The Earth in Orbit

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Lab ~The Earth in Orbit Introduction: ‘Why do summer days sem 20 long while in winter the nights seem interminable? ‘Throughout the course ofa year the Earth is constantly changing postion init orbital ‘ath, relative tothe sun, This change in positon, along with the 23.Silt of the Earth on ite axis causes changes in seasons, day length and altitude of the sun forall positions on Barth. The combination of season and latitude can determine whether you are getting 24 hours of day or 24 hours of night. In most areas the change in day length is not this, extreme, but is none the less noticeable. In this investigation you will study how different postions inthe orbit affect the Earth. Object By the end ofthis lab you should be able to 1. Label the important lines of latitude on a map of the Bart. 2, Determine where the direct rays ofthe Sun will strike the Barth in every season 3. Determine the length of day in each season and explain the reason it varies for different latitudes, Material Ipieve of chalk ‘The two maps attached to this lab rocedure: 1 Detach the two maps from the back ofthis Ib packet. . Using the chalk, draw a Sun in the center of your lab table. Using the chalk, draw Polaris on the North end of your lb table. Lay out the four maps around the sun so they represent the beginning of each season. ‘Make sure thatthe north end of each map is oriented toward Polaris. ‘Using the chalk, draw arrows showing the direction of revolution onthe table. 5. On each map label the date, and the name of the day. Each student must do one Solstice and one Equinox. ‘As you move north, what happens to day length throughout the year? Remember to answer forall seasons. ‘What point A, B, C, or D is closer to Canandaigua? How did you determine this? 4. Describe how the tit of the axis chenges in relation tothe sun throughs 5, How does the tilt of he axis change in relation to Polaris througout te yea? 6, How much of the Earth is lit up each season? 7. Whats the Earth's Period of revolution? 8, What isthe Barth's period of rotation? 9. Briefly describe how Canandaigua’s day length shanges throughout the year. Please use hours and seasons in your answer. 10. Ifthe tlt of Earth's axis were ineressed to 30, how would this affect Conandaigua's ‘weather and day length? a SS OSE. LIES a LO gb tO AO Ww Hh SH

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