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Journal. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 756‐762, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM92-44, May 2020. 

Data Science and Big Data Technologies

Role in the Digital Economy
Sergey V. Novikov
Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), 125993, Volokolamskoe highway, 4, Moscow, Russia

Abstract – This article explores the role of Data Impressions are now important to the consumer.
Science and Big Data technology in the modern digital Consumption patterns are changing, from which
economy. The author states that large and medium emerges the obvious trend: interaction via smart
companies from retail trade and service sector show devices. Business operates at high speeds, increasing
increased interest in using them. These technologies
demands, saturation of traditional markets for
are actively used by banks, mobile operators and large
manufacturing companies to analyze data on companies, increased competition, and emergence of
equipment failures and to reduce downtime, which new technological competitors. Outdated
allows reducing costs. The role of Big Data technology technologies do not bring much profit for a long
is to be a liquid product and a necessary condition to time, their modernization is expensive and requires
increase the profitability of enterprises through relatively large resources for their maintenance [1].
personalized customer service and predictive analytics. The global market for Big Data is growing very
For today's Russian digital economy, it is very fast. The most active data generators and consumers
important to legalize a single definition of Big Data and are the public sector, healthcare, manufacturing, and
to achieve the emergence of special data exchanges. retail. In Russia, the entrance of Big Data is uneven
Keywords – Big Data technology, digital economy, and the banks are leading the way as users. In the
machine learning, innovative technologies, project coming years, insurance companies, petrochemicals,
management based on Data Science and metallurgy may join them. Analysts believe that
the economic effect from the introduction of Big
1. Introduction Data technologies will reach 300 billion rubles by
2024. The volume of the data is growing
The technological era in which we are living now
exponentially. In 2018, users and businesses around
can be called “digital transformation”. Computers,
the world have generated 33 zettabytes of
telephones, and many other technologies have
information, in 2025 there will be 175 zettabytes.
become cheap, portable, and fast, so they are
The main growth drivers are entertainment platforms,
everywhere. Today, everything is changing very fast.
video surveillance systems, Internet-connected
The main driver of these changes is the "digital"
equipment, and tools for productivity growth. They
consumer. The speed of change in customer
all operate with Big Data. Digital transformation
preferences, is increasing the demands on the quality,
increases the speed and flexibility of value creation
functionality, and design of products.
processes and allows adaptation to the high pace of
market changes and the requirements of the digital
DOI: 10.18421/TEM92-44 
consumer. This increases the requirements to the
competence of company staff, ability to work with
Corresponding author: Sergey V. Novikov,  new technologies, approaches, and methods of
Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Moscow, Russia.  project management: development and operations
Email: svnovikovmai@mail.ru  (DevOps), continuous integration (CI), continuous
Received:   21 March 2020.  delivery (CD), Scrum/Kanban, user experience (UX)
Revised:     04 May 2020.  / user interface (UI)-testing, etc. It also involves the
Accepted:   10 May 2020.  introduction of flexible forms of campaign
Published:  27 May 2020.  management, reducing hierarchy levels and
improving the quality of communication interaction.
©  2020  Sergey  V.  Novikov;  published  by  As the processes of digital transformation take place
UIKTEN.  This  work  is  licensed  under  the  Creative  everywhere, it is necessary to remember that Russia
Commons  Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs  4.0  does not fall behind the general trend. At the same
License. time, it is difficult to predict what will be the remote
The  article  is  published  with  Open  Access  at  result of the digitalization of the society and the
www.temjournal.com  economy. In this situation it is very useful to choose

756     TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 2 / 2020. 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 756‐762, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM92‐44, May 2020. 

