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Cardinal Carter Science – Policies Regarding Academic Honesty

You are expected to be honest in your words and actions. Being honest is a reflection of
your strength of character. Stand up for the strength of your character; promote
honesty in yourself and your fellow students. The following guidelines are consistent with
policies regarding cheating/plagiarism at Cardinal Carter Secondary School. Please review
these guidelines as well as the pertinent sections in the syllabus, which outline penalties
for academic dishonesty.


1. Do not submit any paper not written wholly and exclusively by you.
2. Do not claim to have read something if, instead, you have merely seen the movie,
read summary study notes, or taken some other “short cut.”
3. Do not consult, collude, or collaborate with any other individual unless your teacher
has given you permission to do so for a specific assignment.
4. Be sure to cite any sources correctly when you use a direct quote. Be sure to quote
exactly, word for word, reproducing even the exact punctuation marks.
5. Even if you paraphrase completely, you must document ideas, opinions, and
interpretations not wholly your own. You will need to cite sources that you have
paraphrased. When you paraphrase, you must express the material in an entirely
new way. You are guilty of plagiarism if you change only a few words and/or if you
fail to cite the source.
6. Citation is expected in the body of your work. The reader must be able to clearly
distinguish between your words/work and the words/work of others. • Including the
reference ONLY in the bibliography is NOT enough.
7. Generalized or common knowledge does not need to be documented; specialized
knowledge does. When in doubt, it is safer to document.


1. Do not submit any homework assignment not written wholly and exclusively by you
unless your teacher has given you permission to do so for a specific assignment.
2. You may discuss the homework with each other and check your answers, but you
must always provide your own answer to any written statement. You may not blindly
copy the solutions of others and present the work as your own.
3. With regards to laboratory reports: reports are to be by your own hand; you may
collaborate with other students; you may collect data and observations together,
and discuss the lab with others. Written statements, calculations and diagrams are
to be written independently. Do not turn in identical lab reports. Use your own
words to make lab report statements, responses and conclusions. Report the
specific data you measured and recorded – not the data you would expect to

1. If you are absent the day of a unit test, you will write the test after school upon
your return. The makeup test may take into account the extra study time you have
had. Repeated absences on test days will result in a referral to the office and a
meeting with your parents/guardians.
2. Do not ask students who have recently taken a test or quiz to discuss specific
questions or concepts pertaining to that test or quiz.
3. Do not disclose any information about a test or quiz to a student who has not yet
taken that test or quiz.
4. Do not copy test/quiz questions in any way for the purpose of redistributing them
to students who have not yet taken the test/quiz.
5. Using or attempting to use unauthorized assistance, material, or study aids
including but not limited to cell phones, watches, cheat sheets, calculators and
laptops is prohibited. Looking at and/or using another student’s work is prohibited.
Do not reveal your work to other students; do not display your work in a tempting
6. When taking a test or quiz, you should attempt to sit at least one seat away from
the nearest person as the room allows. You should not have any items on your desk
while taking a quiz or test unless the teacher specifies that certain items are
7. You may use any of your returned quizzes or tests to help study for future quizzes
and tests.
8. You may not leave the room for any reason (including to use the washroom) during a
quiz, test, or exam.

**Note that in the event of cheating/plagiarizing, a mark of zero will be entered for
that assessment, administration will be notified (and further disciplinary action may
be taken), and parents will be contacted.

I have read the Academic Honesty Classroom policies and understand each policy.

Student Name: _____________________

Andrew Quenneville Signature: ________________________

Parent Name: _______________________

Marianne Baeini Signature: _______________________

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