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Four Frames of Organizations

Structural frame
1. System -Focuses on roles and responsibilities,
- An array of components designed to accomplish a coordination and control. Organizational charts
particular objective according to plan. help define this frame.
2. Systems Thinking Human resources frame
- Is a way of understanding an entity in terms of its -Focuses on providing harmony between needs
purpose of the organization and needs of people.
- The three major steps followed in systems Political frame
thinking -Assumes organizations are coalitions composed
1. Identify a containing whole (system), of which of varied individuals and interest groups. Conflict
the thing to be explained is a part. and power are key issues.
2. Explain the behavior or properties of the Symbolic frame
containing whole. - Focuses on symbols and meanings related to
3. Explain the behavior or properties of the thing events. Culture is important.
to be explained in terms of its role(s)or 6. Project Phases and Lifecycle
function(s) within its containing whole PROJECT PHASES
3. Project - Project phases vary by project or industry, but
- A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to some general phases include : concept,
accomplish a unique product or service development, implementation, support
Attributes of projects
 unique purpose
 temporary
 require resources, often from various areas
 should have a primary sponsor and/or
 involve uncertainty
4. Information Systems
Information Systems Projects Originate (Source
of Projects)
- New or changed IS development projects come
from problems, opportunities, and directives and are PROJECT LIFECYCLE
always subject to one or more constraints. -A project life cycle is a collection of project phases
1. Problems – may either be current, suspected, or
anticipated. Problems are undesirable situations The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
that prevent the business from fully achieving its - is a framework for describing the phases involved
purpose, goals, and objectives (users discovering in developing and maintaining information systems
real problems with existing IS). Systems development projects can follow:
2. An Opportunity – is a chance to improve the Predictive models: The scope of the project can be
business even in the absence of specific problems. clearly articulated and the schedule and cost can be
This means that the business is hoping to create a predicted.
system that will help it with increasing its revenue, Adaptive models: Projects are mission driven and
profit, or services, or decreasing its costs. component based, using time-based cycles to meet
3. A Directive – is a new requirement that is target dates.
imposed by management, government, or some 7. Requirements
external influence i.e. are mandates that come from -Requirements are fundamental basis of all the
either an internal or external source of the business. system development processes.
-Requirements are statements that identify the Two Types Of Documents Realised From The
essential needs of a system in order for it to have Requirements Elicitation Phase
value and utility. User Requirement Specification Document
CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD REQ’TS -The URS document outlines precisely what the
1. Describes What, Not How. User (or customer) is expecting from this system.
2. Atomic.  Non Functional Requirements
3. Unique. -Consists of Constraints that must be
4. Documented and Accessible. adhered to during development
5. Identifies Its Owner.  Functional Requirements
6. Approved. -Describe what the system should do
7. Traceable.
8. Necessary. System Requirements Specification Document
9. Complete. -A structured document setting out detailed
10. Unambiguous descriptions of the system services.
11. Quantitative and testable -Written as a contract between client and contractor.
12. Identifies applicable states 8. Effective Methods for Software Integration
14. States Assumptions. -The primary purpose for the implementation of
15. Use of Shall, Should, and Will. Effective Methods for Software and Systems
16. Avoids Certain Words. Integration does increase communication,
REQUIREMENT LIFE CYCLE knowledge, visibility into the software life cycle, and
Elicitation Phase the importance of integration operations.
-The starting point of the requirements -To develop, operate, and maintain software and
engineering process is an elicitation process that systems integration capabilities inside work product
involves a number of people to ensure facilities, there must be a major discipline in
consideration of a broad scope of potential ideas supporting the entire software life cycle that does
and candidate problems need to be completely understood.
Organisation Phase -The critical understanding and the start of the right
-In this step there is no transformation of the disciplines of these methods will empower and
requirements, but simple classification and achieve effective, flexible, and quality results in an
categorization integration environment.
Analysis Phase 9. Program and Project Planning
-This represents a transformation. -the purpose of program and project planning is to
Prototype Phase provide the necessary process steps to scope out
-In this way poorly understood requirements may planning for systems and software design/
be tested and perhaps strengthened, corrected, development within integration efforts
or refined. This activity is often done as a proof of -Program and project planning is important as it
concept and serves to induce feedback from both describes the necessary planning for software and
the stakeholders and engineers. system efforts during software design/development
Requirements documentation and life cycles.
specification 10. Gantt Chart/Critical Path
-This represents the requirements as the finished Gantt Chart
product of the stakeholder requirements team. - A Gantt chart is a visual representation of
The requirements are compiled into a scheduled activities within a defined time interval.
requirements list or into some equivalent -It provides an instant overview of the status of the
document format. These collected requirements project.
are then transformed into a specification. -Simply lists what needs to be done and when.
Critical Path
-is a sequence of activity between a project’s start
and finish that takes the longest time to complete. It
is based on mathematical calculations and it is used Each object has a column and the messages
for scheduling project activities. exchanged between them are represented with
-In 1950, CPM was developed by Kelly and Walker arrows:
to assist in building and maintaining of chemical Lifeline Notation
plants. - They should be
11. UML Diagrams arranged horizontally
across the top of the
12. Use Case diagram
- Use-cases are descriptions of the functionality of a
system from a user perspective.
Components of use case diagram: Activation Bars
 Actor - Activation bar is the box
- An actor is someone or something that must placed on the lifeline
interact with the system under development - It indicates that an
- UML notation for actor is stickman object is active ((or
 Use case instantiated) during an
- A use case is a pattern of behavior, the interaction between two
system exhibits objects
- USE CASE is dialogue (oval) between an
actor and the system Message Arrows
 System boundary - An arrow from the Message Caller to the
- It is shown as a rectangle. Message Receiver specifies a message
- It helps to identify what is external versus Different message types;
internal, and what the responsibilities of the - Synchronous message
system are. - Asynchronous message
 Relationship - Return message
- Relationship is an association between use - Participant creation message
case and actor. - Participant destruction message
There are several Use Case relationships: - Reflexive message
 Association Comment
- The comment
 Extend object is a
rectangle with a
 Generalization folded-over
corner as
 Uses shown below. The comment can be linked to the
related object with a dashed line.
 Include 14. Activity Diagram
- Activity diagrams illustrate the flow of functionality
in a system.
13. Sequence Diagram - These diagrams define where the workflow starts,
- A sequence diagram models a single scenario where it ends, what activities occur during the
executing in the system workflow, and in what order the activities occur.
- sequence diagrams are preferred by both Activity Diagram Notations
developers and readers alike for their simplicity. 1. .Swimlanes
- determine which object is responsible for which
2. Start / Stop Marker
3. Activity – Transition
- A single transition
comes out of each
activity, connecting it to the next activity.
4. Action nodes
- executable activity nodes;
the execution of an action
represents some
transformations or
processes in the modeled system.
5. Control Nodes - decision nodes (Branching)
- A branch specifies alternate paths taken based
on some
Boolean expression
-Guard expressions
(inside [ ]) label the
transitions coming out
of a branch.
6. Control Nodes – fork nodes
- Fork nodes split flows
into multiple concurrent
7. Control Nodes – join nodes
- Join nodes synchronize
multiple flows

15. Flowchart

16. Three-tiered Architecture

Layered Architecture
 Presentation tier
- Graphical User Interface
- Passes the user’s different action to the logic
- HTML, CSS, Javascript
 Logic tier
- Does all the thinking.
- Does the reading and writing into the data
 Data tier
- The storage of all the data used in the

17. Can include case study

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