a common path along which all links of the state, corporations that have a lot of data at their disposal
economic, and social structure of the country will and want to manage it more efficiently, as well as
move in a coordinated way towards digital financial organizations that have been placed in a
transformation. Undoubtedly, the national program rigid framework of standards and regulations,
"Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" will be especially after the global financial crisis in 2008.
an additional impetus in digital development [2]. Some Russian organizations, especially subsidiaries
of foreign companies or the companies whose shares
2. Theoretical Basis are traded on major international venues, take over
some of these standards and regulations. But this has
Both the introduction of new technologies and not yet resulted in the widespread adoption of the
working with Big Data is transforming businesses. It CDO role in Russia [6].
is not only about a new position, Chief Data Officer Organizations now have a shortage of qualified
(CDO), but also about the constant training of all the staff: few educational programs train data analysts,
staff, from ordinary employees to top management. and good professionals tend to migrate towards
New realities have also changed the rules of the global Informational Technology industry leaders.
game and companies are accustomed: working on a There is a struggle for every digital talent. Before,
project in the field of Data Science does not always large mainframes available only at enterprises were
have commercial benefits, but it has positive results needed to solve computational problems, and it was
for the team and subsequent tasks. Data is a key asset difficult to develop them independently.
in the era of digital economy, as well as people and Technologies are cheaper now, computing power is
finances. But if the HR function is responsible for growing, and everybody needs an average laptop to
managing people and finances (controlling, risk find something in the subject area. The world is
management, treasury, and other departments), then moving towards Open Source, packages for analysis
the data have not been historically controlled by can be downloaded for free and legally [7]. There are
anyone. They seem to be common, but at the same also educational programs from commercial and non-
time they are nobody's. Now it is changing, Data profit organizations. Any person, if they have free
Governance practices are being implemented in time and desire, can in a short time learn a level that
companies, and the position of the CDO is being allows them to apply for starting positions in almost
introduced. At the moment, the CDO is one of the any company. It is not enough just to approve the
top officials in the company [3]. He plays a lot of role of the CDO and Data Governance policy or to
roles: expert in advanced technology, business staff with high quality data-scientists. For effective
strategy, and enabler of ideas related to data usage. work on Data Science initiatives, it is necessary to
He is also responsible for data quality and change the culture within the company [8].
transparency, including various regulatory bodies. The culture of businesses, which was formed
The CDO develops a strategy on how the before the wide spread of Data Science, is usually
organization's competence in data analysis will be based on a conservative approach to risks,
developed and what skills to develop in employees. minimizing costs, and improving operational
He also controls the availability of the necessary set stability. Previously, companies tried to use only
of technologies in the organization, which allow time-tested business models and technologies, and
efficient extraction, storage, processing, and key competencies were often outsourced to save
visualization of the data [4]. money. This occurred because the markets were
As practice and researches show, there are three formed [9]. It is impossible to carry out such a large-
widespread variants where the CDO can appear in scale transformation only by sending individual
the company: department of direct subordination of employees to retraining courses. It requires a more
the CDO, in subordination at the Chief Information fundamental and thorough approach. It requires
Officer or inside other business department, for deeper involvement and support from the Chief
example, the financial one. The location of this Officer of Human Resources (COHR), who oversees
department depends on many reasons such as: who all aspects of the HR management and industrial
was the first to offer the idea, what relations with relations policies, practices and operations for the
business have been built, who at the moment of high-tech organization. Using all the skills and
introduction was the readiest for it... The practice of capabilities that the HR has, he will help the
implementing the role of the CDO comes from the organization to create a balanced and end-to-end
West: the majority of companies with this position development program that addresses all of these
are located in the United States of America or challenges. One of the examples of solving this
Western Europe [5]. Typically, these are large program is the creation of an "umbrella" employee
development program in the direction of Big Data

TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 2 / 2020.                                                                                                                              757 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 756‐762, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM92‐44, May 2020. 

 annual overview training for top management, One of the most common approaches to data
where executives learn about the capabilities of analysis is cross-industry process for data mining
Data Science and successful cases from around (CRISP-DM), where each task is presented as a
the world; certain hypothesis that can be accepted or rejected.
 basic training for middle management aimed at Furthermore, work on the hypothesis goes through
showing the benefits of using Data Science and typical stages: evaluation of the required data set,
Machine Learning tools for different types of determination of success criteria and quality metrics,
tasks; data preparation, modeling, and result evaluation.
 hackathon for mixed teams of managers and data Most often the work turns out to be cyclical; some
scientists where they learn to interact with each stages may be repeated several times [11]. If it turns
other; out that the created model improves the current
 regular online competitions for data maintainers process or product of the company, it is put into
on external data sets; operation. But it also happens that the efforts spent
 annual advanced case machine training for data do not give a positive result: for example, due to
scientists; limitations on the model's application or poor data
 individual training for managers and data- quality. Such situations should not be considered as a
scientists. negative outcome, because the project team has
gained experience and knowledge that it will apply to
3. Methodology further work on other hypotheses [12].
CRISP-DM is a standard process for examining
A project in Data Science is similar to software data. The lifecycle model for data analysis consists of
development: in both cases the goal is to gain six phases. The sequence of them is not strictly
economic benefits or create additional value for defined. As a rule, in most projects you have to go
clients. To achieve it, the code is written. That is why back to the previous phases and then move forward
managers often expect the same straightforward again. Data research life cycle phases are the
results from Data Science processes as in software following (Figure 1.) [13].
development, and success is measured exactly by
whether they have achieved the desired goal [2].

