types of Compacters

1. Earth Compactor
2. Asphalt Compactor

1. Earth Compactor

Figure 21: Earth Compactor

 It is used to compact the soil and gravel in the construction of roads.

 It is widely used for compress the surface.

2. Asphalt Compactor

Figure 22: Asphalt Compactor

 After laying asphalt with paver and compacting it with asphalt compactors are
used for final smoothening purpose.

5.5 Sensor paver

Figure 23: Sensor Paver

 Asphalt pavers are used for distribution, shaping and compaction of asphalt layer.

 Normally the asphalt pavers are self propelled but sometimes they are towed by the
dump trucks delivering the asphalt.

 The width of the screed is adjustable.

5.6 Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer

Figure 24: Emulsion Sprayer

 This Emulsion sprayer is used for the spraying the Prime coat on the WMM and Tack
coat on the DBM.


6.1 Subgrade

Actually that is a single lane road. The task is to make it into widen the road. One side is
excavated till a depth of 95 cm. The other side was not excavated and the vehicles are
allowed from that side. The plan is that, after completion of one side of construction they will
start constructing road on other side and allows the vehicles on to constructed part.

Widen part of 1.92m width from the edge of existing road on one side cut a depth of
95cm and fill the soil like morum or clay and compact it by using soil compactors up to a
depth of 50cm.

Figure 25: Subgrade(Compacted soil)

6.2 Granular Sub-Base (GSB)

The granular sub base is laid on the compacted Subgrade soil to a depth of 200 mm in two
layers as upper sub base and lower sub base, the thickness of each layer is 100 mm.

The mix proportions are :

40 mm Aggregates – 17%

20 mm Aggregates – 18%

12 mm Aggregates – 32%

Dust – 33%

Mixture of these aggregates and dust laid on sub grade with the help of grader. After
that compaction is done by using vibratory roller till to get the dry density 2.16 gr/cc and
OMC is 7%.

Figure 26: Granular sub-base

6.3 Wet Mix Macadam (WMM)

The Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) is laid on the Granular sub-base with the thickness
of 250 mm.

Mixed proportions:

40 mm Aggregates -18%

20 mm Aggregates -20%

12 mm Aggregates -30%

Dust – 32%

Wet Mix Macadam is prepared in mixing plant and immediately after mixing, it is
spread uniformly and evenly upon the prepared GSB. Then it is compacted properly to obtain
maximum dry density of 2.17 g/cc and OMC is 7%.

Figure 27: Wet mix macadam

6.4 Prime Coat

Prime coat is sprayed with the help of emulsion sprayer on the wet mix macadam
with the range of 0.7 kg/sq.m

Figure 28:Emulsion sprayer

6.5 Dense Bituminous Macadam(DBM)
The mix proportions of DBM

20 mm aggregates – 21 %

12 mm aggregates – 15 %

6 mm aggregates – 25 %

Dust – 39 %

Bitumen – 4.5 %

The DBM is prepared with these proportions and it is laid with the help of sensor
paver. The levelling is done while laying for maintaining camber. It is laid for a thickness of
50 mm. Compaction is done by Roller.

Figure 29: Dense bituminous macadam

6.6 Tack Coat

Tack coat is sprayed with the help of emulsion sprayer on the Dense bituminous
macadam with the range of 0.2 kg/sq.m

Figure 30: Tack coat

6.7 Bituminous Concrete (BC)
The mix proportions of BC

12 mm aggregates – 53 %

6 mm aggregates – 25 %

Dust – 22 %

Bitumen – 4.5 %

Bituminous concrete is laid on the Dense bituminous macadam with the help of
sensor paver with a thickness of 53mm and it was compacted by asphalt compactor up to a
thickness of 30mm.

Figure 31: Bituminous Concrete

Figure 32: Height gauge


As the population is increasing day by day we need to improve our roads for better
efficiency in transportation. And the roads are to be constructed by keeping in mind the future
aspects. This road is been constructing to full fill the requirements of road users. All
environmental effects, vehicular characteristics, human characteristics are taken into account.
All the lab tests and field tests are conducted as per IRC guidelines. MORT&H specifications
are used for laying out pavement.


 Ministry of Road Transportation and Highways, “Specifications for Road and Bridge

 IRC: 37-2001 Guidelines for the design of flexible pavements.

 Highway Engineering by S.K.KHANNA & C.E.G JUSTO & A.VEERARAGAVAN.

 IRC „Geometric of Roads‟, Indian road congress 1966.


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