Figure 1. CRISP-DM data cycle phases in the study process

758                                                                                                                        TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 2 / 2020. 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 756‐762, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM92‐44, May 2020. 

1. Business Understanding. Phase objectives: changes to the submitted draft. In a growing storm of
 to determine business goals; events dedicated to such an important topic, one can
 to evaluate situation; notice some inaccuracies in the understanding of the
 to determine objectives of data analysis; term "digital economy" itself, or even
 to make a project plan. misunderstandings of the main accents that need to
2. Data Understanding. Phase objectives: be properly placed. In the heat of the discussion and
 to collect initial data; exchange of competent opinions, the three basic
 to describe data; components of economic digitalization are
 to research data; sometimes forgotten, and all three things that should
 to check data quality. not be overlooked can be found in the very notion of
3. Data Preparation. Phase objectives can be the digital economy [15].
performed many times without any Firstly, data is what stands behind the first word in
predetermined order: the term "digital economy". Whether we admit it or
 to select data (tables, records, and attributes); not, the new round of economic systems is based on
 to clear data, including converting it and even more massive and qualitative data collection
preparing it for modeling; and analysis. At present, this is becoming objectively
 to derivate data; possible and feasible, and thus will gradually
 to merge data; increase in line with the needs of the economic actors
 to customize data. to support their own solutions everywhere and in
4. Modeling. Phase objectives: everything. Business and its consumers, the public
 to select method of modeling; and state regulators surround themselves with digital
 to make a test for the model; data sets not for idle curiosity, but because it is
 to construct the model; convenient and professional. While we do not rule
 to evaluate the model. out temporary misunderstandings about the role of
5. Evaluation. Phase objectives: data, and even taking many mistakes in handling it,
 to evaluate results; we cannot deny the importance of gradually moving
 to review process; towards total and widespread use of data-driven
 to determine the next steps. decision-making. The performance of any qualified
6. Deployment. Phase objectives: professional can now be improved many times over
 to plan the deployment; with structured digital information technologies [16].
 to plan the support and monitoring of the The data allows to digitize the business reality
deployed solution; around us and build high-level models for in-depth
 to make the final report; retrospective business analysis or for predictive
 to make the review of the process. "fast" analytics where time to make decisions is
limited to fractions of a second. Data opens up new
Ready to enter the game, the outcome of which is
facets of events and phenomena, helping
not known in advance, is a new requirement, not
practitioners to confirm or disprove the hypotheses of
typical for the classic approach, where a project that
theorists. In turn, it is the digital data that forces
has not achieved the business goal is a failure in
economies to bear significant costs and to build the
advance. The advantages are obvious: the culture of
infrastructure that is vital to their full use. Data
tolerance for negative results liberates employees and
centers, high-speed communication networks,
creates a productive atmosphere, which in the long
sensors and distributed computing power are the
run still leads to positive results [14]. In the case of
technical side of the overall digital data globalization
banking, a successful model can be exemplified by
process. Subject applications, complex algorithms,
predicting indirect indicators and historical data on
trainable neural networks, cryptographic protection,
client income. On the basis of the obtained data, the
preservation of integrity of data units, productive
bank can offer an individual loan product without
cloud servers, interactive infographics and indicator
official confirmation of income.
panels represent another broad front of the
development of the processes of collecting and
4. Discussion
processing of "figures" [17]. In the endless range of
A lot has been said about the digital economy after technologies of the work with data, the possibilities
the Address of the President of the Russian of moving them both among IT-systems and among
Federation to the Federal Assembly on December 12, different subjects have gained special importance.
2016, and already by April 25, 2017 the Ministry of The ways of data transmission via protected and
Communications prepared a version of the program public schemes are actively growing and
"Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" and transforming. Of course, open data from states and
sent it to those responsible for making proposals for communities, as well as private business data offered

TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 2 / 2020.                                                                                                                              759 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 756‐762, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM92‐44, May 2020. 

for sharing are playing an increasingly important role convenience and comfort of sharing. And what's
[2]. more, digitalization brings with it extremely
It is the data that forces businesses to rethink their interesting possibilities of combined satisfaction of
behavior and to be equipped with effective tools to needs that initially seem to contradict each other.
tame them and use them for their own pragmatic This is also made possible by the interaction of
purposes. As a result, a high number of innovative intelligent physical and logical things. Man uses a
projects and work teams that methodically and machine and algorithmic network capable of meeting
gradually create data are processing it and finding his needs quickly and holistically [1].
new ways to extract additional value from seemingly Consumption can do more. Based on the mass
stretched and incapable arrays. Thanks to their demand and the resources released, special forms of
information nature, these digital streams can be investment and effective projects to develop new
grinded and combined endlessly. Perhaps a business products "by subscription" are emerging in the
has not yet had such a period when its management markets. In turn, they really and strongly change the
received at its disposal a lot of resources. Subjects very understanding and meaning of value, price and
became accustomed to save available resources and it asset value. Free forms of real and virtual resources
was difficult to find new ones. Now, for the first in electronic form penetrate into life, as exemplified
time, they have faced not a deficit, but an excess. By by cryptocurrencies. And it is at the point of
analogy with the terminology adopted for natural intelligent consumption that the digital economy has
resources, one can speak about infinitely large an enormous opportunity to engage and connect
explored reserves of digital data. This state of affairs other global spheres such as society, cultural values
will undoubtedly lead to a significant transformation and traditions, history and religion, art and the
of the economy. There is a need for fundamentally environment, etc. Only now we seem to have at our
different instruments and approaches. However, in disposal the potential to somehow ennoble primitive
order to properly extract data and work with them in consumption into a manageable zone of total comfort
a qualitative way, it is necessary to understand what for everyone, without contradicting humanitarian and
this is really for [3]. traditional values [16].
Second, needs are "economy" in this context. The economy is transforming, and its technologies,
Active informatization transforms consumer which tend to ways of selling or exaggerating the
behavior. They, armed with different levels of consumer effect of the sold goods, will lose
information quality, become sophisticated and efficiency. Products and services turn into open ones.
demanding. For marketers, there are difficult times Digital trust allows you to control the origin of a
when, in order to really get to the mind and heart of product or service, as well as verify their
their clients, they have to delve into various details authenticity, authorship, quality and other important
and intricacies of social communication. parameters. Mobilization of all kinds of control
Personalization of products and services while devices operating within a single global information
maintaining a confident scale of production: is it network will invariably lead to significant changes in
possible now and in the future [6]. Deepening in the the approach to the delivery and sale of a variety of
needs and preferences of each individual consumer products and services. There are many alternative
causes genuine interest in a particular way of solutions, some of which are provided almost or
producing goods. The first successful experiments of conditionally free. And the very speed of distribution
a personalized "smart" plant operates only on robots of information about a product and service, about the
and following the orders. Marketing is gradually and manufacturer and seller level out any tricks to hide
steadily approaching the essence of economic important consumer characteristics. But innovative
interaction, the main driving force forcing each products and services, especially those linked in a
person to engage in economic interaction, to the whole network of interacting physical and logical
needs, and this fact transforms marketing [18]. things, for the consumer are really becoming
Gradually, from sales and annoying advertising it complex and fundamentally different in the way they
goes the way to joint consumption and algorithmized are used from traditional goods and services. Those
technologies. Let there be errors and obvious failures who offer fundamentally new "digital" ways to meet
on this way. But the skill is honed, the consumer is new and old needs, just have to create and master
studied, the hypotheses are tested, and the driving new principles of communication with clients and
force of needs brings to life automated production, work in the markets. It is necessary to visualize needs
lightning-fast and multifunctional robots, new and products, show successful consumer experience,
materials and products, unthinkable combinations of explain and educate users, provide constant and
convenient and accessible services. The power of convenient support. But this is a slightly different
needs transforms the way we consume, freeing us model and technologies, transactions and businesses
from the cargo of property and offering in return the that are almost impossible without digital platforms

760                                                                                                                        TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 2 / 2020. 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 756‐762, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM92‐44, May 2020. 

and an expanded understanding of consumption equipment breakdowns and reduce downtime, which
principles [10]. helps reduce costs. For example, in the field of flight
Thirdly, management is a qualified system of management, analysis of data sets can increase
interaction cooperation, which is designed in theory equipment reliability and reduce the number of
and practice to predict, plan, organize, execute, failures. But the field of application of Big Data is
monitor and coordinate all large-scale activities to much wider. For example, another area of application
actively use data to meet the growing needs of of Big Data technology may be buying a business. It
humanity. And this system today, perhaps, more than is a question of the widest possible coverage of
ever, is in great need of comprehensive support: various information about a company. It is also the
scientific, methodological, technological, analysis of ordered data about [8]:
informational, instrumental, creative, etc. Intensive  physical property features;
development of management towards informatization  operational data;
of all its controlled processes and objects provokes  financial data;
the emergence and expansion of new knowledge and  material resources;
new forms of rapid learning. Moreover, distance e-  legal data.
learning centers and game practices of learning new The sources of information may be: file tables,
skills are becoming particularly important. traditional Database Management System, and
Complication of knowledge, increase in their accounting systems. It is also necessary to analyze
specialization, constant enrichment with practice and disordered data: customer feedback, inspection
even contradiction of different approaches and results; incidents, service requests; competitive
scientific schools, seasoned with high speed of environment; and IT infrastructure. Here the sources
experience from successful and failed startup of information can be: tables, schemes, social
projects, now makes professionals to be always in the networks, expert assessments, etc. The result of the
attention and vigorously follow the events in the analysis of such data can be the so-called object
target subject area. Making a complete qualified passport, which includes data on location, area,
picture in each specific professional field becomes number of floors, permits, inventory data,
extremely important and difficult. And the competitive environment, historical financial data,
professional spheres themselves began to actively seasonal factor of sales, etc. But, as it is known, the
mix, change, share and shrink. Therefore, it is value of the company is not equal to the simple sum
necessary to actively learn and participate in expert, of its tangible assets. Collection and analysis of
advisory and discussion activities. The need for information on Big Data technology will make
expert support tools and competence updating will possible to estimate the value of intangible assets.
grow steadily and confidently [13], [19]. They can include [16]:
Today specialists and experts are trying to plan
their work on digital transformation of economy. But  manpower, knowledge and skills;
in our current situation it is not easy. It is extremely  information resources, databases; organizational
difficult to model the digital future at a time when and management structure;
even the majority of technologies declared as  talents, potential employees;
promising are not yet ready for full use. The  brand name and reputation;
probability of implementing most of the expected  developments;
digital events is very low, and trying to guess what  customer bases;
synergy they will give to the economy is quite  relationship with counterparties.
difficult. And, nevertheless, gradually and Overseas, it has already become the norm for
progressively, from individual projects and medium and large enterprises to have a CDO. Most
businesses to sectoral and interstate solutions, often, he reports directly to the top management. For
making mistakes and making original spectacular our companies, even large ones, this position is still a
discoveries, we have to move forward, digitizing rarity. There is a shortage of specialists in Big Data
globally [16], [20]. management and related analytics. In principle,
universities in Russia practically do not train such
5. Results specialists. Young specialists from the IT sphere
have to be retrained, moreover, they often have very
It is quite understandable that large and medium high requirements on starting salaries considering
companies from retail and service sector show insufficient qualification. Quite often in practice
increased interest in using Big Data technologies. there is a very low level of knowledge at the majority
These technologies are actively used by banks and of heads of the enterprises in the field of
mobile operators. In addition, they are used by large management of the Big Data, accordingly, they
manufacturing companies to analyze data on cannot formulate problems for experts or at all do not

TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 2 / 2020.                                                                                                                              761 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 756‐762, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM92‐44, May 2020. 

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